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Due to the effect of globalization, the cultures of some countries are influenced by others.

people think it is a natural process. Others think it is threat to cultural diversity. What your opinion
about this?

With the proliferation of technology, globalization is becoming more popular and has exerted a
profound influence on a wide array of cultures of numerous nations. Whilst some people argue that it is
a positive trend, others claim it is detrimental to cultural diversity. Personally, I am in favor of the former

On the one hand, an adverse aspect of globalization is shown by the loss of cultural diversity, even
cultural assimilation in which many countries assume partially or fully the behaviors, habits, and beliefs
belonging to others. Consequently, the societies seem to be indistinguishable due to the fact that they
bear a striking resemblance to each other. As a case in point, many an individual the world over being
film fa’natics tend to prefer foreign films and romantic Korean dramas to domestically produced films,
which may have negative repercussions for the national budget.

On the other hand, I would argue that globalization and cultural identity can form a fruitful interaction.
A globalized country would likely empower its citizens to enhance cross-cultural understanding and get
heavily exposed to various customs and norms on a global scale ranging from religious rituals to culinary
cultures, which seems to be conducive to promoting cultural identity and integration. Tea deemed to
stem from Asia, for example, was introduced in the UK in the 17 th century. Since then, the Britons have
performed ‘’afternoon tea ceremonies’’, a quintessential tradition of the fog country.

In conclusion, much as globalization might pose a serious threat to cultural diversity, I hold the belief
that this trend might do little harm.

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