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Thesis · July 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28631.16801

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Almuatasim Alomari


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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

in the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics

in the School of Graduate Studies

Alabama A&M University

Normal, AL 35762

July 2016

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Alomari, Almuatasim Ali. PhD., Alabama A&M University, 2016. 211 pp.

Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Ashok K. Batra, PhD., Professor of Physics

The ambitious goal of this dissertation is to contribute its share to the scientific

researchers and academic community by demonstrate a versatile study on energy

harvesting via smart materials. Smart materials are amongst the current production modes

which generate clean and green energy. The advantages of smart materials include

ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric ceramics and composites in materials science

and technology of the 21st century are inconceivable. Their most current applications

include conventional sensors, actuators, batteries replacement, and switch. Further,

Piezoelectricity is the accumulation of electrical charges as a result of applying

mechanical stress on certain type of materials such as crystals, DNA, and protein, where

pyro-electricity is the accumulation of electrical charges from ambient environment from

temperature gauges or fluctuations.

In an incessant effort to increase the performance of smart materials devices researchers

in both academic and industrial communities in field of green energy have suggested

many techniques and procedures to increase the power generation capability and enhance

the bandwidth of thermal and vibration energy harvesters. In this study, the Euler-

Bernoulli beam Theory, lumped parameter model (LPM), and chain matrix method were

applied on various design and structure shape of smart materials to find the output

electrical parameters. The modeling and simulation investigations are accomplished using

MATLAB program and COMSOL Multiphysics software. A low-cost fabrication

technique, of polyvinyl-dine difluoride (PVDF) with different amount of Lead Zirconate

Titanate (PZT), Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate (PMN-PT), and Multi-walled

Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) are introduced in this study as well. Later, the (Paint/

PZT) fabricated nanocomposites was tested for dielectric constants over a wide frequency

range at different temperatures. It was observed that the composites with higher

concentrations of PZT nanocomposite have higher dielectric constants than well-known

PVDF film. Finally, the performance of the piezoelectric and pyroelectric PMN-PT

single crystal with a (67:33) composition grown in our laboratory using unimorph device

structures was evaluated via modeling and experiments. The theoretical study was

implemented based on a distributed parameter electromechanical model and the

modelling procedure was approximated using the finite element analysis (FEA) to predict

the electromechanical behavior of the harvesters. The maximum power density at a

resonance frequency of 65 Hz and optimum resistance of 200 kΩ was 45 nW under a 0.5

g acceleration of vibration. By using pyroelectric effect along with the piezoelectric

effect, the output voltage of the energy harvester was found to be enhanced at the

optimum resistance and specific frequency values. It was noticed that the output voltage

was increased monotonically with temperature-difference (ΔT) and reaches up to 180%

of its original value under difference temperature of 1.7 oC.

KEY WORDS: PVDF, PMN-PT, piezoelectricity, pyro-electricity, MATLAB, COMSOL


CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL.......................................................................................ii

ABSTRACT AND KEYWORDS......................................................................................iv

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ xviii

LIST OF SYMBOLS ....................................................................................................... xxi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... xxvii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1

1.1. Surrounding Energy Harvesting .................................................................................. 5

Vibration Energy Harvester .......................................................................................... 8
Thermal Energy HarvesterVibration............................................................................. 9
1.2. Vibration-to-Electric Energy Conversion .................................................................. 10
Electrostatic Energy Harvesting ................................................................................. 10
Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting ........................................................................... 11
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting ................................................................................. 12
Magnetostrictive Energy Harvesting .......................................................................... 13
1.3. Piezoelectricity and Piezoelectric Materials .............................................................. 14
Piezoelectric Effect ..................................................................................................... 14
Piezoelectric Materials and Applications.................................................................... 15
1.4. Pyroelectricity and Pyroelectric Materials ................................................................. 18
1.5. Energy Harvesting via Piezoelectric/Pyroelectric Materials ..................................... 23
Problem Statement ............................................................................................................ 28

Objectives of the Investigation ......................................................................................... 29

Energy Harvesting Via Smart Materials ..................................................................... 29
Theoretical and Simulation Study............................................................................... 29
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................... 31
2.1. Energy Harvesting Via Piezoelectric Effect .............................................................. 31
Energy Harvesting Via Piezoelectricity ...................................................................... 31
2.2. Energy Harvesting and Storage via Smart Materials ................................................. 35
Energy Harvesting via Pyroelectricity ........................................................................ 35
Nanocomposites as Storage Devices .......................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 3 MATHMATICAL TECHNIQUE .............................................................. 41
3.1. Dielectric Theory and Constitutive Relations ............................................................ 41
3.2. Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient ................................................................... 44
3.3. Efficiency of Energy Conversion............................................................................... 45
3.4. Poling ......................................................................................................................... 46
3.5. Types of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beams .................................................................. 47
Unimorph Cantilever Beam ........................................................................................ 47
Bimorph Cantilever Beam .......................................................................................... 47
3.6. Damping Coefficient .................................................................................................. 49
3.7. Energy Transfer Via Pyroelectricity .......................................................................... 50
Energy Conversion in Pyroelectrics............................................................................ 50
Pyroelectric Effect and Process of Current Generation .............................................. 51
Ferroelectric Effect ..................................................................................................... 54
Ferroelectric Domains ................................................................................................. 55
Paraelectric Effect ....................................................................................................... 56
Phase Transition .......................................................................................................... 57
Pyroelectric Performance ............................................................................................ 58
IR Detector Figure-of-Merits ...................................................................................... 58
Euler-Bernoulli Theory ............................................................................................... 60
Eenery Harvesting Under Excitation of Clamped-free Beam..................................... 60
Eenery Harvesting Under Excitation of Clamped-Clamped Beam ............................ 63
3.8. Lumped Parameter Model (LPM) .............................................................................. 71
Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) ............................................................................ 71
Two Degree of Freedom (2DOF) ............................................................................... 72
Three Degree of Freedom (3DOF) ............................................................................. 74
3.9. Chain Matrix Method (CMM) ................................................................................... 77
Unimorph Beam Using CMM ................................................................................... 78
Magnifier Beam Using CMM .................................................................................... 81
Composition of the Model .......................................................................................... 83
Electrical Output Parameters Using CMM ................................................................ 86
CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS ................................................................. 88
4.1. Piezoelectric Material Fabrication ............................................................................. 88
4.2. Dielectric Measurement Technique ........................................................................... 89
4.3. Design and Fabrication of Pyroelectric Nanocomposite Films ................................. 91
Fabrication Procedure and Pyroelectric Set-up........................................................... 93
4.4. Piezoelectric Measurement Technique ...................................................................... 94
CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................................... 96
5.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 96
5.2. Calibration.................................................................................................................. 98
5.3. Study of PVDF, PVDF/PZT, and PVDF/PZT with MWCNT Thick Films .............. 98
5.4. Study of PMN-PT Single Crystal ............................................................................ 105
5.5. Study of Clamped-Clamped Cantilever Beam ......................................................... 116
Electrode Response of Output Voltage ..................................................................... 117
Frequency Response of Output Voltage ................................................................... 117
Frequency Response of Output Current .................................................................... 119
Frequency Response of Output Power ...................................................................... 121
Simulation and Modelling of PEH Using MATLAB and COMSOL ....................... 124
5.6.Two Degree of Freedom Examination ...................................................................... 127
5.7.Three Degree of Freedom Examination .................................................................... 129
5.8.Experimental and Modelling Study of PEH Arrays ................................................. 131
5.9.Experimental, Simulation and Modelling Study of an EHDM ................................. 143
5.10.Simulation of Energy Harvesting from Pyroelectricity .......................................... 152
CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................... 158

CHAPTER 7 FUTURE RESEARCH ............................................................................. 164

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 166



Table Page

1.1. Selected battery-operated systems ............................................................................... 7

1.2. Characteristics of various energy sources available in the surrounding

and harvested power .................................................................................................... 8

1.3. Some ambient mechanical energy sources every day that can be
harvested for electricity.............................................................................................. 24

1.4. Acceleration magnitude and resonance frequency of some ambient

mechanical energy sources. ....................................................................................... 25

5.1. Dimensions and properties of piezoelectric cantilever beam and

plate films investigated. ............................................................................................. 98

5.2. The dimensions of piezoelectric PZT disc. ................................................................ 98

5.3. Resonance frequency, voltage and power output at optimum resistance 1 MΩ. ..... 102

5.4. Piezo/Pyro voltage, temperature difference, required time,

and percentage increase in voltage (%) for PMN-PT single
crystal at different frequency values ........................................................................ 115

5.5. Dimensions, and electromechanical parameters of the model. ................................ 116

5.6. Short circuit and open circuit resonance frequencies of the PEH
for the first three vibration modes ............................................................................ 119

5.7. Output voltage, output current, and output power FRF at optimum
load resistance for the first three mode shapes ........................................................ 123

5.8. Experimental, simulation, and modelling of the first three mode shape
with percentage error of PEH .................................................................................. 124

5.9. The dimensions, electrical, and mechanical properties of 2DOF system ................ 127

5.10. The dimensions, electrical, and mechanical properties of 3DOF system .............. 129

5.11. Properties of cantilever beams investigated ........................................................... 133

5.12. Resonance frequency, voltage and power output parameters of multiple
piezoelectric unimorph cantilever beams............................................................... 134

5.13. Experimental, and COMSOL resonance frequency results of multiple UCB’s .... 142

5.14. Properties of cantilever beams investigated. Magnifier end mass=5 g,

unimorph end mass=1 g ......................................................................................... 144

5.15. Resonance frequency, voltage and power output parameters of

CPEH and EHDM .................................................................................................. 148

5.16. Experimental, MATLAB, and COMSOL resonance frequency

results of EHDM ................................................................................................... 151

5.17. A list of composite films fabricated with various volume

fraction of modified PZT ....................................................................................... 152

5.18. Dielectric, pyroelectric, and Figures-of-Merit of Paint/PZT composites films ..... 157


Figure Page

1.1. (a) A cantilevered piezoelectric energy harvester tested under

base excitation (photo by A. Alomari, 2016, Green Energy Lab.)
and (b) its represent in LPM.. ................................................................................. 4

1.2. The market size consumption of WSN’s.. ................................................................... 6

1.3. Energy harvesting process as alternative for low power electronic devices. ............... 7

1.4. Electrostatic energy harvesting process (a) In-Plane Overlap

(b) In-Plane Gap Closing (c) Out-of-Plane Gap Closing. .......................................... 11

1.5. Electromagnetic energy harvesting process where a moving

magnet vibrates with respect to a fixed coil............................................................... 11

1.6. Two types of piezoelectric energy harvesters (a) d31 (b) d33. .................................... 12

1.7. Main types of Magnetostrictive energy harvesters (a) Force-driven

(b) Velocity-driven..................................................................................................... 13

1.8. Schematic diagram of PZT unit cell (a) in symmetric cubic state
above Curie temperature (b) under external load state below Curie temperature. .... 15

1.9. (a) Quartz crystal, (b) Lead titanate (PbTiO3), (c) Langasite
(La3Ga5SiO14), (d) Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT),(e) Potassium Niobate
(KNbO3), (f) Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3), (g) Lithium Tantalate (LiTaO3),
(h) PVDF. ................................................................................................................... 17

1.10. Thermodynamic interactions among thermal, mechanical

and electrical properties of a smart material: (piezoelectrics;
pyroelectrics; and ferroelectrics).............................................................................. 21

1.11. Typical block diagram of piezoelectric and pyroelectric harvesting system. .......... 23

1.12. Schematic of piezoelectric cantilever harvester configuration and its voltage. ....... 26

1.13. Schematic diagram for the energy storing circuit .................................................... 27

1.14. A lumped-parameter model of a pyroelectric element. ........................................... 27

3.1. Monocrystal versus Polycrystal material structure. ................................................... 42

3.2. Piezoelectric material sheet under a uniaxial stress ................................................... 45

3.3. Poling process: (a) Before poling (b) During poling (c) After poling. ...................... 46

3.4. Piezoelectric unimorph cantilever.............................................................................. 48

3.5. Piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers in serial connections.

Arrows indicate the poling direction.......................................................................... 48

3.6. Piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers in parallel connections.

Arrows indicate the poling direction.......................................................................... 48

3.7. Schematic of pyroelectric sample with dipoles and polarization vector:

(a) without electrodes; (b) with electrodes and connected to an ammeter
at constant temperature; (c) while being heated; and (d) while being cooled. .......... 53

3.8. Schematic diagram of typical electric displacement D/Ps versus electric

field, E, cycle for Ferroelectric and Paraelectric materials ........................................ 55

3.9. Schematic diagram of electric displacement versus electric Field cycle

for a dielectric material that has transitions from Ferro to Paraelectric
phase at temperatures below and above the Curie temperature ................................. 56

3.10. Schematic diagram of unimorph piezoelectric beam with tip mass ........................ 60

3.11. Schematic diagram of clamped-clamped beam with PEH at both clamped ends. ... 64

3.12. The simple form of cantilever beam using SDOF model. ....................................... 71

3.13. The schematic diagram of 2DOF piezoelectric energy harvesting system .............. 73

3.14. The schematic diagram of 3DOF piezoelectric energy harvesting system .............. 75

3.15. (a) Conventional Piezoelectric Energy harvester with mass

(CPEH) (b) Energy harvester with dynamic magnifier and mass (EHDM) ........... 77

3.16. Piezoelectric unimorph beam ................................................................................... 78

3.16. Piezoelectric unimorph beam ................................................................................... 78

3.16. Piezoelectric unimorph beam ................................................................................... 78

3.17. Bending moments M1 M2, transverse shear forces F1 F2,
vertical velocities U1 U2 and rotational velocities Φ1Φ2 at the ends.
Same here – narrow arrow ends otherwise it dominated the image. ....................... 83

3.18. Simple cutting elements of the energy harvester with the dynamic magnifier ........ 84

4.1. A summary of composite film fabrication process .................................................... 89

4.2. The block diagram of experimental set-up, (b) A novel multifunctional

sample holder for dielectric characterization ............................................................ 90

4.3. Schematic block diagram of electrical characterization for energy

harvesting elements via pyroelectricity ..................................................................... 94

4.5. Schematic diagram of the piezoelectric cantilever beam with Piezo-film ................. 95

5.1. Experimental setup used for the frequency response measurements

of a unimorph cantilever arrays (photos by A. Alomari, 2016):
(1) Shaker with an accelerometer (Bruel&Kjaer 4810) and the
cantilever arrays; (2) Laser vibrometer (Microtrack II) MTI; (3) Fixed
gain amplifier (Bruel&Kjaer 2718); (4) Control function generator
(GF8046 ELENCO); (5) Digital multimeter (Keithley 2110); (6)
Variable resistances box; (7) Picoscope; (8) Data acquisition system. ...................... 97

5.2. Variation of (a) output voltage (b) output power of PVDF, PVDF/PZT,
PVDF/PZT/MWCNT, and PZT thick disc versus frequency attached
at the end clamped of copper beam with tip mass .................................................... 99

5.3. Variation of output voltage of PVDF, PVDF/PZT, PVDF/PZT/MWCNT,

and PZT thick disc versus load resistance attached at the end clamped
of copper beam with tip mass .................................................................................. 100

5.4. Variation of output power of PVDF, PVDF/PZT, PVDF/PZT/MWCNT,

and PZT thick disc versus load resistance attached at the end clamped
of copper beam with tip mass .................................................................................. 101

5.5. A normal mesh results of (a) PVDF film (b) PZT disc with a copper
cantilever beam using COMSOL ............................................................................. 103

5.6. The results of (a) PVDF film (b) PZT disc with a copper cantilever
beam for first resonance frequency using COMSOL .............................................. 104

5.7. Real part of dielectric constant (ε') and imaginary part of dielectric
constant (ε'') vs. temperature of PMN-PT single crystal at different frequencies ... 105

5.8. A plot of log scale of ac conductivity against inverse of the temperature
in Kelvin scale for the PMN-PT single crystal ........................................................ 107

5.9. A photograph of magnified the aluminum beam with the PMN-PT and
AC-DC electric circuit ............................................................................................. 108

5.10. The displacement of tip mass versus frequency using the laser ............................ 109

5.11. Frequency dependence of output peak voltage (V) with proof mass of 2.5 g ....... 110

5.12. Frequency dependence of output peak power (P) with proof mass of 2.5 g .......... 110

5.13. Simulated and measured output voltage and output power magnitudes
versus load resistance for single patch of PMN-PT (SDOF) at 65 Hz .................. 111

5.14. Measured output voltage and output power magnitudes versus base
acceleration for single patch of PMN-PT (SDOF) at 65 Hz .................................. 112

5.15. Output voltage stored in rechargeable battery versus time .................................... 113

5.16. Variation of the pyroelectric coefficient with temperature for PMN-PT .............. 114

5.17. Variation of the output voltage at initial and final temperature for
PMN-PT single crystal at different frequency values ............................................ 115

5.18. Effect of PVDF with electrode pair length on percentage output

voltage FRF at first resonance frequency .............................................................. 118

5.19. Voltage FRF for six different values of load resistance (with the
enlarged view of Mode 1 resonance showing the short circuit and
open circuit behaviors) ........................................................................................... 118

5.20. Variation of voltage output with load resistance for base excitations
at the short circuit and open circuit resonance frequencies of the first
vibration mode ....................................................................................................... 119

5.21. Current FRF for six different values of load resistance (with the
enlarged view of mode 1 resonance showing the short circuit and
open circuit behaviors) ........................................................................................... 120

5.22. Variation of current output with load resistance for base excitations
at the short circuit and open circuit resonance frequencies of the first
vibration mode ....................................................................................................... 121

5.23. Power output FRF for six different values of load resistance (with the
enlarged views of Mode 1 resonance showing the short circuit and open
circuit behaviors) ................................................................................................... 122

5.24. Variation of power output with load resistance for base excitations
at the short circuit and open circuit resonance frequencies of the first
vibration mode ....................................................................................................... 123

5.25. First three vibration modes of clamped-clamped beam (a) MATLAB

(b, c, d) COMSOL ................................................................................................. 126

5.26. Dimensionless optimal power output versus Ω for different single-

degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and two degree of freedom (2DOF) .......................... 128

5.27. Dimensionless optimal power output versus Ω for different single-

degree-of-freedom (SDOF), two degree of freedom (2DOF), and
three degree of freedom (3DOF)............................................................................ 130

5.28. Experimental setup used for the frequency response measurements

of a unimorph cantilever arrays ............................................................................. 132

5.29. Close views of the proposed system tested under base excitation
(a) single UCB (b) multiple UCB’s ....................................................................... 132

5.30. Experimental data of FRF of single UCB at various load resistance

of output (a) voltage (b) power .............................................................................. 135

5.31. Experimental data of FRF of multiple UCB’s at various load resistance

of output (a) voltage (b) power .............................................................................. 136

5.32. Experimental data of (a) output voltage and (b) output power versus
load resistance of single UCB at resonance frequency .......................................... 138

5.33. Experimental data of (a) output voltage and (b) output power versus
load resistance of multiple UCB’s at first fifth of mode frequency shapes ........... 139

5.34. (a) Designed model, and (b) Meshing proposed system in COMSOL .................. 140

5.35. Modeling the resonance frequency using COMSOL for multiple

UCB’s (a) First mode at 22.98 Hz (b) Second mode at 30.91 Hz
(c) Third mode at 48.70 Hz (d) Fourth mode at 72.1 Hz (e) Fifth
mode at 91.7 Hz ..................................................................................................... 141

5.36. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up ...................................................... 143

5.37. Experimental data of CPEH and EHDM at load resistance

500 kΩ of (a) output voltage and (b) Output power versus frequency .................. 145

5.38. Experimental and theoretical data of (a) output voltage and (b) output
power versus frequency of CPEH at load resistance 500kΩ. ................................ 145

5.39. Experimental and theoretical data of (a) output voltage and (b) output
power versus frequency of EHDM at load resistance 500kΩ.. .............................. 146

5.40. Experimental and theoretical data of (a) output voltage and (b) output
power versus load resistance of EHDM at second mode shape............................. 146

5.41. The first three mode shapes of CPEH obtained from the (a) theoretical
analysis (MATLAB R2015a), where the first mode is 3.57 Hz, second
mode is 37.54 Hz, and third mode is 117.66 (b) COMSOL software,
where (i) the first mode is 9.29 Hz, (ii) second mode is 37.44 Hz, and
(iii) third mode is 108.36 ....................................................................................... 149

5.42. The first six mode shapes of the EHDM structure obtained from
the theoretical analysis (MATLAB R2015a), where the first resonance
is mainly due to the magnifier and the second resonance is mainly due
to the harvesting beam: (a) magnifier (fn = 3.58 Hz); (b) beam
(fn = 6.81Hz); (c) magnifier (fn = 30.95Hz); (d) beam (fn = 42.69 Hz);
(e) magnifier (fn = 95.08Hz); (f) beam (fn = 119.54 Hz). . ................................... 150

5.43. The first six mode shapes of the EHDM structure obtained from the
FEM (COMSOL 5.0), where the first resonance is mainly due to the
magnifier and the second resonance is mainly due to the harvesting
beam: (a) magnifier (fn = 4.07 Hz); (b) beam (fn = 7.65Hz); (c) magnifier
(fn = 30.99Hz); (d) beam (fn = 44.45 Hz); (e) magnifier (fn = 95.21Hz);
(f) beam (fn = 130.76 Hz). ...................................................................................... 150

5.44. The dielectric constants ε' of various Paint/PZT composite films ......................... 153

5.45. The dielectric loss ε'' of various Paint/PZT composite films ................................. 154

5.46. The pyroelectric coefficient (FI) of the Paint/PZT films as a function

of the processing temperature ................................................................................ 155

5.47. The pyroelectric coefficient (FV) of the Paint/PZT films as a function

of the processing temperature ................................................................................ 155

5.48. The pyroelectric coefficient (FD) of the Paint/PZT films as a function
of the processing temperature ................................................................................ 156

5.49. The pyroelectric coefficient (FE) of the Paint/PZT films as a function

of the processing temperature ................................................................................ 156


ABX3 Perovskite Structure

AC Alternative Current

AFM Atomic Force microscopy

Ag Silver

Ag-NP Silver Nanoparticles

Al Aluminum

AlPO4 Aluminum Phosphate (Berlinite)

BaTiO3 Barium Titanate

Ca Calcium

CNT Carbon Nanotubes

Cu Copper

Ce-NFC Portland Cement-Nanocarbon Fiber Reinforced

DC Direct Current

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

DTGPS Deuterated Triglycine Phosphate-Sulfate

DTGS Deuterated Triglycine Sulfate

EH Energy Harvester

EHDM Energy Harvester with a Dynamic Magnifier

FOM’s Figure of Merits

FRF Frequency Response Function

FEA Finite Element Analysis

GaPO4 Gallium Orthophosphate

IR Infrared

KNbO3ICP Potassium Niobate

KS Knock Sensor

LCR Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance meter

LiNbO3 Lithium Niobate

LiTaO3 Lithium Tantalate

MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

MWCNT Multiwall Carbon Nano Tube

MEK Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone

MEMS Microelectromechanical Systems

NP Nanoparticles

NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Na2WO3 Sodium tungstate

NPL Non-Piezoelectric Layer

PVEH’s Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters

PbTiO3 Lead Titanate (PT)

Pb[ZrxTi1-x]O3 Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)

PVDF Polyvinylidene Fluoride

P(VDF-TrFE) Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride-Trifluoroethylene)

PLT Lead Lanthanum Titanate

PLZT Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate

PMN-PT Lead Magnesium Niobate – Lead Titanate

PT Lead Titanate

PV Photovoltaic

PVA Poly-Vinyl Alcohol

PVDF Polyvinylidene Fluoride

PVF Polyvinyl fluoride

PZT Lead Zirconate Titanate

PEH Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting

PCB’s Piezoelectric Cantilevered Beams

PUC Piezoelectric Unimorph Cantilever

PL Piezoelectric Layer

RF Radio Frequency

RMS Root Mean Square

SHM Structural Health Monitoring

Si Silicon

TGS Triglycine Sulfate

UV Ultraviolet

ZnO Zinc Oxide

ZnO-NP Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles


C Capacitance

A Capacitor Plate Area

ε Dielectric Constant

V Voltage

t Thickness or Plate Separation

Q Surface Charge

s pq Elastic Compliance Tensor at Constant Electric Field

 ikT Dielectric Constant Tensor under Constant Stress

d pk Piezoelectric Constant Tensor

Sp Mechanical Strain in p Direction

Di Electric Displacement in i Direction

Tq Mechanical Stress in q Direction

Ek Electric field in k Direction

k ij Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient

Q Quality factor

L Effective Mass (LPM)

1/C Stiffness (LPM)

R Damping Coefficient (LPM) or Electrical Resistance of Piezo-Patch

δ Logarithmic Decrement

ζ Damping Ratio

m Effective Mass or Mass per Unit Length of the Beam

k Spring Constant

p Pyroelectric Coefficient

θ Temperature or Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient

Ps Spontaneous Polarization

σ Constant Elastic Stress

E Electric Field

Ip Pyroelectric Current

A Electrode Surface Area

p Pyroelectric Coefficient

dT/dt Rate of Change of Temperature

 Area Enclosed by the D-E Diagram of the Hysteresis Loop

TCurie Curie Temperature

T1 Initial Temperature

∆TCurie Temperature Difference Between Two-Phased Transitions

DSat Saturation Electric Displacement

Eb Breakdown Voltage

tD Short Discharge Period

FI Current Responsivity FoM

FV Voltage responsivity FoM

FD Detectivity FoM

D1, D2, D3, D4 Diodes

c' Volume Specific Heat

εo Permittivity of Free Space

W Incident Power

EI Bending Stiffness

ca Viscous Air Damping Coefficient

cs Strain-Rate Damping Coefficient

w(x,t) Transverse Deflection of the Beam Relative to a Natural Axis

wrel(x,t) Transverse Displacement Relative to the Clamped End of the Beam

wb(x,t) Base Displacement

r (x) Mass Normalized Eigenfunction

 r (t ) Modal Coordinate of the Clamped-Free Beam for the r-th Mode

Br Frequency Parameter of the r-th Mode

δrs Kronecker Delta

Cr Modal Amplitude Constant

csI Equivalent Damping Term due to Structural Viscoelasticity

cs Equivalent Coefficient of Strain Rate Damping

I Equivalent area moment of inertia

ca Air Damping Coefficient

M Internal Moment of the Cantilever

wb Base Motion

YI Bending stiffness of the composite cross section

Ys Young’s Modulus for Substructure

Yp Young’s Modulus for PVDF

hs Thickness of Substructure

hp Thickness of PVDF

w Width of the Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

d31 Piezoelectric Coefficient

hpc Distance from the Center of the PVDF Layer to the Neutral Axis

w Width of the Beam

r (x) Normal Mode of the System

r (t ) Modal Coordinate of the Clamped–Clamped Beam for rth Mode

ωr Damped Angular Frequency

D3 Electrical Displacement

T1 Axial Stress

S1 Axial Strain

E3 Electrical Field of Generator

 33
Permittivity at Constant Stress

Rl Load Resistance

τc Time Constant of the Circuit

vout Amplitude of Output Voltage

ω Driving Frequency

i Imaginary Number

ηr Amplitude of the Modal Coordinate of a Clamped-Clamped Beam

Yo Amplitude of the Base Translation

P Output power

uo Harmonic Base Displacement

mt Tip Mass

Ku Effective bending rigidity of the entire unimorph beam

Km Effective bending rigidity of the magnifier beam

Nu Constant of the electro-mechanical conversion

λu wave number

1   4 Coefficients determined from the boundaries conditions

ε' Real Part of the Dielectric Permittivity

ε'' Imaginary Part of the Dielectric Permittivity

Cp Terminal Parallel Capacitance

tan δ Loss Tangent

Vac Amplitude of the Peak-to-Peak AC Small-Signal Voltage

L Length of the Beam

ρp Mass Density of the PVDF

ρs Mass Density of the Substrate

f rsc Frequency at Short Circuit

f roc Frequency at Open Circuit

c1 Primary Oscillator Damping Coefficient

c2 Secondary Oscillator Damping Coefficient

c2 Third Oscillator Damping Coefficient

α1 Piezo-Insert Force Factor

m1 Primary Oscillator Mass

m2 Secondary Oscillator Mass

m3 Third Oscillator Mass

k1 Primary Oscillator Stiffness

k2 Secondary Oscillator Stiffness

k3 Third Oscillator Stiffness

Ω Ohm


I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in my journey towards a PhD.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Ashok Batra, for his valuable

guidance and training during the course of my study, and discuss and support the

different ideas that come to my mind.

My sincere gratitude also to my co-advisor and chairman of physics department Dr.

Mohan Aggarwal for his support and helpful comments in my work and for letting me

use the Material Science Laboratories which were very helpful in my research.

I also would like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Anup Sharma for finical support

and providing inspiration to me at all times. Special Thanks to Dr. Chance Glenn, Dean,

College of Engineering, Technology, and Physical Sciences for his keen interest in this

work and his valuable support.

Special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Christopher Bowen from the Department of

Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath for his guidance and helpful. Also, I

would like to thank Dr. Arjun Tan and Dr. Marius Schamschula for their guidance and

kindness as well. I would like to extend my appreciation to my PhD. committee Dr. Alak

and Dr. Zhang for valuable helping and support. My special thanks to Dr. Adnan

Elkhaldy from Chemistry Department at AAMU and Dr. Abdalla Elsamadicy from

University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) at Physics Department for helping me to

Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting

Many materials, both natural and synthetic, exhibit piezoelectricity. Crystals which

acquire a charge when compressed, twisted, or distorted are said to be piezoelectric. This

provides a convenient transducer effect between mechanical and electrical oscillations.

The generation of an electric potential in certain non-conducting materials under

mechanical stress (such as pressure or vibration) can work in either d33 mode or d31 mode

as shown in Figure 1.6. (Batra, 2016).

(a) (b)
Figure 1.6. Two types of piezoelectric energy harvesters (a) d31 (b) d33.

In d31 mode, piezoelectric material is polarized in the direction perpendicular to the

lateral force as shown in Figure 1.6(a). In d33 mode, piezoelectric material is polarized in

the direction parallel to the applied force as shown in Figure 1.6(b). Piezoelectric

cantilever beam in d31 mode is more popular used because it produces high lateral stress

under external pressure or force effect. Piezoelectric materials can be divided into four

different categories: poly- crystalline ceramics, single crystals, polymers, and composites.

In single crystal materials, positive and negative ions are organized in a periodic fashion

throughout the entire material except for the occasional crystalline defects. One of the

most widely used piezoelectric single crystals is the solid solution of lead magnesium

niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT). In contrast, ceramics, such as lead zirconate titanate

(PZT) are polycrystalline materials and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a polymer

material. In conclude, piezoelectric energy harvesters offer advantages including high

energy conversion, high output voltage but low current level, and high output impedance.

Magnetostrictive Energy Harvesting

Magnetostrictive materials have specific properties of showing a coupling

relationship between strain and stress mechanical quantities, and magnetic and induction

field strength. Magnetostrictive materials have constitutive relationship that directly

couple mechanical and/or thermal variables to magnetic variables and they are used to

build actuators or sensors problem (Wang & Yuan 2008; Benatar, 2005).

Magnetostrictive materials have several common materials, such as iron and nickel and

they have different advantages including ultra-high coupling coefficient, high flexibility,

suited to high frequency vibration, and no depolarization problem (Davino, 2013).

Magnetostrictive harvesters are divided in two main categories, direct force or force-

driven and inertial or velocity-driven as shown in Figure 1.7.

(a) (b)
Figure 1.7 Main types of Magnetostrictive energy harvesters (a) Force-driven (b)


2.1. Energy Harvesting Via Piezoelectric

Energy Harvesting via Piezoelectricity

In this section we present the most recent and common research on harvesting energy

through piezoelectric materials. Umeda et al. (1996, 1997), Xu et al. (1998), Goldfarb

and Jones (1999) measured the output power efficiency of piezoelectric materials

(Umeda et al., 1996; Umeda et al., 1997; Xu et al., 1998; Goldfarb & Jones, 1999) .

Kymissis et al. (1998) investigated power generation from piezoelectric shoes; it was

determined that the average generated power is about 1.3 mW at 0.9 Hz when the load

resistance is 250 kΩ (Kymissis et al., 1998). Glynne-Jones et al. (2001) studied the

electrical power of piezoelectric thick-film from harmonic excitation, it was claimed that

the maximum power output was around 3 μW under a resonant frequency (Glynne-Jones

et al., 2001). Ramsay and Clark (2001) investigated the power harvesting from a 1 cm2

piezoelectric plate, it was observed that the produced power is between microwatt to

milliwatt which can be useful in vivo bio MEMS (Ramsay & Clark, 2001).

One way to improve the efficiency of energy harvesting systems is the impedance

matching between a piezoelectric energy harvester and electrical circuit configuration.

Kasyap et al. (2002) developed a converter circuit with an impedance that could be

changed to match to that of a piezoelectric energy harvester (Kasyap et al., 2002). Ottman

et al. (2002) investigations of adding an adaptive control dc-dc converter to maximize the

output power from piezoelectric energy harvester revealed that the output power could be

enhanced by over 400% as compared without using dc-dc converter (Ottman et al., 2002).

Meninger et al. (2001) added an extra capacitor to provide the maximum energy transfer,

which modified the transduction process (Meninger et al., 2001). Richards et al. (2004)

and Shu et al. (2006) developed an analytic formula to predict the energy conversion

efficiency of piezoelectric energy harvesters in case of AC power output (Richards et al.,

2004; Shu & Lien, 2006). Guan et al. (2007) studied the efficiencies of energy harvesting

circuits considering the storage device voltages (Guan & Liao, 2007).

Recently, piezoelectric cantilevered beams (PCB’s) under base or ambient excitation

have gained increased attention due to their ability to display high amounts of strain.82

Ambient vibrations suitable for energy harvesting can be found in various aspects of

human experience, such as buildings, bridges, trains and etc. Many researchers and

scientists in both field of science and engineering have studied the linear effect of PCB’s

under base excitation experimentally and theoretically. Sodano et al. (2004, 2005)

developed a model based on Rayleigh-Ritz discrete formulation to predict the amount of

power generated from a piezoelectric cantilever beam (Sodano et al., 2004; Sodano etal.,

2005). Similarly, Lu et al. (2004) developed a model for a cantilever type piezoelectric



3.1. Dielectric Theory and Constitutive Relations

To understand the theory of piezoelectric materials it is convenient to begin

explaining the basics technique of dielectric theory. The electric properties of dielectric

substances are usually described in terms of the dielectric constant. A dielectric material

is an electric insulator that can be polarized by applying an electric field. When electric

field is applied to a dielectric material its molecules respond by forming microscopic

electric dipole and their atomic nuclei move a little distance in the direction of the field,

while their electrons move a little distance in the opposite direction. This produces a

macroscopic bound charge in the material (Fröhlich, 1958). The polar axis is an

imaginary line that runs through the center of both charges on the molecule. In a

monocrystal the polar axes of all of the dipoles lie in one direction. The crystal is said to

be symmetrical because if you were to cut the crystal at any point, the resultant polar axes

of the two pieces would lie in the same direction as the original. In a polycrystal, there

are different regions within the material that have a different polar axis. It is

asymmetrical because there is no point at which the crystal could be cut that would leave

the two remaining pieces with the same resultant polar axis illustrates this concept

(Ajitsaria, 2008). The difference between the monocrystal and polycrystal structure is

illustrated in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Monocrystal versus Polycrystal material structure (Caliò et al., 2013)

The defining equations for high permittivity dielectrics are:

C (3.1)

And the macroscopic surface charge is given by:

Q (3.2)

Where, C is the capacitance, A is capacitor plate area, ε is the dielectric constant, V is the

voltage, t is the thickness or plate separation, and Q is the surface charge.

The piezoelectric effect is described in terms of constitutive equations in the

following standard form (Ikeda, 1996; Thompson, 2002; Chopra & Sirohi, 2013):

S p  s pq
Tq  d pk Ek (3.3)

Di  d iqTq   ikT Ek (3.4)

3.7. Euler-Bernoulli Theory

Energy Harvesting under Excitation of Clamped-free Beam

Distributed parameter model can be used to describe precisely the unimorph

cantilever beam by a set of coupled partial differential equations using well-known

Lagrange’s principle or virtual principle. The suggested unimorph cantilever beams

contain a one substrate beam layer and one piezoelectric layer with different number of

tip mass at free end as shown in figure 3.10.

Tip mass Piezoelectric layer Substrate material

Figure 3.10. Schematic diagram of unimorph piezoelectric beam with tip mass

The equation of motion of clamped-free end Euler-Bernoulli beam under damped,

base displacement, and transverse displacement conditions are given by: (Erturk, 2009)

 4 wrel ( x, t )  5 wrel ( x, t ) wrel ( x, t )  2 wrel ( x, t )  2 wb ( x, t ) w ( x, t )

EI  cs I  ca m  m  ca b (3.24)
x 4
x t
t t 2
t 2

where EI is the bending stiffness and m is the mass per unit length of the beam, ca is the

viscous air damping coefficient and cs is the strain-rate damping coefficient, wrel(x,t) is

the transverse displacement relative to the clamped end of the beam, and wb(x,t) is the

base displacement.

The boundary conditions for the relative vibratory motion of the beam can be written

as (Erturk, 2009, Banks & Inman, 1991):

wrel ( x, t )
wrel (0, t )  0, 0 (3.25)
x x 0

  2 wrel ( x, t )  3 wrel ( x, t )    3 wrel ( x, t )  5 wrel ( x, t ) 

 EI  c I   0,  EI  c I   0 (3.26)
x 2 x 2 t  x L x 3 x 4 t  x L
s s
 

Based on separation variable theorem, the solution of Eq. (3.24) can be represented by:

wrel ( x, t )  r ( x) r (t ) (3.26)
r 1

where r (x) and  r (t ) are the mass normalized eigenfunction and the modal coordinate

of the clamped-free beam for the r-th mode, respectively. Therefore, the resulting mass

normalized eigenfunction of the r-th vibration mode is

 r ( x) 
cosh Br x  cos Br x   r sinh Br x  sin Br x  (3.27)

where Br =λr/L is the frequency parameter of the r-th mode obtained from the solution of

following characteristic equation:

1  cos cosh  0 (3.28)

and σr is written as:

sinh r  sin r
 (3.29)
coshr  cosr

 2
(1   ) 
V  2   2  2 j 2  
V  (3.89)
m1 2U o   4  jr  1
1  (1   ) 2  2 j 1   2 
     2
     jrk 2   1
 2 j 2  e

and the dimensionless power is

 2
(1   )  2
P rk e2  2 (   2  2 j 2)
P  (3.90)

m1  2U o 2
(r) 2  1 
1  (1   ) 2  2 j 1   2
 4  jrke2 
1  (   2  2 j 2)  jr  1

where the dimensionless parameters are

2  2
 ,   , r  1CRL , ke2  (3.91)
1 1 Ck1

Three Degree of Freedom

The three degree of freedom (3DOF) system may increase the number of resonance

frequency peaks and widen broadband frequency. The 3DOF is shown in Figure 3.14

with increase number of small masses attached at the front of main PEH system. The

governing equations of motion that describe 3DOF system can be written as:

m1u1  k1 (u1  u o )  c1 (u1  u o )  k 2 (u1  u 2 )  c 2 (u1  u 2 )  k 3 (u1  u 3 )  c3 (u1  u 3 )  V (3.92)

m2 u2  k 2 (u 2  u1 )  c2 (u 2  u1 ) (3.93)

m3u3  k3 (u3  u2 )  c3 (u3  u2 ) (3.94)

  (u1  uo )  C pV (3.95)

Figure 3.14. Schematic diagram of 3DOF piezoelectric energy harvesting system

Let x  u1  uo , y1  u2  u1 , y2  u3  u1 , and assume m1  m2  m3

In order to conduct the dimensionless analysis, all the parameters are normalized by

k1 k2 k3
1  , 2  , 3 
m1 m2 m3
c1 c2 c3
1  , 2  , 3  (3.96)
2 k1 m1 2 k 2 m2 2 k 3 m3
m2   
 , r  RC p 1 ,   , 1  2 ,  2  3
m1 1 1 1

By using Laplace transformation and use s=iω, the governing equations become as:

( 2  12  2i11 ) x  ( 22  2i 2 2 ) y1  ( 32  2i 33 ) y 2  V   2uo (3.97)

  2 x  ( 2  22  2i 2 2) y1   2 u o (3.98)

  2 x  ( 2  32  2i 33) y 2   2 uo (3.99)

  i x  (  iC p )V  0 (3.100)

Solving the previous equations gives the following dimensionless output voltage:

1 1
(1  2 )  2 (  2 )
    2i 21  2    2i3 2
2 2 2
V 1
 1 1  ir  1
1  (1  2 )2  2i1  4 ( 2  2 )  2  1
 1    2i 21  2    2i3 2  irke 
2 2

and the dimensionless power is giving as:

1 1
(1  2 )  2 ( 2 2  2 2 )
rke 
2 2
1    2i 21  2    2i3 2
P (3.102)
(r)2  1  1 1  irk 2

1  (1  2 )2  2i1  4 ( 2 2  2 2 )   e
 1    2i 
2 1  2    2i 
3 2   ir  1

where k e2 
C p k1

3.9. Chain Matrix Method (CMM)

This part examined the influence of attaching a mass at the front of unimorph beam

with dynamic magnifier on harvested power and bandwidth of the device. Energy

harvesters with dynamic magnifier configurations are of interest due to their ability to

work at different resonance frequencies as well as magnify the bandwidth of the

harvester. One of the simplest configurations of a conventional piezoelectric energy

harvester (CPEH) devices is a tip mass attached at the front of a piezoelectric cantilever



4.1. Piezoelectric Material Fabrication

The conventional energy harvester (EH) was fabricated by solution casting technique

using brush technique method at room temperature. The 0-3 connectivity nano-composite

films were fabricated using the solution cast technique. The first step in the preparation of

PVDF solution (Pmix) was dissolving a suitable amount in methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK)

at 60 oC. A requisite amount of PMN-PT powder (volume fraction, φ = 0.079) was then

added to the Pmix solution to form nPMix, and this mixture is ultrasonically

agitated/magnetic stirred for several hours to break-up the agglomerates and disperse

PMN-PT uniformly in the Pmix. Then, nPMix is poured into a petri dish for the solution

to evaporate. The films so formed were annealed for 2–3 hours in the air, at 110 oC for

the present case. A full-face silver electrode was deposited on the film to form a

capacitor; then the film was cut into 10 mm×10 mm sized element for testing. The

electrode samples were poled at 60 oC with 10 kV/cm voltages for 2 hours. After the

poling process, the samples were short circuited and annealed at 50 oC for 2 hours. A

flow-chart of the fabrications processes is depicted in Figure 4.1.

4.2. Dielectric Measurement Technique

The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric permittivity (ε’ and ε’’) were

obtained by measuring terminal parallel capacitance Cp and loss tangent (tan δ = ε’’/ ε’) as

a function of frequency and temperature using the QuadTech 1920 LCR meter. The

amplitude of the peak-to-peak ac small-signal voltage (Vac) used for this purpose was 0.3

V. The block diagram of the set-up is shown in Figure 4.2, where constructed three-

terminal sample holder for the terminal capacitance measurement is shown in Figure 4.3

(Batra and Alim,… 2009).

Figure 4.1. A summary of composite film fabrication process (Batra et al., 2015).

Figure 4.2. The block diagram of experimental set-up.

Figure 4.3. A novel multifunctional sample holder for dielectric characterization

(Chilvery, 2013).



5.1. Introduction

In Chapter 4 a theoretical model for free-clamped and clamped-clamped piezoelectric

cantilever beam, and Lumped Parameter Model (LPM) were mentioned and developed.

Different ways have been employed to extract the energy from piezoelectric materials

using lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT), lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and

the polymer material polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). PVDF and PZT were fabricated by

solution processed technique, where PMN-PT single crystal was grown in our laboratory

using the high temperature flux method. However, In order to characterize the proposed

design, the suggested energy harvesters were tested in our ‘Clean Energy Laboratory’, the

photograph of the laboratory measurement setup is shown in Figure 5.1.

A mini mechanical shaker was obtained from Bruel and Kjaer Instruments Inc.

(Model Type 4810). This shaker was driven at various voltages and frequencies using the

ELENCO function generator (Model GF8046) and a Bruel and Kjaer high-power

amplifier (Model NF4025) to produce a cyclic force of required magnitude and

frequency. The acceleration was measured by accelerometer sensors via Pico-Technology

picoscope (Model 4224). The output voltage from the EH is monitored by Keithley

multimeter (Model 2110) and picoscope interfaced to computer. The displacement of the

cantilever beam was measured by a MTI Instruments laser displacement meter (Model

Microtrack II). To avoid any interference from the noise in the surrounding environment,

all experiments were performed on an isolated optical bench (Alomari & Batra, 2015).

Figure 5.1. Experimental setup used for the frequency response measurements of a
unimorph cantilever arrays (photos by A. Alomari, 2016): (1) Shaker with an
accelerometer (Bruel&Kjaer 4810) and the cantilever arrays; (2) Laser vibrometer
(Microtrack II) MTI; (3) Fixed gain amplifier (Bruel&Kjaer 2718); (4) Control
function generator (GF8046 ELENCO); (5) Digital multimeter (Keithley 2110); (6)
Variable resistances box; (7) Picoscope; (8) Data acquisition system.

5.2. Calibration

The first step was to make sure the laser vibrometer and accelerometer were

calibrated correctly. This was achieved by connecting the accelerometer to the clamp end

side and pointing the laser onto the same point allowing both devices to measure base

motion. The conversion factors provided for the accelerometer and laser vibrometer were

1.022 V.m-1.s2 and 0.125 m.V-1 respectively. Note, at the time of testing, the fundamental

frequency of samples is varied according to sample mounted in the clamp.

5.3. Study of PVDF, PVDF/PZT, and PVDF/PZT with MWCNT’s Thick Films

In this section validation of the theoretical, simulated, voltage generated from various

samples is obtained. The first sample tested was a conventional energy harvester with

piezoelectric cantilever beam with tip mass. Dimensions and material properties

measured can be found in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. During testing, the frequency was swept

from 1 Hz to 100 Hz with base acceleration kept constant at 9.8 m.s-2.

Table 5.1. Dimensions and properties of piezoelectric cantilever beam and plate films
Type of plate PVDF/PZT PMN-PT
film with MWCNT single crystal
Length (m) 0.104 0.018 0.027 0.023 0.008
Width (m) 0.010 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.005
Thickness (mm) 0.18 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.62
117 3 70
Modulus (GPa)
Density (kg/m3) 8960 1780 8200

Table 5.2. The dimensions of piezoelectric PZT disc.

Type of material PZT disc
Radius (mm) 6.25
Thickness (mm) 2
Young’s modulus (GPa) / Density (kg/m )3
base as shown schematically by Figure 3.10. When the structure is excited by a

mechanical impact, the dynamic behavior of the mass can be seen as a free damped

vibration. The displacement of tip mass attached at front of cantilever beam has been

investigated versus frequency by Laser, the results are shown in Figure 5.10.

AC to DC



Tip mass

Figure 5.9. A photograph of magnified the aluminum beam with the PMN-PT and AC-
DC electric circuit

The relative displacement causes the PMN-PT single crystal to be tensed or

compressed, which in turn induces a charge shift and accumulation due to the

piezoelectric effect. Electrodes collect the generated charge and electrical damping

results. The magnitude of the electric charge voltage is proportional to the stress induced

by the relative displacement. The displacement has been calculated by subtracting the

maximum and the minimum values of generated wave of base excitation shown through

the laser. As we seen in Figure 5.10, the displacement of the tip mas varies from 0.01 mm

at initial frequency value of 50 Hz and reaches the maximum value of about 0.13 mm at

first resonance frequency of 65 Hz. At the maximum value of displacement the output

voltage will be highest and the cantilever beam will be at highest deflection.


Displacement (mm)






50 60 70 80

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.10. The displacement of tip mass versus frequency using the laser

The output voltage and power versus frequency are shown in Figure 5.11 and Figure

5.12, respectively. It is shown in Figure 5.11 and Figure 5.12 that the output voltage and

average power values of the PMN-PT single crystal at optimal resistance of RL=200 kΩ

are 0.113 V and 43 nW, respectively at a first resonance frequency of approximately 65

Hz. Experimental and simulation results are well matched for first resonance frequency

as shown in Figures using a model of a SDOF system (Eq. 3.80) for a PMN-PT single

crystal with tip mass attached at the front of aluminum cantilever beam.




Output voltage (V)






50 60 70 80

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.11.Frequency dependence of output peak voltage (V) with proof mass of 2.5 g.

Output Power (nW)




50 60 70 80

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.12.Frequency dependence of output peak power (P) with proof mass of 2.5 g.


Figure 5.25. First three vibration modes of clamped-clamped beam (a) MATLAB
(b, c, d) COMSOL.

5.6. Two Degree of Freedom Examination

A two degree of freedom (2DOF) piezoelectric vibration energy could widen the

harvesting frequency bandwidth by tuning the two mode resonant frequencies to be close

to each other. The study of the proposed 2DOF piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting

model which is shown in Figure 3.13 includes a PMN-PT single crystal vibrates in

longitudinal direction parallel to waveform generated by shaker and spring-mass system

attached at the top of PMN-PT single crystal. The dimensions, electrical, and mechanical

properties of 2DOF are given in Table 5.9.

Table 5.9. The dimensions, electrical, and mechanical properties of 2DOF system.
Parameter Type Values Unites
m1 Primary oscillator mass 0.02 Kg
m2 Secondary oscillator mass 0.005 Kg
k1 Primary oscillator stiffness 25 N/m
k2 Secondary oscillator stiffness 2.87 N/m
c1 Primary oscillator damping coefficient 0.06 N s/m
c2 Secondary oscillator damping coefficient 0.00272 N s/m
α1 piezo-insert force factor 6.1623×10 -5
Cp Capacitance of piezo-patch element 30×10-9 F
R Electrical resistance of piezo-patch element 500000 Ω

The experimentally measured and theoretically predicted dimensionless power

outputs are compared under an excitation base of 10 m/s2 and optimal load resistance for

both the conventional piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting (PVEH) and the proposed

2DOF PVEH as shown in Fig 5.26. It is shown in Figure 5.26 that the output power of

the SDOF at optimal resistance of RL=500 kΩ is 1.03 nW at a resonance frequency of

approximately 5.6 Hz. Also, it is shown in Figure 5.26 that the output power of the 2DOF

at optimal resistance of RL=500 kΩ are 54.37 nW at a first resonance frequency of

approximately 3.4 Hz, and 17.18 nW at a second resonance frequency of approximately

6.5 Hz. Experimental and simulation results are well matched for first resonance

frequency as shown in Figure 5.26 using a model of a SDOF system that mentioned in

Eq. (3.80), Also experimental and simulation results are well matched for first and second

resonance frequency as shown in Figure 5.26 using a model of a 2DOF system that

mentioned in Eq. (3.89) and Eq. (3.90).


Theory SDOF
Experiment SDOF
Dimensionless power output

-2 Theory 2DOF
10 Experiment 2DOF



10 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 5.26. Dimensionless optimal power output versus Ω for different single-degree-of-
freedom (SDOF) and two degree of freedom (2DOF).


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