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University of Makati

J.P. Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City

Diploma and Service Department


Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Computing and Information Sciences
in partial fulfilment
of the course requirement in
for the program
Diploma in Application Development
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2023

Presented by
Bindoy, Christ Ernest R.
Caldo, Alvin T.
Mendoza, Elijah James



June 2023
Table of Contents
Page No.
Dedication i
Acknowledgement ii
Approval Sheet iii


A. Project Description 1
B. Roles and Responsibilities 2-3
C. Project Scope and Limitation 3
D. Major Function and Deliverables 3
E. Functional Decomposition Diagram 4
A. Introduction 5
B. Software Requirement 5
B1. Programming language 5
B2. Integrated Development Environment 5
B3. Database Management System 6
B4. Others 6
C. Hardware Requirement 6
D. System Features and Processes 6-7
A. Introduction 8
B. Task Profiles 8-12
C. Graphical User Interface Requirement 13
C1. Site Map 13-14
C2. Icons and Buttons 15-19
C3. Fonts and Color Schemes 19-20
C4. Validation and Input Masks 20
C5. Message and Notification Format 20
C6. Accessibility Options 21
A. Actual Screenshot with Description 22-50
A. Introduction 51
B. Database Management Identification 51
C. List of Tables 51
D. Data dictionary and schema 55
E. Entity Relationship Diagram 56
F. List of Reports for System Users 57-59
A. Introduction 60
B. Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) 60-68
C. System Evaluation and User Acceptance Test (UAT) 69-96
A. User Stories 97-100
B. Project Calendar 101-104
C. Project Journal 104-130
D. System Monitoring 131-133
E. Revision Checklist Form 134-138
F. Project Proposal Form 139-141
G. Turn it in Certification 142
H. Endorsement for Final Defense 143-144
I. Acceptance Form of Technical Adviser 145
J. Client’s Transcript 146
K. Client’s Reply Letter 147
L. User Acceptance Evaluation Form/ Survey Questionnaire 148-150
M. Resume of Members 151-153

Table No. Title Page No.

Table 1.1 Project Team……………………………...……………………… 2-3

Table 1.2 Major Functions and Deliverables……………………………... 3
Table 3.1 User Task Profile………………………………………………… 8-12
Table 3.2 Icons and Buttons……………………………………………….. 15-19
Table 3.3 Major Fonts………………………………………………………. 19
Table 3.4 Major Colors……………………………………………………... 19-20
Table 3.5 Validation and Input Masks…………………………………….. 20
Table 3.6 Message and Notification………………………………………. 20
Table 3.7 Accesibility Options……………………………………………... 21
Table 5.1 List of Tables…………………………………………………….. 51
Table 5.2 Data Dictionary And Shema……………………………………. 52-55
Table 6.1 Respondent’s Gender…………………………………………... 69
Table 6.2 Respondent’s Age Group………………………………………. 70
Table 6.3 Respondent’s Category…………………………………………. 71
Table 6.4 Functional Completeness………………………………………. 72
Table 6.5 Functional Correctness…………………………………………. 73
Table 6.6 Functional Appropriateness…………………………………….. 74
Table 6.7 Maturity……………………………………………………………. 75
Table 6.8 Availability…………………………………………………………. 76
Table 6.9 Recoverability…………………………………………………….. 77
Table 6.10 Appropriateness Recognizability……………………………….. 78
Table 6.11 Learnability………………………………………………………... 79
Table 6.12 Operability…………………………………………………………. 80
Table 6.13 User Error Protection…………………………………………….. 81
Table 6.14 User Interface Aesthetics………………………………………... 82
Table 6.15 Accessibility……………………………………………………….. 83
Table 6.16 Supportability……………………………………………………… 84
Table 6.17 Time Behavior…………………………………………………….. 85
Table 6.18 Resource Utilization……………………………………………… 86
Table 6.19 Capacity…………………………………………………………… 87
Table 6.20 Confidentiality…………………………………………………….. 88
Table 6.21 Integrity……………………………………………………………. 89
Table 6.22 Accountability…………………………………………………….. 90
Table 6.23 Authenticity……………………………………………………….. 91
Table 6.24 Achievability………………………………………………………. 92
Table 6.25 Weighted Mean…………………………………………………... 93-95

Figure No. Title Page No.

Figure 1.1 Functional Decomposition Diagram of Appointment System 4

Figure 3.1 Site Map of Landing Page……………………………………. 13
Figure 3.2 Site Map of Patient Page……………………………………… 13
Figure 3.3 Site Map of Health Staff Page………………………………… 14
Figure 3.4 Site Map of Admin Page………………………………………. 14
Figure 5.1 Entity Relationship Diagram…………………………………... 56
Figure 5.2 Patient Database……………………………………………….. 57
Figure 5.3 Health Staff Database…………………………………………. 57
Figure 5.4 Pending Appointments Database…………………………….. 58
Figure 5.5 Confirmed Appointments Database………………………….. 58
Figure 5.6 Finished Appointments Database…………………………... 58
Figure 5.7 Cancelled Appointments Database…………………………... 59
Figure 6.1 Respondent’s Gender…………………………………………. 69
Figure 6.2 Respondent’s Age Group……………………………………… 70
Figure 6.3 Respondent’s Category……………………………………….. 71
Figure 6.4 Functional Completeness……………………………………... 72
Figure 6.5 Functional Correctness………………………………………... 73
Figure 6.6 Functional Appropriateness…………………………………… 74
Maturity………………………………………………………….. 75
Figure 6.7
Figure 6.8 Availability………………………………………………………. 76
Figure 6.9 Recoverability…………………………………………………... 77
Figure 6.10 Appropriateness Recognizability……………………………... 78
Figure 6.11 Learnability………………………………………………………. 79
Figure 6.12 Operability……………………………………………………….. 80
Figure 6.13 User Error Protection…………………………………………… 81
Figure 6.14 User Interface Aesthetics……………………………………… 82
Figure 6.15 Accessibility……………………………………………………… 83
Figure 6.16 Supportability……………………………………………………. 84
Figure 6.17 Time Behavior…………………………………………………... 85
Figure 6.18 Resource Utilization……………………………………………. 86
Figure 6.19 Capacity………………………………………………………..... 87
Figure 6.20 Confidentiality…………………………………………………… 88
Figure 6.21 Integrity…………………………………………………………... 89
Figure 6.22 Accountability……………………………………………………. 90
Figure 6.23 Authenticity………………………………………………………. 91
Figure 6.24 Achievability……………………………………………………… 92
Figure 6.25 Weighted Mean of Respondents……………………………... 96
Module 1:

Project Scope
Management Plan
Project Scope Management Plan

A. Project Description

The Quintin De Borja Health Center Information System is an online e-consultation

and allows you to make a personal appointment and contact a doctor or other
healthcare professional via the Internet. The patient can save time for a face-to-face
appointment and send their health status to their doctor at an e-consultation
appointment based on their health status. Patients are asked questions about their
symptoms, and the survey only takes a few minutes. The completed form is called a
health questionnaire. After the patient adds some personal information to verify their
identity, the eConsult system first uses built-in clinical knowledge to determine if help
is needed faster than the practice, e.g., B., can afford. Emergency services. In these
cases, the system stop processing the request and suggests how urgently medical
advice can be sought. The Quintin De Borja health center appointment system
includes four functions: scheduling face-to-face appointments/e-consultation, content
manager, account manager, and patient manager. Schedule in-person appointments
or e-consultations. The user can schedule an E-consult and Face-to-Face
appointment at the Health Care Center, and the Doctors/Nurses can view the
patient's Consultation, and the Doctor will approve the patient's Face-to-Face
Consultation with the content manager. The user can view the most recent Health
Center News, Announcements, and Events. The account manager displays the
profiles of the Doctor, Nurses, and patients, and they can also edit their profiles. The
patient manager is the final one. This displays the patient's current and previous
consultation and appointment. The Quintin de Borja health caree appointment
system has four users. Patients, administration, doctors, and nurses are all present.
The patient user can schedule appointments, provide feedback, and make
suggestions. The admin user has the role of "Administrator" in this system. This user
type has full access to the administration system, including the ability to add, update,
and delete users. The doctor uses Answering FAQs, Customer Service, and Email
confirmation of booking/appointment. Answering FAQs, Customer Service, Email
confirmation of booking/appointment and the nursing user Answering FAQs,
Customer Service, Email confirmation of booking/appointment.
B. Roles and Responsibilities
Table 1.1
Project Team

Photo Name Role Responsibilities

Elijah James Programmer The Programmer is
Mendoza responsible for
creating the back-
K11829728 end of the website
using the PHP
III-A APDEV language. In
addition, the front-
end and programmer
include building the
website database
and merging the
back-end to ensure
the website runs
Christ Ernest Documentation The Documentation
Bindoy is responsible for the
documentation such
K11829687 as the user story,
system monitoring
III-A APDEV and the weekly
progress of the
system, and takes
notes on the user's
comments and
suggestions. This
can help future
understand the code
and make it easier to
maintain and update.
Alvin Caldo UI Designer/ The person is in in
Database charge of developing
K11829861 the website's front-
end using PHP and
III-A APDEV HTML, as well as
applying interactive
and visual design
principles to
websites and online
applications to
ensure a good and
coherent user
This includes
creating the
database for the
website, writing
server-side scripts,
and fusing the front-
end to ensure the
website functions

C. Project Scope and Limitation

The Quintin De Borja Health Center Information System focuses on online medical
consultation so you don't have to wait in a Health Care Center or at the doctors' office to
be seen. Instead, you can securely and confidentially submit your information and
symptoms at any time and wait for a response. The Quintin De Borja Health Center
Information System is available 24 hours a day; if you wake up in the middle of the night
feeling ill, or if you get home after a long day and feel too ill to go out again, the Quintin
De Borja Health Center Information System can provide you with immediate answers.

When you phone the doctor's office to make an appointment, it can often take hours,
days, or even weeks to be seen. Of course, this is not acceptable for many people,
particularly because waiting extended times to see a doctor for a medical concern can
be stressful. Instead, you can access Quintin De Borja Health Center Information
System from your device. This is also a very useful service for the elderly or those who
are frail and cannot easily travel to the doctors from their homes

D. Major Function and Deliverables

Table 1.2
Major Functions and Deliverables
Features Major Functions Difficulty Duration
Schedule Face to Allows the Patients can schedule
Face an E-consult and Face to face
Appointments/ / appointments to the Health Care
e-consult Center . Doctors/ Nurses can view
Hard 4 Months
the Consultation of the patient and
the Doctor will approve the
patients Face to Face
Content Patients can view, edit and Upload
Management the latest News, Announcement
Hard 4 Months
and Events of the Health Care
Account Manager This can view and remove the
profile of the Doctor, Nurses, and
Hard 4 Months
patient and they can also edit their
Patient Manager This can view and Download the
present and pass consultation and Hard 4 Months
appointment of the patient
E. Functional Decomposition Diagram

Quintin De Borja Health Center Appointment


Figure 1.1 Functional Decomposition Diagram of Appointment System

Module 2:

A. Introduction

The purpose of this study to discuss the programming language, database

management, web application features, and process that helps us to create our system
that is the Quintin De Borja Health Center Information System an Online E-Consultation
and allows you to Scheduled a Face to Face Appointment it also enables you to contact
a doctor or other health professional over the internet to help a patient with their medical

B. Software Requirement

B1. Programming language

is a free and open-source server-side language that is an acronym for
Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a multi-purpose language created and
maintained by a large community. PHP is all about handling the back-end or
server-side architecture of a website or online application. As a result, PHP
code is executed on the server, while the client-side just receives plain HTML
code that is shown to users via a web browser.

 Javascript
is a known programming language that allows for dynamic and interactive
website activity. is a computer language that, along with CSS and HTML,
serves as the foundation of the World Wide Web. On the client side, over
98% of websites use JavaScript to control the operation of the website, with
external libraries being commonly used. All major web browsers have a
JavaScript engine that executes code on the devices of users. JavaScript
also supports dynamic typing, prototype-based object-oriented programming, and
first class functions.

is a website style defining language. may also define the appearance and
layout of a document produced in markup language. It allows the material to
be converted to a variety of devices.

B2. Integrated Development Environment

 Visual Studio Code

is a lightweight but capable source code editor for Windows, macOS, and
Linux that runs on your desktop. It has built-in support for JavaScript,
TypeScript, and Node.js, as well as a robust ecosystem of extensions for
additional languages and runtimes (including C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP,
Go, and.NET). Begin your VS Code career with these introductory videos.
Visual Studio is a feature-rich development environment that caters to the
demands of individual developers, small teams, and big corporations while
supporting a broad range of programming languages and platforms.

B3. Database Management System

is widely used in a variety of applications including content management
systems, e-commerce platforms, data-driven websites, and business
applications. Its versatility, power, and extensive community support have
made it a popular choice for database management in both small projects and
enterprise-level systems.

B4. Others

is an acronym that stands for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl,
and it allows you to build WordPress sites on your computer's local web
server. A WordPress localhost installation is significantly more safe since it
gives you your own unique and private playground free of any potential
threats. Not only that, but your website will load much faster than if it were
hosted online.

C. Hardware Requirement

C.1 Computer Specification

Intel64 Family Model 60 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~ 1300

Memory 8.00 GB (4.38 GB usable)
Display Dell at least 1920 x 1080

D. System Features and Processes

D1. Schedule Face to Face Appointments/ E-consult

D1.1 Description
 Allows patients to schedule an e-consultation and face-to-face
appointments at the health center. Doctors/Nurses to view the patient's
consultation and the doctor approves the patient's personal consultation
D1.2 Simulus and Response Sequences
 The patient fills out an e-consultation or in-person appointment form,
submits the form, and the doctor/nurse will respond to or approve your
consultation and in-person appointment
D1.3 Functional Requirements
 The patient must have an account to schedule an appointment and for
D2. Content Manager

D2.1 Description
 This allows the patients to view the latest News, Announcement and
Events of the Health Care Center
D2.2 Simulus and Response Sequences
 The patient can scroll down and they will see the news, announcement,
and event of the Health Care Center
D2.3 Functional Requirements
 With or Without an account the patient will see the news, announcement,
and event of the Health Care Center they will just Scroll down to the home

D3. Account Manager

D3.1 Description
 This shows the profile of the Doctor, Nurses, and patient and they can
also edit their profile

D3.2 Simulus and Response Sequences

 The Patient must Register first to have an account
D3.3 Functional Requirements
 When the patient is registered they can view and edit their account

D4. Patient Manager

D4.1 Description
 This shows the present and pass consultation and appointment of the
D4.2 Simulus and Response Sequences
 The doctor/nurse can view the present and pass appointment or
consultation of the patient
D4.3 Functional Requirements
 The doctor/nurse must have an account made by the admin to view the
patient’s present and pass appointment or consultation
Module 3:

User Interface
A. Introduction

The purpose of this study is intended for the Quintin De Borja Health
Center Appointment System capabilities to assist patients in scheduling check-
ups, medications, and healthcare services. Security levels, graphical user
interface and keyboard shortcuts that allow the system to be used more
efficiently and productively.

B. Task Profiles
Table 3.1
User Task Profiles
Features User Type Security Level Task Details

User may register

for the application
by providing your
Create Account Patient Admin email address, a
password, and a
Patient can Login
the Account by
entering the email
and password.
Patient Log in Patient Admin Patient can Reset
the Password If
forgot it so the
patient can recover
the Account.
Patient have
access to view and
edit the personal
information. Patient
Patient Account have the ability to
Patient Admin
Manager manage the
account's personal
information by
editing it if
Patient Schedule Patient Admin Patient can
Face to Face Schedule
Appointments/ Appointments/ E-
consultation, so
that the Doctor and
Nurse can see the
description &
Patient can see the
present and
previous Scheduled
Appointments/ E-
/ e-consult consultation, so
that the Doctor and
Nurse can see the
present and
previous Scheduled
Appointments of
the Patients.

Patient can view

Patient News, the news,
Announcment, & announcement and
Patient Admin
Events events of the
Quintin De Borja
Health Center.
Patient can see the
present and
Appointments, and
E-consult so that
the Doctor and
Patient Manager Patient Admin nurse can view the
present and
Appointments, and

Admin Registration Admin Admin Admin can register

and create
accounts for the
application by
entering my email
and password, so
that admin can start
working and Admin
can register and
create accounts for
Doctors and
Nurses for the
application by
entering their email
and password.
Admin can reset
my password if the
Admin Log in Admin Admin account forgotten,
so the account can
Admin can suspend
or delete the
account of the
patients, doctor,
nurse and admin if
Admin Account
Admin Admin they didn’t use their
account for 5 year,
so that admin can
remove some
Users to the
Admin can view the
schedule and
approved schedule
of the patient, so
that admin can
monitor Who doctor
approved the
Admin Schedule appointment and
Appointment / Who is the patient
Admin Admin
Booking and Admin can
Module improve the
Booking Module so
that the Doctor,
Nurse, and Patient
can easily use the
Admin can update
or edit the news,
Admin Content announcement,
Admin Admin
Manager and event of
Quintin De Borja
Health Center.
Admin can edit/
improve the patient
Admin Patient Admin Admin manager so that
Manager the Doctor and
Nurse can Manage
the Face to Face
Appointments and
E-consults and
admin can
download or export
the databases
through excel file
for offline viewing
Doctor can reset
my password if the
account forgotten,
Doctor Log in Admin Admin
so that doctor can
recover my
Doctor can see the
patients' scheduled
appointments and
set a date and time
for the patient and
the doctor can see
Doctor Schedule the current and
Appointment/Booking Admin Admin
previous scheduled
Module appointments / e-
consultation so that
the doctor can see
the current and
previous scheduled
Doctor can edit
and view the
Account so that
Doctor Account doctor can manage
Admin Admin
Manager the Account and
Patient’s Personal
Information very
Doctor can view the
patient’s pass and
Doctor Patient consultation so that
Admin Admin
Manager doctor can manage
and give the right
prescription to the
patient well.
Nurse can reset the
Nurse Log in Nurse Admin password if the
nurse forgotten, so
that nurse can
recover the
Nurse can see the
patients' scheduled
appointments and
set a date and time
Nurse Schedule for the patient and
Appointments/Booking Nurse Admin
the nurse can see
Module the current and
previous scheduled
appointments / e-
Nurse can edit and
view the Account
so that nurse can
Nurse Account manage the
Nurse Admin
Manager Account and
Patient’s Personal
Information very
Nurse can view the
patient’s pass and
Nurse Patient consultation so that
Nurse Admin
Manager Nurse can manage
and give the right
prescription to the
patient well.
C. Graphical User Interface Requirement
C1. Site Map


Figure 3.1 Site Map of Landing Page


Figure 3.2 Site Map of Patient Page


Figure 3.3 Site Map Health Staff Page


Figure 3.4 Site Map of Admin Page

C2. Icons and Buttons

Table 3.2
Icons and Buttons
Icons and Buttons Description
Landing Pae
This button goes with
every pages of the
users this button
directs you to the
home page.
This button will view
every services of the
Health Care Center.
This button can
Contact a Staff in the
Health Care Center.
This button direct you
to the log in page.
This Icon can direct to
the Health Care
Center Details like
Mission, Vision,
Organizational Chart.

This button can direct

to the Live Chat page.
This button Can View
the News,
Announcement, and
event of the Health
Care Center.
Patient Button
This button can log in
a Patients account by
entering his/ her email
and password.
This button can
register any patient.
This button can direct
a Patient to the log in
page if the patient
have already have an
account to the system.
This button can assist
the patient if the
patient forgot his/ her
password to his/ her
This button can
upload the Patient
profile picture to his/
her account.
Click this button and
the Patient fill up this
one by entering his/
her birthdate if he/ she
is signing up for the
Click this button to
confirm the patient’s
details and to confirm.
his/ her sign up
Click this button the
patient will view his/
her password.
Click this button and
the patient will fill up
this one by entering
his/ her birthdate if
they are signing up for
the system.
In this button the
patient can pick any
department that they
want to be assigned.
This button can send
the patient’s
messages to the
doctor or nurse.
The patient will pick
between this 2 buttons
if they want to log in or
they want to make an
This button will
confirm the patients
Face to Face
Appointment or E-
Consult form and the
doctor or nurse will
receive the Patient
Face to Face
Appointment or E-
Consult Schedule.
This button can direct
the Patient to the
homepage and they
will see the News,
Announcement, and
Event of the Health
Care Center.
Click this button and
the Patient fill up this
one by entering their
birthdate if the patient
wants to make a
This button can edit
the Patients personal
This Button can send
the Patient a
message to a Staff of
the Health Care
Doctor/Nurse Button
This button can direct
any Doctor/ Nurse to
the log in Page.
This button can will
log in any Doctor/
This button can direct
the doctor or nurse to
the Face to Face
Appointment List and
E- Consult List to
confirm a Schedule.
This button can help
the doctor/nurse to
retrieve their account
if they forgot their
This button can view
the password of the
doctor/ nurse.
This button can
accept the
appointment of the
patient if they are
Face to Face
Appointment or E-
This button can send
the message of the
doctor/ nurse to the
This button can edit
the account of the
Admin Button
This button can direct
Admin to the log in
This button can will
log in an Admin.

This button can edit

the Admin’s Personal
This button can direct
the doctor or nurse to
the Face to Face
Appointment List and
E- Consult List to view
the confirm
appointments of the
Doctor to the Patient.
This button can delete
any account of the
patient if they don’t
use the system for 5
This button can
Suspend any patient if
they don’t use the
system before the 5
This button can help
the Admin to retrieve
their account if they
forgot their password.
This button can view
the password of the
This Button can
Register a New
Doctor or any Health
Staff to the system.
This Button can
search any doctor to
view their details.

This Button can edit

the profile of the
Doctor or any Health
This Button can Save/
Download the
Database of the
doctors or any Health

C3. Fonts and Color Schemes

Table 3.3
Major Font

M ajor Fonts Pages

Lato, Segoe UI, Sans Serif Homepage
Segoe UI, Montserrat Log in
Arial Create Account/User Registration
Lato, Segoe UI, Sans Serif User Index/Homepage
Arial F2f Appointment Fill up Form
Arial Econsult Fill up Form
Segoe UI Profile Page
Sans Serif, Consolas Econsult History
Sans Serif, Consolas F2f Appointment History
Lato, Segoe UI, Sans Serif Edit Account
Lato, Segoe UI, Sans Serif Health Staff Index
Arial, Consolas View F2f Appointments
Arial, Consolas View Econsult list
Arial Admin Dashboard
Sans Serif, Consolas Pending Appointments
Sans Serif, Consolas Confirmed Appointments
Sans Serif, Consolas Done/Finished Appointments
Sans Serif, Consolas Void Appointments
Sans Serif, Consolas Econsult list both waiting and done
Sans Serif, Consolas Patients Account database
Sans Serif, Consolas Health staff account database
Arial Edit Events
Table 3.4
Major Colors
Major Colors Pages
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea Homepage
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea Log in
Montserra Create Account/User Registration
Segoe UI User Index/Homepage
Lato F2f Appointment Fill up Form
sans-serif Econsult Fill up Form
Bluish Green Light Sea Green Profile Page
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea Econsult History
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea F2f Appointment History
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea Edit Account
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea Health Staff Index
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea View F2f Appointments
Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Light Sea View Econsult list
White, Deep Sea Blue, Bluish Green Admin Dashboard
Light Sea Green
Black Pending Appointments
Black Confirmed Appointments
Black Done/Finished Appointments
Black Void Appointments
Black Econsult list both waiting and done
Black Patients Account database
Black Health staff account database
Dark Carnation Pink, White, Black Edit Events

C4. Validation and Input Masks

Table 3.5
Validation and Input Masks
Validation Input Masks
Log In Page for Admin, Patient, and The email validation & password on login
Health Staff page.
The Patient email need to verify their
Email Verification
email to log in.
The Password must be 8 characters and
Forget Password The forget password send through email.
The File upload if empty it gets validation
Profile Picture in Patient and Health Staff

C5. Message and Notification Format

Table 3.6
Message and Notification
The comment must be notification in
Health Staff.
The Notification modal must be approve
Notification Modal
by Health Staff.
The Email Verification will send to your
Email Verification
Once the email is verified, registration will
Registration Form
be completed.
The Notification Format of login, signup,
Notification Format
email verify, forgot password.

C6. Accessibility Options

Table 3.7
Accesibility Options
Log In page Accessibility for login links.
Accessibility for sending feedbacks to
Accessibility can be upload picture for
Profile Picture of Patient & Health Staff
profile picture.
Accessibility in appointment or e-consult
F2fappointment & E-consult
setting to mark unavailable of dates.
Module 4:
User Interface and
Report Design

A. Actual Screenshot with Description

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 1

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Quitin De Borja
Health Center
Accessibility Patient, Health Database: Users
Level: Staff, Admin
This is a landing page of the system where you can see the home page and also
you can see the home, services, cotact us and log in or sign up.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 1

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Quitin De Borja
Health Center
Accessibility Patient, Health Database: Users
Level: Staff, Admin

This is a landing page of the system where you can see the News &

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 1

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Quitin De Borja
Health Center
Accessibility Patient, Health Database: Users
Level: Staff, Admin

This is a landing page of the system where you can see the Contact Us and
Email address of our system .

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 2

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Log in Page
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This is the Log in Page and Sign up button to create an account whether it's patient or
for the health staff.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 3

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Register Page
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This is the Register Page. You can register an account whether it's patient or for the
health staff.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 4

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: F2f Appointment
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_f2f
Level: appointment

This image F2f Appointment Page. Patients can schedule the appointment so
that the health staff can see the description.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 5

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: E - Consult Page
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_econsult

This image E- Consult Page. Patients can schedule E- consultation so that the
health staff can see the description.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 6
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Account Manager
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This image is Account manager. You can view and edit your personal
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 7
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Account Manager
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This image is of an account manager. You can edit your account details and your
profile picture so the health staff can recognize it, and you can see your current and
previous scheduled appointments or e-consultations.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 8

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Account Manager
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This image is Account manager. You can see your current and previous
scheduled appointments.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 9

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Account Manager
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This image is Account manager. You can see your current and previous
scheduled Econsults.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 10

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Home Page
Accessibility Patient, Admin Database: Table_user

This image is the Home Page. You can view the notification button to see your
schedule when your appointment is approved and You can view the services, about,
news & events.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 11

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Home Page
Accessibility Health Staff, Admin Database: Table_medical
Level: professional

This image is a admin home page. You can view the home page,services,
account manager and you can view the live chat button to communicate with the health
staff about your condition.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 12

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Health Staff
Account Manager
Accessibility Health Staff, Admin Database: Table_medical
Level: professional

This is the Health Staff Account Manager. You can view your personal
information, edit the account details,  edit the profile picture, and the patient can
recognize it. You can also see the patient’s current and previous scheduled
appointments or e-consultations.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 13

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Health Staff
Account Manager
Accessibility Health Staff, Admin Database: Table_medical
Level: professional

This is the Health Staff Account Manager. You can edit your account details and
your profile picture so the patient can recognize them.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 14

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Health Staff
Account Manager
Accessibility Health Staff, Admin Database: Table_medical
Level: professional

This is the Health Staff Account Manager. You can see the appointment list, and
you can confirm the appointment with the patient. You can see the patient’s current and
previous scheduled appointments and also you can also save the data of the
appointments appointments.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 15

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Health Staff
Account Manager
Accessibility Health Staff, Admin Database: Table_medical
Level: professional

This is the Health Staff Account Manager. You can see the econsults list, and
you can confirm the appointment with the patient. You can see the patient’s current and
previous scheduled econsult appointments and you can also save the data of the
econsult appointments.

Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 16

Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Schedule
Appointments Page
Accessibility Health Staff, Admin Database: Table_f2f
Level: appointment

This image is the schedule appointment page. Health staff can view the patient’s
current and previous schedule of f2f appointments or e-consultations, set a date and
time for the patient, and approve the patient's schedule.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 17
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin login page
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_admin

This image is an admin login page. Admin can log in to the system so that admin
can be manage of the system.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 18
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Home Page
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_admin

This image is an admin home page. Admins can view the home page with f2f
appointments, econsults, accounts, and edit the events of the Quintin de Borja.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 19
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Pending
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_f2f
Level: appointment

This image is an admin Pending Appointment. The admin can view and edit the
pending appointments of the patients, and the admin can also save the data of the
pending appointments.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 20
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Confirmed
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_f2f
Level: appointment

This image is an admin confirmed appointment. Admin can view and edit to
Confirmed  Appointment and the admin can also save the data on the confirmed
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 21
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Void
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_f2f
Level: appointment

This image is an admin-void appointment. The admin can view and edit
appointments, and the admin can also save the data on the void appointments.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 22
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Finished
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_f2f
Level: appointment

This image is an admin finished appointment. The admin can view the result and
edit the appointment, and the admin can also save the data on the finished
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 23
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin E- consult
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_econsult

This image is an admin e-consult. The admin can view the current and previous
schedules of patients and edit the e-consults of patients, and the admin can also save
the data on the e-consult appointments.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 24
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Account
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_admin

This image is an admin account manager. Admins can edit the admin account
profile details, and they can also choose a file for the profile picture.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 25
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Health Staff
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_admin

This image is an admin health staff database. Admin can edit, suspend, or delete
accounts of the health staff, and admin can also save the data in the health staff
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Health Web page ID: 26
Center Appointment
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Patients
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_admin

This image is an admin patient database. Admins can edit and delete patient
accounts, and they can also save the data in the patient database.
Project Title: Quitin De Borja Web page ID: 27
Health Center
Developers: Quad - Tek Web page Title: Admin Content
Accessibility Admin Database: Table_events

This image is an admin content manager. Admins can view the list of news and
events, edit events, and delete events at the Quintin De Borja Health Center.
Module 5:


A. Introduction

The purpose of this study is to define the database requirements of the system,
including the identification of a relational database management system (RDBMS).
Naming conventions, a data dictionary, and a schema-relationship diagram are the
focus of this document. To ensure quality care, a database system must be able to
manage patient records, appointments, and other health-related data. The
effectiveness and quality of health services provided in a health center can be
improved by a well-designed database system

B. Relational Database Management System (RDMS)

B1. Name of RDBMS


B2. Description

MySQL is a renowned and effective database management system

(DBMS) for storing, accessing, and modifying structured data. The flexible data
organization, extensive SQL querying capabilities, outstanding performance,
flexibility, compatibility with different platforms, and present support from the
community act as a vital tool for developers that require effective and reliable
data management solutions.

C. List of Tables
Table 5.1 List of Tables
Table Name Description
Table_admin This table stores the id, email and password
of the admin and admin values that will be
needed to access and login the admin page.
Table_comment This table stores the id, name, email
address, comment and the date commented
of the user.
Table_econsult This table stores the details of the patient in
registration for econsult
Table_events This table stores the images of the updated
event’s in the Health Center.
Table_f2fappointment This table stores the details of the patient in
registration for face to face appointment.
Table_medicalprofessional This table stores the health staff account
Table_user This row stores the patient account
Total Tables: 7

D. Data Dictionary and Schema

Table 5.2
Data Dictionary and Schema
Entity Column Column Type PK Format Sample FK Refer
Name Name Description (BTREE) Data ence
admin admin_id Stores the id of int 11 true 23 false
the admin DYNAMIC
email Stores the varchar 500 false User false
email of the DYNAMIC
pswd Stores the varchar 500 false Password false
password of DYNAMIC
the admin
comme c_id Stores the id of int 11 true 56 false
nt the comment
name Stores the varchar 5000 false Step false
name of the
gmail Stores the varchar 500 false User false
email used to
comment of the
comment Stores the text false 1 false
comment of the DYNAMIC
date Stores the date timestamp false false
when the
comment was
econsu Id Stores the id of int 11 true 58 false
lt the patient
f_name Stores the first varchar 500 false Step false
name of the
l_name Stores the last varchar 500 false Lono true
name of the DYNAMIC
contact Stores the varchar 500 false 09219271 false
contact no. of DYNAMIC 982
the patient
email Stores the varchar 500 false user false
email used of
the patient for DYNAMIC
address Stores the text false Makati false
addresses of DYNAMIC City
the paient
DOB Stores the date date false false
of birth of the DYNAMIC
gender Stores the varchar 500 false false
gender of the DYNAMIC
idno Stores the varchar 500 false false
health id no. of
the patient
reason Stores the varchar 500 false false
reason of the
patient why
he/she needs
the econsult
date Stores the date date false false
when the
was created
f2fappo Id Stores the id of int 11 true DYNAMIC 14 false
intment the patient
queuing_i Stores the varchar 11 false 3 false
d queuing no. of
f_name Stores the first varchar 500 false Steph false
name of the DYNAMIC
l_name Stores the last varchar 500 false Lono true
name of the DYNAMIC
contact Stores the varchar 500 false 09345613 false
contact no. of DYNAMIC 13
the patient
email Stores the varchar 500 false User false
email used of
the patient for DYNAMIC
address Stores the text false Makati false
addresses of City
the paient
DOB Stores the date date false false
of birth of the DYNAMIC
gender Stores the varchar 500 false false
gender of the DYNAMIC
idno Stores the varchar 500 false false
health id no. of DYNAMIC
the patient
departme Stores the varchar 500 false false
nt which
department will DYNAMIC
the patient is
appointed to.
date Stores the date date false false
when the face
to face
was created
status Stores the enum(‘pendin false false
status of the g’,’confirmed’
appointment ,
wich is ’done’.void’) DYNAMIC
dateandti Stores the set date false false
mestart date of the face
to face
timesched Stores the set time false false
time schedule
of the face to DYNAMIC
Doctornur Stores the first varchar 500 false DYNAMIC Eli false
se_f_nam name of the
e doctor who
approved the
Doctornur Stores the last varchar 500 false Jyu false
se_l_nam name of the
e doctor who DYNAMIC
approved the
Doctornur Stores the varchar 500 false User false
se_email email of the
doctor who DYNAMIC
approved the
image Id Stores the id of int 11 true 54 false
the image
filename Stores the varchar 500 false false
filenames of
images which
medica Id Stores the id of int 11 true 69 false
lproffes the health staff DYNAMIC
sional account
profile_pic Stores the text false false
profile picture
of the health
f_name Stores the varchar 500 false Jiyo false
profile picture
of the health
l_name Stores the last varchar 500 false Tzu false
name of the DYNAMIC
health staff
gender Stores the varchar 500 false false
gender of the DYNAMIC
health staff
email Stores the varchar 500 false User false
email of the DYNAMIC
health staff
contact Stores the varchar 11 false 09422313 false
contact no. of DYNAMIC
the health staff
pswd Stores the varchar 255 false Password false
password of DYNAMIC
the health staff
profession Stores the varchar 500 false false
profession or
position of the
health staff
status Stores the enum(‘active’ false false
status of the ,
health staff ‘suspended’)
user Id Stores the id of int 11 true 14 false
the patient DYNAMIC
Profile_pic Stores the text false false
profile picture DYNAMIC
of the patient
f_name Stores the first varchar 500 false DYNAMIC Jym false
name of the
l_name Stores the last varchar 500 false Hyu false
name of the DYNAMIC
gender Stores the varchar 500 false false
gender of the DYNAMIC
email Stores the varchar 500 false User false
email of the DYNAMIC
contact Stores the varchar 500 false 09302423 false
contact no. of DYNAMIC 2
the patient
address Stores the text false Makati false
address of the DYNAMIC City
DOB Stores the date date false false
of birth of the DYNAMIC
pswd Stores the varchar 500 false Password false
password of DYNAMIC
the health staff
status Stores the enum(‘in false false
status of the active’,’active
health staff ’)
date Stores the date date false false
registered the
Last_login Stores the last date false false
activity or last
log in of the
Acc_expir Stores the date date false false
e when the
account will be
Acc_termi Stores the date date false false
nate when the
account will be
deleted or
removed from
the database

E. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 5.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

F. List of Reports for System User

Figure 5.2 Patient Database

Figure 5.3 Health Staff Database

Figure 5.4 Pending Appointments Database

Figure 5.5 Confirmed Appointments Database

Figure 5.6 Finished Apppointments Database

Figure 5.7 Cancelled Appointments Database
Module 6:

Testing and
A. Introduction

The purpose of this study is to test and review the Quintin De Borja Health
Center Appointment System's capabilities to determine if they meet the required
specifications and objectives.

B. Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

User Type Epic/ Feature User Stories Acceptance Status
Patient As a Patient, I -Patient must
can create an Sign up
account for the
-Patient needs
application by
to verify his
entering my
account that
was send to
password and
Registration his/her email PASS
confirming my
password so
that I can start
Using the
system and
create an
As a Patient I -Patient must
can Login my enter his/her
Account by email and
entering my password to
email and Login
password so PASS
that I can
Schedule an E-
consult and
Login Face to Face
As a Patient I -Patient must
can Reset my check his email
Password If I to reset his/her
forgotten it so password PASS
that I can
recover my
User Manager As a Patient I -If the patient PASS
can view my wants to edit
personal their account
information so just go to the
that I can edit
my Profile If I
want to change
As a Patient I -By Clicking
can edit my the “Edit
personal button” he/ she
information so can now edit
that I can his/ her PASS
Manage my account
Information of
My account
As a Patient I -By Clicking
can edit my the Profile
profile picture Picture he/ she
so that the can now edit PASS
Doctor/ Nurse his/ her Profile
can recognize Picture
As a Patient I -By Clicking
can Schedule the the
Appointments/ “Service” just
E-consultation, choose for the
so that the Services E- PASS
Doctor and Consultation
Nurse can see Or Face to
my description Face
Schedule Face Appointment
to Face
As a Patient I -The Patient
Appointments/ can see my can View his/
Booking present and her present
previous and previous
Scheduled appointment so
Appointments/ that the Patient
E-consultation, can remember
so that the his/ her
Doctor and Appointments
Nurse can see
my present and
News, As a Patient, I -The Patient PASS
can view the can Scroll
news, down to the
announcement homepage so
and events of that he/ she
the Quintin De can know the
Borja Health News,
Center so that I Announcemen
can always be T, and the
updated to the Events of the
News, health center
Announcement Announcement
, and Events and events of
Quintin De
Borja Health
Example: like
no working
hours in
holidays, Free
As a Patient I -The Doctors
can see my and nurse can
present and view the
previous patient’s
Appointments, present and
and E-consult previous
so that the Appointment PASS
Doctor and
nurse can view
my present and
and E-consult

User Type Epic/ Feature User Stories Acceptance Status

Admin Registration As an Admin, I -The Admin will PASS
can register create an
and create account so that
accounts for they can
the application monitor the
by entering my whole system
email and
password, so
that I can start
As an Admin, I -The Admin will
can register create an
and create account for the
accounts for doctor, and
Doctors and nurse so that
Nurses for the they can use it
application by for conforming
entering their an appointment PASS
email and of the patient
password, so
that the doctor
and nurse can
start their work
by confirming
an appointment
As an Admin I -If the Admin
can reset my forgot the
password if I password of
have forgotten, his/her account
so that I can just click the
recover my “Forget
Login Account Password” and PASS
to his/her
google account
will send a
verification to
retrieve his/her
Account As an Admin I -The Admin PASS
Manager can suspend or Can suspend
delete the or delete the
account of the account of the
patients, patients,
doctor, nurse doctor, nurse
and admin if and admin by
they didn’t use clicking the
their account “Suspend” and
for 5 year, so “Delete”
that I can
remove some
Users to the
As an Admin I -The Admin
can view the can monitor the
schedule and doctor and
approved Patient’s
schedule of the appointments
patient, so that by going to the
I can monitor appointment
Who doctor list
approved the
and Who is the
Booking As an Admin I -The Admin
Module can improve Can improve
the Schedule the system by
adding some
information to
the E-
Module so that
the Doctor, PASS
Form and Face
Nurse, and
to Face
Patient can
easily use the
so that the
user of the
system can
use it easily
As an Admin I -The Admin
can update or can change or
upload the add some
news, news,
announcement, announcement,
and event of and event of
Content Quintin De the health
Manager Borja Health center by going
Center, so that to the
the patient and dashboard and
doctors can change or add
know the news, some news,
announcement, announcement,
and event and event
Patient As an Admin I -The Admin PASS
Manager can edit/ can improve
improve the the patient
patient manager by
manager so going to the
that the Doctor dashboard and
and Nurse can change the
Manage the Patient
Face to Face manager so
Appointments that the Doctor
and E-consults and Nurse can
Manage the
Face to Face
and E-consults
very well
As an admin I -The Admin
can download can download
or export the or export the
databases databases of
through excel the Patient by
file for offline clicking the
viewing “Save as
Excel” and it
will start

User Type Epic/ Feature User Stories Acceptance Status

Doctor/User Login As a Doctor I -The Doctor
can reset my Can reset his/
password if I her password
have forgotten, by clicking the
so that I can “Forget PASS
recover my Password” and
Account the verification
can send it to
his/ her gmail
Schedule As a Doctor I -The Doctor PASS
Appointments/ can view the will view the
schedule appointment
Appointment of list page and
the patients, so confirm the
that I can set a patient’s
date and time appointment
for the patient’s
As a Doctor I -The Doctor
can see my can view the
present and present and
previous previous so
Scheduled that they will
Appointments/ know the
E-consultation, patient’s past
so that I can appointments
see my present
and previous
As a Doctor I -The Doctor
can view the will approve
schedule and the patient’s
approved the consultation
schedule of the and the patient
patient. so that will receive a
I can monitor notification PASS
the patient’s from the doctor
past and
News, As a Doctor, I -By scrolling
Announcement can view the down to the
, and Events news, homepage of
announcement the system the
and events of doctor can
the Quintin De view the News,
Borja Health Announcement
Center , and Events
Example: like of the Health
no working Center
hours in
Account As a Doctor I -The Doctor PASS
Manager can edit and Can edit his/
view my her profile by
Account so that clicking the edit
I can manage button and the
my Account page will
and Personal reload to the
Information editing page
very well
Patient As a Doctor I The Doctor can
Manager can view the view the
patient’s pass patient’s pass
and previous and previous
consultation so consultation so
that I can that he/ she
manage and can right the
give the right prescription of
prescription to the doctor to
the patient well the patient

User Type Epic/ Feature User Stories Acceptance Status

Login As a Nurse I -The Nure Can
can reset my reset his/ her
password if I password by
have forgotten, clicking the
so that I can “Forget PASS
recover my Password” and
Account the verification
can send it to
his/ her gmail
Schedule As a Nurse I -The Nurse will
Appointments/ can see the view the
Nurse/User schedule appointment
list page and
Module Appointment of PASS
confirm the
the patients
and set a date
and time for
the patient
As a Nurse I -The Nurse can PASS
can view the view the
present and present and
previous previous
Scheduled Scheduled
Appointments/ Appointments/
E-consultation E-consultation
of the patients, of the patients
so that I can
view the
present and
of the patient
News, As a Nurse, I -By scrolling
Announcement can view the down to the
, and Events news, homepage of
announcement the system the
and events of nurse can view
the Quintin De the News,
Borja Health Announcement
Center , and Events
Example: like of the Health
no working Center
hours in
Account As a Nurse I -The Nurse
Manager can edit and Can edit his/
view my her profile by
Account so that clicking the edit
I can manage button and the
my Account page will
and my reload to the
Personal editing page
very well
Patient As a Nurse I -The Nurse can
Manager can view the view the
patient’s pass patient’s pass
and previous and previous
consultation so consultation so
that I can that he/ she
manage and can right the
give the right prescription of
prescription to the doctor to
the patient well the patient
C. System Evaluation and User Acceptance Test (UAT)
50 Responses

Figure 6.1 Respondent’s Gender

Figure 6.1 shows the (50) respondent’s gender. 60% of the respondents are the Male
while the remaining 40% of the respondents are the Female.

Table 6.1
Respondent’s Gender
Gender Percentage Number of Responses
Male 60% 30
Female 40% 20
Table 6.1 Above discusses the Respondent’s Gender. 60% of the respondents are the
Male with 30 Responses while the remaining 40% of the respondents are the Female
with 20 Responses

Age Group
50 Responses

Figure 6.2 Respondent’s Age Group

Figure 6.2 shows the (50) respondent's age group. 24% of the respondents are between
the ages of 25 to 34 while 24% of the respondents are between the ages of 45 to 54,
22% of the respondents are between the ages of 35 to 44, 18% of the respondents are
between the ages of 55 to 64, 12% of the respondents are between the ages of 18 to

Table 6.2
Respondent’s Age Group
Age Group Percentage Number of Responses
18-24 12% 6
25-34 24% 12
35-44 22% 11
45-54 24% 12
55-64 18% 9
Table 6.2 Above discusses the Respondents Age Group. 24% of the respondents are
between the ages of 25 to 34 with 12 responses while 24% of the respondents are
between the ages of 45 to 54 with 12 responses, 22% of the respondents are between
the ages of 35 to 44 with 11 responses, 18% of the respondents are between the ages
of 55 to 64 with 9 responses , 12% of the respondents are between the ages of 18 to
24 with 12 responses

50 Responses

Figure 6.3 Respondent’s Category

Figure 6.3 shows the (50) respondents category. 62% of the respondents are the
Patient the 20% of the respondents are the Health Staff(Doctor, Nurse, Admin), 16% of
the respondents are the I.T Professional, 2% are the CCIS Professor.

Table 6.3
Respondent’s Category
Category Percentage Number of Responses
Patient 62% 31
Health Staff (Doctor, 20% 10
Nurse, Admin)
CCIS Professor 2% 1
I.T Professional 16% 8
Table 6.3 Above discusses the Respondent’s Category. 62% of the respondents are the
Patient with 31 responses while 20% of the respondents are the Health Staff(Doctor,
Nurse, Admin) with 10, 16% of the respondents are the I.T Professional with 8
responses, 2% are the CCIS Professor with 1 response

Functional Suitability
Functional Completeness
Does the system cover all specified tasks and user objectives?
50 Responses

Figure 6.4 Functional Completeness

Figure 6.4 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Functional Completeness of
the System. 50% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree while 40% of respondents
answered 4-Agree, 10% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.4
Functional Completeness
Functional Does the system cover all specified Percentage Number of
Completeness tasks and user objectives? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 60% 24
4-Agree 40% 19
3-Neither or Nor Agree 10% 5
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.4 Above discusses the Functional Completeness of the System . 50% of
respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with 24 responseswhile 40% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 19 responses, 10% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor
Agree with 5 responses.

Functional Correctness
Can the system provide correct results with the needed degree of precision?
50 Responses

Figure 6.5 Functional Correctness

Figure 6.5 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Functional Correctness of the
System. 62% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 26% of respondents answered 5-
Strongly Agree, 12% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.5
Functional Correctness
Functional Can the system provide correct Percentage Number of
Correctness results with the needed degree of Responses
5-Strongly Agree 26% 13
4-Agree 62% 31
3-Neither or Nor Agree 12% 6
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.5 Above discusses the Functional Correctness of the System. 62% of
respondents answered 4-Agree with 31 responses while 26% of respondents answered
5-Strongly Agree with 13 responses, 12% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor
Agree 6 responses.

Functional Appropriateness
Does the system’s function facilitate the accomplishment of specified tasks and
50 Responses

Figure 6.6 Functional Appropriateness

Figure 6.6 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Functional Appropriateness of
the System. 52% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 32% of respondents
answered 5-Strongly Agree, 16% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.6
Functional Appropriateness
Functional Does the system’s function facilitate Percentage Number of
Appropriateness the accomplishment of specified tasks Responses
and objectives?
5-Strongly Agree 32% 16
4-Agree 52% 26
3-Neither or Nor Agree 16% 8
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.6 Above discusses the Functional Appropriateness of the System. 52% of
respondents answered 4-Agree with 26 while 32% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 16 Responses, 16% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree Agree
6 responses.
Does the system meet the needs of its users under normal operations?
50 Responses

Figure 6.7 Maturity

Figure 6.7 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Maturity of the System. 60%
of respondents answered 4-Agree while 20% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 20% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.7
Maturity Does the system meet the needs of its Percentage Number of
users under normal operations? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 20% 10
4-Agree 60% 30
3-Neither or Nor Agree 20% 10
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.7 Above discusses the Maturity of the System. 60% of respondents answered
4-Agree with 30 responses while 20% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with
10 responses, 20% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with 10

Can the system be operational and accessible at a time needed for use?
50 Responses

Figure 6.8 Availability

Figure 6.8 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Availability of the System.
54% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 20% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 24% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree, 2% of respondents
answered 2-Disagree.

Table 6.8
Availability Can the system be operational and Percentage Number of
accessible at a time needed for use? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 20% 10
4-Agree 54% 27
3-Neither or Nor Agree 24% 12
2-Disagree 2% 1
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.8 Above discusses the Avalability of the system. 54% of respondents answered
4-Agree with 27 responses while 20% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with
10 , 24% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with 12 responses, 2% of
respondents answered 2-Disagree with 1 responses.

During disconnection, system recover and re-establish the system to its desired state?
50 Responses

Figure 6.9 Recoverability

Figure 6.9 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Recoverability of the System.
52% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 32% of respondents answered 3-Neither
or Nor Agree, 16% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree.

Table 6.9
Recoverability During disconnection, system recover Percentage Number of
and re-establish the system to its Responses
desired state?
5-Strongly Agree 16% 8
4-Agree 52% 26
3-Neither or Nor Agree 32% 16
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.9 Above discusses the Recoverability of the system. 52% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 26 respondents while 32% of respondents answered 3-Neither
or Nor Agree with 16 respondents, 16% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with
8 respondents.

Appropriateness Recognizability
Can the system be easily recognized by users as an appropriate product or system to
solve their needs?
50 Responses

Figure 6.10 Appropriateness Recognizability

Figure 6.10 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Appropriateness
Recognizability of the System. 54% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 30% of
respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree, 16% of respondents answered 3-Neither or
Nor Agree.

Table 6.10
Appropriateness Recognizability
Appropriateness Can the system be easily recognized Percentage Number of
Recognizability by users as an appropriate product or Responses
system to solve their needs?
5-Strongly Agree 30% 15
4-Agree 54% 27
3-Neither or Nor Agree 16% 8
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.10 Above discusses the Appropriateness Recognizability of the system. 54% of
respondents answered 4-Agree with 27 responses while 30% of respondents answered
5-Strongly Agree with 15 respondent, 16% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor
Agree with 8 respondents.

Can the system be learnt more easily?
50 Responses

Figure 6.11 Learnability

Figure 6.11 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Learnability of the System.
36% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree while 30% of respondents answered 4-
Agree, 28% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.11
Learnability Can the system be learnt more Percentage Number of
easily? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 36% 18
4-Agree 36% 18
3-Neither or Nor Agree 28% 14
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.11 Above discusses the Learnability of the System. 36% of respondents
answered 5-Strongly Agree with 18 respondents while 30% of respondents answered 4-
Agree with 18 respondents, 28% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
14 respondents.

Can the system be easily operated and controlled?
50 Responses

Figure 6.12 Operability

Figure 6.12 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Operability of the System.
36% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 34% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 30% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.12
Operability Can the system be easily operated Percentage Number of
and controlled? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 34% 17
4-Agree 36% 18
3-Neither or Nor Agree 30% 15
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.12 Above discusses the Operability of the System. 36% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 18 respondents while 34% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 17 respondents, 30% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
15 respondents.

User Error Protection

Does the system protect users against making errors?
50 Responses

Figure 6.13 User Error Protection

Figure 6.13 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the User Error Protection of the
System. 50% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 26% of respondents answered 3-
Neither or Nor Agree, 24% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree.

Table 6.13
User Error Protection
User error Does the system protect users Percentage Number of
protection against making errors? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 24% 12
4-Agree 50% 25
3-Neither or Nor Agree 26% 13
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.13 Above discusses the User error protection of the System. 50% of
respondents answered 4-Agree with 25 respondents while 26% of respondents
answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with 13 respondents, 24% of respondents answered
5-Strongly Agree with 12 respondents.

User interface Aesthetics

Does the system user interface look pleasant and satisfactory?
50 Responses

Figure 6.14 User Interface Aesthetics

Figure 6.14 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the User Interface Aesthetics of
the System. 55% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 38% of respondents
answered 5-Strongly Agree, 7% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.14
User interface Aesthetics
User interface Does the system user interface look Percentage Number of
Aesthetics pleasant and satisfactory? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 38% 17
4-Agree 55% 25
3-Neither or Nor Agree 7% 8
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.14 Above discusses the User interface aesthetics User Interface Aesthetics of
the System. 55% of respondents answered 4-Agree with 25 respondents while 38% of
respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with 17 respondents, 7% of respondents
answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with 8 respondents.

Can the system be accessed by specified users under specified conditions?
50 Responses

Figure 6.15 Accessibility

Figure 6.15 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Accessibility of the System.
54% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 32% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 14% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.15
Accesibility Can the system be accessed by Percentage Number of
specified users under specified Responses
5-Strongly Agree 14% 16
4-Agree 54% 27
3-Neither or Nor Agree 14% 7
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.15 Above discusses the Accessibility of the System. 54% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 27 respondents while 32% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 16 respondents, 14% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
7 respondents.

Can the system provide basic operational instructions and hints to its users when in
50 Responses

Figure 6.16 Supportability

Figure 6.16 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Supportability of the System.
54% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 28% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 18% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.16
Supportability Can the system provide basic Percentage Number of
operational instructions and hints to Responses
its users when in operation?
5-Strongly Agree 28% 14
4-Agree 56% 27
3-Neither or Nor Agree 18% 9
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.16 Above discusses the Supportability of the System. 54% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 27 respondents while 28% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 14 respondents, 18% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
9 respondents.

Performance Efficiency
Time Behavior
Can the system response and process events faster?
50 Responses

Figure 6.17 Time Behavior

Figure 6.17 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Time Behavior of the
System. 46% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 32% of respondents answered 5-
Strongly Agree, 22% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.17
Time Behavior
Time Behavior Can the system response and Percentage Number of
process events faster? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 32% 16
4-Agree 46% 23
3-Neither or Nor Agree 22% 11
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.17 Above discusses the Time Behavior of the System. 46% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 23 respondents while 32% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 16 respondents, 22% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
11 respondents.
Resource Utilization
Can the system utilize information resources efficiently?
50 Responses

Figure 6.18 Resource Utilization

Figure 6.18 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Resource Utilization of the
System. 52% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 28% of respondents answered 3-
Neither or Nor Agree, 20% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree.

Table 6.18
Resource Utilization
Resource Can the system utilize information Percentage Number of
Utilization resources efficiently? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 20% 10
4-Agree 52% 26
3-Neither or Nor Agree 28% 14
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.18 Above discusses the Resource Utilization of the System. 52% of
respondents answered 4-Agree with 26 respondents while 28% of respondents
answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with 14 respondents, 20% of respondents answered
5-Strongly Agree with 10 respondents.

Do the system parameters meet their system requirements?
50 Responses

Figure 6.19 Capacity

Figure 6.19 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Capacity of the System.
38% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 34% of respondents answered 3-Neither
or Nor Agree, 28% of respondents answered 5-Strongly.

Table 6.19
Capacity Do the system parameters meet their Percentage Number of
system requirements? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 28% 14
4-Agree 38% 19
3-Neither or Nor Agree 34% 17
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.19 Above discusses the Capacity of the System. 38% of respondents answered
4-Agree with 19 respondents while 34% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor
Agree 17 respondents, 28% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with 14

Can the system ensure that information resources are accessible only to those
authorized to have access?
50 Responses

Figure 6.20 Confidentiality

Figure 6.20 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Confidentiality of the
System. 50% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 30% of respondents answered 5-
Strongly Agree, 20% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree.

Table 6.20
Confidentiality Can the system ensure that Percentage Number of
information resources are accessible Responses
only to those authorized to have
5-Strongly Agree 30% 14
4-Agree 50% 23
3-Neither or Nor Agree 20% 9
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.20 Above discusses the Confidentiality of the System. 50% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 23 respondents while 30% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 14 respondents, 20% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
9 respondents.

Does the system prevent unauthorized access to information resources or modification
of data?
50 Responses

Figure 6.21 Integrity

Figure 6.21 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Integrity of the System. 48%
of respondents answered 4-Agree while 26% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 24% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree, 2% Disagree.

Table 6.21
Integrity Does the system prevent Percentage Number of
unauthorized access to information Responses
resources or modification of data?
5-Strongly Agree 26% 13
4-Agree 48% 24
3-Neither or Nor Agree 24% 12
2-Disagree 2% 1
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.21 Above discusses the Integrity of the System. 48% of respondents answered
4-Agree with 24 respondents while 26% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree with
13 respondents, 24% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with 12
respondents,2% Disagree with 1 respondent.

Can the system uniquely trace or account for an action or event of an entity?
50 Responses

Figure 6.22 Accountability

Figure 6.22 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Accountability of the
System. 44% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 28% of respondents answered 3-
Neither or Nor Agree, 26% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree, 2% Strongly

Table 6.22
Accountability Can the system uniquely trace or Percentage Number of
account for an action or event of an Responses
5-Strongly Agree 26% 13
4-Agree 44% 22
3-Neither or Nor Agree 28% 14
2-Disagree 0% 0
1-Strongly Disagree 2% 1
Table 6.22 Above discusses the Accountability of the System. 44% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 22 respondents while 28% of respondents answered 3-Neither
or Nor Agree with 14 respondents , 26% of respondents answered 5-Strongly Agree
with 13 respondents, 2% Strongly Disagree 1 respondent.

Can the system be used to identify its users and resources?
50 Responses

Figure 6.23 Authenticity

Figure 6.23 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Authenticity of the System.
47% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 31% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree, 18% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree, 2% Disagree, 2%
Strongly Disagree.

Table 6.23
Authenticity Can the system be used to identify Percentage Number of
its users and resources? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 31% 15
4-Agree 47% 23
3-Neither or Nor Agree 18% 9
2-Disagree 2% 1
1-Strongly Disagree 2% 1
Table 6.23 Above discusses the Authenticity of the System. 47% of respondents
answered 4-Agree with 23 respondents while 31% of respondents answered 5-Strongly
Agree with 15 respondents, 18% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree with
9 respondents, 2% of respondents answered 2-Disagree with 1 respondents, 2% of
respondents answered 1-Strongly Disagree with 1 respondents.

Does the system preserve and protect its past records for future references?
50 Responses

Figure 6.24 Achievability

Figure 6.24 shows the result of the (50) respondents to the Achievability of the System.
48% of respondents answered 4-Agree while 32% of respondents 5-Strongly Agree,
18% of respondents answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree, 2% of respondents answered 2-
Table 6.24
Achievability Does the system preserve and protect Percentage Number of
its past records for future references? Responses
5-Strongly Agree 32% 16
4-Agree 48% 24
3-Neither or Nor Agree 18% 9
2-Disagree 2% 1
1-Strongly Disagree 0% 0
Table 6.24 above discusses the Achievability of the System. 48% of respondents
answered 4-Agree while 32% of respondents 5-Strongly Agree, 18% of respondents
answered 3-Neither or Nor Agree, 2% of respondents answered 2-Disagree.

Scoring System
Verbal Interpretation Range
Needs Improvement 1.00-1.80
Below Expectation 1.81-2.60
Meets Expectation 2.61-3.40
Exceed Expectation 3.41-4.20
Exceptional 4.21-5.00

Table 6.25 Weighted Mean

Factor Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Functional Suitability 4.17 Exceed Expectation

Does the system cover all 4.22 Exceptional

specified tasks and user

Can the system provide 4.14 Exceed Expectation

correct results with the
needed degree of

Does the system’s function 4.16 Exceed Expectation

facilitate the
accomplishment of
specified tasks and

Reliability 4.25 Exceptional

Does the system meet the 4 Exceed Expectation

needs of its users under
normal operations?

Can the system be 4.92 Exceptional

operational and accessible
at a time needed for use?

During disconnection, 3.84 Exceed Expectation

system recover and re-
establish the system to its
desired state?

Usability 4.1 Exceed Expectation

Can the system be easily 4.14 Exceed Expectation

recognized by users as an
appropriate product or
system to solve their

Can the system be learnt 4.08 Exceed Expectation

more easily? 

Can the system be easily 4.04 Exceed Expectation

operated and controlled? 

Does the system protect 3.98 Exceed Expectation

users against making

Does the system user 4.18 Exceed Expectation

interface look pleasant and

Can the system be 4.18 Exceed Expectation

accessed by specified
users under specified

Can the system provide 4.1 Exceed Expectation

basic operational
instructions and hints to its
users when in operation? 

Performance Efficiency 3.98 Exceed Expectation

Can the system response 4.1 Exceed Expectation

and process events

Can the system utilize 3.92 Exceed Expectation

information resources
Do the system parameters
meet their system

Can the system utilize 3.94 Exceed Expectation

information resources
Do the system parameters
meet their system

Security 3.94 Exceed Expectation

Can the system ensure 3.78 Exceed Expectation

that information resources
are accessible only to
those authorized to have

Does the system prevent 3.98 Exceed Expectation

unauthorized access to
information resources or
modification of data? 

Can the system uniquely 3.94 Exceed Expectation

trace or account for an
action or event of an

Can the system be used to 3.94 Exceed Expectation

identify its users and

Does the system preserve 4.1 Exceed Expectation

and protect its past records
for future references? 

Overall 3.92 Exceed Expectation

Table 6.25 Shows the 31 respondents of Patient, 10 Health Staff (Doctor, Nurse,
and Admin), 1 CCIS Professor , and 8 I.T Professional rated the Functional
Suitability as 4.17 they have Exceed Expectation. From Reliability the weighted
mean of that is 4.25 and that is Exceed Expectation. The weighted mean of Usability
is 4.1 and that is an Exceed Expectation. The Second to the last is Performance
Efficiency and it has a 3.98 weighted mean. Then the last is Security the weighted
mean of this is 3.94 so the overall of this is 3.92.
Figure 6.25 Weighted Mean of Respondents
Figure 6.25 shows the Evaluation report of the Weighted Mean for the system. The
Highest Weighted Mean is the Reliability that has 4.25 and the Lowest Weighted Mean
is Security that has 3.94 and the rest is 4.17 Functional Suitability, 4.1 Usability and the
last one is Performance Efficiency
A. User Stories
B. Project Calendar
C. Project Journal
D. System Monitoring Form

Group Name: QUAD- TEK  

Name of System: Quintin De Borja Health Center
Appointment System 
Bindoy, Christ Ernest  
Caldo, Alvin  
Mendoza, Elijah James  

Source Data: User Stories Document

User Stories Last Update: May 2, 2023 
User Feature/Epic   Total No. of No. of user Percent
Type   User  stories  Complet
stories  completed e 

Patient  Create Account   1   1   100% 

Login   2   2   100% 

User Manager   3   3   100% 

Schedule  2   2   100% 
Booking Module  
Announcement, 1   1   100% 
and Events  
Patient Manager   1   1   100% 
Admin  Registration   2   2   100% 
Login   1  1   100% 
1   1   100% 
Schedule  2   2   100% 
Booking Module  
Content Manager 1 1 100%

Patient Manager   2   2   100% 

Doctor   Login   1   1  100% 

Account Manager   1   1  100%

Schedule  3   3   
Appointments/   100% 
Booking Module  
News, 1 1 100%
and Events  

Patient Manager   1   1  100% 

Nurse Login 1   1   100% 

Schedule 3   3   100% 

Booking Module
News, 1 1 100%
and Events  
1   1   100% 

Patient Manager 1   1   100% 

Total User Stories   33

Completed User   33
Percent Complete    100% 
(System)  as of April
10, 2023 
 Percentage =No. of completed U.S. / Total No. of U.S. x 100  Note:  
● To qualify for Midterm Defense you need 85% to 90% completion
rate (system). 
●  To qualify for Final Defense you need 100% completion rate
(system) with user acceptance  evaluation.  
● This form must be submitted weekly in PDF format in our TBL
along with the User Stories.  (Project Manager will upload)  

Certified true and correct:

Elijah James Mendoza   

Project Manager/Group Leader


Quintin De Borja Health Center

E. Revision Checklist
Team Name: QUAD-TEK Date of Defense: 12/15/22
Members: Role:

Approved Topic / Project: Quintin De Borja Health Center Appointment


Panel Comments / Suggestions:

• Revisions on the User Stories

• Add more User Stories
• Upload Makati Yellow Card Instead of Numbers and Lab Records
• Add user Stories For F2F and E-Consult
• Previous Record Should be in Tabular Form
• Fix Timestamp should be GMTt8 in Live Chats
• News, Announcement and Events should be combine
• Add a Forget Password
• Must know the differences between a Doctor and Nurse and what they must do on the system
• Should have one edit button in editing the Personal Information
• The previous consultation should be in tabular form in viewing
• Create one login for all Users

As a Patient Page:

• Use on screen notification instead of Modal in Scheduling Face to Face and EConsultation.
• Can view the the patient’s present and previous consultation.
• Fix the timestamp and include Uploading of Results in Live Chat.
• Revisions on the User Stories As an Admin Page:

• Suspend the account of the Patient if 150 days deactivate. If 2 years deactivate remove the
• Admin can view the schedule and approved schedule of the patient.
• Admin can edit the personal information of the Doctor.
• Revisions on the User Stories As a Doctor Page:

• A Doctor can cancel a Face to Face appointment of the patient.

• Revisions on the User Stories As a Nurse Page:

• A Nurse will record the vital signs and patients complain and endorse it to the Doctor
• Revisions on the User Stories

- Scheduling Face to Face Appointment & E-Consult
- Content Manager
- Live Chat
- Queueing Generation
- Report Sales
- Account Manager - Patient Manager

Other Suggestion/s: *Font

- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Arial

Panelled by:

Prof. Era Marie Ganaban

Mr. Jay Ar Grate

Rommel Dorin
F. Project Proposal Form

System Development Proposal Form

Proposal No.: 1

Name of Quintin De Borja Health Center Appointment System

Reference Idea

✔ Web Application □ Mobile App □ Desktop

General The objective of this proposal is to help patients scheduled an
appointment for check-ups, pharmaceuticals and health
services in .Also to help doctors and experts to communicate
Objective of
with their patients.
Programming language: PHP, Javascript
Database: MySQL
Technology used
Other needed hardware devices: Laptop, PC
API: __________________________________

🗹 There is an existing similar application

If YES, give the name of the similar software

□Proprietary ✔Open Source/Free

system/applicatio What is the main difference of this proposed system with
n the existing one?
or ● The difference of our proposed system to others are
not only users can book schedule for clinic
customized/ appointments, patients and doctors can also
generic communicate for more details about consultations.

Features Quintin De healthsite.

Borja com
t System
Schedule ✔ ✔ ✔
Face to
Manager ✔
Manager ✔
Manager ✔

1. Schedule Face to Face Appointments/ / e-consult

● Allows the Patients can schedule an E-consult and Face
to face appointments to the Health Care Center .
Doctors/ Nurses can view the Consultation of the patient
and the Doctor will approve the patients Face to Face
2. Content Management
● Patients can see the latest News, Announcement and
function/features Events of the Health Center
of the system 3. Account Manager

● This shows the profile of the Doctor, Nurses, and

patient and they can also edit their profile
4. Patient Manager
● This shows the present and pass consultation and
appointment of the patient

User User Type Description and Activities

Patie Schedule appointment, Feedback, insert
nts suggestions
Admi Is an "Administrator" of this system. This
n user type has full access to all areas of the
management system, including the ability to
add, edit, and delete users.
Docto Answering FAQs, Customer Service, Email
rs confirmation of booking/appointment,
Record the Prescription
Nurse Answering FAQs, Customer Service, Email
s confirmation of booking/appointment,
Records the Vital Signs of the Patient

G. Turnitin Certification
H. Endorsement for Final Defense
I. Acceptance Form of Technical Adviser
J. Client’s Transcript
K. Client’s Reply Letter
March 15, 2023
Elijah James Mendoza
Project Leader
QUAD-TEK, University of Makati

Dear Mr. Mendoza,

I am writing this letter in response to your request to implement a data gathering
for your E- Consult System that you have developed in Quintin De Borja Health Center.
We have received your letter, as well as the E-Consult System that you have
presented in our Health Center. However, We are really happy with your System about
E-Consult and We would like to accommodate your request to do a data gathering here
in Quintin De Borja Health Center. We are hoping to make your System great and

We thank you for your time, and understanding.

Very Truly Yours,


Municipal Health Officer
Noted by:


L. User Acceptance Evaluation Form/ Survey Questionnaire

M. Resume of Member

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