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Presentation DIT:

Define the term database

A database is information that is set up for easy access, management, and updating.
Computer databases typically store aggregations of data records or files that
contain information, such as sales transactions, customer data, financials, and
product information. Databases were first created in the 1960s.
Database Management System (DBMS) is a sort of framework programming that
permits controlling and overseeing of database where information is put away. It
goes about as a typical point of interaction between the client and the information.
Through DBMS, clients will want to get to the assortment of records that is
available in the information base.
Databases are used for storing, maintaining, and accessing any sort of data. They
collect information on people, places, or things. That information is gathered in
one place so that it can be observed and analyzed. 

The database is mainly used for?

1. Improve business processes. (Companies collect data
about business processes, such as sales, order processing, and
customer service. They analyze that data to improve these processes,
expand their business and grow revenue.)
2. Keep track of customers. (social media platforms use databases to
store user information, such as names, email addresses, and user
behavior. The data is used to recommend content to users and improve
the user experience.)
3. Secure personal health information. ( Healthcare providers use
databases to securely store personal health data to inform and improve
patient care.)
4. Store personal data. (Databases can also be used to store personal
information. For example, personal cloud storage is available for
individual users to store media, such as photos, in a managed cloud.)
Types of databases
1) Relational- Relational databases are comprised of tables. Each table has
columns with at least one data category, and rows that have a certain data
instance for the categories which are defined in the columns. Information in a
relational database about a specific customer is organized into rows, columns,
and tables.

2) Distributed-This database stores records or files in several physical

locations. Data processing is also spread out and replicated across different
parts of the network.
3) Cloud-These databases are built in a public, private, or hybrid cloud for
a virtualized environment. Users are charged based on how much storage and
bandwidth they use.
4) NoSQL-NoSQL databases are good when dealing with large collections of
distributed data. They can address big data performance issues better than
relational databases.
5) Object-oriented-These databases hold data created using object-oriented
programming languages. They focus on organizing objects rather than actions
and data rather than logic.
6) Graph-These databases are a type of NoSQL database. They store, map, and
query relationships using concepts from graph theory.

What are the components of a database?

1) Hardware-This is the physical device that database software runs on.
Database hardware includes computers, servers, and hard drives.
2) Software- Database software or application gives users control of the
database. Database management system (DBMS) software is used to
manage and control databases.
3) Data- This is the raw information that the database stores. Database
administrators organize the data to make it more meaningful.
4) Procedures- These rules determine how the database works and how
it handles the data.
2. Advantages of a database (6 points explain)

1. Data Abstraction
Data abstraction means hiding the difficulty of data from basic users.
DBMS abstracts the data from the users, which is not useful for the users. It
shows only those data which are useful to the users.
2. Controlling Data Redundancy
Data redundancy means having multiple copies of the same data.
DBMS controls the data redundancy and cooperate all data into a single database
Controlling the data redundancy also helps to save our storage space retrieval and
update speed.
3. Data Operation Easily
In DBMS, Data can be operated easily, because data is centralized so once the data
structure is defined, we can easily change the data like- insertion, modification, or
4. Data can be shared
Data can be shared easily by multiple applications in a centralized DBMS. The
applications can be developed without having to create any newly stored files.
The DBMS helps to develop a friendly environment where end-users can access
and manage data.
5. Data security
Data is very important for any business organization. The more users access the
data, the higher risks of data security breaches. If someone stole business data, then
it would be very bad for the business. DBMS provides data security means
protection from unauthorized access. Data can be accessed only by authorized
users of the organization. A database can be accessed only by proper authentication
usually by verifying login and password.
6. Support Multi-users Views
Multi-users can view the data at the same time. Using the database, many users can
access the data at the same time which increases our working speed. DBMS gives
the ability of its multiple authorized users to access the system database from
different locations, in different ways, to complete its different works.
7. Helps with Decision Making
Better organized data and improved data access give us better quality information
which helps in making better decisions.

3. Disadvantages of a database (6 points explain)

1. More Costly
Creating and managing a database is quite costly. High-cost software and
hardware is required for the database. Also, highly trained staff is required to
handle the database and it also needs continuous maintenance.
2. High Difficulty
A Database Management System is quite difficult as it involves creating,
modifying, and editing a database. Therefore, the people who handle a database or
work with it need to be quite skilled, or valuable data can be lost.
3. Database Failure
All the relevant data for any company is stored in a database. So it is imperative
that the database works in optimal condition and there are no failures. A database
failure can be catastrophic and can lead to the loss or corruption of very important
4. High Hardware Cost
A database contains a vast amount of data. So large disk storage is required to
store all this data. Sometimes extra storage may even be needed. All this increases
hardware costs by a lot and makes a database quite expensive.
5. Huge Size
A database contains a large amount of data, especially for bigger organizations.
This data may even increase as more data is updated in the database. All of these
lead to a large size of database.  
6. Upgradation Costs
Often new functionalities are added to the database. This leads to database
upgrades. All of these upgrades cost a lot of money. Moreover, it is also quite
expensive to train database managers and users to handle these new upgrades.

5. Application areas of a database (5 points explain)

There are different fields where a database management system is utilized.

Following are a few applications that utilize the information base administration
1. Railway Reservation System –
In the rail route reservation framework, the information base is needed to store
the record or information of ticket appointments, the status of the train’s
appearance, and flight. Additionally, if trains get late, individuals become
acquainted with it through the information base update.  
2. Library Management System –
There are lots of books in the library so; it is difficult to store the record of the
relative multitude of books in a register or duplicate. Along these lines, the
data set administration framework (DBMS) is utilized to keep up all the data
identified with the name of the book, issue date, accessibility of the book, and
its writer.  
3. Banking –
Database the executive’s framework is utilized to store the exchange data of
the client in the information base.
4. Education Sector –
Presently, assessments are led online by numerous schools and colleges. They
deal with all assessment information through the data set administration
framework (DBMS). Despite that understudy’s enlistments subtleties, grades,
courses, expense, participation, results, and so forth all the data is put away in
the information base.  
5. Credit card exchanges – 
The database Management framework is utilized for buying on-charge cards
and the age of month-to-month proclamations.  
6. Social Media Sites –
We all utilization of online media sites to associate with companions and to
impart our perspectives to the world. Every day, many people group pursue
these online media accounts like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Google in
addition to. By the utilization of the data set administration framework, all the
data of clients are put away in the information base and, we become ready to
interface with others.  
7. Broadcast communications – 
Without DBMS any media transmission organization can’t think. The
Database of the executive’s framework is fundamental for these organizations
to store the call subtleties and month-to-month postpaid bills in the
information base.  
8. Account –
The information base administration framework is utilized for putting away
data about deals, holding, and acquisition of monetary instruments, for
example, stocks and bonds in a data set.

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