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Name: Norfahima Dimaocor Date: 02 – 08 - 2023

Teacher: Miss Jocel C. Cabardo Subject: English

Roast Speech

Have a pleasant morning, ladies and gentlemen. Especially to my dear friend right
here, Jimlester, because it’s his day. I would say this celebration is a well-deserved one.
Happy birthday to my handsome, hardworking, and attitude buddy.

I honestly can’t believe we are getting more aged. But I am more in disbelief that
aside from you being an aesthetic boy, you are also a lover boy. Although, through this
message, I want you to know that I will get back to you in the meantime, just like how
you blackmailed me. I am happy to be your friend because you are rich. Kidding aside,
your determination and dedication are inspiring.

As we hung out, we discovered more about each other. Well, close enough to
know more about our crushes. I do enjoy your company and the fact that we share some
interests. I am got broke because of you. I spent most of my money doing online
shopping. Sincerely, I am hoping for your success. No to friendship over and more to a
shopping spree with you. Once again, Happy born day, future accountant. May God bless

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