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La Cañada

Newsletter of the No 24 Summer 2010

ISSN 1027-2070

Bob Gibbons
Extensive grasslands in Transylvania. The
EFNCP steps up a gear thanks to location for this year’s EFNCP conference.

DG Environment funding La Cañada 24

1 EFNCP steps up a gear thanks to DG

2 010 has seen a more proactive approach effectively. Developing and reporting our Environment funding
to project funding by the Forum. The proposals for making the CAP post-2013 2 Environmental services post-2013:
results have been very positive, with many work for HNV farming is an important EFNCP conference
2 Why biodiversity should top the CAP
partnerships being strengthened through task, and we are closely involved in
reform agenda
joint projects. Funding from a range of CAP advisory groups and in the debate
5 Progress on HNV farmland indicators
national and local partners has been launched by the agriculture Commissioner. across the EU
matched by a grant from DG Environment, Policy events this year include two 6 Progress on HNV farmland indicators
allowing us to roll out an ambitious work workshops on the German island of Vilm at country and regional levels
programme. and a major conference in Sibiu, Romania, 8 Enlarged advisory group on the CAP
Thanks to this funding, we have been where our policy proposals for HNV farm- post-2013 – an EFNCP contribution
able to employ a range of staff to under- ing and CAP reform will be launched and 9 Memories of a conference
take management, policy and finance discussed. We also supported the recent 11 Book reviews
work. Even more excitingly, we now have international hay meadows event organ- 12 Article 68 innovation on the Burren
new colleagues working on regional/ ised by the Pogány-havas Association,
country projects in France, Ireland and Barbara Knowles, Sheila Anderson and indicators and measures for HNV farming.
south-east Europe, where we are stepping Lásló Demeter in Romania (see page 9). A specific long-standing area of inter-
up our networking activity. Local projects to test and illustrate the est for EFNCP is the improvement of EU
HNV farming approach and how it can be policy measures for olive farming and the
HNV farming projects put into practice are running in Navarra, environment, and we are revitalising our
A major focus of the work programme is the UK and France, with Ireland and work in this area this year with a network-
ensuring that EU and national commit- Romania soon to follow. These will feed ing initiative across the olive-producing
ments to maintaining HNV farming, as a valuable lessons and examples into our regions, including EU candidate countries.
key contribution to halting biodiversity work with regional and national govern- The theme of common grazing land,
decline, are understood and implemented ments on the implementation of RDP in all its various guises, returns in a big

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

way this year. Having successfully raised how to achieve Natura 2000 objectives in best to interpret the proposed protection
awareness at a policy level of the impor- sites dominated by common grazings. of ‘highly biodiverse grasslands’ in the
tance of common land for biodiversity Renewable Energy Directive. We intend
conservation in many countries, we are Grassland biodiversity to broaden this question and look in more
undertaking research projects in the UK Finally, we are stepping up our involve- detail at the effectiveness and coherence of
and the Balkans, and a capacity-building ment in specific policy areas of particular other EU measures for protecting grazed
exchange between the UK and Spain. Later importance for grassland biodiversity. For semi-natural habitats, such as the EIA
in the year a study tour between Romania example, we have contributed to discus- Directive and CAP cross-compliance.
and Spain is planned, which will look at sions with the Commission over how Gwyn Jones

EU strategies for maintaining HNV farm-

Environmental services post- ing and grasslands. The Natura 2000
network provides site protection, and
2013: EFNCP conference LIFE supports pilot projects within this
network. But there is an urgent need for
better economic support and more effec-
tive action to maintain HNV farming
across large areas. The CAP reform debate
of 2010-13 is a major opportunity for
re-targeting CAP resources, so that they
help to secure the future of HNV farming
and grasslands, and of the ecosystem serv-
ices they deliver across Europe.
Central to the conference, as always,
is the field trip, this time to the Târnava
Mare area, one of the most biodiverse
farmed lowland landscapes remaining in
Europe, rich in wild flowers, birds, butter-
flies and large mammals, including bears
and wolves. There, local partner Adept is
working to maintain HNV farming and
encourage appropriate rural development
as keys to conserving the values of this
Bob Gibbons

extensive Natura 2000 site.

Partly drawing on this local
example, the conference will consider prac-
tical issues that can hinder effective policy
implementation on the ground, if they are

E FNCP’s flagship event this year will

be a conference on the environmental
services of HNV farming and how these
The village of Viscri in Transylvania, one
of the locations for field trips.
not taken into account by policy-makers.
For example, CAP rules, depending on
their interpretation, can lead to the exclu-
can be secured post-2013. To be held in HNV farmed landscapes are dominated sion of HNV grazing lands from receiving
Sibiu, Romania, on 7-9 September, the by semi-natural grasslands, and often support payments.
conference will be policy-orientated, small-scale traditional management. Their The event would not be possible with-
setting out clearly the Forum’s vision for ecosystem services make them of global out the generous financial assistance of
2014. importance. Both the grasslands and the DG Environment and our local partner,
The conference is an opportunity to farming systems that use them are under Fundaţia Adept Transylvania, and with
discuss the role of HNV farming in provid- threat. Are they sufficiently valued and the invaluable support of Lucian Blaga
ing a wide range of ecosystem services: not supported by the CAP at present? Will University, Sibiu. Attendance is free, with
only biodiversity conservation, but other a reform focused on ‘public money for participants responsible for their own
services vital to our long-term future, such public goods’ make a significant differ- accommodation. More details on the
as carbon sequestration, quality and secu- ence, and how should it work on the Forum website.
rity of water and food, and resistance to ground? Nat Page & Gwyn Jones
climate change, fires and flooding. This conference will propose improved

the objective itself should not be aban-

Why biodiversity should top doned. On the other, the recent 2008 food
crisis and the unprecedented crisis of
the CAP reform agenda farm incomes bring the issue of the ‘real
economy’ back onto the agenda. While,
in the background, the decoupled CAP

T he present debates on the post-2013

CAP reform are harsh. As usual in
the period preceding changes, opposing
present debate takes place in a particular
context. On the one hand, while the 2010
biodiversity goal (‘no net loss’) has been
payments try to give the impression that
producing is no longer an issue.
Sometimes it sounds as if it is a choice
visions are being strongly held. But the missed, there is a clear recognition that between biodiversity conservation – and

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

the associated low-input farming – and The other side of the coin concerns fences to control the flock. Qualitatively, it
income support consistent with the views production costs. Producing more means means less knowledge on how to manage
of production and market organisations. greater investment in production, and a flock in scrubland, and so on.
Biodiversity is regarded as a non-economic the competition between farmers implies If we insist on two parallel fates for
option: farmers are, in this vision, consid- a continuous investment process. This farm economies and biodiversity, we
ered as mere gardeners, playing no role in becomes all the more difficult when the ignore the intermeshing nature of the
the real agricultural economy, even if they commodity price is going down: the two processes at play. Biodiversity manage-
receive payment for doing so. The need curves of prices and costs are going in ment, in particular, is not only an issue
to feed nine billion or more people in the opposite directions. If one considers the of lack of knowledge (with the assump-
coming decades leads to the inescapable diminishing returns trend (i.e. that the tion that when the farmer knows, he will
conclusion that the new CAP should be first Euro invested in equipment, for automatically and appropriately conserve
shifted towards supporting the rural econ- instance, will yield two Euros in produc- biodiversity on his farmland), it is also an
omy and farm incomes. tion, while the last one out of thousands economic issue. Put another way, the loss
Thus, considering the CAP reform will yield only 1.1, when not less than its of biodiversity can be seen as a tangible
from a biodiversity-conservation perspec- marginal cost), it is clear that production aspect of the economic process, with the
tive, as the EFNCP does, will frequently costs are becoming progressively larger replacement of free natural processes by
be considered as dangerous and limited. relative to income throughout the farming cash-paid inputs.
Such a position will be even less cred- sector. In recent years, a huge increase in
ible, if those who take the ‘economy’ path imputs such as fertilisers or animal feed, Biodiversity as the cornerstone
defend environmental protection within a has caused a drastic deterioration in most of a new CAP
concept of ‘sustainable farming’, includ- farmers’ income. We can recall a truism: biodiversity in
ing a share for biodiversity needs in some Most farmers are quite aware of this farmland results from the farming systems,
delineated zones. To put it another way, diminishing cycle, but are unable to get which are themselves determined by
when it comes to policy, ‘sustainable out of it when they have to repay loans for socio-economic drivers. Or, biodiversity is
economists’ appear to be superior to biodi- their machinery or pay the feed merchant. an ‘end of the pipe’ indicator, downstream
versity conservationists, since the former Producing more at higher costs has been of many others. In the present context,
are able to capture at the same time both the fate of modern European farmers for it is probably one of the most difficult to
economy and biodiversity, while the latter decades, and it seems destined to remain achieve owing to the number of conditions
are focused on biodiversity alone. so in the near future. necessary to reach a high level of habitat-
This article proposes that biodiver- This short economic analysis explains and species-richness in rural landscapes.
sity conservation – understood in a wide why it is so difficult to get out of the We must therefore approach European
meaning, as advocated by the Forum – can present CAP. Intensive and so-called agriculture from this downstream vision,
be thought of and defended as a sound ‘productive’ farmers have such struc- stating the need for results in terms of
economic strategy, which also includes the tural costs that removing CAP payments biodiversity as the starting point of what
perspective of European farmers’ income would cause economic failure. In France, should be achieved through the CAP.
and the global food crisis. for instance, average farm income in the In terms of landscape, this goal would
main CAP-supported sectors (cereals, mean a much higher share of semi-natural
Biodiversity conservation is an beef, sheep) has been below the level of vegetation, of saltus, in the HNV agrar-
economy issue, and vice versa CAP payments for years, which means ian systems. Such ideal landscapes can
The recent history of agriculture and envi- that the commodity price does not cover be interpreted from an economic point
ronment highlights the close links between the production costs. of view. On the one hand, it would mean
biodiversity losses and the main prob- These economic processes and issues accepting a smaller area of cropped land,
lems currently faced by farmers. From an can be linked easily to the main causes and therefore a lower global output of
economic standpoint, the present income of biodiversity loss on farmland. To the cereals and other crops. A diversifica-
gap is fundamentally caused by prices often familiar intensification and land tion in crop systems, especially of protein
not covering the costs of production. We abandonment process, we can arguably crops, would also be a key contribution to
can analyse the two sides of the equation, add the decreasing number of farmers. biodiversity.
which are interrelated. Intensification clearly is the very nature On the other hand, it would mean more
Commodity prices are affected by of the economic process described above: extensive grass and scrub, whose protein
numerous factors, including the relation- more output and more input at the same content in terms of animal feed is higher
ship between the buyers and farmers time. Land abandonment can be under- than the dominant cereal crops. This, as a
– their suppliers. Despite the inherent stood as a side-effect of intensification, whole, would result in less cereals being
complexity of the relationship, King’s Law which can be seen at different scales, produced in Europe and less protein being
(named after the 17th century economist, from the large regions (e.g. in some dry imported (mainly in the form of soya). The
Gregory King) applies: in agriculture, a mountains areas) to the smaller land- main sector affected by this change would
small increase in supply can result in a scape features left behind by farming. be industrial livestock production, while
huge drop in price, and vice versa. Dairy Thus permanent pastures close to the farm extensive HNV livestock would gain share
quotas are a recent illustration. The farmer are intensified, while those that are more in the European market.
is constantly faced with what economists remote will gradually be abandoned. From a farmer’s perspective, this broad
call the ‘micro-macro dilemma’: his inter- The dramatic decrease in the number picture limits the intensification process
est as a farmer is to maintain high prices, of farmers (which is called, in econom- described above, with two main advan-
which can be acheived by reducing output, ics, ‘improved farm competitiveness’) tages for net income, namely sustained
but if he does so, his neighbour will take can be analysed from a qualitative and prices (the ‘biodiversity condition’ puts a
advantage and produce more; thus his quantitative perspective as regards biodi- brake on the ever-increasing production,
interest now lies in producing more than versity. Quantitatively, fewer farmers to and so acts as a market stabiliser), and
his neighbour, even if this drives prices cut hedges, maintain stonewalls etc, mean lower production costs. In fact, it is quite
down in the medium term. more mechanised cutting or the use of wire the reverse of the present trend, described

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

above. And we should remember that intensification. Such a coercive approach to allow the latter to survive. It is now
biodiversity management is, in many is neither satisfactory nor sufficient in the increasingly recognised that the real need
cases, labour-intensive and thus consistent medium term. Incentives are necessary is to allow the developing countries to
with having a higher number of farmers. to value biodiversity at macro and micro foster their own agriculture, with their
levels. Payments should be attached to own means of production, in order to face
Climate change strict environmental conditions, of course, future climate change and population
From an environmental perspective, this but should also be accompanied by tech- growth challenges, as stated, for exam-
objective looks consistent with other key nical advice and education. There should, ple, by the International Assessment of
European environmental challenges, for example, be changes in the ‘production Agricultural Science and Technology for
notably water quality, soil protection and pattern’ taught in agricultural colleges. Development (IAASTD). A condition for
climate change. While the convergence Such payments are able to act as a stabiliser this is that a certain level of protection
between the two former objectives and in the farm economy, and to make it easier be extended to their farmers, reducing
biodiversity is widely accepted, the case for suppliers and buyers to meet at lower the pressure from imported produce. In
for climate change needs to be explained. prices. Nevertheless, it should be noted this long-term view, the duty of Europe,
The biodiversity conservation objective that the share of the ‘farm gate’ price, as a alongside other major exporters, in global
as described above means fewer cattle (the proportion of what the consumer eventu- food issues is to reduce its import/export
increase in the number of cows is mainly ally pays for food, is frequently negligible. impact on developing countries. This does
as a result of the industrialisation of the There is huge room for manoeuvre in this not mean a complete siege economy; fair
last decades), less fertiliser, and much perspective. To summarise, HNV farming trade between equally developed coun-
more permanent grassland and other on a large scale does not necessarily mean tries should continue, as well as specific
permanent vegetation, whose contribution unaffordable food but it is probably incon- interventions in the case of localised food
to carbon storage is central and immediate. sistent with large-scale food systems. crises (themselves largely caused by the
In addition, in a wider vision which failure of local agriculture to develop).
does not limit climate change only to a The global context
greenhouse gas emissions issue, the more Before coming to a conclusion on the polit- Biodiversity for European
robust landscapes resulting from biodiver- ical feasibility of the thesis outlined above, agriculture: a policy project
sity conservation are able to play a role in we must deal with another dimension, the The vision defended here should be under-
adaptation to climate change (e.g. the role global one. The glowing picture we have stood in the longer term, as it implies a
of permanent vegetation and landscape just painted is frequently attacked from a new balance in Europe’s economy and
features in providing resilience against global food perspective. It is understood society. Many issues remain to be faced: for
flooding and drying winds). What is as a selfish, wealthy European vision, with example, what is the level of production
argued here is that biodiversity and HNV citizens able to pay for nice ‘gardened’ necessary to deal with biodiversity conser-
farming at a large scale captures several landscapes and quality food, forgetting vation, large-scale HNV systems and
environmental issues, while the reciprocal the poor, both inside and outside Europe. realistic food markets in Europe? What are
is not always the case. If we will have 9 billion people on Earth in the shifts in production and consumption
the coming decades, whether we like it or patterns which need to happen? To what
Moving forward not, can we afford such a policy? Should extent should some policy objectives be
What are the instruments needed to not Europe play an increasing role in the zoned, at least in the first instance? What is
achieve this ideal picture? It is necessary to global food supply? the level of budget necessary? The combi-
deal with the central tensions arising at the This vision can be discussed from nation of reinforced regulation and the
European market level. Reducing outputs many perspectives. First, the idea of removal of subsidies to non-sustainable
will lead to higher commodity prices, Europe feeding the world, held largely farming systems (which forms the main
which is good news for the farmers. But, by farmers’ organisations, is far from the share of the present CAP budget) does not
there are then several issues to face: reality today. European agriculture can necessarily mean a larger budget, but does
• how to prevent these higher prices lead- be summarised as producing cereals and require a more targeted one. Such a project,
ing to higher investment at the farm then feeding its animals with a combina- by changing the perspective of European
level, and certain forms of intensifica- tion of these cereals and imported soya. agriculture, requires many sectors to repo-
tion (see the micro-macro dilemma Exported products – cereals and meat – are sition themselves and would move the
above); mainly exported to creditworthy coun- policy lines completely.
• how to manage economic risks at the tries, in a rather inefficient process (from Such difficulties exist, and call for a
farm level, since more ‘natural’ agricul- the perspective of global food) in which learning process. But notwithstanding
ture might have to deal with variability; meat is directly exported and the cereals this, our project should be defended in the
and are used for animal feed outside Europe. coming debates. Firstly, because the fate of
• how to ensure reasonable prices for Meanwhile, imported soyabean for animal European biodiversity is in the balance. It
consumers. production puts pressures on land outside is on the verge of collapse in many regions
Prices should be higher than today, Europe which could be used to feed the and a clear new direction is needed.
but not too high, and they should not local populations. This viewpoint could be Second, because we believe it has its own
fluctuate excessively. But they should not extended to other sectors, such as that of internal logic on many levels, which go
be the only driver and goal for the CAP. palm oil destroying rainforest. substantially beyond strict conservation
This requires the combination of several But we must also consider that signifi- issues. In our view, biodiversity, embod-
policy instruments (see page 8 for the joint cant share of production which is in fact ied in HNV farming systems, is not only
submission on CAP for 2013 from BirdLife exported, with subsidy, to developing an option, it is a basis which gives a mean-
International, European Environment countries. The competition between a ing to the whole policy and to agricultural
Bureau, EFNCP, International Federation tonne of cereal produced in Europe under development.
of Organic Agriculture Movements and heavily mechanised, subsidised agricul- Xavier Poux
WWF). Strict environmental regulation is ture, and that on a small farm in Africa,
needed at the farm level to prevent further using manpower only, is too unequal

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

of specific changes can be identified and

Progress on HNV farmland examined in more detail, may contribute
useful insights.
indicators across the EU So, there is a clear need for additional
indicators of the baseline situation of HNV
farming and forestry. Additional indicators

O ver the past year or two, there has

been considerable progress on the
interpretation and implementation of
The three HNV indicators can be
summarised as follows:
should aim to capture information on key
characteristics of HNV farming/forestry,
and how they are changing. These can be
the CMEF (Common Monitoring and The Baseline Indicator establishes the organised into three categories: changes in
Evaluation Framework) HNV farmland baseline situation of HNV farming/ characteristic types of land-cover, changes
indicators, with a consensus emerging. forestry in the programme area at the start in characteristic farming/forestry prac-
Sceptics can no longer claim that the of the RDP tices, and changes in the condition of
concept is too woolly and cannot be imple- The Impact Indicator gives an indication characteristic habitats and species. In other
mented. Several countries and regions of changes taking place in HNV farming/ words, the baseline situation will be indi-
have established working groups and are forestry during the programme period, cated through a set of indicators, to capture
taking ownership of the concept and are measured against the baseline situation. changes in each of these categories.
developing projects which identify and The Result Indicator is a measurement In theory, once the Baseline indicators
monitor HNV farmland and forests. of actual results on the ground of specific are established, the HNV Impact Indicator
As experience and dialogue devel- RDP measures relating to HNV farming/ is easily applied, as it is effectively the
ops, so the available guidance at the EU forestry. set of Baseline Indicators repeated peri-
level is also improving. This positive odically to show changes in land-cover,
feedback process has been illustrated by Explaining the indicators farming/forestry practices, and nature
the European Evaluation Network for The Baseline Indicator was intended value. In practice, the full set of Baseline
Rural Development (EENRD) Help Desk originally to be simply a figure in hectares, and Impact Indicators is likely to be devel-
which, during 2009, organised a Thematic representing the total extent of HNV farm- oped over time, as understanding of the
Working Group to explore practical ways land in the Member State at the start of HNV farming/forestry systems, selec-
of applying the full range of CMEF indi- the RDP, calculated using data that would tion of appropriate indicators, and data
cators, drawing on a mix of expertise and allow regular updating. However, it is gathering are developed. We have always
national experience. increasingly recognised that neither the stressed that this is a process that will
In March 2010, the EENRD Help Desk HNV concept nor the currently available evolve over several years, not a one-off
published the detailed outputs of this data lend themselves to a precise calcu- data-crunching exercise.
working group, including a chapter on lation in hectares. The reality is that the Whilst the Impact Indicators give an
the HNV farming and forestry indica- baseline HNV extent will be an indicative indication of the changes taking place,
tors, written by the author and Maria figure. they do not in themselves indicate to what
Luisa Paracchini. This goes considerably Land-cover and land-use data are the extent the RDP has influenced changes.
further than the previous HNV Indicators most appropriate sources for this purpose. And so, finally, the Result Indicator
Guidance Document, and includes exam- These data can capture the key character- is a measurement of actual results on the
ples being developed in some countries. istics of HNV farmland/forest, especially ground of specific RDP measures relating
semi-natural types of land-cover and to HNV farming/forestry. It is intended
Main points of EU Thematic mosaics of low-intensity land-uses. to indicate the area of land that is under
Working Group paper Species data should be used with great successful management contributing to
The paper stresses the practical purpose caution, owing to patchy coverage, low biodiversity and high nature value. In
of the HNV farmland/forestry indica- resolution and infrequent updating of data order to know that this situation applies,
tors for evaluating and improving Rural for all but a few species in a few countries. the land in question must be under a
Development Programmes (RDPs). The Species data are most appropriate for iden- specific policy measure that includes this
aim is to be able to monitor changes in tifying areas of Type 3 HNV farmland, objective, such as an agri-environment
HNV farming and forestry compared with which does not exhibit the semi-natural measure designed to support an HNV
a baseline situation, and to assess to what and low-intensity characteristics of other farming system or practices. Again, simply
extent these changes (or an absence of HNV farmland. being within a Natura 2000 site does not
change) have been influenced by the RDP. Maps of HNV farmland based wholly or give this guarantee.
This means that indicators and moni- partly on the location of designated areas
toring methods should be designed to are not helpful for monitoring purposes. Setting up an HNV monitoring
provide useful and meaningful informa- The boundaries of protected areas and of system
tion about changes taking place on the areas such as Important Bird Areas (IBAs) The HNV indicators must be applied at
ground. It is not so much a question of are unlikely to be altered during the life- the level of the RDP programming area.
precise statistical and mapping exercises, time of an RDP. Changes would need to be Depending on the Member State, this
but rather of gathering various types of monitored within these areas. may be either at state or regional level.
information that can provide an indica- Obviously, monitoring an ‘indicative’ However, many countries and regions are
tion of what is happening to HNV farming baseline extent of HNV farmland/forest likely to harbour several different types of
and forestry, and to key elements of the can provide only a very approximate HNV farming and forestry, functioning in
land-uses in question. Such information measure of change. Quantitative changes different environments.
is essential for effective evaluation of in numbers of hectares will be extremely Broad indicators at the RDP level there-
the effectiveness of RDPs in maintaining difficult to interpret, and the influence fore will need to be complemented with
HNV farming and forestry, one of three of RDP measures on such changes even indicators tailored to individual HNV
environmental priorities for the European more so. On the other hand, cartographic farming/forestry systems or zones within
Agricultural Fund for Rural Development monitoring, through which the location the region. Monitoring changes in particu-

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

lar HNV systems or zones will be essential programme (as a minimum). • all grazing livestock present on the
for assessing the effects of RDPs on HNV Sample surveys should be designed to farm.
farming/forestry. ensure full representation of the range of
Regional/national data sources, HNV farming and forestry systems in the Conclusions
combined with expert knowledge, should programme area. The surveys should aim A gradual convergence of approaches to
allow the identification of broad zones to monitor a range of HNV characteristics, identifying and monitoring HNV farm-
with a high concentration of HNV farming including: land and forests seems to be possible,
and/or forestry systems, and the charac- • trends in the extent and condition of key using a combination of land-cover data
terisation of systems within each zone. types of semi-natural land cover; to capture their broad distribution and
Precise delineation of such zones, and • trends in key HNV farming/forestry extent, and sample surveys to monitor
measurement of their extent, is not recom- practices; and trends in key characteristics.
mended, as this is not likely to produce a • trends in a range of species populations. For this to work efficiently in combina-
reliable indication of the baseline extent Monitoring the socio-economic situa- tion with other CAP and environmental
of HNV farming/forestry for monitoring tion of HNV farming/forestry holdings is policy mechanisms, there is a need for
purposes. also extremely useful, although this aspect some investment in improved and better
An approximate zoning exercise is not a specific sub-indicator for HNV in integrated data systems, especially LPIS,
provides a useful way of distinguishing terms of CMEF requirements. FSS and Farm Accounting Data Network
broad HNV systems. These then provide Techniques may include interpreta- (FADN). New sample surveys need to be
the basis for choosing appropriate systems tion of aerial photos for a selection of 1km established, but it is worth noting that
indicators. For example, in the case of squares, for example, as well as sample sample surveys are already used for FSS,
an upland livestock system, an impor- field surveys and farm interviews. Overall, so this would not be a radical departure.
tant characteristic might be the diversity sample surveys will be essential for assess- The development of LPIS is also needed
of stock types (sheep, cattle, etc) using ing the effects of RDPs on HNV farming/ for the effective implementation of other
upland pastures, or the continued cutting forestry. policy instruments, such as CAP cross-
of hay-meadows in steep valleys. For Further development of existing data- compliance, the Environmental Impact
traditional olive and almond plantations, bases is an important consideration for Assessments Directive and the Renewable
a key characteristic might be the mainte- the future of HNV farmland and forestry Energy (biofuels) Directive in relation to
nance of a semi-natural under-storey at monitoring. It would be desirable to biodiverse grasslands.
certain times of the year. Trends in such incorporate HNV variables in existing Ultimately, investment in improved and
key characteristics will give an indication databases, especially in Farm Structure better integrated data sets should lead to
of significant changes to the HNV system Surveys (FSS) and Land Parcel Information a more efficient use of public funds under
in question. Systems and Integrated Administration the CAP and RDPs, and is therefore money
The Thematic Working Group paper and Control Systems (LPIS-IACS), includ- well spent.
recognises that current European, national ing: Guy Beaufoy, EFNCP
and regional databases were not designed • parcels consisting of semi-natural farm- Reference
for monitoring tendencies in HNV land, including traditional orchards Lukesch, R, & Schuh, B 2010 Working paper
on approaches for assessing the impacts
farming, and would not be suitable for and hay meadows, and smaller features of the Rural Development Programmes in
monitoring specific characteristics of the such as hedges and ponds; the context of multiple intervening factors.
type described above. A sample-survey • common grazing land used by the farm Findings of a Thematic Working Group
established and coordinated by The European
approach is therefore recommended to (area used in ha or livestock-unit graz-
Evaluation Network for Rural Development
establish the baseline situation for a set ing days);
of systems indicators and for undertak- • all forage land used by the farm (includ- network/impacts_en.pdf
ing repeat sampling in the final year of the ing scrubby and woody forage); and

Progress on HNV farmland The HNV approach of the working
group is not limited to the needs of the
indicators at country and current RDP, but aims to create working
tools for the next RDP period.
regional levels National working groups dealing
with HNV farming have also been estab-
lished in Spain (in the context of the Rural

T he following are a few examples of

positive developments from a selec-
tion of countries (no doubt there are many
working group was formed in 2009 by
the Agricultural Research Centre (ARC).
This working group includes representa-
Development network) and in Scotland.

Studies to develop HNV

others doing things we do not know tives from the Ministries of Agriculture farmland/forest indicators
about) that illustrate some of the progress and Environment, agencies administrated When the current round of RDPs was
being made. by these ministries, and experts from the introduced in 2007, very few Member
Estonian University of Life Sciences. The States had a reliable basis for estimating
National working groups HNV working group sees its work in three their HNV baseline indicator. Some turned
A very positive development is the setting stages: to the JRC-EEA CORINE-based maps and
up of national working groups on HNV 1) Identifying and working out HNV base- figures, which are not intended for use
farming, reflecting the need for inter- line criteria; as CMEF indicators, or used the extent
disciplinary dialogue and interpretation in 2) Evaluation of the application possibilities; of Natura 2000 sites as a proxy, or simply
order to apply the concept. 3) Proposals for HNV in the RDP context provided no baseline indicator owing to
For example, in Estonia a national HNV (e.g. support measures and combination of lack of data.

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

Above Map showing HNV farming and

forestry indicators in the Navarra region
of northern Spain.
Right Steep hay meadows may be a good
indicator for the health of HNV systems
in Navarra. Guy Beaufoy

Since then, a great deal of work has mentation of support measures for HNV data and GIS methods. Local projects are
been developed across the EU by national farming through the CAP. For example, in also an excellent way of developing think-
agencies and research bodies. Much of Estonia a large proportion of semi-natural ing on where to draw the line between
the effort to date is focused on develop- farmland is not included within the offi- what is HNV farming, and what is not,
ing methods for the identification of HNV cial Utilisable Agricultural Area (UAA). and to improve our understanding of
farmland using national data sets. Work Mostly, this is land traditionally used for tendencies affecting HNV farming on the
has moved on from the basic mapping extensive grazing, but with a proportion ground. This year, thanks to funding from
of land-cover types and protected areas, of bushes and trees that means it does not DG Environment and from national and
as first introduced by the European count as eligible farmland under current local sources we have been able to set up
Environment Agency, to more complex CAP rules (Pille Koorberg pers. comm.). several projects with this focus.
combinations of criteria, including aspects Similar problem areas on the border These local HNV projects are running
such as field size and land-use diversity. between agricultural land-use data and in France (Basse Normandie, Parc Naturel
In Spain, a project started by the forest land-use data are apparent in Spain. Régional du Vercors, Parc Naturel
Ministry of Environment in 2008 to iden- Considerable work is also on-going in Régional du Haut Jura), in Romania
tify HNV farmland is now in its second Austria, Italy and no doubt other coun- (Târnava Mare, Transylvania), in England
phase under the new combined Ministry tries. Later in the year, EFNCP intends to (Devon and Wye Valley) and in Wales
of Environment and Rural and Marine launch a new section on the website with (east Carmarthenshire).
Affairs. Meanwhile, in the region of information on developments in HNV Possible contacts for the countries
Navarra, a project with EFNCP involve- farmland policy across a range of coun- referred to above can be obtained from the
ment has been developing HNV farming tries. author.
and forestry indicators at the regional Guy Beaufoy, EFNCP
level, and also sets of indicators for moni- Sample surveys
toring changes in distinct HNV systems Germany is, so far as we are aware, the
within the region, as recommended in the only country to have a monitoring system Stop Press: Phd opportunity in
Thematic Working Group paper. up and running for HNV farmland. This Ireland
A study in Finland (Irina Herzon pers. takes a sampling approach, using a total of Sligo Institute of Technology is offering
comm.) is developing the national HNV about 1,000 sites, each of 100ha. The sites a PhD studenship on Halting biodiversity
farmland indicator, based on 5-8 farm-level were established originally for monitoring loss: the potential of high nature value
variables with varying weighting factors. farmland bird species. Additional crite- (HNV) farmland in the north-west of
The amount of semi-natural grasslands, ria, based on the HNV farming concept, Ireland.
permanent grasslands, grazing animals have been incorporated. The system moni- This project aims to test existing
and area in special agri-environment tors the condition of relevant land cover methodologies for the identification and
scheme contracts supporting biodiversity elements, but does not monitor farming quantification of HNV farmland areas;
will have a relatively large weighting, practices. In Italy, a system using data determine the link between biodiversity
while other farming statistics have lower from sample surveys is also being devel- and land-use management practices on
weights in determining the HNV value of oped, in this case for HNV forests. selected farmland areas and develop farm
a farm. The total area of farms exceeding a level indicators for monitoring changes in
threshold value will be considered as HNV Local projects for ground- the extent and quality of HNV farmland. 
farmland, the area of which will be moni- truthing Contact James Moran at the Institute of
tored at intervals of a few years. EFNCP has always emphasised the need Technology, Sligo, at moran.james@
Research is also revealing critical data for ground-truthing of current methods to for further details.
issues that hinder the effective imple- identify HNV farmland using top-down

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

farms. Effectively, the CAP is rewarding

Enlarged advisory group on the labour on HNV farming at a far lower rate
than it rewards labour on inherently more
CAP post-2013 – competitive farms.
HNV-type farms are concentrated in
an EFNCP contribution marginal areas where their abandonment
is a concern for environmental and territo-
rial reasons – biodiversity and landscape

E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r, A g r i c u l t u r e
Commissioner Dacian Cioloş launched
an open debate on the future of the CAP
need for income support. Farms with least
productive conditions but which tend to
be inherently more valuable in terms of
loss, collapse of rural vitality and culture,
increased fire risk, etc.

post-2013. public goods, are generally in receipt of Differentiating CAP income

EFNCP joined a coalition of NGOs lower SPS payments. This situation repre- support payments
(BirdLife International, European sents a massively inefficient use of public EFNCP supports making income payments
Environment Bureau, International funds: the system is not targeted efficiently, to farms in order to prevent abandonment
Federation of Organic Agriculture either as an income support measure or as and consequent loss of land-management
Movements and WWF) in presenting a a public goods support measure. benefits produced by farming, but this can
proposal for a new CAP based on the prin- The Natural Handicap scheme (ex-LFA) only be done efficiently by targeting the
ciple of public money being used only to is a potential means of ‘correcting’ the bias types of farm that are most in danger of
support the provision of environmental of SPS, but such an approach is not only abandonment and whose abandonment is
public goods (see link at the end of the inefficient, it is also very poorly executed problematic.
article). in most regions, as the scheme fails to We believe that flat-rate payments for
In addition to the joint NGO proposal, target the most marginal farms, or those the bulk of farm-income support, while
EFNCP presented a number of specific that are most valuable for their public clearly an improvement on the unsus-
concerns which are summarised in this goods. tainable and discredited ‘historic’ basis,
article. These points are complementary to Food security is the latest argument cannot be defended as a rational policy. As
the joint NGO proposal: presented by the farming sector for main- a system, it reflects neither the realities of
• reforming the CAP to make an efficient taining blanket farm income payments. farm income needs on the ground, nor the
use of public funds under the CAP in Yet the bulk of food production in Europe great differences in environmental public
order to pursue a range of EU policy is from larger, higher productivity farms goods provision that are inherent in differ-
goals effectively (the current design of with good physical conditions for agri- ent farming types.
the CAP fails on both counts); culture. These farms are the best placed A targeted scheme for HNV farming is
• targeting the public funds of the CAP in the EU to earn their income from the essential in order to support the economic
money on promoting public goods, market, through food production rather viability of farming types that deliver
primarily environmental and wider than subsidy. most of the environmental public goods
territorial goals that are not delivered This greater adaptation to the market associated with European farming, but
through the market (food security is was a fundamental rationale behind which currently are threatened with aban-
a bogus argument for blanket income the 2003 reforms. There is no reason to donment or intensification as a result of
payments to EU farmers); reverse this principle. There is no world the low incomes they generate from the
• recognition of the role of High Nature food shortage at present, nor is a shortage market.
Value (HNV) farming, and semi-natural expected. Local access to food is the critical How should payments be targeted at
grasslands in particular, as central to issue, and increased EU production will HNV farming? EFNCP believes that an
the public goods delivered by European not solve this problem. approach based on the delineation of HNV
farming. CAP reform is an opportunity Farms in marginal production condi- farmland ‘zones’ alone, while superficially
to correct fundamental weaknesses in tions (land with physical, geographical attractive in its simplicity, has many inher-
their current protection under cross- and/or structural limitations) have ent weaknesses. Such zones are not easily
compliance, and to introduce an limited options to become competitive defined. Zoning is not an efficient way, on
EU-wide system of support payments and earn their living mainly from the its own, to target support.
to incentivise their maintenance across market. These farms have the most seri- Any geographically defined zone
the Union. ous income problems. Many HNV farms will include wide variations in farming
are in this category – physical conditions types and practices. The LFA scheme has
Farm incomes and reasons for have prevented intensification, hence their shown these problems over many years.
supporting them continued nature value. It is therefore essential to apply eligibility
Farming and rural circumstances vary The EC-funded MEACAP (Impact of criteria at the farm-level in order to target
hugely across the EU. In any given region Environmental Agreements on the CAP) support to the holdings whose character-
or district, there are great variations in net study showed that farms with low-inten- istics make them of greater nature value
farm incomes and in the need for income sity characteristics fitting the broad criteria (and if appropriate, that are in greater
support. The threats of land abandon- of HNV farming had lower net incomes need of economic support).
ment and loss of rural vitality are not than non-HNV farms. In many cases, Farm-level criteria are a far more
generalised across the EU, they are highly HNV farms had a negative net income robust method than zoning. The French
concentrated in certain more marginal if CAP support is excluded, and in some Prime Herbagère Agro-environnementale
areas. cases, even with CAP support included. (PHAE) shows that such an approach
As a general rule, the ‘historic’ Single Such farms are sustained because family can be applied at a national level. While
Payment Scheme (SPS) directs the higher farm labour is costed below the legal mini- the eligibility criteria and thresholds of
support payments to farms with more mum wage. The MEACAP study showed PHAE are not exactly as EFNCP would
productive conditions that are better able HNV-type farms receive lower levels of propose for targeting HNV farming, the
to farm for the market, and have least support from CAP Pillar 1 than non-HNV basic approach is highly appropriate.

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

This scheme uses farm-level criteria such the EU, farmers will be encouraged to as a financial burden. It is an investment
as proportion of grassland, proportion of register HNV grassland on LPIS (Land in greater efficiency and thus in future
biodiversity elements (semi-natural farm- Parcel Identification System), because they savings.
land features), plus basic conditions on know it will bring them a financial reward.
practices such as livestock densities and Such a payment system would create Rural Development Programmes
input use. EFNCP also favours capping a reverse of the current situation, where targeted at HNV farming
payments per unit of labour as a method cross-compliance effectively places an Broad protection and incentives to indi-
of combining a fairer payment distribution economic burden on farms that have kept vidual farmers will not be enough to
with a more efficient use of sparse public a high proportion of HNV grassland. maintain HNV farming in many marginal
money. farming situations, where the social fabric
The same approach can also be applied, Data systems are essential and economic viability of HNV farming is
with adaptations, to provide targeted to a public-goods CAP – the under severe threat. Such areas need a far
support to HNV farms with an arable importance of IACS and LPIS more pro-active and integrated approach
and/or permanent crop orientation. Thus The French PHAE scheme is totally to Rural Development and to farming
the PHAE shows the way forward for a dependent on a reliable LPIS system strategies to give any hope of a sustainable
pan-EU support scheme for HNV farming. through which different land uses can be future.
Criteria would be national and regional, in identified at farm and parcel level, and is HNV farmers in such situations
a common EU frame. also dependent on effective recording of need to be motivated, encouraged and
HNV zones may be used in addition to livestock numbers on holdings. informed by expert advice from local
farm-level criteria, as way of budgetary To make differentiated payments on projects. Experience shows that such an
and territorial prioritisation, but they do the basis of public goods, it is essential to approach can greatly increase the take-
not remove the need for farm-level eligi- have this sort of basic information about up and effectiveness of agri-environment
bility criteria to target payments. holdings. LPIS is also crucial for effective schemes, stimulate marketing initiatives
We believe that such an economic cross-compliance implementation and for and diversification, draw in other funding,
incentive for maintaining semi-natural application of CMEF indicators on HNV and create a critical mass of ‘belief’ in the
grassland within farms across the EU will farmland. Yet the process of CAP decou- future that is crucial to sustainability.
be far more effective than legal protec- pling threatens to dismantle the extremely Guy Beaufoy:
tion. Currently, such grasslands can be valuable LPIS. The joint NGO position paper on CAP reform
destroyed or abandoned without authori- Maintaining and developing these data can be found at:
ties or farmers being aware of what has systems will allow a more efficient use Proposal_for_a_new_common_agricultural_
been lost. By providing an incentive across of public funds and should not be seen policy_FINAL_100302.pdf

Prince of Wales, and from Sir John Lawton,

Memories of a conference distinguished ecologist and chair of the
UK’s Royal Commission on Environmental
Mountain hay meadows – hotspots of Pollution.
We were delighted to bring together
biodiversity and traditional culture delegates from such a varied but comple-
mentary range of backgrounds: farmers,
June 2010, Transylvania, Romania biologists, sociologists, economists, policy-
makers, mayors, teachers, guesthouse

T he sun shone, the meadows bloomed,

and the 96 delegates enjoyed the rustic
setting of a restored barn and village
diverse fields of expertise. For other
participants there was an opportunity to
present research results as posters, as well
owners and NGOs. Lively discussions
during breaks, meals and field trips
created new friends and connections, and
houses for discussions on the culture, as participating in the workshops and field revealed a common purpose amongst
traditional management, science and trips. The conference included a VIP recep- these groups for the conservation, sustain-
conservation of mountain hay meadows, tion, two mornings of talks, six workshops able management and social value of
and opportunities for tourism, food and and four field trips to the study areas of mountain hay meadows.
education. the project. The meadows of Transylvania are
Invited speakers presented results, We received and published messages some of the most species-rich grasslands
opinions and recommendations in their of support from His Royal Highness The of Europe. Amongst them, the hay mead-
Bob Gibbons

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

Károly. On the second day, Bela – whose

grandfather returned to Gyimes because of
his children, born to a local woman while
he was stationed nearby on military serv-
ice during the First World War – gave us
more evidence of the local knowledge on
biodiversity. He and Zsolt contrasted the
academic and traditional knowledge of
plant species, and their indicator or heal-
ing roles. He told us about local folklore,
for example that Gyimes people say that
cuckoos, at the end of June, when they stop
singing in the forests, turn into a bird of
prey and steal the chickens from gardens.

László Demeter
Some other notable moments from the
conference were Patrick McGurn, in the
hot sunshine, explaining a hay-drying
technique used in the wet Irish climate,
ows found in the hills and mountains of Scabious flowers amongst the hay Owen Mountford exploring local flora,
Eastern Transylvania are outstanding in meadow flora at Gyimes. listing examples from Kazakhstan, Rainer
terms of biodiversity, landscape beauty Waldhardt warning us of quick unwanted
and the living rural communities that Biodiversity. change in land ownership, Jeremy
created and manage them. Our project Two local translators did a magnificent Staniforth exhorting us for yet more data,
aims to help and record the sustainable job of simultaneous translation in the face and Razvan Popa’s force analysis.
use of hay meadows and thus to maintain of much specialist vocabulary, so that we Several of the workshops were memo-
high biodiversity, important ecosystem were able to offer Hungarian and English rable for their picturesque outdoor
services and healthy local communities in presentations to complement the bilingual settings, which stimulated much imagi-
two adjacent but very distinct landscapes conference booklet. native thinking. The conference forms a
of the Eastern Carpathians. Fascinating field trips to two meadow central part of a project part-funded by
The mayors, farmers and business sites, which are the subject of our current the Global Environment Facility Small
owners from the region were surprised research, introduced delegates to the land- Grants Programme. The workshop reports
to find that their meadows attracted such scape, flora and fauna of this part of the will directly inform the development of
interest and appreciation from the interna- Eastern Carpathians of Romania. László meadow management plans required by
tional delegates. One of the benefits of such Demeter and Anna-Mária Csergő showed this project, and recommendations for
an event is to raise local awareness and us a typical wet meadow area of the Csík education, ecotourism, policies and rural
pride in the natural and cultural treasures (Ciuc) Basin. The site is important espe- development strategies for the region.
that have been sustained by traditional cially for amphibians and birds of prey. It Local producers offered the delegates
extensive agriculture over many genera- hosts one of the largest Moor Frog popu- a chance to see and buy local produce,
tions, and which are now under threat lations in Romania. The site is special for including textiles, painted wooden gifts,
from the pressures of the modern world. its solitary Medieval church too, with pottery, food, drinks and herbal products.
It was therefore gratifying that the school a magnificent painted altar. Delegates Tasty meals of local produce, eaten outside
teachers at the conference expressed a enjoyed the sight of a Marsh Harrier pair at long tables, and an evening of tradi-
wish for more information that will help nesting in a 300m2 patch of reed, and some tional dance and music helped to cement
them to teach their pupils about the value national rarities such as Bladderwort, the convivial atmosphere of the event. We
of this heritage. Bogbean and Tufted Loosestrife, the latter parted reluctantly, glad to have made new
Newspaper, radio, TV and web cover- two being on the southern edge of their friends and hoping to welcome them again
age before and during the event raised global distribution. Zsolt Molnár intro- to this beautiful region.
awareness among a much wider audi- duced us to the species-rich hay meadows The conference was organised by
ence, especially in Romania and Hungary. of Gyimes (Ghimes), making a live demon- the Pogány-havas Association, Barbara
The conference was also listed as an offi- stration of the huge local knowledge about Knowles and László Demeter and spon-
cial event of the International Year of plants with the help of 65-year-old ‘uncle’ sored by the Global Environment Facility
Small Grants Programme, the Szülőföld
Fund, Barbara Knowles Fund and EFNCP
through its Life+ 2010 Work Programme.
The organisers wish to thank the profes-
sional partners: Sapientia Hungarian
University of Transylvania, Fundatia
A D E P T, H a rg h i t a E n v i ro n m e n t a l
Protection Agency.
Presentations, the conference booklet
and further information about the confer-
ence and project can be found at www.
Barbara Knowles
László Demeter

Outdoor workshops during the

conference proved to be popular.

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

Book reviews: range of European cultural

landscapes intimately associated
their continued survival.
The book is well written and
also show great similarity in
terms of the conclusions they
books illustrating the with High Nature Value farming illustrated throughout with draw and the lists of actions they
importance of HNV systems. many beautiful photographs, recommend to address declines
At around €40, this book is and should appeal to both in HNV farming systems. They
farming systems worthwhile buying for those grassland specialists and a all end by highlighting what
aspects alone, and should broader audience. It costs members of EFNCP and readers
Since La Cañada last appeared appeal to the broader, non- around €70 and can be ordered of La Cañada have been aware
in press, three books have been specialist audience in particular. direct from the publishers of for years, namely that:
published which further help Copies can be ordered direct at: • agricultural production
to highlight the ecological, from the publisher at: www. EN/webwinkel/nature%20 systems in the marginal areas
nature conservation and cultural conservation/0/5962 are more strongly dependent on
importance of High Nature Value cultural-landscapes-of-europe. public support than in the more
farming systems across Europe. html Large-scale Livestock productive areas;
Grazing: a management • current EU agricultural
Cultural Landscapes Grasslands in Europe of and environmental support
of Europe: Fields of tool for nature packages are largely focused
high nature value
Demeter, haunts of Pan Edited by Peter Veen, Richard conservation on supporting intensive,
Edited by Knut Krzywinski, Jefferson, Jaques de Smidt & Jan Edited by Harald Plachter & biodiversity- and culturally-poor
Michael O’Connell & Hansjörg van der Straaten Ulrich Hampicke farming systems;
Küster Published by KNNV Publishing, Published by Springer, 2010 (as • the amount and type of
Published in English by 2009 an English translation from the support strongly influences
Aschenbeck Media, 2009 320 pages, hardback original German text) the type and intensity of
(also available in German and 465 pages, hardback management practices
Norwegian versions) implemented at farm level;
240 pages, softback • there is a recognition, in
principle, that those farming
systems which contribute to
nature conservation and cultural
landscape protection should be
rewarded for doing so;
• there are a number of ways
in which greater support for
such farming systems could
potentially be achieved (e.g.
This book aims to highlight the This book provides an overview targeting public support for the
wide range of biodiversity-rich of detailed investigations provision of nature conservation
grasslands which occur across into the effects of large-scale benefits, and increasing the
This book is the long-awaited Europe and explores their livestock grazing conducted production of premium goods
outcome from the EU-funded links with traditional, low- in Germany, in south-eastern from HNV systems);
European Thematic Network intensity methods of grassland Sweden, in western Ukraine and • it should be possible, in
PAN: cultural landscapes management for livestock forage in central Georgia, between the principle, to ensure that HNV
and their ecosystems (http:// and fodder production. The mid-1990s and early 2000s. The farming systems become, a project book has arisen largely out of book contains detailed and well- financially viable through
which was coordinated by the the pioneering work conducted referenced chapters covering increasing public support, while
University of Bergen and to by Peter Veen and other topics associated with these maintaining the elements of the
which EFNCP was one of the botanists over the past 13 years grazing systems, such as changes farming systems which produce
many European partners who to classify and map grasslands in vegetation type and structure the nature conservation and
contributed between 2003 and in central and eastern Europe, on pastures; livestock grazing cultural landscapes benefits.
2005. The book represents a but also draws on studies from behaviour and preferences; It is, however, all very well to
first attempt at presenting an elsewhere in Europe. spatial patterns of grazing come to such broad conclusions,
overview of cultural landscapes The early chapters provide and impacts on butterflies and but in reality these are no
from a European perspective. background information grasshoppers in the Ukraine; different to what EFNCP and
The early chapters draw on topics such as grassland and landscape-scale impacts on others have been saying since
on archaeological evidence communities and classification, habitat connectivity. The book the 1990s. What none of the
to highlight the origins and grassland fauna, the history of also gives some consideration to final chapters of these three
development of many of these agriculture and the relationship farmer attitudes to such grazing books tackle is the fundamental
landscapes, and also consider the between grasslands and systems within the German question ‘How can we ever hope
wide range of factors currently climate. These are followed study areas, and the scale at to achieve the marked change in
having an adverse impact on the by a set of 24 case studies, which any future public support public funding which is necessary
farming systems responsible for written by an international would need to be implemented. to support HNV farming systems,
the creation and maintenance team of experts, which serve If you can afford the rather given the current structure
of those landscapes. Given that to illustrate the diversity of expensive price-tag (£117), and of CAP and agri-environment
the text was originally written grassland types and associated are a specialist looking for a support payments and the lack
in 2005, some of those early grassland management. The detailed overview of some of the of political will across Europe
chapters (especially the sections authors highlight that about ecological processes operating to reverse this?’ It is easy to
dealing with the potential half of Europe’s endemic species at the field, farm and landscape say that such systems are more
implications of the Common depend on grasslands, and scale, then this book is for you. deserving of support but, as
Agricultural Policy reform that many of these grasslands Copies can be ordered from EFNCP has found over the years,
that was happening at that are intimately associated Amazon’s UK and German it is much more difficult to put
time) are a little out-dated. with traditional agricultural websites: this into practice. None of these
However, the really interesting and cultural landscapes. Large-scale-Livestock-Grazing- books say that what really needs
and valuable aspect of the Agricultural intensification and Conservation-Sustainable/ to be done is actually to stop
book is that it contains brief abandonment are threatening dp/3540686665 tinkering within the constraints
(2- to 4-page) descriptions of the future of such grasslands, of current CAP and agri-
over 50 examples of cultural with significant reductions in Although differing in style environment support systems
landscapes from across Europe. their area having been recorded and content, all three books and to implement a major
Although these are not as over the last few decades. The complement each other well in change in the focus of publicly-
detailed as the EFNCP’s HNV book concludes by considering serving to illustrate the range funded support. Without such
showcase site ( the risk that EU policy might of habitats, species and cultural a change, the habitats, species
hnv-showcases/), and are not lead to loss or degradation of landscapes that still exist with and cultural landscapes so well
always linked to the underlying grasslands of high nature value strong links to HNV farming illustrated in these three books
farming systems being practised, and suggests where there may systems. In this respect, all will simply continue to decline,
these descriptions still provide a be opportunities to support the three are to be commended. and will eventually be lost.
fascinating insight into a wide farming systems essential for Disappointingly, however, they Davy McCracken

La Cañada – Number 24 Summer 2010

the project, and its outcomes, had strong

Innovative scheme on the Burren support from the local farming commu-
nity (an 88% approval rating), the ultimate
sustainability test!

T he much-discussed concept of support-

ing High Nature Value farming has
become a reality in Ireland, with the
The tested and costed ‘blueprint’
developed through BurrenLIFE formed
the basis for the new BFCP. The scheme,
recent launch of a new ‘Burren farming run under Article 68.1(a)(i) of Regulation
for conservation programme’ (BFCP), a 73/2009, was adopted jointly by the
targeted programme of farming for conser- Department of Agriculture and Food and
vation for the Burren region, situated the Department of Environment, Heritage
along Ireland’s mid-western coast. and Local Government in 2009 as a model
Venue of the Forum’s 2000 conference, of best practice for landscape conservation
the Burren, an internationally renowned Brendan Dunford in Ireland, ironically coinciding with the
glaciated karst landscape, is well known closure of the national agri-environment
for its rich biodiversity and remarkable scheme (REPS). According to Agriculture
cultural heritage. Concerns for the future Minister Brendan Smith, ‘It has become
of the Burren have grown recently as a clear that “grazing by livestock” is the
result of an increasing imbalance in farm- Suckler cows are the dominant grazer primary component for the conservation
ing activity between the rocky upland on the Burren and are a major factor in of the biodiversity and landscape of the
areas – traditionally used for low-input ensuring the presence of high levels of Burren.’
winter grazing – and the more fertile local biodiversity. The annual budget for the three-year
lowland summer-grazed grasslands. As BFCP is €1m, a sum expected to accommo-
has been reported in previous editions Authority) and the Burren Irish Farmers date 100 farmers for whom the maximum
of La Cañada (11 & 13), the heritage-rich Association. The project was a major payment will be €15,000. Payments under
uplands are suffering from undergraz- success on the ground, resulting in a 25% the BFCP will be made under three basic
ing and neglect, while there has been an increase in grazing, the restoration of measures:
intensification of farming activity (more 15km of stone walls and the removal of • Protection of Natura 2000 land and
slurry, fertiliser use, etc) on the associated scrub (using a variety of methods) from other areas of Annex I habitat.
lowland improved grasslands. 100ha of priority habitat, and the creation • Capital Enhancement Works, including
These all too familiar pressures of of 55km of paths. The development of a works such as wall restoration, water
intensification and abandonment have new Burren feed ration helped to reduce and access provision and scrub removal.
culminated in extensive scrub encroach- silage feeding (a major source of pollution • Production of species-rich limestone
ment (15-20% of the region is now and a strong contributory factor in under- grassland, whereby farmers will be
inundated, mainly with Hazel Corylus grazing) by 60% or 650,000kg per annum. paid according to the ecological qual-
avellana) and there are growing concerns Significant added value was given to ity of their grassland as determined by
regarding water quality. Natura 2000 the work of the project through a detailed trained advisors.
designations and national agri-envi- monitoring programme. All project A measure of the interest in farming for
ronmental programmes were failing to activities were monitored to prove to conservation is the fact that over 350 farm-
address these threats effectively, so an farmers that their ‘conservation cattle’ ers applied for inclusion in the programme
alternative solution had to be found for the were not being affected negatively by within two weeks of its launch. Already,
region, which is touted to become Ireland’s the changes and to prove to the taxpayer pressure is growing to increase funding to
next World Heritage Site nominee. that the project increased biodiversity and accommodate more farmers. According to
The solution came in the form of improved water quality. Socio-economic farm leader, Michael Davoren, ‘The future
BurrenLIFE, a five-year applied research research showed that while farmers were for Burren farming is in the production of
project which took place on 20 Burren operating at a loss, there was a public species-rich grasslands…the BFCP gives
farms (2,500ha) and was funded through ‘Willingness to Pay’ for the range of goods us a chance to become architects of our
the EU LIFE Nature Fund and sponsored (landscape, biodiversity) that Burren own destiny.’
by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, farmers were producing, amounting to Further information can be found on
in partnership with Teagasc (the National an estimated €842/ha. Adding to this
Agriculture and Food Development economic imperative was the fact that Brendan Dunford, BurrenLife

The European Forum on Nature Conservation Edited and published by the European Forum The editors would like to thank the follow-
and Pastoralism brings together ecologists, on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism. ing: Xavier Poux, Guy Beaufoy, and Davy
nature conservationists, farmers and policy- This issue was supported by the European McCracken, Brendan Dunford, Barbara
makers. This non-profit-making network Commission DG Environment. The European Knowles, Nat Page, Gergely Rodics, Cristi
exists to increase understanding of the high Commission is not responsible for any use that Gherghiceanu and Inge Paulini.
nature-conservation and cultural value of may be made of the information contained herein.
certain farming systems and to inform work
on their maintenance. © copyright 2010 EFNCP Views expressed within La Cañada do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, the
supporting organisations or the publisher.
Editor of this issue of La Cañada: Gwyn Jones,
5/8 Ellishadder, Culnancnoc, Portree IV51
9JE, UK; tel: +44 788 411 6048;


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