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Assignment 3: Literary Approaches

1. Choose one (1) poem of Emily Dickinson. (Provide the complete poem)
I’m Nobody! Who are you? (260)

I’m Nobody! Who are you?

Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! They’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!

How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog –

2. Choose a literary approach in interpreting the poem. (Provide a brief description of

the approach)
 In Emily Dickinson’s poem ‘I’m Nobody! Who are you?’ portrays a psychological
kind of literary approach. In the context of explaining a psychological approach, it is
a part of literary criticism that is viewed as the expression of personality of the author
itself. This is sometimes the input of the author’s characteristic as to which is
personally connected with the outcome work. This also resonates the Emily
Dickinson’s feelings which explains the use of countless exclamation points seen in
the above stated poem.

This poem is determined to have a psychological approach given that the author
expresses her strong feelings about being alone and how it differs from being likely
known to others.

3. Write your interpretation/analysis of the poem.

 I’m Nobody! Who are you? Is one of the shortest poems Emily Dickinson made.
Upon all poems that was written by her, this poem really struck me the most. In the
first part of the poem, it started with “I’m Nobody!” it was heightened with a
complete deep of expression as per using an exclamation point. This may pertain to
the author seeing herself as a “nobody” as well as identifying herself outside a group
which led to a question if they’re nobody too. In her writing, we can see that being
alone and a complete nobody is what she suggests rather than being “Somebody” and
how quiet and calm is it too be separated sometimes.

This poem erases the norm of being a “nobody” is not generally accepted instead; this
shows us how that it is okay to be the one that stands in a corner and prefers
individual contemplation as to which is completely okay with. This powerful poem
highlights the essence of respecting people who wants to be alone and keep
everything to themselves and be private. Moreover, the author emphasized that being
“somebody” is the as being a frog who spends their time being likeable and who
creates noises in order to seek attention to people. Therefore, being an open book is
not something that the author would want to reside.

Personally, this poem is very close to my personal characteristics. There may be

moods which people really need to be alone and keep their own doors closed like the
portrayal of Emily Dickinson’s poem.

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