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4/3/23, 8:13 PM overview for Mad_Coffee_Party


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Muzica de luni by xploiter1 in CasualRO + friends
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party [score hidden] 29 minutes ago 

Frumos din partea ta, apreciem :)

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Muzica de luni by xploiter1 in CasualRO
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 2 points 43 minutes ago  send a private message

Ești DJ-ul nostru azi? :p chat

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Muzica de luni by xploiter1 in CasualRO
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 2 points an hour ago  redditor for 15 days
Văd că ești enciclopedie muzicală. :) Mersi de
recomandare, mi s-a părut pe alocuri lentă/
siropoasă (?), dar e faină :)
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The Invisible Men Project by shedernatinus in Feminism
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 3 hours ago 

It's so hard to digest what these guys write. It

almost makes me wonder if these are real "stories"
since I cannot fathom that someone can be so
dehumanising. It almost makes me wonder how Get an ad-free experience with special
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short encounters, but who do this kind of things
behind closed doors
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The Invisible Men Project by shedernatinus in Feminism

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 4 hours ago 

My ex had experiences with prostitutes in the past. I thought I can get over it especially since
he seemed remorseful ( mind you, he was not). Fortunately the sex was mostly very enjoyable
and I would say it was a very positive experience. But I wonder how these experiences shape
someone's mind. Like I was once in pain and he was more preoccupied with his erection,
claiming he needs to go deeper. We all make mistakes, but it's sad to think that most men
never try to put themselves in a woman's shoes.
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The Invisible Men Project by shedernatinus in Feminism

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 4 hours ago* 

I think this is self explanatory, I wonder how many of those women who claim they enjoy sex
work have deep (hidden) traumas, are in self denial, dissociating. I can't imagine anyone
enjoying being fucked by multiple men every day ( I don't think they're all good looking, kind,
good smelling men either). I work with people all day long and I sometimes ( fortunately very
rarely ) deal with arrogant, clearly mysoginistic men ( á la " you're a woman, your opinion
doesn't matter") and I wanna slap them in my mind, I can't imagine what would be like for a
creature like that to force themselves on me. 1/4
4/3/23, 8:13 PM overview for Mad_Coffee_Party

It hurts me to no end when I chat with apparently good men and they think there's nothing
wrong about prostitution. I can't imagine what is like to use someone like an object and not fee
disgusted with yourself. Unfortunately men are taught that it's ok to fuck around, that they're
entitled to women's bodies. I recall one guy speaking highly of his ex gf, but saying that he can
REALLY fuck a prostitute, since there's no further damage to be done. And if you call them out o
stuff like this they "retaliate", calling you a men hater. No, I'm not, I just hate lack of self
awareness, selfishness.
And don't get me wrong, I think sex is one of the greatest blessing in life, as long as there's
desire both sides. And I'm pretty sure most women ( if not all of them, trauma & mental health
issues left aside) would choose a loving rs, where they feel respected and cherished over
meaningless sex. Not a big fan of casual sex, but as long as the woman gives her consent,
whatever. But don't tell me that a man who is paying to have sex is not a rapist. Those women
would very probably be somewhere else if they had the choice.
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A boy and his best friend. by Greenthund3r in MadeMeSmile
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 5 hours ago 

Made me think of Frankenweenie

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Apparently touching boobs of Dalida’s boobs would bring good luck to the toucher (Paris, France) by
redcattino in interestingasfuck
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 7 points 7 hours ago 

Made me think of Victor's Noir statue, it's beyond comprehension that women would grind
against a lifeless statue to be blessed with fertility. Humans can be really weird
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Apparently touching boobs of Dalida’s boobs would bring good luck to the toucher (Paris, France) by
redcattino in interestingasfuck
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 3 points 7 hours ago 

It's like tragedies kept popping up in her life.

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Can you help me find something similar to this dress? by fulloffsweets in ModestDress
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 2 points 7 hours ago 

Search for S.Oliver, tried this one a few months ago, they have similar dresses oftentimes
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...incluziune by hazbizarai in CasualRO

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 9 points 7 hours ago 

Chiar am citit recent un articol într-o revistă pe tema asta, dar mai mult din perspectiva
femeilor, cică conform unor studii americane jumătate dintre femei nu au un orgasm cu
partenerul lor, în schimb bărbații în 95% din cazuri, da. Și menționează cartea lui Michèle
Binswanger, care a scris despre experiențele femeilor care și-au înșelat partenerul. Au făcut
asta de cele mai multe ori pentru că s-au simțit ignorate de partener. Și cică în unele cazuri
asta a reaprins flacăra in dormitorul matrimonial.
E frapant că bărbații au făcut asta cam dintotdeauna, dar acum femeile par să "recupereze".
Numai că , dacă de la femei se aștepta să "își accepte soarta" și să ierte, am impresia că
bărbații rareori is dispuși să ierte infidelitatea sexuala a partenerei
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...incluziune by hazbizarai in CasualRO

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 10 points 8 hours ago 

Chappi, azi meriți un hug

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Muzica de luni by xploiter1 in CasualRO 2/4
4/3/23, 8:13 PM overview for Mad_Coffee_Party
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 2 points 9 hours ago*
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Reprezinta masina un criteriu? by tar_xann8 in CasualRO

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 0 points 18 hours ago 

Bine, ai înțeles tu că nu la mașină mă refeream ;)

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Ati avut parte de intamplari rasiste/xenofobe in vest? by IoanGuraDeBitcoin in Romania

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 19 hours ago 

Cred că majoritatea am auzit partea cu "de ce ești alb"? Când m-a întrebat asta o tipă, am
crezut că se referă că-s palidă în ziua aia. Dar în cazul ei chiar nu cred că era malițiozitate
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Ati avut parte de intamplari rasiste/xenofobe in vest? by IoanGuraDeBitcoin in Romania

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 20 hours ago 

I-ai acordat prea multă atenție

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Ati avut parte de intamplari rasiste/xenofobe in vest? by IoanGuraDeBitcoin in Romania

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 20 hours ago 

Înțeleg regretele, dar RESPECT! Nu-s deloc patrioată, dar locuind în afară am avut și eu de-a
face cu idioți dint-ăștia. Îmi pare rău că nu i-am pus mereu la punct
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Cei care va doriti copii sau aveti: cum v-ati dat seama de acest lucru? by NoLimits9293 in CasualRO
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 20 hours ago 

De acord. Fain username :)

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Museum Night by timenk in hamburg

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 21 hours ago 

Thank you! It was already full on Saturday, it's a pass for me, it was already difficult to enjoy it
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Museum Night by timenk in hamburg

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 6 points 21 hours ago 

One more tipp: you can use the same ticket on Sunday as well. I did this the past years,
visited as many as I could until late midnight, went home, took a nap and visited at least one
more museum on Sunday. Glad that I visited the Femme fatale exhibition this weekend, saw
the brochure for the Long Night, I wasn't aware that it's gonna be reintroduced this year, I
really missed it.
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Hamburg by stuxburg in GermanyPics

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 1 point 23 hours ago 

Hätte gar nicht gedacht. Muss irgendwann hin!

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Am si eu o nelamurire... by redheadxoxox in CasualRO

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 2 points 1 day ago 

Am uitat că exiști și nu mă cobor la nivelul tău. Nu-mi mai vizita pagina dacă nu-ți place, nu te
obligă nimeni să îmi citești postările
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Reprezinta masina un criteriu? by tar_xann8 in CasualRO

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 6 points 1 day ago 

Poi da, nu mai trăim în anii 50 3/4
4/3/23, 8:13 PM overview for Mad_Coffee_Party

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Am si eu o nelamurire... by redheadxoxox in CasualRO
[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 0 points 1 day ago 

Nu-mi vine să cred că ești real. Nu știu cine te-a rănit în halul ăsta, dar îți doresc sa te faci
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Reprezinta masina un criteriu? by tar_xann8 in CasualRO

[–] Mad_Coffee_Party 8 points 1 day ago 

La așa întrebare, răspuns pe măsură

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