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DSN2092 Type
Credits 1
Prerequisite: The course to be registered after completing the second of year of undergraduate studies.
Course Objectives:
To experience the work culture in industry by means of completing the task assigned in time frame with
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course the students will be able to gain the hands-on experience from
the industry and set the path to become a successful employee / employer in the society.
Student Outcomes (SO) : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

 Internship to be completed at the industries approved by the University.
 The minimum duration of the internship is four weeks of 28 days.
 The internship should be carried out under supervision of a Supervisor from Industry and
 Students need to obtain the official certificate from the Industry for the Intern they pursued.
 Students need to prepare the internship report as per the University format with Certificates and
other necessary documents. The same to be submitted to the Office of the Concerned School after
the completion of the Internship.
 The students need to attend the reviews conducted by the University for internship.
 The schedule of the reviews will be announced by the School.
Mode of Teaching and Learning:
Project Based Learning- Internship.
Mode of Evaluation:
Two reviews will be conducted by the Panel constituted by the School as per University Norms.
 Review 1: The initial progress will be assessed by the Review 1 and it will be conducted for the
maximum of 50 marks as per below rubrics.
Objectives and Problem Technical Progress Presentation
Statements Skills
15 15 10 10
The 20% of the score obtained in Review 1 will be taken for final grading.
 Review 2: This is the final review will be conducted for 100 marks as per below rubrics.
Objectives Technical Outcomes Report Presentation Viva-Voce
and Problem Skills
10 30 20 10 10 20
The students need to attend this review after the completion of internship. They need to produce
the internship certificate and reports for the review. The 80% of the score obtained in Review 2
will be taken for final grading.

Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 23.02.2023

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by Dr. Sandip Mal

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