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Saint Louis University

School of Engineering and Architecture

Industrial Engineering Department

Elevator Pitch

Submitted to:
Engr. Maria Corazon Ocampo

Submitted by:
Anne Ariaga
Michael Angelo Barbin
Aaron Roy Dinakharan
Aiza Soriano
Faye Anne Supnet

8:30-9:30 MWF
The product that our group chose was a Rosary from Manaog. We presented it in
class with some exaggerating statements of the product so it would be more appealing to
those in class, but basically it is a rosary. To present the product within 15 seconds is a
challenge because we had to properly choose the description which would catch the interest
of the people, and 15 seconds is a short amount of time, so our presentation had to concise
and impactful. And we decided to set the selling price of the rosary at 35 pesos. After
presentation, we were instructed to try and sell the product to people who do not know. The
challenging part here was to choose our market, because most students are not really
interested in buying or trading something for a rosary.

Experiences and Lessons:

 Dinakaran, Aaron Roy

The first trial we saw a guy on the fifth floor of Otto Hahn, we tried presenting
the product to him as we did in class. But in the end we did not sell it, this may be caused
by the exaggerating the products value like making statements which the guy lost
interest in the product. So after that first trial, we thought of changing the way we sell
the product or the way we present the product to the buyer. The next person we tried
selling the product was a guy from the first floor of Otto Hahn, and this time we kept
the presentation of the product simple, by just saying it is a rosary blessed by a priest
from Manaoag. This guy on the first floor ended up buying the rosary, and the whole
group was grateful.
Lessons we learned from the activity was that it is not easy selling a product to
random people, it needs perseverance in selling the product even though the number of
times we did not sell it but never giving up on trying to sell the product. We also learned
that we need to adapt to the people, and coming up with a plan which revolves on how
the buyer is thinking and what does the buyer want to hear from a seller. By knowing
how the buyer thinks it would help in the success of the product being sold.

 Supnet, Faye Anne

It was hard to convince customers to buy the product but it was fun during the
advertising and selling part. You have to be patient in selling your product and make
your approach to the customer simpler so that they will not reject your product.

 Soriano, Aiza

Be easy on the people that sell things to you, because you don't know what they
have gone through just to sell those things.

 Ariaga, Anne

As the seller, I should be knowledgeable of WHAT my product is, and to

WHOM should it be sold. Knowing your target market is important in selling a product
to avoid rejection and waste of capital.

 Barbin, Michael Angelo

My experience as the cameraman is that I observed our clients were under

pressure upon knowing that they are being recorded during the transactions. For me,
the one who bought the product just immediately took his wallet and closed the deal
just to end the conversation. I saw his reaction upon seeing the camera. Lessons
learned were to choose the proper market and to know every single bit of information
about the product to effectively sell it to the market.

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