Fast Food

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In this day and age, the omnipresence of fast food is becoming dramatically increasing.

Many a
person tends to eat it in their main courses. Personally, I am of the opinion that its merits are
overshadowed by its demerits.

On the one hand, the primary rationale why a wide range of individuals opt for fast food is that
eating fast food enables them to save time and cut their expenses. In light of the availability of
fast food such as hamburgers, chips at convenience stores and snack bars, especially in big
cities, urbanites can easily fill their stomach with these affordable, even cheaper types of ready
products. Specifically, instead of squandering a good deal of time and money on shopping for
groceries, preparing for home-cooked meals or cleaning housewares, they can save and devote
more the precise time which, to them, should be taken priority for work.

On the other hand, I would argue that the positive aspects of this trend are eclipsed by adverse
ramifications to consumers’ health. That junk food itself has a high concentration of sugar, salt,
and other artificial colors or preservatives has been scientifically proven that it is associated with
an array of health issues ranging from obesity, hypertension to cardiovascular diseases. One
research showed that the rates of ailments mentioned above have a tendency to be soaring as a
result of the excessive processed-food consumption, particularly in developed countries namely
the USA, in which urban dwellers often have heavy workloads and hectic schedules. What is
more, it would appear that most food industries concentrate on generating the greatest revenues
at the expense of food safety standards. Secret ingredients, for example, are being used by some
food processing firms, which seems to cause diarrhea and digestive disorder.

In conclusion, as fantastic as thought of eating junk food, I assume that drawbacks are far more
severe than benefits. Consequently, the individuals addicted to it should restrict themselves to
exposing it.

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