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1. Who has the locus to initiate the accident claim ? 2. What was the type of the insurance ?

Encik Luqman's Case

(2023/1/12 00:44)
Have to check on the cover note of Encik Arumugam's
Nope, since the process of changing name at the JPJ had not it does cover to the Damage to your vehicle due to accident
been done yet a. if comprehensive cover ( 1st Part Policy )
Encik Luqman?
1. if initiate claim against the insurance company, the NCD ( No
effect ? Claims discount ) will become zero
2. Later, insurer have to pay a higher price of insurance without
Encik Arumugam ? b. Third party (3rd Party Policy) the discount since it has been used for the claims
Yes, since Encik Arumugan is the insured and the registered
owner of the car. 3. Who can initiate the claim since not the registered
owner of the car who meet with accident ? what it means ? 1. if we have accident with other parties and the other parties
who are at fault, we can claim on the other parties insurance
it does not cover your own car damages but only to the other and it does not effect our own NCD
parties' property
have to check on the car insurance policy
Cannot, since Encik Luqman does not have exchange the
informations with the other parties and does not have any
If it was 1st Party Policy( Comprehensive )
2. Whether we can proceed with this Third party insurance ? information regarding the other parties car

is there any possibilities to get that required information ?

next step, check whether it was for 'All Driver' or 'Named Driver' Nope, unless Encik Luqman has the registered number of the
? other parties' car. Then a proper research could be conducted.

1. If All driver, no problem, Encik Arumugam still can proceed

with the claim since the insurance policy provide that anyone
who had been authorized to drive that car, the owner of the
car still can proceed with own claims.

2. If Named driver, can proceed with initiate claim if the person

who met with accident is registered under 'Named driver'
p/s: How to registered name driver ?
actually it can be done at purchasing the insurance policy and
have to pay RM 10 for the third name driver and so forth since
the first two name driver is free of charge

3. If the person were not under 'Named Driver'. Actually the

owner of the car still can proceed with the claim but the owner
of car have to pay for the compulsory excess which amounting
of RM400, only then you can proceed with claims. Therefore,
it is advisable to take all driver coverage since the beginning
as it will only cost you RM 20 to get all driver coverage.

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