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ELSEVIER Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23

Ca-carbonates precipitation and limestone genesis

— the microbiogeologist point of view
Sabine Castanier Ł , Gaële Le Métayer-Levrel, Jean-Pierre Perthuisot
Laboratoire de Biogéologie et Microbiogéologie, Université de Nantes, 2 Rue de la Houssinière,
F-44072 Nantes Cédex 03, France
Received 9 March 1998; accepted 3 March 1999


Experiments show that the production of carbonate particles by heterotrophic bacteria follows different ways. In
heterotrophy, the passive carbonatogenesis is generated by modifications of the medium that lead to the accumulation of
carbonate and bicarbonate ions and to the precipitation of solid particles. It is induced by several metabolic pathways of the
nitrogen cycle (ammonification of amino-acids, degradation of urea and uric acid, dissimilatory reduction of nitrates) and
of the sulphur cycle (dissimilatory reduction of sulphates). The active carbonatogenesis is independent of the mentioned
metabolic pathways. The carbonate particles are produced by ionic exchanges through the cell membrane following still
poorly known mechanisms. In autotrophy, non-methylotrophic methanogenesis and cyanobacterial photosynthesis also may
contribute to the precipitation of carbonates (autotrophic carbonates). As carbonatogenesis is neither restricted to particular
taxonomic groups of bacteria nor to specific environments, it has been an ubiquitous phenomenon since Precambrian
times. Carbonatogenesis is the response of heterotrophic bacterial communities to an enrichment of the milieu in organic
matter. After a phase of latency, there is an exponential increase of bacterial numbers together with the accumulation of
metabolic end-products. These induce a pH increase and an accumulation of carbonate and hydrogenocarbonate ions in the
medium. This phase ends into a steady state when most part of the initial enrichment is consumed and there is a balance
between death and growth in bacterial populations. Particulate carbonatogenesis occurs during the exponential phase and
ends more or less after the beginning of the steady state. The active carbonatogenesis seems to start first and to be followed
by the passive one which induces the growth of initially produced particles. In eutrophic conditions, the first solid products
are patches that appear on the surface of the bacterial bodies and coalesce until forming a rigid coating and=or particles
excreted from the cell. All these tiny particles assemble into biomineral aggregates which often display ‘precrystalline’
structures. These aggregates grow and form biocrystalline build-ups which progressively display more crystalline structures
with growth. In oligotrophic conditions, the primary solid products are rapidly smoothed in the crystalline structure and
leave no trace. In present aqueous environments, apart from deep ocean, the potential efficiency of heterotrophic bacterial
carbonatogenesis in Ca-carbonate sedimentation is much higher than autotrophic or abiotic processes. It much more likely
accounts for extensive apparently abiotic limestone formation than any of the latter. As far as biodetrital particles are
concerned, it may be observed that the shells and tests of organisms are built from the activity of cellular organites which
are nowadays considered by a number of biologists as endosymbiotic bacteria. Thus, apart from (probably mythical) purely

Ł Corresponding author. Fax: C33 2 51 12 54 63. E-mail:

0037-0738/99/$ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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10 S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23

evaporitic and autotrophic ones, most limestones must be considered as principally of heterotrophic bacterial origin. As
the carbon of limestones is issued from organic matter, bacterial heterotrophic carbonatogenesis appears as a fundamental
phenomenon in the relationships between atmosphere and lithosphere during the biogeological evolution of the Earth.
 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: biomineralisation; bacteria; experiments; metabolism; limestones

1. Introduction are present in the medium, such a depletion favours

calcium-carbonate precipitation (Fig. 1).
In nature carbonate precipitation may theoreti-
cally occur following several known processes: (i) 2.2. Heterotrophic pathways
abiotic chemical precipitation from saturated solu-
tions by evaporation, temperature increase and=or In heterotrophy two bacterial processes may oc-
pressure decrease; (ii) external or internal skele- cur, often concurrently.
ton production by eukaryotes; (iii) lowering of CO2
pressure under effect of autotrophic processes (pho- 2.2.1. Passive precipitation
tosynthesis, methanogenesis); (iv) fungal mediation Passive precipitation or passive carbonatogenesis
(Callot et al., 1985; Verrecchia and Loisy, 1997); operates by producing carbonate and bicarbonate
(v) heterotrophic bacterial mediation. As a matter ions and inducing various chemical modifications in
of fact, bacterial contribution to limestone formation the medium that lead to the precipitation of calcium
has been suspected for years (Drew, 1910a,b; Keller- carbonate. Two metabolic cycles can be involved: the
man, 1915; Berkeley, 1919; Lipmann, 1924; Molish, nitrogen cycle and the sulphur cycle.
1924; Nadson, 1928; Krumbein, 1968, 1974, 1978) In the nitrogen cycle, passive bacterial precipi-
but remained controversial until recent experiments tation follows three different pathways: (i) the am-
in microbiogeological laboratories investigated the monification of amino-acids in aerobiosis (i.e. in the
metabolic pathways involved, the modes and condi- presence of gaseous or dissolved oxygen), in the
tions of solid particles formation, and evaluated bac- presence of organic matter and calcium); (ii) the dis-
terial carbonate productivity (Krumbein, 1979a,b; similatory reduction of nitrate (in anaerobiosis (i.e.
Castanier, 1987; Riege et al., 1991; Le Métayer- in the absence of oxygen) or microaerophily (i.e. in
Levrel, 1996; Castanier et al., 1997, 1999). the presence of very low amounts of oxygen), in
the presence of organic matter, calcium and nitrate);
and (iii) the degradation of urea or uric acid (in
2. The metabolic pathways of bacterial aerobiosis, in the presence of organic matter, cal-
Ca-carbonate formation cium, and urea or uric acid). Both urea and uric acid
result from eukaryotic activity, notably that of ver-
The production of Ca-carbonate particles through tebrates. These three pathways induce production of
bacterial mediation follows different ways. carbonate and bicarbonate ions and, as a metabolic
end-product, ammonia, which induces pH increase
2.1. Autotrophic pathways (Fig. 2). When the HC concentration decreases, the
carbonate–bicarbonate equilibria are shifted towards
In autotrophy, three metabolic pathways are in- the production of CO23 ions. If calcium ions are
volved: non-methylotrophic methanogenesis (Marty, present, calcium-carbonate precipitation occurs. If
1983), anoxygenic photosynthesis and oxygenic pho- Ca2C (and=or divalent cations) are lacking in the
tosynthesis. All three pathways use CO2 as carbon medium, carbonate and bicarbonate ions accumulate,
source to produce organic matter. Thus, they induce and the pH increase and bacterial activity may favour
CO2 depletion of the medium or of the immedi- zeolite formation. This happens in soda lakes, e.g. in
ate environment of the bacteria. When calcium ions Kenya (Castanier et al., 1993).
S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23 11

Fig. 1. Bacterial calcium-carbonate production in autotrophy.

In the sulphur cycle, bacteria use a single metabolic neither used by bacteria nor discharged, pH decreases
pathway: the dissimilatory reduction of sulphate and Ca-carbonates cannot precipitate.
(Fig. 3). The environment must be anoxic, and rich
in organic matter, calcium and sulphate. Using this 2.2.2. Active precipitation
pathway, bacteria produce carbonate, bicarbonate ions Active precipitation or active carbonatogenesis
and hydrogen sulphide. If calcium ions are present, is independent of the other previously mentioned
the precipitation of Ca-carbonates depends on the hy- metabolic pathways. The carbonate particles are pro-
drogen sulphide behaviour. If the hydrogen sulphide duced by ionic exchanges through the cell membrane
degasses, this induces pH increase and, Ca-carbonate by activation of calcium and=or magnesium ionic
precipitation. On the other hand, hydrogen sulphide pumps or channels, probably coupled with carbonate
may be used by other bacteria. If anoxygenogenic ion production. Numerous bacterial groups are able
sulphide phototrophic bacteria are involved, the hy- to operate such processes.
drogen sulphide is oxidised into sulphur which forms In all experiments carbonatogenesis appears to be
intra-cellular or extra-cellular deposits. Hydrogen sul- the response of heterotrophic bacterial communities
phide up-take induces pH increase favouring calcium- to an enrichment of the milieu in organic matter. Af-
carbonate precipitation. If autotrophic sulphide-oxi- ter a phase of latency, there is an exponential increase
dising aerobic bacteria are involved, they produce sul- of bacterial strengths together with the accumulation
phate ions. Together with hydrogen ions from water of metabolic end-products. These induce an accumu-
this gives sulphuric acid, the pH decreases and no lation of carbonate and hydrogenocarbonate ions in
solid Ca-carbonate appears. If hydrogen sulphide is the medium and, by different ways, a pH increase
12 S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23

Fig. 2. Passive bacterial precipitation of calcium carbonate in the nitrogen cycle.

that favours carbonate precipitation. This phase ends waters from a natural pool situated at Les Cugnes
into a steady state when most part of the initial en- near Les Eyzies (Castanier, 1987). They were col-
richment is consumed. Particulate carbonatogenesis lected on glass plates suspended directly in the natu-
occurs during the exponential phase and ends more ral environment and in jars containing natural water
or less after the beginning of the steady state. In most (Figs. 4–7). Both received nutritional amendments in
cases, the active carbonatogenesis seems to start first order to intensify the several metabolic pathways of
and to be followed by the passive one which in- bacterial carbonatogenesis.
duces the growth and shape modifications of initially The first solid products are probably amorphous
produced particles. and perhaps hydrated at the beginning (Castanier et
al., 1988). They appear on the surface of the bacterial
bodies as patches or stripes that extend and coalesce
3. Relationships between bacteria, minerals and until forming a rigid coating (cocoon) (Fig. 4). In
environmental conditions other cases, solid particles formed inside the cellu-
lar body, are excreted from the cell (excretates). All
3.1. In situ experiments with eutrophication these tiny particles, including more or less calcified
bacterial cells, assemble into biomineral aggregates
The solid products of bacterial carbonatogenesis which often display ‘precrystalline’ or rather ‘pro-
were first studied in eutrophicated karstic originated crystalline’ structures (Fig. 5). Sometimes the bacte-
S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23 13

Fig. 3. Passive bacterial precipitation of calcium carbonate in the sulphur cycle.

rial bodies themselves present an angular crystalline The primary aggregates grow and form secondary
shape as if they would contain a growing single crys- biocrystalline assemblages or build-ups which pro-
tal (Fig. 4, 4). Such a feature could be compared gressively display more crystalline structures with
with the cubic-shaped bacteria that are found in hy- growth (Fig. 7). Tetrahedral assemblages and pentag-
persaline environments (Gerdes et al., 1985). At this onal faces are often observed. This phase should cor-
stage of evolution and in numerous cases, the calcified respond to the passive carbonatogenesis. Different
bacterial cells tend to arrange themselves into nearly types of crystallogenetic sequences seem to follow
crystalline structures (Fig. 5, 5) and sometimes into the different metabolic pathways (Castanier, 1987).
dendritic or fibroradial fabrics (Fig. 6) the latter being This has to be explored further but if it proves true,
considered as possibly a precursor to ooids (Castanier it could lead to the reconstitution of palaeomicro-
et al., 1989). The angles of such structures are gener- biotopes from the examination of carbonate particles
ally close to but neither exactly those of the rhombo- as long as they are not disturbed or changed by
hedral system nor those of the orthorhombic one as if diagenesis.
bacteria dislike the crystallographic physical rules.
14 S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23
S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23 15

3.2. Observations of karstic helictite plan. They seem either to spring out of automor-
phous cavities of the crystalline structure or to rise
Bacterial calcite from a helictite (Collett, 1878) directly from the crystalline mass. In this case, a pad
of Clamouse Cave, formed in an oligotrophic envi- ringing round the base of the filament is often ob-
ronment, was also investigated (Le Métayer-Levrel, served at the surface of the crystal. This ring is usu-
1996; Le Métayer-Levrel et al., 1997). Two micro- ally irregular but sometimes forms a well rounded
organisms are present (Fig. 8). The first one exhibits areola that connects regularly with the crystalline
chains of spheres budding or ellipsoids ca. 0.5 to 1 surface. This suggests that this pad is a carbonate de-
µm in diameter. Cells are usually covered by a thick posit, perhaps amorphous, due to bacterial activity,
carbonate cocoon. From its morphological charac- which is progressively but rapidly incorporated into
ters, this form should be attributed to the genus the carbonate crystal.
‘Isosphaera’ which is the only budding, non-photo- The Vitreoscilla filaments flatten against crystals
synthetic bacterium forming chains of spherical cells faces and are gradually incorporated into the crys-
(Chafetz and Meredith, 1983; Giovannoni and Cas- tal masses. The filaments and notably the calcified
tenholz, 1989). It is a gliding bacterium. Here how- excrescences are rapidly smoothed in the crystalline
ever, it could be another species than the only known structure. Images show that the quasi-totality of the
species ‘Isosphaera pallida’ Giovannoni, Schabtach mass of crystals is from bacterial origin.
and Castenholz, which lives naturally in hot springs Surfaces of unetched carbonate crystals do not
and in the laboratory within a temperature range of show clear relationships between the crystalline
40–55ºC. structures and the orientation of the filaments. How-
The second organism exhibits more or less anas- ever, after partial dissolution of crystals with EDTA,
tomosed ribbons 1 µm wide, wearing very numerous SEM imagery clearly shows that the filaments act as
finger-shaped refringent, strongly calcified excres- axes of nucleation to series of piled calcite rhom-
cences 0.1 to 0.3 µm wide. This organism could bohedra. When the crystals have almost totally been
be the mobile gliding species Vitreoscilla filiformis removed by dissolution, there remains a network of
Strohl which grows better in nutrients-poor than in more or less calcified filaments.
nutrients-rich milieus (Strohl, 1989). Such a species These observations and experiments show that in
is undoubtedly well adapted to the nutritional envi- both nutritional conditions bacteria play a major role
ronment of caves. in crystallisation, both in supplying carbonate matter
Collected images show remarkable relationships and in its physical structure (Perthuisot et al., 1997).
between these two organisms and carbonate crystals After eutrophication, bacterial activity is very high
the outer shapes of which are generally non-rhombo- at the beginning and early solid products, as well as
hedral (Fig. 8). The ‘Isosphaera’ chains, when they biomineral aggregates, have poorly defined crystal
are short and constituted of probably young ellip- structure which is overwhelmed by biological luxuri-
soidal cells, project perpendicularly from the crystal ant processes. For example, such conditions are suit-
faces and are often situated parallel to a crystalline able for the formation of round bodies with a radial

Fig. 4. First stages of Ca-carbonate bacterial precipitation in eutrophic conditions. (1) Bacterial cells with carbonate pimples (white
arrows) and surrounding excretates (black arrow). Carbonate pimples cannot be confused with endospores because they appear on
dividing cells (1). Carbonate pimples are sometimes located at one tip (2) or both tips (3) of the cells. Pimples form sometimes in the
central zone of the cell against the inner part of the membrane (4). (2) Rods and cocci totally covered by carbonate (black arrows). The
black triangle points at a rod which bears a tail made of excretates and a lateral pimple. The white arrow points at a ghost of bacterial rod
which was destroyed by SEM preparation and which appears as a print into its produced carbonate material. (3) Cocooned rods (a couple
of which is issued from a recent division) and surrounding excretates (white arrow) on a background of weakly calcified bacteria. (4)
Carbonated bacterial bodies with hexagonal crystalline shapes (white arrows) on a background of poorly calcified bacterial bodies with
excretates. The black arrow points at a calcified dense cluster of bacterial bodies. (5) Couple of young bacterial cells. The crack of the
upper one (black arrow) shows the rigidity of the carbonate cocoon. (6) Part of a colony of cocooned cells showing the pores (arrows)
which maintain nutritional and gaseous exchanges between cells in spite of the cocoons. A broken cocoon let appear the inside carbonate
16 S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23

Fig. 5. Early biomineral aggregates in eutrophic conditions. (1) Triangular loose aggregate composed of more or less calcified bacterial
cells cemented by aggregates. White arrow points at a heavily cocooned cell. (2) Tiny aggregate composed of a few heavily carbonated
bacterial cells arranged in an angular particle possibly prefiguring a rhombohedron. (3) Angular biomineral aggregates emerging from
a bacterial colony. Some of them (left down) display nearly rhombohedral shapes. Notice divisions of background bacterial cells. (4)
Tiny cluster displaying a subhexagonal arrangement. (5) Biocrystalline network composed of carbonated rods arranged following three
directions. The left outer rim of the structure is more or less cemented (white arrow). While developed on a glass plate, this figure recalls
some palissadic calcite cements in limestones.

internal structure, i.e. ooids (Castanier et al., 1989). rules soon overcome the biological primary disorder.
On the contrary, in oligotrophic conditions, bacterial Thus, observations of recently formed or unmodified
production rate is low so that the crystallographic carbonate bacterial grains could give information on
S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23 17

Fig. 6. Early original biomineral aggregates in eutrophic conditions. (1) Fibroradial fabric growing laterally as well as perpendicularly
to the glass plate around a single axis. Carbonate needles are composed of carbonated bacterial cells. Such a fabric recalls the internal
structure of ooids. (2) Dendritic fabric constituted by calcified bacteria among which vibrioid forms.

their original nutritional microenvironment. Besides, a nutritive input of 4 g l 1 of organic matter, 2.4
they should give indications on the used metabolic g of calcite were obtained per litre per day (Le
pathways used by bacteria in eutrophic conditions. Métayer-Levrel, 1996). The ‘carbonatogenic yield’
(or calcium-carbonate yield) may be defined as the
ratio of the weight of organic matter input to the
4. Heterotrophic bacterial productivity and weight of calcium carbonate produced. In the case
geological implications. presented here it is 0.6. We presently keep in the
laboratory about a hundred carbonatogenic strains
Quantitatively, the production of solid carbonate collected from various natural environments. Most
depends essentially upon the strains in the bacte- of them display carbonatogenic yields around 0.5,
rial population, the environmental conditions (tem- sometimes more, the lowest yield measured being
perature, salinity, etc.), the quality and quantity of 0.2. Mentioned numbers concern experiments with
available nutrients, and time. In the laboratory, all monospecific strains. In nature, carbonatogenesis is
heterotrophic metabolic pathways were tested; and a generally carried out by plurispecific populations
number of experiments were carried out with Bacil- so that sedimented organic matter may be totally
lus cereus, which is a heterotrophic bacterium able mineralised into carbonates.
to undertake the ammonification of amino-acids and As far as limestones genesis is concerned, skele-
dissimilatory nitrate reduction. In the experiment tons and tests produced by animals and algae lead to
presented in Fig. 9, the medium initially contains 4 the mass of ‘biodetrital limestones’. In the case of
g organic matter per litre (Castanier, 1984; Le Mé- algae, photosynthesis may contribute to mineral pro-
tayer-Levrel, 1996). As usual, the phase of latency duction. Fungal contribution remains poorly known
is followed by an exponential increase in bacte- and quantitatively limited in marine or paralic en-
rial growth together with the accumulation in the vironments where fungi are very scarce. Abiotic
medium of metabolic end-products: carbonate, bi- processes, such as evaporation, temperature increase,
carbonate and ammonia ions. This phase is followed CO2 degassing, as well as photosynthesis, are limited
by the steady state. Ca-carbonate precipitation oc- by either carbonate–bicarbonate ion concentrations,
curs during the exponential phase and ends more or or by the ionic strength of solutions. Furthermore,
less after the beginning of the steady state. eukaryotic photosynthesis is balanced by respiration
In the above-mentioned experiment (Fig. 9), with so that only cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic
18 S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23

Fig. 7. Biocrystalline build-ups. (1) Triangular build-up. Notice the incorporation of bacterial cells into the structure basis. (2) and
(3) Several kinds of cask-shaped build-ups. Notice the incorporation of bacterial cells into the whole structures. (4) Isodiametric
biocrystalline particles, with pentagonal faces. Constituting bacterial cells have locally been removed by preparation and appear as holes
at the surface of crystals. (5) Rhombohedral build-up. Compare to Fig. 5, 2. (6) Large biocrystalline assemblage produced by and solely
composed of different kinds of carbonatogenic bacteria. (7) Close-up of (6) displaying a colony of calcified small bacteria.
S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23 19

Fig. 8. Relationships between crystals and bacteria in a cave concretion (helictite from Clamouse, France) in oligotrophic conditions.
(1) Calcite crystal from which short ‘Isosphaera’ chains project. Notice relationships between the orientation of bacterial chains and
crystalline planes and on the surface of particle remains of Vitreoscilla excrescences on crystal surfaces; see (4). (2) ‘Isosphaera’ chain
emerging from a crystal. Notice the basal budding rings and the granulous and rigid aspect of the heavily calcified outer membrane
(cocoon). (3) Bacterial filaments (probably Vitreoscilla) flattening themselves against a mineral particle into which they are integrated.
At the surface of the particle, ghosts of filaments still stand out while several excrescences are still emerging from the mineral mass,
the whole of which is from bacterial origin. (4) Terminal phase of the incorporation into a crystal of calcite of a (calcified) bacterial
filament. Its constitutive equipment is being smoothed in the thread of the crystalline structure. The initial outline of the filament and its
excrescences are still recognisable. The bacterial origin of crystalline material should leave no trace unless initial excrescences (ca. 0.2
µm wide) could be depicted after etching.

bacteria probably play a geological role through this cium-carbonate yield of 0.5, a calcite density of 2.5,
process which results in the formation of stromato- bacterial carbonatogenesis is able to produce, in a
lites. The most critical geological question is whether year, a CaCO3 layer the thickness of which would
extensive thicknesses of limestone and early carbon- be between 4 µm and 2 mm. Heterotrophic bac-
ate cements are formed primarily by biotic or abiotic terial carbonatogenesis thus may form a limestone
means. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the ef- layer from 4 to 2000 m thickness in one million
ficiency of heterotrophic bacterial carbonatogenesis years (Fig. 10). As a comparison, with the present-
and inorganic precipitation. day composition of seawater, and assuming a mean
At present, from the nutrient-poor open ocean oceanic evaporation rate of 150 mm y 1 , such a
environment towards littoral and lagoonal environ- physical process would produce a CaCO3 layer 15
ments, organic matter sedimentation varies between µm thick, i.e. 15 m in one million years.
20 and 10,000 g m 2 y 1 (Basson et al., 1977; Allen Most extensive limestones have formed on shelves
et al., 1979). In such conditions and assuming a cal- and platforms. On present continental shelves, the or-
20 S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23

Fig. 9. Laboratory experiment using the heterotrophic bacterium Bacillus cereus.

ganic matter deposition is comprised between 150 and bacterial grains could give information on their orig-
1000 g m 2 y 1 . inal nutritional microenvironment and possibly (in
Such considerations, when applied to real exam- eutrophic conditions) on metabolic pathways of bac-
ples from the geological record, suggest that het- terial carbonatogenesis. In most cases, however, the
erotrophic bacterial carbonatogenesis much more primary bacterial origin of carbonate is blurred by
likely accounts for extensive apparently abiotic subsequent diagenesis.
(azoic) limestone formation than any other process The yield of heterotrophic bacterial carbonatoge-
(Castanier et al., 1997, 1999). nesis and the scale of solid carbonate production by
heterotrophic bacteria are potentially much higher
than autotrophic or chemical sedimentation in ma-
5. Discussion and conclusions rine, paralic or aqueous continental environments.
Furthermore, bacterial heterotrophic carbonatogen-
The environmental conditions of heterotrophic esis is neither restricted to particular taxonomic
bacterial metabolic pathways are diverse (aerobiosis, groups of bacteria nor to specific environments so
anaerobiosis, microaerophily). However, carbonate that it probably has been a ubiquitous phenomenon
precipitation always appears to be the response of since Precambrian times. It just requires organic mat-
heterotrophic bacterial communities to enrichment ter enrichment. Thus, heterotrophic bacterial carbon-
of the environment in organic matter. atogenesis much more plausibly accounts for appar-
Nutritional conditions play a major role in the ently abiotic limestone deposition and for carbonate
relationships between crystals and bacteria. Obser- cementation than does any other single process. The
vations of recently formed or unmodified carbonate origin of oolites is here included as an outcome
S. Castanier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 126 (1999) 9–23 21

Fig. 10. The potential deposition rates of limestones through aerobic heterotrophic bacterial processes.

of heterotrophic activity (Krumbein, 1979a, 1983; between atmosphere and lithosphere and in the bio-
Castanier et al., 1989). geological — or geophysiological (Krumbein and
As far as biodetrital particles are concerned, it can Schellnhuber, 1992) — evolution of the Earth.
be observed that carbonate shells and tests of organ-
isms result from the activity of their mitochondria
(or chloroplasts). Other organelles may be involved Acknowledgements
such as Golgi apparatus (Hemleben et al., 1986; de
Vrind-de Jong and de Vrind, 1997). Since these cel- We are deeply indebted to A. Maurin who long
lular organites are nowadays considered by a number ago showed us the good track, to G. Camoin who
of biologists as endosymbiotic bacteria (Margulis invited us to the good place, and to W.E. Krumbein
and Sagan, 1986), apart from purely evaporitic and and V.A. Pedone who gave a good help to this paper.
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