2023 Science Term 2 Report

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Year 10 Frog Assignment

As a mechanism of evolution, natural selection plays a key role. More adapted organisms have a
greater chance of surviving and passing on the genes that helped them succeed. Over time,
species change and diverge because of this process.
An individual with a particular genotype has a higher chance of surviving and reproducing than
an individual with a different genotype, thus passing on his or her allele. Evolution is governed
by four principles—variation, inheritance, selection and time.
There are many more individuals produced than can be supported by their environment, which is
the starting point for studies on natural selection. The individual in a population is also likely to
differ from the individual in another population - they are likely to display variation. Individuals
may gain an advantage in the marketplace by implementing certain variations.
Natural selection uses these components to evolve. A population's genes are passed on according
to natural selection, which means the members suited to their environments are more likely to
survive. The evolution of a population takes place over many generations as the traits inherited
by members of the population change over time. It is no secret that giraffes' long necks were the
result of natural selection. Animals like deer and antelope had ordinary-length necks, like
modern giraffes' ancestors.
Ecosystems are made up of biotic and abiotic factors. Abiotic factors are not living, such as
water, soil, or atmosphere, whereas biotic factors are things living within an ecosystem, such as
plants, animals, and bacteria.
Ecosystems depend on the interaction between these components. An example of a biological
factor is an animal, a plant, a fungus, a bacterium, or even a protist. In abiotic factors, water and
soil can be considered as well as air, sunlight, temperature, and minerals. Individuals with
variations, which increase their chances of surviving, are more likely to survive due to both
abiotic and abiotic factors. It is for this reason that these factors may be referred to as selective
pressures or selective agents.
The reason red frogs were eaten by snake's could be because of not being able to blend into the
environment due to their bright color. Camouflage, or the ability to blend into the environment,
is a defense tactic or defense mechanism employed by organisms. A predator can sneak up on
prey and prey can avoid predators. Just like that, the red frog’s bright colors might make them
easily distinguishable in contrast to the cool water of the pond, dull rocks and the greenery
nearby the pond.

In addition, the bright yellow colors can be easily seen, and their color attracts predators
from a distance in the forest. It is also common for yellow frogs to change color in response to
the season or the environment. The purpose of this behavior is to protect them from predators or
to attract mates. However other factors such as habitat loss or pollution and introduced predators
can also impact frog species.
YEAR 1 5 14 11
YEAR 2 0 17 13
YEAR 3 0 22 8
YEAR 4 0 30 0

YEAR 1 8 10 12
YEAR 2 7 7 16
YEAR 3 6 4 20
YEAR 4 7 0 23
YEAR 5 7 0 23
YEAR 6 3 0 27
YEAR 7 0 0 30
Just upon basic observation, both these graphs have their similarities and differences. Just as in both
graphs, red frogs start of well but then rapidly decrease in population. However, in the pond graph, the
amount of yellow frog increases while green decreases but in the forest graph, yellow frogs decrease in
population while green frogs increase.

This experiment model was good and informative as it promotes group work, it generated knowledge
and created explanations. However, the investigation practical itself was a bit confusing but we
managed to work it out. As a student, I learned that science done by humans and our
knowledge generated by them are influenced by them. Furthermore, I recognize that scientific
investigations involve assumptions and that these assumptions have consequences.

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