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Volume: 8
Pages: 371-374
Document ID: 2023PEMJ657
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7857977
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-21-4
Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 371-374, Document ID:2023 PEMJ657, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7857977, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

How Can I Improve the Reading Skills of Grade 7 Students Through SPEAK UP?
(Sharing Proactive Events and Knowledge for Understanding and Progress)
Rodel R. Sienes*, Aimee Amor C. Porto
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Reading becomes a rampant problem to every school nowadays. This study aims to improve the
reading skills of grade 7 students of Soong National High School through SPEAK UP. The study
employed action research design, in which quasi- experimental was also applied to determine if there
is a significant effect on the intervention program. The study administered a pre-test to 2 sections in
Grade 7. Classes were split into two as experimental group (1 class, 15 students) and a control group
(1 class, 15 students), according to pre-test results. Only the experimental group was involved in
SPEAK UP for 4 weeks. There are series of activity that every learners need to undergo. Participants
were carefully observed during the intervention program. There is a showed evidences of learning
improvements by the participants. Moreover, the result of this showed that SPEAK UP innovation
strategy has a positive effect on the educational value of teaching and learning especially in English
classes. This research entitled “How can I improve the reading skills of Grade 7 students through
SPEAK UP? (Sharing Proactive events and knowledge for Understanding and Progress), prepared
and submitted by Aimee Amor C. Porto and Rodel R. Sienes, is hereby recommended for approval.

Keywords: senior high school, reading skills, SPEAK UP, program intervention

Introduction Foundation, 2023) incantation or speaking aloud helps

students improve their reading skills. Moreover,
students get motivated to come to school for they are
As the coronavirus pandemic shuttered the schools, given special or extra support to learn reading in a
education has been tough and challenging to the more engaging way. This activity will help boost their
teachers. It has been observed that student’s reading confidence and increase their level of engagement in
skills is immensely a constant battle in our school. school or class activities.
Students at junior high school level are expected to
read and comprehend. However, we cannot the fact Research Questions
that our students struggle vastly with reading. Our
concern now is how to engaged the students into a This study aimed to find out the answer of the
more fun and enjoyable learning journey that in the following research questions:
long run they still remember and acknowledge the
skills they just have acquired. 1. How does the SPEAK UP help improve the reading
skills of grade 7 students?
In relation to education, we teachers were demanded to 2. Will there be a significant difference between the
be innovative and creative in teaching and learning. In traditional way of improving student’s reading skills
fact, English lessons especially reading skills are very (done under control group) and the SPEAK UP
low mastered by our students today. With this we are innovative strategy (experimental group)?
challenged and opted to make reading interesting to
them. In my class, I really observed that most of my
students when being called to read an English text they Innovation
are in fear of reading, especially reading aloud certain
words or sentences. Moreover, student become so
starkly when they read in front of their classmates. The SPEAK UP strategy is a proposed innovation to
He/she is not confident and did not want to read. This be utilized as an experimental approach for learners in
kind of stigma must be cut off. This condition made enhancing their ability to improve reading skills while
the students feel insecure in learning and tend to drop reading aloud for grade 7 learners. Through the use of
off their participation and engagement to learn. With statistical treatment the researchers will determine if
this issues and concerns. We teachers innovate there is a significant difference between traditional
something new and introduce to our students a new way in teaching reading skills and through SPEAK UP
way to improve reading skills which is through strategy. Moreover, the researchers will be able to find
SPEAK UP. According to (George Lucas Educational out the conclusions and recommendations in

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Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 371-374, Document ID:2023 PEMJ657, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7857977, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

improving the aforesaid innovation. As the basis for interpretation, the following statistical
analyses will be utilized as follow:
The proposed intervention and strategy would be
defined by IPO. During input, the researchers will 1. The mean and standard deviation of academic
apply the SPEAK UP strategy to the grade 7 students. scores of pre – test and post-test of the learners in
In the process, students will be carefully observed. before and after the implementations of SPEAK UP.
Participants will undergo two successions of activity 2. The Cronbach’s Alpha for Pilot Test will be used to
where they cannot proceed to other phase if they determine if there is a reliable or valid internal
cannot successfully finish the task given to them. consistency in the test questionnaires.
Finally, the output will be determined from the results, 3. The Pearson R will be utilized to determine if there
conclusions and recommendations of the researchers. is a significant relationship between the pre – test and
On the other hand, the researchers will add some post – test scores on the pupils before and after the
improvisations if there is a need to improve the SPEAK UP implementations.
aforesaid strategy. 4. The T – Test of Dependent Means/Paired T – Test
will be utilized if there is a significant difference
between the pre – test and post test scores.
Methodology The T-Test of Independent Means/Unequal Variance
will be utilized if there is a significant difference
Participants and/or other Sources of Data and between the experimental and control group.
Ethical Considerations
The study will utilize a quasi-experimental method to
The confidentiality of the primary and secondary data
determine the effectiveness of SPEAK UP innovation
of the students – respondents will be religiously kept
in improving the reading skills of grade 7 students of
by the researcher in response of the Data Privacy Act.
Soong National High School. The study will carry out
There will be no side comments when it comes of the
2 sections of Grade 7 enrolled this school year 2021-
responses of the participants held from the survey
2022. The respondents consist of 30 Grade 7 students
proper. The School – Based Management will also be
drawn from 2 sections. The 2 sections were drawn
informed regarding the said study.
purposively. The first section will serve as the
experimental group, where the SPEAK UP is
introduced and the other section will be the control Results and Discussion
group. To gather the necessary data and information
the researcher will choose specific competency in
English 7 to test the effectiveness of SPEAK UP in Thissection presents the result of the study and the
improving reading. The grades and the performance of discussion of the findings about the SPEAK UP
both sections will be evaluated if there is a difference strategy conducted by the researchers. Moreover, this
between the 2 groups. In addition, students were given section would also determine on how SPEAK UP
pre-test after which they were subjected to treatment strategy help improves the reading skills of grade 7
which lasted for about a month. The lesson was taught students of Soong National High School.
for four weeks. Afterward, a post-test was given.
Moreover, mean and standard deviation were tested Sharing Proactive Events and Knowledge for
using t-test and analysis of co-variance (ANOVA). Understanding and Progess (S.P.E.A.K. U.P.)

Data Gathering Methods One of the objectives of this study is to improve the
reading skills of grade 7 students through SPEAK UP.
The researcher will make self – made assessments in As for the data, there are 72 grade 7 students enrolled
assessing students’ enhancements and enrichments in in this school year 2021-2022. On the note, only 30
their confidence of reading skills while speaking it students were selected to undergo the SPEAK UP. The
aloud. The self – made assessment tools will be for selection of 30 students is based on the scores of their
two – fold justifications: one is for the T-Test of pre-test. With the intervention program of SPEAK UP
Independent Means for experimental and control strategy it is found out that there is a remarkable
group, and the other one is for the T – Test of progress among the students who were part of the
Dependent Means for pre – test and post – test. study.

Data Analysis Plan According to (Brown, 2004) reading skills consist of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 8: 371-374, Document ID:2023 PEMJ657, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7857977, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

differences of pre – tests and post tests for both control

and experimental groups, causing each test to accept
the null hypothesis. Thus, there were no remarkable
micro skills and these are the 3Rs. First, recognizing a improvements of reading ability while doing the read
main of word and able to interpret the word in order; aloud as far as the SPEAK UP innovation is
second, recognizing grammatical words such as noun, concerned.
verb and etc. and the last one is recognizing a
particular meaning express in different grammatical Though there were increases in the means and standard
forms. Thus, these skills are also focused by SPEAK deviations of the pre – tests and post – tests on both
UP strategy which greatly helps to improve the reading control and experimental groups of junior high school
skills of grade 7 students. Moreover, reading aloud learners who experienced the SPEAK UP innovation,
plays a significant part in project SPEAK UP where there were no significant improvements in their
students must able to correctly spell and pronounce the reading skills or remarkable enhancements in their
word. This also corroborated by the study of (Richard, reading aloud as far as the innovation was concerned
2002) which stated that having students read silently on how to implement it throughout the school setting,
and aloud will help them send a strong message. He so also to the comparison was neglected between
added that, to do these materials being used should be control and experimental groups since there were still
interesting to the students so that they achieve the no remarkable advantages of doing the SPEAK UP
message of the texts in a high level of engagement. strategy.
Comparison of Conttrol Group and Experimental
Group Conclusion
There are two groups that are involved in the study.
The traditional way of improving student’s reading The findings of this study will be disseminated,
skills (done under control group) and the SPEAK UP presented and utilized. Dissemination and utilization
innovative strategy (experimental group). The graph will be done first in the researcher’s school where the
below shows the pre-test and post-test for control researches are assigned through School-Based in-
group. Service Training (INSET), then, in the whole district
or even in the entire Division, if given a chance.


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George Lucas Educational Foundation. (2023). edutopia. Retrieved
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Research Article

Pack, S. (2021). Enduring Practices in Remote Teaching. George Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Lucas Educational Foundation.

Richard, J. &. (2002). Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from Rodel R. Sienes
Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current
Soong National High School,
Department of Education - Philippines
Turner, F. D. (2010). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Fluency-
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