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The Girl in the Tower

By 58cartoon

Submitted: May 12, 2013

Updated: August 7, 2013

Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite discovers the joys of sex. And stuff.

Provided by Hentai Foundry.

Chapter 1 - Alone in the Tower 2

Chapter 2 - Free at Last! 7
Chapter 3 - Down in Finkton 13
1 - Alone in the Tower

Author's notes: I like a good setup, I think it's what really makes the story. But if you're just here for the
smut, skip to the middle/bottom. Might be left without setup, but... you've been warned!
Yes, that IS a very modern book for the time period. Smut reality doesn't care and neither should you.
I don't feel like writing Elizabeth's hymen tearing, so we're going to go with “women in her universe don't
have them.” Or some such weak plot point. Sorry, but I'm not much for that sort of thing. Personal
The story editor on here is horrendous. This is an important enough point that I felt the need to write it
Bioshock Infinite and related characters are NOT owned by me, but if they were, that'd be awesome. All
characters appearing in this story are over the age of consent, yadda yadda...


As usual, Elizabeth found herself bored. Songbird had disappeared again – it did that sometimes – and
hadn't brought her anything new to read in weeks. She practically had a library below her, but all she did
was read, and she'd been doing that since she was old enough to learn how. Besides, none of the books
in the room interested her. Nowadays, she was only interested in what was outside.

So she contented herself with staring out the window of her library, out into the city of Columbia with all
it's white, fluffy clouds and it's floating buildings. She stood and stared for hours, following the sun as it
rose, when finally, around noon, Songbird's distinctive cry could be heard echo through the empty air.
There was a set of bumps as it landed in the next room, and Elizabeth immediately ran to it. Maybe it
brought her something interesting!

It nuzzled her affectionately as she stood by, and opened it's hand to reveal a collection of books and
children toys, ranging from dictionaries (of which she had dozens) to fiction novels. “Thank you.”
Elizabeth told it affectionately. It gave one more cry, Elizabeth had her new things dumped into her
arms, and then it took off again, disappearing back into the sky.

Elizabeth turned with a resigned sigh and went back to her library, ready to count her things and put
them wherever they belonged. Her shelves were overflowing, but she'd find a place. The toys were
tossed to the side – she had no place for such things – and the books were shelved, but the last one,
she discovered, had something inside it, keeping it from closing properly.

Opening the book, a glass cylinder of some sort rolled out immediately, falling off the book only to be
caught by Elizabeth's deft hand before it hit the floor. Elizabeth examined it and was puzzled by it, and
slightly embarrassed. 12 inches of hard glass, tempered to look like a... penis?

She knew all about the male anatomy, of course, she had an entire shelf dedicated to biology and
several books on sex, but she couldn't fathom why someone would want to create a replica of a man's
privates. Maybe it was a trophy? For what? Puzzled, she set it aside. Maybe it was for some cultural
thing she'd never been allowed to learn about. Then she turned to the book, and was equally as

It was like nothing she'd ever read before, or at least, the pages she'd turned to were. It was fiction,
obviously, but the descriptors... she blushed and looked away, but had to turn back only a moment later.
The book was describing... intercourse? Flipping through the pages, she saw that the book seemed to
be dedicated to it. On almost every page, there was some different sexual encounter of an extremely
promiscuous woman. She couldn't even describe why it was embarrassing to her, it had always just
been a taboo subject in her limited interactions with Comstock, or Aunt Lutece. She couldn't imagine
why there would be a book written about it in this way, or why someone would want to own one.

Setting the two objects on a nearby table, she decided it was a mystery for later, and continued shelving
her other new acquisitions.


It was sunset, and Elizabeth was bored... again. She didn't want to read, and wasn't in the mood to
paint. She was watching the sunset, like she did almost every day. Soon, it would be time for a bath.
Then for bed. Then tomorrow, she'd repeat the cycle. Then again. And again. And again...

A thought kept nagging at the back of her mind. That book. Her mind kept drifting to it, and the object
that had gone with it. She'd picked it up several more times through the day, reading a different page
each time, and it confused her. The book was written from first person, and every time she read, she'd
forced herself to put it back down. She couldn't explain to herself why, but she kept imagining herself as
the woman in the book. It brought feelings she'd never even thought about before – her body got stiff,
her nipples got hard and sensitive, and her vagina (or as the book continually referred to it, a pussy or
sometimes cunt, which was much easier to say) got wet. She'd put the book down each time and gone
and re-researched sex, and each time it seemed as though the book had put her in a state of arousal
(again – the book seemed to call it “getting horny” for some reason). She'd been embarrassed for
herself at first (who got aroused by a book?) but by the end of the day, she'd started reading to bring the
feelings back. It felt good, in a way she'd never felt before – the stiffness of her body, the wetness
between her legs - especially her nipples, which poked and rubbed against her white shirt, sending bolts
of pleasure through her as they moved.

She wondered if that book was meant to do it, or if she was some sort of weirdo for reacting to it the way
she did. She did know what the glass penis was for, though. There were several scenes in the book
where the woman had used such a thing (the book called it a “dildo” - it was like a dictionary for dirty
words!) to pleasure herself, or another woman, an idea Elizabeth was still getting used to.
Homosexuality had barely been mentioned in any of her books, she wasn't even sure if it was practiced,
or if the book was some sort of contraband for mentioning it, or what. She had still been aroused by the
scenes, though, and had bookmarked a page of one of the more intense ones.

She had been tempted to try it – masturbating – but had been stopped by nagging doubts. Somehow,
she wanted proof that it was okay. She didn't want to hurt herself, or commit some social atrocity she'd
be regretting for the rest of her life if she ever got out of the damn tower. Finally, she arrived at a
conclusion. Tomorrow, she'd try and do something she hadn't done in months. She'd open a tear around
the book, look into it, and see what was happening. If she saw someone else doing it, well, maybe it was
With these thoughts in mind, she spent the rest of the evening in peace. Her bath was splendid. And
then she went to bed.


“Alright, Elizabeth, this is it!” She said to herself the next morning. Songbird had come and gone, but
she had hardly paid him any attention. She was too preoccupied with what she was about to do. The
book was in the middle of the library's floor in front of her. The glass dildo was sitting at her side, just in
case. She'd suffered from severe indecision at first, but then she'd read the book again. The arousal had
been so intense that she had to resist jamming the phallus straight up her skirt where she stood. It still
hadn't gone away. The anticipation had only heightened it, it seemed.

Bracing herself, Elizabeth sucked in her breath and began the process. There was rushing air, and a
wall of noise as the grayscale world began popping into view. Finally, with a boom, there it was. It was
her library, except... not her library. The books were arranged differently. There was a single leather
chair in the frame, empty. And there was the same glass dildo lying on the table next to it.

Elizabeth struggled, panting with the effort it took to hold the gateway open as it finally solidified. It was
boring – there was nothing there. The book was probably just on one of the shelves. She sighed in
disappointment, about to let the other reality disappear again, when a leg strutted into view. Elizabeth
was suddenly enthralled. It was bare, and was followed by the other leg as the woman stepped in front
of the tear. A well-formed butt appeared next. The woman was stark naked. She walked away from the
tear and sat down in the chair, and that was when Elizabeth realized.

It was her!

She was immensely excited – she'd never seen herself through another tear before. But what came next
excited her even more. The alter-Lizabeth let out a loud moan that could only be described as lustful,
before proceeding to play with herself. One hand went straight to her snatch, beginning to play with it
just like the book had described. The other went to her bare breast, fondling it and tugging on her
nipples as she moaned out in arousal.

Elizabeth wasted no time in copying the action. She had her shirt open and a hand down her skirt, her
fingers skirting her pussy and rubbing against the little nub of her clitoris, sending bolts of arousal up and
down her spine. Her other hand pulled at her hard nipples, pulling them away from her body. Her moans
coupled with the alter-Liz's, Elizabeth staring straight into the portal, getting off on watching her
counterpart play with herself.

As quick as a flash, the alter-Liz grabbed the dildo off the table and gave it a long, lusty lick, kissing the
tip. She had a wild smile on her face as she aligned it at her entrance, and in one move, plunged into her
pussy with a shout of ecstasy. Then she started moving it – in and out, each movement accompanied by
a moan, while Elizabeth tugged on her own breasts and fingered herself in time with the thrusts.

She could bear it no longer – an energy had built up inside her, something that needed to be released,
and she knew something amazing would happen once it did. She frigged herself harder as alter-Liz
continued to fuck herself with the dildo, until finally, the pair came as one. Elizabeth screamed in
absolute, mind-blanking pleasure, her thoughts flicking from one dirty action out of the book to the next.
For a moment, she imagined herself with all holes filled and pounded by strange men out in public. Then
in another, she had lunged through the tear like it wasn't even there and plunged her tongue into the
other Liz's pussy, tasting her own juices as the other Liz moaned...

The pleasure finally abated, subsiding with a few tense throbs of her privates, while across the tear, her
counterpart bit her lip, her face flushed, and started again...

Elizabeth withdrew her fingers from her pussy, and pulled them out of her skirt. They were sticky with
her own cum. Without thinking she stuck them into her mouth and sucked them clean, just like the book.
Delicious. Sweet and warm, like honey.

The other Elizabeth was still going at it, her eyes closed, biting her lip as she continued pushing the dildo
in and out of her sopping cunt. Elizabeth wasn't finished herself, either, and she wasted no time in
tearing off her own clothes, throwing them to the side, before laying back down on the floor and picking
up the dildo.

This is it. The main event. What I've come to try. She thought to herself. She positioned the phallus at
the entrance to her own still wet pussy, and with hardly a second glance at her clone, pushed it in.

She came immediately for a second time, in full force, enough to make the last orgasm feel like a match
in front of a forest fire. She could feel herself squirting everywhere while her other hand went back to her
breasts, tugging her nipples and pushing them around while she screamed lustfully. The dildo was like a
rod of pleasure inside of her, and the slightest movement triggered a plethora of amazing feelings.

Finally, she came down from her high, and the tower was quiet again. Liz was still pushing her own dildo
in and out, and her moans and panting were the only sound filling the tower. Elizabeth looked down at
her own device – it was barely a third of the way in!

Without reservation and an excited smile, she began to push, and she felt her pussy convulse around
the dildo as it entered. She felt amazing. It was awesome. The dildo filled a hole she didn't even know
she had, scratching an itch she didn't even know existed, but at that moment she knew that now that she
felt it's presence, she'd never be able to ignore it again. Finally, she stopped when the device was as
deep as she could force it to go. She had an inch left, enough to grasp with her hand, continuing to
fondle her tits with the other.

And then she did what the other Liz was doing. She started pumping, first all the way out, then all the
way back in, the emptiness causing her to gasp, then a moan of relief as she pushed it back in to the
hilt, then pulling it back out...

“Mmm...” she moaned to herself, loudly. She began to pant, just like her counterpart, moving in time
with her partner's strokes. Her imagination went to work again, this time she'd gone through the tear and
greeted her clone with a wet, deep kiss... their tongues danced with each other in their mouths, and she
shared the traces of her own juices. Then her hand went to her partner's pussy, and her partner's to
hers, and the two began pumping the toys in and out of each other as they continued their kiss...

“Oh GOD!” Elizabeth screamed in lust as she came, pumping herself at a feverish pace. Her partner
came again as well, and the two's screams became one for a moment as Elizabeth imagined all manner
of dirty things. Her clone was on the ground while she stood, sucking on her pussy as she came from
her tongue...

Finally coming down from the high. Elizabeth extracted the toy from her pussy and eyed it for a moment.
It was covered in her fluid. Then, looking past it, she saw that the other Liz was giving it a thorough
tongue-bath, running the length with long licks, and she did the same. It tasted phenomenal, like a
frozen treat that had been flavored to taste like herself.

Finally, her clone put the dildo down and sighed contentedly, staring at it a moment before standing up
and striding out of frame. I really do have an amazing body... Elizabeth thought to herself as she
watched her go. She allowed the tear to slide shut, and her book reappeared. Her thoughts were cast to
all of the things she hadn't yet tried.

She already loved her toy – she couldn't imagine how good having a cock inside her would feel. She
thought of all the things she'd have to try, once she got out of the tower – oral sex, maybe one of the
book's “gangbags...” just more reasons to want to leave. Maybe she'd try anal, if she felt brave enough.
She felt down past her pussy and rubbed a finger against her puckered backdoor before withdrawing it. I
don't even need to leave the tower for that... she thought to herself.

She stood up and retrieved her book, before sitting down and flipping to a random page. Fitting – two
women, together, eating each other out, in a position the book called “69.” Her clone might have
finished, but Elizabeth was far from it. She picked up the dildo again, and slid her hand back down
between her legs...
2 - Free at Last!

Author's note: This is based on a pair of pictures done by the ever-so-amazing Shadman that he
TOTALLY NEEDS TO DO MORE OF RIGHT NOW. I liked the setup so much that I had to do something
with it. It's actually one of the reasons I ended up writing this story at all, so go thank him for it. To add
onto that, I'm not sure how things like this work here, but Shad, if you're offended or have a problem with
me writing this, please let me know in a comment or on my page or something and I will take it down
ASAP, no questions asked.

Otherwise, thanks for the positive feedback on the first chapter. The rating, favorites and comments
really help me keep writing.

This chapter is in the same style as the last one, albeit with slightly less setup. Still, skip to the
middle/bottom if you only want smut. Also, despite the Booker x Elizabeth thing, I will NOT be tagging
this story as incest (spoilers, btw, whatever, you lose your right to them after the game's been out a
month.) It will NOT be mentioned directly, and I'm just as okay with you going with that whole alternate
reality thing like people tend to do when avoiding the topic. Up to your own discretion, best for me not to
take a stance on it, and I expect you all to keep your own interpretations to yourselves as well. Oh yes,
and I don't know what Elizabeth's hair-thing is actually called. Someone help me out on that and I'll fix it.
Lastly, all the disclaimers in the first chapter still apply, but to avoid a lawsuit: Bioshock and related
properties (as in everything here minus the story itself) are property of 2k Games and Irrational. I don't
own anything except this specific story, which is protected because it's a parody, or some such. I don't
even have to lie about everyone being over 18, because they are.



“Mr. Dewitt!” Elizabeth desperately pumped her savior's chest, until he finally coughed up a spout of
water and gasped for air. She sighed in relief. “I thought I'd lost you.” She smiled.

“I've been through worse.” Booker replied automatically. His mind was still fuzzy. He'd had one of those
weird dreams of his office again, except this one had Elizabeth in it...

“Music!” Elizabeth suddenly perked up. There was music playing somewhere nearby. She'd only ever
heard records of it, and what she could play herself. It sounded much better live. “C'mon Mr. Dewitt!”
She tugged at his hand, but he rolled over, trying to clear his head.

“Just... gimme a minute...”

She put on a smirk and tried to pull him up, and he told her to go without him. She ran off without
hesitation, and he promptly passed out.

The music was fantastic, and the crowd was friendly. She had no idea how long she'd danced for. It
could've been an hour, two, or ten. Booker was still passed out, but she'd forgotten about him as soon
as she'd joined the dancers.

The crowd was friendlier than she thought they would be, applauding her while she danced and taking
turns being the man she danced with. She hadn't realized that this was mostly because her shirt had
gotten wet from her little dip in the water, and hadn't dried completely. As she'd not put on a bra or her
corset this morning, for almost an hour her shapely breasts were clearly visible to anyone who wanted to
glance, with her perky nipples sticking out through the fabric.

It was sundown by the time Booker was up. The band had disappeared, but she was still surrounded by
a group of admirers saying the nicest things. It was like a competition to see who could admire her the
best. She was completely oblivious to their real motives behind it – the facts that they were all single
men, and that everyone except the group had left the beach already were completely lost on her. As far
as she knew, the setup for sex was as simple as a man walking up to a woman (or vice versa) and
feeling their partner up through clothing. None of these men had done anything of the kind. She was
wishing they would – sex had been the first thing on her mind since she'd escaped danger.

Her escort found his way through the crowd, looking scruffy and disheveled from his dip in the water and
subsequent nap earlier. His shoulders were hunched over and he had a surly expression on his face like
he was going to punch out one of the beachgoers if they didn't move aside. The crowd parted
reluctantly, but Elizabeth paid him no mind. “Miss?” He hailed her. She ignored him.

"Your hair is wonderful! So lush and full, and the color is fantastic. It really suits you.” One man was
saying. Elizabeth blushed slightly and stroked her ponytail.

“Why thank you!” She replied.

“I like your figure.” A particularly forward man stated. His tone was deep and slightly worrying. “What
size are your breasts?”

“Why they're C's.” Elizabeth said without thinking about how personal that actually was. The crowd
whistled and catcalled appreciatively.

“Elizabeth!” Booker put a hand on her shoulder and turned her towards him. The crowd started talking
behind them.

“Mr. Dewitt, isn't this wonderful?” She asked. “The weather, and the music, and all these people,
they're so nice to me. Is this what all of the outside world is like?”

“Trust me, they're not being as nice as you think they are...” Booker growled. On that note, he turned
around and cracked his knuckles. “Alright, showtime's over.” He told the crowd. “Get lost or I'll knock
you on your ass for some incentive.”

A few of the men looked like they wanted to protest, but Booker stared them down and they slowly
disappeared, the last of the men gathering up their belongings and leaving the beach empty. He was
good at his job. Booker sighed and leaned on the railing, looking out towards the bay. Elizabeth stood
next to him with a pouting expression on her face. “Buzzkill.” She told him, annoyed that he'd shooed
off her crowd.

Booker gave her a look. “Look, I don't know how much you know about the world, but you can't just go
handing out the size of your ti- your breasts to anyone who asks. It's personal.”

“Why?” She asked.

Booker wasn't in the mood. So far today he'd been shot at, dropped from buildings, jumped out of a
blimp, assaulted by policemen, lit on fire, attacked by crows, chased by a giant metal bird and nearly
drowned, TWICE. “To put it bluntly.” Booker said grumpily, “if I wasn't here those men would've had
you on all fours in some back alley, taking dick into your holes for the rest of the night.” He said it as if it
was a bad idea. Elizabeth blushed lightly at it again, the thought instead making her mildly aroused.

“You mean they wanted sex?” She asked, clarifying.

Booker nodded. “Rape, more like.” He said.

Elizabeth nearly facepalmed at her ignorance. She would not let an opportunity like that slide again.
She'd been aching to know what a real man felt like for months, and if the book had been any indicator,
it felt good. Really good. “Not if it's consensual...” She muttered.

Booker gave her a glance, not hearing. “What?”

“Nothing.” Elizabeth was staring at the man in front of her queerly, and he looked back with a raised
eyebrow before turning back out at the clouds. What a strange girl...

Elizabeth was really horny now – the thought of all those men taking advantage of her had put a fire
between her legs that she'd felt almost every day since she'd found her book. And look at that! Standing
in front of her was one grade-A, perfectly healthy male (minus the recent drowning). Time to go to work.
Just like the book. She took a deep breath.

“You know, Mr. Dewitt...” She started. She slowly unbuttoned the front of her shirt. Her breasts fell out
of the fabric, unrestrained. He turned to look at her and his eyes widened slightly. What...?

“I've always wanted to try this “sexual intercourse” I've read sooo much about...” She continued.

“Elizabeth, what are you doing?” Booker said quietly. Actually, he knew exactly what she was doing –
stripping. In public. On a beach. For him. Some part of his mind had a problem with this, but staring at
her exposed, perfectly shaped tits, he'd already forgotten what it was.

“Mhm...” She moaned seductively. “Do you like my breasts?”

“Uh...” Booker's mind went blank. His mouth was open slightly. Elsewhere, his member was not nearly
so inactive.

“Oooh.” Elizabeth said. She was staring at the bulge in his pants. With a lick of her lips, she said, “I
think you do, Mr. Dewitt.”
Without thinking twice she darted forward, unbuttoning his pants. And pulling them down with his
underwear. His ten-inch cock popped out and nearly smacked her face. She giggled as a small drop of
pre dripped down onto her cheek.

“I want your cock in me, Mr. Dewitt...” She breathed. Grabbing the tip, she pushed it up and gave it a
long lick along the bottom, from his balls to the tip, bathing his head with her tongue. She could feel the
ridge of his head with her tongue, and could just taste the pre that was oozing out of his hole. It tasted...
dirty. Salty. Like sweat, but with something else mixed in. She loved it. It was everything the book said it
would be, and now she knew that she wanted more.

She gave him a look in the eyes as she finally popped the tip into her mouth. Booker groaned in ecstasy,
and with another giggle she began bobbing her head up and down, sucking earnestly. She already loved
the taste, but she wanted the main course. She wanted his cum, in her mouth, so she could savor the
taste and swallow it down. Then she'd suck him again and again, until her thirst for seed was quenched.
Right there, on the beach, all night.

Booker could feel her tongue running along it as she sucked it in and out of her mouth. The tight
wetness was amazing. Elizabeth came up for air for a moment with a gasp and gave him another look
with her fuck-me eyes. “Mhmm... I want your cum Mr. Dewitt. In my mouth.”

Booker groaned as she slid back down his shaft, the sucking intensifying. He wouldn't be able to last
much longer at this rate.

Elizabeth had one more thing she wanted to try. She'd only done it once, with her glass replica. It was
nothing like the warm, hard rod now in her mouth, but she was going to try anyway. Mr. Dewitt had
saved her, after all, he deserved his hero's reward.

“Glurck, gluck, guk...” Elizabeth forced herself down further onto Booker's dick, and Booker's eyes
widened in disbelief as she began to swallow down his cock. Her eyes were watering, but she looked up
at him and her eyes were filled with lust. She'd stopped at nine inches, though. She tried forcing herself
down further, but she couldn't go. Frustrated, she rammed herself down again and again, each time
making Booker gasp in pleasure, but she couldn't get the last inch down. She looked up at Booker with
his rod still in her throat, and her eyes said it all. Putting his hands on either side of her head, he
slammed her forward and her nose bumped his crotch, a mild choking noise coming from her throat as
she gagged around the cock. After ten seconds he finally let her up and she came off of his rod with a

“So... good...” she said, gasping for breath. She'd never felt anything as wildly arousing as that moment.
“Again.” She rammed herself back down on his cock, and Booker was more than happy to comply.
Putting his hands back on her head, he began to ram his cock in and out of her mouth, her eyes
watering and spit dripping from her mouth as he throat-fucked her.

Her hands, now unoccupied, crept back down to her own parts, sliding her fingers in and out of her
dripping pussy while she toyed with her hard nipples. There was something indescribably amazing about
being used like this, and all she knew was, this wouldn't be the last time she'd be getting Mr. Dewitt to do
Booker was at his limit. He rammed her face into his crotch faster and faster, releasing her just before
his climax with his cock stuck in her throat. “Elizabeth, I'm gonna -”

Quick as a flash, Elizabeth pulled herself off of the cock up to the tip, sucking earnestly on the head
while her tongue danced around it. She wanted to taste this.

Booker moaned loudly as he finally came, the biggest load he'd had in years. His jizz painted her mouth,
Elizabeth swallowing it down as fast as she could to keep up, all the while continuing to finger-fuck
herself. She loved the taste of it, the texture, the feel of it in her mouth, she could keep drinking forever.
Unfortunately, Booker was tapped out. Elizabeth sucked the last drops of his cream from his cock before
finally popping it out of her mouth, where it hung limp between his legs. Still on her knees, she swished
the seed around in her mouth before looking up at Booker with her mouth open, showing him his load.
Closing, she swallowed and opened again, licking her lips.

“Good girl, Elizabeth....” Booker gasped. That had been more intense than the giant bird!

“That tasted.... Good.” Elizabeth said. She was still earnestly fucking herself, and hot lust was flaring up
in her again.

Turning around, she pulled her skirt up and to the side, showing Booker her soaked panties. Then,
pulling them to the side, she exposed her tight holes. “Fuck me, Mr. Dewitt...” She moaned.

Booker looked at girl with wanting. He had no second thoughts – except that he'd just blown a load the
size of a state and was as limp as a wet rag. But as she fingered herself in front of him, he experienced
a miracle as his cock stirred again... or something. Okay, look, from experience, he would NOT be able
to do this. But breaking character for a moment, you'd better believe that he's gonna.

“Please, let's do it right here.” Elizabeth moaned, panting as she masturbated. “Hurry, Mr. Dewitt!”

Walking up behind her, Booker planted his hands on her hips. From the way that she was acting, he was
pretty sure she wasn't a virgin. Aligning his cock against her pussy, she removed her hand and braced
herself against the railing as he slammed himself inside her in one go.

“Oh GOD!” She screamed. He felt bigger than her toy! He began pounding in and out immediately, and
she lost herself to the pleasure, leaning over the railing with a dazed expression of lust, her tongue
lolling out of her mouth.

Booker felt fantastic. Elizabeth's snatch was tight in just the right ways, squeezing and contracting
around his cock as she orgasmed. She was making little noises every time he pounded into her, “hur,
hurk, hupsh...” He was glad he'd already cum, or he'd have gone off in a matter of minutes. But luckily,
he'd recovered his stamina.

He drilled into Elizabeth for a full twenty minutes before he finally got close. She was a mess of horny
woman in front of him, burbling nonsensically as she was mercilessly fucked. One hand was holding her
in place on the rail, and the other alternated between her breasts and fingering her tight butt. She was
having trouble forming a coherent thought. She hadn't felt this amazing since that afternoon in the tower.
Finally, Booker shouted as he came, pulling out and sawing up and down her crack twice, before
ramming into her ass and spilling his load.

Elizabeth cried out in pain as she felt her ass get split, and then burbled and drooled as she felt Booker
dump a load of hot cum in her anus, already balls deep in two thrusts. Pain and pleasure fought
each other in her mind as she came again and again, squirting like she hadn't since the first time she'd

Then, finally, it was over. Booker pulled out of her and dropped on his ass, completely spent. Elizabeth
took a few minutes to recover, finally pulling herself up into a standing position. Her butt hurt, but felt
amazing. She could feel his seed dripping out of her ass, slowly. She reached down and caught some,
and licked her fingers. Still tasted amazing. Then the two redressed and stood out looking at the sunset

“That was amazing.” Elizabeth glowed. Various fluids were still leaking out onto her panties underneath
her skirt.

“Yeah...” Booker said, only beginning to wonder what the consequences of what he'd just done would

“I want to do it again, Mr. Dewitt. Tomorrow. Please?” She had her hands around his torso and was
looking up at him.

“Please, call me Booker. Especially after what we just did.” Booker thought about it for a moment. “And

“Good.” She said seductively. “Next time, I want to try anal.”

That thought alone was almost enough to bring Booker back to full mast, and he would've taken her
again right there when a voice came up from behind them. The two turned around to find a woman
police officer.

“Hey, if you two lovebirds are done, the beach closed half an hour ago.” She said. Booker and
Elizabeth looked at each other, amused.

“Right, we'll just be off then.” Booker said, guiding Elizabeth towards the exit. From behind them, the
police officer shouted at them and Elizabeth blushed bright red.

“Oh, and I enjoyed the show, by the way. Just don't let it happen again.”
3 - Down in Finkton

Author's Note: So both Shad AND InCase drew more Elizabeth. If that isn't a sign to write more, I donno
what is. Gangbang scene as promised - Last chapter. Enjoy!

Also, the beginning diverges from the actual Infinite storyline quite a bit. Just acknowledging that. Doubly
also, someone should totally draw this. I'm dirt poor and wouldn't be able to commission it, but I never
turn down free art. Triply also, not much setup, more sex. Quadruply also, never written anything with
multiples, so... first time for everything. Let me know what you think.

“They look so sad... I wish we could help them...” Elizabeth said quietly. The First Lady was on it's way
out of Columbia, with what looked like the conclusion of Booker and Elizabeth's adventure. Booker was
asleep in the middle compartment – the two had celebrated with the fuck of a lifetime. Her ass was still a
little raw. Elizabeth was still naked, hanging over the controls and looking out the front window at the
souls working to death breaking rocks, or queuing up for bread lines.

An idea popped into Elizabeth's head. There was something she still hadn't done while they were in
Columbia, something that Booker kept telling her to avoid. It was genius! She could help some of the
overworked men AND help herself. She was thinking of a gangbang, of course.

Tiptoeing past the sleeping Booker in the cabin, she found what she was looking for – a dress and
corset that had supposedly belonged to her mother, years ago. She'd discovered a lot of things about
herself in the past few hours. It was all the more reason that she was glad she was leaving the city soon.
She found a pair of scissors and cut her hair as short as she could bear, as well. From what she'd read,
this could be messy. Plus, it looked better with the outfit.

Donning the dress, she made sure to keep the corset as tight around her chest as possible. One good
shove and her breasts would probably pop right out! Just like she was hoping for. Or maybe not – it
wouldn't be that hard to take it off, anyways.

She steered the ship gently to dock in one of Finkton's industrial ports and left it to idle, slipping out past
the still snoring Booker and onto the dock with a click of heels. This port in particular was almost
deserted, although she did catch a few admiring glances from some of the men who were working late.
She was just in time to catch the tail-end of the shift, heading towards a men's locker and shower. She
grinned and blushed slightly. Just what she was hoping for.

Shrugging away her doubts, she headed straight for the door. No sense in being modest about it... she
thought. At the door, she met a man on his way out, and he stopped her with an outstretched arm and a
concerned look. “This is the men's room, missy.” He told her. “You don't want to go in there.”

He was probably a foot taller than her. She smiled up at him and reached up to run a finger along his
jaw. “Oh, thank you sir, but I'm exactly where I want to be.” She said deviously. She felt down for a
squeeze of his crotch and felt his package, rapidly stirring at her behavior. “Ooh, you're a big one...”
She said, before pushing through the door and into the lockers, leaving him standing outside with a
dumbfounded look on his face.

The room was a typical locker room, rows of lockers and changing men, with spatters of water and
guffaws of laughter from a nearby shower. It was very noisy. Elizabeth walked from one end to the other,
taking a very interested look down each of the isles to find half-dressed men of all sorts. Everyone she
looked at saw her, and the chatter in the room died down considerably. Some of the men attempted to
cover themselves up, but most were proud enough not to. She was getting hot already, just from the
sight of so many potential pleasure-centers.

She was stopped in the end row by a giant of a man, completely naked, evidently just out of the shower.
He made no attempt to cover himself. Elizabeth looked up at him, but her eyes flicked down to his cock
every few seconds. “You're in the wrong place, hun.” He said, deeply, a frown on his face.

Elizabeth winked at him. “Mmm... the man at the door said that. But I think I like where I am...” With
that, she slid down and took his dick in her mouth.

The man's cock was huge, hanging 6 inches soft. But it didn't stay soft for long. Liz lavished her tongue
and mouth on it, and started sucking as it got hard and filled her mouth.

The man above her was in shock, but not for long. It was obvious that this slut was here for cock, and
while better dressed than most whores, he was still more than happy to oblige. Tilting her chin up slightly
so he could get a better look at her face, he started thrusting, all 12 inches slowly disappearing into
Elizabeth's mouth.

A crowd started to form around the two as Liz continued to swallow the man, and happy to oblige, she
used a free hand to pull her corset down a few inches, her breasts and hard nipples coming free to be
pulled on by the lustful beauty. The crowd around her approved, rowdily jeering and catcalling while she
bobbed on the fat shaft in her mouth.

For all his size, the man she was servicing didn't last long. He shouted something incoherent and Liz
bobbed faster, wanting to taste his spunk. The cock pulsed in her mouth and he came, filling her cheeks
immediately, a backed-up load indicating that he'd gone quite awhile without “service.” She gulped it
down hungrily and sucked harder, the next load going straight down her throat. Her throat worked in
overdrive to keep up with the flow, almost a quart of the stuff going into her belly. Finally, she gave a
final suck to get the last little bit and pulled off with an audible “pop”. The man all but fell backwards,
steadying himself against some lockers. She opened her mouth and showed him that she'd swallowed it
all (as was proper) before licking her lips and turning away.

Around here, a dozen or more horny men were staring at her and licking their own lips, a couple of them
stroking themselves to full mast in the hopes of getting serviced by the black-haired woman. She
beckoned with a finger to a more modest man, who had a surprised look on his face that he'd been
chosen. Elizabeth's eyes lit up when she saw his cock, a somewhat more modest 7 inches that she'd be
more than happy to suckle on while she took care of herself. Pushing him over to a bench, she took hold
of his cock and stroked, licking at the tip. She gave him a look in the eyes and a smile as she took the
end into her mouth and started sucking.
Unlike the other man, she could take this guy's cock into her throat with ease, and her nose touched his
crotch every time she went down. He gasped in pleasure as her tongue bathed the shaft inside her
mouth, and she reached down and began playing with her own parts, gasping and moaning around the
cock as her fingers found their way into her slick pussy. She hadn't put on any panties -no point- so all
she had to do was slide her hand down under her skirt and begin playing.

The man in front of her came soon, but it was disappointingly small. Hardly a gulp. She swallowed it
down anyway, and gave him a grin. He sighed in relief and moved off. The circlejerk around her had
subsided somewhat – apparently, she'd taken too long. She was left with half a dozen or so guys, all of
them jacking off and watching her play with herself. Deciding that they had waited long enough, she
stood up and slid off her skirt, then her jacket and corset, until she stood naked, one hand down at her
pussy as she watched the men around her jerking off to her body. She was ready.

She bent over the bench and presented herself, waiting to be taken. She wasn't disappointed, as the first
guy was in her in a heartbeat, pounding himself inside her pussy with a groan of contentment. Elizabeth
moaned in ecstasy as she was penetrated, only to have someone else come around and stick his dick in
her open mouth. She suckled contentedly, speared between the two men. Two others came forward and
put their dicks in her hands, and she jacked them off while she was pounded, suspended by the man in
front of her, holding her loosely under her shoulders. Her breasts swayed loosely beneath her as she
rocked back and forth between the two men.

It was obvious to everyone (especially Elizabeth, who was far from satisfied) that it wasn't enough. She
had a third hole, and it wasn't being used to satisfaction. After only a few minutes of this, she was pulled
off the throbbing shafts with a groan of discontent, and flipped over. A new man was laying underneath
her, and she squealed as she sat down on his 9 inches, slowly stretching as she took it in.
“Uhhhhhgh....” she groaned as the cock made a space in her anus – she felt so wonderfully FULL. Her
puckered asshole sank down on all but an inch, and the man began thrusting up underneath her. She
squeaked with each thrust, and another man worked into her pussy. The man who had been pounding
her before came up to get a taste of her mouth, and she greedily wrapped her lips around his dick as he
came forward, sucking and bobbing as she was triple fucked. She could taste her own pussy on the
man's dick. She tasted good. She sucked harder, lapping at the shaft, trying to get it all.

Before long the man at her mouth had grown discontent with the lack of action, and held her head
steady as he stepped over her, placing his dick at her mouth with a leg on either side. Thrusting in, he
held her head with his hands as he forced his dick down her throat, brutally face fucking her. Her hands
went to her clit and breasts automatically, one pulling and tugging on her tits while the other rubbed
around her hard nub.

She came in a shower of fluids, squirting around the cock in her pussy. She screamed in pure, mindless
pleasure as she did it, opening her mouth even wider and unintentionally allowing the man face-fucking
her another half an inch down her throat. She gagged around the sudden, unanticipated intrusion, tears
coming to her eyes, but she loved it – she wanted it deeper. She grabbed the man by the hips and
pulled him as close to her face as she could, his dick wedged in her throat while her nose pressed into
the man's crotch. She gagged and her eyes streamed, and she pushed forward more, managing another
quarter of an inch before allowing him to go back to fucking her at this new depth.
Half an hour of this, and the six remaining men switched off between her holes, each enjoying the next
more than the last, before they all pulled out. Elizabeth was a sexed up mess, strings of drool running off
her face and her eyeliner running into a black mess from having her throat so well fucked. She was
helped up into a sitting position on her knees, and she felt warm cum oozing out of her pussy and ass.
She mindlessly dropped a finger down to her backdoor and pushed it in to the knuckle, before
withdrawing it and sticking it into her mouth to suck the cum off of.

Around her, the men were each jerking themselves to a final load, and Elizabeth kept going to help them
along the way. Every few seconds she'd reach down and prod her ass or stick a pair of fingers in her
pussy, drawing out some jizz to guzzle down. Finally, it was time for the final event.

The men took a circle around her, and she opened her mouth. One hand was at her tits again, pushing
one up and playing with the nipple, while the other was down at her pussy, three fingers being forced
into her hole as she waited for the crowd's cum.

The first shot landed on her mouth and down her jaw, dribbling down on her neck. Another hit her across
the eye, which she closed just in time. A third strung from her tongue to her ear. Others hit her tits,
frosting them with spunk. She closed to swallow once, then opened again as more and more cum flew
towards her. Her mouth watered as she felt the taste of half a dozen different men emptying themselves
onto it, and she licked desperately at the sides of her mouth, trying to get it all onto her tongue.

Finally, it ended. Elizabeth kept toying with herself. She was approaching another orgasm. She
swallowed everything she could reach with her tongue, and one by one, each man came forward. She
gave each head a final suck and a kiss, pulling out the last few drops of the manjuice, and swallowed it
all. Then she brought her cum-covered hand up to her mouth from her pussy, shining with her own taste
and others'. She licked it clean, and with each finger scraped the cum off her face, depositing it in her
mouth as well. Finally, she cleaned her own breasts, bringing her neck down to suckle on the nipples
before giving them a tongue-bath, lapping at the jizz that had been left there.

She was clean a few minutes later, but for her pussy and ass, which both still hand fluids leaking out of
them. She toyed with herself and came to one more mind-blanking orgasm before she was helped up by
the last two men. Everyone else had left. They handed her her discarded clothes, but Liz didn't put them
on. She was feeling like a bit of Exhibitionism as she walked towards the exit, still butt-naked.

“Hey, are you gonna be coming back?” One of the men asked.

“Sorry, just passing through!” Elizabeth said, as she strutted out of the room, her breasts bouncing free
in the cool air.

“Wait, infinite universes, constants and variables...” Booker said, trying to wrap his head around the
concept. In front of them was an amazing expanse of thousands of lighthouses, other Bookers and
Elizabeths running along docks and bridges, going from one to another.

Elizabeth nodded.
“So you're telling me that there's a universe out there where... I donno, you find an erotic book in the
tower and you're a total slut when you meet me?”

He turned to her, far too tired and uncaring to notice the incredulous, disbelieving look she was giving
him, as if to say “Did you seriously just suggest that to me?”

She crossed her arms and sighed. “Well, I have to imagine it to see it, so...” She groaned. “Oh, yep,
there it is. Have you been thinking about that this whole time? That's so gross, Booker!”

Booker shrugged. “Apparently, that depends on which You I'm talking to.” She scowled at him. “So...
can we go there?”


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