Sem 2 Regular - Theory Assignment - 2022-23

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Faculty of Business Administration

Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)

Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Management of Human Resource

Questions for Theory Assignment:

1. Write Difference between Personnel Management and HRM

2. Explain Job Analysis – definition and process

3. Define Orientation and explain types of orientation programmes
4. Define Training .Explain Methods of training

5. Write Reasons for joining Trade Union

Faculty of Business Administration
Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)
Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Introduction to International Business

Questions for Theory Assignment:

1. Discuss the Concept of globalization and identify the factors affecting

2. Write a detail note on modes of payment in international context
3. Explain International political and legal environment.
4. Explain Types of MNEs.

5. Explain the theories of International Investment

Faculty of Business Administration
Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)
Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Entrepreneurship Essentials

Assignment 1: (Theory assignment)

This is an individual and handwritten assignment. You need to upload the same in one
pdf file.
Five Video Links are provided and an individual has to give a 1-page write-up of what were
the main learnings from each of the video
1. India Uninc: Lessons from the streets of India: Capt. Raghu Raman

2. Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts :

3. Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

4. Tim Urban: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

5. The happy secret to better work : Shawn Achor
Faculty of Business Administration
Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)
Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Marketing Management – I

Questions for Theory Assignment:

Five Video Links have been provided and every student has to give a
1 page write-up of what were the main learnings from each of the video

1. Seth Godin: "How to get your ideas to spread"

2. Sarah Willersdorf: "What brands can learn from online dating"

3. Gaby Barrios: "Why gender-based marketing is bad for business"

4. Bozoma Saint John: "The creative power of your intuition"

5. Dan Cobley: "What physics taught me about marketing"
Faculty of Business Administration
Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)
Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Elementary Statistics

Questions for Theory Assignment:

Assignment Topic Submission Date

Correlation March
Regression March

1. Find correlation coefficient from the following data:

X 60 55 62 56 62 64 70 54
Y 31 28 26 24 30 35 28 24

2. Find the equation of line of “Y on X” for following data:

X 0 2 4 6 8 10
Y 110 113 118 119 120 118

3. Find Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient for given data:

Rank of X 1 7 8 5 3 6 4 2
Rank of Y 1 4 8 6 3 7 5 2
4. Find regression coefficient of “X on Y” from following data:
20-25 25-30 30-35
16-20 9 14 -
20-24 6 11 3
24-28 - - 7

5. The equation of lines of regression are 45X – 5Y + 15 = 0 and 9Y – 100X

+ 30 = 0. Find: (1) Means of X & Y (2) Both regression coefficients
Faculty of Business Administration
Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)
Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Indian Financial System

Questions for Theory Assignment:

1. Define financial system. Discuss its key elements.

2. Define Stock exchange and functions of BSE and NSE.

3. Discuss Meaning and Functions of Money Market.

4. Write a note on Procedure for licensing of NBFC.

5. Discuss Challenges faced by Financial Services Industry.

Faculty of Business Administration
Theory Assignment 2022-23 (Individual Assignment)
Semester: II
Name of the Subject: Communication in Action

Questions for Theory Assignment:

1. Characteristics of Social Media

2. Choosing the most suitable Social Media

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