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Practice Questions

For Different Banking Exams

Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

(Directions 1 – 5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions
that follow:

M % N means M is to the right of N at a distance of 1m.

M @ N means M is to the left of N at a distance of 1m.
M $ N means M is to the north of N at a distance of 1m.
M # N means M is to the south of N at a distance of 1m.
The persons are facing the south direction.

1. A % B # C % D, then D is in which direction with respect to A?

1) North
2) South-East
3) South
4) South-West
5) North-West

Answer – 5) North-West

2. A # B % C $ D, then D is in which direction with respect to A?

1) North
2) North-East
3) West
4) South
5) South-West

Answer – 3) West

3. E $ F @ G # H, then H is in which direction with respect to E and what is distance

between H and E?

1) North, 1m
2) South, 1m
3) South-East, 1m
4) West, 1m
5) East, 1m

Answer – 5) East, 1m

4. A # B % C $ D % E, then E is in which direction with respect to B?

1) North
2) South-West
3) North-East
4) South-East
5) West
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

Answer – 2) South-West

5. P # R @ S @ Q $ T, Then R is in which direction with respect to Q and at what


1) North, 1m
2) South, 2m
3) West, 2m
4) East, 2m
5) North-East, 1m

Answer – 3) West, 2m

6. A person starts walking in north to his house and walks 50m. Now he took a right
turn and walks 20m and after that he took another right and walks 20m. Now he is
moving towards his house. In which direction he is walking?

a) south east
b) south west
c) north east
d) north west
e) None of these

Answer – b) south west

7. Ramesh starts walking in north direction and after walking some distance he turns
to 45 degree in clockwise direction. After that he turns 180 degree anti clockwise
and again 45 degree in clockwise direction. Now in which direction Ramesh is

a) west
b) east
c) north
d) south
e) None of these

Answer – a) west

8. Raju starts walking in south direction and walks a distance of 7 meters. Now he
tooks a left turn and walk 6m. Again he takes a left turn and walk 15m and reached a
point P. Find the distance between starting point and P and in which direction is the
Raju from the initial point.

a) 10m, south east

b) 10m, north west
c) 10m, north east
d) 10m, south west
e) None of these
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

Answer – c) 10m, north east

9. Aman goes 6 m North and turns right and walks 8 m. Again, he turns to his right
and walks 4 m. After this, he takes another turn to his right and walks 8 m. So, what
is the distance between his current position and his starting point?

(a) 1m
(b) 3m
(c) 5m
(d) 2m

Correct Answer: Option (d) – 2 m

10. If South-West becomes East, South-East becomes North and so on. What will
North become?

(a) South-West
(b) South-East
(c) North-West
(d) North-East

Correct Answer: Option (a) – South-West

11. Vivek walks 10 m towards the South. From there he takes a U-Turn and walks 6
m. Then, he takes a left walks 3 m. What is the distance and direction of his current
location with respect to his starting point?

(a) 5 km, South-West

(b) 4 km, South-West
(c) 5 km, South-East
(d) 5 km, North-West

Correct Answer: Option (a) – 5 km, South-West

12. Aman is 40 km away from Akhil in the South-West Direction. Anthony is 40 km

away from Akhil in the South-East direction, then what is the direction of Anthony
with respect to Aman?

(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West

Correct Answer: Option (c) – East

Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

13. A ran 15m towards South, took a turn towards east and ran 20m and again he
took a turn towards the north and ran 15m. What is the distance between his current
position and his starting position?

(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 30
(d) 20

Correct Answer: Option (d) – 20

14. Lakhan left his home for a run and ran 15 km in the Northern direction. Then he
turned left and ran 10 km. Then he turned another left and ran 5 km. Finally, he took
a turn to the East and ran 10 km. In which direction is his current location with
respect to his home?

(a) North
(b) South
(c) Northwest
(d) South-East

Correct Answer: Option (a) – North

15. Arpit walked a distance of 8 km in Eastern direction and then took a U-turn and
walked 13 km, then she turned south and walked 4 km; After which she turned left
and walked 5 km; and finally, she turned north and walked 3 km. How far is she from
the starting point?

(a) 8 km
(b) 10 km
(c) 1 km
(d) 3 km

Correct Answer: Option (c) – 1 km

16. Arun started walking towards North and walked for 5 km, then he turned right
and walked for 3 km, he took another right turn and walked 5 km and finally, he took
a left turn and walked 2 km. What is Arjun’s current direction from his starting point?

(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West

Correct Answer: Option (c) – East

Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

17. Shyam is doing an exercise with his legs up and head down. He is facing west.
In which direction, will his left hand be?

(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West

Correct Answer: Option (A) – North

18. Naman runs 5 km in the east direction from his home. He then takes a left and
runs 15 km. He then takes a right turn and runs 10 km. He then took a turn towards
the south and ran 15 km. What is the distance between his home and his current

(a) 10 km
(b) 15 km
(c) 20 km
(d) 30 km

Correct Answer: Option (B) – 15 km

19. A postman was returning to the post office which was in front of him to the south.
When the post office is 80m away from him, he turned to the right and walks 50m to
deliver the last letter. He continues walks in the same direction for 20 meter and then
took a left turn and walks 80 meter. How many meters was he away from the post

a) 30
b) 40
c) 60
d) 70
e) None of these

Answer – d) 70

Directions (20-24): Read the following information carefully to answer the questions
that follow. The questions are based on following coding formats:

# – North
@ – South
% – East
$ – West
! – Either 4 or 6 m
& – Either 3 or 10 m

Examples: @ means P is South of Q, P#$Q means P is North-West of Q, P$!Q

means P is West of Q at a distance of either 4 or 6 m.
Conditions given are as:
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

I. A#&B
II. A#$C
IV. C$!D
V. E@&D
VI. F$!E

20. Given H$G, HG = 3m, B#H. Find distance between B and C?

1) 4m
2) 5m
3) 6m
4) 7m
5) Cannot be determined

Answer – 2) 5m

21. If B#G, then which of the following is true regarding points B and G?

1) G#&B
2) B#&G
3) B@!G
4) G@!B
5) None of these

Answer – 4) G@!B

22. A man starts walking from point A walks for 5m in ‘%’ direction, reaches point J,
turns ‘@’ direction and now walks 7m to reach point G. Given J#G. What is the
distance between points C and A. (Take points from question number 1 also).

1) √38m
2) √34m
3) √42m
4) 4√8m
5) 4√3m

Answer – 2) √34m

23. If distance point G and E is 6√2m, then find distance between points G and C?

1) 2√5m
2) 3√5m
3) 5√6m
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

4) 4√6m
5) 5√2m

Answer – 1) 2√5m

24. If K@!D and G$K, what is the maximum area of the quadrilateral formed by
joining points K, G,

1) 36
2) 49
3) 64
4) 30
5) 25

Answer – 1) 36

25. A man standing facing north starts walking. After walking for 5 m he took a left
turn and walked for 10m. Now he walked for 20 m after turning to his right and again
he turned right and finally stopped after walking 10 m. What is the distance from the
starting point?

A) 18 m
B) 20 m
C) 15 m
D) 25 m
E) None of these

Correct Answer: D) 25 m

26. From a point Saket starts walking in south-east direction. After walking for 6 m,
he turned to west and walks another 10 m. Now he turned towards north-west and
walks 6 m and then finally stopped after turning to east and walking 2 m. Find the
distance from the starting point.

A) 10 m
B) 8 m
C) 12 m
D) 6 m
E) None of these

Correct Answer: B) 8 m
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

27. From a point Sohail started walked towards south. After walking for 20 m, he
took a left turn and walked 40 m. Again he took a left turn and walked 15 m. Now he
turned to his right and finally stopped after walking 10 m. How far is he from the
starting point?

A) 42.50 m
B) 50.25 m
C) 30.75 m
D) 45 m
E) None of these

Correct Answer: B) 50.25 m

28. A person started walking in south direction. After walking for 40 m he turned to
his left and then walked 20 m. Now he turned to north and walked 30 m. In which
direction is he now with respect to starting point?

A) South-east
B) North-east
C) North
D) South
E) North-west

Correct Answer: A) South-east

29. Point A is 7 m west of point B. Point C is 5 m north of point B. A point D on AB 2

m away from point A meets BC at point E with DE = √34 m. Find the distance EC.

A) 3 m
B) 2 m
C) 4 m
D) Data inadequate
E) None of these

Correct Answer: B) 2 m

Directions (30-32): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

Eight persons M through T are standing in such a way that O is 20 m apart from N
towards West, N is 30 m South with respect to M. M is 40 m towards West with
respect to Q. P is 50 m towards South with respect to Q. R is 15 m apart from S
towards North. T is 20 m towards East with respect to S. R is 40 m towards West
with respect to P.

30. In which direction is Q standing with respect to R?

A. North-West
B. North
C. North-East
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

D. Cannot be determined

Answer – Option C

31. If one more person U is standing towards South-West with respect to P, then in
which direction is T, standing with respect to U?

A. South-West
B. North-East
C. North-West
D. Cannot be determined

Answer – Option D

32. What is the direction of O with respect to S?

A. North-West
B. North
C. West
D. Cannot be determined

Answer – Option A

33. Karim facing towards south moved straight 8 km and from there turned to her
right 90° and travelled 7 km. Then she took a 45° turn to her left and travelled 4 km.
Where would she be now with respect to the starting point?

A. South
B. South-east
C. North-east
D. South-west

Answer – Option D

34. A person starts from his home moves 15 m towards east and then turn 45’
towards its left and walk 15m. After that he moves towards west and stop at the point
P after covering 15m. Determine the distance and direction of the point P from his

A. South east and 15

B. north east and 15
C. South west and 15
D. North west and 15
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

Answer – Option B

35. A boy facing north turns 60’ in clockwise direction and then turns 150’ in anti-
clockwise. In which direction now he is facing.

A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west

Answer – Option D

36. Yashi starts from a point A and moves 3 m straight then take a right turn and
walk 4 m, again take a left turn and walk 5m. Finally he takes a left turn and walk 4m
now he is facing north, so in which direction he starts.

A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west

Answer – Option C

37. A person going 40m to the south of his house.Then he turned left and go 20m
and turn to north and walk 30m then start walking to my house. In which direction he
was walking now ?

A. East South
B. West North
C. North West
D. North East

Answer – Option C

38. If a person walks 3m towards South from point W and reaches point Q, which of
the following 2 points would fall in straight line including Q

A. Q,Y, Z
B. Q,X, Y
C. Q,W, X
D. Q,X, Z

Answer – Option A
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

Direction(39-43): There are 5 friends A, B, C, D and E standing randomly. B is to the

northeast of E. D is 2km to the east of E, who is 6km to the west of A. C is to the
northwest of D and in the line of EB. D is 4km the south of B.

39. In which direction is C with respect to A ?

A. South west
B. South east
C. Northeast
D. Northwest
E. None of these

Correct Answer: “D”

40. In which direction is A with respect to B ?

A. Southeast
B. Southwest
C. Northwest
D. Northeast
E. None of these

Correct Answer: “A”

41. What is the distance between D and A ?D

A. 5km
B. 4km
C. 6km
D. 3km
E. None of these

Correct Answer: “B”

42. What is the shortest distance between B and A?

A. 57√7 km
B. 42√2 km
C. 62√2 km
D. 35√5 km
E. None of these

Correct Answer: “B”

Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

43. What is the shortest distance between between B and E?

A. 27√7 km
B. 42√2 km
C. 62√2 km
D. 35√5 km
E. None of these

Correct Answer: “D”

44. Ankush walked 50 m towards north then turned left and walked 68 m. He then
turned to south and walked 22 m then he took a left turn and walked 44 m. After that
he turned right and walked 18 m and finally he turned left to and walked 48 m.
What is the total distance travelled by Ankush in south direction during the entire

A. 40 m
B. 54 m
C. 36 m
D. 44 m

Correct Answer: “A”

Direction (45 – 50): Read the following information carefully and answer the
questions given beside.

In the following questions, the symbols &, %, * and # are used with the following
meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given
Note: The directions which are given indicates exact directions.
A&B – A is in the south direction of B.
A*B – A is in the north direction of B.
A%B – A is in the east direction of B.
A#B – A is in the west direction of B.
A@BS - A is the mid-point of BS vertically.
Note– For southeast direction it used to be written as A&%B and so on…

When it is given that the Car honks once then it will be considered as the car taken a
left turn and if it is given as the car honks twice then it will be considered as the car
takes a right turn.

Point A is %15m of point B. Point C is *33m of point A. Point D is *25m of point B.

Point E is #20m of point D. Point F is &40m of point E. Point G is %40m point F.
Point H@IG. Point I is *30m of Point G.
Direction Sense Questions Free ebook

45. What distance the car has to travel from point I to reach the airplane which is
parked at point A?

1) 22m
2) 6√10 m
3) 43 m
4) 35m
5) 5√10m

Correct Answer – 5) 5√10m

46. What could the possible shortest route to reach point D from point C?

1) Started in east till 15km, honks once, cover 8km

2) Started in west till 15km, honks twice, cover 8km
3) Started in south till 25km, honks once, cover 8km
4) Started in north till 5km, honks once, cover 8km
5) Started in west till 15km, honks once, cover 8km

Correct Answer – 5) Started in west till 15km, honks once, cover 8km

47. If Point J is &15m of point B then which of the following is the position of J with
respect to G?

1) *, 24m
2) #, 25 m
3) &, 15 m
4) #, 20m
5) None of these

Correct Answer – 4) #, 20m

48. Point H is in which direction from point B?

1) &
2) *
3) #
4) %
5) &%

Correct Answer – 4) %

49. Point F is in which direction from point I?

1) &#
2) *
3) #
4) %
5) &%
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Correct Answer – 1) &#

50. What is the shortest distance between point A and point E?

1) 5√97 m
2) 5√87 m
3) 5√74 m
4) 5√53 m
5) None of these

Correct Answer – 3) 5√74 m

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Question 51. If you are facing north-east and move 10 m forward, turn left and move 7.5 m,
then you are
A. north of your initial position
B. south of you initial position
C. 12.5 m from the initial position
D. Both A and C
Answer: D

Question 52. One day Ravi left home and cycled 10 km south wards, turned right and
cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. how many
kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight ?
A. 10 km
B. 15 km
C. 20 km
D. 25 km
Answer: B

Question 53. Kunal walks 10 km towards North. From there he walks 6 km towards South.
Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his
starting point?
A. 5 km West
B. 7 km West
C. 7 km East
D. 5 km North-east
Answer: D

Question 54. Tina drives 45 kms towards East, turns right and drives 65 kms, then turns left
and drives 33 kms. In which direction is she facing now?
A. East
B. North
C. West
D. South
Answer: A

Question 55. A man walks 15 metres south. Then turning to his right he walks 15 metres.
Then turning to his left, he walks 10 metres. Again turns to his left and walks 15 metres.
How far is he from his initial position?
A. 10 m
B. 25 m
C. 15 m
D. 60 m
Answer: B

Question 56. One morning, Rita started to walk toward the sun. After walking a while, she
turned to her left and again to her left. After walking a while, she again turned right. Which
direction is she facing now?
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South
Answer: C
Direction Sense Questions Free e-book

Question 57. One day, Nita left home and cycled 10 km southwards. Turned right and
cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left cycled 10 km. How many
kilometers will she have to cycle to reach her home straight?
A. 10 km
B. 15 km
C. 20 km
D. 25 km
Answer: B

Question 58. A located to the West of B. C is located at North in between A and B. D is

exactly to the South of B and also in line with B. In which direction of C is D located?
A. South
B. Sout-East
C. West
D. South-West
Answer: B

Question 59. Deepak walks 20 m towards North. He then turns left and walks 40 m. He
again turns left and walks 20 m. Further he moves 20 m after turning to the right. How far is
he from his original position?
A. 20 m
B. 60 m
C. 50 m
D. 30 m
Answer: B

Question 60. Asha walks 3 km Southward and then turns right and walks 2 km. She again
turns right and walks 3 km and turns towards her left and starts walking straight. In which
direction is she walking now?
A. East
B. North
C. South
D. West
Answer: D

Directions: Study the following questions carefully and answer the questions given below.
Question 61. Madhuri travels 14 km West wards and then truns left and travels 6 km and
further turns left and travels 26 km. How far is Madhuri now from the starting point?
A. √180 km
B. √80 km
C. √100 km
D. None of these

Question 62. Sohan drove 15 km to the west from his house, then turned left and drove 20
km. He then turned east and drove 25 km and finally turning left covered 20 km. How far he
is from his house?
A. 40 km
B. 80 km
C. 5 km
D. 10 km
Direction Sense Questions Free e-book

Question 63 From the finishing point if you have to reach the point from where you started,
in which direction will you have to run?
A. North
B. South
C. East
D. West

Question64. Shahrukh starts driving from point A and drives 12 km towards north. He takes
a right turn and drive 20 km. He now drives 8 km after taking a left turn. Finally he takes a
left turn; and drives 20 km and stops at point B. How far is point A with respect to point B?
A. 18 km
B. 20 km
C. 35 km
D. 25 km

Question 65. Shahrukh starts driving from point A and drives 12 km towards north. He takes
a right turn and drive 20 km. He now drives 8 km after taking a left turn. Finally he takes a
left turn; and drives 20 km and stops at point B. Towards which direction does Shahrukh
move before stopping at point B?
A. Northwest
B. South
C. Southeast
D. West

Question 66. Sonu walked 25 m towards south and then took a left turn and walked 45 m.
Again he took a left turn and walked 25 m. Finally he turned to his right and walked 20 m
and stopped. How far and in which direction is Sonu from starting point?
A. 45 m, South
B. 50 m, West
C. 65 m, East
D. 20 m, North

Question 67. Salman starts from point A and walks 5 kms to the East. Aamir starts from the
same point and walks 5 kms to the West. Now, Salman takes a left turn and Aamir takes a
right turn, and both walks 5 kms and stop. How far are the two from each other at the point
where they finally stop?
A. 10 kms
B. 15 kms
C. 5 kms
D. Can’t be determined
Answer: A
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Question 68. If Sita walks 10 km towards West, then turned towards South and walked 10
km, then turned East walked 10 km, and turned North walked 10 km. How far she is from
starting point?
A. 20 km
B. 40 km
C. 10 km
D. 0 km

Questio 69. Laxmi went 10 km to the West from my house, then turned left and walked 20
kms. She then turned East and walked 25 kms & finally turning left covered 20 kms. How far
was she from my house?
A. 10 kms
B. 15 kms
C. 5 kms
D. 40 kms

Question 70. Ashok started walking towards South. After walking 50 m he took a right turn
and walked 30 m. He then took a right turn and walked 100 m. He again took a right turn and
walked 30 m and stopped. How far and in which direction was he from the starting point?
A. 50 m South
B. 150 m North
C. 180 m East
D. 50 m North

Question 71. Sanjeev walks 10 metres towards the South. Turning to the left, he walks 20
metres and then moves to his right. After moving a distance of 20 metres, he turns to the
right and walks 20 metres. Finally, he turns to the right and moves a distance of 10 metres.
How far and in which direction is he from the starting point?
(A) 10 metres North
(B) 10 metres South
(C) 20 metres North
(D) 20 metres South
Ans: D

Question 72. A clock is so placed that at 12 noon its minute hand points towards north-east.
In which direction does its hour hand point at 1.30 p.m.?
(A) North
(B) South
(C) East
(D) West
Ans: C
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Question 73. The town of Paranda is located on Green Lake. The town of Akram is west of
Paranda. Tokhada is east of Akram but west of Paranda. Kakran is east of Bopri but west of
Tokhada and Akram. If they are all in the same district, which town is the farthest west?
(A) Paranda
(B) Bopri
(C) Akram
(D) Kakran
Ans: B

Question 74. One morning Udai and Vishal were talking to each other face to face at a
crossing. If Vishal's shadow was exactly to the left of Udai, which direction was Udai facing?
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South
Answer: C

Question 75. If North-east becomes West and South-east becomes North then what will
West becomes?
A. South-east
B. North-east
C. South
D. North-west
E. None of these
Answer: A

Question 76. A man walks 6 km towards the north, then turns towards his left and walks for
4 km. He again turns left and walks for 6 km. At this point he turns to his right and walks for 6
km. How many km and in what direction is he from the starting point?
A. 10 km, West
B. 6 km, South
C. 4 km, South
D. 8 km, West
E. 10 km, East
Answer: A

Question 77. At 12.30 the hour hand of a clock faces North and the ¬minute hand faces
South. At 2.45 the minute hand will be in which direction?
A. North-West
B. West
C. South-East
D. East
E. South
Answer: B

Question 78. If the clock read 6.20 and if the minute hand points North-East in which
direction will the hour hand point?
A. West
B. South-East
C. East
D. North-West
E. North
Answer: C
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Question 79. Aman start from his house and walks 2 km east up to his class and turns
southwards and walks 1 km up to his friend’s house. At the friend’s house, he turns to east
and walks 2 km up to his school. He then turns northwards and walks 4 km to the garden.
How far is he from his house?
a. 5 km
b. 7 km
c. 4 km
d. 2.5 km
Answer: A

Question 80. Babita runs 8 km to the South. Then she turns to her right and walks 4 km.
Then again, she turns to her right and runs 8 km forward. How far is she from the starting
a. 8 km
b. 6 km
c. 4 km
d. 12 km
Answer: C

Question 81. Kabul is located 2 km away to the north-west Punjab. Rohtak is located 2 km
in the south-west direction from Kabul. Melghat is another place and is located 2 km away in
the north-west of Rohtak. Talu is located 2 km away in the south-west direction from
Melghat. In which direction is Talu from Punjab?
a. West
b. North East
c. North West
d. South
Answer: A

Question 82. Ajay goes 6 m North and turns right and walk 8 m. Again, he turns to his right
and walks 4 m. After this, he takes another turn to his right and walks 8 m. So, what is the
distance between his current position and his starting point?
(a) 1m
(b) 3m
(c) 5m
(d) 2m
Correct Answer: D

Question 83. If South-West becomes East, South-East becomes North and so on. What will
North become?
(a) South-West
(b) South-East
(c) North-West
(d) North-East
Correct Answer: (a)
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Question 84. Vijay walks 10 m towards South. From there he takes a U-Turn and walks 6
m. Then, he takes a left walks 3 m. What is the distance and direction of his current location
with respect to his starting point?
(a) 4 km, South-West
(b) 5 km, South-West
(c) 5 km, South-East
(d) 5 km, North-West
Correct Answer: (b)

Question 85. Amar is 40 km away from Akbar in the South-West Direction. Anthony is 40
km away from Akbar in the South-East direction, then what is the direction of Anthony with
respect to Amar?
(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West
Correct Answer:(c)

Question 86. A ran 15m towards South, took a turn towards east and ran 20m and again he
took a turn towards the north and ran 15m. What is the distance between his current position
and his starting position?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 30
(d) 20
Correct Answer: Option (d)

Question 87. Laxman left his home for a run and ran 15 km in the Northern direction. Then
he turned left and ran 10 km. Then he turned another left and ran 5 km. Finally, he took a
turn to the East and ran 10 km. In which direction is his current location with respect to his
(a) North
(b) South
(c) Northwest
(d) South-East
Correct Answer: Option (a)

Question 88. Apeksha walked a distance of 8 km in Eastern direction and then took a U-turn
and walked 13 km, then she turned south and walked 4 km; After which she turned left and
walked 5 km; and finally, she turned north and walked 3 km. How far is she from the starting
(a) 8 km
(b) 10 km
(c) 1 km
(d) 3 km
Correct Answer: Option (c)
Direction Sense Questions Free e-book

Question 89. Arjun started walking towards North and walked for 5 km, then he turned right
and walked for 3 km, he took another right turn and walked 5 km and finally, he took a left
turn and walked 2 km. What is Arjun’s current direction from his starting point?
(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West
Correct Answer: Option (c)

Question 90. Shaan is doing an exercise with his legs up and head down. He is facing west.
In which direction, will his left hand be?
(a) North
(b) South
(c) East
(d) West
Correct Answer: Option (A)

Question 91. Narendra runs 5 km in the east direction from his home. He then takes a left
and runs 15 km. He then takes a right turn and runs 10 km. He then took a turn towards the
south and ran 15 km. What is the distance between his home and his current location?
(a) 10 km
(b) 15 km
(c) 20 km
(d) 30 km
Correct Answer: Option (B)

Question 92. Starting from a point, Raju walked 12 m North, he turned right and walked 10
km, he again turned right and walked 12 m, then he turned left and walked 5 m. How far is
he now and in which direction from the starting point?
A. 27 m towards East
B. 5 m towards East
C. 10 m towards West
D. 15 m towards East
E. None of these
Answer: D

Question 93. A man walks 20 m towards South. Then turning to his right he walks 30 m.
Then turning to his left he walks 20 m. Again Turning to his left he walks 30 m. How far is he
from his starting position?
A. 30 m
B. 20 m
C. 80 m
D. 60 m
E. None of these
Answer: E
Direction Sense Questions Free e-book

Question 94. A man goes towards East 5 km, then he takes a turn to South-West and goes
5 km. He again takes a turn towards North-West and goes 5 km with respect to the point
from where he started, where is he now?
A. At the starting point
B. In the West
C. In the East
D. In the North-East
E. In the South-East
Answer: A

Directions: A @ B means A is to the north of B at a distance of either 7m or 12m

A # B means A is to the west direction of B at a distance of either 5m or 14m
A $ B means A is to the south direction of B at a distance of either 7m or 12m
A & B means A is to the east direction of B at a distance of either 5m or 14m
A @& B means A is to the north-east of B
A $& B means A is to the south-east direction of B

Question 95. Statement

A@B, B#C, C$D@&A, D#E@F@&C, F@G$&C, G&H$C

In which direction is B with respect to H?

(A) North
(B) East
(C) North-East
(D) North-West
(E) None of these
Correct option is: D

Question 96. If distance between B and C is same as the distance between D and E and
this distance is less than the distance between A and B. Point X Which is 5m north of point A
then what is the total distance between X and E?
(A)10 m
(B) 28 m
(C) Either a or b
(D) 5 m
(E) 14 m
Correct option is: A

Question 97. What is the total distance between E and G?

(A) 12 m
(B) 17 m
(C) 19 m
(D) 21 m
(E) None of these
Correct option is: C
Direction Sense Questions Free e-book

Question 98. One morning after sunrise, Vikram and Shailaish were standing in a town with
their backs towards each other. Vikram's shadow fell exactly towards left and side. Which
direction was Shailaish facing ?
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South
E. North south
Answer: D

Question 99. Ramakant walks northwards. After a while, he turns to his right and a little
further to his left. Finally, after walking a distance of one kilometre, he turns to his left again.
In which direction is he moving now?
(A) North
(B) South
(C) East
(D) West
Answer: D

Question 100. Ravi wants to go to the university. He starts from his home, which is in the
East and comes to a crossing. The road to the left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the
hospital. In which direction is the university?
(A) North
(B) South
(C) East
(D) West
Answer: A
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