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No. 0620 / 146?

Department of Medical Sciences

Ministry of Publio Health
Tivanond Road, Nonthaburi I 1000, Thailand

Tel. 66 2589 9850

Fax: 66 2561 5974

? April 8.8.2566 (2023)

Dear Sir,Madam,

Subject Invitation r for the online oD Drosram to and FTLs

Department of Medical Sciences as ASEAN Food Reference Laboratory (AFRL) for

Heavy Metals and Trace Elements is pleased to extend our invitation to the National Food Reference
Laboratories G.fFRL, and Food Testing Laboratories (FTLs) of ASEAN Member States (AMS) to
participate in our upcoming online workshop program on the determination of amounts ofinorganic
arsenii in aquatic animals with HPLC-lCP-MS. The program is an online practical training session
aimed at strengthening the capacity of NFRLs and FTLs in AMS.

The online workshop wil[ be organized by Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food
(BQSF), Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, and will be
conduoted via Zoom platform (anached information) on May 2nd, 2023. The training session will
focus on providing practical knowledge and expertise in the determination of inorganic arsenic in
aquatic animals with HPLC-ICP-MS.

We understand that your laboratory is an essential part of the food safety

infrastructure in your country, and we believe that your paticipation in this program will be highly
beneficial for the improvement of laboratory capacity in the region. The program will provide an
opportunity for NFRis and FTLs to exchange ideas, share experiences, and enhance their skills and
knowledge in the field of inorganic arsenic analysis.

In order to facilitate the arrangement, we would like to ask you to register for the
workshop by April 28th, 2023 via the attached QR code.

For any further inquiries kindly contact Mr. Kanphirom Lertbumroongchai at

66 295 I 0000 ext. 99619 or at kanphirom.l @dmsc

Thank you for your kind cooperation. we Iook forward to meeting all participants
on the hosting date.


or. Jpakit Sirilak

Director General
Online Workshop Program
Online practical training: Strengthening capacity NFRLs and PTLs of AMS
Determination of the amounts of inorganic arsenic in aquatic animals with HPLC-ICP-MS
2nd May 2023

AFRL for Healy Metals and Trace Elements, Bureau of Quality and Safety ofFood (BQSF),
Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Tuesday 2nd May 2023

08.30-09.00 Registration

09.00-09.15 Opening session: Welcome addresses, Host Corurtry Representatives

09.15-09.35 Overview: The collaboration and roles ofASEAN Food Reference

Laboratory (AFRL), regarding heavy metals, and trace elements

09.35-09.50 Pre-test

09.50-12.00 Lecture: Determination ofthe amounts ofinorganic arsenic in

aquatic animals with HPLC-ICP-MS

12.00-13.00 Lunch break

13 00-14.30 Online practical training: Determination ofthe amounts of inorganic

arsenic in aquatic animals with HPLC-ICP-MS

14.30- 15.00 Questions & Ansrvers

15.00- 1 5.30 Training assessment and Post-test

I . Participants could obtain the certificate after doing both the pre-test and Post-test; the
percentage ofthe latter score must be not less than 70.
2. The time limit of the post-test allocates titt 10.00 p.m , time zone in Bangkok

Register here

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