Recruitment: Response To Applicant

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Dear Candidate,

You are receiving this letter because we believe you are the right person to lead our much-needed
growth at this important stage of our organization, and we are honored you are considering joining the

Please know this is not an invitation we give out liberally. Quite to the contrary, an extraordinary
amount of time and energy has been put into identifying and recruiting the very special type of
committed individual it takes to do this work, to put our clients first, and to advance our brand name in
the market.

The purpose of this letter and the documents that come along with it is to give you an inside look at the
organization as you consider an upcoming offer from us.

Above all else, we want you to have a very clear sense of our organizational culture.

Please take the time to read through our -------------=, and make certain the principles we operate on
resonate with you.

Even after reading these documents, I think there is a lot of value in you seeing the long-form of a few
ideas that are really influential in our organization.

There is a belief here that purpose ought to triumph over profit, thus the need to have clear
expectations, 100% follow-through, and efficient systems of management and operations is
considered greater in the private sector.

We aren’t perfect, but that’s the framework we work within. We value hard work. We also value smart
work, productivity hacks, and incredibly well-run meetings even more. We don’t need you to be a
martyr or live an extraordinarily austere lifestyle to fit in. We just need you to care about getting the
most important work done most efficiently and pushing everyone to be better at doing the same. To
keep it simple, a bit crass, and put into popular parlance of the times — we have a “get things done”
culture where concision and results are king.

With that, we would like to engage you to the next part of our recruitment process, which is (the 180
day plan etc.)

We look forward to engaging you in our team for a fruitful and successful collaboration.

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