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Volume: 8
Pages: 198-203
Document ID: 2023PEMJ640
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7819727
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-10-4
Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 198-203, Document ID:2023 PEMJ640, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7819727, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Leadership Practices of a Global Leader: A Contextual Inquiry

Marnel M. Bullo*, Joey V. Pardeño, Analyn F. Cuyos, Aldwin A. Celon,
Sabrina Irenea, Aiza B. Abalo, Renee A. Lamela
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Leaders perform a crucial role in the success of any organization or department, and their decisions can make or
unmake the goals of the organization they are leading. Thus, this narrative research aims to gather and compare best
practices based on various theories and leadership styles applicable in many contexts around the globe. Based on the
findings of the study, five conclusions emerged from the findings of this study on the contextual inquiry of
leadership practices of a global leader. The evidence for these conclusions came straight from one participant's
replies regarding her leadership experiences, trainings, obstacles, and workplace practices in a global setting. First
and foremost, a good leader must be a visionary leader who can influence the future. Second, because of the
leadership styles and theories used in decision-making, a global leader need experience, training, and qualifications
in order to effectively handle the challenges or problems that an international school face. Third, a good global
leader should recognize and respect her subordinates, weighing their contributions through adequate listening,
communication, and documentation in order to attain objectives. Fourth, being an educational leader who can
positively impact or perform leadership tasks is determined by leadership style on a case-by-case basis. The leader's
decision is based on the circumstances. Fifth, to effectively manage the organization, strong leadership begins with
humility, hard work, and a goal-oriented mindset. These pertinent details on global leadership practices, styles,
skills, and principles will serve as a road map for aspiring leaders to handle real-life problems and become effective
leaders in the workplace.

Keywords: narrative research, leadership practices, global leader, contextual inquiry,

contemporary practices

Introduction has strong leadership skills should also be in

possession of certain characteristics, such as, passion,
consistency, trust, vision; for only leaders who own
Leaders perform crucial role in the success of any these characteristics are able to build trust in
organization or department, their decisions can make employees.
or unmake the goals of the organization they are
leading. In the absence of effective leadership, no As aspiring leaders, the El 311 students conducts
organization can work efficiently. Leadership appears virtual interview to learn more on how global leaders
to be a critical determinant of organizational perform their significant roles along the school’s
effectiveness (Huczynski, 1993). vision and philosophy that the leader adhere, their
experiences as global leader, the challenges they
Leadership is the potential of a person in the encounter and how they addressed it, how the leader
developing process of motivating the others to cope up with the changes of various aspect in
collaborate or to be satisfied with work practice, and leadership, the different leadership styles employed
implement activities in lieu to a specified plan and and the strength and weaknesses of the leader in the
objective (Pattanarangsan, 2001). Leadership, by global context. This activity gives them a wider
nature, is the process of influencing the group under concept with regards to leadership practices that can be
appropriate situation and duration in order to stimulate utilized as they face the world of leadership.
the personnel in using their willing attempt to achieve
their organizational objective (Sanguanwongwan, Research Objectives
2003). It could be seen that leadership would lead to a
valuable benefit for a group and organization. Being a The overall goal of this narrative research is to gather
leader means an art of influencing other people so that and compare best practices based on various theories
those people have their confidence towards the leader, and leadership styles that are applicable in many
respect and collaborate with him with sincerity. contexts around the globe, specifically:

According to Jackson and Parry (2008), leadership is a 1. Identify exceptional educational global leader who
process where leaders use their skills and knowledge can share their experiences and journeys in various
to lead and bring a group of employees in the desired management and leadership styles;
direction that is relevant to their organization’s goals 2. Develop sense of understanding on leadership
and objectives. Additionally, an effective leader that principles, challenges, skills and practices of a global

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Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 198-203, Document ID:2023 PEMJ640, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7819727, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of events from one or more people.

leader; and
3. Provide a road map from many ideas and Despite the fact that there are numerous narrative
contemporary practices of global leader that future styles, their various aspects can be blended (Creswell,
leaders might adopt in the workplace. 2013), and this combination can encompass an
individual's complete life or specific life events
(Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998). This
Methodology research used biographical approach to collect and
document own experiences and practices of a global
Through a contextual investigation, this study tries to
investigate and comprehend a global leader's Sampling Method
leadership practices and experiences. To document
these habits and experiences, this study used a Purposive sampling was the most appropriate choice
qualitative research approach and narrative research. for the selection of the participants in this study
Furthermore, qualitative research was conducted to leadership practices of global leader in a contextual
allow researchers to investigate the phenomena from inquiry. Furthermore, in qualitative research, the
the perspective of an individual's own leadership sample is usually tailored to the research's needs and
practices as a global leader in various contexts and the phenomenon under investigation, since it allows
circumstances. According to Bhandari (2020), researchers to establish underlying assumptions about
qualitative research “seeks to study things in their the setting in which participants live and choose
natural surroundings in order to understand a research samples based on inclusion criteria
phenomenon in terms of the meaning humans assign to (Crossman, 2020). For this research study one (1)
it." This is why the researchers chose this research global leader was being interviewed about her
design because the study's goal is to bring out the experiences and practices as a global leader.
respondent's natural and actual practices as a global
leader. The researchers try to comprehend and make Instrumentation
sense of events from the participant's point of view
(Merriam, 2002). The study is interpretive and The researchers employed a structured interview
descriptive in character because it tries to analyze and questionnaire to collect the responses from the
describe the experiences and behaviors of global respondent. In this study, the major goal of employing
leader. As a result, for this research, a qualitative an interview questionnaire is to "understand the
research strategy is applicable. Moreover, narrative significance of what the interviewees say" (McNmara,
study is used in educational research to investigate an 2009). To bring out the respondent's leadership
individual's experiences and narrative style was ideal practices as a global leader, the researchers create their
for this study since it allowed the researchers to dig own open-ended questions "to give participants
deeper into their own personal experiences as global additional possibilities for answering" (Creswell,
leader. 2012).

Narrative research entails a number of steps, including Data Analysis

gathering information through interviewing people and
recording their stories, reporting on their experiences, Thematic analysis is a "technique for analyzing
and summarizing the relevance of those experiences in qualitative data that comprises searching across a data
a chronological order (Creswell, 2013). There are set to locate, interpret, and report repeating patterns"
many different ways to tell a story. The most well- that is utilized in this study (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
known methods are briefly discussed below. Thematic data analysis is a method that describe data
a. A biographical approach is a narrative study in and offer easy interpretation in the process of choosing
which the researcher writes and documents the codes and constructing themes (Aronson, 1995).
experiences of persons throughout their lives.
b. An autoethnography approach involves the study
subject writing or recording her own experiences.
Results and Discussion
c. A life history method looks at a person's entire life
as a series of events. Vision/Philosophy
d. An oral history approach collects personal accounts
Q.1. Tell us about your school, the school’s vision,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 198-203, Document ID:2023 PEMJ640, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7819727, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and what techniques are you employing to attain it credible and qualified to be considered as a productive
especially during this time of pandemic? and effective leader. Such is proven through the
participant’s response: “With my experience, I earned
The respondent was able to convey a theme of my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at St. Paul’s
preparation through blended learning armed with its College in Quezon City. I started teaching in sixth
vision vis a vis the diversity at hand, following the grader in elementary school after graduation. Then I
question. This is with the noted response such transferred as corporate officer in private
as: “Our vision is to prepare a diverse body of multinational company. And I moved to Thailand and
students to be in college, career and globally prepared
teach in Nursing in a prestigious university as
and ready… We use/employ blended online learning.
Professor after that I was assigned in Malaysia,
90% do prefer in person or face to face classes”
Singapore and then travelled to teach and speak and
According to Hernandez et al. (2021), there is a certain came to USA and earned my Masters and do have
commonality amongst Colorado education wherein trainings in leadership and policies and become an
students are indeed honed towards the levels of ESL Director in 12 different schools. For professional
education and onwards. This is true as academic growth I’m currently a Harvard law school student
excellence and continuance is noted of great aside from being the President of Colorado Global
significance. Schools.” Lumen Learning (n.d.) supports this finding
as an indicator of a productive and effective leader in
Q.2. Tell us about the school’s Mission and general as the author mentioned that such a leader
Philosophy. should essentially be competent enough to lead in any
given organization.
The overarching theme that emerged through the
response of the participant is “holistic”. The mission Q.2. What were the most critical difficulties you
and philosophy of the school is noted to be well- have encountered as an educational leader? What
rounded with the response as the following: “Our strategies did you use to deal with these difficulties?
School Philosophy: A- Academic Excellence; B- Best
educational atmosphere of environment; and C- When asked about such a question, the respondent did
Culturally diverse community.” To note, such a not fail to elaborate on the difficulties that were
finding is backed up by Colorado Global School common to her background or difficulties that were
(2021) in their website. common in general. The following is the partial and
concise feedback of the respondent: “1. Teachers and
Q.3. What are the guiding principles of the school? staff evaluation (Human Resource); 2. Financial or
budgeting challenge; and 3. Time challenge”
The major theme that emerged from data is the term
“quality”. The school is centered upon delivering Wolking (2017) supported this finding in his research
quality service and education, following other factors, entitled “6 Critical Issues in Educational Leadership
to its students as a part of its principles. The following and How to Address Them” with leadership
is the response of the respondent: “The guiding development challenge and maintenance challenge as
principle of the school is to value quality, understand the most relevant results. The leadership development
and effectively teach students and create an can be synonymous to the first point as it deals with
atmosphere that encourage achievement and the untapped potential of the human resource
inclusivity.” To note, such a finding is backed up by population, while the maintenance challenge is evident
Colorado Global School (2021) in their website. on the last two points.

Experience as a Leader Q.3. What leadership theories do you apply to be

able to attain your academic goals and objectives?
Q.1. What are your qualifications, trainings and
experiences that have prepared you to be a The respondent made it clear that she draws from the
productive and effective leader in your transformational theory in leadership. This is also
o rga nizatio n? relevant in the attainment of academic goals and
objectives. The following is the exact statement of the
Upon the assessment of the participant’s response, the respondent: “I’m a transformational leader. I believe
surfacing theme is that the respondent is indeed that transforming leader is a process of which leader

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Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 198-203, Document ID:2023 PEMJ640, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7819727, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and followers have each other to advance to a higher them because they are experienced educational
level of morale and motivation. I am enthusiastic and leaders as well.; and 2. I registered and amend the
passionate. With my passion and positive attitude, I name of school. I always listen, communicate,
gain my goals and objectives. I have a clear vision that understand and document. So far, the result is good it
I am able to articulate, I’m a visionary leader not only is aligned now as per international standard.”
on my career but also in personal life.” Cherry (2020)
gives a supplemental background on the phenomenon Context is always important, especially in the talks
by stating that transformational leadership necessitated regarding the leadership practices of a global leader.
one to have a vivid vision of the relevant goals, Therefore, reaching for inclusive education is an
passion for the work, and the capacity to be a source of indicator of great leadership, as it’s part of the
energy and refreshment for the group. objective of the organization. As the organization
provides a better quality of education (Open Society
Challenges Encountered and How they were Foundation, 2019), it signifies that the leader is also
Addressed effective in fulfilling her role.

Q.1.Describe an instance when you had to deal with Q.2. Describe a professional decision you wish you
unmotivated or challenging employees. How did could go back and change.
you get them to change their minds or modify their
The response of the respondent on this specific
question is parallel and relevant to the challenge that
When talking about dealing with challenging she faced being a leader, specifically on human
employees, the respondent was keen upon conveying resource. Objective hiring is the main concern of the
that there is an overwhelming need to confront respondent as a culture of patronage can be evident in
complacency in their workplace. She states the the organization. “The professional decision I wish I
following: “The challenging employees in our could go back and change is being lenient in hiring
organizations are those teachers who are late on their teachers and staff. We do have teachers and staff who
submission, absenteeism or some are even missing in are my former classmates, my friends, my former
action… This year I encountered one teacher and one colleagues, relatives and of course because of that
staff from the Philippines they were about missing in level of relationship they would take advantage. If I
action for about 3 weeks. So, with that kind of could go back, I want to have it stricter in selecting
behavior we do have policies and rules.” Umoh teachers and staff with respect to their qualifications,
(2018) supplements this finding by providing a experience and competence.” Furthermore, hiring the
background of what a problem employee is. In her right employees is essential with regards to the course
research, a problem employee renders poor job of the organization. This is true as employees are the
performance. Following this, there is an affirmation backbone of the organization (Balance Point Team,
that this should not be left uncheck either by the leader 2016).
or the employee.
Leadership Style
Q.1. What qualities do you consider are the most
Q.1. Describe a situation in which you had to bring significant for a leader?
about change in your school. What steps did you
take to achieve your goal? What methods did you The respondent was keen upon answering the
use to achieve alignment? What was the final afo rem en tion ed qu estion with the theme
result? “successful/effective”. This is to emphasize that the
qualities she considers most important for a leader is
As is common to the given organization, inclusiveness being effective in what he/she does. The following
is a priority. In order to maintain its reputation, the underlies what the term “effective” entails” “Passion,
respondent had to take steps towards inclusiveness by courage, inspiration and with vision. Be inspirational
consulting the hierarchical chain and taking practical and be truthful and be the best. Successful school
steps as mentioned by the respondent: “1. I consulted leaders have great vision and ability to shape
my board members and majority suggested to change tomorrow. Effective leader is willing to take risk to
the name of the school- I always respect and valued reach goals of improvement. Successful leader is also

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Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 198-203, Document ID:2023 PEMJ640, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7819727, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

passionate about teaching and learning and the attainment of the school vision, two themes stood
commitment not only to the students, staff, teachers, out: humility and hardwork. Campbell (2017) supports
community but also to the world.” Ng (2018) this and claims that humility is the integral ingredient
supplements the discussion by mentioning that towards extraordinary leadership, while hard work was
effective leadership is very essential because the rest claimed by (Plenge, 2021) as one of the traits for
of the business resource relies on it in order to be successful leadership. The following is the direct
effective also. response of the respondent: “1. Humility- I believe all
good things start with humility. With humility you have
Q.2. As far as your experience is concerned, what is that guidance, that confidence so that you will able to
the best way to describe your leadership style? How attend your goal and vision.; and 2. Hard work and
has it been put to the test, and in what scenarios? always focus your goals and always remember to have
a worthwhile legacy to be remembered.”
The best way to describe the leadership of the
respondent, according to her, is anchored upon a case-
to-case basis. This also entails that the solution for Conclusion
different problems is highly contextualized. The exact
response is as follows: “My leadership style depends
Five conclusions emerged from the findings of this
on the situation or problem I have encountered. Many
study on the contextual inquiry of leadership practices
times, it was put in test however, all were overcome
of a global leader. The evidence for these conclusions
and have been resolved in many ways.” Such a finding came straight from one participant's replies regarding
draws upon the phenomenon of contextual leadership her leadership experiences, trainings, obstacles, and
which stems from the capacity to comprehend an ever- workplace practices in a global setting. First and
changing environment and to work with such evolving foremost, a good leader must be a visionary leader
trends (Novak, n.d.). who can influence the future. Second, because of the
leadership styles and theories used in decision-making,
Leadership Strengths, Weaknesses, and Advice a global leader need experiences, training, and
qualifications in order to effectively handle challenges
Q.1. What are your leadership strengths and or problems that an international school face. Third, a
shortcomings, and what have you done to good global leader should recognize and respect her
strengthen your flaws? subordinates, weighing their contributions through
adequate listening, communication, and documentation
To answer this question, the respondent was able to in order to attain objectives. Fourth, being an
identify that her strength is being a risk taker, while educational leader who can have a positive impact or
her shortcoming is being permissive. This can be perform leadership tasks is determined by leadership
drawn back to the phenomenon of her being a style on a case-by-case basis, and the leader's decision
transformational leader as there is an obvious is based on the circumstances. Fifth, in order to be
connection. Being people centered also denotes that effective in managing the organization, strong
she would be inclined to draw support from people in leadership begins with humility, hard work, and a
order to cope. Furthermore, Estyn (2018) affirms this goal-oriented mindset. These pertinent details on
practice in the field of education. Her direct response global leadership practices, styles, skills, and
to the question is as follows: “My strength is being principles will serve as a road map for aspiring leaders
courageous, in making decision I’m courageous and to grasp how to handle real-life problems and on how
I’m willing to take risk. My shortcoming and flaw I’m to become an effective leader in the workplace.
too sweet and generous and people would take
advantage. To strengthen my flaws, I have directors References
and school board members to support me.”
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Research Article

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