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GOVERNMENT COLLEG(AUTONOMOUS) RAJAMAHENDRAVARAM EAST GODAVARI DISTRICT NAAC+3.38/4.00 AFFILIATED TO ADIKAVI NANNAYA UNIVERSITY "DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND MANAGEMENT" ACOMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED BY KARRIMIJJI APPALA NAIDU REGISTER NUMBER : 2211219 FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF DR. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SREEVARAM MADAM CERTIFICATE This is certified that this project report "Drainage system and management" is being submitted by KARRIMIJJI APPALA NAIDU In partial fulfilment of requirements for the award off Bachelor of Science is the record of bona fide work done by him under my supervision during the academic year 2021-2022 Faculty mentor DR.SREEVARAM MADAM Department of Chemistry Government college (Autonomous) Rajamahendravaram —————— Acknowledgments | would like to express my special thanks to the principal DR.R.David kumar swamy government college autonomous Rajamahendravaram and to my faculty mentor big arena you do lecturer of Chemistry from the department of chemistry government college autonomous Rajamahendravaram. | would like to thank the department for the acceptance off my community service project drainage system and management | want to thank each and everyone for conducting this wonderful projects in our college. through this we are learned how to talk with the people and interact with them interacting with people place a key role for every student life on for their academic future we are very happy to conduct this community service project last but not least | would like to thank my village is an my friends for helping me to conduct this community service project successfully Date: Place: RAJAMAHENDRAVARAM. KARRIMIJJI APPALA NAIDU Reg no :2211219 BSc-MGC ABSTRACT The aim of this survey is to gaining awareness about Village problems. | understood what are the problems in our village. the most highlighted problem is drainage system. Every village should have proper drainage system to take out the waste water into of the village. This survey helps me how to interact with the villagers. They says that we are complainted to the village government so many times but it was not established. Absence of drainage system causes many health problems. the people in our village gived so many suggestions like the establishment of drainages can happen by the village volunteers and the construction of ponds is the first step of establishment of drainages. This project helps to complaint the higher officials behalf of some problems in our village and this survey helps me to understand a fact that "if a problem effects the villagers. The solution is taking everybody's opinion aCe RCH Ir ume Be UCC IK Ca ae INTRODUCTION A drainage system is an arrangement to move liquid away from where they are not required for disposal in appropriate locations. A drainage system can include anything from gutters and drains in houses to remove rainwater stormwater systems to drain water from roads into roadside drains and drainage systems to remove sewege from houses into muncipal sewers for disposal There are two uses for a drainage system as a part of existing and developing urban systems or cities drainage systems are in place to remove excess water in development this could be flood water rainwater and different kinds of run off drainage systems are also in place to effectively remove waste water which is referred as a sewer system Not having a proper drainage system in place will result in flooding of low lying areas there are by causing property damage and health risks an effective training system is one that SMCS eee EVER Utell nore cure) EON Aare VA Ee removes all access water without causing inconveniences in terms of design for example in an area with minimal links like residences and shops there cannot be open trends that flow through the areas. Drainage system can be different for stormwater and savers but sometimes both these inputs drainage into the same underground drainage system the advantage of having separate drainage systems is that stormwater run off is not so dangerous that it has to be treated this can be drained directly into water bodies there are both closed and open drinks in different areas closed transforms a complex network underground the primary refused from individual areas is collected and transported to the main network which finally goes to a treatment plant an open drain is mostly used to collect waste water that is not rage the use of open drains is not a good option to carry waste water even if the solids have been removed by the septic or interceptor tanks ‘West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India Ce aaa Ces eer ere Soc ear) ed ene Pea Cenc e aiey fest Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India Serena me) mr claret Pe Vegavarm CBeah toa Pra ee a OBJECTIVES @ To know the details of our village. To know how to interact with the people + For the identification of problems in our village + Making questionnaire and asking them * Finding solution for that problem * How to convey this problem to the village higher officials * Importance of drainage system + Identifying the problems faced by the peoples without draining system + Identifying the persons who are complainted already * To make the awareness of proper usage of drainage systems + Identifying different answers thoughts and opinions of the village people * Being a citizen of certain village it is better to know the economic education and health standards of that village * Being a degree student complaining about the problems in our village is fundamental duty of myself Theses are the objectives of this community service project METHODOLOGY @ a questionnaire is prepared for providing identification, information of household members education& awareness of drainage system * The survey was conducted in Vegavaram BC Colony in Jangareddygudem Mandal of ELURU district * This survey was conducted in 25 houses The collected data is analysed to find out the problems facing by the Villagers on the absence of drainages * Conducting various awareness programmes on drainage system and management * Taking help from the village Sachivalayam * Taking help from the village leaders This is the methodology of this community service project gle a 7 wma PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The project drainage system and management done in automatisme is survey conducted around 25 houses for both Josh academic conditions of the household along with main survey drainage system management most of the families said that they want drainage facility by the government the main aim of this project is completing an get their needs by village government own are such problems training system becomes a big problem in our village as a part of this community service project | also conducted awareness programmes on drainage system and management QUESTIONARE | prepared a questionnaire and question the people of the locality about the topic training system and management the peoples of the locality and parents of household received an answer to the questions both positively and negatively The questions are like 1. Are you having a drainage system? 2. If have, is it properly working or if don't have what might be the reason? 3. If have, is there any implementation on that?.if don't have what is the reason for don't having a drainage system according your location 4. What is your role in developing drainages? 5. Is there any working team for regulating trainee system? 6. Is there any complaints on this drainage system? 7. |s there any problem to develop drainage system according to our locality 8. If the damages are not working what are the problems you faced? 9. Is there any idea to develop committee for this problems? want any government help to conduct proper drainage system? 11.Is there any pond to store this water waste in your surroundings? 12.If you wanted any Drainage system what could be the place to construct the ponds to store the drainage water? 13. What could be the situation when heavy rains are coming? 14.Is there any water pits to store the drainage water in your ground? 15. What are the major health problems you faced due to absence of drainage system? 16. Have you ever complainted to the higher Officials? l [ STEPS TO IMPROVE DRAINAGE SYSTEM * Taking economical help from the government * Establishment of points far from the village * Taking everybodie's opinions * Taking every people's suggestion * Making a curriculum for the establishment of drainages + Designing a committee for this change in our village * Bling drainage systems with the levels of the ground properly Assigning the workers to regulate the drainage systems + Taking village sarpanch's suggestions * Controlling the people who are stop the flow of drainage water * These are the steps to improve the drainage systems DISEASES CAUSED BY MOSQUITOES IN DRAINAGE: 1.ZINA VIRUS 2.WEST NILE VIRUS 3.CHIKUNGUNYA VIRUS 4.DENGUE 5.MALARIA Pathologies diffused by mosquitoes in the world 10% | 20% @Dengue Malaria Yellow fever @Zika virus GFilarisis Japanese encephalitis OChikungunya GRift valley fever Others CONCLUSION: We are conducted that this survey help to gain the awareness about village problems understand what are the problems in your village.The most highlighted problem is drainage system every village should have proper drainage system to take out the waste water into the into out of the village.This survey help me to interact with people they give good so many suggestions and they shared their opinions with me this project help me to complaint the higher officials be half of some problems in our village .This survey helps me to understand the fact that if a problem faced by the people the solution for that is taken everybody,s opinions.! would like to thank our honourable principle Sri.R.David kumar Swamy and our mentor Sri.T.Sreevaram madam for conducting this wonderful project and giving their wonderful suggestions. STUDENT: SUPERVISOR: EXAMINER:

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