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Name: Md. Arifuddoza

ID: 21312545630

Faculty Course Initials: HMK1

Course Code: Env107
Section: 10
Original Condition:

The original condition was that the household had a standard showerhead. There were some leaks
at 1 pipe. The consumption of household use of water has been calculated using the water
footprint calculator. The results are given. As we can see, most of the water consumption is caused
by food which can be only assumed by done by agriculture.
Some other reasons for water consumption are the inefficient use of water in different household
uses. Some of these include:
1. Not using low-flow head shower.
2. Defrosting with the water tap on.
3. Cleaning vegetables with the tap running
4. There were some leaking points.
5. Not using dual flush properly.
1. Install low-flow fixtures: Low-flow toilets, faucets, and shower heads can drastically cut water
usage without sacrificing performance.

2. Take shorter showers: A lot of water water can be saved by taking shorter showers. Showers
should be taken for no more than five minutes.

3. Turn off the water: Do not use the sink or shower while shaving or brushing teeth, and only run
the dishwasher or washing machine when it is completely full.

4. Water plants properly. To minimize evaporation, watering plants should be done in the morning
or evening. Avoid watering lawn in the middle of the day.

5. Install a rainwater harvesting system. Using rainwater to water plants and conserve water is a
terrific idea.

6. Avoid wasting water by using a broom rather than a hose to clean driveway, patio, or sidewalk.
Hoses can waste a lot of water.

7. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances: Energy-efficient dishwashers and washing machines can

use less water and cost less money to operate.

8. Educate yourself and others: Increase understanding of water conservation and impart it to
others. This ccan be achieved by setting up campaigns that promote saving water

9. Engineering ab initio: It should be mandatory for home builders to come up with water-saving

1. Fix leaks: Over time, leaks can waste a lot of water. Look for leaks in pipes, toilets, and
faucets, and fix them as soon as they are found.

2. Install low-flow fixtures: Low-flow toilets, shower heads, and faucets can drastically cut
water usage without sacrificing performance.
Take shorter showers to conserve water. Try to keep showers to five minutes or less.

3. Turn off the water: Do not use the sink or shower while shaving or brushing teeth, and only
run the dishwasher or washing machine when they are completely full.

4. Water plants properly: To minimize evaporation, water plants early in the day or late at
night. Avoid watering grass in the middle of the day.

5. Installing a rainwater harvesting system can help save water while providing irrigation for

6. Instead of using a hose to clean driveway, patio, or sidewalk, use a brush or leaf blower.
Hoses can waste a lot of water.

7. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances: Water usage can be decreased, and utility costs
can be decreased with the use of energy-efficient washing machines and dishwashers.

In summary, lowering home water usage is essential for sustainable living and the preservation of
natural resources. Households may lower their water costs, conserve energy, and help create a
more sustainable future by adhering to advice like fixing leaks, installing low-flow fixtures, and
using water wisely. Adopting water-saving habits is a simple but significant step toward a future
that is more durable and sustainable.
Stake holders:

1. Property owners and locals: Homeowners and locals should be the main target market for
our water conservation strategies for households. They are the ones who will be most
affected by your recommendations and can put them into practice in their regular

2. Local government representatives: We can also share our ideas for reducing household
water use with representatives of our local government, such as mayors, council members,
and water department staff. They can assist in getting the word out and even put rules in
place that promote water saving.

3. Environmental groups: Environmental groups are constantly looking to spread

environmentally friendly behaviors, such as water conservation. To reach a larger audience,
we can discuss our household water use reduction strategies with them.

4. Utility providers: Utility providers that deliver water to homes might potentially be
interested in our ideas. They can utilize our suggestions to teach their consumers how to
save water and cut costs.

5. Schools and educational institutions: Schools and educational institutions can impart the
value of water conservation to children and young adults. we can discuss our household
water conservation strategies with them so they can include it in their curricula and

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