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I was extrinsically motivated to get a good grade on a test. My goal was to get an A,
and I was motivated by the fear of getting a bad grade and the possible
consequences that would follow, such as my parents being disappointed in me or not
being able to go to my favorite extracurricular activity.


I was intrinsically motivated to learn how to code. My goal was to be able to create
my own programs, and I was motivated by the challenge of learning a new skill and
the satisfaction of being able to create something from scratch.


The main difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation is that
intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation comes from outside.
When I am intrinsically motivated, I am motivated by the challenge and satisfaction
of learning a new skill. When I am extrinsically motivated, I am motivated by the fear
of punishment or the promise of reward.

I believe that intrinsic motivation is more useful and effective than extrinsic
motivation. When I am intrinsically motivated, I am more likely to be engaged in the
task and to put forth my best effort. I am also more likely to persist in the face of

Extrinsic motivation can be helpful in some cases, such as when it is used to

motivate people to do things that they would not otherwise do. However, extrinsic
motivation can also be demotivating, especially if it is used in a way that is perceived
as controlling or manipulative.


I believe that I am an intrinsically motivated learner. I am motivated by the challenge

of learning new things and the satisfaction of mastering new skills. I am also
motivated by the desire to understand the world around me and to make a positive
impact on the world.
I think that intrinsic motivation is the most important type of motivation for learning.
When I am intrinsically motivated, I am more likely to be engaged in the learning
process and to retain the information that I learn. I am also more likely to be creative
and to apply my knowledge in new and innovative ways.

I believe that it is important to find ways to tap into our intrinsic motivation in order to
be successful learners. This can be done by finding activities that we are passionate
about and that we find challenging and rewarding. It can also be done by setting
goals that are meaningful to us and that we are committed to achieving.

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