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Фрагмент складений за матеріалами підручника

Wider World 3

Мета: ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО та навчити їх вживати в усному

мовленні на рівні фрази і ПФЄ.
Тема: The taste test (Food and drink)
Обладнання: підручник, дошка,підручник,словник ,ручка.
Етап. Мета. Зміст роботи
Етап 1. T: Good morning ,pupils. Today,we’re going to talk about food.
Мета:Ознайо Firstly,I want to ask you. Which is your favourite meal of the day ?
митися з Breakfast ,lunch,dinner or snack?
новими Students: answer
словами та T: Good job! Our goal for today is learning new words to describe
записати їх the food which we eat .
T:Let’s start our work. Look at the board ,also you can use your
books . Open page 34 ex 2 if you need.
Look throw the words,we’re going to listen them,so try to repeat
after the speaker……………..Well done .Now,we’re going to
read them and translate,so open your vocabularies and write the
topic Food. Write down the words and their translation into your

Етап 2. T: Pupils, we’re going to practice our words. Look at the board
Мета:Тренув or in your books. Task one. Find eight food and drink words in the
ання з word search and write them below
образом слова
Етап. Мета. Зміст роботи

Етап 3.
Викорстання T:Well done! Now,let’s practice our words in task 7. Look at the
слів у words in the box,then read one by one for two senteces and put
контексті. the correct word in each gap.

Етап 4.
Етап. Мета. Зміст роботи
Мета:Узагаль T: Your work is well,so we can move to the next activity . Look
нити та at the board,we’re going to do online task on the platform
засвоїти нові wordwall .
слова з уроку (Link :
Прийоми:Ігро world-3) Look at the picture and choose the correct name to each.
ва діяльніть на
T : Your work was perfect,I suppose you could learn new words from
our today’s lesson.
Learn new vocabulary for the next lesson,we’ll have a dictation. Have
a nice day and see you later.

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