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Analyze a Story in Terms of its Elements

Background Information for Learners

The story has elements. These are the setting, character, and plot.
1. The setting- talks about the place and the time that the events in the story happened.
2. The characters- are the people or animals in the story.
3. A plot is the sequence of the story.
The Plot has parts and these are the beginning, middle, and ending.
Beginning- Start of the story. It gives the problem faced by the main character.
Middle- It presents the actions made by the characters to solve the problem.
Ending- End of the story. It gives the solution to the problem.

Learning Competency:
1. Analyze a story in terms of its elements (EN4RC-Ib-2.1.1)

Instruction: Complete each sentence by filling the correct word.

1. The ____________________ talks about the time and place the events in the story happened.

2. The ____________________are the persons, and animals in the story.

3. The ____________________ is the sequence in the story.

4. ____________________ is the start of the story. It gives the problem faced by the main character.
5. ____________________ is the end of the story. It gives the solution to the problem.

Direction: Fill in the sentences with the missing word. Use the guide question in answering.

1. What are the elements of the story?

The elements of the story are ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.

2. What is the setting?

The setting talks about the ____________________ and ____________________ the events in the story

3. Who are the characters?

The characters are the ____________________ or ____________________ in the story.

4-5. What are the parts of a plot?

A plot is the sequence of the story.
Plot has parts and these are the ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.

References for learners: 2015. English 4 Teacher's Guide. 1st ed. Philippines: Department of
2015. English 4 Learner's Material. 1st ed. Philippines: Department of Education.

Answer key:
I. 1.Setting II. 1. Setting, Character, Plot
2. Character 2. Place, time
3. Plot 3. People, animals
4. Beginning 4-5. Beginning, Middle, Ending
5. Ending

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