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Maritime Industry 4.

0 - Challenges and Solutions

Department of Marine Engineering
The NeotiaUniversity(TNU), D.H.Road, Sarisa, 24 Pgns (S), West Bengal - 743368.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology

Abstract -“Smart Industry” the title denote the industrial Learning (ML) into their production facilities and
advancement in the way of digitization, where the operations. The revolution 4.0 develops smart factories in
machineries are connected each other, collect and sharing shore based industries. Similar like shore based industries,
data continuously. This is called the 4th Industrial Revolution Maritime Industry also developing of a smart and
or, “Industry 4.0” where artificial intelligence (AI), the
higher degrees of automation introduces into the industries
digitally-enabled maritime Industry. The industry called
so that the machineries can communicate each other without “Maritime 4.0”, the age of autonomous shipping [2].
human interference. The maritime industry is also entering Establishment of Maritime Industry 4.0 when it comes to
this revolutionary phase of industry revolution, called safety and security, IMO (Internat1onal Marit1me
"Maritime Industry 4.0"; where semi to highly autonomous Organ1zation) MSC (Marit1me Safety Comm1ttee) play
ships (HA Ships) will be delivering in the market for trading. the key role to develop IMO instrument called MASS.
Also the increase in demand towards digitization and A MASS (Marit1me Autonomous Surface Sh1ps) is
automatization in sea mode transport sector draws attention defined as a ship; that can operate independently to
to the ship owner, managers, various stake holders and
varying degrees (basically 4 degrees / 4 types of
regulatory bodies of shipping industry like IMO-MSC
(Safety Committee of International Maritime Organization). autonomous ships) with or without human interaction. The
In view of autonomous advancement in shipping industry, 4 Degrees of Ship Automation are [3] –
India also place footmark in the world of ship building 1) Degree one (D1): Vessel facilitated with
industry. Cochin Shipyard (CSL, India) has signed a computerized approaches and decision support
contract on 15 July 2020 to build and supply two system onboard. Few tasks of the ship operations can
autonomous electric ferries for ASKO Maritime AS in be digitized computerized and unattended, however if
Norway. This article briefly describes how autonomous required crew are on board and will take over the
shipping faces regulatory and employment challenges control as and while required i.e., Seafarers are on
considering facts of analysis and possible solutions of those
board to function as and when necessary.
2) Degree two (D2): Vessel facilitated with remotely
Keywords - Autonomous Shipping; challenges and solutions. controlled by shore staff but with seafarer on board.
The vessel is controlled and operated from shore
INTRODUCTION based co-ordination center, but as and when required
Considering the revolutions from the beginning of for safer operation; the seafarer will take charge and
industrial era, it can be categories the industry revolutions operate the onboard systems.
in 4 stages. They are – 3) Degree three (D3): Vessel will be remotely managed
1) The 1st industrial revolution, came with the ship without any seafarers’ requirement on board:
application of water, steam and mechanization power Vessel will be absolutely managed and operated from
(1760 to 1840). ashore co-ordination center without any crew
2) This was succeeded by the industrial revolution 2nd, onboard.
the phase of mass production, electrical power & 4) Degree four (D4): Fully independent ship: Ship
mobile machines (19th century). capable of perform with the aid of using its own,
3) The 3rd industrial revolution, accompany with digital without assistant of human.
information technology and automation (20th
century). The technology advancement of automation stages, degree
4) The fourth industrial revolution i.e. so called Industry 1 to 4 (D1 to D4), will come with its own potential impact
4.0 is the smart industry that is associated with digital on the seafarer’s job pattern, job scarcity in our society,
transformation [1]. the environment, safety, security and pollution prevention
With every evolution, human adopt and implemented new requirements at its own pace. Through this paper, will
technologies to grow civilization. New adoption of the discover that the shifting to autonomous shipping
technologies demands the new possibilities in the market welcoming unique challenges and drawbacks. However,
from the suppliers to the end-users. The Industry 4.0 is every possibilities are having both sides of the coin i.e.
revolutionizing by integrating new technologies like Data pros and cons. Having said that; this study will consider
Analytics, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (1oT), discovering and identifying regulatory and job scarcity
introduction of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine
challenges and solutions. The main view of the study 3) Seafarers Certificate of Competency: The present
related to Maritime 4.0 and its impact in shipping crews are trained to operate manned vessel with semi
industry. automation technologies. The present Master and
Crew (officers and ratings) are not familiar with the
advance autonomous technologies.
4) Certified Information Security: - To ensure vessel and
A. Challenges Analysis and Solutions: shore based co-ordination communication security
connection information / cyber-security play a vital
Aa. Regulatory Challenges and Solutions role with legal control aspects. Providing this
To develop MASS, IMO has initiated RSE (Regulatory measures control the information transmitted between
Scoping Exercise) in 2017, to access how to operate the parties are not accessible by any external
MASS (autonomous vessels) operations for all four types authorities. Accessing the vessel information by third
of autonomous ships safe and securely in our existing party / hijacking, they are able to manipulate the data
IMO conventions and regulations. Considering the IMO and the vessel operators lose their control. The Cyber
requirement, the RSE assessed the existing IMO treaties risks control should be addressed but are not limited
and requirement of any new instrument to introduce. The to as per MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3[5] –
IMO treaties assessed are SOLAS Convention’74 and 1) Bridge systems;
numerous codes made obligatory under SOLAS’74, 2) Engine and Propulsion management and power
considering ESP-1993, the Casualty Investigation Code control systems;
2008, Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC Code), Dangerous 3) Public networks for passengers;
Goods (IMDG Code), FSS and FTP Code, Gas Carrier 4) Passenger service and management systems;
(IGC Code), Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel (INF 5) Cargo handling and management systems;
Code), Bulk Chemical (IBC Code), Stability Code, 6) Access control systems;
International Safety Management for pollution prevention 7) Communication systems, and
(ISM Code), Security code – ISPS Code, Collision 8) Administrative and crew welfare systems;
Regulations (COLREG 1972); Training, Watch keeping To manage the above challenges, the possible solutions
and Certification Convention and Code, Convention on may propose are [4] -
Safe Containers (CSC’1972); Cargo Stowing and 1) IMO to define Specific Terminologies and
Securing Code (CSS Code, Search and Rescue responsibilities: The Terminologies and
Convention, Load Lines Convention and 1988 Protocol; responsibilities section provides language support to
search and rescue etc[4]. After assessing all these treaties, interpreters, external translators translation services
the RSE at its 103rd session (conducted on dated 5th to 14th and other users. IMO need to develop MASS specific
May 2021) highlighted key challenges that need to be terminologies related to autonomous shipping in the
address by the ship managers and operators to operate existing terminologies. Like the definition and
maritime autonomous surface ships MASS. The responsibilities of master, crew, responsible person
Regulatory Key challenges are [5] – etc. It is also essential to addressing the roles and
1) Role of Responsibilities issues in autonomous vessels: responsibilities remote operator and also to identify
The current responsibility of the ship rests with the the feasible designation and legal responsibilities of
captain. Captain will be responsible for everything them.
that happened onboardship. So the question arises, 2) Carry out Possible hazards Analysis: Hazards such as,
what will happen when fully controlled long-range firefighting in such vessels can be control by drone,
operations (autonomous ships, based on the robotic fire man and fixed extinguisher to cover
technology advancement) implemented? Who will designated areas of ships. Cargo stowage-secured-
take these legal responsibilities? Because in the maintenance-delivery can only be maintain by
future, especially in the third degree (remotely maintaining vessel seaworthiness all the time by
controlled ship) and the fourth degree (full monitoring remote operation of vessels continuously
autonomous ship), there will be so-called no master, without any interruptions by using remote sensors.
crew will be onboard. Vessels will be operated from IMO can consider drone technology, high-definition
shore based co-ordination center. cameras and remote operating sensors for vessel safe
2) Possible hazards of vessel while complying with operation in future. Vessel watch keeping, vessel
existing IMO instruments: Operating these types of monitoring, to deal with piracy, search and rescue
autonomous vessel with existing IMO convention, operation, collision issues, regular information update
codes regulations, annexes, guidelines etc may result for the safe operation can be managed by such
to accident and thus leads to environmental disaster. technologies.
3) Carry out Gap Analysis and Identify Requirement of 2019. In this particular report it was assessed how global
new Certification and documents: IMO needs to transport industries will be affected by the technology
identify potential deficiencies between several of advancement to other employment and other factors. Here
IMO's existing safety treaties. To identify the specific the committee had focused the major 4 sectors of
requirement of statutory certificates and regulatory transportation industry i.e. seaborne trade, road, rail and
documents for vessel manager required to comply. aviation industries. The report states adoption of
Certificates like requirement of Internat1onal Secur1ty automation in the global transportation industry will be
Certificate for Ships, Internat1onal safety evolutionary, not revolutionary; and the change is slow
management Certificates, Min1mum Safe Manning and irreversible. The identified key challenge by
Document, Seafarers Certif1cation and up gradation analyzing statistical data by the committee in its report
certification requirement etc in such vessels. Also says about the [9] –
requirement of complying with documents like, rest Job Scarcity Challenges: - WMU statistics of country
hours for shore co-ordination center crew members, profile on the readiness level for the introduction of
how to update Oil Record Book and other records emerging and new technologies mentioned in the Table.
electronically etc. IMO need to identify the 1, where 17 countries readiness profile introduces. The
methodologies of ship survey, inspection by comparison scenario of these 17 countries related to their
international port authorities while no crew available readiness to general industry readiness with respect to
onboard the vessels by considering drone technology. shipping industry readiness to welcome automation
4) Guidelines on cyber risk management [6]: technology. The countries referred are Philippines, Brazil,
1) Ships shall comply with cyber security guidelines China, Ghana, Denmark, France, Norway, Nigeria, South
developed and approved by INTERTANKO, Africa, Panama, U.S. Sweden, Japan, Peru, Australia,
OCIMF, CLIA, BIMCO, ICS, IUMI, and Republic of Korea, and Turkey. In the Table .1; 0.00 will
INTERCARGO. be less prepared country and 10.00 will be most prepared
2) Compliance with ISO/IEC 27001 standards for country to welcome automation technology. “General” is
informat1on technology - Security methods - – General Country profile towards readiness and
informat1on security management systems; “Maritime” for marine industry readiness towards
published jointly by the Internat1onal E1ectro Industry 4.0.
technical Commission (IEC) and the Depend on the country preparedness in automation
Internat1onal Organization for Standardization industry today’s workers will be affected on their skill
(ISO). levels because of the new technologies by displacing and
3) Compliance with Framework for Improving creating new jobs. A 2-yrs period of study made by the
Cyber security Cr1tical Infrastructure by US World Maritime University, financed by the Internat 1onal
National Inst1tute of Standards and Technology Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has close-out that
(NIST Framework). First, let's see how block modern technologies will reduce the aggregate demand
chain is proposed for cyber? and then proposal for seafarers (both officers and ratings) by 22% between
will come how it can be applied to remote ship 2019 to 2040 for Highly Automated Ship (HA Ships).
cyber threat operations? Please refer in Fig. 1.
MSC in its 104th session (conducted remotely from 4 th to TABLE I
8th October 2021) propose to create of a goal-based (Country readiness profile welcoming automation industry)
1nstrument for implementation of MASS and suggests Sl. Country readiness profile
target date for the instrument implementation of MASS by Country Name General Maritime
2025. At its 105th session in April 2022, the MSC began 1 Australia 6.6 5.7
2 Philippines 4.6 4.7
work on developing a goal-oriented tool to regulate the 3 Brazil 4.6 4.8
operation of Maritime Autonomous Surface Vessels 4 China 5.6 7.9
(MASS) and suggests developing “MASS Code” [7]. At 5 Ghana 4.4 3.2
the MSC.105TH meeting on April 20-29, 2022, a non- 6 Denmark 7.0 6.6
mandatory rule was proposed for adoption as a first phase 7 France 6.6 6.4
8 Norway 6.7 6.2
in the second half of 2024. Based on the outcome after the 9 Nigeria 3.6 3.0
adoption of the mentioned Voluntary Code, a compulsory 10 South Africa 5.2 5.3
MASS Code will be entering into force on 01st Jan’28[8]. 11 Panama 5.0 4.9
12 U.S. 7.6 6.4
Ab. Employment Challenges and Solutions 13 Sweden 7.1 5.1
14 Japan 7.0 6.7
The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and
15 Peru 4.6 3.8
the World Maritime University (WMU) released a 16 Republic of Korea 6.5 6.8
flagship report “Transport 2040: Automation Technology 17 Turkey 5.2 6.1
Employment - the Future of Work” on dated 15 January
In the syllabus, topics may include related to the subject
1) Introduction to computers, binary code, operating
systems, Computer networking.
2) Understand and perform basic calculations, analysis,
reasoning, and decision making using the C
programming language.
3) Python Programming, Python for Data Analysis.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of R
programming instructions execution.
4) Understand different approaches to solving AI
5) Understanding of machine learning techniques such
as nearest neighbor classifier, linear regression and
logistic regression.
6) IoT includes sensors, micro controller platforms,
Internet access, IoT servers, and standard cloud, IoT
Fig. 1 Simulation test by WMU for the demand for seafarers;
Notes: H.A. Ships means self-propelled Highly Automated Ship
operating on international voyages. 7) Cyber security, cyber laws, penetration testing and
To manage the above challenge, the possible solution can encryption.
be proposing training requirement for seafarers. What 8) Understand basic computer organization and
certificate of competency level will be required to operate computer architecture. Students will also be
the vessels? To answer the questions and to overcome the introduced to applications of logic gates in computer
job scarcity due to automation, the existing seafarer’s science.
needs to be trained and certificate needs to be upgraded as CONCLUSION:
per new job responsibility. IMO to ensure that the COVID-19 has shown us the path of digital
necessary skills required to deal with new technologies transformation. Civilization has started doing remote
should integrated into the training module. It is to be sure online classes and work from home using high speed
that the future mariner must have adequate digital skills in online connectivity. Digital transformation goes at a faster
3 key areas: and better rate than ever before. Looking at the vision of
1) Data flow and the ability to interpret and analyze Maritime 4.0 – the autonomous vessels sound too
large amounts of data futuristic and taken from science fiction movies.
2) Individual digital operations Although, as Bill Gates famously said, "We always
3) Software development, basic computer overestimate the changes that can happen in the next two
programming, and networking etc years and underestimate the changes that can happen in
Thus country need to develop module for Training of the next ten years" (Gates, 1996). Technology
Seafarers (SEAFARER 4.0):- developments not brings job scarcity, it’s include new
It may be recommended to add few subject topics in the opportunities with new variety of job requirements. Past
current curriculum of syllabus of seafarer’s course. data of human civilization shows that the old model of
Initially without removing any of the existing course work gradually became obsolete, and a new work model
topics. Later syllabus will be modified time to time with took over. Similarly autonomous shipping is the demand
the growth of automation in maritime technology. The for future. Autonomous ships offer significant safety
idea is to migrating the training course parallel to shipping benefits also, as 75% of accidents at seafarers caused by
development. Suggested topics recommended to add in human error, the main cause of which is fatigue and lack
the syllabus are [10]:- of attention. By technology advancement maritime safety
1) Computer Fundamentals and Networking and pollution prevention motto will be enhanced. It’s also
2) Computer programming language cost saving for the ship owners, as no crew change
3) Statistics and data analysis using python and R requirement will be there and the carbon foot print for
4) Artificial intelligence crew changing will be minimize with great extent. The
5) Machine Learning HA (highly Automated) Ships implementation of the
6) 1nternet of Things (1OT) autonomous ship concept will have a major impact on
7) Internet Security. human resource management and regulatory body for
8) Computer Architecture safety and pollution prevention. Although the job scarcity
may be address for autonomous vessels but the delay in
acceptance and implementation of regulatory
requirements, may delay the launching of such HA ships
in the market.

[1] J.P. Rodrigue, “The Geography of Transport Systems”, ISBN
9780367364632, Published by Routledge, 28th May‘20
[2] A. Sharma, B.J. Singh, “Evolution of Industrial Revolutions: A
Review”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
Engineering (IJITEE) , ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-11, Sept’20
[3] IMO LEG.1/Circ.11 , “Outcome of the regulatory scoping exercise
and gap analysis of conventions emanating from the legal committee
with respect to maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS)”, 15th Dec’21
[4] IMO MSC, Autonomous ships: regulatory Scoping exercise
,-103rd-session, 25th May 2021
[5] IMO MSC.1/circ.1638, “Outcome of the regulatory scoping exercise
for the use of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS)”, 3rd June’21
[6] IMOMSC-FAL.1/Circ.3, “Guidelines on maritime cyber risk
management” 5th July’17
[7] IMO MSC, Closing Remarks,104th-session, 4th -8th Oct’21
[8] IMO MSC, Marit1me Autonomous Surface Sh1ps (MASS),105th-
session, 20th -29th April’22
[9] World Maritime University, “Transport 2040: Automation,
Technology, Employment - The Future of Work”, ISBN: 978-91-984865-
2-0, 2019
[10] DGS Circular No.09 of 2022, “Recommendatory guidelines for
inclusion of multi-disciplinary courses in Marine Engineering stream
from academic year 2022'2023 - reg.” 12th April’22

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