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Safety Education Concepts and Activities
Teacher Inservice in Health and Safety Education
• schools, early childhood programs, and the • current information on specific health
law problems (e.g., seizures, autism
spectrum disorder, diabetes, giardia,
• emergency preparedness and management allergies)
• identifying child maltreatment; positive
behavior guidance ◗ health screening; • review of first aid techniques and
identifying vision, hearing, language cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
disorders training
• review of safety and sanitation procedures • health promotion practices; children’s
mental health
• stress and anger management
• nutrition education
• working with diverse families
• infectious disease updates • cultural awareness and sensitivity
• violence and bullying prevention
Activity Plans
• health and safety instructional plans should include several basic features:
➢ subject title or concept to be presented
➢ specific learning objectives
➢ materials list
➢ step-by-step description of learning activities
➢ assessment and suggestions for improvement


• Poisonous Substances—Poison Prevention

• Fire Safety / fire drill
• Riding Safely in Cars
• Dental Health / Tooth-brushing
• Dress Right for the Weather
• Hand Washing
• What is a Germ?
• Yoga/exercise

• Including families in children’s health and safety education encourages
consistency between school and home.
➢ Unhealthy lifestyle practices and attitudes are responsible for many contemporary health
problems. They also interfere with children’s ability to learn.
➢ When families know what children are learning at school, it is easier for them to reinforce the
same information, practices, and values at home.
➢ When teachers are aware of differences (e.g., cultural, linguistic, ethnic) in families’ values
regarding health, they are better able to create learning experiences that are more responsive
to children’s needs.

• Ongoing inservice opportunities help teachers stay current, especially in the
areas of health and safety where new developments and information are
always emerging.
➢ Education is a key element in reducing health problems.
➢ Educating children about health and safety raises their awareness and ability to make
informed decisions. It also strengthens children’s early efforts to assume some responsibility
for their personal well-being.

• Effective health and safety instruction is based on four key design elements:
➢Health and safety topics selected to appeal to children’s interests, address their
developmental needs, and be free of bias.
➢Learning objectives that describe expected changes in children’s behavior.
➢Instructional methods that are varied, inspire creativity, capture children’s attention,
and convey information in ways that children can understand.
➢Assessment that is continuous and considers all aspects of the instructional process.
• Lesson plans that are prepared in advance improve the teacher’s ability to be
organized, safe, creative, and focused on the learning activity.


- Summarize the content for this topic.

- You may do it with your teammates.
- Discuss with the class the points that have been summarized.

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