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Transformational leadership is a leadership style that emphasizes the importance of

inspiring and motivating followers to achieve more than they thought possible.
Transformational leaders are able to do this by providing a clear vision, challenging
followers to think in new ways, and creating a sense of shared purpose.

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Transformational leadership

Transformational leaders are often seen as charismatic and inspiring. They are able
to connect with followers on a personal level and to motivate them to achieve great
things. Transformational leaders are also able to think strategically and to create a
vision for the future that is both inspiring and achievable.

There are four main characteristics of transformational leadership:

 Idealized influence: Transformational leaders are role models for their followers.

They are seen as credible and trustworthy, and they set a high standard of behavior.

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Idealized influence leadership

 Inspirational motivation: Transformational leaders are able to inspire their followers

to achieve great things. They articulate a clear vision for the future and they motivate
followers to believe that they can achieve it.

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Inspirational motivation leadership

 Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders challenge their followers to think in

new ways. They encourage followers to question the status quo and to come up with
new ideas.

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Intellectual stimulation leadership

 Individualized consideration: Transformational leaders pay attention to the individual

needs of their followers. They provide support and guidance to help followers reach
their full potential.

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Individualized consideration leadership

Transformational leadership can be an effective leadership style in many situations.

It can be particularly effective in situations where there is a need for change or where
followers need to be motivated to achieve challenging goals.

Here are some of the pros and cons of transformational leadership:


 Increased motivation: Transformational leaders can motivate followers to achieve

great things.
 Enhanced creativity: Transformational leaders can encourage followers to think in
new ways and to come up with new ideas.
 Improved performance: Transformational leadership can lead to improved
performance, as followers are more motivated and engaged.

 Can be seen as manipulative: Transformational leaders may be seen as
manipulative, as they are essentially using their charisma and influence to get
followers to do what they want.
 Can be difficult to implement: Transformational leadership can be difficult to
implement, as it requires a high level of skill and ability from the leader.
 Can be time-consuming: Transformational leadership can be time-consuming, as it
requires the leader to spend time building relationships with followers and developing
their skills.

Overall, transformational leadership can be an effective leadership style in many

situations. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of this
style before using it.

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