Curriculum Basic Agro-Food Processing L-1

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Basic Agro-food Processing

Level- I
Based on Sep, 2020, Version- 2
Occupational standards (OS)

September, 2020
Bishoftu, Ethiopia

The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the short
term labor market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark
and standard for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and
documented – taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate the learning process in
a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills, knowledge and
attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards (OS).

The curriculum development process has been done by Federal TVET Agency facilitation,
Regional TVET-Authorities participation and TVET-Providers with financial supports of
UNESCO Best Education for Africa Rise (BEAR II) project.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
TVET-Program Design
1.1. TVET-Program Title: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I
1.2. TVET-Program Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
learners to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. Learners who successfully completed the Program will be
qualified to work as a producer with competencies elaborated in the respective OS.
Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in the Industry Sector
in the field of Agro-food Processing.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to participate Effectively
in a W orkplace Environment, Identify key Operations in Food Production, Safely in Food
Processing Industry, Carry out Manual Handling Task, Operate Basic Equipment, Operate a
Personal Computer, Use Food Processing Tools and Equipment, Take and Record Basic
Measurement, Prepare Basic Mixes, Undertake Minor Maintenance, Perform Stock Control
Procedures, Pack or Unpack Product Manually, Finish Products, Sell Products and Services,
Apply Quality Standards, W ork with others, Receive and Respond to workplace
communication, Demonstrate W ork Values, Develop Business understanding and Apply 3S
in accordance with the performance criteria described in the OS.

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1.3. TVET-Program Learning Outcomes
The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competence –

IND BFP1 18 1019 Demonstrate W ork Values

IND BFP1 17 1019 Receive and Respond to workplace communication
IND BFP1 16 1019 W ork with others
IND BFP1 20 1019 Apply 3S
IND BFP1 15 1019 Apply Quality Standards
IND BFP1 06 1019 Operate a Personal Computer
IND BFP1 01 1019 Participate Effectively in a W orkplace Environment
IND BFP1 07 1019 Use Food Processing Tools and Equipment
IND BFP1 05 1019 Operate Basic Equipment
IND BFP1 04 1019 Carry out Manual Handling Task
IND BFP1 10 1019 Undertake Minor Maintenance
IND BFP1 03 1019 Safely in Food Processing Industry
IIND BFP1 11 1019 Perform Stock Control Procedures
ND BFP1 08 1019 Take and Record Basic Measurement
IND BFP1 02 1019 Identify key Operations in Food Production
IND BFP1 09 1019 Prepare Basic Mixes
IND BFP1 13 1019 Finish Products
IND BFP1 12 1019 Pack or Unpack Product Manually
IND BFP1 14 1019 Sell Products and Services
IND BFP1 19 1019 Develop Business understanding

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program
The Program will have duration of 485 hours including the on-the-job practice or cooperative
training time. Unit competency On school training Cooperative Total Remarks
Theory practical training hours
1. Demonstrate W ork Values 8 4 - 12
2. Receive and Respond to workplace 15 - - 15 -
3. Work with others 10 - - 10 -
4. Apply 3S 7 8 7 22 -
5. Apply Quality Standards 9 6 5 20 -
6. Operate a Personal Computer 15 25 10 50 -
7. Participate Effectively in a 5 5 5 15 -
Workplace Environment
8. Use Food Processing Tools and 10 12 10 32 -
9. Operate Basic Equipment 9 6 5 20 -
10. Carry out Manual Handling Task 4 4 4 12 -
11. Undertake Minor Maintenance 6 6 4 16 -
12. Safely in Food Processing Industry 12 13 10 35 -
13. Perform Stock Control Procedures 4 5 5 14 -
14. Take and Record Basic 5 6 4 15 -
15. Identify Key Characteristics in Food 15 20 20 55 -
16. Prepare Basic Mixes 20 25 20 65 -
17. Finish Products 4 4 4 12 -
18. Pack or Unpack Product Manually 6 7 7 20 -
19. Sell Products and Services 7 7 6 20 -
20. Develop Business understanding 17 8 - 25 -

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Total calculated 187 170 126 483 -
Total to be provided - - - - -

1.5. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level I”.
The learner can exit after successfully completing the Modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. The learner can also
exit after completing any one learning module. However, only certificate of attainment or
attendance (this is institutional discretion) will be awarded.
1.6. Target Groups
Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7
and capable of participating in the learning activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Federal TVET Agency.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills.
The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The TVET-institution and identified companies
have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to implementation of this program. The
time spent by the trainees in the industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world
of work and enable them to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion,

simulation and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are
exposed to the industry environment.

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1.9. TVET-Program Structure
Unit of Competence Module Code& Title Learning Outcomes
(In Hours)
IND BFP1 18 1019 Demonstrate IND BFP1 Demonstrating x Define the purpose of work 12
Work Values M01 0920 Work Values x Apply work values/ethics
x Deal with ethical problems
x Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
IND BFP1 17 1019 Receive and IND BFP1 Receiving and x Follow routine spoken messages 15
Respond to M02 0920 Respond to x Perform workplace duties following written notices
Workplace Workplace
Communication Communication
IND BFP1 16 1019 Work with Others IND BFP1 Working with x Develop effective workplace relationship 10
M03 0920 Others x Contribute to work group activities

IND BFP1 20 1019 Apply 3S IND BFP1 Applying 3S x Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT). 22
M04 0920 x Prepare for work
x Sort items
x Set all items in order
x Perform shine activities

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IND BFP1 15 1019 Apply Quality IND BFP1 Applying x Assess own work 20
Standards M05 0920 Quality x Assess quality of service rendered
Standards x Record information
x Study causes of quality deviations
x Complete documentation
IND BFP1 06 1019 Operate a IND BFP1 Operating a x Start computer, system information and features 50
Personal M06 0920 Personal x Navigate and manipulate desktop environment
Computer Computer x Organize files using basic directory and folder structures
x Print information
x Shut down computer
IND BFP1 01 1019 Participate IND BFP1 Participating x Carry out responsibilities 15
Effectively in a M07 0920 Effectively in a x Identify and locate company product and processes
Workplace Workplace
Environment Environment
IND BFP1 07 1019 Use Food IND BFP1 Using Food x Follow workplace procedures. 32
Processing Tools M08 0920 Processing x Use hand tools
and Equipment Tools and x Use power tools
Equipment x Monitor and use the equipment/ process.
IND BFP1 05 1019 Operate Basic IND BFP1 Operating x Follow workplace procedures to operate equipment 20

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Equipment M09 0920 Basic x Monitor and complete equipment operation
IND BFP1 04 1019 Carry out Manual IND BFP1 Carrying out x Participate in processes to identify and assess manual 12
Handling Task M10 0920 Manual handling
Handling Task x Contribute to manual handling risk minimization
x Plan and conduct manual handling
IND BFP1 10 1019 Undertake Minor IND BFP1 Undertaking x Identify maintenance requirements. 16
Maintenance M11 0920 Minor x Prepare for maintenance activity.
Maintenance x Perform maintenance activity.
x Test equipment
x Record maintenance activity.
IND BFP1 03 1019 Safely in Food IND BFP1 Safely in Food x Identify OHS legislative requirements 35
Processing M12 0920 Processing x Identify workplace hazards and control measures
Industry Industry x Identify OHS communication and reporting
x Identify OHS incident and emergency response
IND BFP1 11 1019 Perform Stock IND BFP1 Performing x Receive and process incoming goods. 14
Control M13 0920 Stock Control x Rotate stock
Procedures Procedure

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IND BFP1 08 1019 Take and Record IND BFP1 Taking and x Identify measurement requirements 15
Basic M14 0920 Recording x Take measurements
Measurements Basic
IND BFP1 02 1019 Identify key IND BFP1 Identify Key x Identify major stages in food and beverages making 55
Operations in M 15 0920 x Identify food and beverages sales and marketing
in Food
Food Production Production strategies and processes

IND BFP1 09 1019 Prepare Basic IND BFP1 Preparing x Prepare for mixing/blending 65
Mixes M16 0920 Basic Mixes x Operate and monitor the mixing/blending process
x Shut down the mixing/blending process
IND BFP1 13 1019 Finish Products IND BFP1 Finishing x Prepare to finish products 12
M17 0920 Products x Assemble and finish products

IND BFP1 12 1019 Pack or Unpack IND BFP1 Packing or x Prepare to pack or unpack product 20
Product Manually M18 0920 Unpacking x Manually pack or unpack product
IND BFP1 14 1019 Sell Products and ND BFP1 Selling x Apply product knowledge 20
Services M19 0920 Products and x Approach customer

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Services x Gather information
x Sell benefits
x Overcome objections
x Close sale
x Maximize sales opportunities
IND BFP1 19 1019 Develop IND BFP1 Developing x Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of 25
Understanding of M20 0920 Understanding entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship of x Discuss how to become entrepreneur
Entrepreneursh x Discuss how to organize an enterprise
ip x Discuss how to operate an enterprise
x Develop one’s own business plan
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning outcomes
are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing
them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

Formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of the
learning process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding
success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific learning errors
that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well.
For the teacher, formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and
remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have
been achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the
term ‘competent or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are B Level and have satisfactory
practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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LEARNING MODULE 01 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-Food Processing Level-I

MODULE TITLE:Demonstrating Work Values
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
demonstrating proper work values.
At the end of this module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Define the purpose of work
LO2. Apply work values/ethics
LO3. Deal with ethical problems
LO4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace.
LO1. Define the purpose of work
1.1 Identifying unique sense of purpose for working and the whys of work
1.2 Achieving Personal mission in harmony with company’s values
LO2. Apply w ork values/ethics
2.1 Work values/ethics/concepts
2.2 Undertaking W ork practices in compliance with industry work ethical standards
2.3 Conducting Personal behavior with co-workers in policy and guidelines.
2.4 Using Company resources accordingly
LO3. Deal with ethical problems
3.1 Reporting of unethical conduct accordance with company ethical standard.
3.2 Identifying resolution and/or referral of ethical problems
LO4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
4.1 Demonstrating personal work practices and values.
4.2 Providing Instructions to co-workers.
4.3 Sharing Company values/practices.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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LO1. Define the purpose of work
x One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the whys of work are identified reflected
on and clearly defined for one’s development as a person and as a member of society.
x Personal mission is achieved in harmony with company’s values
LO2. Apply w ork values/ethics
x Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and reaffirmed in accordance with the
transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
x Work practices are undertaken in compliance with industry work ethical standards,
organizational policy and guidelines
x Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients are conducted in
accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
x Company resources are used in accordance with transparent company ethical standard,
policies and guidelines.
LO3. Deal with ethical problems
x Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the prevention and
reporting of unethical conduct are accessed and applied in accordance with transparent
company ethical standard; W ork incidents/situations are reported and/or resolved in
accordance with company protocol/guidelines.
x Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified are used as learning opportunities.
LO4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
x Personal work practices and values are demonstrated consistently with acceptable ethical
conduct and company’s core values.
x Instructions to co-workers are provided based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives.
x Company values/practices are shared with co-workers using appropriate behavior and

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Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M01 0920: Demonstrating Work Values
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
Prepared by
2. Textbooks 5 1:5
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 1:5
2. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
3. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
5. Chalk Standard 1 1:25
6. Duster Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. White board Standard 1 1:25
2. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer Personal 1 1:25
4. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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LEARNING MODULE 02 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-Food Processing Level-I

MODULE TITLE : Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to receive, respond and act on verbal and written
At the end of this module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Follow routine spoken messages
LO2. Perform workplace duties following written notices
LO1. Follow routine spoken messages.
1.1. Gathering and interpreting information/instructions
1.2. Recording instructions/ information
1.3. Acting upon instructions
1.4. Seeking clarification
LO2. Perform workplace duties follow ing written notices
2.1 Organizational guidelines
2.2 Reading and interpreting written notices and instructions
2.3 Following routine written instructions
2.4 Giving feedback to work place supervisor

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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LO1.Follow routine spoken messages
x Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly interpreting or
understanding information/instructions.
x Instructions/information is properly recorded.
x Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information received.
x Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any
instruction/information is not clear
LO2.Perform workplace duties follow ing written notices
x Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in accordance with
organizational guidelines.
x Routine written instructions are followed in sequence.
x Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the instructions/information received

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M02 0920 : Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
Prepared by
2. Textbooks 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to BAFP 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 pcs 1:5
3. White board marker 2-5mm 5 pcs 1:5
4. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
Different type of
5. Chalk 1 pack 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment
1. White board 1m X 1.5m 1 1:25
2. Black board 2m X 1m 1 1:25
3. Phone Standard 5 1:5
4. Fax Standard 1 1:25
5. Projector 50/60Hz 1 1:25
6. Personal computer Lab top 1 1:25

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LEARNING MODULE 03 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-Food Processing Level-I

MODULE TITLE: Working with Others
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes to develop workplace relationship and contribute in workplace
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Develop effective workplace relationship
LO2. Contribute to work group activities
LO1. Develop effective w orkplace relationship

1.1 Doing duties and responsibilities in a positive manner

1.2 Seeking assistance from workgroup

1.3 Encouraging, acknowledging and acting upon feedback on performance

1.4 Respecting and acknowledging differences in personal values and beliefs

LO2. Contribute to work group activities
2.1 Providing support to team members.
2.2 Making constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks with
Organizational requirements.
2.3 Sharing relevant Information with team members.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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 Summarize main points
Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Develop effective w orkplace relationship

x Duties and responsibilities are done in a positive manner to promote cooperation and
good relationship.

x Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressed through

x Feedback on performance provided by others in the team is encouraged, acknowledged

and acted upon.

x Differences in personal values and beliefs are respected and acknowledged in the
LO2. Contribute to work group activities

x Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met.

x Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are made according to

organizational requirements.
x Information relevant to work are shared with team members to ensure designated goals
are met.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements

IND BFP1 M03 0920: Working with Others

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to BAFP 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 pcs 1:5
3. White board marker 2-5mm 5 pcs 1:5
4. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
5. Duster Standard 1 pc 1:25
6. Chalk Different color types 1 pack 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment
1. White board 1m X 1.5m 1 1:25
2. . Black board 2m X 1m 1 1:25
3. Projector (Data projector) 50/60Hz 1 1:25
4. Personal computer Lab top 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 04 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-Food Processing Level-I

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required by a worker to apply 3S techniques to his/her workplace.
The module assumes the worker has a particular job in the allocated workplace known by
the individual.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
LO2. Prepare for work
LO3. Sort items
LO4. Set all items in order
LO5. Perform shine activities
LO1. Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
1.1 Identification of basics ,principles and stages of KPT
1.2 Establishing structure of Junior KPT
1.3 Making effective and appropriate contributions
1.4 Using and undertaking effective and appropriate forms of communications
1.5 Preparing and using Kaizen Board

LO2. Prepare for work

2.1 Using work instructions to determine job requirements
2.2 Reading and interpreting job specifications
2.3 Observing OHS requirements
2.4 Selecting appropriate materials
2.5 Identifying and checking safety equipment and tools

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LO3.Sort items
3.1 Preparing plan
3.2 performing Cleaning activities
3.3 Identification all items following appropriate procedures
3.4 Listing necessary and unnecessary items using the appropriate format
3.5 Using red tag strategy for unnecessary items
3.6 Evaluating and placing unnecessary items
3.7 Recording and quantifying necessary items
3.8 Reporting performance results
3.9 Checking necessary items

LO4. Set all items in order

4.1 Preparation of Plan
4.2 Performing general cleaning activities
4.3 Deciding location/layout, storage and indication methods
4.4 Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment
4.5 Placing items
4.6 Returning the items
4.7 Reporting performance results
4.8 Checking each item

LO5. Perform shine activities

5.1 Preparing plan
5.2 Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment
5.3 Implementing shine activity
5.4 Reporting performance results
5.5 Conducting regular shinning activities

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points
Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Organize junior Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
x Basics, principles and stages of KPT are identified using appropriate procedures.
x Structure of Junior KPT is established in accordance with the organizational procedures.
x Effective and appropriate contributions are made to complement team activities and
objectives using individual skills and competencies.
x Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and undertaken with KPT
members who contribute to know KPT activities and objectives.
x Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board) is prepared and used in harmony with different
workplace contexts

LO2. Prepare for work

x Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method, material and
x Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
x OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and eye and
ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work.
x Appropriate materials are selected.
x Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective operation.

LO3.Sort items
x Plan is prepared to implement sorting activities.
x Cleaning activities are performed.
x All items in the workplace are identified following the appropriate procedures.
x Necessary and unnecessary items are listed using the appropriate format
x Red tag strategy is used for unnecessary items.
x Unnecessary items are evaluated and placed in an appropriate place other than the
x Necessary items are recorded and quantified using appropriate format.
x Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
x Necessary items are regularly checked in the workplace

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO4. Set all items in order
x Plan is prepared to implement set in order activities.
x General cleaning activities are performed.
x Location/layout, storage and indication methods for items are decided.
x Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for setting in order activities.
x Items are placed in their assigned locations.
x After use, the items are immediately returned to their assigned locations.
x Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
x Each item is regularly checked in its assigned location and order

LO5.Perform shine activities

x Plan is prepared to implement shine activities.
x Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for shinning activities
x Shine activity is implemented using appropriate procedures
x Performance results are reported using appropriate formats
x Regular shinning activities are conducted

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M04 0920:Applying 3S
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to Applying 3s 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room Standard 1 1:25
4. Workshop Room Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water
C. Consumable Materials
1 A4
Paper 5 1:5

2 Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1

3 Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4 Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
5 Chalk Standard 1 1:25
6 Duster Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Respiratory protection Standard 25 1:1
2. Eye google Standard 25 1:1
3. Glove Standard 25 1:1
4. Safety footwear Standard 25 1:1
5. Paint Standard 25 1:1
6. Hook Standard 5 1:5
7. Sticker Standard 5 1:5
8. Signboard Standard 5 1:5

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9. Nails Standard 5 1:5
10. Shelves Standard 25 1:1
11. chip wood Standard 25 1:1
12. Sponge Standard 25 1:1
13. Broom Standard 25 1:1
14. Pencil Standard 25 1:1
15. shadow board/ tools board Shield and goggle 25 1:1
16. Projector Standard 25 1:1
17. Personal computer Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 05 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-Food Processing Level-I

MODULE TITLE : Applying Quality Standards
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to applying quality standards in the operational activities.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Assess own work
LO2. Assess quality of service rendered
LO3. Record information
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations
LO5. Complete documentation
LO1. Assess ow n work
1.1 Checking completed work against organization standards
1.2 Demonstrating an understanding on how the work activities and completed work
1.3 Identifying and isolating faulty service
1.4 Recording and reporting faults and any identified causes

LO2. Assess quality of service rendered

2.1 Checking services rendered quality
2.2 Evaluating service rendered
2.3 Identifying causes of any identified faults
2.4 Taking corrective actions with p0licies and procedures

LO3.Record information
3.1. Recording basic information on the quality performance
3.2. Maintaining records of work quality

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LO4.Study causes of quality deviations
4.1. Investigating and reporting causes of deviations from final outputs or services
4.2. Recommending suitable preventive action with organizational quality standard

LO5. Complete documentation

5.1 Recording information on quality parameters and other indicators of service
5.2 Recording all service processes and outcomes

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points
Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Assess ow n work
x Completed work is checked against organization standards relevant to the activity being
x An understanding is demonstrated on how the work activities and completed work relate
to the next process and to the final appearance of the service / product.
x Faulty service is identified and isolated in accordance with policies and procedures.
x Faults and any identified causes are recorded and reported
LO2. Assess quality of service rendered
x Services rendered are quality checked against standards and specifications.
x Service rendered are evaluated using the appropriate evaluation parameters and in
accordance with standards.
x Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective actions are taken in
accordance with policies and procedures.
LO3.Record information
x Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in accordance with organization
x Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of the organization /
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations
x Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are investigated and reported in
accordance with standard procedures.
x Suitable preventive action is recommended based on organization quality standards and
identified causes of deviation from specified quality standards of final service or output.
LO5. Complete documentation
 Information on quality parameters and other indicators of service performance is recorded.
 All service processes and outcomes are records

TVET Program Title: Basic Version:2

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M05 0920: Applying Quality Standards

Item Description/ Recommended

Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications Ratio(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by Trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to the topic 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4. Audio-visual room 4m x 4.9375m 1 1:25
5. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
6. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 1:5
2. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
3. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4. Whiteboard Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
5. File box Standard 5 1:5
6. Chalk Different color 1 1:25
7 Duster Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Whiteboard Standard 1 1:25
2. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
3. Printer Standard 1 1:25
4. Personal computer Lab top 1 1:25
5. LCD projector 50/60Hz 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 06 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Operating Personal Computer
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the learners with skills and
knowledge required to start up a personal computer or business computer terminal; to
correctly navigate the desktop environment; and to use a range of basic functions.
At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:

LO1. Start computer, system information and features

LO2. Navigate and manipulate desktop environment

LO3. Organize files using basic directory and folder structures

LO4. Print information

LO5. Shut down computer


LO1 Start computer, system information and features

1.1 Adjust W orkspace, furniture and equipment to suit user ergonomic requirements

1.2 Ensure organization that meets organizational and occupational health and
safety (OHS) practices

1.3 Start and log computer

1.4 Identifying Basic functions and features using system information

1.4.1 Main types and parts of computers, and
1.4.2 Basic features of different operating systems
1.4.3 Basic typing techniques and strategies

1.5 Customizing desktop configuration

1.6 Use Help functions

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LO2 Navigate and manipulate desktop environment

2.1 Open, close and access correct desktop icons

2.2 Open, resize and close window functions and roles

2.3 Create Shortcuts from the desktop

LO3 Organize files using basic directory and folder structures

3.1 Creating folders/subfolders

3.2 Saving files with suitable names in appropriate folders

3.3 Renaming and moving files and folders/subfolders

3.4 Identifying folders/subfolders and file attributes

3.5 Moving folders/subfolders and file using cut and paste, and drag and drop

3.6 Saving folders/subfolders and files to appropriate media

3.7 Search folders/subfolders and files

3.8 Deleting & restoring folder/subfolders and files

LO4 Print information

4.1 Print Information

4.2 Viewing and deleting print jobs

4.3 Changing default printer

LO5 Computer shut down

5.1 Close all open applications

5.2 Shut-down Computer

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Start computer, system information and features

x Workspace, furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit user ergonomic requirements.

x Work organization that meets organizational and Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS) requirements is ensured for computer operation.

x Computer is started or logged on according to user procedures.

x Basic functions and features are identified using system information.

x Desktop configuration is customized, if necessary, with assistance from appropriate


x Help functions are used as required.

LO2. Navigate and manipulate desktop environment

x Features are opened, closed and accessed by selecting correct desktop icons.

x Desktop windows are opened, resized and closed by using correct window functions and

x Shortcuts are created from the desktop, if necessary, with assistance from appropriate

LO3. Organize files using basic directory and folder structures

x Folders/subfolders are created with suitable names.
x Files are saved with suitable names in appropriate folders.

x Folders/subfolders and files are renamed and moved as required.

x Folder/subfolder and file attributes are identified.

x Folders/subfolders and files are moved using cut and paste, and drag and drop

x Folders/subfolders and files are saved to appropriate media where necessary.

x Folders/subfolders and files are searched using appropriate software tools.

x Deleted folder/subfolders and files are restored as necessary.

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LO4. Print information

x Information is printed from installed printer.

x Progress of print jobs is viewed and deleted as required.

x Default printer is changed if installed and required.

LO5. Shut down computer

x All open applications are closed.

x Computer is shut-down according to user procedures

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
IND BFP1 M06 0920: Operating Personal Computer
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2 Reference Books Related topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Weekly 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1 Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
L2ibrary Standard 1 1:25
3 LCD projector standard 1 1:25
Computer room Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1 paper A4 5 1:5
2 Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
3 Temporary Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
2 Rewritable CD Standard 25 1:1
3 Internet cable Standard
4 White board marker 2-5mm 5pcs 1:5
5 Duster Standard 2PC 2:25
Different color
6 Chalk 1pc 1:25
7 Hub Standard
8 USB/ Flash 16GB 5 1:5
9 Hard disc drive Standard 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment standard
1. Desktop dell 15 1:2
2. Printer hp 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 07 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Participating Effectively in a Workplace Environment
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide trainees the skills and knowledge
required to participate effectively in a workplace environment.
At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Carry out responsibilities
LO2. Identify and locate company product and processes.

LO1. Carry out responsibilities
1.1 Identify conditions of employment in work place information
1.2 Apply Policies and procedures during work role
1.3 Conduct work accordance to workplace environmental guidelines.
LO2. Identify and locate company product and processes.
2.1 Identify Company product range and Consult key personnel.
2.2 Identify and locate production/packaging stages and processes carried out on site.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Carry out responsibilities
x Workplace information on conditions of employment, company policies and procedures is
x Policies and procedures are applied when carrying out work role.
x Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines.
LO2. Identify and locate company product and processes.
x Company product range is identified and key personnel are consulted.
x Production/packaging stages and processes carried out on site are identified and located.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
IND BFP1 M07 0920: Participating Effectively in a Workplace Environment
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials

1. TTLM Prepared by 1 1:25

2. Textbooks Prepared by 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to 5 1:5
the topic
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to 5 1:5
the topic
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
 Li.brary 10*10 1 1:25
3. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Brusher Standard 5 1:5
3 First aid kit Standard 5 1:5
Glove Standard 25 1:1
Hair coat Standard 25 1:1
Mask Standard 25 1:1
Safety shoes Standard 25 1:1
Safety cloth Standard 25 1:1
D. Tools and Equipment Standard
1. ventilator Standard 5 1:5
2. Heat producer Standard 5 1:5

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 08 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Using Food Processing Tools and Equipment
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to hand and power tools and equipment used for adjusting,
dismantling, assembling and finishing of items or components, and the finishing, cutting,
scraping of metallic and non-metallic material to size and shape. This includes simple
tapping and threading and routine maintenance of hand and power tools.
In a typical situation the operator may be using, for example, a packaged chilled water
refrigeration unit to supply chilled water to the plant. The operator uses simple controls and
responds to fault alarms built into the equipment. Even though the equipment may be very
sophisticated, use high speed compressors and computerized monitoring and control
equipment, the operator interface is relatively simple.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Follow workplace procedures
LO2. Use hand tools
LO3. Use power tools
LO4. Monitor and use the equipment/ process
LO1. Follow workplace procedures
1.1 Find out job requirement
1.2 Identify and follow appropriate procedures
1.3 Complete all reports
1.4 Recognize and report hazards and anything unusual
LO2. Use hand tools

2.1. Selecting appropriate hand tools

2.2. Using hand tools with job specification

2.3. Adhering all safety requirements

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
2.4. Identifying and marking unsafe or faulty tools

2.5. Under take routine maintenance of tools

2.6. Store hand tools safely in appropriate location
LO3. Use pow er tools
3.1 Selecting appropriate power tools
3.2 Using power tools for clamping, alignment and adjustment
3.3 Adhering all safety requirements
3.4 Identifying and marking unsafe or faulty tools
3.5 Undertaking operational maintenance of tools
3.6 Storing power tools safely in appropriate location
LO4. Monitor and use the equipment/ process
4.1 Turn on and off equipment of packaged plant procedure
4.2 Monitoring equipment throughout the job
4.3 Recognizing deviations of variables
4.4 Taking appropriate corrective action

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonstr  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ation/Obse them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
rvation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Follow workplace procedures

x What is required for the job is found out.

x Appropriate procedures are identified and followed.

x All reporting are completed as required.

x Hazards and anything unusual are recognized and reported.
LO2. Use hand tools

x Hand tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements.

x Hand tools are used to produce desired outcomes to job specifications which may include
finish, tension, size or shape.

x All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after use.

x Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair according to designated
procedures before, during and after use.

x Routine maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening is undertaken according to

standard operational procedures, principles and techniques.
x Hand tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to standard operational
procedures and manufacturers' recommendations.
LO3. Use pow er tools

x Power tools are selected appropriate to the task requirements.

x Power tools are used for a determined sequence of operations - which may include
clamping, alignment and adjustment to produce desired outcomes - to job specifications
which may include finish, size or shape.

x All safety requirements are adhered to before, during and after use.

x Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair before, during and after use
according to designated procedures.

x Operational maintenance of tools, including hand sharpening, is undertaken according to

standard workplace procedures, principles and techniques.
x Power tools are stored safely in appropriate location according to standard workshop

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procedures and manufacturers' recommendations.
LO4. Monitor and use the equipment/ process

x The equipment is turned on and off as required by the packaged plant procedure.

x Equipment is monitored throughout the job using measurements, readings and senses as

x Deviations of variables are recognized from standard/desired conditions.

x Appropriate corrective action is taken.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M08 0920: Using Food Processing Tools and Equipment
Description/ Recommended Ratio
Item No. Category/Item Quantity
Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials

1. TTLM Prepared by 25 1:1

2. Textbooks Prepared by 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topic 5 1:5
4 Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to the topic 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
1 Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2 Library Standard 1 1:25
3 Work shops Standard 1 1:25
Storage room Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1 Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2 File box Standard 5pcs 1:5
3 Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
4 White board marker 2-5mm 5pcs 1:5
Different color
5 Chalk 1pc 1:25
6 Rewritable CD Standard 25 1:1
7 Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
8 Duster Standard 2PC 2:25
11 USB/ Flash 16GB 5 1:5
12 Hard disc drive Standard 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment
a. Hand tools
1 Hacksaws Standard 5 1:5
2 hammers Standard 5 1:5

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3 punches Standard 5 1:5
4 screwdrivers Standard 5 1:5
5 sockets Standard 5 1:5
6 scrapers Standard 5 1:5
7 Chisels Standard 5 1:5
8 Gouges Standard 5 1:5
9 Knives Standard 5 1:5
10 stitchery Standard 5 1:5
11 Allen keys Standard 5 1:5
12 wood planes Standard 5 1:5
13 wrenches Standard 5 1:5
b. Power tools
Electric or pneumatic/hydraulic Standard 1:5
1 5
2 grinders Standard 5 1:5
3 Jigsaws Standard 5 1:5
4 Nibblers Standard 5 1:5
5 cutting saws Standard 5 1:5
6 sanders Standard 5 1:5
7 planers Standard 5 1:5
8 routers Standard 5 1:5
9 pedestal drills Standard 5 1:5
10 pedestal grinders Standard 5 1:5

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 09 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Operating Basic Equipment
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skills and knowledge required to use
equipment requiring limited application of equipment and process knowledge and limited
equipment adjustment conducted.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Follow workplace procedures to operate equipment
LO2. Monitor and complete equipment operation
LO1. Follow workplace procedures to operate equipment

1.1 Conducting checks to confirm equipment

1.2 Follow operating procedures

LO2. Monitor and complete equipment operation
2.1 Monitoring equipment to identify variation in operating conditions

2.2 Identifying and reporting variation in equipment operation

2.3 Shut down the equipment according to workplace procedures

2.4 Maintaining work area

2.5 Conducting workplace environmental guidelines

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Follow workplace procedures to operate equipment

x Checks are conducted to confirm equipment is ready and safe to operate.

x Operating procedures are followed to start and operate equipment to achieve required

LO2. Monitor and complete equipment operation

x Equipment is monitored to identify variation in operating conditions.

x .Variation in equipment operation is identified and maintenance requirements are reported

according to workplace reporting requirements.

x Equipment is shut down according to workplace procedures.

x The work area is maintained according to housekeeping standard

x Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M09 0920: Operating Basic Equipment
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared Trainers 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared Trainers 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topic 5 1:5
Journals/Publication/Magazin Related to the topic
4. 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room standard 1 1:25
4. Workshop Room standard 1 1:25
5. Toilets standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Labeling material Standard 1 1:25
3. Flipchart Standard 1 1:25
4. Chalk Standard 2 Pack 2:25
5. Duster Standard 2 Pack 2:25
6. Permanent marker Standard 1 1:25
7. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
8. Gloves Leather 1 pack 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Simple Operating Panels Toolbox 25 1:1
2. Whiteboard Leather 25 1:1
3. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
4. LCD Projector 50/60Hz 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25
6. Computer Lab top 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 10 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Carrying out Manual Handling Task
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to participate in workplace processes to identify manual handling
requirements of a work function, identify manual handling risks, assess level of risk and
applies appropriate risk elimination or control measures.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Participate in processes to identify and assess manual handling
LO2. Contribute to manual handling risk minimization
LO3. Plan and conduct manual handling
LO1.Participate in processes to identify and assess manual handling
1.1 Accessing workplace information sources and procedures
1.2 Identifying manual handling components according to company policies and
1.3 Identifying and reporting manual handling risks
1.4 Assessing risks to self and others
LO2 Contribute to manual handling risk minimization
2.1 Making equipment available and in a fit state for use
2.2 Using personal protective equipment’s
LO3. Plan and conduct manual handling
3.1 Identifying sources of risks
3.2 Modifying workplace layout and environment to minimize manual handling risk
3.3 Modifying work tasks to minimize the risk of injury
3.4 Using manual handling aids
3.5 Using movement and postures to minimize the risk of injury

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1.Participate in processes to identify and assess manual handling.

x Workplace information sources are accessed and procedures strictly adhere

x Manual handling components of a work function are identified in accordance with

company policies and procedures

x Manual handling risks are identified and reported in accordance with hazard and incident
reporting procedures

x Risks to self and others of manual handling are assessed within level of responsibility
LO2.Contribute to manual handling risk minimization

x Equipment is made available and in a fit state for use

x Clothing and footwear, including personal protective clothing, does not contribute to
manual handling risk

LO3. Plan and conduct manual handling

3.1 Sources of risk are identified based on historical data and current research

3.2 Workplace layout and environment are modified within area of control to minimize manual
handling risk

3.3 Work tasks are modified within area of control to minimize the risk of injury

3.4 Manual handling aids are used according to workplace instructions

3.5 Movement and postures are used to minimize the risk of injury within the limits of the work
environment and the demands of the task

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M10 0920: Carrying out Manual Handling Task
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by Trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to the topic 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3 Toilets Standard 1 1:25
4 Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1 1:25
2. File box Standard 5pcs 1:5
3 Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
4. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
5. White board marker 2-5mm 5pcs 1:5
6. Chalk Different color types 1pc 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. White board 2*3m 1 1:25
2. LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
3. Printer Standard 1 1:25
4. Computer Personal computer 1 1:25
5. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
6. Trolleys Wheelbarrow 5 1:5
7. Pallet jacks Standard 1 1:25
Conveyors 36" W X 10' L
8. 1 1:25
9. Vacuum lifters Standard 1 1:25
Mechanical handling and lifting Standard
10. 1 1:25
aids and equipment
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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 11 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Undertaking Minor Maintenance
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to involved in providing basic maintenance and the resolving of routine
problems to procedures. It does not cover activities normally requiring traditional trade
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Identify maintenance requirements
LO2. Prepare for maintenance activity
LO3. Perform maintenance activity
LO4. Test equipment
LO5. Record maintenance activity
LO1. Identify maintenance requirements

1.1 Identifying equipment variations/irregularities

1.2 Assessing the urgency/priority of the situation

1.3 Identifying appropriate corrective action

1.4 Identifying tools and equipment

1.5 Assessing and communicating the impact of the maintenance activity

1.6 Identifying hazards and risk controls

1.7 Identifying works permit requirements

LO2. Prepare for maintenance activity

2.1 Turning off and isolating ensure equipment

2.2 Clearing the area of obstructions and hazardous materials

2.3 Obtaining appropriate tools, parts, materials and procedures

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
2.4 Obtaining and adhering the appropriate work permits

2.5 Communicating the impending maintenance activity

LO3. Perform maintenance activity

3.1 Accessing all relevant information

3.2 Undertaking maintenance activity

3.3 Using tools and maintenance techniques

3.4 Restoring equipment

3.5 Leaving the work area in a clean and safe condition

3.6 Signing off ensure permits

LO4. Test equipment

4.1 Testing equipment

4.2 Returning equipment to service

4.3 Ensuring equipment that meets normal operating requirements

LO5. Record maintenance activity

5.1 Completing maintenance logs/plant history data and records

5.2 Reporting maintenance activity

5.3 Identifying and reporting outstanding maintenance requirements

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020

LO1. Identify maintenance requirements

x Equipment variations/irregularities are identified using observed data and plant records.

x The urgency/priority of the situation is assessed.

x Appropriate corrective action is identified.

x Correct tools and equipment are identified.

x The impact of the maintenance activity is accessed and communicated to appropriate


x Hazards and risk controls are identified.

x works permit requirements are identified

LO2. Prepare for maintenance activity

x Ensure equipment is turned off and isolated as required.

x The area of obstructions and hazardous materials is cleared.

x Appropriate tools, parts, materials and procedures are obtained.

x The appropriate work permits are obtained and adhered to the requirements.

x The impending maintenance activity is communicated to the appropriate personnel.

LO3. Perform maintenance activity

x All relevant information is accessed.

x Maintenance activity is undertaken according to procedures.

x Tools and maintenance techniques are used correctly.

x Equipment is restored to normal working condition.

x The work area is leaved in a clean and safe condition.

x Ensure permits are signed off as appropriate

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO4. Test equipment

x Equipment is tested according to procedures.

x Equipment is returned to service.

x Equipment that meets normal operating requirements is ensured

LO5. Record maintenance activity

x Maintenance logs/plant history data and records are completed.

x Maintenance activity is reported to relevant personnel.

3.6 Outstanding maintenance requirements are identified and reported to relevant personnel.

TVET Program Title: Basic Version:2

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements

IND BFP1 M11 0920: Undertaking Minor Maintenance

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
Prepared by
2. Textbooks 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related topic 1 1:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4 Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5 Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
6 Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
7 Library Room 12*10m 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1 1:25
3. Flip chart Standard 5pcs 1:5
4. Permanent Marker 23”x32” 25 1:1
5. Whiteboard marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
6. Chalk 2-5mm 5pcs 1:5
Different color
7. Duster 1pc 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. White board 2*3m 1 1:25
1. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25

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2. Hand tools Standard 5 1:5
3. Specialized tools Standard 5 1:5
4. Measuring and aligning equipment Water level 5 1:5
5. LCD Projector 50/60Hz 1 1:25
6. Printer Standard 1 1:25
7. Computer Personal 1 1:25
E Personal protective equipment
1 Protective, well-fitting clothing Gown 25 1:1
2 High visibility retro reflective vests Standard 25 1:1
3 Safety footwear flat leather shoes 25 1:1
5 Aprons Standard 25 1:1
6 Hard hat Standard 25 1:1
7 Eye protection Shield and goggle 25 1:1
8 Hearing protection Muff 25 1:1
9 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
10 respiratory protection Mask 25 1:1

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 12 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Working Safely in Food Processing Industry
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module the outcomes required to work within Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) requirements across a range of industry contexts. It requires the
ability to demonstrate personal awareness of OHS legislative requirements and basic principles
of risk management and prevention of injury and illness at work. This module supports the
attainment of the basic OHS knowledge required prior to undertaking designated work tasks.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Identify OHS legislative requirements
LO2. Identify workplace hazards and control measures
LO3. Identify OHS communication and reporting
LO4. Identify OHS incident and emergency response procedures
LO1. Identify OHS legislative requirements
1.1. Identifying applicable OHS legislative requirements
1.2. Identifying and explaining duty of care requirements
1.3. Identifying and explaining own responsibilities with safe working practices
LO2. Identify w orkplace hazards and control measures
2.1 Identifying basic principles of risk management
2.2 Identifying and discussing common workplace hazards
2.3 Identifying measures for controlling risks
2.4 Identifying and explaining relevant personal protective equipment
2.5 Identifying and explaining safety signs and symbols
2.6 Identifying and discussing procedures for reporting hazards and risks
LO3. Identify OHS communication and reporting
3.1 Identifying and discussing communication processes, information and documentation
3.2 Identifying and explaining OHS roles and relevant authorities

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LO4. Identify OHS incident and emergency response procedures
4.1 Identifying and explaining general procedures of incidents, injuries and emergencies.
4.2 Identifying and discussing procedures for first aid

4.3 Identifying and discussing fire safety equipment and emergency evacuation

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Identify OHS legislative requirements
x Applicable OHS legislative requirements relevant to own work, role and responsibilities are
x Duty of care requirements are identified and explained.
x Own responsibilities to comply with safe working practices are identified and explained.
LO2. Identify w orkplace hazards and control measures
x Basic principles of risk management are identified.
x Common workplace hazards are identified and discussed.
x Measures for controlling risks are identified.
x Requirements for the selection and use of relevant personal protective equipment are
identified and explained.
x Safety signs and symbols are identified and explained.
x Procedures for reporting hazards and risks are identified and discussed
LO3. Identify OHS communication and reporting
x Participative arrangements for OHS, including communication processes, information and
documentation are identified and discussed.
x Designated OHS roles and relevant authorities for raising OHS concerns, including concerns
relating to the right to refuse unsafe work are identified and explained.
LO4. Identify OHS incident and emergency response procedures
x General procedures are identified and explained for responding to incidents, injuries and
x Procedures for first aid are identified and discussed.
x Fire safety equipment and emergency evacuation are identified and discussed.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M12 0920: Working Safely in Food Processing Industry
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by Trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to the topic 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 1:5
2. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
3 White board Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4 Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
5 Chalk (pack) Different color 1 1:25
6 Duster (for chalk & marker) Standard 2 2:25
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Stills and retorts Standard 1 1:25
2. Separators Standard 1 1:25
Plastics and metals
3. Barrels 1 1:25
200lt capacity
Plastics and
4. Tanks stainless steel metal 1 1:25
5. Transfer equipment Standard 1 1:25

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6. Filtration equipment Standard 1 1:25
7. Crushing and pressing equipment Standard 1 1:25
8. Fermentation vessels Standard 1 1:25
E Personal protective equipment
1. Protective, well-fitting clothing Gown 25 1:1
2. High visibility retro reflective vests Standard 25 1:1
3. Safety footwear flat leather shoes 25 1:1
4. Arm guards Standard 25 1:1
5. Aprons Standard 25 1:1
6. Hard hat Standard 25 1:1
7. Eye protection Shield and goggle 25 1:1
8. Hearing protection Muff 25 1:1
9. Gloves Leather 25 1:1
10. Respiratory protection Mask 25 1:1
11. UV protective clothing and sunscreen Standard 25 1:1

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 13 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Performing Stock Control Procedures
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to handle stock in a retail environment. It involves receiving and processing
incoming goods, rotating stock and dispatching goods. This module requires the consistent
application of store policy and relevant legislation, including safe working practices in the
handling and moving of stock, to ensure efficient stock control in a retail environment. Team
members are required to receive and process incoming goods, dispatch outgoing goods, rotate
stock and maintain stock levels, assist with stocktaking, and report problems or discrepancies
in stock to relevant personnel.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Receive and process incoming goods
LO2. Rotate stock
LO1. Receive and process incoming goods
1.1 Maintain cleanliness and orderliness store policies and procedures
1.2 Unpacking goods using correct handling techniques and equipment
1.3 Removing and disposing packing materials with relevant legislative requirement
1.4 Checking and validating incoming stock
1.5 Inspecting and recording items for damage, quality, use-by dates, breakage or
1.6 Recording stock levels and store stock systems
1.7 Rotating stock and storing FIFO principle
1.8 Dispatching the Stock to appropriate area
1.9 Applying stock price and code labels

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LO2. Rotate stock
2.1 Carryout stock rotation procedures
2.2 Reforming store code checking and reporting procedures
2.3 Placing merchandise fully-stocked display appearance and promote sales.
2.4 Placing excess stock in storage or disposing.
2.5 Maintaining safe lifting, shifting and carrying techniques

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Receive and process incoming goods
x Cleanliness and orderliness are maintained in receiving bay according to store policy and
x Goods are unpacked using correct handling techniques and equipment according to store
x Packing materials are removed and promptly disposed of according to store policy and
relevant legislative requirements.
x Incoming stock is checked and validated against purchase orders and delivery
documentation according to store policy and relevant legislative requirements.
x Items received are inspected for damage, quality, use-by dates, breakage or discrepancies
and recorded according to store policy.
x Stock levels are recorded and stock systems stored according to store policy.
x Stock is rotated and stored according to the first in first out (FIFO) principle.
x Stock is dispatched to appropriate area or department.
x Stock price and code labels are applied when required according to store policy
LO2. Rotate stock
x Stock rotation procedures are carried out according to store routine and policy.
x Store code checking and reporting procedures, including recording of waste and markdowns
are reformed.
x Merchandise is placed to achieve a balanced, fully-stocked display appearance and promote
x Excess stock is placed in storage or disposed of according to store policy and legislative
x Safe lifting, shifting and carrying techniques are maintained according to store OHS policy
and legislative requirements.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M13 2020 : Performing Stock Control Procedures
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related topic 1 1:25
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper (pack) A4 1 1:25
2. Flip chart 23”x32” 5 1:5
3. Whit board marker Standard 1 1:25
4. Portable data entry Standard 5 1:5
5. Permanent Marker Standard 1 1:25
6. Chalk (pack) Different color 2 2:25
For white & Black
7. Duster 2 2:25
8. File box Standard 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. File cabnate 2 1.5 1 1:25
2. White board Standard 1 1:25
3. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
4. Computer Personal 1 1:25

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5. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
6. Printer Standard 1 1:25
7. Electronic bar coding equipment Standard 5 1:5
8. Thermometer Mercury, Digital 5 1:5
Electrical balance,
9. Weighing machines 25 1:1
sensitive balance
10. Trolley return equipment Wheelbarrow 25 1:1
11. Electronic bar Standard 5 1:5
12. Cutting equipment Standard 5 1:5
13. Protective clothing Gown 25 1:1

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 14 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Taking and Recording Basic Measurement
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to the skills and knowledge required to use basic measuring
equipment and devices, read and record results.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1.Identify measurement requirements
LO2.Take measurements

Introduction to the module.
LO1. Identify measurement requirements
1.1. Identifying purpose of measuring
1.2. Identifying measuring requirements
1.3. Making available basic measuring equipment and fit for purpose
LO2. Take measurements
2.1. Performing measurements requirements
2.2. Checking measurement results for accuracy
2.3. Identifying and reporting non-standard or out-of-range results
2.4. Recording results of measurements

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Identify measurement requirements.
x Purpose of measuring is identified
x Measuring requirements, including frequency and accuracy range, are identified
x Basic measuring equipment is available and fit for purpose
LO 2. Take measurements
x Measurements are performed to requirements and according to workplace procedures
x Measurement results are checked for accuracy
x Non-standard or out-of-range results are identified and reported to appropriate personnel
x Results of measurements are recorded in the required form

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M14 0920:Taking and Recording Basic Measurement
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related topic 1 1:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room Standard 1 1:25
Toilets 1 1:25
Tap water
Drinking water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. File box Standard 5 1:5
3. Philip chart Standard 5 1:5
4. Whiteboard marker (pack) Standard 1 1:25
5. Permanent marker (pack) Standard 1 1:25
6. Chalk (Pack) Different color 1 1:25
For black & white
7. Duster (Pack) 2 2:25
D. Tools and Equipment
1. File cabinet 2 1.5m 1 1:25
2. Computer Personal 1 1:25
3. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
4. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
5. Whiteboard Standard 1 1:25
6. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
Pro scale 600 lux
7. Scales 5 1: 5
8. gauges and meters
9. Refractor meters Hand-held 1 1:25
10. temperature probes/thermometers Digital Thermometer 5 1:5
Water 1000x1000J
11. pH probes/meters 5 1:5
Ph meter

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 15 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Identifying Key Characteristics in Food Production
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide the trainees with the knowledge,
skills and right attitudes required to the identification of the key characteristics of foods and
beverages production and major industry issues.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Identify major stages in food and beverages making
LO2. Identify food and beverages sales and marketing strategies and processes
LO1. Identify major stages in food and beverages making
2.1 Identifying key activities in preparation of various food and beverages for production
2.2 Explaining purpose and process of grinding, crushing, pressing, fermentation,
maturation, fining, filtering , bottling and packaging
2.3 Identifying sequence of operations and use key equipment
2.4 Identifying basic differences between various industrial food products and beverages
2.5 Using food and beverage industry terminology
LO2. Identify food and beverages sales and marketing strategies and processes
2.1. Identify standard forms of food and beverages packaging and labeling
2.2. Identifying range and purpose of labeling information
2.3. Identifying scope and purpose of different types of cellar door operations
2.4. Identify major Agro-food Processing regions and Agro-food Processing types in Ethiopia
2.5. Describing key features and market expectations of food and beverages products
2.6. Identifying difference between domestic and export markets and marketing strategy

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Identify major stages in food and beverages making
x Key activities in preparation of various food and beverages for production are identified as
per work requirement.
x Purpose and process of grinding crushing, pressing, fermentation, maturation, fining,
filtering, bottling and packaging are explained.
x Sequence of operations and key equipment used are correctly identified as per work
schedule and processes flow.
x Basic differences between various industrial food products and beverages processing are
x Industry terminology is used to describe food and beverages processing activity and wine
LO2. Identify food and beverages sales and marketing strategies and processes
x Standard forms of food and beverages packaging and labeling are identified as per company
guidelines and legislative requirement.
x Range and purpose of labeling information are identified from company manual.
x Scope and purpose of different types of cellar door operations are identified in accordance to
product type.
x Major wine regions and wine types and styles in Ethiopia are identified.
x Key features and market expectations of food and beverages products from different regions
in the country and overseas are described.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements

IND BFP1 M15 0920: Identifying Key Operations in Food Process/Production

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related topic 1 1:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 1:5
1. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
2. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
3. Whiteboard Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4. Chalk (Packaed) Different colors 2 2:25

5. Duster (packed) Standard for white & 2 2:25

D. Tools and Equipments
1. Whiteboard Standard 1 1:25
2. Black board Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer Personal 1 1:25
4. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25
6. stills and retorts Standard 1 1:25
7. Separators 1 1:25
8. Barrels Plastics and metals 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
200lt capacity
Plastics and
9. Tanks stainless steel metal 1 1:25
10. transfer equipment Standard 1 1:25
11. filtration equipment Standard 1 1:25
12. crushing and pressing equipment Standard 1 1:25
13. fermentation vessels Standard 1 1:25
14. IT equipment Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 16 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Preparing basic mixing
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide trainees the skills and knowledge
required to preparing basic mixes.
At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Preparing for mixing/blending
LO2. Operating and monitoring the mixing/blending process.
LO3. Shut down the mixing/blending process
LO1. Preparing for mixing/blending
1.1 Confirming and making available materials with production requirements

1.2 Identifying and confirming Cleaning requirement status

1.3 Entering processing/operating for mixing/blending

1.4 Checking and adjusting equipment performance

1.5 Carry out pre-start checks in workplace requirement

LO2. Operating and monitoring the mixing/blending process

2.1 Delivering ingredients to the mixer in required quantities
2.2 Start and operate mixing/blending process
2.3 Monitoring and identifying equipment variation operating conditions
2.4 Identifying variation in equipment operation and report maintenance requirements
2.5 Monitoring mixing process
2.6 Identifying, Rectifying and reporting out-of-specification product/process outcomes
2.7 Maintaining work area (housekeeping standards)
2.8 Conducting workplace environment guidelines /information/
LO3. Shut down the mixing/blending process
3.1 Identifying appropriate shutdown procedure

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
3.2 Following shut down process procedures
3.3 Identifying and reporting maintenance requirement

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points
Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Prepare for mixing/blending

x Materials are confirmed and available to meet production requirements

x Cleaning requirements and status are identified and confirmed

x Processing/operating parameters for mixing/blending are entered as required to

x meet production requirements

x Equipment performance is checked and adjusted as required

x Pre-start checks are carried out as required by workplace requirements

LO 2. Operate and monitor the mixing/blending process

x Ingredients are delivered to the mixer in the required quantities to meet recipe specifications

x The mixing/blending process is started and operated according to workplace procedures

x Equipment is monitored to identify variation in operating conditions

x Variation in equipment operation is identified and maintenance requirements are reported

according to workplace reporting requirements

x The mixing process is monitored to confirm that specifications are met

x Out-of-specification product/process outcomes are identified, rectified and/or reported to

maintain the process within specification

x The work area is maintained according to housekeeping standards

x Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines

LO3. Shut down the mixing/blending process

x The appropriate shutdown procedure is identified

x The process is shut down according to workplace procedures

x Maintenance requirements are identified and reported

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M16 0920: Preparing Basic Mixes
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Prepared by trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related topic 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Audio-visual room Standard 1 1:25
4. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
5. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. bulk and non-bulk ingredients Standard 1 1:25
2. Food additives Optional
3. Paper A4 1 1:25
4. Fillip chart Standard 5 1:1
5. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
6. Blackboard Marker Standard 1 1:25
7. Chalk Standard 1 1:25
8. Dust Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. White board Standard 1 1:25
2. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer Personal 1 1:25
4. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25
6. Scales Standard 1 1:25
7. Load cells Standard 1 1:25
8. Dosing equipment Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
9. Mixers Stainless steel mixing 1 1:25
10. Pumps standard 1 1:25
11. Agitators standard 1 1:25
36" W X 10' L
12. Ribbon screw mixers/conveyors 1 1:25
36" W X 10' L
13. vertical screw mixers 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 17 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Finishing Products
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide trainees the skills and knowledge
required to Finishing products.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Preparing to finish products
LO2. Assembling and finishing products.
LO1. Preparing to finish products
1.1 Accessing and follow work place information and procedures
1.2 confirming and make availability of ingredients
1.3 Check finishing equipment
1.4 Preparing finishing materials
1.5 Identifying environmental responsibility of staff in food processing
1.6 Legislative requirements to prepare fishing products.
LO2. Assemble and finish products.
2.1 Applying finishing materials
2.2 Finishing products
2.3 Identifying, rectifying or report unacceptable product
2.4 Assemble products
2.5 Maintaining housekeeping standards
2.6 conducting work

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

TVET Program Title: Basic Version:2

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

TVET Program Title: Basic Version:2

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

TVET Program Title: Basic Version:2

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Assemble and finish products

x Workplace information requirements and procedures are accessed and strictly followed

x Ingredients are confirmed and available to meet finishing requirements

x Finishing equipment is checked to confirm readiness for use

x Finishing materials are prepared to meet product finishing requirements

x Environmental responsibilities of staff in food processing are identified in accordance to

legislative requirements.
LO2. Prepare to finish products

x Finishing materials are applied to meet presentation requirements

x Finished product meets presentation requirements

x Unacceptable product is identified, rectified or reported

x Products requirements are assembled to meet customer and quality

x Housekeeping standards are maintained in the workplace

x Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines

TVET Program Title: Basic Version:2

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M17 0920: Finishing Products
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared Trainer 25 1:1
Prepared by
2. Textbooks 5 1:5
Related to the
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines 5 1:5

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4. Audio-visual room 4m x 4.9375m 1 1:25
5. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
6. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Fresh, mock or butter cream Standard 5rim 1:5
2. Glazes Standard 5 pack 1:5
3. Icing sugar Standard 5 kg 1:5
4. Paper A4 1 1:25
5. Fillip chart Standard 5 1:1
6. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
7. Permanent Marker Standard 1 1:25
8. Chalk Standard 1 1:25
9. Duster Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. White board Standard 1 1:25
2. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer Personal 1 1:25

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4. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25
6. Piping bags and nozzles Standard 1 1:25
Stainless steel 1:25
7. Mixing bowls 1
mixing bowls
8. Application utensils, such as spatulas Spatulas 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 18 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Packing or Unpacking Product Manually
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide trainees the knowledge, attitudes and
skills required to pack or unpack product manually. Packing may be into or from primary or
secondary (inner or outer) packaging.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to pack or unpack product
LO2. Manually pack or unpack product
LO1. Prepare to pack or unpack product

1.1 Identifying packaging requirements

1.2 Check packaging consumables against product type

LO2. Manually pack or unpack product

2.1 Packing or unpacking product

2.2 Identifying, removing and correcting or reporting unacceptable packaging

consumables, product and packed products

2.3 Maintaining the work area

2.4 Conducting work

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension

Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020

LO1. Prepare to pack or unpack product

x Packaging requirements are identified

x Packaging consumables are checked against product type
LO2. Manually pack or unpack product

x Product is packed or unpacked to meet customer and order specifications

x Unacceptable packaging consumables, product and/or packed products are identified,

removed and corrected or reported

x The work area is maintained according to housekeeping standards

x Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M18 0920: Packing or Unpacking Product Manually
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Teachers made 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related to the topic 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topic 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Weakly 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop standard 1 1:25
4. Audio-visual room 4m x 4.9375m 1 1:25
5. Toilets standard 1 1:25
6. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 1:5
2. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
3. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
5. Chalk Standard 1 1:25
6. Duster Standard 1 1:25
7. Boxes Plastic (Push) 1 1:25
8. Tubs Standard 25 1:1
9. Liners Standard 5 1:5
Fiberglass display
10. Trays 25 1:1
11. Foils Aluminum Foil 5 1:5
12. Plaster Pack/foil 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. White board Standard 1 1:25
2. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
3. Computer Personal 1 1:25
4. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25
6. Corker for bottle 2 2:25
7. Jar (glass/ plastic) Standard 25 1:1
8. Sealer Plastic Sealer 2 2:25
9. Scissor Standard 5 1:5

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 19 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Basic Agro-food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Selling Products and Services
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This Modules covers the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to sell products and services in a retail environment. It involves the use of
sales techniques and encompasses the key selling skills from approaching the customer to
closing the sale. It requires a basic level of product knowledge.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Apply product knowledge
LO2. Approach customer
LO3. Gather information
LO4. Sell benefits
LO5. Overcome objections
LO6. Close sale
LO7. Maximize sales opportunities
LO1.Apply product knowledge

1.1 Understanding store policies and legislative requirements

1.2 Demonstrating knowledge of the use and application of relevant products and services
1.3 Developing product knowledge with relevant sources of information

LO2. Approach customer

2.1 Determining and applying timing of customer approach

2.2 Identifying and applying effective sales approach

2.3 Conveying a positive impression to customer’s interest

2.4 Demonstrating knowledge of customer buying behavior

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LO3. Gather information

3.1 Applying questioning techniques

3.2 Using listening skills

3.3 Interpreting and clarifying non-verbal communication cues

3.4 Identifying customers

3.5 Directing customers

LO4. Sell benefits

4.1 Matching customers’ needs
4.2 Communicating knowledge of products features and benefits
4.3 Describing product use and safety requirements
4.4 Referring customers
4.5 Answering routine customer questions
LO5. Overcome objections

5.1 Identifying and accepting customer objections

5.2 Categorizing objections into price, time and merchandise characteristics

5.3 Offering solutions with store policy

5.4 Applying problem solving
LO6. Close sale
6.1 Monitoring, identifying and responding customers’ buying signals
6.2 Encouraging customers
6.3 Selecting and applying appropriate method of closing sale
LO7. Maximize sales opportunities

7.1 Recognizing and applying opportunities

7.2 Advising customers complementary products or services

7.3 Reviewing personal sales outcomes

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LO1. Apply product knowledge.

x Knowledge of the use and application of relevant products and services is demonstrated
according to store policy and legislative requirements.

x Product knowledge is developed by accessing relevant sources ofinformation.

LO2.Approach customer

x Timing of customer approach is determined and applied.

x Effective sales approach is identified and applied.

x A positive impression is conveyed to arouse customer interest.

x Knowledge of customer buying behavior is demonstrated

LO3. Gather information

x Questioning techniques are applied to determine customer buying motives.

x Listening skills are used to determine customer requirements.

x Non-verbal communication cues are interpreted and clarified.

x Customers are identified by name where possible.

x customers are directed to specific merchandise

LO4. Sell benefits.
x Customers’ needs are matched to appropriate products and services.
x Knowledge of products features and benefits is communicated clearly to customers.
x Product use and safety requirements are described to customers.
x Customers are referred to appropriate product specialist as required.
x Routine customer questions about merchandise are answered accurately and honestly or
referred to senior sales staff.
LO5. Overcome objection
x Customer objections are identified and accepted.
x Objections are categorized into price, time and merchandise characteristics.
x Solutions are offered according to store policy.
x Problem solving is applied to overcome customer objections

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LO6. Close sale.
x Customers’ buying signals are monitored, identified and responded appropriately.
x Customers are encouraged to make purchase decisions.
x Appropriate method of closing sale is selected and applied

LO7. Maximize sales opportunities

x Opportunities are recognized and applied for making additional sales.

x Customers are advised of complementary products or services according to customer's

identified need.

x Personal sales outcomes are reviewed to maximize future sales

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Annex: Resource Requirements

IND BFP1 M19 0920: Selling Products and Services

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainer 1 1:25
2. Textbooks Prepared by Trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topics 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Weakly 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4. Computer room Standard 1 1:25
5. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
6. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 1:5
2. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
3. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
4. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
5. Chalk Standard 1 1:25
6. Duster Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. White board Standard 1 1:25
2. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
3. Computer Personal 1 1:25
4. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
5. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
LEARNING MODULE 20 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Basic Agro Food Processing Level I

MODULE TITLE: Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers to provide trainees the knowledge, attitudes and
skills required to understand the principles, functions, strategies and methods of
entrepreneurship. It also covers identifying and developing the major entrepreneurial
At the end of this module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Describe and explain the concept, principles and scope of entrepreneurship
LO2. Discuss how to become an entrepreneur
LO3. Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise
LO4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise
LO5. Discus how to prepare and use financial records
LO5. Develop one’s own business plan
LO1. Describe and explain the concepts, principles and scope of entrepreneurship

1.1 Analyzing and discussing concepts and principles of entrepreneurship

1.2 Identifying and discussing entrepreneurial traits and distinguishing features,

entrepreneurial motivations and types of entrepreneurs.

1.3 Explaining and discussing the role of entrepreneurship development for the Ethiopian
1.4 Discussing and analyzing entrepreneurship for women and disables.
LO2. Discuss how to become an entrepreneur

2.1 Developing the positive mind set, attitude towards poverty and “can do mentality”.
2.2 Discussing and analyzing self-employment as an individual economic independence and
personal growth.
2.3 Explaining and discussing advantages and disadvantages of self-employment and being
an employee
2.4 Identifying and explaining major competencies of successful entrepreneurs.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
2.5 Assessing self-potential to determine if qualified to become an entrepreneur.
2.6 Identifying and discussing the behaviors of successful entrepreneurs.
2.7 Generate business ideas using appropriate tools, techniques and steps.
2.8 Identify and assess business opportunities.

LO3. Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise

3.1 Identifying and discussing the concepts and legal forms of business enterprises in

3.2 Understanding and developing business ethics.

3.3 Discussing, clarifying and understanding facts about Business Ethics enterprises.

3.4 Identifying and explaining key success factors in setting up micro, small and medium

3.5 Discussing and understanding procedures for identifying suitable market for business.

3.6 Identify and discuss major factors to consider in selecting a location for a business.

3.7 Estimating amount of money needed to start an enterprise and identify and discuss
various sources of finance.

LO4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise

4.1 Explaining and discussing processes of hiring and managing people.

4.2 Discussing and understanding the importance, techniques and application of self-
management skills, negotiation skills and time management skills, decision skills.

4.3 Explaining and discussing the techniques and procedures of managing sales are.

4.4 Identifying and discussing factors to be considered in selecting suppliers and the steps
to follow when doing business with them.

4.5 Developing awareness of how new technologies can affect micro, small and medium
business, and explain and discuss Characteristics of appropriate technology for use.

4.6 Performing regularly risk assessment and management of business enterprise.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
4.7 Properly inspect Qualities and properly manage inventories.

4.8 Explain and understand basic concepts of Monitoring and Evaluation.

LO5. Develop one’s own business plan

5.1 Discuss importance of financial source documents and record keeping.

5.1. Identify and prepare financial recording documents.

5.2. Discuss and understand different types of cost and expense that occur in a business and
how to manage them.

5.3. Discuss and understand factors and procedures in knowing the cost and expense of the

5.4. Prepare and understand simple financial statements.

LO6. Develop one’s own business plan

1.1. Discussing the concept, importance and process of preparing/writing a business plan.
1.2. Making Clear and understood feasibility of the business idea.
1.3. Interpreting, assessing and analyzing findings of the feasibility.
1.4. Appling Standard structure and format preparing business plan.
1.5. Identifying and understood problems starting a business.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
Disability Inclusive Curriculum
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees w ith Disability (TWD)
Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Summarize main points

Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the machines
trainees  Use gesture attention of the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support trainees assist
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in the support if
process process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020
 Time extension
Writte  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
n test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
necessary answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
(if necessary) if necessary. trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonst  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity based
ration/Ob them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment assessment
servation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
assessment method instruction of the up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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LO1. Describe and explain the concept, principles and scope of entrepreneurship

x The concept and principles of entrepreneurship are analyzed and discussed.

x Entrepreneurial traits and distinguishing features, entrepreneurial motivations and types of

entrepreneurs are identified and discussed.

x The role of entrepreneurship development for the Ethiopian economy is explained and

x Entrepreneurship for women and disables is discussed and analyzed.

LO2. Discuss how to become an entrepreneur

x The positive mind set, attitude towards poverty and “can do mentality” is developed.

x Self-employment as an individual economic independence and personal growth is discussed

and analyzed.

x Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment and being an employee are explained

and discussed.

x Major competencies of successful entrepreneurs are identified and explained.

x Self-potential is assessed to determine if qualified to become an entrepreneur.

x The behaviors of successful entrepreneurs are identified and discussed.

x Business ideas are generated using appropriate tools, techniques and steps.

x Business opportunities are identified and assessed.

LO3. Discuss how to start and organize an enterprise

x The concepts and legal forms of business enterprises in Ethiopia are identified and

x Business Ethics is understood and developed.

x Facts about Business Ethics enterprises are discussed, clarified and understood.

x Key success factors in setting up micro, small and medium businesses are identified and
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x Procedures for identifying suitable market for business are discussed and understood.

x Major factors to consider in selecting a location for a business are identified and discussed.

x Amount of money needed to start an enterprise is estimated and various sources of finance
identified and discussed.

LO4. Discuss how to operate an enterprise

x Processes of hiring and managing people are explained and discussed.

x The importance, techniques and application of self-management skills, negotiation skills and
time management skills, decision skills are discussed and understood.

x The techniques and procedures of managing sales are explained and discussed.

x Factors to be considered in selecting suppliers and the steps to follow when doing business
with them are identified and discussed.

x Awareness of how new technologies can affect micro, small and medium business is
developed, and Characteristics of appropriate technology for use are explained and

x Risk assessment and management of business enterprise are performed regularly.

x Qualities are properly inspected and inventories properly managed.

x Basic concepts of Monitoring and Evaluation are explained and understood

LO5. Discus how to prepare and use financial records

x Importance of financial source documents and record keeping is discussed.

x Financial recording documents are identified and prepared.

x Different types of cost and expense that occur in a business and how to manage them are
discussed and understood.

x Factors and procedures in knowing the cost and expense of the enterprise are discussed
and understood.

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x Simple financial statements are prepared and understood.

LO6. Develop one’s own business plan

x Feasibility of the business idea is made clear and understood.

x Findings of the feasibility study are interpreted, assessed and analyzed.

x Standard structure and format are applied in preparing business plan.

x Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business are identified and

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Annex: Resource Requirements
IND BFP1 M 20 0920: Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship
Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by Trainer 25 1:1
2. Text books Prepared by Trainer 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related to the topics 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Weakly 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Library Room Standard 1 1:25
3. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
4. Computer room Standard 1 1:25
5. Toilets Standard 1 1:25
6. Drinking water Tap water 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
7. Paper A4 5 1:5
8. Flip chart 23”x32” 25 1:1
9. Permanent Marker 2-5mm 5 1:5
10. Whiteboard marker Standard 1 1:25
11. Chalk Standard 1 1:25
12. Duster Standard 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment’s
6. White board Standard 1 1:25
7. Blackboard Standard 1 1:25
8. Computer Personal 1 1:25
9. LCD projector Standard 1 1:25
10. Printer Standard 1 1:25

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We would like also to express our appreciation to the TVET instructors and respective
Regional TVET Bureau, TVET College/ Institutes, UNESCO Project (best education for
African rise (BEAR)) and Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Agency (FTVET) who made the development of this curriculum with required standards
and quality possible.

This curriculum was developed on September 2020 at Bishoftu, Federal management

institute ETHIOPIA

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The trainers w ho revised this curriculum
No Name Edu. Field of study Address E -mail College
Level address
1. 1 Gedefa Yadasa A Postharvest 0922944326 gedefayadasa Yeka Industrial
management college
2. 2 Alemu Abate A Animal 0912355539 Abatealemu690 Bure PTC
3. 3 Tewodros Kassahun B Hotel 0925750057 tkassahun989 D/Tabor PTC
4. 4 Zelalem Taye A Leadership and 0918021238 Tayezelalem22 Amhara TVED
management Bureau

This model curriculum was developed on the Sep 26, 2019 at Bishoftu
management Institute.

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Copyright Info/ Author: Federal TVET Agency, SEP, 2020

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