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Mother/Daughter Beach Fun

By DamienKova

Submitted: November 19, 2017

Updated: November 19, 2017

Morgan convinces her mother and sister to go to the beach without a stitch of clothing on, only to wind
up giving her angry mother a massage that gets a bit.... sensual.

Provided by Hentai Foundry.

Chapter 1 - Beach Fun 2

Chapter 2 - Lucina's Walk 8
Chapter 3 - Walk Back Home 11
Chapter 4 - Lucina's Turn With A Stranger 17
Chapter 5 - A Family Walk 22
Chapter 6 - Trio Of Sluts 35
1 - Beach Fun

“I told you, Mom, Lucina. It’s a nude beach! There’s no reason to wear any clothing at all
there. Even bikinis!” A smile came to Morgan’s face as she walked through town with her
mother and sister in tow, giggling as every step caused the trio’s breasts and asscheeks to
jiggle and sway in near unison. “I promise you that things will be fine! Besides, don’t you
wanna properly enjoy yourself? We finally have a short time of peace and need to make the
most of it! Just us three girls at the beach and relaxing. Doesn’t that sound nice?” The
young girl put her hands to her hips as her mother stopped in front of her and glared at her,
almost angrily.

“Then why is no one else nude on their way to the beach?!” Neither Robin nor Lucina could
hide their blush as all three of them stopped in the middle of the street, attracting attention to
themselves as the shout gained even more eyes of curiosity. Mother and royal daughter were
fully unable to hide the embarrassment that swirled within them, filling their faces full of
embarrassment and slight humiliation at the fact that Morgan could handle this so much
better than they could. “How are you fine with doing this?!”

“I told you! I want to properly enjoy myself while we’re there! Isn’t that enough?” Of course,
that wasn’t the actual reason, Morgan having made a deal with one of the nearly infinite
number of Anna's across the land to get some of the females of the royal family of Ylisse to
show up to the beach naked for her to get footage of with her picture tome. The
magic-obsessed daughter smiled to herself as she held her hand out towards her
white-haired mother. “Come on, Mother. We need to get going or else we’re going to be
late. I promise that it’ll be fine.” It didn’t help her argument that every step the three of them
started taking was surrounded by the curious and horny gazes of the townsfolk, many of
them gasping and mumbling about the Princess of Ylisse and her mother and sister all being
willing to walk around naked.

Even as she walked and did her best to ignore all of the snide comments about her and her
daughters, Robin was easily blushing and heavily embarrassed as she heard a few mutter
things that sounded like she was being called a slut. If these were simple bandits seeing the
three of them, the mother wouldn’t have wasted her time at all in dispatching them, making
their walk quiet and at least a bit more peaceful than this. But these were here people, or her
husband’s more specifically, she couldn’t do anything to harm them or even pose a threat
without word of it spreading throughout the kingdom like wildfire. It didn’t help her mind be at
ease as every time she looked to her daughters, one was filled with a strong sense of pride
and freedom as she strut her body with each step. While the other, Lucina, carried the same
look she did, one of pure humiliation and embarrassment. “Morgan… Let’s hurry… I feel like
my heart is beating out of my chest.”

Lucina simply stayed beside her mother, quiet and hopeful as the three of them walked.
There was no reason for the headstrong blue-haired girl to say anything at all of her pride
and confidence was washed away and replaced with humiliation, the feeling of eyes staring
her down and watching every jiggle that her body made. She just hoped for the best as she
could mentally feel the dozens, maybe even hundreds, of townsfolk and villagers gazing at
them in amazement. A few started whistling to her, making the red glow on her face even
brighter and more present as she walked. “Morgan… How can you walk with a smile like this?
What will all the people think of us?!”

“Well, right now, they’ll see me as having a stronger will than the two of you. It’s easy to
see just how embarrassed and ashamed of yourself you are. If you weren't used to walking
around with battle gear, you’d be covering yourself up right-” The young girl turned around
to see that Lucina and Robin had, in fact, covered up their bodies over the last few minutes of
their stroll. “Oh…. Well, that makes it even easier. It’s simply pray to the villagers to see
someone ashamed of themselves. We’re almost there, anyway. Just stay strong a bit
longer.” Morgan smiled and placed a kiss on the other girls’ cheeks, grinning as she listened
to them both gasp quietly and storm past her with an upset look on their faces. “Oops. I hope
this is worth it!~”

Luckily, it didn’t take more than a few more minutes of walking naked in front of everyone for
the trio to make it to the beach, a surprised gasp leaving Lucina and Robin the moment they
saw Anna enjoying her time in the sun. “Morgan….” Robin started, earning a quiet ‘yes’
from the other magic user. “Why is Anna over there in her bikini but we’re here naked….?”

“Well… You see…” Before giving a proper answer, the young girl turned and ran, using the
advantage of not having a hood on her body for her mother to catch as she did so. Of course,
she made sure to run straight past the joyous redhead, smiling as she showed off her nude
body, only to be instantly followed by her furious mother and making a smile appear on
Anna’s face. “Oh, come on! We’re already here! We can enjoy it, can’t we?!” She took her
time, but Morgan was quick on her feet, finding a secluded part of the beach that was
covered by some rock formations and seemed pretty out of the way but still near the water.

Robin stood at the edge of the water, hands in a fist and feet splashing in the small amount of
water that rose under her feet as wave came in. “Morgan!” The embarrassment on her face
was replaced with anger as she looked to her blushing daughter, seeing the faintest look of
embarrassment from her as well. Probably from actually having to run from her mother
instead of pretend she didn’t feel anything. “You’re my daughter, so I’m not going to hit
you… But you’re going to do everything I say, the moment I say it, while we’re on this beach.
Understand?” A smile came to her face as she watched Morgan nod in response. “Good girl.
Go get some suntan lotion from Anna and come back here. You’re right…. We’re here and
we might as well enjoy it while we can…. Though, it seems we’ve lost Lucina….”

“She’s tough, Mother. She probably got angry and chose to go home to get her weapons….
Before coming back and fighting me…” The young girl chuckled as she kept her eyes on her
mother’s body, admiring it and wishing that hers would look like that when she was older,
taut, perfect, perky in all the right places, and an ass perfectly capable of jiggling with each
step she took. “Suntan lotion? On it.” With a smile, Morgan darted off to go see Anna,
getting the lotion before going back to their secluded spot, knowing that the redhead would
probably follow her and snap a few pictures of the two before trading her the tome at her
shop, but that was fine for now. Her mother was angry at her and she knew she had to calm
her down and make things right as she before anything could happen.

On the other hand, as she approached their spot again and noticed Robin drawing symbols
in the sand and practicing small-scale magic, she couldn’t help but smile and hope that
Lucina was doing okay on her walk back to the castle. Even as she slowed her steps and
watched the tactician practice in the sand, turning it to glass with a fire spell in just a spot no
bigger than her hand… Something inside her bubbled back up into her mind, making her
remember just why she admired the woman so much. Even in times like this, she always was
racking her brain and practicing things that would be useful, even with a body like that.

“Morgan! Get over here! I know you’re there!” Robin kept her eyes down towards the sand
as she started to draw out a battlefield, imagining a possible strategy that’s been on her
mind for awhile now. “Who better to talk this out with than a girl who’s in trouble and almost
a master tactician in her own right?” The white-haired woman smiled softly and waited to
hear her daughter’s footsteps in the sand before rolling on her side just out of the way.
“You’re going to give me a massage while rubbing that into my skin. And we’re going to go
over this strategy while it’s on my mind.”

Morgan sighed softly and nodded, approaching her mother and starting by applying the lotion
to her hands, unable to take her eyes off her mother’s body once again. Of course, the girl
was able to hear the white-haired woman’s near silent moan the moment her cold hands
made contact with her lower back. “S-So… Tell me about the strategy…” The brown-eyed girl
did her best to keep her mind off her mother’s gorgeously developed body, unaware that as
her hands trailed up the tactician’s side, her fingertips gently grazed those soft breasts her
mother seemed to have no problem laying on in the sand. Unfortunately, though, her mind
tuned out every word that Robin had said as she trailed back down her back during the
massage and made it to her ass, starting to rub the tanning oil into the soft flesh.

Once again, the only thing to register was a quiet, almost shy, moan leaving Robin as
Morgan’s hands gently kneaded and squeezed that plump ass. “I shouldn’t be doing this…”
The daughter whispered to herself, hoping her mother couldn’t hear her. Even as she forced
her eyes off of her mother’s body, the younger of the two couldn’t focus long enough on the
map to actually stop her hands from taking a firm grip of the white-haired girl’s ass, making
her continue to moan under her touch.

“Morgan, what… what are you doing…?” The words left Robin’s mouth hastily, as if she had
hoped deep down that her daughter wouldn’t be able to hear her say them. “I told you to
give me a massage, not attempt to molest me!” Of course, as she continued trying to gain
her daughter’s attention, she did nothing to stop her, enjoying the taboo sensations that
coursed through her. For a moment, and just a moment, the tactician could’ve sworn she felt
lust towards her time-traveling daughter. Every time Morgan’s fingers dug into her soft skin
and played with her plump cheeks, even when she just simply held the soft flesh in her hand
and did nothing with it for a moment. It sparked something in them both, and even though
she knew that feeling was wrong, and that Morgan had stopped listening to her, Robin
decided to sit up on her knees and face the young girl. Unfortunately, as she sat up, she was
pushed right back down and flipped onto her back without a second to figure out what was
going on. Before another word could escape her lips, Robin’s lips were easily captured by
her daughter’s as those hands started exploring her torso.

A moan left the mother as she felt Morgan’s nails softly dig into her skin, not enough to make
her bleed, but enough to leave a light pink trail wherever her finger moved to. Those five
trails, one for each hand, led to nothing in particular, but all of them cumulated around
Robin’s breasts, those fingers now squeezing around her chest like she was some
play-thing. All the while, she can feel her own daughter’s tongue prying its way past her lips
and starting to play with her own. The white-haired girl didn’t even feel like screaming
anymore as she felt her daughter play with her body and make her writhe under her every

Things only got better for the both of them as Morgan finally broke the kiss, gazing into her
mother’s eyes with a look of lust and desire that swirled in her own, before kissing down her
body from her neck to her breasts and continuing down to her hips. The brown-eyed girl
eagerly placed her hands under Robin’s ass once again, every motion she made earning a
pleasured gasp from the girl before a sharp and loud moan as she starting circling her
mother’s back door with her tongue. It was a sweet sound, one that was promptly met with a
hand on the back of her head and listening to the woman tell her to stop, but of course no
actually action was made to make her stop.

“Please, Morgan… I’m begging you! Stop!~” Robin kept her hand buried in her daughter’s
hair, a quick thought of how wrong this was coming to her mind before it was quickly swept
away with Morgan pushing her tongue into her hole and teasing her just a bit. “Oh fuck… Oh
fuck, Morgan! I’m your mother!~” The words came out of her mouth as if they were some
excuse to stop this, but as she closed her eyes and immediately almost gave into the
pleasure and taboo of the situation, it felt like more of a cry to have her keep going than one
for her to stop.

The two were so lost in their own lustful world, that neither seemed to notice that Anna had
placed a tome down beside Robin’s strategy plan drawn in the sand, or that the redhead
was taking dozens of pictures of the in their lurid act with her camera tome. However, the
shopkeep let out a happily silenced gasp as she watched Morgan lift her head just enough to
look into her mother’s eyes before pushing a single finger into her cunt, as if she was trying
to push her over the edge even faster than a moment ago. Realizing their eyes were open
once again, even if locked into a loving gaze with the other, Anna knew when to count her
blessings and leave before things got worse for her.

Morgan, on the other hand, was more than happy with the way that she could make the
white-haired woman moan and write to her touch. Even if it was just a moment of lust
induced haze, there was still joy in their eyes as they looked to each other. Every moment
that passed was another she continued playing with her mother’s ass and pistoning one of
her fingers knuckle deep into the cunt she was bound to be born from in the future. She could
tell by the way Robin was moaning louder and bucking her hips against her face that the
tactician was going to cum soon, and that thought sparked something inside of Morgan,
prompting her to do an even better job at what she was doing. Smiling as she pressed her
face tighter against her mother’s ass, the daughter did her best to push her tongue even
deeper into her mother’s ass while adding another finger into her mother’s cunt.

Robin almost lost it as she felt her daughter give that extra push to her senses, knowing her
incestuous orgasm was about to crash through her in a semi-public spot. Moaning as she
continued to roll her hips against her daughter’s face, the tactician was more than happy as
she felt just what her daughter wanted, her orgasm tearing through her in a mere moment
and sending her over the edge of her senses as she bucked her hips and coated Morgan’s
nose in her juices, causing her daughter to smile and lick up every drop that she could
manage before pulling away and sitting on her knees. “Don’t…. Don’t think that alone... gets
you out of trouble…. Young lady…” She forced out between lustful and heavy breaths, keeping
her eyes locked on Morgan’s face.
The white-haired girl quickly sat up and captured her daughter’s lips in a heated and
passionate, yet loving kiss, smiling every second their lips stayed connected. After a moment
or two, Robin pulled away and placed a gentle kiss onto Morgan’s cheek. “But, it was a very
good start for me to forgive you.~” The mother-to-be easily turned herself back around in the
sand and laid on her stomach, gasping as she finally noticed the tome placed there. “Where
the hell did this thing come from?! Were we being watched?!”

Morgan’s eyes went wide as she realized Anna must’ve come over and placed the tome
down on the ground while the two were having their moment, taking pictures in the process
with her one of a kind camera tome. “Mom… We should go… That tome was on Anna’s stand
last time we were in town shopping… And if she saw us doing that… With her one of a kind

“That redheaded bitch took pictures of us?!” The white-haired girl jumped up to her feet,
grabbing the tome and making her breasts and ass jiggle once more in her daughter’s face
as anger covered her own. “If she thinks she can get away with this, she has another thing
coming!” It was clear to see by the look in her eyes and the way she had poised herself that
Robin was about to go on the offensive, probably to attack the redheaded shopkeep for
giving herself away like that.

“Mom, wait! Let’s go back to the castle and get Lucina. Make sure nothing happened to her
before we confront Anna about this! Remember, she went home.” Morgan watched her
mother’s eyes go even wider before seeing her sprint down the beach like an animal. “....
That better be able to buy me enough time to get my hands on that tome…”
2 - Lucina's Walk

Lucina sighed as she started making her way back to the castle, anger and embarrassment
filling her face as she walked. Just like on her way, every step was filled with her breasts and
ass jiggling in the process. The blue-haired girl didn’t have a problem with her growing body
doing such a thing, but as she was once again met with the eyes of strangers gazing upon
her body, she found herself horrifically alone and with no one to be beside as she walked.
Every time her foot hit the ground, the Ylissean princess could feel more eyes upon her, and
even a few people gaining the courage to approach her like she was just asking for it.

It wasn’t until she was deep in town and a good ten minute sprint from the beach that
someone actually dared to approach her and take a firm hold of her rear end. “Hey!” The girl
let out a shrill scream, eyes going wide as the person even lifted her to her toes while still
keeping a strong grasp of her soft asscheek. Of course, the princess could do nothing to
harm her people, but forcing her way out of the unseen man’s grip was all she could manage
without wanting to seriously harm her people. The young girl went into a full on sprint towards
the castle, doing her best to dodge the dozens of citizens that blocked her path, making it
past the majority and gasping loudly as she felt more and more hands on her body with every
few steps she took.

Her cheeks burned hotly as, even as no one was currently touching her, she could still feel
the imprint of her villagers’ hands on her body. A few had taken the chance to dig their nails
into her supple ass, leaving marks as well while others took to taking a quick grasp of her
breast to keep her in place. Even as she continued to run, the young girl could feel hand after
hand grabbing her body for just a second. But that was more than enough to spark the
embarrassment and humiliation she felt as her feet hit the ground. It seemed her town just
seemed to think of her as nothing but a body to look at and touch, causing the blush on her
cheeks to grow even more before she shut her eyes in an attempt to draw the world away
from her.

Almost immediately after closing her eyes, Lucina tripped over a chipped part of the road,
colliding with the ground hard enough to cause a thud. Any natural response would be to take
a moment and collect herself as her face was on the ground and her ass in the air, but as she
felt a girl get behind her and put both of her soft hands on her cheeks before squeezing and
spreading the plump and soft flesh, all the blue-haired girl could think to do was run for it
once again, hoping to be at her home in a short amount of time. However, as she tried to
stand, she found herself completely unable to move other than getting on all fours for the girl
behind her and causing her to smile. “What are you doing?! I’m the princess of Ylisse!”

“Oh, I know that.~” The girl who sounded no older than Lucina or Morgan giggle as she bent
down and softly bit the princess’s asscheek. “I’ve never tasted a princess before.~”

Before she could say another word, Lucina could feel the girl’s tongue against her puckered
hole, causing her to blush even more, if that was at all possible, and let out heavy breaths as
she closed her eyes once again. The girl’s grip was unbelievably strong as she held the
princess in place and dug her fingers into those supple cheeks, almost immediately causing
the blue-haired girl to scream as she tongue pushed into her hole for only a moment. That
moment was all the princess needed to bend back over and throw her leg back, kicking the
girl off of her before dashing into a full on sprint once again.

Of course, doing such a thing was not good for her reputation, but she didn’t care anymore.
She just wanted to get home, to let the nightmare end and let the humiliation of knowing her
citizens saw her as nothing but an attractive girl to use however they wanted, just vanish.
She wanted all of it gone, even forgetting about how Morgan and Robin rushed off to some
corner of the beach and leaving her behind. “Just let me get home… Let me get there and this
can end…” Unexpectedly, kicking the girl who was no older than her away from her didn’t
deter the townsfolk to let up on trying to get a feel of her body, a few succeeding and
grabbing her breasts hard enough to leave red marks and cause her to wince in slight pain. It
wasn’t too much for her to handle, but having someone she didn’t want grab her was both
embarrassing and highly uncomfortable as she could see her home, the castle, in the

Lucina smiled to herself, relieved that she was almost there as she watched a dozen guards
rush out from the castle walls to her side the closer she got, keeping her safe from the prying
villagers once she was close enough. However, the princess failed to expect any of them to
slap her ass as she passed by towards the gates. Just one at a time, hand by hand, a dozen
guards took a swing at her ass, making the girl scream and jump with each one as she made
her way to her home, one even taking the risk of groping her breast as she entered the castle
walls. But at least it was over. At least all of the humiliation could finally end for Lucina. At
least, that’s what she had thought until she stepped into the main room and spotted almost
thirty guards blocking every way she could go, causing her to blush and gasp once again
from shock and slight fear.

“I should’ve stayed at the beach…”

3 - Walk Back Home

Morgan left the beach with her mother standing right beside her, both of them still naked and neither of
them having said a word to each other, so far, out of sheer embarrassment out of what happened only
an hour or so earlier. Even as the sound of their feet leaving the sand and starting to press down against
a dirt road rang in their ears, the mother and daughter stayed only a short reach from each other. The
two stopped only a short distance away from the edge of the beach, sharing a look before a blush came
to their cheeks. Luckily, the daughter broke the silence between the two as she immediately looked
around in the forest path they had chosen to walk on their way home. “Do you think this is a road that
many people take…?”

“I certainly hope not… Anna stole our clothes, and she’ll probably try to sell them back to us when we
get back to the castle…” Robin sighed quietly and started walking just a little bit ahead of her little girl,
attempting to keep her eyes out for any people who could potentially see them. Fortunately, for now,
there was no one around and she was able to walk peacefully, giggling quietly as she heard her
daughter starting to approach her. “Morgan… We’re going to have to have a talk about what happened
back there when we get home. No one will know, no one will ever hear a word from us, and if Anna tries
to spread information about it happening, we can always deny it, okay?” The white-haired woman
turned around to see her little girl smiling at her. “What’s with that smile?”

“Well… It’s nice to know that my own mother isn’t pissed off or going to punish me in secret over getting
caught up in her good looks, that’s all!~” The younger of the two eyed her mother’s body, once again
taking in every curve and each bead of sweat that coated the slightly older woman’s body. The
brown-eyed girl slowly licked her lips before letting out a quiet gasp as she saw the royal tactician giving
her a slightly evil look. “What?! I can’t help it… You just look too-” Morgan fell silent as she watched a
stranger approach her naked mother from behind, not entirely sure how to respond or what to do as she
watched him grab hold of Robin’s hips.

“Hey! What the fuck-” Robin immediately fell silent as she felt the man’s lips crash against her own,
capturing her in a kiss that she just couldn’t break out of. A sharp moan left her throat as she felt his
hand glide along her stomach to the underside of her breasts, not hesitating to bring her hands to his
and stop him from going too far. Pulling her lips away from the strangers, it became easy to see his
typical brown eyes and brown hair that barely hung in his face. “I’ll have you know, I have a husband. A
king, no less.” She tried to argue his actions, only to gasp quietly as she felt his hard cock press against
her plump rear end. “Excuse you-”

“Shut up!” He shouted into her ear, trying to order her as one of his hands drifted down from her
stomach and to his own clothing. “You may have a husband and a daughter, but I don’t care. Why
would anyone believe a naked woman walking through a forest path with her daughter? Until I am done
with you, you are nothing but a naked woman on a walk with her little girl.~” The man pulled his clothing
down just enough to reveal his impressive cock, poking her soft plump ass with his tip. “Now, why don’t
you be a good little slut and just let me play with you?”

Morgan’s eyes went wide as she watched the man’s shaft poke out from between her mother’s thighs,
gasping quietly as she watched him start slowly thrusting back and forth between her legs. “It’s so big…
Mother, I…” The brown-eyed girl fell a bit quiet as she dropped down onto her knees, approaching the
two of them and watching the spectacle before her. “It looks so delicious…”

“Morgan, what are you talking about?! Why won’t you help out your mother?!” The white-haired woman
groaned quietly and arched her back just ever so slightly as she felt the man’s hands gently squeezed
her breasts. His grip was so firm and the way he played with her soft mounds only brought the sweetest
of moans from her lips. “You need to un… unhand me…” Robin whined as she spoke, not sure about to
handle what was going on, especially as she felt her little girl’s soft lips pressing against her thighs right
around the area she could feel his shaft. “What… What are you doing…?”

“Seems your little girl wants to help me get off right here in the open using your thighs.~” The stranger
chuckled and started moving his hips even faster between the tactician’s thighs, groaning happily as he
played with her perky chest as well. “I can’t exactly blame her, after all.” A soft gasp left him as he felt
Morgan’s soft lips wrap around his shaft, happy to feel her tongue swirl around the tip of his cock. “Just
like I thought. She’s such a little slut, isn’t she?~” It didn’t matter to him anyway, the soft feeling of
Robin’s skin around wrapping around his shaft bringing him the pleasure he wanted from her body.

Morgan didn’t bother to answer or say anything as she placed gently kisses along her mother’s thighs,
earning quiet and blissfully confused moans from her as well. She continued to tease her mother and the
man, kissing the tip of his cock as she watched it poke out from between Robin’s soft skin. “How does it
feel? Having such a massive thing like this between your thighs? I bet it feels better than when we were
at the beach.~” It wasn’t long before the growing tactician wrapped her lips around the man’s shaft
once again, a smile on her face as she felt him move his cock back and forth along her tongue. Even
with the feeling of her own parent’s thighs pressed firmly against her cheeks, the young girl couldn’t be
bothered to hide her excitement as she eagerly gave the stranger a combo of a blowjob from her and a
thighjob from Robin.

Another gentle moan left Robin’s lips as she leaned her head back against the man’s shoulder, finally
starting to give into the pleasure of having his shaft pump back and forth between her legs. “I can’t
believe I’m letting a stranger use me like this…” She mumbled out, a soft gasp leaving her as the man’s
fingers pinched and slightly tweaked her nipples. With what just happened between her and Morgan on
the beach, it strangely didn’t bother the white-haired woman to compare a complete stranger using her
to her own daughter helping get him off in the process. Though, deep down, it only serves to heighten
the slight pleasure she was receiving from it. “Does it feel good, Sir?” The blush that was growing on
her cheeks only worsened as she realized what had just left her mouth, the adorable attempt at a sightly
innocent voice in order to make it more appealing to him.

“Oh? You’re one of those types of bitches? Well, I wonder just how far you’ll go for a Sir you don’t
know.~” Once again, the man chuckled at the slutty nature of the two young women before him, a smile
on his face as he pushed his hips flush against Robins, making sure that get each and every inch of his
cock that he could into the younger girl’s mouth. “Though, it seems your little girl is willing to go much
farther than you are, much quicker than you are. I wonder if she’d be a better fuck than you as well!” Of
course, it didn’t matter to him one way or the other who had the better pussy or could take his cock the
best. A simple walk through the woods granted him the chance to fuck two gorgeous women with no one
around to stop him, and finding out that they were royalty and one of them was married to the king only
made it that much better. “I don’t think either of us are going anywhere until I’m done fucking you both

Morgan was too focused on the taste of the man’s cock to fully pay attention to the one-sided
conversation happening above her, but the brown-eyed girl was definitely quick to enjoy what was
happening as she felt Robin’s hand fall to the top of her head. Her eyes immediately darted up to see
what was happening, a quiet and excited gasp leaving her as she was now able to see her mother’s
flushed face and lustful gaze looking down at her. Pulling back from the stranger’s shaft with a kiss, the
younger tactician smiled and winked at the older woman. “You’re getting into it, aren’t you, Mother?
Starting to enjoy his warmth between your legs…” Of course, the girl knew that her words didn’t exactly
make give the greatest effect to the pleasure either of them was receiving, but she was still happy to
hear a groan and moan leave them both at the same time when she wrapped her lips around the thick
cock and dove as far forward as the white-haired woman’s thighs would let her.

Robin turned her head just enough to be able to capture the man’s lips in a heated kiss, gasping quietly
and submitting right away as she felt his tongue push past her lips and dominating the kiss in the perfect
way to put her in her place. Wrapping her arms around the stranger’s neck, the white-haired woman
deepened the kiss the best that she could in her current position, gasping quietly as she felt him bite her
lower lip and gently tug on it. A soft and excited growl let the tactician as she felt him throbbing between
her thighs, almost instantly catching on that he was going to cum. “You want to cum all over my
daughter’s face, don’t you? All of you men out there want to give your woman a slutty look to be proud
of, even my husband wants that most nights.”

Unfortunately for her fantasy of seeing Morgan coated in cum, the man didn’t hesitate to blow his load
down into the younger girl’s mouth, groaning happily as her tongue continued to swirl around his shaft.
Rope after thick rope of cum let the tip of his cock and filled the brown-eyed girl’s mouth, coating her
tongue in the slightly bitter seed as a muffled moan left her throat. It was easy for the stranger to feel the
younger girl’s tongue shudder and twitch each and every time she swallowed in order to free her mouth
for more cum, but it wasn’t until he felt her tongue drag along his slit that a shudder of pure bliss ran
along his spine. “Fucking hell… She’s not half bad, you know that? The girls at the bar would be jealous
of this little thing.~”

A loud and annoyed whine left Morgan as she watched her mother turn around and push the guy onto
the ground, watching them land with a thud as she watched the two share a look of pure lust and
desperation. “But, Mom! I want to drink more of his cum! Why do you have to be so greedy…?” The
younger tactician moaned quietly as she stayed on her knees as she brought a hand between her
thighs, not hesitating to tease her soaked pussy from the sight of her mother excitedly grinding on the
man’s lap. “I better get a turn when you’re done or I’m-”

“Quiet, Morgan! Of course you’ll get a turn! But, there is no way I’m going to let this stranger tease me
and blow a load in my little girl’s throat without satisfying my own desires first.~” The older woman
continued to eagerly grind her hips back and forth in the stranger’s lap, making sure to grind her wet
folds against his hard shaft with each and every movement. It was an easy thing to tease when all you
had to do was move your hips, and Robin was taking advantage of that as she leaned down enough to
capture his lips in a passionate and lustful kiss that made her heart flutter in bliss. However, her teasing
quickly turned into actual pleasure for both of them as the white-haired woman smiled into the kiss and
lifted her hips into the air just a little bit, gasping out in joy as the man’s hands wrapped around her ass
and pulled her down onto his lap once again, this time impaling her on his thick shaft. “Oh fuck!~”

A soft chuckle left the man as he used his grip on the tactician’s ass to force her to bounce in his lap,
not that she’d possibly complain with the moans leaving her throat, even though she was originally
against him touching her at all when this first started. “Well, how is it, you little slut? Does it feel good
being filled with a stranger’s cock?~” His brown eyes easily saw Robin’s face twist and contort in
pleasure as his grip on her plump rear end only grew tighter and more firm, a smile spreading across his
lips as the young woman sat up straight and started bouncing herself without his help, as if to answer his
question with moans and actions instead of trying to use her words. “Well, you wanted me to make you
cum. Hope you don’t mind me enjoying myself in the process.~” The stranger moved one of his hands
from the royal tactician’s rear end to her modest chest, starting to squeeze and play with one of her
breasts while his other hand focused on her supple rear.

“Of course not… It’s not like you already used my body as well as my daughter’s mouth to enjoy
yourself.~” A soft and slightly sadistic giggle left the white-haired woman’s lips as she continued to
bounce and slowly gyrate her hips in every direction she could when she reached his lap, her eyes
locked onto the man’s brown ones. “You might as well take advantage of my pussy now that you’re on
the ground.” Robin started to gently chew her lower lip as the pleasure surged within her, earning a
happy and indecent whine from her as she somehow managed to ignore her own daughter fingering
herself not even three steps away from the two. “Maybe you’ll supply the nation with another ‘royal’
child.~” Of course, it didn’t matter to the bouncing woman if he came inside of her --or even at all for
that matter-- as long as she was able to cum using his cock like a warm dildo. However, if he was going
to cum, there was nothing in her mind that would possibly stop her from enjoying a good creampie that
could potentially knock her up.

“I might as well try for it then, shouldn’t I?~” He scoffed as he started moving his hips in time with
Robin’s movements, increasing the pleasure and bliss both of them felt as their lurid act continued on.
Stretching out the woman’s pussy while being able to look to the side and see a naked and blushing
young and shy vixen fingering herself just out of arm’s reach away was one of the best things that
could’ve happened to this man’s day, a groan leaving his lips as he felt the white-haired tactician’s
pussy clamp down around him even tighter as he was caught staring at Morgan. “Is that jealousy I feel,
Robin, tactician of the Shepherds?~ Worried your own little girl will be able to take away this man who
you’ll never see again from you?” The man’s smile only grew as he was able to see Robin’s face
immediately turn a deep shade of red in response to his question, her hips still moving at the same pace
but changing rhythm and movements just a bit. “If you want, I can fuck her when I’m done with you…”

“I think that might be a wond-” A happy gasp left the woman’s lips as she felt herself be thrown onto
her back, cunt emptied for just a moment before that warm and familiar feeling of cock flooded her pussy
and mind once again. She didn’t have time to say anything or properly process what was happening as
she felt the stranger start fucking her into the ground, teeth digging into her neck as his cock pounded
deep into her pussy. “Oh please… Oh please. It feels so good. I’m gonna….” Unfortunately, Robin fell
silent as she closed her eyes and focused entirely on the pleasure that was pulsing through her body
each and every time their hips met, not entirely caring about what was going to happen to her or her
daughter anymore if people found out. In fact, the thought of something happening because of word
spreading only made her inner walls clamp down even tighter against the length that plunged into her.
However, a moment later, her orgasm crashed through her, a sharp scream of pleasure radiating
through her as she got just what she wanted.
Morgan watched with dedicated eyes as she saw her mother become completely dominated by this
stranger, excitement coursing through her as her fingers continued to pump in and out of her. She
couldn’t see it, but the young girl knew that Robin was being filled with rope after thick rope of cum that
was bound to fill her womb and possibly even knock her up with another child, granting her a sibling of
some sort later in life. Though, she clearly smiled ecstatically as she watched the man pull out of the
white-haired woman’s tight cunt, brown eyes locking on the clear string of cum that still connected the
two for a moment. It was now her turn to get started and have her fun, but the younger tactician had no
idea about what to do with a man. “M-Mother…?” A soft and slightly scared gasp left the young girl as
she watched her mother’s head snap in her direction, their eyes meeting for just a moment.

“Don’t worry, kid. I’ll give you just what you want.~” The stranger smiled wide as he stepped forward
and grabbed the back of Morgan’s head, pulling her close enough to be able to lick his cock while Robin
slowly got off the ground. “But first, I think I want you to lick your mother’s pussy off my cock before I
get started with your own. It’s only fair, right?”

“Look.” The white-haired woman spoke in a foreboding and slightly aggravated voice, wrapping her
delicate fingers around the man’s cock and starting to tightly squeeze it. “You can fuck my little girl on
one condition and one condition alone. You must be gentle with her. It’s her first time with a real cock
and I want it to be special for her.” Robin looking upward into the man’s brown eyes and smiled, a
devious and sadistic look coming to her eyes. “If you don’t do that, then you can guarantee that you’ll
lose your cock and be renounced by the kingdom as a rapist. Am I clear?” Her smile only grew as she
watched the man nod in response to her demand, slowly pulling her hand away from his cock and giving
it a quick kiss. “Good. Now treat my little girl nice.~”

Morgan nodded and kissed her mother’s cheek, giving her a silent form of thanks while looking up at
the stranger before her. Just like the white-haired woman, the younger tactician smiled and gently
pushed the man onto the ground before positioning herself over his lap and gently starting to grind on
his cock. “I might not last as long as Mother did… But I hope you still enjoy it as much as I will…” There
was an odd shyness about the brown-eyed girl that she knew was alluring to certain people, but she
couldn’t help but gasp as she felt the man’s strong hands gliding along her body. A quiet, almost
inaudible, moan let her lips as the tip of the stranger’s cock prodded her slick folds. A moment later,
before she realized it was happening, the young girl felt the first half of the thick shaft push into her,
spreading her inner walls and molding her into the perfectly pleasurable shape.

The man was patient with the young girl, making sure to rock his hips gently, yet at a decent enough
pace that would bring him pleasure while not being able to be rough with her. Though, with how tight
Morgan’s pussy clamped down around his shaft, taking each and every inch of his sensitive cock like a
champ. “Don’t you worry. With how tight your cunt is around my cock, I’ll be cumming in no time.~” It
didn’t take much longer before his shaft was buried inside of her tight hole, easily taking her virginity
and prodding against the entrance to her womb as they moved their hips together. The stranger knew
just how sensitive he was from the overdose of pleasure he had received from the two of them, but it
only hit home as he listened to the younger tactician moan louder as he started moving faster against
her hips.

Robin watched her little girl get fucked with a smile on her face, happy to see her having fun and
someone actually being gentle with her during her first time. Even if this day had a disaster happen as
soon as they arrived to the beach this morning, with Lucina not having been heard of since, the
white-haired woman was more than happy to be here and having this moment with her daughter. “Let
him cum inside of you, Morgan. I know that you’ll love how it feels.~” The Shepherd's tactician only
smiled as she brought a hand to her breast to tease herself as she played a happy voyeur, taking a
quick look around to make sure no one was walking the path like this man was. However, as she
opened her mouth to offer the guy a fantastic deal, she was quickly interrupted by the sound of Morgan
screaming in utter bliss as she came, her lithe body convulsing and twitching with each rope of cum that
flooded inside of her.

Morgan’s eyes glazed over in an unbridled lust as she looked into the man’s eyes, her hands finding
their way onto his chest as she could feel his hot spunk painting her inner walls white. Everything felt far
too good for her first time, better than she thought it ever could have with someone she had never
known. But as she leaned down just enough to meet his lips in a soft and gentle kiss, the brown-eyed
girl couldn't help but smile as the afterglow of her orgasm finally started taking effect on her. “That…
was… Incredible…” She spoke breathlessly against the stranger’s lips as she forced herself to slowly lift
her hips, whining quietly as she felt empty inside after pulling off of him. It didn’t help that she could feel
the cum leaking from between her folds.

“You know… I have another daughter you’d more than likely have fun playing with.~” Robin teased as
she approached the man from the side, pulling her little girl close enough to give her a sweet and quick
kiss. “What do you say you come be a royal guard and help give birth to another royal child? I’m sure
my sweet Lucina would have a lot of fun with you.~”
4 - Lucina's Turn With A Stranger

“Oooooh, Lucinaaa!~” Morgan’s voice echoed through a few of the castle halls as she called for her
sister, a giddy smile on her face as she held the hand of the man who took advantage of her and her
mother, Robin, not even two hours ago in the woods. It was a wonderful feeling to be stepping into her
own home once again, but an even better feeling as her body simply radiated with warmth and love for
all the cum that was still sitting in her womb and pussy as she walked and lead the man around by the
hand. The brown-eyed girl didn’t even bother to pay attention to where her mother was anymore as she
headed directly into Lucina’s room, gasping happily as she found her sister. “There you are! There’s
someone Mother and I would like you to meet.”

Lucina looked up from her bed at her noisy sister and blinked as she spotted the man that Morgan was
holding onto, not recognizing him and having no idea where he came from. “Um… Morgan, who is that
and why is he here? Do you want me to buy you another tome and he’s the only one that sells the
volume you want?” The blue-haired girl’s eyes stayed locked on Morgan as she spoke, not wanting to
look the smiling man in the face as the two closed and locked the door behind them. “M-Morgan…?”

“Don’t worry, Princess Lucina. I’m not here to take your money or to harm you. I was promised your
first time by your mother and sister before I become a royal guard and have my way with you three each
and every day. I’m here to collect what I was promised before doing anything else.~” The man licked
his lips as he spoke, gently smacking Morgan’s ass and gesturing to the wide-eyed girl on the bed.
“Hold her down and don’t let her up. Just like with you in the woods, I prefer a bit of oral before getting
to the actual fun.~” The brown-haired man smirked as he watched one of his newest pets do as told,
making sure to take his time in undressing as Morgan did her best to hold down the Princess.

“Morgan?! What are you doing?! You and Mother promised this… this… This lunatic my first time?! What
is wrong with-” Lucina was immediately silenced by the feeling of her little sister’s lips crashing against
her own, capturing them in a kiss that was meant to make her head spin with confusion. However, as the
kiss lingered on for just another few moments, the young princess failed to notice the man approaching
the bed she was sitting on, still squirming and trying to resist her sister’s grip against her to get out and
call for help. However, at the feeling of another body shifting on the bed and causing the piece of
furniture to squeak just a little bit, the blue-haired girl opened her eyes and took a deep breath,
attempting to scream at the top of her lungs. Of course, as she tried to let out said scream, it only came
out as an extremely muffled gargle as the man plunged his cock into her mouth, pressing down against
her tongue and making her unable to properly scream or talk.

Morgan only smiled as her sister’s mouth was taken, happy to have helped the man that was bound to
get her pregnant with her first child. It also made her happy to be a part of her older sister’s first time
with a man, though, especially since this man was someone that was going to be there in their lives from
now on, fucking them as often as they could let him. “H-How does her mouth feel? Not better than mine,
I hope…” Even though she was a confident girl in her magic, and now with the help of a near stranger
boosting her physical confidence, the brown-eyed girl seemed a little dismayed as she heard the man
only groan happily in response to her question. “As long as you enjoy yourself…”
“Don’t worry, Morgan. You and your mother may be my sluts, but that first blowjob with you will always
be one of the best things I’ve ever felt in my life. Robin’s soft thighs wrapped around my cock while
your tongue played with the tip… Simply magical.~” The brown-haired man smirked as he reached out
and gently caressed the young girl’s cheek, bringing a smile to her lips and securing another notch in
her love for him. “Now, what do you say you choke her a little? Just tight enough to where I can feel
your fingers around my cock?” Of course, he knew it wouldn’t be enough to cut off Lucina’s air as long
as he didn’t go deep enough, but having that extra tightness was never a bad thing in his book.

On the other hand, Lucina had her eyes closed as she screamed as loud as she possibly could to try
and get some help in the situation, throwing her head from side to side in an attempt to get free of his
shaft that was filling her mouth. Unfortunately, that wasn’t happening as she listened to what he had to
say about her, a quiet and desperate gasp leaving her as Morgan’s hands left her body and slowly
wrapped around her neck, just tight enough to be felt but not to choke her out. Closing her eyes, the
blue-haired girl started to slowly give up on her struggle, knowing that she could handle her little sister
on her own but not when she had the help of some stranger that had won both Morgan and Robin over
somehow. That’s when things started to take a turn for the young princes, feeling his cock rub against
her tongue and into her throat more and more the longer this dragged on.

However, the stranger made sure to have plenty of fun with Robin and Morgan while in the woods before
stopping at the castle, meaning while possibly a bit sensitive, he planned to take his time with the fabled
blue-haired princess. And he did just that when he started to ignore her and focus a bit on Morgan,
grabbing the back of the younger sibling’s head and pulling her into a passionate kiss while continuing
to pump his hips back and forth into Lucina’s mouth and treating it like it was some kind of toy or him.
However, one kiss lead to another, and another, and then another as he started playing with the
brown-eyed girl’s breasts once again. “I hope you never stop being this soft, Morgan… I’d be happy to
play with these perfect tits every night before we go to bed.~” A soft chuckle left the man as he watched
her eyes light up at the comment, knowing he was just making her fall that much harder for him the more
he spoke.

Slowly but surely, the young magic-user unwrapped her hands from her sister’s neck and used them to
start getting the clothing off of her body, wanting to make sure her older sibling was ready for when the
stranger was ready to take her virginity. Morgan smiled as she pulled away from the two of them and sat
on the lower portion of Lucina’s body, starting with the button up blouse she was in and opening it
without tearing any of it off. “Would you prefer to take her ass first or her pussy? Her rear end is nice
and plump, just like Mother’s.~” The young girl could hear the screams starting to leave the blue-haired
girl from the comment she just made, clearly not wanting to be fucked in either hole by this man as he
continued to slowly pump his hips back and forth. “Awe, but Lucina… It’ll feel amazing, I promise! I’ll
even leave you two along once he gets started so you’ll be able to enjoy your time more!”

Once again, Lucina screamed as loudly as she could around the man’s shaft, wanting to try and bite
down, but only being forced into a situation where she couldn’t as she opened her jaw just a little bit and
gagged on his shaft being pushed further into her throat and locking everything in place for a moment.
Opening her blue eyes, the young princess groaned unhappily as she could see nothing but the man’s
balls hovering over her face and his own brown eyes staring right back down at her, a devilish smirk
accompanying it. Despite her muffled shouts, Lucina soon found herself without any clothing on
whatsoever, the man’s shaft receding from her mouth and leaving her free to talk only long enough for
her to catch her breath before she was once again forced silent by a happy kiss from the stranger.
The man chuckled against the princess’s lips as he picked her up off the bed and held her in the air
above his throbbing length, his firm grip on the girl’s thighs to keep her from falling too quickly. That
didn’t stop him from lowering her to the tip of her shaft, however, using his hold on her legs to start
teasing her by shifting her back and forth just a small bit before pulling away from the kiss. “Morgan, be
a dear and tell any guard that patrols this way that any noises that can be heard from here are just
Lucina… enjoying herself, will you?~” The stranger watched the young brown-eyed girl nod in response
to his request before making sure she walked out of the room, dropping Lucina on the bed a moment
later and forcing her onto her stomach before lifting her ass into the air. “I’m not going to stop until I’ve
thoroughly enjoyed your body, understand, Princess? I’m not that concerned if you like how your body
feels or not. At the very least, you’re going to pretend to like it when around your family or risk being
kicked out of the castle and disowned by your mother. So… I highly recommend you learn to love what’s
going to happen.~” With a smirk, the man plunged two fingers into the blue-haired princess’s tight cunt,
spreading them around and teasing her to make sure that she’s at least sort of ready to take his cock
before he has his fun. “Just make sure to bite the sheets. This will hurt a bit at first and I don’t want you
screaming at the top of your lungs for help that isn’t going to come.”

Lucina immediately did as she was told, not wanting to upset the man and not wanting to let herself get
found being raped of all things. Though, something sparked inside of her the very moment she felt the
tip of his cock press against her tight hole, causing her to shudder and whimper quietly as he left it there
for a moment. That spark grew into something more, grew into ecstasy and lust for the man and his cock
filling her to her absolute limits, whether it was her first time or not. And she got exactly that a moment
later when her cunt was wet enough for his liking, a sharp gasp followed by a loud and muffled scream
leaving her as each and every inch of his cock plunged into her tight hole and stayed perfectly inside of
her, taking a moment to let her body adjust to being so full and so needy for something she had never
really thought about having before now. “Fuuuck…” Her voice was quiet as she mumbled into the
sheets, her teeth almost tearing a hole in the fabric as the stranger started to slowly thrust into her.

The man could hear the young princess's whimpers and whines as he pumped his cock into her over
and over and over again, his hips starting to slam against her plump asscheeks as he slowly but steadily
picked up the pace of his thrusts. “It’s starting to feel good, isn’t it, Lucina? Having my cock inside of
your tight cunt?” He didn’t even bother to pay attention to whatever words were leaving her mouth as
he leaned up straight and smiled down to her, getting a firm hold of her hips in his hands and slowing his
hips to a stop for a moment. “It’s okay if it does. Morgan was already slobbering over my cock as much
as she could manage by this point and Robin wasn’t too far behind.~” The stranger started to rapidly
move his hips again, making sure to keep his thrusts short and precise to hit the perfect spots inside of
her as he managed to remain gentle for now, just like with Morgan’s first time back in the woods. “It’s
okay to give in, you know. I can promise you’ll enjoy yourself much more if you do.”

The logic behind that sentence seemed like complete common sense to the blue-haired princess as she
opened her mouth to let go of the sheets, surprised at the genuine and rapid moans that started to leave
her lips as she took the pounding. “Of course…. It will feel…. Better if I… give in…” She slowly forced the
words out through blissful and heavy breaths as well as quiet and subtle moans that she wished she
could keep inside, closing her eyes and smiling as she buried her face into the sheets, a deep red blush
starting to form on her cheeks as well. “But if I give in to the pleasure... What will Father think of me…?
Having my maidenhood stolen and still enjoying it…” The young princess didn’t realize it for a moment,
but that made the stranger stop his thrusts and sit patiently for her to look at him, neither of them saying
a word until her blue eyes met his brown.

“Your father will never know, Lucina. Only you, me, Morgan, and Robin will ever know of this. Not even
any of the guard will have a clue.” With a soft smile on his lips, the older man leaned down and captured
the young girl’s lips in a gentle and loving kiss, trying to convince her of what he was saying with his
actions and genuineness. Which seemed to work for a moment as he felt the blue-haired girl slowly lean
into the kiss, returning the affection with an equally soft smile. “There you go. Not so bad, is it?~” The
stranger chuckled as he grabbed hold of the young girl’s hips and flipped her around onto her back,
making her face up at him and see her fingers slowly dig into the sheets as she held her hands beside
her head. “How about another kiss before we get started for real this time? Does that sound good to

“Please….” The Princess of Ylisse smiled as she was given what she asked for, getting yet another kiss
from the man and this time gasping as she felt his tongue push past her lips. Though, that didn’t stop
her from enjoying the affection more this time with the knowledge in the back of her mind that this would
remain a secret from everyone but those who came up with the plan in the first place. As he started
quickly moving his hips again, pounding into her tight hole and burying each and every inch of his shaft
into her pussy, the young girl didn’t bother to stop herself from moaning out into the kiss and wrapping
her legs around his waist to make sure he stayed inside of her and couldn’t even try to pull out of her. It
suddenly started to feel amazing to have him inside of her, moans of pure bliss and ecstasy leaving her
as she turned her head to the side in order to make sure all of the sounds she made were able to be
heard by him.

The stranger smiled as he ran a hand through the girl’s blue hair, getting a firm hold on the back of her
head as he moved his hips faster and faster by the moment. Taking her first time was one thing, but the
fact that her cunt was still tight enough to feel like she had never masturbated in her life was something
that surprised the man, especially since he had already spent a bit of time stretching her out and wanting
more from her. It was wonderful, though, just like when he was with the girl’s family in the woods, not
that he’d say that to her at any time. Instead, just biting his lip and grunting loudly, the man started
getting a bit rougher with the young girl’s body, bringing a hand to her breast and grabbing hold of it
while the hand on the back of her head only got tighter. “Fuck, you’re tighter than I expected… I might
not be able to last much longer…”

“It’s okay…” The young girl moaned out through a small amount of laughter, not able to believe that she
was attempting to comfort the man that was taking her virginity and had forced himself onto her without
her consent. Though, there was no denying the pleasure that coursed through her and only grew more
and more intense the more he played with her body, especially as he grabbed hold of her soft breast
and started playing with it. Something about her breasts were always sensitive and she knew it, no
matter what it involved. “If you’re going to cum… Go ahead…”

That was all the man needed as permission to cum inside of her, not questioning her words or the fact
that her legs were still tightly wrapped around his waist. Moving his hands to her hips to make sure that
Lucina stayed in place, the stranger grunted once again and came inside of her. The first rope was
nothing more than something to spark even more lust and pleasure inside of her, but when it was
followed by the torrent of his seed only a moment later, the man knew that he’d easily be able to get the
young princess pregnant before she left the room. Though, that didn’t stop him from continuing to pump
his hips back and forth inside of her, fucking her through his orgasm and sending her into one of her own
because of it.

Arching her back as she thrashed about under the man, Lucina experienced her first and obviously most
powerful orgasm she had ever felt in her life, screaming out in bliss as she was filled with rope after thick
and hot rope of cum, loving the feeling of his thick spunk sticking to her inner walls as he continued to
fuck her through the pleasure. Throwing her head from side to side, it wasn’t until the man caught her
cheeks and pulled her into another kiss that the young blue-haired girl was able to calm down and enjoy
the blissful afterglow of her orgasm. It took another moment or two for the Princess of Ylisse to lower her
back down onto the bed, however, the pleasure of being stuffed full of cum and feeling the heat radiate
from her womb enough to make her want more and more of it without stopping. However, all the
blue-eyed girl did as the stranger slowed his hips to a stop was smile at him and lean up for another
kiss, this time taking charge of the affection and wrapping her arms around his neck as her legs fell to
either side of him. “You think you’ll be able to go another round, right…? Or do you need a short break
before we continue?”

“For you, Princess Lucina? I’ll do anything. But, for now, I’m going to stay in charge.~” The man
smiled as he pulled his cock out of the young princess and watched the cum leak out of her thoroughly
fucked hole, immediately giving her another peck on the lips before starting to kiss down her body and
hover at her soft breasts for a little bit. He wasted no time in wrapping his lips around her breasts and
using his tongue to play with her hard nipples, swirling them around in his mouth before using his teeth
to bite down on them. Though, just as fast as he started playing with her soft mounds, he was already
starting to kiss his way even lower down her body, smirking and chuckling as he got to her thighs and
nipping at the soft skin, happy to have earned a few gasps of bliss and excitement from the girl.

Of course, Lucina could only manage to grab the back of the stranger’s head and yank him right up
against her cunt, screaming out in pleasure as he started licking her clit and eating her out. Not that
either of them really cared as they just wanted to continue what they had started.
5 - A Family Walk

Leaving the castle in the middle of the day was nothing new for Robin, Morgan, and Lucina. However,
this time, there was something that would catch anyone’s eye if they were caught. The fact that they
were walking around in nothing but a pair of heels that matched the color of their hair, the three of them
having decided to leave their home naked and go see how their day went. Neither of them complained
or even caught any direct attention as they snuck out onto the streets in the early morning.

Robin couldn’t help but smile as she held her daughters’ hands and kept them on either side of her,
showing off the body that she knew was amazing based on what happened only a few days ago at the
beach with Morgan. Though, it didn’t take much to make the white-haired woman happy anymore, her
days filled with cheating on her husband at night and being his right hand tactician and queen during the
day. “Are you girls sure you want to do this with me? You know that we didn’t have to leave at the
same time.” Of course, not a single complaint would leave her lips as her white heels pressed against
the dirt ground underneath her, knowing that she was going to enjoy a day out with her kids.

“Oh, I know! But I wanted to make sure I got to leave with you! This all started because of me, after
all!~” Morgan smiled just as bright as her mother did as she skipped with each step that she took, her
budding breasts bouncing and her body on clear display just like her mother’s and sister’s. “Besides!
We might be able to find more guards if we keep this up! We could always use more people to keep our
home safe in case anything ever happens.” The dark-haired princess quickly let go of her mother’s
hand as she noticed someone that looked to be about her age sitting off on his own just off the path they
were walking on, hurriedly making her way over to him.

“I don’t know if we need more guards, but it’s nice to get out as a family again. Without dad, of course.
We’d never hear the end of it if he found out about this.” Lucina’s smile softened just a bit as she
watched the young man that her sister was talking to get up off the ground, her blue heels stopping as
she waited in place to see where this was going to go, even as a soft blush crept to her cheeks, still
unused to the idea of openly being seen naked after what happened to her.

“Mom! This guy says he’d like to fuck you before he goes back to work! He said he’s never ‘fucked a
milf before’, whatever that means.” Morgan giggled to herself as she made her way beside Lucina, a
cheery look in her eyes as always. “You don’t mind, right? I mean, just with what we’ve done

“Morgan, you shouldn’t offer your mother to a stranger like that… But, you’ve already done it and
there’s no need to turn the poor boy down.” Robin made her way toward the young man and wrapped
her arms around his neck, pulling him close enough to her to catch his lips in a soft and excited kiss, not
caring about the fact that her daughters were watching her. “Count yourself lucky, young man. If anyone
other than my little girl had tried to say this to you, you’d be finding yourself in a very different position.
She watched as he nodded and allowed his hands to slowly glide along her body, an excited smile on
his lips as well. “You seem to be enjoying a grown woman’s body. I wonder if you’d feel the same way
when you’re buried inside me.~”

Lucina simply watched as the young man gasped, her blue eyes locked on her mother’s hand teasing
his hard shaft through his pants. However, a soft gasp left her own lips when Robin pulled out the young
man’s member, seeing as it was as thick as her wrist and an impressive length while still being a bit
soft. “Is she going to be okay…? That thing’s massive, Morgan…” The blue-haired girl gently bit her
lower lip when she felt her younger sibling’s hand on her plump rear end, excitement and lust suddenly
filling her faster than she could’ve ever expected to happen.

“Mom will be fine! She’s taken much bigger before. Hell, I’m pretty sure dad is a bit bigger than that
too. But, just have faith and watch.~” Morgan slowly licked her lips as she groped and played with the
princess’s rear end, her brown eyes watching her mother slowly push the stranger she found toward the
ground, watching as she climbed into his lap and started to grind back and forth against his shaft.

“Tell me, Stranger. Have you ever been with an older woman before?” The white-haired tactician
placed a hand on the stranger’s chest as she slowly moved her hips back and forth, teasing both herself
and him as she ground her pussy lips against this hardening cock. However, when she watched him
shake his head no, a soft pout escaped the queen’s lips. “Awe, so I’m going to have to show you how
us ladies like it? Be glad you’re so cute.~” Leaning down, Robin didn’t hesitate to capture the young
man’s lips in another kiss as she slowly picked up her hips, smiling when she pointed his shaft upward
toward her cunt and slammed herself back down into his lap. Each and every inch of his cock forced its
way inside of her tight hole, causing her to scream out in sheer and utter bliss.

She didn’t care about the fact that her children were only a few steps behind her, sitting up straight on
the young man’s lap and happily starting to bounce on it. “Gods, you feel bigger than you look. It’s
almost not fair.~” Robin smirked as she brought his hand to her bouncing chest, playfully licking her lips
and letting out a quiet and needy moan as his fingers sank into her soft skin. It was such a different
feeling compared to both her husband’s cock and the stranger that she made into a guard, but it was a
wonderful one all the same. The was his thick shaft throbbed and twitched inside of her made the
white-haired woman shudder in bliss as she stayed on his lap, keeping still just to bring a hand over her
warm and smile. “Don’t be afraid to cum inside me, young man… We’re both going to love it.~”

Morgan watched with a bright smile on her face as she brought a hand between her legs, gasping into
Lucina’s ear as she watched their mother fuck herself on a stranger’s cock. In reality, she had
promised the young man a better job at the castle than what he was doing now if he got Robin pregnant
right here in the street, but she didn’t plan to tell a soul about that until it was absolutely needed.
Something about the way the tactician she admired bounced and moaned out in sheer and utter ecstasy
made the young woman’s heart flutter and skip a beat, even if it was her own mother. The sound of her
moans had become something of an almost addictive sound to the dark-haired girl, making her wish that
she could hear more or what right next to Robin to hear them get even louder. “What do you think,
Lucina? Do you think he’s going to cum inside of her?”

“I hope so…” She didn’t want to admit it, a hand on her breast and another holding tightly to her hip, but
Lucina couldn’t help but stare at her mother’s shapely rear end, watching it bounce and jiggle each
time Robin dropped back down into the young man’s lap. The princess chewed on her lower lip just a
little bit as she watched her mother go to town on the young man, her pussy starting to slowly ache with
jealousy that she wasn’t involved. Though, nothing was stopping her from going forward and sitting on
his face, other than the knowledge that he wanted the Queen of Ylisse and not the princess. “I’ve never
seen Mom so happy… Do you think it’s because she’s getting fucked out in the open like this?”

Robin wasn’t exactly paying attention to what her daughters were saying, but she was happy as she
could ever be as she felt the young man’s cock continue to throb inside of her. It was just big enough to
press against the entrance of her womb when she landed back down in his lap, causing her eyes to roll
into the back of her head as she bounced. “Gods, you may have never had an older womb before, but
you’re definitely worth coming back for more… Too bad I don’t care to know your name.~” Leaning
down and placing her hands on either side of his head, the older woman quickly caught his lips in
another kiss to keep him from telling her, really not wanting to have him come back home with her just
because she wanted a bit of extra dick on the side.

However, it wasn’t more than another moment or two before he came, unloading his spunk inside of
her. Digging her fingers into the dirt beside his head, Robin hissed in sheer glee as rope after rope after
rope of cum suddenly flooded her snatch, painting her inner walls white and filling her womb with fresh
seed that she didn’t expect to get so quickly. Though, she wasn’t complaining as she kissed him again,
pushing her tongue past his lips and moaning as she was able to explore his mouth. Even if she didn’t
get to cum just from that one orgasm, the white-haired woman knew that she was close enough to work
her way toward one before he left. “Come on… Just a little bit more. Make Momma cum with this
wonderful cock of yours.~”

On the other hand, it just allowed Morgan to watch as cum started to slowly spill and leak out of her
mother’s cunt, a heavy breath leaving her as she remembered just what it felt like to be filled with so
much cum. “Well, he came inside of her. I wonder if-”

“I think he went over here for his break, but where the hell is he?”

“No idea. You don’t think he bailed, do you?”

Two male voices cut the young girl off before she could finish her thought, causing Morgan to groan
quietly as they immediately turned in their direction and approached Robin. “D-Do they know him…?”

“Can I help you boys?~” The queen didn’t hesitate to jump on this opportunity that presented itself, her
instinct driving her for more pleasure before she had even reached her peak with the first person she
found. “This young man said he had to go back to work soon, but he hadn’t made me cum yet. Am I
keeping him from helping you?~” Robin giggled quietly to herself as she watched both of the men’s
jaws drop right away, seeing the Queen of Ylisse bouncing on their friend’s lap while being naked as
the day she was born, other than a pair of white heels. “If you don’t mind being patient, I’d be more
than happy to let you join in on the fun.~” The white-haired woman gestures for the two men to get
closer, holding both of her hands out on either side of her, giving them both something to do as her hips
never stopped moving, the rush and excitement pushing her closer and closer to that orgasm she
craved. “Don’t be shy now, okay? I’d be happy to suck you two down while I cum on your friend’s

The men didn’t hesitate to make their way over to Robin, both of them dropping their pants and staring
her in the eyes as they walked to either side of her. “I’m guessing you’re the type of slut that doesn’t
need to know our names to show us a good time, aren’t you?~” The older of the two smirked as he
gently slapped his cock down on the queen’s face, watching her wince a bit but smile all the same
before her soft lips wrapped around the growing cock. “I’ll take that as a yes.~”

The young of the two newcomers didn’t have anything to say as he grabbed the white-haired tactician’s
hand and pulled it over to his cock, making sure she had a firm grip on his cock before letting her get to
work. Gently biting his lower lip, the thought of his friend getting to fuck the queen’s pussy right here in
the open quickly left his mind, allowing him to focus solely on the pleasure that he felt from the woman’s
hand. Though, it wasn’t until Robin pulled her head off the older coworker’s cock and took his into her
mouth that he really started to enjoy himself, a quiet groan leaving him.

On the other hand, Morgan simply watched the depraved act with her older sister, loving the way her
mother took down two cocks back to back and still managed to bounce gracefully on a third cock. A
shameless but quiet moan escaped her lips as she pushed two fingers inside of her slick cunt, her blush
worsening as her eyes were locked on her mother’s bouncing and jiggling rear end. “Doesn’t she just
look incredible, Lucina? The way she handles all three of them.~” The dark-haired girl couldn’t help but
smile and gently bite her lower lip, pushing her fingers at a moderate but varying pace as she kept her
distance from the group.

However, Lucina couldn’t take her off off the cocks that were entering her mother in one way or another,
her middle finger simply circling around and teasing her clit as she watched her mother cheat in the
open. The blue-haired girl didn’t know what to say as she watched everything unfold in front of her,
hearing her mother scream around the cocks as her toned body bucked and shuddered on top of the
original person they found today. She bucked her own hips ever so slightly against her hand, pushing a
single finger into her pussy and loving the way her clit ground against her palm ever so slightly. “Looks
like she’s really enjoying herself.~”

With the orgasm she wanted still radiating through her body, Robin couldn’t stop herself from
shuddering with excitement as she was fucked through it. With both of the newcomer’s cocks pressing
against her lips, the white-haired woman happily swirled her tongue around what she could of both, one
hand stroking each hard, throbbing shaft as she tried her best to work them over. Whether it was due to
her mind being clouded with lust, or the fact that she just came and wanted to return the favor, or the
fact that she was becoming more of a slut than she could imagine, the Queen of Ylisse wanted all three
of the men to cum for her. “Come on, boys. Don’t be scared. You can cum on and in the Queen of
Ylisse and no one but my daughters are going to ever know.~”

After another moment, all three of the men fired off like clockwork. The man thrusting into Robin from
underneath her unloaded into her tight and quivering pussy once again, happily filling her womb with his
seed. The older of the trio happily grunted and held tightly to the woman’s white hair, using it as a
makeshift handle to keep her head close as he came, rope after rope of his thick and gooey seed
splattering along her face and painting her fair skin and extra shade of white. Last but not least, the
silent one of the trio only smirked as he shoved his hips forward, jamming his cock deep into the
Queen’s throat and cumming as far down as he could. Of course, he was able to feel the red-eyed
woman swallow down each and every precious drop of his spunk that he gave her, a smile coming to his
lips as he pulled away and let out one last rope of cum onto her own.

“That’s more like it boys!~” The white-haired woman smirked and slowly pulled herself back away from
them, getting off of their companion and moaning quietly when she could feel his seed simply pouring
down her legs and onto the ground. “Come on, girls. We’ve got more people to see and more of the
day ahead of us. What do you say we stop by somewhere for a quick breakfast?~”

“Ooh! I’d love that!~” Morgan chirped up happily as she rushed forward to her mother, her breasts
bouncing with her every step and catching the eyes of the two men that had just recently approached
the small ground. “Though, what place do you think would serve naked women?”

“I don’t know a place that wouldn’t serve a woman that walked in naked and ready to fuck anyone
who’s there, Sweetheart.~” Robin couldn’t help but smile as she watched Lucina approach her and
Morgan, loving the fact that Lucina had been broken in by their new personal guard and accepted her
role in all of this, even if she wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as her and Morgan were.

Opening her mouth to say something as she walked off with her mother, Lucina was immediately cut off
by the older man that had approached them, her body turning around to look at him. “Can I help you
with something, Sir? I’m just trying to enjoy a day out with my mother and sister…”

“Don’t leave just yet, ladies. We’ve got one more offer for you.~” The older man slowly let go of
Lucina’s wrist when all of the women stopped to listen, a smile on his face as he took a step back. “Let
us fuck the Princesses of Ylisse. Our buddy here got to cum twice inside of the queen. Don’t you think
it’s only fair that the people who came out to find him get to cum twice as well? Or is the Ylisse Royalty
simply that picky?~” A soft chuckle escaped the man as Morgan stepped up closer to him, her thighs
still clearly coated in her own arousal. “And, I see that you’re just as wet as your mother is. Were you
able to cum when she was getting fucked?~”

Morgan remained silent for just a moment before turning around and looking at Lucina with a bit of a
hopeful look, both wanting to get fucked and wanted to enjoy the day with her family as much as she
could. “Come on, Lucina. What do you say? We get to cum, we get to be fucked just like Mother was,
and we get to go eat afterwards!~” The dark-haired girl giggled as she reached behind her and gently
grabbed the older man’s still hard cock, stroking it as she waited on an answer from her sister.

Robin wrapped her arms around her blue-haired daughter’s body and smiled, planting a soft and
encouraging kiss on her cheek. “Go on, Lucina. I know you aren’t as into this sort of thing as Morgan
and I are, but this is a chance to take the first step to doing this on your own accord. To being like the
two of us and being able to join us if we ever do this again.” The older woman paused for just a moment
as she turned her daughter’s head to she could see into those ocean blue eyes, a smile on her face.
“You know that neither of us are going to be upset with you if you say no, so this is your choice. I just
want you to actually think about it and open your mind to the possibilities.” The tactician smirked as she
stole a kiss from her daughter’s lips, earning a shocked look from everyone other than her other
daughter. “So, what do you say?”

Lucina stayed quiet for just a moment, looking between the older man and the silent one, and then back
to her younger sister. She knew that her mother was right, but part of her was still worried deep down.
However, the blue-haired girl quickly took a step forward and wrapped her hand around the older man’s
cock, licking her lips as she turned toward Morgan. “I want him to fuck me. If anyone other than our
guard is going to have his way with me, I want it to be someone who clearly has experience with what
he’s doing.” The moment Morgan’s hand moved away from his shaft, the exalted princess stepped
forward and started to slowly stroke his shaft as she looked into his eyes. “Either make me love getting
fucked by strangers or go on your way…”

“Oh, don’t worry, Princess. I’d be more than happy to show you just how wonderful it can be to fuck a
stranger.~” The older man smirked as he gently took hold of Lucina’s breast, his fingers sinking into her
soft skin just a little bit. Leaning forward, the man planted his lips against her own, stealing a kiss from
the blue-haired girl’s lips and slowly guiding his hands along her curves to her hips. “And, I’ll make
sure you can see just how much your dear sister loves it too!~” Without any hesitation or warning, the
man turned Lucina around, bent her over at the hip and pulling both of her arms behind her back and
above her body.

On the other hand, Morgan ended up in the exact same position at the same time, a look of lust and
anticipation on her face as she gazed into her sister’s eyes. “You ready for the actual fun of the day,
Lucina?~” Of course, the young girl didn’t quite get the answer she wanted when her sister opened her
mouth and all that came out was a loud and ragged moan, letting the dark-haired girl know that she had
been penetrated right then and there. However, it was only another second at the most before the cock
that was pressing against her slick folds forced its way into her cunt, a loud and needy scream leaving
her as a result of the pleasure. “Yes!~ Just like that! Give me everything you got!~”

Robin watched with a soft chuckle as her two little girls were fucked face to face, a lustful smile on both
of their lips. “My girls really do take after me. It’s almost enough to make me proud to call them mine.~”
The white-haired woman licked her lips as she watched the two siblings share a quick look as their faces
inched closer and closer together, the two daughters seemingly wanting to get closer together than
before.. However, a soft gasp escaped her when Lucina leaned forward and captured Morgan’s lips in a
heated kiss. “That’s the way, Baby. Give in to the pleasure and learn to love it.” Sitting on the ground,
the Queen of Ylisse watched as both of the men started to slowly thrust into them, clearly wanting to
enjoy whatever time the could.

Of course, having just came a moment ago, the silent man kept his rhythm slow and steady, knowing
that Morgan was going to love it no matter what he did to her. But that didn’t stop him from keeping a
firm grip on her wrists as he kept them above her ass, a smile on his face as he slowly fucked her.
Though, it was easy to tell just how much she was enjoying this due to her inner walls quivering around
his thick shaft, giving her arms a hard tug and earning a muffled scream from the dark-haired girl against
Lucina’s lips. Slowly picking up the pace of his hips, the young man buried each and every inch of his
hard cock into the younger of the royal family’s tight cunt’s, groaning and earning another muffled
moan from the tactician in training.

Lucina couldn’t believe the position she was in, soft moans leaving her lips as they connected with her
own sister’s, the two sharing an incestuous kiss that felt utterly terrible and perfect all at the same time.
Maybe it was the fact that she knew Chrom expected more of her, or the fact the older man only added
to her own lust by pushing her head closer to Morgans, or maybe it was the fact that her own mother
was watching her make out with her sister with diligent and excited eyes. There were so many things
that fueled the blue-haired princess’s eager and lustful heart, pushing her to clamp down around the
older man’s thick shaft as it throbbed inside of her, an orgasm quickly approaching and making her
moan out in sheer joy as Morgan’s tongue pushed into her mouth.

With his hand tightly holding onto the blue-eyed princess’s wrists while keeping a hand on her head, the
older man couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he slammed his hips forward harder and harder with
each passing second. “Gods, Princess Lucina’s cunt feels leagues better than Queen Robin’s mouth!
It’s like her pussy is just begging to be filled with cock and cum alike! She must be the shy type of
slut.~” The man ran his fingers through the young girl’s blue locks before getting a firm hold on the end
of her hair, yanking it and earning a pained but blissful scream from Lucina when he pulled her away
from Morgan’s lips. Though, he still relished in the subtle whine that left the dark-haired girl’s lips, a
bright smile coming to his lips. “Oh? You wanted to keep making out with your sister like that? Having a
cock buried into both of you as you swap spit? You and your mother really are sluts in the making,
grooming your sister into becoming one of you.”

Morgan could only whine as she was eagerly fucked, her tight cunt spasming and grasping the thick
shaft that plunged inside of her over and over again. With her hands behind her back, she could only
watch with eager eyes as Lucina’s began to roll into the back of her head, a soft smile coming to the
younger tactician’s lips. She wanted to say something, wanted to congratulate Lucina on getting the
better of the two cocks, but just as she thought about saying it, a sharp smack landed on her plump rear
end. Drool immediately started to trail down her chin, her own eyes crossing and her tongue rolling out
of her mouth. Right now, she knew that she looked like a slut who would take any cock that whipped
itself out in front of her, but she didn’t care. She was out with her family, enjoying a good pounding and
being eagerly taken like a brothel worker right out in the open.

Watching from a distance, Robin couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as she stayed still on the ground.
Seeing Morgan as she was and hearing the older man say they were grooming Lucina reminded her of
what happened on the beach only a short bit ago, making her smile and lick her lips as the memories
came back to her mind. “Come on, boys! Don’t go easy on my girls! Show them what it’s like to get
creampied by a real cock!~” The white-haired woman smirked as she slowly got up off the ground,
ready to leave with her girls when the men actually came, biting her lower lip as she watched her
daughter’s eyes roll into the back of their heads. “Watching this makes me wish I could get some more
of that, but we should probably head back to the castle for lunch before someone catches on.”

Listening to the Queen of Ylisse’s words, neither of the men hesitated to cum, the silent one hitting his
peak first and unloading inside of Morgan. Slamming his hips forward, with the tip of his cock pressing
against the young woman’s womb, rope after rope of thick and potent cum flooded her insides. In
seconds, her inner walls were painted a thick layer of white while her womb had been filled so much that
some of his spunk was trickling out of the dark-haired girl’s pussy and onto the ground underneath her.
Of course, he was still able to relish in and love the sound of sheer glee that Morgan let out, her inner
walls clamping down and milking his cock for every drop that she could get.

Just a few feet away from him, the older man nodded and took a firm grip on Lucina’s wrists, keeping
them above her rear end before he reached his peak. However, unlike the other man, his hips never
stopped as he came, pushing the blue-haired princess into a powerful orgasm and fucking her through
his own. Thick, gooey strands of cum filled the young girl’s hole to the point where her stomach
expanded ever so slightly to compensate it all, a smile coming to both his face and the blue-eyed girl’s
as his hips never stopped.

Morgan and Lucina both stared at each other as they came, their inner walls quivering and spasming
around the thick shafts that brought them to the orgasm they were lacking mere moments ago. Their
faces twisted with ecstasy and bliss as the men pulled out of them, quite literally letting them drop to the
ground with a broken but happy look in their eyes. The two sisters, now only inches apart from one
another, leaned forward and shared another kiss, their tongues swirling together and putting on a show
for the three men and their mother who were all watching.

“Well… I guess we can just explore a bit. I don’t want my girls coming home cock-drunk and getting
caught with what we did here today.” Robin chuckled softly as she watched her girls slowly get up off
the ground, the trio of men waving and leaving them without even bothering to say goodbye. But that
didn’t stop the white-haired woman from helping her little girls off of the ground and giving both of them
a loving and passionate kiss. “I’m so proud of you girls! Especially you, Lucina. You really broke out of
your shell, there, and it looks like you were enjoying yourself more than you even expected to.~”

Lucina slowly nodded as she sat up off the ground, licking her lips and feeling cum starting to just gush
out of her cunt now that it was void of cock. “Y-Yeah… I didn’t expect it to feel so good… But he really
knew what he was doing…” The blue-haired princess pushed herself up until she was sitting on her rear
end, looking at her mother with a soft smile. “Is it supposed to feel this good after something like that?
Am I supposed to want more of it…?” The older sibling sounded a bit unsure of herself as she sat there,
looking back toward the dark-haired young woman that sat in front of her.

“Yes! That’s when you know you did something wonderful! Like when I first got Mom naked on the
beach!~” The young girl couldn’t help but giggle as she rose to her feet, gasping when she was a bit
wobbly for a second, but standing up straight and smiling otherwise. “But, you looked so hot, Lucina…
Taking a cock like that and just giving in to the pleasure. I could see just how well he was fucking you.~”
Morgan brought her arms under her breasts and crossed them as she stood there, allowing some of the
cum that had filled her to trickle down her thighs and onto the ground.
“I’m proud of you both. You two just had sex in public, with strangers, letting them fill you with their
cum. And that’s not even the best part about today. The way you two kissed… I thought I was watching
two lovers start making out before they fucked.~” Robin smiled as she helped Lucina up off the ground,
keeping her steady when she ended up a bit wobbly just like Morgan was. “But, remember, girls… No
one can know that this was happening. Your father cannot for the life of him know that I’m cheating on
him with strangers, especially when out in public.” The white-haired woman sighed softly and brought a
hand to the back of her head, nervously laughing and ruffling her hair. “Even if Morgan is the one that
opened this jar of fun, I’m the one that gave in full tilt. So, just be careful, alright?~”

Both of the girls nodded and planted a loving kiss on their mother’s cheeks, each of them snagging one
of her hands and entwining their fingers with it. “Of course!~” The two sisters smiled as they almost
cheered in unison, sharing another quick peck right in front of Robin before leading her toward the edge
of the town they were in. Morgan and Lucina both remained quiet as they lead their mother around,
knowing that they had to be careful to avoid anyone that they might know or that might run off and tell

However, it wasn’t until Morgan found Anna’s shop in the horizon that she perked up and started
running. She didn’t care about the fact that her breasts swung with each heavy step she made on the
ground, or the fact that the cum that had filled her earlier had stopped trickling onto the ground while a
large portion of it remained inside of her. Right now, at this moment, she wanted to try and make some
kind of deal for more tomes. Unfortunately, when she got to the shop, there was no sign of the redhead
anywhere, causing her to whine softly and turn to see Robin and Lucina trying to catch up.

“Morgan, what’s wrong?! You can’t just run off like that!” Lucina sounded more concerned than she
wanted to as she wrapped her arms around her younger sister’s body, pulling her close and letting their
breasts squish together just as Robin caught up to them. “What’s going on? Why’d you just sprint off
like that? Did you see someone else that you wanted to fuck you?” The blue-haired princess felt a soft
flush come to her cheeks as she watched Morgan shake her head, realizing what she had said with it
not being the reason she booked it.

“Wait… This is Anna’s shop, isn’t it?” Robin sighed quietly as she stepped between her daughter’s,
planting a soft kiss onto Morgan’s forehead. “Let me guess. You wanted her to sell you some tomes for
some kind of favor since we’re already all here and naked, right?” The white-haired tactician playfully
rolled her eyes when she watched her dark-haired little girl nod to her question. “You really are the first
slut out of this trio, aren’t you? But, say something next time, okay? I didn’t know what to think when
you just started running like that.”

“Sorry… I just got excited and sorta moved before I thought. But, it doesn’t look like she’s here
anyway.” The dark-haired young woman sighed, gasping quietly when she felt her mother’s lip press
against her own, quickly followed by her older sister’s, a smile coming to her face rather quickly.
“W-What was that for…?” Morgan didn’t know what else to say as she brought her middle finger to her
lips, gently touching them and looking toward her family. “Wait… Don’t tell me you two want to do
something right here in Anna’s store?! But, what if she walks in and catches us?!”

“Then, I guess she’ll have something to work with to sell you a tome.~” Robin couldn’t help but giggle
a bit as she stepped behind her daughter, immediately cupping her breasts from behind and earning a
soft moan from her in response. “You took advantage of me while we were in public. I think it’s only fair
I get to do the same thing to you, with interest.~” The white-haired woman licked her lips and placed a
gentle kiss onto her little girl’s neck, her soft hands moving from the dark-haired girl’s breasts down her
stomach and to her legs, snaking teasingly close to her cum-filled pussy without actually touching it.
“Come on, Lucina. Join Mommy in teasing Morgan.”

The blue-haired princes nodded and stepped up toward her little sister, not hesitating to wrap her lips
around one of Morgan’s breasts, pulling it into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. Lucina still
couldn’t properly believe that she was doing such a thing to her own flesh and blood, but it didn’t stop
her from loving the way Robin’s hand ran through her hair, pulling her head flush against her sibling’s
soft mounds. “I’m almost jealous, Morgan… Your breasts have always been bigger than mine, despite
being younger than me.” Of course, the first born smiled and clenched her teeth around the other girl’s
quickly hardening nipple, pulling on it while hearing the sound of a smack echo through the room.

Morgan gasped and almost screamed out in twisted bliss as her rear end was spanked by her own
mother, her older sister playing with her breasts like they were her favorite toy. “T-That’s not fair!~”
Pouting quietly, the younger of the trio tried to think of a way out of this, wrapping her arms around
Lucina’s body and suddenly yanking her close enough to catch her lips in a clearly heated and
frustrated display of affection. There was no hesitation before the dark-haired princess tried to dominate
the kiss, forcing her tongue past her sibling’s lips and slowly guided her away from Robin, one step at a

However, Robin knew exactly what Morgan was doing, purposefully letting her go and watching to see
just where she lead Lucina too. “Awe. Come on, Morgan. You can’t tease me in public and expect for
me not to return the favor.~” The older woman chuckled as she made her way toward the door to the
shop, blocking it and wrapping her arms around the blue-haired princess instead. “Though, I’m pretty
sure that your older sister could use a bit more pleasure in her life.~” The white-haired tactician didn’t
allow her older daughter to move as she slipped a hand between her thighs, using her middle finger to
tease the princess’s clit. “Wouldn’t you two agree?~”

Lucina could only gasp and scream when she was suddenly captured by her mother, realizing that the
woman was just playing with them both like they were her favorite treats. Instantly, the blue-haired
princess knew that Robin would happily play with and tease her and her little sister, causing the
blue-eyed girl to groan when her lips were caught in a kiss by her mother. Of course, she didn’t exactly
fight back, melting into the affection in the same moment as a single finger forced its way into her cunt.
“M-Mother…” The word breathlessly escaped her lips as she felt Morgan’s hands gliding along the
curves of her body, eventually stopping on her breasts.

On the other hand, Morgan smiled as she stared at her older sister’s gorgeous features, loving just how
easily she started to give into pleasure since she was raped by their new personal guard. “You say
you’re almost jealous of my breasts, Lucina, but you have these perfect, perky, delicious tits.~” The
dark-haired girl leaned forward and dragged her tongue along her older sister’s soft and milky skin,
enjoying the way her breast seemed to bounce with the heavy breath that escaped Lucina. “Not to
mention, the way you react to pleasure. It’s almost magical.~” The younger tactician turned her
attention to her mother next, watching as their lips parted and a very thin strand of saliva connected their
tongues. Of course, she didn’t say anything as she allowed her hands to drift lower and gently cup her
older sister’s plump rear end.

Lucina could only shudder and twitch as she felt her mother’s lone finger pump into her over and over
again. It wasn’t nearly as thick or pleasurable as the massive cock she was fucked with earlier, but the
twisted nature that the woman that gave birth to her was doing this only added to her excitement. Not
that she minded for a single moment as a soft bite was placed on her neck, pain suddenly surging
through her body and melding with the pleasure. “Oh, gods… I-I…” The young woman was at a loss for
words as she felt her own sister’s fingers sink into her skin, groaning and moaning quietly when
Morgan’s lips touched her ear lobe.

“Let’s go after Mother next. The instant I let go, turn around and grab her.~”

Robin couldn't hear just what her daughter was saying, but it didn’t stop her from taking a step back to
see and admire just how good the two looked when they were that close together. She teasingly licked
her lips as she watched Morgan’s hands leave Lucina’s shapely ass cheeks, whining quietly. “Awe,
Morgan, you looked so good grabbing her ass like that.~” Of course, the older woman could only gasp
and moan when both of her daughter’s pounced on her, playfully knocking her to the floor and catching
her lips in a heated and passionate kiss, one after the other. Though, she didn’t dare fight back as the
dark-haired princess grabbed both of her breasts, her blue-haired daughter pushing a finger into her
tight cunt, a loud scream of pleasure leaving her before a few playful giggles filled the room. “Such
naughty daughters, turning against your mother like this!~”


After managing to sneak back into the castle through Morgan’s bedroom window, the incestuous trio
couldn’t stop themselves from giggling and sharing a quick kiss before sitting down on the dark-haired
girl’s floor. All of them took the moment to calm down and relive the day in their head, coming up with
potential lies to tell anyone that might ask where they were. Of course, the room fell silent in that
moment, all three of the women trying to plan out how to make their day seem logical without getting
caught. Lucina turned her head toward Morgan, watching the dark-haired girl shrug without coming up
with a response, a soft sigh leaving her before turning her head toward her mother. “Mother? Any

Robin closed her eyes and thought for a moment, crossing her arms under her breasts before gasping
and slamming her hands down on the floor. “I got it!~” A bright smile came to her lips as she cleared
her throat and sat up straight, bringing a hand to the top of her chest. “Okay… With that lovely day
behind us, I say we tell your father we went to the next town over. To search for tomes for Morgan. A bit
of a girls’ day out.” The older woman smiled softly as she was able to see a very small amount of cum
trickling out of both of her little girls’ thoroughly fucked cunts. “And anyone else that asks, we’ll say the
same thing. That way, no one knows, we’ve got a reason for being gone, and if there are any rumors,
we can say that we weren’t even in town.”

The two princess’s shared a quick look before nodding and agreeing with their mother. “Got it.” They
spoke in unison once again, sighing softly when they watched Robin stand up off the ground and make a
step toward the door. All of them were still naked, but it seemed that none of them exactly wanted to get
dressed, fucking and having been fucked all day taking the necessity for clothes out of their minds.

“But… Does it have to end now? I mean… We’re all still here. We can call out guard, we can have more
fun…” Lucina pouted quietly as she looked toward the floor, not wanting the family fun day to stop and
come to an end. Deep down, she didn’t know if it was because she was still horny or if she just felt that
much closer to her mother and sister after what happened throughout the day, not that it would change
the fact that they could do this again. “Or.. Can we just stay here together? Just the three of us?”

Morgan immediately wrapped her arms around her older sister, giggling and planting firm kiss onto her
cheek as her hands found their way under her soft breasts. “Do you really want the fun to keep going,
Sis? Have you become that much of a slut in one day that you just want to keep getting fucked as much
and as often as you can?~” It was clear that the dark-haired girl was teasing, but that didn’t stop her
from laying it on thick, happily playing with and squeezing the soft mounds in her hands. “Maybe I can
find a spell that’d give me a cock, just so I can fuck you all night long like you want.~”

“Morgan, don’t tease your sister like that.” Despite saying that, Robin had to stifle a giggle as she
stepped away from the door to her little girl’s bedroom. She quickly placed a soft and loving kiss on both
of their lips, letting it linger each time just to show how much she loved them. “I’ll tell you two what. If
you want to keep the fun going, get dressed and meet me in mine and your father’s chambers in an
hour. We’ll lock him out for the night and have our fun. If we want our new guard, we’ll call him. If not,
then we’ll just enjoy each other for as long as could possibly want. How does that sound?” The older
woman smiled brightly as she watched both of her daughters’ eyes light up compared to when they first
got into the room, a quiet chuckle leaving her as she opened the door and peeked into the hall, seeing
that it was empty. “Good. Then I’ll see you soon!~”

Lucina watched as her mother dashed out of the room, silently sprinting down the hall and toward her
own bedroom where her clothes were at. Though, she didn’t know what to say, sitting in silence and
watching as the door slowly closed. “What do you say, Morgan? Do you want to see if we can find that
spell before I go? Or do you want to find it yourself?~” There was a hint of hope in the blue-haired girl’s
voice when she asked the question, sitting back and slowly scooting away from her younger sister. “I’m
sure at least one of your tomes must have something in it.”

“You know what, Lucina? Yeah, that’s get looking. Maybe me and you can have a bit of fun before we
go see Mother.~” Morgan giggled to herself as she slowly pushed her sister onto her back, kissing her
deeply and bringing a hand to her soft breasts, squeezing and kneading the soft mound. “But first… I
think I want to pay you back for what you and Mother did in Anna’s shop.~” She didn’t give her sister a
chance to answer as she caught her in another heated kiss, forcing her tongue past the blue-haired
princess’s lips and moving her spare hand along the young woman’s curves. “And I can promise that
I’m not going to be as playful as I was back there. But you’ll love every moment.~” Morgan relished in
the way she was right, dragging her fingers along Lucina’s already wet slit, a low and needy moan
leaving her older sister’s lips.
6 - Trio Of Sluts

Waking up to the sun peering into the bedroom that she shared with her daughters was an almost
normal occurrence for Robin nowadays. Ever since that man they made into their personal guard came
into their lives, her, Lucina, and Morgan spent every night together. For better or for worse. Luckily, she
was the first one awake this morning, allowing her to get a good view of her little girls’ bodies glistening
in the sun that peered into the room. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she ran her hand through
Morgan’s hair.

As a mother, it almost made her proud that her babies were still willing to cling to her at night. As a
whore, it made her aroused to know that her own children were willing to cling naked to her just so they
could fall asleep with her around. Her tongue slowly dragged along her lips as she moved her hand over
to Lucina’s face and gently caressed her cheek. “Lucina, sweetie… Wake up. Mommy’s got something
for you…” Spending in as tender of a voice that she could manage after first waking up, Robin found it a
sight to behold to see Lucina’s gentle and delicate eyes fluttering open to gaze upon her. Though, she
quickly forced those eyes shut the moment she caught her daughter’s lips in a heated kiss.

Listening to the quiet moan that Morgan made as she woke up, Robin swiftly wrapped her arms around
Lucina’s neck before pulling her daughter closer. She had managed to stir both of her babies awake
and she couldn’t have been happier about this in this moment. Especially as Morgan’s hands started to
glide along her smooth thighs. The way her lips parted from Lucina’s and left her mouth open for a
moan to slip from them felt so familiar and wonderful that Robin didn’t dare fight it. Not after everything
she and her children have been through together lately. “Morgan, I didn’t think you’d want to play
with-” A sharp breath left the mother of two as she felt her youngest daughter’s tongue flatten against
her slit, dragging along it a moment later. “M-Mommy as soon as you wake up.~”

“Well, what would be the point of waking up to a mother so beautiful if I wasn’t going to have a bit of fun
when I woke up?~” Morgan couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she jumped up from the bed and
pinned Robin down onto her back, catching her lips in a loving kiss and ignoring her sister entirely. She
couldn’t help herself. Not when her mother’s delicious body was underneath her and always within
arm’s reach when she woke up.

Of course, now that she was left alone to watch, Lucina heard the sound of a note slipping under the
door to their room. Her blue eyes struggled to leave her mother’s and sister’s body to turn so she could
face the note. Though, she managed to not hesitate to get out of bed before making her way over to it
and picking it up off the ground. “Who could be leaving us a note at this time of day…? Surely Father
isn’t even awake yet.” Lucina flipped the blank sheet of paper over to see a note written on the back of

“Come into the town wearing nothing but a pair of heels. When you’ve spent time tending to the
townsfolk, you’ll be allowed back in the castle. Chrom still hasn’t managed to find out, so you are to
have as much fun as you can today.”

“What? We’re to go back out in nothing but heels?” Robin’s breath hitched in her throat as she felt
Morgan’s soft lips playfully wrap around her breasts. But she quickly brought her hands to the back of
her daughter’s head to keep her in place. “And to tend to the townsfolk? I guess that means it’s just
another day about town as usual, isn’t it?~” Her tongue slowly dragged along her lips as she made her
way off the bed and toward Lucina. Robin quickly wrapped her arms around her daughter and dragged
her back to the bed where Morgan was waiting almost impatiently.

The moment her sister was back in the bed with her, Morgan was more than happy to wrap both of her
arms around Lucina’s stomach. She didn’t hesitate to push two fingers into her older sister’s cunt that
was almost always wet at this point. Relishing in the loud and blissful sound that escaped from the heir
to Ylisee’s throne brought such a sense of joy and excitement to Morgan’s heart. Enough that she
pulled her older sibling into a loving kiss that kept her quiet as her fingers pumped in and out of her slick
hole. “Don’t make too much noise, Lucina… Don’t you know how awful it’d be if Father found out about
this? You’re his precious little girl, after all.~”

A soft chuckle rumbled in Lucina’s throat as she turned herself around and pinned her younger sister
onto her back. “Maybe so, but you’ll always be Mother’s precious baby.~”

“You’re both my precious babies!”

Morgan and Lucina couldn’t stop themselves from sharing a quick and loving laugh before catching
each other in a deep and passionate kiss that only sparked the lust inside of them even more. The
feeling and knowledge that this was their own flesh and blood sibling that they were making out with
made their hearts skip a beat. Though, it didn’t exactly help when she pressed the palm of her hand
against Morgan’s slit and felt just how wet she was. Especially when she slipped two fingers into her
sibling’s cunt to match the two that were in her own. “It’s so wrong to be doing something like this with
my own sister. But it feels so wonderful.~”

The feeling of Lucina’s fingers pumping in and out of her pussy felt absolutely magical to Morgan,
especially when she turned her head to the side and saw something incredible. The sight of her mother,
Robin, sitting on the edge of the bed and slipping into a pair of heels that very clearly accentuated her
legs and supple thighs. Along with the fact that Robin was completely naked and her arousal was clear
as day in the sunlight as it glistened against her leg? It easily explained why her inner walls clamped
down around Lucina’s fingers and a breathless moan escaped her lips. “M-Mother…”

“Oh, no. Don’t ‘Mother’ me, young lady. You finger your sister until you both cum and then get
dressed. We’ve got a long day ahead of us if we plan to get everything done before getting back
home.~” Robin wasn’t afraid to pull the authority card on her children if she felt the need, but it made
her happy to see them immediately lock their lips once again and press their bodies flush against the
other’s. The sight of Lucina’s breasts squishing against Morgans was something that Robin knew she
would never get tired of seeing, even if she saw it for a full day and nothing else. “Such gorgeous

The sound of Robin’s heels clicking on the tile floor prompted Lucina to bring her head up to get a good
look at the sound. And she was happily greeted with the sight of her mother’s plump rear end shaking
and jiggling with each step that she took in her walk toward the door. “You’re leaving already, Mother?
Y-You don’t want to stay and walk with us?” A quiet and needy whine escaped her as she felt a third
finger push into her tight cunt, causing her hips to buck ever so slightly against Morgan’s hand. Of
course, she was quick to do the same thing and bring her sister the same pleasure that coursed through
her. It was only fair since she was approaching her orgasm, after all. “Fuck, Morgan… Don’t stop…
Don’t stop, Baby Sis…”

Morgan brought her free hand to her sister’s shapely rear end as she continued to finger her. She
didn’t grab the soft skin or even spank Lucina, but instead opted to just caress her smooth skin while
she could. Her lips were too occupied peppering kisses along her sibling’s neck to say anything and say
that she wouldn’t stop. But she figured that was obvious by this point in their sexual life together. It
didn’t exactly prove her point as heavy breaths started to leave her lips as her inner walls clenched and
convulsed around Lucina’s fingers. Luckily, she could feel Lucina’s inner walls doing the same thing
until they both pushed each other over the edge together.

Loud screams of her little girls cumming on each other’s fingers was the last thing Robin heard as she
opened the door to their room. She rolled her eyes and licking her lips in excitement for the day ahead of
her. “Come on, girls. Get dressed and let’s go!”


“Alright girls, you can tend to the first person of the day today.~” Robin smiled sweetly to the random
civilian that had stopped her and her children next to an alley in the middle of town. It was a dark alley
that ever got any sun, but it was the perfect spot for her little girls to tend to someone together just like
she had always wanted. “I’ll stand by and make sure that no one is coming close enough to see us and
rat us out.”

Lucina gave a quick look to her sister as they stepped into the dark alley with the complete stranger. She
wasn’t even sure if the person she pulled into the alley with her was from Ylisse or not. But it didn’t
matter to her as she got down on her knees and pulled his pants down, gasping as Morgan expertly
caught his cock in her mouth as it threatened to slap them both in the face. “M-Morgan! I thought we
were supposed to share his cock!” A quiet pout was the only thing to match the gentle blush that filled
her cheeks as she made her way closer to the man and took one of his balls into her mouth.
Of course, in her position above her sister, Morgan didn’t dare be shy about the amount of drool she
slathered this stranger’s shaft in. She knew that Lucina wouldn’t care once they were both covered in
cum or able to drink down this man’s load together. Though, she didn’t waste a moment before
bobbing her head along his length and taking more and more of him into her mouth and throat. This dick
was far from the biggest they had taken, that honor belonging to their favorite guard that made them all
the sluts they were today, but it definitely one of the tastiest. Morgan didn’t bother to shy away from the
pleasant moans that muffled around his member as she coiled her tongue around it.

Just a few steps away from the action, Robin peeked her head out of the alley and looked in both
directions to see that no one was approaching them. Which gave her the perfect opportunity to turn
around and see her little girls tending to a wonderful-looking cock in the darkness around them. Her
hand drifted between her legs and she wasn’t shy about playing with herself in public. Especially when
it allowed her to see two beautiful ladies swapping places on a cock and sharing a few quick kisses
before getting into their respective place. “That’s it, girls. Show him just what you two can do

Lucina was more than happy to let out joyful and pleasant moans that muffled around the stranger’s
shaft. She could taste her sister’s saliva on it and it made her heart light up to be able to taste
something so sweet on a cock as thick as this one. Her lips curled into a smile as she bobbed her head
in the same motion that Morgan had, almost copying her younger sister while dragging her tongue
against the underside of the civilian’s dick. Lucina happily fluttered her eyes as she gazed up at the
man and slowly sank down his shaft. More and more of his throbbing member pushed into her mouth
and then into her throat while she listened to Morgan slurping on his heavy sack underneath her.

Even if she was the last one of the trio to accept her true nature as a whore and start to love being like
this, Lucina couldn’t help but feel like she was the most cum-hungry of the royal trio. Half the time, all
she wanted to be able to swallow someone’s cum. Especially if it belonged to the man that made her
this way. But being able to take in a stranger’s was just as wonderful and exciting.

Of course, being underneath her sister now, Morgan placed dozens of loving and attentive kisses on the
man’s balls while she was sitting here. There was no reason to try and fight with Lucina about who got
the man’s cum when they would end up sharing it anyway. Especially now that Lucina had made her
way down to the man’s base, leaving Morgan with barely any room to be able to tease and tend to the
man as he was enjoying the dual blowjob he was getting. “I hope you like how my sister’s mouth feels,
Sir! She’s a bit greedy sometimes, but no one other than Mother and I has complained about that yet.
She just tries to keep all the cum to herself.~”

Neither child seemed to notice how their mother slipped away from them and left them alone with the
massive cock and the stranger it belonged to. Both Lucina and Morgan were far too occupied with
making sure the man felt good that they were just happy with the feeling of his hands on the back of their
heads. After a moment, Lucina popped her lips off of the man’s throbbing shaft and started to drag her
tongue along the side of it, giggling the moment her younger sister joined her. “I’m not always greedy
when it comes to cum, Morgan. You know that.~”

Both of the royal children gasped and moaned happily as the man finally reached his peak and came for
them both. Morgan wrapped her fingers around the base of the man’s shaft and pointed it directly at her
and her sisters, making sure that her mouth was open so she could catch as much cum as she could get
on her tongue. Though, it was no surprise to her that Lucina was quick to shift the cock in her direction
so she could get a few strands on her face and in her own mouth as well. “Not greedy, huh? Then what
do you call stealing a girl’s cum that she earned?~”

“We earned that together! Right, Mother?” When she was met with silence, Lucina turned her head to
finally find that Robin wasn’t standing with them anymore. But that didn’t stop her from swallowing
down the bit of cum that she got on her tongue. “I wonder where she went…” However, the moment she
felt the hard dick that she just sucked smack down against her cheek, her attention was immediately
turned back to it and away from her mother. The feeling of the saliva and cum-coated member slapping
down against her cheek was more than enough for her to let out another few blissful moans for the
stranger to hear.

Morgan, on the other hand, was just happy watching her sister get slapped around with a dick while she
swallowed down the spunk that she felt she had earned. Her lips curled into a smile as she got up off of
her knees and started to make her way out of the alley. “I do wonder just where Mother could’ve gone.
It’s not like she’s the type to leave us alone just because she sees a stud walking down the street…”
Morgan turned her attention back to Lucina, watching her older sister get smacked one more time before
letting out a quiet and happy giggle. “You’re such a slut, Lucina.”


Down on her knees with her back against the wall of a random shack in the middle of town, Robin
couldn’t have been much happier in her position. Everywhere her eyes looked, she was met with dick
after dick after dick. It didn’t help her vision that she had one cock in her mouth already and one in each
of her hands. She was in a one-woman blowbang and was more than happy to slurp down the cock that
was in her mouth just as it erupted and gave her exactly what she had wanted.

Robin didn’t dare pull her lips away from it as she swallowed down every drop of cum that had been
gifted to her. Even as it pulled back and away from her lips, she was quick to lean forward and place a
gentle and affectionate kiss on it before another one took its place. Of course, when the new cock took
its position in front of her face, Robin was quick to turn her head and take a different one into her mouth.
The dicks in her hands were there before the newest one in her face, so it was only fair that she tend to
them first. Especially when one of them started firing odd and panting her in rope after rope of spunk that
made her squirm and writhe in place on her knees. “That’s it, boys! Keep it coming. Your Queen just
wants to make all of her people as happy as she can make them!~”

Her eyes widened as the other cock that was in her hand fired off and started spraying her other cheek
with his seed. She didn’t even know the people she was sucking off, but she was more than happy to
take their cum over and over again. Especially when just more and more people lined up to have her
pleasure them like an actual whore. Her lips curled into a smile as she just sat in bliss for a moment,
letting the knowledge soak in that she was the queen of these people by right and marriage and all of
them were happily painting her skin an extra shade of white. It made her heart skip a beat as her eyes
flutter shut as her jaw dropped.

Of course, an ecstatic and muffled moan left her as another thick member pushed into her mouth and
immediately started thrusting away into her throat. Robin didn’t even try to fight it off as her hands were
quickly wrapped around more cocks. All around her were people that wanted to use her mouth and
hands like toys to get off. And she was more than happy to be the person to get everyone off. Especially
as she could hear the people around her cheering her on and calling her ‘Queen Slut’. A nickname
they must’ve given her during her many expeditions out of the castle to slut it up with her daughters.

Her thighs frantically rubbed together as the dick in her throat plunged as far as it was able to go, not
caring about the fact that she was happily gagging on it while the crowd cheered for her. Robin was too
busy swirling her tongue around the cock that plugged her throat to care about anything else around her.
Even as her hands absentmindedly stroked the length of the shafts that were in them, her entire focus
was on the pleasure it brought her to have such a large crowd be willing to make her their blowjob slut
and everyone keep cheering her on.

In the back of her mind, as the new batch of cocks all erupted at the same time and both painted her and
fed her with plenty of spunk, all she could think about was how wonderful it would be to be a prostitute or
a stripper for this incredible crowd. Though, that didn’t stop her from happily swallowing down every
drop of cum that had been gifted to her by her loving audience.

When they all retreated away from her and left her almost dickless, Robin couldn’t help but giggle as
she looked around herself. All the men were still cheering for her and offering things like taking her back
to their place so they could knock her up with more royalty. Some of them were even waving cash in the
air like she was some kind of public prostitute for them. Her heart fluttered as she repositioned herself to
be on her hands and knees before taking yet another dick into her mouth and happily sucking it down for
the crowd.

Even as their cheers grow louder, she was confident that no one would say anything or let rumor spread
around her husband, Chrom. Either that, or he had just been too dumb to notice all the times her and her
daughters had left home before coming back later in the day or even days later covered in cum and
sweat. It didn’t fully matter to her as she bobbed her head along the throbbing shaft and dragged her
tongue along the underside, hoping that it would unload inside of her just like all the others had.

Robin playfully popped her lips off of it and looked up at the man that the dick belonged to. It didn’t
surprise her that it was a man she didn’t recognize, especially with the surprisingly tanned skin he had.
“Please cum for me, Sir. Ylissian, male, female, it doesn’t matter. I just want to drink your cum.~”
Opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out, it made the Queen of Ylisse happy that he eagerly
stroked himself to completion in her face. And once he actually came for her? She was over the moon in
joy as rope after rope of his seed covered both her tongue and her face, leaving her an utterly slutty

“Mother! There you are!”

Morgan’s voice tore Robin away from the crowd so she would look at her two adoring daughters. A
smile covered all three of their faces as they looked at each other and quick met for a heated and loving
kiss. The Queen was more than willing to swap some of the cum she had earned with her little girls as
their lips met time and time again. Whenever they weren’t trying to lick her face clean of it, that is.
“Sorry, girls. I got an offer to help all these men get off and I couldn’t turn them down. What kind of
Queen would I be if I didn’t tend to my people’s needs?~”

“That’s our Queen Slut!~” A random voice from the crowd caused all three of the royal girls to blush
softly as they shared yet another incestuous kiss in front of them all.

“And Princess Whore and Princess Cumslut!” Yet another nickname poorly developed on the spot from
the crowd that made the trio smile as they heard it.

“Not exactly what I’d like to be known as once I take over the kingdom… But I can’t exactly say that it’s
wrong…” Lucina shifted in place as she watched two men that almost looked familiar to her approached
her and her sister, almost walking straight past their mother. “Umm… Can we help you two?”

Morgan almost froze with glee as they bent down in front of her and dropped their pants at the same
time. Immediately, she had a feeling of just what they wanted from her. “Oh… you two want Princess
Whore to be your whore, don’t you?~” Something about calling herself that as the crowd for Robin
dispersed made her feel giddy inside, especially once the two men nodded and gestured to the now
open spot in the middle of the street. “Why not right here so Mother and Princess Cumslut can watch?”
Her tongue slowly dragged along her lips as the two men shared a quick glance before shrugging and
picking her up so she was standing on her feet.

Before she could get another word out, Morgan found herself swiftly hoisted off the ground and into the
air. Her body was suddenly flush with the two men that were here to fuck her and she couldn’t say
anything as she felt their two cocks press against her ass and pussy in the same instant. As well as
have her lips caught in a kiss by the man who pressed his torso against her bare breasts. This was a
position she couldn't recall being in during her many many trips out of the castle, but Morgan was more
than happy to have her legs wrapped around one of the man’s waist as he plunged himself deep inside
of her.

The feeling of two dicks forcing their way inside of her tight holes at the same moment felt like absolute
heaven for Morgan as she found her plump rear end suddenly stuffed full of a dick the same size as the
one in her pussy. Her eyes slowly rolled into the back of her head as the two men promptly started to
thrust inside of her without any patience or concern. But that was hardly a problem in her mind as loud,
shameless, and ecstatic moans erupted from her throat because of it. “Yes! Yes! Faster! Faster,

Morgan quickly locked her ankles behind the man that was peppering kisses along her jawline. Both of
the dicks inside of her worked in a nearly perfect opposite rhythm from the other one. It made her focus
on one as it stretched her inner walls and reached all the way to her womb before pulling back out until
only the tip remained inside of her. Just to focus on the one that plunged into her jiggling ass as it forced
its way as deep inside of her anal walls as it could manage. “It feels so good…”

Robin watched from the side with a happy smile on her face as she pulled Lucina into her arms. “Look
at that, Princess. I know you didn’t get much experience getting fucked by more than one man at once.
But you see just how wonderful it feels for Morgan? It almost makes you jealous, doesn’t it?~” She
brought a hand to her daughter’s breast and gently groped it while making sure to keep her daughter
close. “It certainly makes me wish I was in your sister’s place.~”

Lucina didn’t know what to say as she felt her mother’s hand on her breast. On one hand, she knew
that it had to feel almost like heaven to go through something so intense. But on the other, part of her
just wanted to watch her own sister get fucked as hard and fast as she could handle it without breaking.
Though, a quiet gasp slipped from her lips as she felt Robin’s fingers pinch her nipples and give them a
gentle tug. “She looks like she’s enjoying herself, though.”

“It really helps when the princess is such a slut, doesn’t it, Brother?”

“If she wasn’t, there wouldn't be any reason to come find her like this. But she loves it. All three of the
Royal Sluts do.”

Almost on instinct, Morgan threw her arms behind her and wrapped them around the man that was
plowing into her rear end, feeling her orgasm rapidly approaching as they continued to plow into her. Her
tongue flopped out of her mouth as she was thoroughly fucked without being able to touch the ground.
The pleasure was immense and wonderful as it coursed through her body and made her toes curl in
pure bliss. “Cum inside me, boys. Do it! Fill this princess with your cum! I want every drop!~”

A moment later, just like she had ordered them to, Morgan felt them both unload inside of her. Throbbing
shafts pushed her into her own orgasm as she knew that they were filling her with each and every drop
of their cum that they could manage in one load. Drool started to slowly leak out of the corner of her
mouth as her inner and anal walls clenched down around the hard cocks that erupted inside of her. She
didn’t care about the fact that she might end up getting pregnant from just how much cum was likely
filling her womb right now. All that mattered was how the two men peppered her jawline in attentive and
loving kisses as they slowly lowered her back to the ground. “That…. Was fantastic…”
Robin couldn’t help but giggle as she ran a hand through her little girl’s hair, looking down at the
incredibly satisfied look on her face and then to the men that had fucked her. “Thank you so much for
treating my daughter to a wonderful time. Be sure to find us again later in the day if you want to.~” She
blew them both a kiss before leaning down and placing a few gentle and loving kissed against Morgan’s
cheeks and lips. “Just rest for a minute, Morgan. Once you’re good to go, we’ll go back out and tend to
more people.”

Lucina smiled as she looked down at her sister. “You really are Princess Whore, aren’t you? Two dicks
in your face and you’re more than happy to let them fill you with every drop.~” A quiet chuckled rumbled
in her throat as she leaned back for a moment and looked around her at the town. The streets weren’t
empty, but there weren’t that many people left on them. “I hope we can find some more people to tend
to… The streets seem a bit thin today.”

“Oh, we’ll find people… They always find us, after all.~” Morgan allowed her eyes to flutter shut as she
let out a heavy breath, her body still feeling the after-effects of a wonderful orgasm.

“Well, why do they have to leave? They are more than welcome to stay and fuck me as well.” Robin’s
licked her lips as she looked at the two men that were about to walk away from them. “Your Queen
wants to get fucked by the same cocks that were inside of her daughter. That wouldn’t be a problem,
would it?” She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she gently shifted Morgan over into Lucina’s arm
and stood up to make her way over to the two men. “After seeing you two fuck my daughter like that, I
just can’t help myself. It’d be a wonder to be spitroasted by you two strong men.~”

Robin smiled brightly as she made her way to the two men that had just double penetrated her daughter
and planted a deep and passionate kiss on the older one’s lips. Her arms snaked around his neck as
she felt the other one reaching behind her and grabbing onto her hips. She had already been so lost in
the intense pleasure that her day had brought her, but to have both of the men that fucked Morgan
grabbing onto her body and shifting her around to their desire set her alight inside.

Before she knew it, Robin found herself bent forward at the hip but kept standing on her feet, a throbbing
cock hanging in her face as another slapped against her plump rear end. But she didn’t say a word to
the two as she stood in front of her daughters, ready to get ruined by these two men. Her jaw dropped
and her tongue rolled out of her mouth just enough to flick along the head of the dick that sat in her face.
Feeling the man’s fingers thread through her hair caused Robin’s heart to flutter in anticipation. A
moment later, she got exactly what she wanted from the two men. Both of them thrusting forward and
stuffed her dripping cunt and her warm and welcoming mouth in one quick motion.

A loud, muffled, and excited sound left Robin as both of the men started feverishly thrusting into her.
Both of them grunting right away and giving it there all to impress their queen. Something that she
melted into right away, forgetting that Morgan and Lucina were right there watching. The taste of the
shaft against her tongue brought a smile to the Queen’s lips just as the cock that plunged into her pussy
forced moan after moan from her throat.

Being in public getting fucked by two strangers that had both just came inside of her daughter was such
a twisted and depraved thing that Robin couldn’t stop herself from loving every second of it. It didn’t
even cross her mind that she was cheating on Chrom anymore. With just how long the two had been
apart in the bedroom, she was sure that he had found himself a whore to fuck in her absence. And that
didn’t bother her one bit since she had an entire kingdom of people willing to please her.

Robin’s inner walls quivered and convulsed around the stranger’s shaft as it kissed the entrance to her
womb with each and every push. While the length in her mouth plunged into her throat hard and fast
enough to cause it to bulge out each time. The two men were being as rough as they could with her
without breaking her body and that was exactly what Robin wanted. Especially as she felt a small
amount of drool dripping out the corners of her lips and onto the ground underneath her.

She felt her lungs starting to burn with the need for air as her eyes fluttered shut and her body
shuddered from the onslaught of pleasure. But she didn’t dare tell the men to pull back and give her a
break. As the Queen of Ylisse, Robin knew that she could handle what was being given to her.
Especially once both of the dicks inside of her began to pulse and give off signs that they were close to
erupting inside of her. Which was something that she happily welcomed when the fingers that threaded
her hair grabbed tightly onto the back of her head and yanked her down so her lips kissed the base of
his shaft.

Just as her lips met the base of the man’s length, Robin moaned happily as rope after rope of cum
splashed against the roof of her mouth. It took just a moment longer for the spunk that flooded her
mouth and throat to reach her tongue and give her an actual taste of this man’s seed. But she still
happily swallowed down each and every drop that was given to her, loving the way it felt as some of it
clung to the lining of her throat.

Of course, it held nothing on the feeling of pleasure and bliss that sparked through Robin’s body when
the man inside of her pussy came as well. The sudden blast of heat that filled her core and reached into
her womb lit her up inside. A loud scream of ecstasy erupted from her throat but muffled around the
shaft that was still there, causing her lungs to burn even more and feel like they were ripe to burst as her
own orgasm tore through her body. She squirted onto the ground underneath her as well as her legs and
the man’s shaft, but gasped and whined as the two simultaneously pulled out of her and left her to fall to
her knees. Her mind was in a daze after the intense onslaught of pleasure. A daze so heavy that she
failed to move when she noticed her eldest daughter, Lucina being grabbed from behind by a random

A frightened sound left Lucina when her mouth and eyes were covered by a stranger’s hands and she
felt herself being dragged off away from her mother and sister. In the back of her mind, she knew that it
wouldn’t be anybody out to harm her with the day she had gone through with Robin and Morgan by her
side. But that didn’t stop the fear she felt as such a physically strong civilian dragged her along the
ground and away from her family.

Lucina wasn’t even sure just how far she had been dragged away from everyone as she could only feel
the ground shifting under her rear end the further away she went. First, it was grass under her body,
then normal dirt, and then gravel. Before she finally felt pavement touch her rear end and another scared
sound left her. One that had her lifted up off the ground and met with a quick ‘sorry’ from the person
that snatched her until she felt a wooden box touch her skin next.

Finally, her eyes and mouth were uncovered and she was met with a small crown in front of her at a
location that looked to be the city center. Her eyes darted back and forth to see man, woman, and even
teenagers all looking at her and wondering what was going on. Or so they did until she felt herself lifted
off of the box by a pair of arms picking her up from the backs of her knees. Next thing she knew, Lucina
was hoisted into the air in a full nelson in front of the large crowd. But she couldn’t get a word out to ask
what was going on as a thick shaft forced its way into her cunt.

The only thing to leave Lucina’s lips as she realized exactly what was going on was a loud and
incredibly slutty moan. Not only had she not seen the face of the man that was fucking her, but she
didn’t even get a say in the matter of her getting fucked in front of people. But just like her title of
Princess Cumslut would have many believe, she loved every moment of what was happening to her.
From the eyes that traveled along her body and took in her every curve to the big dick that plunged as
deep into her pussy as it could with each thrust that it made.

It certainly helped that every person in the crowd was shouting things about just how beautiful, slutty,
and perfect Lucina was. All of it filled her with a sense of pride and joy that made her want more of this.
Hot and heavy moans erupted from her lips in time with each plunge that the cock made inside of her
body. She didn’t care about the fact that she didn’t know who was fucking her, only caring about the
incredibly strong grip on the back of her head and the position she was in that fully exposed her body to
everyone around her. The cheers that filled her ears caused her inner walls to clamp down tighter
against the man’s shaft as pleasure riddled her body at this point.

Hot and heavy moans turned into loud and shameless screams of pure and utter bliss as she felt herself
be bounced on a big dick over and over again. It didn’t take more than a minute or two for Lucina’s
eyes to roll into the back of her head and her tongue to loll out of her mouth, showing off just how much
of a true slut she was. No matter who was in the crowd, or how hard she was going to be fucked, she
was more than happy with what was happening. And as the massive member tapped against the
entrance to her womb each time she felt it filling her up, Lucina quickly forgot about how her mother and
Morgan were likely too cumdrunk and exhausted to actually look for her.

Though, that didn’t exactly stop her from enjoying the feeling of getting exposed and ravaged in front of
a crowd. A crowd that was likely going to try and find her sometime later so they could fuck her all the
same. Of course, Lucina wouldn’t turn any of them down if they actually found her, but that thought was
quickly washed from her mind as the man fucking her in front of everyone groaned in her ear and stated
that he was going to cum soon. Her breath hitched for just a moment as she felt him throb against her
quivering inner walls.

The sudden rush of cum that filled her womb was enough to push Lucina over the edge of her orgasm
as well. She didn’t know just how many times she had cum today, but as she could feel the man’s
spunk spilling out of her pussy and dripping down his shaft, she felt her body giving in to the pleasure it
brought her. With a loud scream of true bliss, her hips bucked as much as they could in her position, a
sharp breath leaving her as her she squirted out in front of her and into the crowd. Her juices only
continued to flow as the man started to slowly thrust into her once again, the crowd going wild as her
orgasm refused to subside.

With just how loud the cheers were and how hard the cock was inside of her, Lucina knew that she
wasn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon. Not with how excited everyone, including herself, was
about the possibility of this fucking continuing. Her heart raced in her chest as she felt the man’s teeth
gently nibble on her earlobe, sparking even more lust inside of her. This was going to last for a while and
she knew that, which only excited her even more as the massive member picked up the pace once
again. “Please! Please! Don’t stop… Fucking me! Give Princess Cumslut what she wants most! Just…
keep filling me!”


As a mother, Robin couldn’t help but be a little bit concerned for her eldest daughter now that it was
sundown and she hadn’t seen Lucina since she had been dragged off. Of course, like the whore she
was, Robin didn’t care all too much as she climbed onto a stranger’s bed at the nearest inn the town
had. Laying on top of her daughter, Morgan, who was on her back and pressing their breasts together
brought a smile to the mother’s face. Placing a few loving and attentive kisses onto Morgan’s lips
brought out a soft giggle from the two women as they shifted their hips back and forth ever so slightly.
Just enough to put their pussies one on top of the other for the man they had come here with. “Alright,
Sir. Your Queen and Princess are ready for you to have all the fun you could want with them.~”

Morgan couldn’t stop herself from loving the sight of her mother’s beautiful face as it contorted in bliss
as the man slowly filled her with his shaft. The way Robin’s lips curled into a bright, lustful, and
appreciative smile all from the feeling of a man’s cock filling her up was something to behold. Her arms
slowly snaked around her mother’s neck before pulling her into a deep and passionate kiss,
unintentionally muffling the moans that slipped from Robin’s throat with each thrust that she felt. Of
course, because of the force of the thrusts her mother was dealing with, Morgan easily felt their nipples
rubbing against each other time and time again. Though, that didn’t quite matter to her as their tongues
danced together out of their mouths for just a moment.

When Morgan’s lips pulled away from her own, Robin got a good chance to look at her daughter as the
massive member slipped out of her overly used pussy. She wanted to be gifted with the same sight that
Morgan was gifted with for her. The sight of her little girl’s face twisting into pure ecstasy as she was
filled with a meaty dick made. A sight that made Robin’s heart race in her chest as her daughter’s
tongue rolled out of her mouth and her eyes started to roll into the back of her head. “My daughter is
such a beautiful little slut, isn’t she, Sir?~”

Of course, Robin knew just how lovely Morgan looked when she was being a well-fucked slut. She had
seen it plenty of times now since their slutty adventures started. But to be right here in person, only
inches away from that lovely face as Morgan was thrusted into was a moment that she was going to
treasure for the rest of her life. “Take it, baby. Take the man’s big dick and show him just why you’re
the perfect Princess to slut around the kingdom.” Robin watched with a smile on her face as Morgan’s
lips curled into a lustful and need smile while her body shifted just a little bit underneath her. “Don’t be
afraid to be a little rough with us, Sir. We can both handle it.~”

By the sounds of Morgan’s moans getting louder by the second, Robin had a feeling that he had done
exactly what she had allowed him to do. Getting rougher and faster with the princess as she huffed and
panted and wanted to scream in pure joy. As a mother, The Queen of Ylisse was more than happy to
see her little girl enjoying herself so much while a stranger fucked her so well. Her tongue dragged along
her lips as she heard a quiet whine leave Morgan a moment later, understanding why as her cunt was
filled with the man’s cock right afterward.

A loud scream of bliss left the Queen as she felt the man’s shaft plunging in and out of her slick pussy.
The way it scraped along her inner walls felt different than any other cock she had taken today,
especially with how her position on top led the man to have to thrust upward into her. Robin rested her
forehead against her daughter’s as the duo was fucked from behind by one lucky man of the night. She
couldn’t stop herself from peppering happy and lustful kisses on Morgan’s lips as their bodies shifted
and writhed together from the man’s touch. “It feels so good, doesn’t it, Morgan?~”

“It does, but-” Morgan’s breath hitched in her throat as she felt the man suddenly enter her again. His
thrusts were rough and intense, making her body ache as it dealt with all the pleasure that she could
possibly handle. She wasn’t able to find the words to let her mother know she needed a break while hot
and heavy moans erupted from her lips time and time again. Part of her didn’t even want to take a
break as the man grabbed onto her hips to keep her from shifting around too much on the bed.

However, just as the man’s hold on her hips tightened, she felt him erupt inside of her without any kind
of warning. Morgan’s eyes fluttered shut as her mother’s hand gently caressed her cheek and their lips
met for just a moment. At that moment, Morgan wasn’t sure if she felt pleasure or relief when the man
slowly pulled out of her. All she knew was that she could feel some of his cum trailing out of her snatch
and dripping down onto the bed. “I think my pussy needs a break… It hurts in such a wonderful way. But
maybe that’s my body telling me that it’s time to stop.”

Robin understood exactly what her daughter was going through. She nodded her head and placed a
gentle and loving kiss onto Morgan’s cheek before getting off of her and gesturing to the other side of
the bed. “Lay down for a bit, dear. Let me handle this man and let you watch.~”

“Please let me help, Mother!” Lucina’s voice caused everyone in the room to look at the doorway she
stepped through to see her leaning against it with a smile on her face. Her thighs were caked in cum and
her posture almost made it look like she had a hard time standing on her own. But the look of joy and
lust on her face made it clear just how much Lucina wanted to be here. “If Morgan needs a break… I’d
be happy to help out…”

“Given the chance to fuck the Royal Sluts all together? I certainly wouldn’t turn her down, Your Majesty.
She seems like she can handle a bit more fun in her day.”

Being the Queen of Ylisse, Robin enjoyed hearing what her subjects thought and how she could help out
outside of battle. But to hear that just a random civilian that only knew who they were because of their
slutting adventures hit so many spots in Robin’s heart that she couldn’t help but smile and tear up just
a little bit. “Maybe getting fucked all day has left me a bit emotional, but… You’re right. Lucina should
join us and have all the fun that she can.”

The smile that came to her lips was filled with more emotion and joy than Lucina was used to giving
when it came to getting fucked by a stranger. She had grown to love it plenty since her mother and sister
convinced her to start doing it, but to be as happy as she was as she limped her way to the bed was
something that she didn’t expect. However, the moment she reached the bed and fell forward, a sharp
gasp left her when the man grabbed her arms and kept her standing.

“Careful little lady. Don’t want you falling over into your mother’s cunt, now would we?”

“Now why wouldn’t we?” Robin asked with a teasing look in her eyes, her tongue dragging along her
lips as she adjusted herself so that her pussy was just a few inches from Lucina’s face. With her
daughter’s arms held behind her but her still standing, Robin knew that her oldest daughter was in the
perfect spot to eat her out as she got fucked. “Go ahead and fuck my little girl to your heart’s content.
She’ll be a good child and clean Mommy’s pussy of all the cum that it’s been filled with.~”

One look at her mother’s now open pussy showed that it had been filled with just as much cum as her
own pussy was. And it was a sight that Lucina couldn’t stop herself from internally admitting that it was
just as sexy as seeing a cock dripping cum. Her throat became dry for just a moment as she leaned
forward and dragged her tongue along her mother’s glazed folds. It made Lucina happy to feel the
stranger’s shaft slowly pushing inside of her inch by inch. The way it stretched her out and reached new
angles that a cock hadn’t reached inside of her felt absolutely wonderful. Especially with how when he
slammed his hips against her plump rear end, her face was pushed just that much closer to her the
Queen’s snatch, causing her tongue to drag along it and take just a bit more cum from it.

Robin was more than willing to thread her fingers through her daughter’s blue hair just to pull her closer
and keep those soft lips flush with her cunt. There was no reason to have Lucina eating her out if she
wasn’t actually going to get deep and take out some of the cum that she had been gifted. Her tongue
dragged along her lips as she finally felt her daughter’s tongue push its way into her core, scraping
against her inner walls and taking some of the cum that she had been gifted throughout the day.
“That’s such a good girl, Lucina. Clean Mommy’s pussy and keep her from getting pregnant with
another Royal Slut.~”

“If you three weren’t royalty, you would make wonderful brothel workers. Maybe you should look into
doing that for a week whenever you want to get out of the castle.”

The man grunting behind her as he spoke made Lucina gasp against her mother’s pussy. Working a
brothel didn’t sound like a bad idea, but it wouldn’t be something she did unless her mother or her
favorite guard told her to do so. Her blue eyes drifted upward along Robin’s body for just a moment
before meeting her lustful gaze. The amount of love, passion, lust, and heat in those eyes was
something to be admired. Something that made Lucina happy to be in the middle of these two people
that were controlling her. Her mother’s gentle touch drove her crazy while the man’s wild and powerful
thrusts kept her in line and on target with her tongue getting a full scoop of spunk out of Robin each and
every time that dick plunged into her.

On the other hand, Robin was more than willing to just sit back and allow Lucina to get fucked by a
stranger. But the thought of working at a brothel, possibly getting paid and earning extra money to do
something like this was something that stuck in her mind. Maybe she could even get some of the other
female Shepards to join her and her daughter’s in their debauchery. Though, she knew that was a
thought she was going to have to worry about at a later time. For right now, her daughter’s tongue was
greedily working her pussy and trying to get out every drop of cum that she could manage. Robin
chuckled as she listened to Lucina’s audible swallows, knowing that each one was just another bit of
cum that was going to sit in the royal heir’s stomach. “Don’t you dare stop, Lucina. Keep licking until
you've made your partner cum. Even if I haven’t when he finishes inside of you, you keep going.”

“Yes, Mother.” Lucina sounded incredibly happy as she closed her eyes and gracefully slurped on her
mother’s pussy, hoping to get as much spunk out of it as she could. But she didn’t dare stop to look
back at the man that was throbbing and pulsing inside of her. With just how roughly she got fucked in the
middle of town, she knew exactly what was about to happen to her. Time and time again, she had been
creampied today and she was about to get another one. It was only made better by the passing
knowledge that it meant she was getting spunk from both ends now. It may not have been in the normal
way, but she swallowed down another small amount of cum when she felt a rush of heat fill her lower

The way the man grunted and slammed his hips against her plump rear end as he came was more than
enough to make Lucina smile against her mother’s pussy. She only stopped as the man began to slowly
and teasingly pull out of her freshly-filled cunt, allowing her to fall onto the bed and have her cheek press
against Robin’s cum-coated thigh. But she didn’t argue or ask why he let her go, only turned to face
him with a smile. “Thank you, Sir. Your cock was wonderful! If you ever find us again, please be sure to
pick me out of the Royal Sluts. I’d be happy to let you go to town again.~”
“I’ll keep that in mind if I ever find you three again. But, please get out of my room. I need to get some
rest before I go to the next town over tomorrow.”


When the trio finally arrived back into their shared room, Morgan was the first one to fall onto the bed
with a happy smile on her lips. “Today was wonderful! I can’t believe that we spent an entire day from
sunrise to after sunset just getting fucked and shared around the city.~” There was no hiding the simple
joy and excitement that she felt as she rolled over onto her back and watched her mother and Lucina fall
onto either side of her.

“Except for that man at the end.” Robin started, adjusting herself to lay onto her side before gently
kissing Morgan’s cheek. “The way he wanted to take us wasn’t that great for us. And… I don’t think
either of us came when he did.” She couldn’t help but giggle as she wrapped her arms around her
youngest daughter and pulled her into another passionate kiss. “Though, he did have a wonderful dick.
It’s too bad your father is so poorly equipped.”

“I don’t really think dick size matters when you’re held off of the ground in front of a crowd in the
middle of the city and fucked. The energy and excitement that came with that were intense.” Lucina
smirked as she slipped her hand between her younger sister’s legs, teasing her pussy. “If neither of us
came from that man at the inn, then why don’t we make each other cum before we go to bed tonight?~”

“Princess Cumslut, don’t be pushy.~” Robin matched her daughter’s smile as she leaned over Morgan
and caught Lucina in a loving kiss. And then a second and third. Before she knew it, plenty more kisses
followed that first one as she kept her hand on Morgan’s breast for balance and continued to make out
with her daughter.

On the other hand, this left Morgan to sit in between, and under, her sister and her mother while they
made out in front of her. But she couldn’t complain as sparks of pleasure coursed through her body and
made her want to actually get fucked by her family before going to bed. Even though her pussy still
ached and felt a bit sore after the long and pleasurable day that they had, she didn’t want the pleasure
she was getting to stop. Which is exactly why she cupped Lucina’s and Robin’s cheeks in her hand
before pulling them both close enough to kiss them one after another.

Neither of the trio said a word to another as their tongues danced together from one duo to another,
hands exploring the others’ bodies while they stayed in place on their bad. At least, not until Robin
pulled away from her daughters and made her way off of the bed, gasping when both of them slapped
one of her ass cheeks at the same time. “G-Girls!” She quickly turned around with a gentle blush on her
cheeks before seeing them both smile up to her. In that moment, she wanted to be angry at them for
smacking her ass so hard. But as she saw their gorgeous faces looking up at her, she couldn’t help but
feel some kind of twisted motherly lust and love for them. Enough for her to lean down and place a
gentle kiss on their lips. “It’s time for bed. We’re bound to have something to do tomorrow. So, rest up,

“Yes, ma’am!” Both of the siblings chuckled as they cuddled up on the bed next to each other, making
sure there was enough room between them for Robin to fit and complete their cuddle pile. They couldn’t
help but smile when she finally crawled into the bed and wrapped an arm around each of them. “Love
you, Mother.” Once again, both Morgan and Lucina spoke in unison as they placed a kiss on either side
of Robin’s cheeks, adjusting themselves to rest their heads on her breasts afterward.

“I love you too, girls. Mommy will always love you.” Running her fingers through their hair, Robin’s
smile grew just a little bit as she thought about just everything the trio had been through together. “I’ll
make sure we can always be the Royal Sluts. Life wouldn’t be fun otherwise.” Closing her eyes to drift
off to sleep, Robin was happy to hear the gentle snoring that both of her children had as she slipped into
the realm of dreams.

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