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Physics problems

Queston 19

Using values from Table 8.1, how many DNA molecules could be broken by the energy carried by a single
electron in the beam of an old-fashioned TV tube? (These electrons were not dangerous in themselves,
but they did create dangerous X-rays. Later-model tube TVs had shielding that absorbed X-rays before
they escaped and exposed viewers.)

Object/phenomenon Energy in joules

Bing Bang 10
Annual world energy use 4.0 × 10 20
Large fusion bomb (9 megaton) 3.8 ×1 0
Hiroshima-size fission bomb (10 kiloton) 4. 2 ×1 0
1 barrel crude oil 5.9 ×1 0
1 metric ton TNT 4. 2 ×1 0
1 gallon of gasoline 1.2 ×1 0
Daily adult food intake (recommended) 1.2 ×1 07
1000-kg car at 90 km/h 3.1 ×1 0
Tennis ball at 100 km/h 22
mosquito 1. 3× 1 0
Single electron in a TV tube beam 4.0 × 10
Energy to break one DNA strand 10

The number of DNA molecules that could be broken down is given as:

E elec
Eelec is the energy of a single electron while E DNA is the energy that is required to break one DNA
4.0 ×1 0 J
n= −19
10 J
n=4.0 ×1 0 Molecules

Question 25

A force F ( x )=(−5.0 x2 +7.0 x) N acts on a particle. How much work does the force do on the particle
as it moves from x=2.0 m to x=5.0 m?
Work done by a variable force is given as:
w=∫ F ( x ) dx

X1 and x2 are the initial and final points and F(x) is the variable force

Given: F ( x )=(−5.0 x2 +7.0 x)

X1=2.0 m and x2= 5.0 m

5.0 m
w= ∫ (−5.0 x +7.0 x )dx

2.0 m

w=−5.0 ¿

w=−5.0 [ 53 23
] 52 22
− +7.0 [ − ]
3 3 2 2

w=−5.0 ( 125−8
3 ) +7.0 (

w=−120 J
Question 31

A boy throws a ball of mass 0.25 kg straight upward with an initial speed of 20 m/s. when the ball
returns to the boy, its speed is 17 m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its

When the boy throws the ball in the sky and it returns back to him, then the forces acting on it during its
flight are a force of air resistance and the force of gravity

Work done by gravitational force is 0 J.

Work done on the ball is of the force of air resistance only.

Applying the work-energy theorem:

W g +W a=K E f − K E i

Where W a is the work of force of air resistance and W g is the work of force of gravity, KE is the kinetic
energy of the ball
KE= M v 2
For the final kinetic energy:
K Ef = ×0.25 kg × ¿
K Ef =36.125 J

For the initial kinetic energy:

K Ei= × 0.25 kg ׿
K Ef =50 J

W a =K Ef −K Ei

W a =36.125 J −50 J

W a =13.875 J

W a =−14 J

The negative sign is because air resistance acts in the opposite direction

Therefore, work done, W a =14 J

Question 45

A mysterious constant force of 10 N acts horizontally on everything. The direction of the force is found
to be always pointed toward a wall in a big hall. Find the potential energy of a particle due to this force
when it is at a distance x from the wall, assuming the potential energy at the wall to be zero.


Potential energy of a body is due to position of the body or changed configuration

The general formula of potential energy is:

F is the force acting towards the ball, is the change in potential energy over a distance x from the

Rearranging the terms:

dU =−Fdx
Integrate both sides:

∫ dU =∫−Fdx
U =−Fx+C
Where C is the constant of integration

Substitute 0 for x and 0 for U in the above equation:

Substitute 0 for c in the equation:

U =−Fx
Substitute -10 N for F

U =10 x J
Therefore, the potential energy is 10 x J with x-axis pointed away from the wall and origin at the wall

Question 53

In the reality television show “Amazing race,” a contestant is firing 12-kg watermelons from a slingshot
to hit targets down the field. The slingshot is pulled back 1.5 m and the watermelon is considered to be
at ground level. the launch point is 0.3 m from the ground and the targets are 10 m horizontally away.
Calculate the spring constant of the slingshot


When the watermelon is fired, it moves in a parabolic path

The vertical distance expression in projectile motion is:

y= g t 2+ v 0 t+ y 0
The initial height of watermelon is 0.3 m

For the vertical displacement of the watermelon:

0.3 m=0+ × 9.8 t 2
Where 0.3 m is the initial height, 9.8 is g, while 0 is the initial vertical velocity

t=0.2475 sec
For the horizontal distance:

∆ d x =v ∆t
10 m=v × 0.2475 sec
v=40.4 (initial horizontal velocity)
Spring potential energy of the slingshot= kinetic energy of the watermelon

1 2 1
k x = m v2
2 2
Where x=1.5 m, m= 12 kg and v=40.4 m/s

The ½ in both sides of the equation cancels out, and the equation becomes:

k (1.5)2=12¿
Solving the above equation for k:

k =12 ¿¿
k =8700

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