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1. How did you come out as a member of the lgbtqia+?

> “It just happened. I mean, I really just don’t know how it really happen hahaha! One day, I just
love everything around me and enjoy living as me.”


[Life has full of surprises, sometimes things just happen so suddenly, where changes that you did
not expect and just deal with it because it makes you happy. Happiness means freedom, and
happiness would lead you to the right path regardless of the hindrances. Do not be afraid and
just be confident and show them who you are. Their opinion does not matter, as long as you're
happy and you think you are being true to yourself, then go for it.]

2. How did you tell it out to your parents?

> “I grew up not in the arms of my father because he passed away when I was still 5 years old.
There is really no confession that happened with me and my mama regarding my gender because
I don’t have the guts to tell her and open up that kind of topic until she died. But I think she
already knew that I am gay even if I we never had conversation regarding that matter, I could
also really feel that she cares and supports me no matter what I am.”


[It is truly inspiring and heartwarming how a parent recognizes the true identity of their child
without even telling them. But not all parents are open with that, especially on fathers that would
think their child as a disappointment for being gay. Every child has the freedom to choose what
they want to become, and parents are should always be their back upping child as they grow and
nurture the things they want in life. It is not easy coming out to your parents, but it is your only
way to express who you are without hiding. You can't keep secrets from your mother because
they you and the one who carries you from fetus to adult.

3. What are the struggles you have encountered as a member of the community?

> “Living today with the kind of society we have is no longer difficult to deal with. Maybe
because I now have a wider understanding and already know how to properly move/act and
behave especially in public places.”

[In today's world, judgment is everywhere. But more people are now open-minded about this
community, unlike before. There are a lot of movements already regarding fair treatments for
every gender so it's not that difficult anymore to come out. The only thing we can say is that it is
crucial to not pay attention to what other people think. Every one of us follows a different path
in life, but I believe that to be content and whole, it is most important to be with oneself.]

4. How do you manage your relationships?

> “Love in this generation is really difficult to find. Trusting and loving someone is traumatizing
because cheating is probably a norm nowadays. I’m more focus on my growth and career as an
individual right now rather than finding someone to have a romantic relationship with.”


[Nowadays, especially among youngsters, people solely desire love. We agree with Mr. Bael
since we can see that most people are not prepared to commit to a relationship. Sometimes in
relationships, you get cheated on, or neither of you are ready because you are worried about the
consequences or entering a relationship that is not serious. It is very difficult to trust someone
today. I recently came to the realization that finding happiness should be the priority; love can
wait. Decide on your happiness and live life to the utmost.]

5. How do you excel in your job when you are considered as member of lgbtqia+? does it
affect your job in any way?

> “It helped me a lot most of the time especially when dealing with different patients in the
hospital when having a duty.”


[Being a member of the lgbtqia+ is not a hindrance to anyone's career. In fact, it could help. A
lot of members in this community are creative and creates more ideas compare to others. Most
possess a lot of talents and have a good mindset and are very outgoing people. So whatever
gender a person has, have nothing to with their jobs.]

6. What are some tips that you could give to those who are in there closet yet and are
struggling to come out?
> "Everything takes time. Get to know more about yourself first and build a strong foundation
within you until then you decide to come out, with that nothing will shake you no matter how
huge the problems you will be facing in the future."


[The experiences of others can be empowering and provide a sense of belonging. Coming out
can be emotionally challenging, so it is important to prioritize self-care, surround yourself with
positive influences, engage yourself in activities that bring you joy, and seek professional help if
needed. Remember that your mental health and emotional well-being should always come first.
It is a personal journey that requires time, self-acceptance, and self-growth are essential
components to this journey. As being said, take time to explore your feelings, thoughts, and
desires. Reflect on your identity and what it means to you. This is an important point because
everyone's process of self-discovery and acceptance is unique, and it's important to respect and
honor that individual journey leading to a more fulfilling and confident life as their true selves.]

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