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Boot Operate and Supervisory Service

Administrator Guide

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The content of this document is confidential and proprietary information of InStep Software, LLC (ISS), and
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200 W. Jackson Blvd.

28th Floor Chicago, IL 60606
Version T: 312.894.7837 / F: 312.894.7840
Rights to Use

Boot Operate and Supervisory Service (BOSS)


The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement between you and InStep Software,
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Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, InStep Software, LLC makes no
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For information regarding duplication and additional use of this document, contact:
InStep Software, LLC
200 W. Jackson Blvd., 28th Floor
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Dear eDNA User,

Thank you for selecting this product from InStep Software, LLC to fulfill your real-time computing needs.

We appreciate your business and are confident that you will be fully satisfied. If you have any comments on ways we
could improve this product, we would appreciate hearing from you.

The ISS eDNA Team

How to Contact ISS

Please feel free to contact your ISS representative at any time using the contact information provided.
General contact information:
Telephone (312) 894-7837 InStep Main

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28th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW ............................ 1

Starting, Stopping, and Killing Services................... 16

CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION AND Adding and Editing Services ................................... 16

CONFIGURATION ........................................ 2
Deleting Services ................................................... 18
Overview ................................................................ 2
Service Configuration File (BOSS.CFG) ..................... 2 Exporting and Importing Service Information ......... 19

Installing the BOSS .................................................. 4 Editing Configuration Files ..................................... 19

Starting/Stopping the BOSS ..................................... 4 Transferring Files using BOSS File Operations ......... 20
Starting the BOSS ..................................................... 4 Refreshing the Display ............................................ 21
Stopping the BOSS .................................................... 4
BOSS Service Screens .............................................. 5
EDNA LICENSE.......................................... 22
Main Screen (F1 Screen)........................................... 5
System Messages (F2 Screen) .................................. 6 eDNA License Relocation ....................................... 22
Net Messages (F3 Screen) ........................................ 7
Trace Messages (F4 Screen) ..................................... 7 eDNA License Alarm .............................................. 22
Control Messages (F5 Screen) .................................. 8
BOSS Recovery........................................................ 9
VIEWABLE FROM BOSS.CFG .................. 23

CHAPTER 3: RUNNING EDNA SERVICES Requirements ....................................................... 23

AS WINDOWS NT SERVICES ................... 10
Installing the Required Software............................ 23
Windows NT Services ............................................ 10
Encrypting BOSS.CFG Passwords ............................ 24
Running eDNA Services as NT Services ................... 10
Decrypting BOSS.CFG Passwords ........................... 27
The eDNA Service.................................................. 10
Installing and Registering eDNA Service with the CHAPTER 7: MAINTENANCE ................... 28
Windows NT Service Manager ............................... 11
Controlling and Configuring the eDNA Service ...... 12
Automatic Startup .................................................. 13

Required Paths for BOSS and Services Directory..... 14


.................................................................... 15

BOSS Login............................................................ 15
Chapter 1: Overview

The enterprise Distributed Network Architecture (eDNA) Boot Operate and Supervisory Service
(BOSS) is a powerful and versatile control tool for facilitating network operations from remote
locations. Once a remote service has been configured to operate under and communicate with the
BOSS, users can perform the following types of operations from a remote workstation:
• Register and unregister a service with the BOSS
• Create and delete services
• Start and stop services
• Read and write files
• View and control services
• List services and events

The BOSS service runs under Windows operating systems and can have up to 50 services. It runs
best when taking advantage of multi-threading and preemptive multitasking capabilities.
When eDNA Services run as NT Services, they are managed by the BOSS. Windows NT Services are
long-lived processes that are launched when the operating system boots up and run independently
of user logins. Some examples of these services are FTP servers, HTTP servers, printer spoolers, and
domain name servers.
The administrative client used to interface with the BOSS is eDNA Explorer. For detailed information
on using eDNA Explorer, refer to the eDNA Explorer Administrator Guide.

Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration

This section discusses installation and configuration of the eDNA Boot Operate and Supervisory
Service (BOSS).


The BOSS is an eDNA Real-Time Service. It interacts with other eDNA services just like any other real-
time service. The BOSS provides remote management for the eDNA services on a server. A service
and server are distinguished as an application that provides information on a network and a machine
hosting those applications, respectively. Its unique set of functions provides for the management of
services on a server.
The BOSS consists of the following components:
• BOSS.exe—The BOSS executable.
• BossInfo.dat—Database file that holds information about the BOSS itself.
• SVCDEF.dat—Database file that maintains information about the services running under the
• BOSS.cfg—The BOSS configuration file.

Note: Users and administrators should not attempt to modify the BossInfo.dat or SVCDEF.dat files
The BOSS requires a configuration file in order to start.

Service Configuration File (BOSS.CFG)

The service configuration file gives the BOSS all of the information it needs to start. The service
configuration file must be located in the same directory from which the service process is launched.
The administrator is responsible for generating and maintaining the service configuration file.
Instructions for a service configuration file are given on a single line. They consist of a keyword
followed by a separator (space or equal sign) and a list of zero or more parameters. Parameters are
distinguished by separators (spaces or commas). The pound sign (#) keyword indicates a comment.
To view a configuration parameter list, navigate to the directory, and enter the following at the
command prompt:
boss.exe ?
For a list of acceptable configuration file keywords, refer to Table 1, page 3. Keywords with an
asterisk (*) are required.

BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

Table 1: Service Configuration Keywords

BOSS_MINIMIZED Flag to start services minimized.

*BOSS_NAME The name of this BOSS's service.

*SERVICE The eDNA site.service name of this service.

*BOSS_SECURITY_SVC The DNA site.service name the Security service.
*BOSS_SECURITY_APPL The Security application name.
BOSS_SECURITY_EVENT The Security event (default CHANGE).
*BOSS_BASE_DIR The BOSS working directory.
BOSS_PASSWORD Case sensitive password for access when Security
service is unavailable.
EVENT_LOG_SERVICE The eDNA Event Log site.service name of this service.
SERVICE_IP_ADDRESS IP Address for service to bind.
SERVICE_PORT The IP Port number to bind.
FIREWALL_IP_ADDRESS The firewall IP address.
WRITE_TO_TRACE_FILE Output to trace file.
MAX_CHECK_FAIL_TIME The maximum allowed time to communicate with
service before automatically shutting the service
down (minutes). Set to -1 if no max fail time check
should be performed.
DETAILED_TRACE Show network message details.
AUTOSTART_SERVICE Automatically restart a killed service.

The following keywords (marked with an asterisk [*] in Table 1, page 3) are required:


BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

The following is an example of a BOSS configuration file.


Installing the BOSS

The BOSS is available for download from the InStep Technical Support Web site. For detailed
information on installing the BOSS, refer to the eDNA Services Installation Guide.

Starting/Stopping the BOSS

This section discusses starting and stopping the BOSS.

Starting the BOSS

The BOSS can be started by using any of the following methods:
• Double-clicking on the service executable (BOSS).
• Running as a Windows NT Service. Refer to Chapter 3: Running eDNA Services as Windows NT
Services, page 10.
• Navigating to the location of the BOSS executable (BOSS) file from a command prompt and
typing the program name (BOSS.exe) without command line parameters.

Stopping the BOSS

The BOSS can be stopped by using any of the following methods:
Note: Do not stop services by clicking the close button (X) in the upper-right corner of the screen.
This is not a controlled stop and may result in data corruption or in the service continuing to run.
• Stopping as a Windows NT Service. Refer to Chapter 3: Running eDNA Services as Windows
NT Services, page 10.
• Returning to the eDNA BOSS Service Main screen by pressing function key 1 (F1) and typing
STOP; however, this command only applies to services started from a command prompt
screen. The BOSS will close its files, disconnect from other services, and terminate.

Upon stopping, BOSS will issue shutdown messages to each of its subordinate services. The BOSS will
wait for the subordinate services to tell the Services Directories that they have stopped and wait for
the subordinate services’ processes to close. The BOSS will close its files, disconnect from the
Services Directory, and terminate.

BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

BOSS Service Screens

BOSS Service screens allow users to navigate through the service screen functions by using keyboard
function keys (F keys) and their corresponding command buttons (up and down correspond to PAGE
UP and PAGE DOWN keys on the keyboard).
When running, the BOSS displays information about itself through the following series of service
• F1 Main
• F2 System Messages
• F3 Network Messages
• F4 Trace Messages
• F5 Control Messages

All of the BOSS Service screens have a common header displaying the service’s most basic
information. The header contains information describing the service type, name, version, and start
time. Refer to Figure 1, page 5.
Figure 1: BOSS Service Screen Header

Main Screen (F1 Screen)

When a service starts up, it displays the Main service screen. All other service screens are accessible
from the Main screen. Services can be stopped from the Main screen by typing STOP; however, this
command only applies to services started from a command prompt screen. The Main screen can be
accessed from any service screen by pressing function key 1 (F1). Refer to Figure 2, page 6.
Information on the Main screen includes:

• The number of messages received by the service

• The number of messages sent by the service
• The location of the server on which the service is running and contact information
• The names of the service’s associated Security Service, Security Application, and base
• Indication of Trace File status
• List of additional service screens

BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

Figure 2: Main Screen Example

System Messages (F2 Screen)

The System Messages screen is accessed from the Main screen by pressing function key 2 (F2).
The System Messages screen displays message text lines that are important to the service.
Information messages are displayed in low intensity (dull) white, reset messages are displayed in light
blue, warning messages are displayed in yellow, and error messages are displayed in red. If the
messages have scrolled off the screen, the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys can be used to view the
1000 most recent messages. Refer to Figure 3, page 6.
Figure 3: System Messages Screen

BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

Net Messages (F3 Screen)

The Network Messages screen is accessed from the Main screen by pressing function key 3 (F3).
The Network Messages screen displays message text lines deemed important to the service. Each
line begins with the time stamp for the message, followed by data specific to that message. The
Network Messages screen contains messages pertaining to the following: service or server startup,
database files (status, opened, or closed), database record access/commit errors, backup
status/errors, semaphore rejects/timeouts, and high/low-level network processing errors. The colors
of the messages are the same as those used for the System Messages screen. Figure 4, page 7.
Figure 4: Network Messages Screen

Trace Messages (F4 Screen)

The Trace Messages screen is accessed from the Main screen by pressing function key 4 (F4).
The Trace Messages screen displays message text lines that provide programmatic information.
Often, the Trace Messages mimic the System Messages and provide additional information. The
Trace Messages screen includes messages indicating security parameters that have been added,
removed, or updated in the service; errors encountered on startup; internal record indexing
problems; parameter load problems; and service start time. The colors of the messages are the same
as those used for the System Messages screen. Refer to Figure 5, page 8.

BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

Figure 5: Trace Messages Screen

Control Messages (F5 Screen)

The Control Messages screen is accessed from the Main screen by pressing function key 5 (F5).
The Control Messages screen displays information about controls issued to services running under
the BOSS, including AUTO KILL SITE.SERVICE (no response for “x” minutes) when the keyword
MAX_CHECK_FAIL_TIME is used to automatically kill a service after a finite time period. For additional
information, refer to Table 1, page 3. The colors of the messages are the same as those for the
System Messages screen. Refer to Figure 6, page 8.
Figure 6: Control Messages Screen

BOSS Admin Guide Installation and Configuration

BOSS Recovery

If the service information becomes corrupted or accidentally deleted, the application (*.exe) and
service configuration file (*.cfg) will have to be restored. InStep Software recommends that copies of
these files be retained in a safe location. If the system becomes corrupt, replace the executable and
configuration file from the backups. The existing database files (BossInfo.DAT and SVCDEF.DAT) may
need to be destroyed, and then recreated new.

Chapter 3: Running eDNA Services as Windows NT Services

This section discusses running eDNA services as Windows NT services.

Windows NT Services

Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows Server 2003/2008 support
Windows NT Services, more commonly referred to as NT Services. Typically, an NT Service is a long-
lived process that is launched when the operating system boots. Some examples of these services
include FTP servers, HTTP servers, printer spoolers, and domain name servers.
Note: NT Services are analogous to UNIX daemons.
There are several important differences between NT Services and ordinary applications. NT Service
interfaces are not exposed to the desktop; therefore, an NT Service remains unseen by any Windows
desktop user. The only way an NT service can be “seen” is through the Windows NT Task Manager,
the Service dialog box, or through an application-specific interface (eDNA Explorer, in the case of the
NT Services run independent of user logins. The services start before the user logs on and, typically,
continues running as users log off and log on again.

Running eDNA Services as NT Services

eDNA Services are designed to run as NT Services. They start when the operating system boots and
operate without exposing their screens to the desktop, independent of user logons.
Though running as NT Services, the BOSS and other eDNA Services are not registered with the NT
Service Manager and are not controlled through the NT Services dialog box. The BOSS is launched by
an application called eDNAService, and the BOSS launches the other eDNA Services. The BOSS and
other eDNA Services are controlled and managed through eDNA Explorer.

The eDNA Service

The eDNA Service is an NT Service designed specifically to launch the eDNA BOSS and Services
Directory. eDNAService adheres to the strict definition of NT Services:
• If the eDNAService is registered with the NT Service Manager when Windows 7, Windows XP,
Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows Server 2003/2008 boot, the eDNAService will
automatically launch.
• If eDNAService has been configured to launch an eDNA Services Directory, eDNA Service will
launch a Services Directory. eDNA Service will then launch a BOSS, with the BOSS launching
all of the other eDNA Services running on the server.

BOSS Admin Guide Running eDNA Services as Windows NT Services

eDNA Service is configured and controlled through the Windows NT Service dialog. The Windows NT
Service dialog is accessed from the Windows Control Panel.

Installing and Registering eDNA Service with the Windows NT Service Manager
An NT Service must be installed and registered with the NT Service Manager, which simply adds
entries into the registry. This process is handled during installation of the eDNA Services.msi provided
for download from the InStep Technical Support Web site. Refer to Figure 7, page 11.
Figure 7: Registry Editor—DnaService

A simple installer has been provided in the eDNA Services.msi—Install.exe—that runs in console with
one parameter, the eDNAService path:
Install c:\systems\dnaservice.exe
The installer adds all of the necessary parameters to the services section of the registry. Services
information is listed under the following directory:
If difficulties are experienced in launching eDNAService, the ImagePath may require correcting. Refer
to Figure 8, page 11.
Figure 8: Services Information

BOSS Admin Guide Running eDNA Services as Windows NT Services

Controlling and Configuring the eDNA Service

A client has been supplied to facilitate control and configuration of the eDNAService that is handled
during installation of the eDNA Services.msi provided for download from the InStep Technical
Support Web site. The Client (DnaServiceCtrl.exe) allows for manually starting/stopping the service
and viewing/editing service parameters. Refer to Figure 9, page 12.
Figure 9: DNA System Service Client

Click Edit to in the Service Information panel to display the Parameter dialog. The Has a DNA Service
Directory drop-down menu is used to indicate whether or not the eDNAService is to start a Services
Directory (YES or NO). Refer to Figure 10, page 12.
Figure 10: Parameter dialog

The selected result is added to \Parameters in the registry. Refer to Figure 11, page 13.

BOSS Admin Guide Running eDNA Services as Windows NT Services

Figure 11: Registry Editor—Parameters

Automatic Startup
To configure the NT Service Manager to automatically start the eDNA Service, complete the following
1. Open the Services dialog from the Windows Control Panel.
2. Double-click Dna Services from the services list. Refer to Figure 12, page 13.

Figure 12: Services (Local)

3. Select Automatic from the startup type drop-down menu. Refer to Figure 13, page 14.

BOSS Admin Guide Running eDNA Services as Windows NT Services

Figure 13: Dna Services Properties

4. Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog.

Required Paths for BOSS and Services Directory

eDNAService requires that BOSS be properly installed and configured in the BOSS subdirectory off its
configured path. Therefore, if eDNAService is installed in c:\systems, the BOSS will have to be
installed and configured in c:\systems\BOSS.
Similarly, eDNAService requires that Services Directory be properly installed and configured in the
SvcDir subdirectory. Therefore, if eDNAService is installed in c:\systems, the Services Directory would
have to be located in c:\systems\SvcDir.

Chapter 4: Using the BOSS Control

This section discusses using the BOSS Control to start and stop services through eDNA Explorer. Refer
to Figure 14, page 15.
Figure 14: BOSS Control

BOSS Login

BOSS uses a standard login dialog to authenticate and allow actions, such as starting and stopping a
service, through the Security service. If Security service is not running, or if the user has not been
properly authenticated, BOSS will prompt the user with a failed security check message. Refer to
Figure 15, page 15.
Figure 15: BOSS failed security check

If Security service is not running, BOSS will prompt the user to enter a BOSS password. Refer to Figure
16, page 16.

BOSS Admin Guide Using the BOSS Control

Figure 16: BOSS Password dialog

Starting, Stopping, and Killing Services

The Services tab of the BOSS Control lists all of the services that can be started, stopped, and killed by
the BOSS service. To display service command options, right-click select a service or use the eDNA
Explorer Main Menu Control  Boss  Start / Stop / Kill. Refer to Figure 17, page 16.
Figure 17: Starting a service

Start and Stop are used for starting and stopping a service through normal BOSS operations. Kill is
used to kill—immediately end—the process of the target service.
CAUTION: The Kill function should only be used for those services that are not responsive to the Stop
option, as Kill may negatively affect database services when used improperly.

Adding and Editing Services

To add a service to BOSS, right-click select Add for the desired service from the BOSS Services tab.
This will display the Add Service Information dialog. This dialog can also be accessed through eDNA
Explorer Main Menu Control  Boss  Add. Refer to Figure 18, page 17.

BOSS Admin Guide Using the BOSS Control

Figure 18: Add Service Information

Note: When adding a new service to BOSS, it must first be added to the SvcDir control. For additional
information on the Service Directory (SvcDir) Control, refer to the eDNA Explorer Administrator
To define a new service, first select a service from the Name drop-down menu. Once a service is
selected, the following fields will automatically populate according to the service directory and
should not be modified by the user:
• Type
• Description
• Exe Name
• Command Line

Click Add after defining the new service in the Add Service Information dialog.
Note: The Exe Directory and Data Directory fields must be populated in order to provide BOSS with
the location of the executable. The Data Directory field will automatically populate once the EXE
Directory has been specified. DO NOT CHANGE THE DATA DIRECTORY FIELD.
To edit existing services listed in BOSS, right-click select Edit for the desired service. This will display
the Edit Service Information dialog. This dialog can also be accessed through eDNA Explorer Main
Menu Control  Boss  Add. Refer to Figure 19, page 18.
Click Save after making any modifications in the Edit Service Information dialog. The Edit Service
Information dialog is similar to the Add Service Information dialog; however, all fields will be pre-

BOSS Admin Guide Using the BOSS Control

Figure 19: Edit Service Information

Deleting Services

To delete a service using BOSS, right-click select Delete for the desired service, and click Delete from
the Delete Service Information dialog. This dialog can also be accessed through eDNA Explorer Main
Menu Control  Boss  Delete. Refer to Figure 20, page 18.
Figure 20: Delete Service Information

BOSS Admin Guide Using the BOSS Control

To permanently delete a service from eDNA, first delete it from BOSS; then, delete it from SvcDir. For
additional information on the Service Directory (SvcDir) Control, refer to the eDNA Explorer
Administrator Guide.

Exporting and Importing Service Information

To import/export service information to/from text or XML, through eDNA Explorer Main Menu, select
Control  Boss  Export / Import. Selecting Import will display the Open dialog; selecting Export
will display the Save As dialog. Refer to Figure 21, page 19.
Note: BOSS Control options are only available as long as a BOSS service is selected in the Service
Figure 21: Import/Export service information

Editing Configuration Files

To modify a service’s configuration file, right-click select Edit Config for the desired service. This will
display the Edit Configuration dialog containing the selected service’s configuration file. This dialog
can also be accessed through eDNA Explorer Main Menu Control  Boss  Edit Config. Click OK
after editing the configuration file. Refer to Figure 22, page 20.

BOSS Admin Guide Using the BOSS Control

Figure 22: Edit Configuration dialog

For detailed information on a service’s configuration parameters, refer to the eDNA Real-Time Service
Administrator Guide for that service.

Transferring Files using BOSS File Operations

BOSS is capable of transferring files between the local computer and BOSS through a connection
similar to FTP. File operations include file creation, deletion, uploading, and downloading.
The Files tab consists of two panels: the left panel of the control displays the local machine, and the
right panel displays the Systems files and folders. To transfer files to/from BOSS, select the files to
transfer, and right-click select Copy to Boss. Refer to Figure 23, page 20.
Figure 23: Files tab panels—Copy to Boss

BOSS Admin Guide Using the BOSS Control

Refreshing the Display

To force a refresh of the BOSS Files tab, right-click select Refresh, or select eDNA Explorer Main
Menu Control  Boss  Refresh. Refer to Figure 24, page 21.
Figure 24: Files tab panels—Refresh

Chapter 5: BOSS Interaction with eDNA License

BOSS.exe versions 7.7.4 and later allow for customized license location. By default, BOSS looks for the
eDNA license in the Licenses folder included in LicenseMgr. If the computer cannot locate the
license—or if the license has expired—an audible alarm will sound, and a log will be written to the
Windows Event Viewer to notify users.

eDNA License Relocation

To customize the eDNA license location for use with BOSS, complete the following steps:
1. Create a file called edna_license.ini, and place it one folder above the BOSS folder (typically
the C:\Systems directory).
2. Define the path to the license’s location in the edna_license.ini file. The following is an
example of the contents of an example edna_license.ini file:

3. Restart the BOSS. BOSS will read the .ini file and automatically locate the license.

For users who do not want to specify a customized license location, BOSS.exe version 7.7.4 is fully
backward compatible. If BOSS does not find an .ini file on start-up, it will automatically default to its
original operating procedure: locating the license in the Licenses folder under LicenseMgr.

eDNA License Alarm

If BOSS cannot locate the license file—or if the license has expired—a five-second audible alarm will
sound. No additional user setup or parameters are required for the eDNA License Alarm feature to
This alarm will sound when, during normal operation, BOSS fails to locate a valid license file during its
periodic check. The user will have a grace period, typically five days, to replace this license file,
typically five days. A log is written to the Windows Event Viewer.

Chapter 6: Encrypting Passwords Viewable from BOSS.CFG

This section discusses installation and use of the tools necessary for encrypting passwords viewable
from an eDNA BOSS configuration file (BOSS.cfg). The purpose of encryption is to add a layer of
protection to sensitive information in BOSS configuration files (BOSS.cfg).
Note: Only configuration keyword values may be encrypted.
eDNA Explorer provides eDNA users with a comprehensive and inclusive look into the status of eDNA
services to better manage, monitor, and configure eDNA.
For detailed information on using eDNA Explorer, refer to the eDNA Explorer Administrator Guide.


Refer to Table 2, page 23, for a list of required software.

Table 2: Software Requirements


eDnaExp.dll > Available as part of the “eDNA Admin Clients.msi” from
the InStep Technical Support Web site. Note that all
components of this .msi should be installed to ensure full
BOSS.exe > Available as an individual download (BOSS.exe) from the
InStep Technical Support Web site.

Installing the Required Software

The eDnaExp.dll (version or later) is available for download from the InStep Technical
Support Web site as part of the eDNA Admin Clients.msi. Note that all components of this .msi should
be installed to ensure full system compatibility. For detailed information on installing the eDNA
Admin Clients.msi, refer to the eDNA Client Tools Installation Guide.
The BOSS.exe (version or later) is available for download from the InStep Technical Support
Web site. For detailed information on installing the BOSS.exe, refer to the eDNA Services Installation

BOSS Admin Guide Encrypting Passwords Viewable from BOSS.CFG

Encrypting BOSS.CFG Passwords

To configure eDNA Explorer to encrypt passwords viewable from an eDNA BOSS configuration file
(BOSS.cfg), complete the following steps:
1. Download and install the required software. Refer to Installing the Required Software, page
2. Launch eDNA Explorer. Double-click the desktop shortcut icon, or navigate to Windows Start
→ All Programs → eDNA → eDNA Explorer.
3. Click the applicable BOSS from the Service tree. Refer to Figure 25, page 24.

Figure 25: Click BOSS from the Service Tree

4. Click the BOSS to be configured in the Services tab.

5. Right-click select Edit Config from the Services tab pop-up menu to open the Edit
Configuration dialog. Refer to Figure 26, page 24.

Figure 26: Right-Click Select Edit Config

BOSS Admin Guide Encrypting Passwords Viewable from BOSS.CFG

6. Highlight the BOSS_PASSWORD to be encrypted, and right-click select Copy from the pop-up
menu. Refer to Figure 27, page 25.

Figure 27: Right-Click Copy BOSS Password

7. Click in the text box at the bottom of the dialog, and right-click select Paste. Refer to Figure
28, page 25.

Note: Do not include leading or trailing white space in the text box.

Figure 28: Right-Click Paste BOSS Password

BOSS Admin Guide Encrypting Passwords Viewable from BOSS.CFG

8. Click E (encrypt) to encrypt the password. Refer to Figure 29, page 26.

Figure 29: Encrypt the BOSS Password

9. Highlight the encrypted password in the text box, and right-click select Copy from the pop-up
10. Highlight the “old” BOSS_PASSWORD, and right-click select Paste from the pop-up menu.
Refer to Figure 30, page 26.

Figure 30: Right-Click Paste Encrypted BOSS Password

11. Click OK to accept the change and close the dialog.

BOSS Admin Guide Encrypting Passwords Viewable from BOSS.CFG

Decrypting BOSS.CFG Passwords

To decrypt passwords viewable from an eDNA BOSS configuration file (BOSS.cfg), complete the
following steps:
1. From the Edit Configuration dialog, highlight the BOSS_PASSWORD, and right-click select
Copy from the pop-up menu.
2. Click in the text box at the bottom of the dialog, and right-click select Paste. Refer to Figure
31, page 27.

Note: Do not include leading or trailing white space in the text box.
Figure 31: Right-Click Paste Encrypted BOSS Password

3. Click U (unencrypt) to decrypt the password. Refer to Figure 32, page 27.

Figure 32: Decrypt the BOSS Password

4. Click OK to accept the change and close the dialog.

Chapter 7: Maintenance

eDNA BOSS requires no formal, routine maintenance. As with all eDNA services, it is recommended
that the administrator periodically check the service screens for error messages and verify that the
alarms are current.
An administrator should also retain copies of the application executables, service configuration, and
database files.


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