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La Cañada

Newsletter of the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism No 27 Winter 2011
ISSN 1027-2070

Sheep in mountain pasture in Serbia.

Tomasz Pezold

La Cañada 27
EFNCP response to CAP Contents

proposals 1 EFNCP response to CAP proposals

6 HNV farming in the Aran Islands
7 Transhumant herders unite
8 Landmark case backs CAP support for

F ollowing a series of draft versions that

were widely leaked and criticised, the
Commission released its legal proposals
ronmental point of view, and especially
for extensive HNV farming systems.
For example, there are ways for Member
extensive grazing
9 Is greening of the CAP beneficial for
for the new CAP on 12th October (http:// States to avoid major redistributions of 10 Nature, people and place along the Pillar 1 support. Overall, there is far too western seaboard – a study tour report
legal-proposals/index_en.htm). much emphasis on standardised pack- 12 Burning and site condition – a modern
There are undoubtedly some good ages of rules for all farmers, in return
14 Curbing livestock emissions: how do
aspects to the proposed regulations. In for standardised payments, an approach
national targets operate within a
Pillar 1, the move away from the historic that flies in the face of the great diversity European strategy?
payment system of SPS to standardised of European farming. We believe that 17 Do not intensify the livestick sector
payments per hectare is a big step in the providing targeted incentives for specifi- too quickly – a comment on Bill
right direction for the EU15, and poten- cally positive farming types, practices and Grayson’s article
tially favours lower productivity land and features would be far more efficient. 19 Noticeboard
thus low-intensity farming. In Pillar 2, Major opportunities for better targeting
there is a welcome emphasis on the need of support to extensive farming types have Support EFNCP’s work –
for rural development programmes (RDP) been missed, under both Pillars. The prob- donate now at
to show clearly how they will deliver a set lems of large areas of actively farmed shrub
of EU priorities, where the words HNV and tree pastures being excluded from extensive grasslands and is unlikely to
farming are still to be found, based on an direct payments has not been resolved produce any environmental benefits, so it
analysis of what really needs to be done to (yet). Meanwhile, the supposed ‘green- is in danger of becoming just another layer
pursue these priorities. ing’ of Pillar 1 is largely ill-conceived, of pointless bureaucracy. Crucially, much
However, there is also much that is for permanent pastures, in particular, the now depends on the details of implement-
wrong with the proposals from an envi- proposed system offers nothing to protect ing rules and so-called ‘delegated acts’ to

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

be drawn up by the Commission in the benefit whatsoever for HNV farming. The of course, this minimum activity itself.
coming months. EU priority should be to maintain exist- Potentially, these concepts could work
The Commission’s 2011 Consultation ing biodiversity values where they exist well as a method for excluding land not
Document on CAP reform explicitly recog- (which is not just in NATURA sites), but in active use, but equally they could work
nised many issues which we regard as as usual the attention is all on intensive very badly. As with so much of the legal
important, including: farming. proposals, a great deal will depend on the
• the large extent of HNV farming Overall, the draft regulations fail Commission’s implementing rules, when
systems in the EU; completely to offer improved targeting of they appear. The regulation stresses that
• the risk of abandonment faced specifi- biodiversity concerns in agriculture, or to the intention is NOT to exclude small,
cally by extensive grasslands; establish sufficient resources for this. part-time farms. This affirmation that such
• that 65% of all EU habitat assessments farms are, indeed, real farming is very
are unfavourable, and generally habitat The new direct payment system welcome.
types associated with agriculture have The new Pillar 1 payment system moves
a worse conservation status than other away from the obsolete ‘historic’ model to The new ‘permanent grassland’
types (these are all extensive pastures/ a payment per hectare that is equal for all definition
meadows). farmland across a region. This should shift As outlined in previous editions of La
This explicit highlighting of chal- support in favour of less intensive farming Cañada, it is also essential to resolve
lenges by the Commission raised hopes systems that received less support under the problem of exclusions from direct
that CAP reform would bring positive the historic model – a very positive move. payments of extensive pastures due to
policy improvements for HNV farming A distinction is made between a ‘basic inappropriate eligibility criteria (shrubs,
and extensive grasslands especially. An payment’ and the ‘greening’ payment, but trees, etc.), otherwise large areas of farm-
improvement in basic economic support in practice these two elements combine to land of high nature value will continue to
is needed to halt the on-going decline in make up the new direct payment, replac- be excluded from support, and from all the
these land uses, as has been emphasised ing SPS and SAPS. potential good aspects of the new CAP.
on several occasions by DG ENV and The potentially positive outcomes of For the key HNV farmland type –
Environment Commissioner Potočnik, by the new system depend entirely on the pastures and meadow – there are some
the EEA and by the main environmental future implementing rules and Member changes from the current CAP definition.
NGOs. State implementation decisions. For Permanent pasture is re-named ‘permanent
Yet the Commission’s published example, the question of how regions are grassland’, presumably to emphasise that
proposals for the CAP offer nothing delineated by Member States will deter- the EC, in principle, wants support to go
specific to support HNV farming. There mine how much redistribution of support to grass pasture and not to shrubby and
is no mention in the new regulations of takes place. Of course, theoretically the woody pasture, a prejudice that seems to
the environmental importance of exten- regionalisation could be done in a posi- be based largely on ignorance of just how
sive grasslands/pastures and extensive tive way for HNV farming, for example important such pastures are in some EU
livestock (as highlighted by the EP’s Dess by defining all semi-natural pastures regions. However, a new clause states that
report), which make up the majority of and meadows as a ‘region’, with a higher non-herbaceous forage may be present.
HNV farming in Europe, or of the specific payment than other regions, on the This encouraging insertion is spoiled by
socio-economic challenges faced by these grounds of lower economic returns from the caveat that grass must be the predomi-
farming systems. the market for this land. But the regulation nant vegetation.
In fact, there is nothing concrete in gives considerable flexibility, so that in This can be interpreted in various ways.
the regulations that can be used to halt Spain, for example, there are discussions On the one hand, the EC seems to be recog-
the decline of these land uses other than about making one ‘region’ for irrigated nising that non-herbaceous forage (shrubs,
the agri-environment measure that has land, and another ‘region’ for non-irri- trees) are used legitimately for grazing (or
existed since the 1980s, and the Natural gated land, with a higher rate of payment more correctly, for browsing), which is
Constraints (previously LFA) measure that for the irrigated region in order to avoid a step in the right direction. This should
has existed since the 1970s. But whether a redistribution of support in favour of encourage Member States who have
to use these measures to support HNV lower yielding systems. tended to exclude pastures with shrubs
farming depends on national or regional A theme of the reform debate has been and trees from Direct Payments to change
decisions. There is no steer at the EU level. how to focus CAP support on ‘active’ their approach, and to include them in
Crucial opportunities have been missed farmers. The proposal is that claimants future. Bulgaria, Sweden and Estonia may
to introduce EU-level requirements for shall be excluded if the annual amount now be able to bring into Pillar 1 the large
targeting CAP income support, through a of direct payments is less than 5% of their of areas of NATURA farmland habitats
system of top-up payments for HNV farm- total income, or if their agricultural areas currently excluded, even though these
ing (or simply for extensive grasslands) are mainly areas naturally kept in a state are genuine farmland in active use by real
under Pillar 1 and under the Natural suitable for grazing or cultivation and farmers. Member States that have always
Constraints measure. they do not carry out on those areas the included such pastures in the eligible area
Furthermore, the CAP measures that minimum activity established by Member (France, Spain, UK) might breathe a sigh
specifically affect grasslands – perma- States. of relief.
nent pasture definition, cross-compliance, For many small farms these restrictions On the other hand, the EC’s insistence
greening criteria – include several aspects will not be a problem, as they do not apply that grass should remain predominant
that may be directly negative for these if the direct payment in the previous year has no agronomic or environmental justi-
farmlands of high nature value. was less than e5,000. For larger farms, the fication. If it is taken with flexibility, there
The attempts at a ‘greening package’ for second criterion raises some concerns for may be no problems, but if applied strictly
Pillar 1 offer potential for environmental pastures under very extensive use. The this clause could still lead to exclusions
benefits only in intensively farmed land- outcomes will depend entirely on how of perfectly legitimate pastures, the graz-
scapes, specifically through the proposed Member States define the areas where ing/browsing of which is important for
7% ecological focus area, but are of no ‘minimum activity’ is mandatory and, ecosystem services, for example, heather

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

moorlands of the UK uplands, or shrub in 2014 (although a 5% decline would be and afforested areas.
pastures used especially by goats in south- allowed). However, the above claims The EFA proposal is positive in princi-
ern regions of the EU, where grazing plays concerning carbon and habitat in relation ple, although benefits will occur only on
a vital role in reducing fire risks. The new to permanent pasture have absolutely no intensive farmland. For HNV farmland
definition therefore does not remove the foundation, given the proposed defini- the measure brings no benefit, as EFA is
present confusion, it simply alters it. A far tion of permanent grasslands. The farmer already far more than 7% on all types of
simpler and more complete solution is to who ploughs, reseeds and heavily fertilises HNV farmland. EFNCP proposes that a
remove the word ‘herbaceous’ from the a semi-natural permanent grassland - with Direct Payment premium should be paid
current definition completely, as it contrib- major release of carbon and destruction of in proportion to EFA above the minimum
utes nothing useful. biodiversity - would still comply with the threshold, as a reward and recognition of
In EFNCP’s opinion, it is time to get greening measure for permanent grass- the value of these elements and an incen-
rid of all attempts to define the preferred lands, as long as the parcel stays in grass. tive to keep them.
types of vegetation, numbers of trees, As currently, the proposed definition of An important problem with the
bushes (or blades of grass?) on farm- permanent grassland includes grass leys of Commission’s proposals is the counting
land at the EU level. Such an approach 1-5 years. This means that all of the semi- of afforested land as part of the 7% EFA
will never reflect the diversity of EU natural pastures and meadows in the EU requirement. Afforestation is a significant
farmland, and will always tend to create could be converted into annual grass leys, threat to remaining patches of semi-natu-
problems for farmers and for national with consequent massive carbon release ral grassland and policy should be aiming
administrations. It is also completely and biodiversity loss, and they would still to maintain these patches in their current
unnecessary. The proposed DP regulation count as permanent grassland under the use, not encouraging their conversion to
rightly establishes that at least a minimum CAP. The cross-compliance and greening woodland. This proposal should apply
agricultural activity must be carried out package ‘control’ of the permanent grass- only when the afforested land was previ-
for land to be eligible for support (‘carry- land area is rendered meaningless by this ously in arable cropping.
ing out a minimum activity to be established definition and the failure to exclude grass The current wording is made worse by
by Member States on agricultural areas natu- leys. seeming not to include semi-natural grass-
rally kept in a state suitable for grazing or In addition, there are major discrepan- land as part of EFA – only linear features
cultivation’). EFNCP believes that mini- cies in the LPIS of many countries, with and land left fallow are mentioned. This
mum activity should be the basic criterion permanent grasslands wrongly assigned to could further encourage farmers to plant
for determining if a pasture is eligible to the temporary grassland or arable codes. trees on remaining patches of semi-natural
receive DP, not whether it is grass, shrub This major CAP reform should be adjust- grassland. Semi-natural grassland should
or wood pasture, or whether the propor- ing grassland categories, making a clearer be included explicitly in EFA.
tion of grass is as expected by DG AGRI. division between permanent and tempo- Land under permanent pasture is not
However, the new regulations have rary grasslands by putting grasslands required to have 7% EFA, according to the
muddied this apparently simple approach reseeded at less than six-year intervals proposed regulations. This might make
by introducing a category of land – ‘agri- into the temporary grassland category. On sense for permanent grasslands under
cultural area considered as mainly areas that basis, inaccuracies in LPIS could be low-intensity management that are inher-
naturally kept in a state suitable for grazing or corrected. ently of environmental value, but it makes
cultivation’ – where the minimum activity The 2014 threshold date is the nail in no sense for permanent pasture as defined
requirements do not necessarily apply. The the coffin of the permanent grassland in the regulation (see above). Farmland
Commission has explained this category ‘greening’ measure. It is an invitation to under intensively managed grass should
in discussions by referring to land grazed farmers to plough up permanent pasture also be required to have 7% EFA.
by deer, for example. This illustrates the over the next two years. But simply chang- Another problem is the proposal for
confusion caused by trying to define agri- ing the date is not a solution to these flaws. organic farms to be exempt from the
cultural land by the land cover rather than The Commission promises that the issue greening requirements. This proposal
by its actual use. of reseeding permanent pastures will be shows a worrying lack of knowledge in
addressed through future delegated acts. the Commission about the range of organic
Permanent grassland greening farming systems. Whereas in a like-for-like
component Other elements of greening situation, organic farming is generally
A total of 30% of the direct payments will Farmers shall ensure that at least 7% of more favourable for biodiversity than
now be given for ‘greening’ measures. their eligible hectares, excluding areas conventional systems, this does not mean
Under this mechanism, farmers will be under permanent grassland, is an ecologi- that an organic farm automatically retains
required to maintain the extent of perma- cal focus area (EFA), such as fallow, permanent pasture and EFA, or uses a
nent grassland existing on their holding terraces, landscape features, buffer strips crop rotation. There are intensive organic

Câmpeneşti, Romania.
Gwyn Jones

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

systems that retain very little biodiversity farmland’. This term ‘unwanted vegeta- and landless graziers in parts of southern
value, such as bare-soil horticulture and tion’ (combined with the term ‘herbaceous’ and eastern Europe especially. The regula-
fruit cropping (e.g. strawberries). This in the permanent pasture definition) has tion refers to environmental justifications
proposal from the Commission would been interpreted in some cases as a blanket for these payments, which is a welcome
allow a farmer to convert an area of HNV assumption that the presence of shrubs on change from earlier drafts, and was
permanent grassland to intensive organic permanent pastures constitutes a breach proposed by EFNCP. In fact, we believe
horticulture, and even to remove all the of GAEC. This makes no sense – many that maintaining landscape and habi-
EFA from the land, while still complying Habitats Directive Annex 1 grasslands are tats, and fire prevention, should be main
with the greening component. by definition mosaics of herbaceous and reasons for these payments. There also
woody vegetation. should be a requirement for maximum
Cross-compliance The new draft regulation removes stocking density thresholds as a safe-
Under the current GAEC regulations, this requirement on ‘avoiding unwanted guard against problems of overgrazing.
Member States must design rules to vegetation’, thus hopefully avoiding some
‘ensure a minimum level of maintenance of the problems of the past rigid applica- Rural development (EAFRD)
and avoid the deterioration of habitats’, tion of rules on the presence of shrubs. For six years, HNV farming has been an
including the option to require minimum But it has been replaced with nothing. By EAFRD priority, and many Member States
standards of positive management, such removing the overarching requirement have made progress in identifying and
as ‘minimum livestock stocking rates and/ to avoid the deterioration of habitats, supporting these systems, especially in
or appropriate regimes’. This is a good the Commission has given up on any the past two years. Some of the best initia-
option, and EFNCP has proposed that attempts to link Direct Payments to the tives for biodiversity under the current
this optional requirement should become appropriate management of permanent EAFRD have taken place under the HNV
obligatory on Member States under the pastures. This is a major step backwards farming umbrella, for example the HNV
new CAP. In this way, farmers using exten- in terms of how the CAP treats perma- grasslands scheme in Romania. It is posi-
sive grasslands would be encouraged to nent pastures of environmental value. tive, therefore, that the priority to support
maintain a minimum of grazing activity. And the proposals forbid Member States HNV farming is maintained in the EAFRD
This would fit well with the recom- from having GAEC requirements that proposal, although in a slightly changed
mendation from the European Court of are not in the EC regulation, so countries format.
Auditors (2011) that: GAEC standards such as the UK will have to remove their The new EAFRD regulation requires
should require concrete and regular activities current rules on avoiding habitat deterio- that the next round of RDPs should include
to be carried out by farmers for them to receive ration. a clear analysis of needs on the ground in
the full amount of the aid. The Commission may think that their relation to the six EU priorities for rural
The current option to ‘require mini- greening proposal for ecological focus development, with appropriate measures
mum standards of positive management’ areas somehow replaces the current and resources in response to these identi-
is removed from the new cross-compliance GAEC theme of avoiding habitat dete- fied needs. If robustly applied by Member
clauses, although similar wording now rioration, but clearly it does not. The States and the Commission (a big if?), then
appears as part of the definition of agricul- greening proposal requires only 7% of a any programming region with a signifi-
tural activity and thus of basic eligibility for holding to be under EFA, so that any area cant presence of HNV farming will surely
Direct Payments (see above). It will now be of semi-natural farmland that is above this have to include a satisfactory analysis of
up to Member States to define ‘minimum threshold and not a linear or point land- the needs of these farming types and a
activity’. For permanent pastures, we scape feature (protected by GAEC) would suitable response to these needs through
propose that authorities should include no longer be protected. If it is semi-natural the RDP measures.
minimum grazing regimes or livestock grassland, we have seen already that the
densities. permanent pasture greening mechanism is Thematic sub-programmes –
But at the same time, the Commission of no use. Article 8
has removed the crucial requirement to In this context, it is worth remember- Member States may include thematic
‘avoid the deterioration of habitats’. The ing that the EIA Directive requirements sub-programmes within their RDPs,
requirements on landscape and minimum on the deterioration of semi-natural farm- contributing to EU priorities and
level of maintenance are now reduced to land habitats (including semi-natural aimed to address specific needs identi-
meaning ‘retention of landscape features’, grasslands) are not included in the cross- fied in the programming area. These
whereas the current GAEC requirement compliance SMR (inexplicably) and are sub-programmes should combine a range
to avoid habitat deterioration applies applied very weakly in most Member of measures and may pay a higher rate
to farmland generally, and in the case States. There is thus no EU-wide instru- of aid to beneficiaries. The approach
of permanent pastures would apply to ment designed to prevent the deterioration seems ideal for supporting HNV farm-
issues such as over-grazing and under- due to intensification, inappropriate use or ing systems such as extensive livestock,
grazing. The Commission argument is that afforestation of semi-natural grasslands. transhumance or traditional orchards,
‘Member States did not use this option’, so The burden will be carried entirely by agri- but unfortunately such themes are
this is why they are getting rid of it. But environment and NATURA payments. not included in the list of suggestions
the Commission is wrong. Some countries provided. On the other hand, neither are
do require a minimum livestock density Coupled payments they excluded, so presumably a Member
(e.g. Bulgaria, Spain), and some explicitly The option to use coupled payments is State could propose such sub-programmes
require farmers to avoid deterioration of reinforced in the new regulations, recognis- if sufficient justification is given.
semi-natural farmland, such as species- ing that total decoupling was never a good
rich grassland (e.g. UK). idea, as EFNCP has never tired of point- Afforestation, agro-forestry, fire
The reality is that Member States were ing out. We believe that coupled payments prevention – Article 22
pushed by the GAEC wording to focus are very necessary in certain situations for Article 22 provides for aid for afforestation,
on obligatory standards for ‘avoiding maintaining pastoral systems, especially agro-forestry and fire prevention actions,
encroachment of unwanted vegetation on on common land, transhumant systems amongst other things. EU-funded affor-

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

estation has already destroyed millions

of hectares of semi-natural grassland
and HNV farmland over recent decades
in Spain, Portugal and Ireland. Now the
problem is appearing in Romania and is
starting to compete with the agri-environ-
ment scheme for HNV grasslands. There
is no robust rationale for promoting farm-
land afforestation across the EU. Forest is
expanding naturally through farmland
abandonment. It is grassland habitats that
are declining, not forest. There must at
least be provisions for preventing affor-
estation of extensive grasslands, as have
been introduced to prevent biofuel crops
on ‘highly biodiverse grasslands’. More
simply, only arable land and temporary
grassland should be eligible for affores-
tation aid.
Xavier Poux

The proposal to allow Direct Payments

on afforested land is extremely dangerous
for the future of Europe’s grassland habi-
tats and should be removed. This gives a Maintaining pastoralism in landscapes such as this, in the Cévennes, prevents fires
powerful incentive to abandon farming and the consequent release of carbon.
activity on extensive pastures and to affor-
est them instead – farmers thus avoid all Natural Constraints – Article 46 25 years. Environmental NGOs have called
the costs, labour and cross-compliance Article 46 revamps the old LFA scheme, for a minimum of 50% of all RDPs to be
obligations of keeping livestock, but get but with minimal changes. The categories spent on agri-environment, to ensure that
the same Direct Payment. This will encour- are still practically the same. The ‘specific all regions have ambitious programmes of
age rural depopulation. It is completely constraints’ category has existed for many these measures. The Commission propos-
incoherent that grazed forest under active years, and in some cases has been used als are for a minimum of 25% of EAFRD
farming should be excluded from Direct quite well, e.g. to support extensive live- expenditure under each RDP to be on
Payments (as currently occurs because stock in areas buffering protected areas in agri-environment and Natural Constraints
of the eligibility criteria for permanent Spain. This category can cover up to 10% measures (combined). This can be seen as
pasture and the infamous ‘50 trees rule’), of a Member State’s territory, which means an improvement on the current require-
while new forest that is NOT grazed that, by combining with mountain and ment for a minimum 25% expenditure
(no active farming) can receive Direct other natural constraint areas, it should be on Axis 2, which includes measures such
Payments. Afforested land without graz- possible to cover all areas of HNV farm- as farmland afforestation that absorbs
ing use should not be eligible for Direct ing. But the draft regulation gives no steer a significant part of the budget in some
Payments. towards supporting particular types of countries. But it is still a very low level
Support for new agro-forestry is a farming in the designated areas. Simply of ambition, being far below the current
more positive measure, although of quite giving money to farms in broad areas with expenditure on agri-environment and LFA
marginal interest. It is hard to see why constraints is not efficient or effective target- in many Member States, and probably not
the EU is so keen to provide payments ing. It is the same ‘blanket’ LFA scheme as requiring an increase in any country.
for new agro-forestry, when the millions always. DG AGRI has talked repeatedly of
of hectares of existing agro-forestry are improved targeting of the CAP, so where Co-operation measure –
seen as questionable beneficiaries of the are the tools for this under the Natural Article 36
CAP by EC auditors, because of rules that Constraints measure? This seems to be inspired by the idea of
are prejudiced against trees and shrubs Efficient targeting depends on farm- Local Partnership Projects that EFNCP has
on farmland (although tree nurseries are level eligibility criteria, not the broadly proposed as an innovative way to address
eligible for Direct Payments, bizarrely...). defined boundaries of the areas. The draft environmental aims through farmers and
The measure for fire prevention regulations fail to improve this crude NGOs working together in RDP-funded
actions must refer to grazing as an effi- and much-criticised measure. Provision projects. We regard this as a very positive
cient fire prevention tool, and this should be made explicitly for targeting measure, with great potential for making
approach should be eligible for special these payments on the basis of farm-level a real difference to the future of HNV
support under this measure. DG AGRI eligibility criteria, for example to steer farming communities at the local level.
seems to be stuck in the old ‘engineering’ payments (or make higher payments) to However, according to the regulation
approach to fire prevention, involving HNV farming types within the defined eligible organisations are to be found in
mechanical clearing of fire breaks and areas. ‘agriculture and food chain, forestry sector
undergrowth. Modern experts recognise and among other actors’. Environmental
the enormous value of grazing systems as Expenditure on Agri- organisations must be mentioned explic-
a low-cost prevention tool, and southern environment and Natural itly here, otherwise they are in danger of
Europe is scattered with innovative proj- Constraints measures not being included by national authori-
ects using grazing for fire prevention, but These two measures continue to provide ties.
these initiatives are invariably starved of the principal opportunities for supporting For more information or comments,
funding. HNV farming systems through targeted please contact or
payments, as has been the case for the past visit

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

stock are sold through dealers to farm-

HNV farming in the Aran Islands ers on the mainland for finishing. The
islands do have some advantages for cattle
production over other parts of Ireland.
The mild climate and soil conditions allow
cattle to remain outside all year round,
eliminating the need for costly cattle hous-
ing and associated waste facilities.
The mean January temperature is above
6°C and the heat released from the lime-
stone bedrock enables some grass growth
all year around, limiting the need for
large amounts of winter fodder, although
small amounts of hay are made during the
summer on some farms.
A very specialised management system
has evolved, with the farm containing
summer grazing and winterage land. The
winterage is left ungrazed during the

Patrick McGurn
summer, to build up a bank of grass to
meet the cattle’s requirements during the
winter. This system can only work with
low stocking rates. There were 1,659 cattle

O ff the west coast of Ireland, in the

mouth of Galway Bay, lie three enor-
mous slabs of Carboniferous limestone
The mosaic of tiny fields makes
management very time consuming.
and 285 sheep recorded in 2000, which
amounts to less than 0.5 LU/ha.
Small patches of arable have always
– the Aran islands: Inis Mór (Inish Mor), The walls served the purpose of remov- formed part of the island landscape,
Inis Meáin (Inishmaan) and Inis Oírr ing loose stone from farmland, and now producing potatoes for the house, rye for
(Inisheer). protect the soil of the treeless islands from thatching and oats for livestock. Seaweed
A geological extension of the Burren, in wind erosion, as well as offering shelter for supplies the crops’ nutrient needs. The
Co. Clare, the islands have a long history livestock from the harsh Atlantic winds. small field size and the shallow soils on
of settlement, despite their remote loca- Most of the soil present on the land has the limestone bedrock mean that cropped
tion. Monuments from all phases of Irish been created by generations of farmers areas have to be dug and harvested by
history are represented on the islands, bringing sand and seaweed from the shore hand. Because of the high labour require-
from the much-visited cliff-top fort of Dún onto the bare limestone. ment, these practices are in steep decline,
Aengus to Early Christian remains, such as In 2000, the area farmed by the 224 threatening Aran’s unique arable weed
the oratory of Temple Benen and Tighlath producers on the islands was recorded as flora, such as the cornflower (Centaurea
Eany. 3,025ha: an average holding size of 13.5ha, cyanus), darnel (Lolium temulentum) and
The island population has been in significantly below the Irish national aver- bristle oat (Avena strigosa).
decline since the potato famine of the age of 31.4ha. However, over 30% of the These agricultural practices have over
1840s, dropping to 824 on Inis Mór, 247 on farms are smaller than 10ha, and often the years created a High Nature Value
Inis Oírr and 154 on Inis Meáin by 2006. made up of many separate parcels of land. (HNV) system containing a mixture of rare
The most striking feature of the islands The principal farming enterprises on Irish and European habitat types. These
is the thousands of kilometres of dry-stone the Aran Islands are single suckler beef include orchid-rich calcareous grassland
walling enclosing a mosaic of small fields. and store lamb production. The young (Corine Biotope 6210), lowland hay mead-
ows (6510), limestone pavement (8240)
and machair (21A0). Over 75% of the
total land area is designated as a Special
Area of Conservation (SAC) under the EU
Habitats Directive.
Like the neighbouring Burren, the area
represents a meeting point where plants
normally characteristic of Arctic-Alpine
and Mediterranean-Atlantic communi-
ties all grow together near sea level. Taken
together, the two areas represent just 1% of
the Irish land area but contain 75% of the
of the country’s entire native flora.
The islands also contain a number of
rare plant species, with 18 plant species
listed on the Irish Red Data list, three on
the Flora Protection Order (1999) and
another 12 species proposed for inclusion
Patrick McGurn

Stages in the creation of traditional

potato beds (‘lazy’ beds) – this small-
scale arable is all worked by hand.

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

in a revised Irish Red Data list. One partic-

ular plant, purple milk-vetch (Astragalus
danicus) is found only on Inis Mór and Inis
Meáin and nowhere else in Ireland.
They support an interesting and
important bird community with a species
assemblage of coastal and inland bird
species. Overall, the bird life of the islands
is considered to be of international signifi-
cance, owing to the presence of significant
numbers of bird species of European
conservation importance listed under
Annex I of the EU Birds Directive. These
include the Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea),
little tern (Sternula albifrons), Sandwich
tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis), peregrine
falcon (Falco peregrinus) and the red-billed
chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax). Of these
Patrick McGurn

birds, the chough’s survival is particu-

larly dependent on the farming system. It
is considered to be a common bird on the
Aran Islands, but is on the Amber list of
birds of conservation concern in Ireland. Scrubbing up of boreens (lanes) leads to abandonment of fields.

An uncertain future market returns. And the decline in tradi- but by working closely with farmers and
The future of these valued habitats and tional practices, such as growing local rye drawing on their knowledge and skills
species depends on the continuation of cultivars for thatching, not only endan- through the BurrenLIFE project, it was
the low-intensity agricultural system. gers the rare arable weeds and the genetic possible to produce a blueprint for farm-
However, just as in other parts of Europe, resource, but also the local knowledge on ing in the Burren which has led to a CAP
these small, fragmented farms, coupled how to carry out small-scale arable crop- scheme specifically for the area. A similar
with low stocking rates, are on a poor ping in this difficult environment. approach is needed for the Aran Islands.
economic footing. The resulting changes The continuation of low-intensity agri- According to official surveys, the
are affecting the condition of many culture on the Aran Islands is not only vital present condition of the Natura 2000
habitats, leading to an overall loss in biodi- for the survival of these internationally habitat types ranges from ‘poor’ to ‘bad’.
versity. In the absence of grazing, open important habitats, but is also important Therefore, to reach the 2020 targets set by
habitats in fields and boreens (narrow for the tourism industry on the island. the EU to halt the loss of biodiversity and
lanes) have been invaded by bracken, Over 200,000 people visit the islands each degradation of ecosystem services will
bramble and other scrub, or become rank, year to see its stone walls, field structure, require a targeted approach and measures
low-diversity grassland, thereby losing boreens, historic monuments and species- to address specific challenges. A local part-
most of their conservation value. rich grasslands. The islands are a classic nership is currently drawing up a LIFE
The arable area on the Aran Islands example of the broad range of ecosystem application as a first step to emulating the
has declined not only because of the high services that HNV farming can provide. successes of the Burren.
labour input required, but also the poor The Burren faced similar problems, Patrick McGurn;

that unite a shepherd in the Pyrenees with

Transhumant herders unite one in the Swiss Alps, or a Hungarian
transhumant herder with his counterpart
in Extremadura.

I n recent years, there have probably been

many events, symposiums, conferences,
documentaries, articles, papers and books
were just paid fairly and left to carry on
with our work . . .’
Europe’s shepherds are managing rare
So these are, in many ways, the
European counterparts of indigenous
peoples elsewhere in the world, and, just
singing the praises of pastoralism, and or endangered breeds, living in remote like them, they live a peripheral existence
stating the importance of mobile livestock rural areas, producing local foods and in the eye of the hurricane.
systems. Much more numerous have been gastronomic treasures. Maintaining the A minority within a minority, they make
the shepherds and herders across Europe ecosystem balance in so many ways, up less than 2% of the farming population
who in the same period have given up they are now widely recognised as both in many countries; their voice is rarely
their profession and way of life. custodians of high-value natural ecosys- heard from most farming unions. They are
The reasons are well documented. If we tems and wild species and as essential for invisible to the general public – the urban
take the time to ask a shepherd directly, sustaining local economies, rural areas and European mainstream moves easily and
we will get a long and wide-ranging list traditional cultures. capriciously from idealising a bucolic lost
of obstacles they have to face, from unfair If European countries have one thing paradise and pastoral myth, to disdain
markets and the dictatorship of monopo- in common, it is an elaborate and rich of real traditional livestock farmers. They
listic suppliers and retailers, to impossible diversity of agroecosystems, shaped as are seen as anachronistic, even backward,
sanitary regulations, Kafkaesque bureauc- much by the teeth of the livestock over the inferior, it seems, to the industrial farmer,
racy and blind conservationists. You could generations as by the plough. And in that who does not care about animal welfare,
summarise such lists quite simply: ‘If we diversity we find common threads – things is much more dependent on subsidies,

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

something in common. Not just individual

issues, but the deeper malaise underly-
ing them. All face a gloomy future; they
all believe that there is a future beyond
neoliberal globalisation and they are all
starting to make their voices heard.

European Shepherds Network

Recently, a number of country organisa-
tions have set up a European Shepherds
Network ( to advance
some of these issues and to liaise also
with the wider global herding commu-
nity through the World Alliance of Mobile
Indigenous Pastoralists (WAMIP).
Members of the ESN participate in
the relevant DG Agri Advisory Group.

Tomasz Pezold
The ESN is building alliances with other
stakeholders, such as EFNCP, Euronatur
or League for Pastoral Peoples. Currently,
campaign themes include the need
Serbian shepherd with his flock. for specific legislation for extensive pasto-
ralism under the CAP, the mandatory use
produces huge volumes of greenhouse united. Overcoming these difficulties of Electronic Identification for sheep and
gases and brings the BSE crisis on himself requires strong will, but it must be done. goats, vaccination against Bluetongue and
and others. The German shepherds who walked in other diseases, and broader questions of
This gulf of understanding is tragically transhumance from Berlin to Brussels prevention and animal health, as well as
often also there when it comes to potential (see http://www.bundesverband-schafe. the promotion of shepherd schools and
allies: development NGOs, food-policy de/Hirtenzug-2010.610.0.html); the UK local markets.
researchers, sustainability advocates, shepherd fighting the sheep Electronic The link with High Nature Value farm-
anthropologists and environmentalists Identification System imposed for no good ing is clear – it’s time to work together
very often focus on and work on exam- reason; the French pastoralists mobilising so that policy breathes new life into tran-
ples of nomadic or pastoralist peoples in against mandatory vaccination that deci- shumance and the communities of all the
exotic parts of the world, but ignore simi- mates their flocks and a Spanish federation species that depend on it.
lar issues close at hand in Europe. of small shepherd associations demanding Fernando Garcia-Dory, Federación Estatal
Lack of support is making it diffi- special consideration outwith the main- de Pastores; coordinacionredpastor@
cult for shepherds to be organised and stream framework of CAP – they all have

grazing frequently risk financial sanctions.

Landmark case backs CAP In order to guarantee the long-term main-
tenance of nature reserves with public
support for extensive grazing money, as well as to minimise the risk for
practitioners, there is the need for control
systems which are adapted to the aims and

I n Germany, the complete integration

of extensively grazed pastures, such as
heaths or wetlands, into the agricultural
lems facing extensive grazing systems,
in particular the integration of extensive
grazed grasslands into Pillar 1 of the CAP,
difficulties of conservation management.
The working group tries to see the
issues from the point of view of sceptical
support system is still highly contested. establishing a support programme for auditors. All objections concerning control
The German Association for Landcare conservation measures and the adjustment systems and Cross Compliance have to be
(Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege of existing agri-environment schemes. taken seriously if graziers are to benefit
– DVL) is currently working to adjust the from Pillars 1 and 2 payments, with mini-
Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 of the CAP to incorpo- Agricultural control systems and mal administrative effort and without the
rate better the needs of farmers practising HNV farming risk of sanctions.
extensive grazing, aiming to influence the One of the main problems is that it is very The efforts of the DVL are backed by
current CAP reform as well as the proc- difficult to integrate a lot of HNV farm- the European Court of Justice. In the
ess of developing the next round of Rural land into the agricultural control system. landmark Niedermair-Schiemann deci-
Development Plans in the German federal The use of satellite imagery does not give sion of October 2010 (C-61/09), the Court
states. a realistic measure of areas where gradi- ruled that all agricultural areas are eligi-
The DVL is the umbrella organisation ents are high. And, according to German ble for support from direct payments,
for 155 regional landcare associations in authorities at least, the very poor forage on even where, as in nature reserves, nature
Germany. In these associations, farm- heathlands cannot be ‘agricultural land’ in conservation and landscape management
ers, conservationists and politicians work the sense of the CAP regulations. are the primary management objectives.
together as equals, and this philosophy Furthermore, the theoretical require- Therefore, in future, extensive pastures
underlies the CAP campaign. ments of the law and the practicalities of are explicitly eligible for full agricultural
An expert group has been set up to bring landscape management are often worlds support, because grazing – independent
forward solutions for some current prob- apart. Farmers carrying out conservation of type and intensity – constitutes an agri-

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

cultural activity. All member states – in for extensive livestock systems. [But see years, the exchange of experiences with
Germany represented by the Bundeslaender pp1-5, above, Editor] European partners will be of high impor-
– should therefore be able to integrate The policy requirements for Germany tance. The DVL wishes to involve EFNCP
extensive pastures into CAP instruments are summarised in a policy paper (in and its member network.
without the risk of sanctions. This new English) available at: Juergen Metzner, DVL;
legal certainty creates the opportunity publikationen/english-publications.html.
to further develop support measures In the course of the next months and

The devil in the detail

Is greening of the CAP beneficial It is also a sweeping assumption that creat-
ing ecological priority areas will always
for biodiversity? result in land being taken out of produc-
tion. It does not in Switzerland, so why
should it in the EU’s version of ‘green-

I n August 2011, PBL, the Netherlands

Environmental Assessment Agency,
working in collaboration with Wageningen
nent pasture (and see La Cañada 26 for
a critique of the present definition)
without it necessarily having any biodi-
ing’? In many situations, applying the
ecological priority area approach would
not necessarily have to involve remov-
University & Research Centre, released versity or climate change benefits. It is ing land completely from production,
a report ( the way it is ‘maintained’ that counts. but rather biodiversity benefits could be
publications/2011/greening-the-common- • Increasing the diversity of crops grown achieved by simply changing the inten-
agricultural-policy-impacts-on-farm- at any one time has the potential to sity of management of those areas of the
land-biodiversity-on-an-eu-scale) which reduce landscape simplification (one of farm. For example, while it would not be
models the regional impacts of greening the major drivers of farmland biodiver- feasible (or desirable) to plough or apply
the CAP (based on the EC’s November sity decline), but this depends on how nutrients in the buffers established next to
2010 proposals). The report concludes that ‘different crops’ are defined. Wheat, watercourses or hedgerows, such buffers
greening the CAP will substantially slow barley and oats are all different crops, would still be open and available for graz-
down the decline in farmland biodiversity, but growing these three would still ing by livestock.
most notably in intensive farming areas. It result in a largely homogenous cereal There is no evidence that many of the
also suggests that extensively farmed areas landscape. assumptions that must have been made
would be well served by such a change. • Maintaining an ecological focus on 7% in the report will actually happen in prac-
So far, so good. However, at no point of each farm also has the potential to tice; the devil will be in the detail. We
do the authors of the report indicate what increase landscape heterogeneity, but have no information on the latter from the
type of management conditions they currently the areas under consideration Commission as yet, and hence no way to
assumed would be put on the permanent appear to be largely, if not exclusively, form a judgement of how good, bad or
grassland condition, or what type of habi- farmland edge habitats. Including indifferent the results will be for biodiver-
tats would be included in the (in their some elements that occur within fields sity. Indeed, if the current uproar over the
case) 5% ecological ‘set-aside’. In reality, would reduce landscape simplification greening proposals continues unabated,
whether real environmental benefits do even more, but until the ‘biotopes’ that we may end up with greening that is so
arise from any greening of the CAP will are mentioned in the draft CAP reform watered down as to be meaningless.
depend on how these measures are imple- text are defined in more detail, then it is Davy McCracken;
mented in practice. For example: difficult to judge how useful this meas-
• It is possible to ‘maintain’ perma- ure will be, in practice.
Patrick McGurn

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

stretches of heath are often regarded by

Nature, people and place along farmers now as valueless waste.
Burning, a traditional practice for
the western seaboard – renewing sub-shrub growth, is seen as
unacceptably risky these days (see p. 12)
a study tour report while cutting, though it can generate a
novel cheap substitute for bedding straw,
can produce different or uncertain results
in the regrown heath.

Some approaches integrating

nature and culture
On the National Trust (NT) Craflwyn
Estate near Beddgelert, there are still, as
there were at acquisition in 1951, 51 hold-
ings with 51 families farming 200,000ha of
uplands within the Snowdonia National
The keynote in this living landscape
is now maximum diverse outputs with
minimum inputs and an integration of
farming, forestry, nature conservation and
tourism. Some 80% of income comes from
subsidy, so costs are crucial and global
changes have a far reach: recent Australian
droughts have resulted in a shortage of

Mike Alexander
milk production, a gap into which New
Zealand farmers have now moved, thus
creating an opportunity for Welsh lamb to
sell at a higher price.

N amed after a 6th century saint (Teilou

in Breton) who journeyed to both
Wales and Brittany and left his mark and
Participants discussing grazing issues at
Newborough Warren on Anglesey, Wales.
At Hafod y Llan, a complex of two
farms stretching across designated land
to the summit of Snowdon and including
that of the things he had faith in, in vari- tourist appeal, and more recently for its 1,500ha of hill land, up to 80,000 people
ous places along the western seaboard, rare plant species, vegetation, bird popula- cross the property each year. The aim here
the Teilo Project aims to promote a deeper tions and butterflies. is to develop a sustainable hill-farming
understanding of shared relationships Both on Pen y Gogarth and model for the 21st century, the farmer,
between people, nature and place along Uwchmynydd in Llŷn, sites notified for Arwyn Owen, working with an ecologist
the western seaboard of Europe. the quality of their oceanic coastal heath- to make farming economically viable but
Under the leadership of the author land, questions were posed about the also to use stocking levels as grazing tools
(John Rodwell) and Mike Alexander of viability of appropriate management of for the mosaic of grasslands, heaths and
Natur, the Welsh Institute of Countryside the vegetation and integration of objec- mires on the open hills. Sheep numbers
and Conservation Management (www. tives for farmers and visitors. On these have been halved to 2,000, 100 native, the project began in early sites, but more distinctively on Pen y Welsh Black cattle have been introduced
November with a visit of an inter-discipli- Gogarth, where the matrix of the heath is and the operation has been converted to
nary group of five Bretons to North Wales. a suite of calcicolous grasslands of interna- an organic system, a commitment that is
Based at the Plas Tan y Bwlch tional importance, there is also the tension proving a challenge now that subventions
Snowdonia National Park centre, and between managing such short swards have been reduced.
supported by EFNCP as part of its DG for chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) In the very different sand-dune land-
Environment work programme, the group and particular foodplants for the silver- scape of Newborough Warren, we saw
spent four days in discussion and excur- studded blue butterfly (Plebejus argus), how Partneriaeth Anifeiliad Pori Ynys
sions to explore how nature and culture are while retaining the ericoids and gorse Môn (the Anglesey Grazing Animals
understood in Wales, and to see examples (Ulex spp.). The chough depends both on Partnership) works to link people who
of existing projects which aim to integrate protected sites, such as Uwchmynydd, and have land of wildlife interest with grazi-
environmental policy and culture. also, in their more dispersed territories, on ers and farmers who have suitable stock
more vulnerable situations inland. to maintain the vegetation and habitats in
Layered landscapes and multiple In Llŷn, dry heath declined in extent good condition. Anglesey has more than
objectives by 50% between 1922 and 1988, while wet 3,000ha of coastal grasslands and heaths,
Starting their visit on Pen y Gogarth (The heath has been almost obliterated by land- dunes and mires, with 60 SSSIs and over
Great Orme), at Llandudno, gave the use change. Meanwhile, losses to intensive 90 other sites of interest, many of them
Bretons an immediate sense of an osten- grazing outside notified sites continue, dependent on grazing. There, we met the
sibly pastoral landscape, traditionally converting the distinctive sub-shrub vege- only close shepherd in Wales (i.e. a herder
dependent on stock grazing, but one, like tation to more commonplace grassland. constantly accompanying the flock).
their own, with signs of many past and In many parts of Wales, low-level Crucially, the Anglesey project is
present human cultures and interactions cliff-top grazing has become increasingly substantially dependent on charitable
with nature from the Neolithic onwards. difficult with shifts in the farming econ- grants and so, despite being one of the
The area has been long treasured for its omy and the rise of tourism, and surviving most successful schemes in Wales, its

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

future is uncertain. In fact, a recurring tion of such swards actually including ery body. We heard from several Natur
theme of our discussions was the unwill- dynamic mosaics with open scrub (see members that original optimism that the
ingness of donors to provide funds for Rodwell, J et al. 2007 The European Context Welsh Government would put the coun-
continuation of projects after establish- of British Lowland Grasslands. JNCC Report tryside and its wildlife at the heart of their
ment. No 394; thinking has been replaced by uncertainty
Currently, markets for wool are prob- page-3922). about whether adequate protection will be
lematic. At Newborough, we saw artist As Patrick McGurn pointed out in La forthcoming.
Valerie Neal creating woven rugs for sale. Cañada 25, cross-compliance rules also aim Along with providing training for
In Hafod y Llan, wool was stacked ready to prevent encroachment of ‘unwanted professionals of the environment and
for sale as roof insulation. At Aberdaron, vegetation’. In the wider Welsh landscape, wildlife agencies that will effect such
wool insulation forms part of the recy- the intermediate zone of ffridd between the delivery and for the NGOs that campaign
clable packaging used for shipping local hendre fields of the valley bottom and the for and manage the landscape of Wales,
shore-crab meat for niche marketing to top hafod summer grazing grounds of the open Plas Tan y Bwlch, where our discussions
restaurants in London. hills has lost much of its dynamism with were based, raises awareness through
the decline of traditional farming, and has the medium of Welsh about such crucial
Belonging and change in the shifted from a landscape of sylvipasture to questions of value in nature and their rela-
landscape uniformly dense bracken or scrub. tionships to the cultural inheritance of the
The open hill country of Snowdonia has country. Young people figure prominently
been traditionally hefted but we heard Ecosystem services and values among its visitors – 25 from a South Wales
that, with recent reductions in the density Having seen a range of cultural activities ex-mining community eating breakfast
of sheep, the heafs are becoming in some closely related to the landscape, we heard each day with us.
places less well-defined to the stock that in Wales, as in England, discussion When socio-economic stringencies
themselves and less readily transmitted documents are revisiting the question of make us look inward, it is vital to cele-
instinctively via the ewes to newcomers in environmental valuations and its expres- brate the natural and cultural heritage that
the flocks. sion in policy frames. Cymru Fyw, A Living links peoples and landscapes in different
Talks by Twm Elias (Lecturer at Plas Tan Wales – a new framework for our environment, parts of Europe. The present Welsh-Breton
y Bwlch) and Duncan Brown (webmaster our countryside and our seas was published conversations will be resumed in Brittany
of the Welsh country lore website, Llên by the Welsh Assembly Government in June 2012, and thereafter will draw
Natur) opened up for us the richness of last year, and reports on Natural Capital in participants from western Scotland,
the Welsh heritage of nature lore, plant accounting and Economic Tools and Basic Ireland, the Isle of Man, Cornwall and
names, place names, farming traditions Approach to Valuing for Ecosystem Services northern Spain and Portugal. Meanwhile,
and weather records, and presented us are now available. particular collaborations between those
with a native perspective on relationships In December 2011, there will be a report who have already met are being set in
between nature and cultural values. on the effectiveness of current regulatory train, in both scientific and cultural realms.
We saw that, in the Welsh landscape, approaches and a ministerial decision on John Rodwell, Teilo Project Director;
some incomers are certainly unwel- proposals for a new environmental deliv-
come. At Llyn Dinas, for example, on the
Craflwyn Estate, a striking boundary with
neighbouring land abundantly colonised
by Rhododendron ponticum clearly demon-
strated how assiduous management has
kept this aggressive alien at bay. Elsewhere
on the estate, feral goats, which increased
in numbers and became more adventurous
during the Foot & Mouth epidemic when
stock were cleared, are posing a problem
for oak and ash regeneration among the
woodlands of the NNR. Likewise, on the
limestones around Llandudno, holm oak
(Quercus ilex), a non-native tree that is
thriving in the milder winters of recent
years, spawns huge numbers of seedlings
that colonise the grasslands notified as of
European importance under the Habitats
In many grasslands in Wales, as else-
where, even the appearance of native
shrubs is seen as a problem for nature
conservation. In fact, the statutory defini-
tion of 6210 semi-natural dry grasslands on
calcareous substrates specifically includes
‘scrubland facies’, but few EU countries
accept the challenge of favourable condi-
Mike Alexander

At Llyn Dinas, in Snowdonia, topics for

debate included the management of
invasive spieces.

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

our habitats cannot possibly be sustained.

Burning and site condition – The principal managers are struggling to
survive in the face of significant economic
a modern dilemma challenges, an ageing demographic and a
panoply of regulations governing activ-
ity across the varying interests on the

Use of burning
A case in point is management by burning.
During 2010, the National Trust commis-
sioned an investigation into the factors
preventing the appropriate conservation of
fen, wet heath and dry heath on a sample
of Gower commons. The principal project
driver was the 2008 site condition moni-
toring report for the Gower Commons
SAC, which highlighted frequent, large
and uncontrolled fires as a key barrier
to achieving favourable conditions on
lowland wet and dry heathlands.
With the increase in biomass, result-

Siôn Brackenbury
ing in part at least from the reduction in
grazing activity, the simplest method of
regulating the vegetation and encourag-
ing palatable species is to burn. This is
subject to the Heather and Grass Burning

T he Gower peninsula in south Wales

was designated the first Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty in the UK in
Controlled burning being used to
manage bracken and scrub on common
land on the Gower peninsula, south
Regulations which require consideration
to be given to habitat and application for
consent where commons are within the
1956. The mixture of beaches, commons, Wales. Natura 2000 series.
villages and small family farms was recog- The investigation found that large-scale
nised as being of national importance. farming, and in part to the barriers which burning is the most cost effective manage-
Key to this landscape are the commons, are discouraging young graziers from ment tool available to the grazier in the
the large, unenclosed, open spaces of high learning the practice. There are commons absence of higher stocking rates. Common
nature conservation value protected by on Gower today that have 118 registered land management requires an investment
conservation policy. These commons serve graziers, with only 6 graziers still active on in time by the grazier as livestock can
a multitude of uses and are valued for the the commons. range widely from the home farm and
services which they provide to society This decline has impacted significantly can be difficult to locate. This problem has
from recreation and nature conservation to on the management of the commons as worsened with the collapse of the systems
access and ecosystem services. there are simply not enough graziers of sheepwalks, or hefts, where each indi-
The day-to-day management of these remaining to maintain the commons in vidual flock or herd would maintain a
commons is vested in the graziers, the good heart, to share management effort particular area of the common. To control
custodians who provide essential serv- and responsibility. This has an effect not this spread of livestock, burning on the
ices to wider society through pastoral only on the commons, but also on the common near to the home farm is used
agricultural practices. The commons are range of functions and services which to hold the animals on the fresher vegeta-
a fundamental part of traditional agri- these landscapes support. The responsibil- tion. Where time is at a premium, burning
cultural and cultural practice on Gower ity for management is now in the hands of over-dominant vegetation is the lowest
which can be traced back to the large land of a few graziers on whom conserva- cost management tool.
owning estates of the 18th century. tion organisations are relying to achieve
Archaeological evidence suggests that outcomes for habitat, archaeology, access Conflicting regulation
the land which is now defined as commons and recreation, whilst the graziers attempt However, overly complex regulation
has been occupied since the prehistoric to maintain agricultural businesses in, was cited as a barrier to grazing. A single
period, with land clearance occurring what are at best, marginal conditions. area of common land often has multiple
during the Bronze Age, evidence of which This decline in active graziers and live- interests; archaeological, habitat, species,
can be seen on the commons today. It is stock has brought about a visible change access, recreation and agriculture. There
this legacy of interaction between people in the habitat and agricultural conditions is no drawing together of these some-
and the land of Gower which has created of the commons. There has been a gradual times conflicting pieces of regulation in a
the much-protected place we enjoy today. but significant increase in scrub and unde- format which enables the grazier to have
sirable species such as bracken (Pteridium an overview of the range of interests and
Decline in grazing of commons aquilinum). the associated regulation. The commoners
The situation is worrying, however. The To manage this change either requires recognise that the sites are multifaceted
number of common land graziers contin- an on-going and substantial commitment and of national importance yet they feel
ues to decline. This has been happening of resources from outside the agricultural that the agricultural value is often over-
over many years, a silent migration away sector to safeguard conservation condi- looked in this assessment of importance.
from the commons, in part due to an tions by working with the existing graziers, The feeling of the graziers questioned was
ageing population of graziers retiring from or we need to accept that the condition of that the services they provide to the wider

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

environment in terms of habitat manage-

ment, access and food production are not
recognised in the wider community.
The result is a vicious spiral – reduc-
tions in the number of grazing animals
result in further degradation of both the
pasture and the features of Community
Interest, making grazing even less attrac-
tive. All the while the regulatory system
seems unable to find a workable solution.
Common land grazing was described
by one grazier as ‘the hardest place to farm
and the easiest to give up’. Cattle may lose
condition, are harder to manage, and are
at greater risk than within the controlled
conditions of a field.
Graziers have over generations devel-
oped cross-bred cattle which are well
suited to the harsh conditions of the
Siôn Brackenbury

common and are accustomed to people

and disturbance. As graziers withdraw
from the commons these herds are being
lost. This has implications for habitat
management. In the future, from where
will it be possible to source commons Rhossili Down on the Gower peninsula, south Wales, in full flower
cattle of the correct temperament and type,
which can survive on commons? Simply ally distinctive way of life which is part successful to date in overcoming barriers
purchasing cattle from a livestock market of the Gower peninsula. With the current to regulated burns. As well as creating
for such conditions is not an option. They dearth of younger graziers taking on the opportunities for positive constructive
are as important as the habitat in which management of the commons, there is a dialogue and the building of stronger
they live. Common land cattle are far more need to review policy and reduce the barri- working relationships, the adoption of
subtle and sustainable managers of the ers, in order to encourage more of them to a partnership approach to the control of
common than mechanical intervention to take on this type of farming enterprise. fires and the wider management of the
achieve outcomes for habitat and access. So what can be done? In the short term commons is the first step towards safe-
there is a need to improve communica- guarding the commons and all they entail
Future of commoning in the tion and the ways in which conservation for the future.
balance messages are conveyed. Fundamental At this moment, pastoral agriculture
Extensive livestock management on to this is the fact that graziers are as on Gower and in Wales is at a pivotal
the commons of Gower is economically concerned about the loss of wildlife as point. The people with the skills, abil-
marginal and its viability hangs on the witnessed from generation to generation, ity and knowledge to manage commons
presence of support through the Single as those organisations whose principal aim are declining. In 20 years or less, we will
Payment Scheme (SPS), agri-environment is wildlife protection. There is a need to have a situation where we are struggling
funding, and external funding targeted understand, value, and build better work- to find willing graziers and suitable live-
towards achieving specific conservation ing relationships from this. stock for the commons of Gower. Now is
outcomes. the time for change, whilst the knowledge
Graziers feel that the change in agri- A cooperative model and skill base remain. If we value our habi-
cultural support from 2013 onwards On the issue of burning, improved tats and species we should equally value
will require them to consider whether communication, access to information and those individuals whose stewardship over
it remains possible to continue grazing bridging the gap between regulation and generations has enabled the diversity of
the commons. An increase in demand practice are essential. By working coop- habitats and landscapes we have today.
for domestic food production may tip eratively with the Mid and West Wales Through organisations such as
the economic scales toward the use of Fire and Rescue Service, The National the Welsh Commons Forum and UK
marginal common land for pastoral agri- Trust, Countryside Council for Wales, Foundation for Common Land there is the
culture. Timing is however crucial as this Gower Commoners Association and opportunity for the voice of the common
will require the people with the skills and Commons Vision Ltd., a fire control sub- land grazier to be heard. Now is the time
understanding to enable this. Common group has been formed. The purpose of to act to enable the culture, tradition
land grazing is a stand-alone practice sepa- the group is to enable an open and frank and practice of pastoral commoning to
rate from conventional livestock farming dialogue with the graziers of Gower and continue for the next generation and for
requiring a different understanding, and to assist them, when required, in plan- what it brings to society at large.
the skills and knowledge to produce live- ning and undertaking (managing?) fires Siôn Brackenbury, Commons Vision Ltd;
stock successfully in marginal conditions. which benefit agricultural production and
Tradition on Gower is clearly a strong achieve habitat outcomes. This includes Sarah Mellor, SAC Officer, National Trust
behavioural driver. Gower ’s commons the preparation of fire plans, applications Wales;
have been traditionally managed through for statutory consents on Natura 2000 Peter Lanfear, Chair Gower Commoners
a combination of cutting, grazing and sites, and mapping the commons using Association
burning. There is a need to ensure the GPS units provided by the Fire Service. Richie Morris, Community Fire Saftey;
continuity of this management as a cultur- This cooperative model has proved e-mail:

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

Curbing livestock emissions: how do national

targets operate within a European strategy?

Bill Grayson
T he European Union aims to achieve a
20% reduction in greenhouse gas emis-
sions (GHG) by 2020 relative to the levels
Member States (MS) as set out in the EU
2020 Plan; the larger economies of western
Europe are required to shoulder the biggest
Late-season pastures like this, in the
Pennines, contain higher concentrations
of the plant fibres that stimulate
in 1990. Responsibilities for delivering part of the burden. The United Kingdom’s the rumen bacteria to produce more
this target are not shared equally amongst assigned target is an overall reduction of methane. These animals grow much more
slowly than intensively reared stock,
Table 1 GHG emissions from English beef and sheep systems operating at and, each one taking two or three times
different altitudes. (from Testing the water; the English sheep and beef production longer to fatten, produce more methane
environmental roadmap-phase 2. EBLEX 2010) over the course of their lifetime.

Environmental impact (GWP100) 16% in its emissions but like all other MSs
it is free to choose how it apportions the
kg CO2 eq/kg liveweight kg CO2 eq/kg liveweight
burden amongst the various sectors of
Average Range
its economy. This process is made more
Lowland suckler beef 19.22 11.26 – 26.89 complicated for the UK because responsi-
bility for much of the strategy resides with
Upland suckler beef 15.66 8.83 – 20.60 the four home nations.

Table 1a English beef production system footprints The EBLEX Roadmap

In England, DEFRA has adopted a volun-
Environmental impact (GWP100) tary approach, aiming to persuade farmers
to reduce emissions from grazing live-
kg CO2 eq/kg liveweight kg CO2 eq/kg liveweight stock by 11% in 2020 compared with 1990
Average Range levels. This initiative is being spearheaded
by the English Beef and Lamb Executive
Hill flocks 13.61 8.55 – 19.22 (EBLEX), which is a Non Departmental
Government Body funded from a statu-
Upland flocks 11.05 9.40 – 13.56 tory levy payable on all lambs and cattle
exported from or slaughtered in England.
Lowland flocks 11.08 9.57 – 12.87 Although operating at ‘arm’s length‘ from
government, EBLEX liaises closely with
Table 1b English sheep production system footprints DEFRA in fulfilling its main function of

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

enhancing the competitiveness and effi-

ciency of the English red meat sector.
EBLEX has brought together representa-
tives from the major players within the
livestock industry to oversee this process
of implementing GHG mitigation. This has
resulted in the production of a ‘Roadmap’,
intended to show farmers the best ways
for reducing the GHG emissions from their
enterprises and encourage adoption of the
recommended practices.
As a beef producer in England, I was
already aware of increasing levels of public
concern and media attention regarding
the damage that livestock farming could
be doing to global climate systems and Figure 1a Relationship between beef environmental and economic performance.
was therefore keen to learn what actions
I might be expected to take in order to
lessen this impact. It came as little surprise
to read in both Phases 1 and 2 of EBLEX’s
Roadmap that the recommendations for
English beef and sheep farmers to reduce
their emissions are all based on improving
productive performance and maximising
output efficiency, a familiar message that
chimes nicely with EBLEX’s main remit.
This message was reinforced by graphs
showing the positive relationship between
‘environmental’ and economic perform-
ance, along with tables of data showing
emissions from various categories of live-
stock system. The data in Phase 2 had
been collected on-farm, demonstrating Figure 1b Relationship between sheep environmental and economic performance.
its validity for the real world of livestock (from Testing the water; the English sheep and beef production environmental
production; it is based on a ‘Life Cycle roadmap-phase 2. EBLEX 2010)
Assessment ‘ (LCA) calculator that had Author’s notes: 1 GHG emissions mitigation is used here as a metaphor for environmental
been PAS 2050 accredited, another compel- performance in total. 2 There is no statistical confirmation that these correlations are significant; the
ling measure of its integrity. one for sheep quite clearly is not.
But despite its robust credentials and
confident style, I was surprised to find that ing nutritional parameters and animal with the consultancy firm ‘E-CO2’ that had
Phase 2 of the Roadmap, contained some performance. developed it.
striking anomalies, inconsistencies in the I subsequently commissioned E-CO 2
data that are not referred to in the reports Further research to undertake an assessment of my upland
headline conclusions, nor explained within Having read the Roadmap’s 2nd phase livestock operation, partly to give me an
the text. Informed readers must have been soon after its release in 2010, I felt sure that initial insight into my own performance
surprised to learn that emissions from it would be quickly called to task by repre- but also to provide me with an estimate
upland suckler beef systems were found sentatives from across the environmental from a source that I knew and understood,
to be 19% lower than the equivalent figure lobby, anxious to correct any misapprehen- making it easier to interpret the values
for lowland sucklers (see tables opposite), sions about the emissions from extensive reported in the Roadmap. I was somewhat
a result that could not be predicted from systems that deliver such a wide range of surprised then to find that my emissions
the report’s main conclusion that it is the important environmental goods. When, figure, at 20.6 kg CO2 eq/kg LW beef,
more extensive systems that generate after a few weeks, I failed to detect any although in the upper portion of the range
the highest GHG emissions. Phase 2 also public outcry, I decided to contact EBLEX of values reported in the Roadmap is by no
shows that upland lamb generates lower myself to ask about the discrepancies means the worst. I say surprised because
emissions than lamb produced in the between the data and the conclusions ours is an ultra-extensive system, based
lowlands, although the difference here is they derived from them. I was assured on an overall stocking rate of less than 0.1
much smaller than for suckler beef. Again that they were aware of the anomalies but LU/ha, with the cattle grazing mostly on
this is at odds with the Roadmap’s confi- attributed them to the small size of the unimproved pastures that extend up to
dent assertion that emissions are directly samples (15 upland and 15 lowland farms an altitude of almost 400m, and generally
related to degree of extensification. Both for both sheep and beef assessments) and taking more than four years to finish prop-
these sets of results require clarification, would be publishing a 3rd Phase of the erly. Most of the cattle are out-wintered on
given the host of productive advantages Roadmap later in 2011 which would be deferred grazing, pasture of such low feed-
that allow lowland enterprises to oper- based on a much larger sample of farms. value that growth rates are almost nothing
ate at higher intensities, advantages in However, they would not provide me with for four months each year. In short, this
terms of climate and soil type that should, full details of the C-tool used for Phase 2 system represents the direct antithesis
according to the Roadmap’s central thesis, because it was ‘commercially confidential’, of everything that the Roadmap recom-
all help to reduce emissions by enhanc- although they were able to put me in touch mends, and should, if all its assumptions

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

Although they constitute a sepa-

rately accounted component within the
inventory, in reality these natural assets
comprise livestock farming’s living infra-
structure and the two clearly ought not
Total emissions to be compartmentalised. Including these
processes makes a vast difference to the
results; all of the assessments generated
Total by the five free calculators were negative,
sequestration indicating that my system, as a whole, is
a very helpful carbon sink, removing as
Total carbon much as 1100 kg of CO2 for every hectare
balance of land grazed, as opposed to the some-
(tonnes co2 eq) what damaging source indicated by the
E- CO2 result.
This begs the question of which of all
the available C-assessment tools would be
the correct one for informing and monitor-
ing progress within any nationally agreed
Figure 2 Comparative assessment of one farm’s total C-budget (t CO2-eq) using four strategy for mitigating livestock emissions.
different calculators: C-Plan, CALM, Carbon Friendly Food and E-CO2 (unpublished data Clearly the process can only succeed if its
courtesy Soil Association) progress is founded upon a single protocol
consistently applied across all participat-
are correct, generate a quantity of emis- claims are hard to verify and in any case, ing units. I, and probably most livestock
sions that is completely off the scale. restricting the measures of environmen- farmers with pastoralist tendencies would
I have shared this information with tal and economic performance to GHG prefer the process not to be based on tools
staff at EBLEX, leading to some interesting emissions and gross margins respectively like E-CO 2 that fail to take account of
exchanges that involved different person- is worryingly simplistic. The use of the the sequestration, which can, if my own
nel and formats. But despite some quite term ‘environmental performance’ to indi- example is representative, outweigh the
open discussions, they were not convinced cate emissions reduction is particularly emissions from the animals themselves.
of the need to release the full detail of concerning as it risks excluding all the other Such contradictions call for genuine
the Roadmap’s workings for public scru- interactions that collectively determine leadership if the Roadmap process is
tiny. This is not what I would hope for in whether a practice is sustainable or not. The ever to develop the integrity and author-
a strategy document that depends for its inconsistencies in the Roadmap’s findings ity needed to inform and inspire farmers
ultimate success on its ability to inspire suggest to me that the reality is likely to be to make the right choices for cutting their
widespread support. EBLEX, it must much more complicated than the report’s emissions. The solutions are unlikely to
be said, sounds very confident that its conclusions thus far would have us believe. ever be a ‘one-size fits all’ solution and,
conclusions will gain further credibility as This creates a very real risk of throwing the whilst improving productive efficiency,
further data is added, helping to gather the whole environmental baby out with the may help reduce overall GHG-emissions
necessary support for its findings from its water of climate concern. in some situations, in others it will prob-
levy-paying, farmer members . ably make matters worse by undermining
Whilst, at a personal level, I am genu- C-assessment process the less obvious processes that are continu-
inely concerned about climate change Needing to find out more about the ally removing carbon from the air.
and only hope to assist in the process of whole C-assessment process, I contacted
promoting best practice for farmers wish- my organic certification body, the Soil European Comission study on
ing to mitigate the impact of their own Association, who are running a project to GHGs
activities, I very much feel that the advice compare a number of C-assessment tools, At the moment, however, there are very
given must be sound. And the only way to all of which are freely available to farm- few authoritatively signposted routes
ensure that the advice will result in genu- ers wanting to assess their own emissions to direct farmers towards making genu-
ine reductions in livestock emissions is performance. I therefore offered to provide ine reductions in their C-budgets. Each
to subject it to full scientific scrutiny and them with my own raw data in order to see Member State, whilst responsible for
peer-review. how the results from the Roadmap’s E-CO2 delivering its own overall mitigation
Perhaps the thing that worries me most calculator compare with those generated targets is free to give whatever emphasis
about the Roadmap’s anomalous conclu- by the other tools in their survey. The five it deems appropriate to agriculture’s role,
sions is the eager support its call for further on-line tools that the Soil Association had using whatever directives for action it
intensification has gathered from the major selected for this study were all slightly chooses. Some useful work in providing
players in the English livestock industry, different in overall approach and in the more of an overview of GHG-mitigation
support which risks it sidestepping the algorithm values used to convert on-farm across the 27 member states of the EU has
kind of checks that are needed in order quantities to emissions values. All of them, been done by the Joint Research Council
to fully validate its recommendations. however, unlike E-CO2, included estimates (JRC) of the European Commission as part
The Roadmap’s attempts to link emis- of C- sequestration from different sources. of its ‘Evaluation of the Livestock Sector’s
sions reductions with improved economic Growth of woods and hedges together contribution to European Greenhouse Gas
performance carry an immediate and with soil development processes all emissions’ project (GGELS).
obvious appeal for sector representatives combine to form that part of the ‘land-use, This is huge study reviewing the full
who clearly see the drive for productive land-use change and forestry’ (LULUCF) range of livestock production systems
efficiency as a win:win option. But with- component of DEFRA’s National GHG in the EU and their impacts. It is built
out all of the background statistics these Inventory. around a more comprehensive approach to

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

C-assessment, the CAPRI model (Common C-Stock Appropriately (i.e. ‘not over-used’) managed grassland Extra C–
Agricultural Policy Regional Impact) that sequestration
affords a more holistic perspective. One from appropriate
of the most helpful aspects of CAPRI is management
the emphasis it gives to calculating net
Natural grassland
GHG emissions rather than focussing Lost
(i.e. ‘unmanaged’)
only on output, recognizing the funda- C-sequestration
mental relationship between the emissions from cultivation
generated directly by farming activities Cropland
and the capacity of the land to neutralize
those emissions when ‘appropriate’ farm-
ing methods are implemented. Particular
importance is attached in the GGELS anal-
ysis to the role of grassland as a reliable Figure 3 Schematic illustration showing how the elevated C-sequestration
C-sink wherever it is managed appropri- properties associated with properly managed grassland are treated within the CAPRI
ately. ‘The approach relies on the finding that assessment (from Evaluation of the livestock sector’s contribution to EU greenhouse
C-sequestration in natural grasslands has no gas emissions –GGELS. EC Joint Research Council 2010)
saturation effect but is continually accumulat-
ing carbon in grassland soils. Management of are already being bracketed together in comfortably with their underlying farming
grassland, if not over-used, can enhance the a way that reflects the approach adopted perspectives.
C-sequestration rate....’. This more holis- in EBLEX’s Roadmap and could result in The very real danger of continuing to
tic approach, if adopted in the EBLEX the two competing against each other for a see the climate debate through LCA-based
Roadmap would fundamentally alter its limited funding budget. approaches is that it will, in a world grow-
methodology and its conclusions, ensur- At a time when many of the original ing increasingly concerned for global
ing that it focused on achieving genuine agri-environment agreements here in food security, always be easy to sell a
reductions in GHG emissions rather than England are coming to the end of their message to farmers and policy makers that
further jeopardizing the land’s natural term, many of the farmers affected will be increases in productive intensity can be
capacity for C-sequestration. looking to enter new agreements that will equated to an improved ‘environmental’
secure the viability of their business for the performance.
Future concerns medium term. The future of large areas of This would, however, risk weakening
The debate regarding EBLEX’s Roadmap less productive grassland could be at stake, support for high nature value systems
process may have implications elsewhere with a sudden surge of applicants compet- under the EAFRD extensification and
within the wider political framework of the ing for the more financially-rewarding other agri-environment measures, forc-
EU. The Commission’s recent proposal for conservation-based, agri-environment ing them to compete with the new goal
reform of the CAP contained the follow- options, but with the limited funds only of improving production efficiency, if it
ing statement stipulating that Member allowing the most ecologically valuable ever becomes the one preferred method
States ‘have to spend a minimum of 25% sites to be accepted. The unlucky ones for mitigating livestock emissions. The
of the total contribution from the EAFRD may find, however, that other alternatives systems producing the best net perform-
to each rural development programme become available through Pillar 2 schemes ance could, as a result, inadvertently be
for climate change mitigation and adapta- and that these new options, aimed at cast aside as the least carbon efficient!
tion and land management’. This suggests lowering emissions by enhancing produc- Bill Grayson is a farmer and ecologist based in
that emissions-reduction and land-use tive performance, may actually sit more northern England;

rather optimistic conclusion: the C-storage

Do not intensify the livestock capacity of permanent grasslands is
found to be high enough to compen-
sector too quickly – a comment sate for GHG-emissions from inefficient
animals. To quote, ‘the [key] finding [is] that
on Bill Grayson’s article C-sequestration in natural grasslands has no
saturation effect but is continually accumulat-
ing carbon in grassland soils’.

B ill Grayson’s article is very timely.

As he points out, climate change is
proposed to be an objective in its own
facing a choice between climate change
and biodiversity?
It’s an important question! If there is
‘Omitting’ to count this C-storage
capacity in the method used by E-CO2,
in this case under contract to EBLEX, is
right in the next EAFRD, as if there was a indeed a choice to be made, it is truly a made all the more regrettable by the lack
need to complement ‘environmental’ goals very unbalanced one: everyone would of transparency when it comes to all the
with one for ‘climate change’. clearly see the cost of climate change, with details of the methodology.
Bill’s analysis clearly shows what many the potential of more floods, hurricanes, Bill actually gives us a good example
agri-environmentalists have noticed for drought, while the loss of some rare flow- of how the vested interests of intensive
some time: that intensive efficient agricul- ers in a meadow will be clearly somewhat farming choose methods that ‘objectively’
ture is increasingly presented as the way to less of an immediate threat to lives and deliver what they want to achieve – and
address environmental issues. In France, for livelihoods. Who, in all honesty, would the need for opacity when the methods are
example, the ambiguous concept of ‘ecolog- be stupid enough to fight for flowers and obviously not strong enough.
ical intensification’ captures this idea. insects while the house is burning? There will undoubtedly be heated
There is then an urgent need to cast In this context, Bill’s journey across the discussions between experts who favour
some light on the debate – are we in fact world of LCAs leads him to what I find a the various different methods, but one

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

land as part of its forage resources), which

is indeed the dominant model of the EU
intensive sector.
The climate change advantage of inten-
sifying towards grassland not so obvious
when counting the land-use change that it
entails. If the future is to be more intensive
(more like our most intensive present-
day systems in fact – there is no need to
reinvent the wheel!), it implies the exten-
sion of grassland onto cropland in Europe

Koen De Rijck
and deforestation in Brazil and elsewhere.
The intensive grassland system should
not be the fig leaf for crop-based livestock
systems, even though the lobbies defend-
Dairy cattle at Mont Lozère, the zero-grazing systems in the lowlands – ing the two are in the same offices (e.g.
Cévennes, France. even better if it means conversion from EBLEX) and have an interest in confusing
cropland into grassland – and to afforest the two in the mind of policy-makers.
must feel some optimism that the meth- Bill’s uplands. Money from Pillar 2 could
ods that account for C-sequestration in be justified for this cause. The opposite Semi-natural habitats also have
the soils will prove their superiority. Bill — afforestation of lowlands and improve- a value
reminds us that when using LCA, the ment of uplands — would make sense as But probably the strongest line of argu-
limits of the studied systems are of para- well, but would probably not be efficient mentation is to come back to the whole
mount importance; in the EBLEX case, not enough for the volumes of meat/milk point of a climate-change policy. Why are
considering the soil box is a major (though delivered. we addressing this issue? There are several
standard) omission. reasons: one is to prevent the magnitude of
From this perspective, the French situa- Calculating the real costs climatic hazards and disasters, but another
tion appears much more favourable, with So, having apparently plucked defeat from is to protect our habitats and landscapes
both the Ministry of Agriculture and the the jaws of victory, what arguments can (and food production capacity) from
Institut de l’élevage (roughly corresponding we now deploy on behalf of the extensive climatic long-term changes.
to EBLEX) much more in favour of exten- farmer? In this second perspective, natural and
sive livestock systems whose importance First we should point out the need semi-natural habitats are amongst the most
to the French landscape – both literally to take into account all the GHG costs of fragile and endangered in the medium
and metaphorically – is clear. these intensively-managed grassland to long term and they justify a great deal
Studies about climate change show that system, including those of the transition of climate change based concern. Thus, it
this C-sequestration effect is such that the period — taken together, what is the effect would seem rather odd – to say the least
amounts of GHG per kg of milk or meat on net carbon release? – to cause the certain deterioration of valu-
produced are equivalent when compar- The transition would entail structural able habitats in order to address an abstract
ing intensive and extensive farming changes, such as building new livestock habitat conservation issue in the future.
systems. Furthermore, the French analy- housing and making heavier tractors for This issue is, for example, recognised
sis puts permanent grassland at the heart silage and hay-cutting requires energy and by the active NGO Réseau Action Climat
of its recommendations, arguing against industrial processes that are costly in terms (‘Action Climate Network’) in France.
systems dependent on crops and imported of GHG emissions. Such transition costs Though its raison d’être is climate change
proteins. French bodies do not see grain- are rarely counted, but one should have in mitigation and adaptation, with mobilisa-
based intensive livestock as the ‘answer’ to mind that it is often more efficient to keep tion of high-level expertise, to its credit it
climate change. an old polluting car as long as possible as constantly reminds us that GHG are not
Nevertheless, concerns might arise from it is to buy a brand new efficient one. The everything, and that an absolute priority
the second half of the sentence quoted by final balance might be preferable, but the is to maintain extensive systems because
Bill: ‘Management of grassland, if not over- cost of the journey could be too high; in of their contribution to biodiversity, land-
used, can enhance the C-sequestration rate...’ general, the sooner the net savings in GHG scape management and other amenities.
I am not able to assess when the ‘over- emissions are made, the better. Put simply, you can’t save something
use’ starts from, but I doubt it meets the Secondly, we must insist on a clear by destroying it! To do so unthinkingly is
requirements for semi-natural vegetation. understanding of what is at play when bad enough; to set out to destroy it for its
While the competitors for HNV livestock comparing extensive and intensive live- own good is even worse!
systems are thus not crop-based, they stock. Just as we insisted in the case The point needs to be rammed home:
might be efficient grassland ones. of LCA, that there must be a holistic while GHG savings can and should be
Indeed, from a greenhouse gas emis- approach. made in every sector, extensive agricul-
sion perspective, a system where animals When the extensive livestock sector ture provides landscapes and biodiversity
are kept indoors, where methane and is attacked by the intensive, the latter which are irreplaceable and that no other
manure are under control, and are fed implicitly portrays itself as single system sectors can offer. Killing off extensive live-
from ‘managed’ permanent grassland, with one GHG profile. As we have already stock systems over millions of hectares
would appear to be unbeatable, at least if noted, there is, when seen from a GHG in order, possibly, to save some 0.x% of
its C-storage capacity is higher than that of emission perspective, a huge difference net GHG emission is not a high priority.
extensive permanent grassland. between the intensive grassland system Fortunately, rumours of their death are, so
I am afraid that from a strict climate outlined above and a grain/imported far, greatly exaggerated. Bill: keep the faith
change mitigation point of view, the best protein crop-based system (albeit one with your extensive system!
option is to develop efficient grass-based which possibly has some intensive grass- Xavier Poux;

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

Noticeboard designed and monitored so as to

deliver tangible environmental
conservation of dry grasslands,
mortality in Maasailand.
Access these at: http://www.
benefits; d) dry grasslands and rural
Scottish Government • farmers are well supported societies (grasslands of high
publishes HNV Farming through appropriate guidance nature value, CAP reforms, Rural Landscapes of
Indicator and correct aid amounts; permanent pastures, science- Europe – how man has
• the management of agri- based policy, etc.)
Scotland is the first country in environment policy takes account All other topics related to shaped European nature
the United Kingdom to assess of specific environmental needs. dry grassland ecosystems are This handsome book by Swedish
the extent and broad distribution While finding good examples also welcome. The organisers conservation biologist Urban
of High Nature Value Farming to illustrate good practice in most would welcome participation by Emanuelson, which we intend to
and Forestry systems. A recently cases, the Court noted a number those interested in all aspects review in a forthcoming issue of
published Scottish Government of common failings, including: of dry grassland to make this LC, is available for SEK596 from
report ( • in many cases, the objectives conference as multi-disciplinary the following website:
Publications/2011/08/10135254/0) set are not specific enough for as the excellent venue deserves!
provides a baseline assessment progress against them to be Registration at http://www.edgg. shop/ItemView____5458.
of High Nature Value Farming measureable; org/edgg_meeting_2012.html aspx?epslanguage=EN
and Forestry against which • the rationale for the measures
progress of the Scottish Rural chosen (or for not addressing Europe HNV farming Declines in farming in
Development Programme (SRDP) issues identified as serious) often
can be monitored. The report book in press the Scottish hills and the
does not emerge clearly from
suggests that in 2009, 40% of the overall description of the EFNCP and the Institute for impact on biodiversity
Scotland’s utilised Agricultural environmental situation in the Agroecology and Biodiversity in
Area was estimated to be under RDPs; Mannheim and with support from
High Nature Value farming • the distribution of resources a range of funders are publishing
systems. between measures was generally a book on HNV farming in over
Tw o complementary not clearly justified in terms of 35 European countries.
approaches were taken, one using cost-effectiveness; alternatives to Alongside general chapters, the
remote sensing data and the agri-environment often seem not main body of the work consists
other focussing on characterising to have been considered; of the country chapters, each
the livestock grazing systems • achievements difficult written by an experts on that
occurring in Scotland’s islands, to monitor and/or poorly particular state. Each chapter
hills and uplands. monitored; sometimes different gives an overview of the main
Data drawn from annually measurements are meaninglessly types of HNV farming present
collected agricultural statistics lumped together; in the country, illustrated with
was used to estimate the number • the similarity between the photos.
and extent of  farm holdings obligatory results and output The book will be in English, but
with HNV farming system indicators (which can be with a summary of each country
characteristics. The proportion paraphrased as the difference chapter in the offical language.
of rough grazing on the farm between ‘number of people We hope that the book will
holding was used as a surrogate in the scheme’ and ‘number of be a means of learning from A report published by Scottish
for the amount of semi-natural people undertaking successful one another and foster a sense Natural Heritage (SNH) could
habitat which may form the management of the type of community in amongst HNV help inform thinking on the
available forage and fodder promoted by the scheme’!) farmers and their supporters development of HNV farming
resource. This was combined with means that an independent throughout the continent. system support policies,
a broad calculation of livestock measure is often lacking; The book will be available at frameworks and strategies
densities at the holding level to • details of calculations the end of 2011 – watch the (
indicate the intensity at which frequently not included in the EFNCP website for further details. publications/commissioned_
those forage resources were programmes; the use of averages reports/454.pdf ).
utilised across each farm holding. in calculations can lead to both Pastoralism journal Agricultural census data
Further work is now being overcompensation and to making from the Scottish Government
carried out to consider the impact payments unattractive; has shown that the national
that current SRDP measures • Member States usually don’t sheep flock declined by almost
have on HNV farming systems in evaluate what uptake levels are 2.9 million between 1998 and
Scotland. desirable regionally (for example) 2009. Similarly, the beef cattle
to achieve the intended benefits; herd declined by 110,783 over
History of grassland • management of measures is the same period. The greatest
management in Scotland in general not innovative and declines in livestock have been
insufficiently evidence-based. in the hills and uplands of the
Those who think that the past
is the key to understanding north and west of Scotland.
the present will be interested 9th European Dry Articles from the latest edition These declines have been fuelled
in a literature review (www. Grasslands Group available online under Open by a combination of factors, Access: including a general down-turn
Conference • How can social and in the economic viability of
The 2012 conference will take environmental services be hill farms, the foot-and-mouth
pdf) of the history of grassland
place on 19-25  May 2012 in provided for mobile Tibetan disease outbreak in 2001,
management in Scotland, carried
Prespa, Greece. Under the overall herders?; livestock reductions related to
out by Alasdair Ross of Stirling
theme of Dry Grasslands of • Influence of grazing and agri-environment schemes, and
University for Scottish Natural
Europe: Grazing and Ecosystem precipitation on ecosystem changes in the way that livestock
Services, the following subtopics carbon cycling in a mixed-grass farmers are subsidised.
Court of Auditors report are proposed: prairie; The aim of this project was
a) grazing impacts on biotic • D e s e r t i f i c a t i o n and to gather information on what
on agri-environment environment (impacts on livestock grazing - the roles of is happening on the ground
Having looked at SPS (see La plants, vegetation units, fauna, sedentarisation, mobility and in terms of livestock declines,
Cañada 26), the EU Court of etc.) rest; the changes in management
Auditors now turns its attention b) grazing impacts on abiotic • Effects of cattle rustling and associated with these declines,
to agri-environment payments environment (impacts on household characteristics on and the impacts of these changes
( soil and water resources, migration decisions and herd size on the natural heritage and rural
pls/portal/docs/1/8760788. desertification, climate change amongst pastoralists in Baringo communities. The central part
PDF), asking whether they are and dry grasslands, etc.) District, Kenya; of the project was the analysis
well-designed and managed. c) ecology and management of • Mobility and livestock of information from three case
Specifically, it investigates dry grasslands (all types of mortality in communally used study areas; South Skye, West
whether: biotic interactions, succession, pastoral areas: the impact of the Borders and North Highlands. A
• agri-environment policy is biodiversity, restoration and 2005-2006 drought on livestock participative workshop approach

La Cañada – Number 27 Winter 2011

was used as the main method allowed by the WTO agreement all the costs of the activity (as per Rural’Est update
of obtaining information about on agriculture. the first two approaches), but
More documentation on the
changes and impacts within the An interesting report are in large part related to the
recent conference ‘20 years of
case study areas. ( h t t p : / / w w w. l u p g . o r g . u k / income foregone by choosing not
farming and rural transition in
The decline in hill farming pdf/ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT to work in some other economic
Eastern Europe: what have we
and crofting was recognised as APPROACHES FINAL REPORT (pdf sector.
learned?’ is now available on the
a significant issue in all three version).pdf) commissioned by The novelty of these
Rural’Est website www.ruralest.
areas, with numerous impacts the UK Land Use Policy Group approaches varies. Some Member
highlighted. Many of the same looks again at these rules, asking States appear to take the Full Cost
Forthcoming events include:
issues were raised across the three which ‘income’ and ‘costs’ can approach at present for some of
April 2012: Rural’Est conference,
study areas. Social, economic and legitimately be considered and their payments. A Holding-Wide
Danube Delta, Romania.
community related impacts were whether the rather narrow approach introduces no new
Theme to be announced.
generally seen as more important approach taken in many countries principles, but merely extends
September 2012: Rural’Est
or serious than natural heritage could be widened without this approach to whole farming
conference, Ukraine. Theme:
impacts. There were very few breaching the WTO rules. systems.
East/East transfer of European
positive or beneficial impacts Three approaches are Introducing the Opportunity
rural development experience.
of the decline identified. More considered: Cost mechanism would however
negative impacts on the natural • The Full Cost of Management be something really new in
heritage were highlighted in approach. Including a proportion practice and fill a gap which we La Cañada reader survey
South Skye and North Highlands of fixed costs, this is relevant for in EFNCP have pointing out for – reminder!
than in the West Borders. It practices in danger of imminent many years. Farmers delivering Please remember to tell us what
tended to be the inbye ground abandonment, and is said to be large amounts of public goods you think of La Cañada at
where most of the changes in the most suitable in the context of and environmental services are
natural heritage and landscape agri-environment and similar often getting less income per B65DKGQ.
had been observed. payments. hour than those on the minimum
Many of the patterns of change • The Holding-Wide approach, wage in the rest of the economy ˇ
and impacts on the natural which excludes fixed costs and and, while the economy grows,
heritage and communities that so could be called a Full Variable their incomes fall further and
were brought out in the case Cost of Management approach. further behind those of their
studies were relevant to the It, as the name suggests, is suited non-farming neighbours. This
rest of upland Scotland and to supporting specific types of report shows that addressing this
the crofting areas. Most of the farming in danger of imminent can indeed, as we have always
data regarding natural heritage abandonment or severe decline. maintained, be consistent with
impacts was qualitative and • The Opportunity Cost approach, the WTO. Support EFNCP’s
anecdotal. There was very little
quantitative data available either
for use in natural constraint
areas. This recognises that the
Gwyn Jones; work –
from the workshops or elsewhere true costs of carrying out farming donate now at
that was directly linked to recent are not limited to the marginal
changes in livestock. costs of the activity, not even to
The decline in livestock
numbers is unlikely to stop
without economic support for Commoners
hill farmers and crofters through
some form of policy change. If from
the decline continues then the Abergwesyn,
impacts highlighted in the report Wales, visiting
are likely to become greater and
even more widespread, with
Spain on a study
wider social issues implicated. tour funded by
Davy McCracken; davy. the National Trust and DG
Alternative approaches Env. Full report
to payments for non- in next edition
economic farming of La Cañada.
Many of the farming systems
delivering the highest levels
and widest range of public
goods are economically very
marginal. Support payments for
these systems are restricted to
compensating the ‘additional
costs’ and ‘income foregone’

The European Forum on Nature Conservation Edited and published by the European Forum The editor would like to thank the follow-
and Pastoralism brings together ecologists, on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism. ing: Mike Alexander, Guy Beaufoy, Siôn
nature conservationists, farmers and policy- This issue was supported by the European Brackenbury, Fernando Garcia-Dory, Bill
makers. This non-profit-making network Commission DG Environment. The European Grayson, Peter Lanfear, Davy McCracken,
exists to increase understanding of the high Commission is not responsible for any Patrick McGurn, Sarah Mellor, Juergen
nature-conservation and cultural value of use that may be made of the information Metzner, Richie Morris, Tomasz Pezold,
certain farming systems and to inform work contained herein. Xavier Poux, Koen de Rijck, John Rodwell.
on their maintenance. Views expressed within La Cañada do not © copyright 2011 EFNCP necessarily reflect those of the editor, the
supporting organisations or the publisher.
Editor of this issue of La Cañada: Gwyn Jones,
5/8 Ellishadder, Culnancnoc, Portree IV51
9JE, UK; tel: +44 788 411 6048;


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