Veterinary Record - 2023 - Loeb - Encouraging Clients To Hand Back Antibiotics

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Encouraging clients to hand back antibiotics

By Josh Loeb by participating practices last year,
but Ramsay said that due to under-
VET practices are being asked to recording the real figures were likely
register their interest in taking part in higher.
a scheme that urges clients to hand As part of the amnesty, survey
back unused antibiotics. work was conducted to find out how
The 2023 Veterinary Antibiotic people were disposing of unused
Amnesty follows a successful pilot veterinary antibiotics. It found the
of the scheme last year, when vet most common means of disposal
practices across the UK collaborated was in household waste (42 per
under a ‘One Health’ umbrella with cent of pet owners) – which may
human healthcare community go for incineration or into landfill
pharmacies in the Midlands to collect depending on where in the country
leftover antibiotics. the household is situated – with
The amnesty promotes the safe ‘still got them’ (35 per cent) coming
disposal of the medicines and a close second. Some pet owners
raises awareness about responsible surveyed (19 per cent) said they
prescribing and risks posed by ‘I think there’s been an returned unused antibiotics to
antimicrobial resistance (AMR). improvement in the public their vet, while 4 per cent said
It will run during November, awareness of AMR,’ Allerton said. they flushed them down the toilet.
overlapping with World Antibiotic ‘We have a more receptive audience Anything However, researchers cautioned
Awareness Week (18–24 November). than maybe we had five or 10 years that the sample size was small.
The Responsible Use of Medicines ago.’ Ramsay said: ‘The reality is if
in Agriculture Alliance Companion Ian Ramsay, professor of small prescribe, somebody has piles of antibiotics
Animal and Equine (RUMA CA&E) animal medicine at the University you are still in their house which they are not
group has produced a range of of Glasgow and a past president of responsible using for human health or for
resources that practices can use to get the British Small Animal Veterinary for it until veterinary health, they should
the word out. Association (BSAVA), is also not be there and they should be
it either
Fergus Allerton, AMR lead at involved in the scheme. returning them for correct disposal.’
Linnaeus, who is helping coordinate He said: ‘When you refuse [to
finishes in Asked whether there was
the scheme, said vets should be prescribe] antibiotics, when you say the animal or crossover between AMR in animals
advising clients to return unused “You don’t need antibiotics”, you is disposed of and in people, he added: ‘We’re
antibiotics to practices, rather are now less likely to get pushback safely not doing this just for people, we’re
than keeping them at home, so the from the clients.’ doing this because of antimicrobial
medicines can go for incineration But he added that there were resistance in the species we look
along with other clinical waste. ‘definitely still people who walk in after. The resistant microbes that
‘Anything you prescribe, you are wanting antibiotics’. are in our dogs will affect other
still responsible for it until it either Last year a total of 66 vet dogs. That is definitely where my
finishes in the animal or is disposed practices participated in the motivation comes from: making
of safely, so we’re not asking people amnesty in some form, a quarter sure my hospital is as free of AMR as
to do anything above what is already of which got involved through the it’s possible to be.
their legal responsibility,’ Allerton BSAVA, which is backing the scheme ‘It’s correct to say there is only a
said. along with the BVA and several small amount of crossover, but it’s
Although vets may sometimes feel other veterinary organisations. A not that there’s no crossover, and
under pressure from pet owners to further 40 retrospectively expressed it’s also worthwhile remembering
prescribe antibiotics, he said this interest, saying they would have that, although the “bugs” may not
may be ‘perceived’ rather than real participated had they known about be the same, they can transfer the
and there was a need to challenge the scheme (this has prompted resistance.’
it and stick to the principles of RUMA CA&E to ramp up its efforts Although the amnesty is
responsible stewardship. He also to publicise the scheme earlier this focused on antibiotics and runs
suggested that both vets and NHS year). in November, practices are
doctors may sometimes be adopting In all, 787 antibiotic tablets, encouraged to adopt the approach
too much of a ‘just in case’ approach 12 part boxes of antibiotics, throughout the year. The scheme
whereby antibiotics are prescribed in 53 bottles of antibiotic eardrops could also be expanded to cover
cases where it is arguably not strictly and 17 antibiotic injections were other types of medicines, such as
necessary. recorded as having been collected anthelmintics. ∙
7 8/15 July 2023 | VET RECORD

7 News.indd 464 04/07/2023 14:24:12

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