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Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi

Investigatory project –

Submitted By Under Guidance of

Himanshu kaushik Mrs. soley chattergy
HOD (science department)
Class – 12th science

Rajgamar Road, Near Jail Building, Risdi, Korba,
Chhattisgarh – 495677

Master Himanshu Kaushik hereby declare that the investigatory project

developed at Nirmala English Higher Secondary School (CBSE), Risdi,
Korba (C.G) and submitted to the CBSE, New Delhi, is a record of an
original work done by us under the guidance of Mrs. soley chattergy HOD
science department of my school.

Place: Korba Himanshu kaushik

XIl (Science)

The success of any projects depends largely on the

encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this
opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been
instrumental in the successful completion of this project.

I am sincerely thankful to the honorable Principal Sr. shainy merry

for allowing me to use all the possible facilities necessary for the
project. I am highly indebted to Mrs. soley chattergy HOD science
department for their valuable guidance and constant supervision
as well as for providing necessary information regarding the
project and also for their Support in successful completion of the

Finally, I would like to thanks non-teaching staff of Nirmala English

Higher Secondary School & my family and friends for their
constant support and encouragement throughout the project.

 Everything in this world has its pros and cons. The same is
true for the mobile communication technology. Even
Alexander GRAHAMBELL, who invented the first telephone,
wouldn’t have imagined in his wildest dreams that telephone
technology would go this far.

 And here we are with a cell-phone in every hand

making our lives simpler and easier to be in contact
with whoever we desire.
 The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health
is the subject of recent interest.

Mobile phone
A mobile phone (cellphone, etc.) is portable telephone that
can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while
the user is moving within a telephone service area. In
addition to telephony, digital mobile phones support a variety
of other services, such as text messaging, multimedia
messagIng, email, Internet access (via LTE, 5G NR or Wi-Fi),
short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth),
satellite access (navigation, messaging connectivity),
business applications, video games and digital photography.


Martin cooper is the first inventor of mobile phone & in large
scale manufactured by Motorola company in 1973.

Some Common Features To All

Mobile Handsets

The common components found on all phones are:

1. A battery, providing the power source for the phone
2. An input mechanism to allow the user to interact with the
3. The most common input mechanism is a keypad, but
touch screens are also found in most smartphones.
4. A screen which echoes the user's typing, displays text
messages, contacts and more.
5. Basic mobile phone services to allow users to make calls
and send text messages.
6. All GSM phones use a SIM card to allow an account to be
swapped among devices. Some CDMA devices also have a
similar card called a R-UIM.
7. Individual GSM, WCDMA, iDEN and some satellite phone
devices are uniquely identified by an International Mobile
Equipment Identity (IMEI) number.

Mobile Phone Communication

World-Wide Use of Mobile Phone
Mobile Radiation

 Cell phones emit signals via radio waves.

 Like television, alarm systems, computers, and all other
electrical devices, mobile phones are radio devices that use
radiofrequency (RF) energy emit electromagnetic radiation.
 They operate at low power by transmitting and receiving EM
radiation in the radiofrequency (RF) end of the spectrum.

 Electromagnetic radiations is made up of waves of electric

and magnetic energy moving at the speed of light.
 Most of the transmission signals are lost in space, as the
signals are sent out 360 degrees from the cell’s antenna. Only
a small percentage hit the tower.
 Having a mobile tower within 50m is like being in a
microwave oven for 24 hours.

 Those living in a 50-300m radius face a high risk-much worse

than smoking as you cannot see or smell radiation.
 Some companies do not take proper permissions before
constructing the tower nor do they get the permission
assessed for property.
 A survey carries out in Mumbai showed that out of 3700
towers installed whereas 1800 were illegal.

Slow Absorption Rate (SAR):-

 There are guidelines internationally for short term exposure
to cell phone frequency microwaves, defined in terms of the
Specific Absorption Rate(SAR), the rate at which energy is
absorbed by the human body when exposed to radio
frequency radiation.
 It is measured in watts/kg.
 The Europeans use the value of 2w/kg over 10g of tissues.
 This is regarded as one of the safety valves for mobile phones
In America the SAR of any mobile phone cannot exceed
1.6W/Kg over a gram of tissue.

Common side effects associated

with EM radiation

• Blurry Vision
• Headaches
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Neck Pain
• Memory Loss
• Leukaemia
• Rare Brain Cancers
• Enzyme Changes That Affect DNA
• Birth Defects
• Changes In Metabolism
• Increased Risk For Alzheimer’s Disease
• Increased Risk For Heart Conditions
• Neurological Hormone Changes Linked Impaired Brain Function

1. Thermal Effect
 The case of a person
using a cell phone,
most of the heating
effect will occur at the
surface of the head,
causing its
temperature to
increase by a fraction
of a degree.
 The cornea of the eye
when exposed to 2-3
hours can produce cataract as it does not have this
temperature regulation mechanism.

2. Cancer &

Brain Tumor
 Cancer happens in extreme
cases, with almost everyone
living close to mobile tower.
 Mobile phone use>10 years
doubles risk of brain cancer.
 Cell phone use also increases risk of glioma, acoustic neuroma,
salivary gland tumors, facial nerve tumors, skin, blood, testicular
and brest cancer.

3. Risk on children
 Skulls are smaller & thinner – increase radiation absorption.
 Increase rate of cell division – more susceptible to genetic
 Bone marrow in a child’s skull absorbs 10 times more microwave
radiation than does an adult
 Children and teenagers, before age of 20 – five times more likely
to get brain cancer if they use cell phones.


Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Several unspecific symptoms during and after use; ranging from
burning and tingling sensations in the skin of the head and
extremities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, loss of mental
attention, reaction times and memory retentiveness, headaches,
tachycardia (heart palpitations), to disturbances of the digestive
5. Genotoxic Effect
Australian research conducted in 2009 by subjecting in vitro
samples of human spermatozoa to radio-frequency radiation at
1.8GHz and specific absorption rates (SAR) of 0.4 to 27.5W/Kg
showed a correlation between increasing SAR and decreased
motility and vitality in sperm, increased oxidative stress,
stimulating DNA base adduct formation and increased DNA
6. Effects On Heart
 Studies suggest, the strength of these fields will not affect
ordinary heart rhythm or function.
 Can present a danger to those with an implanted pacemaker,
internal defibrillator or similar device.
 Problems most likely to arise
when pacemakers and
defibrillators are being
programmed or reset by medical

7. Decreases Hip-Bone Density

Men who routinely wear their cell phones clipped to their belts
have a reduced bone minerals content (BMC) and bone mineral
density (BMD) in the hip, according to a study from National
University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Electromagnetic radiation
is theorized to be the cause of the decrease in bone strength.

8. Indirect Effect
 Driving, while using a mobile phone is dangerous.
 Cell phones increases risk of traffic accidents by 4 times.
9. Behavioural Effects
A study shows that exposure to excessive mobile radiation during
pregnancy can cause a risk of ADHD in child.

10. Sperm count and Sperm Quality

Exposure to SAR value for long times for those men who keep the
mobile phones in their lower pockets for most of the time,
increases the temperature of groin and the radiation has known to
cause considerable lowering of the sperm motility and vitality of

1) Plant green trees near the window facing the tower as green
plants absorb radiation.

2) There are gadgets called ‘enviro-strips’ that can be placed

around the tower to reduce radiation.

3) There are radiation shields are curtains and available for home
4) The radiation you are exposed to is directly related to the time
you spend talking on your phone. For longer calls it is safe (and
cheaper) to call from a regular phone.

5) Get in the best position –

you can see the signal
reception strength in the
display. When reception is
good, the phone reduces
power and radiation. If
reception is poor, the phone
uses maximum power and radiation.
6) Hold it at the bottom – by covering large areas of the phone
with your hand, you reduce its ability to send and receive signals.
The phone then increases
its power and transmits
stronger radiation to
compensate this. So hold
the phone as far down as
possible, so it can operate
at low power.
7) Use a hands-free set – The further
away from your body the phone is,
the less radiation you are exposed to.
Using a hands-free set is the easiest way to radically reduce the
amount of radiation you are exposed to if you use a mobile phone.
8) Keep the phone at least a foot away from your body and use the
speakerphone setting.
9) Use a Bluetooth earpiece, which still emits
radiation, but some models reduce the radiation by
100 times.
10) Buy a low radiation phone.
11) Do not sleep with a mobile phone under a pillow.
12) Prefer SMS over calls.
13) Avoid living near base stations.

The conclusion drawn from the investigatory project finally states
the mobile radiation is harmful to human health. The effects may
not be noted almost immediately, but will be causing adverse
effects to the present as well the future generations because of
the ability of the radiations to effect and mutate human DNA
which have a high potential to cause mutations and new diseases
in the future generations. Mobile radiations present a very high
risk of brain cancer and tumours in humans and most prominently
in children below the age of 5 years.
Precautionary measure should be taken to protect one’s self and
family and friends from the harmful effects of mobile radiation.
Mobile radiation might not seem harmful in almost immediate
effects but is such a slow poison to cause harmful effects to us and
even our future generations, in the long run.

 Biology textbook, NCERT
 WWW.Wikipedia.Com

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