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> (Printed Pages 4) 512 B.A. I (Sem.-II) Examination, 2022 ag Ras if - 2020, esr) SOCIOLOGY Paper Code - A070201T (Society in India : Structure, Organization t& Change} Time : Three Hours J [Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Attempt all sections as per instructions. anh wal b aR Rte re Section-A/aos-3i Note : Attempt alll questions, Give answer of each question in about 50 words, a wed} sex Siow wales wer Sr Tae ruse 60 rat A 2«10#20 1. (i) Village ata iy cary sae (i) Tribe sean Piro. https:/ @) (iv) Caste aft (Y) Merriage free (vi) Joint Family age tar (vii) Backward caste Riese ont (vill) Scheduled caste srgafira any (ix) Population growth orien ge (x) Casteism safer Section-B/eve-a ‘Note : Attempt any five questions. Give answer of each question in about 200 words, foal wher west 5 SOR ABEL ates se a ‘Bee rT 200 erat HTL 7x5=35 2. Explain the basic features of Indian vilage life. Sate mires Bere bet aie! 512 hutps:/ 3: Dlcusstheconcepio RUa-Urban kage, sree res oh oe Rad TEL 4. Describe in bref the main problems of Indi- an women sarang ret are 3 as Stet 5. Discuss the main problems and solutions of Indian Tribes. sorta soit gE TET se SME awh dir 6. Write en essay on casteism in India. ses 8 oar we co Paes 7. Critically evaluate the emerging trends of communalism in India. era A emer at suet gf a Sree raters BEL 8. Write short note on unity In diversity in India, ea 8 Fae ee oe rr Roo et 512 Pro. bhups:/ «@ Section-€/O5H Note : Attempt any two questions. Give answer of each question in about 500 words. Beh eh wes ds er APL rds eH aT Se ‘err 500 rat 10%2=20 9. Explain the changing pattems of caste system in India. se fi aaa aaah et oF “Se 10. What are main aims of Hindu merriage? Describe the traditional forms of Hindu marriage. hitps:/ faq foe & spe stra wr # Ry Rae sere wat or ac if) 11, Define joint family, Discuss the recent changes which are taking place in the joint family ag afters ah after wife) ges Rare 8 ak as feat a ft ota 12. Discussthe consequences of over population in India sear & sites Ser eR of Roar difwel S42 jtps:i/

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