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rae COME py thot qu ie Au ,!96) AO TY, gmt we og WY ( obligatory contrburion © Meaning Oy Tax == on opie majors cout 01, Sncbi — tothe Coup CF ' a tax i 4 mana fa 04 Hoancal ‘chauge uled - by wali govt. On| an individual ov 99 Ovganzation to VL __Reilitios amd Snpatrucho- | The _Lollerted fund! ‘Is thon sed 49 und dlifjesu | —Punlic eupenditurd pro quarms ~ = Tay 2 Sal Tax tice Tax . Trough Spiros 4s Tay auhich & paid oo Snkeimediony Tax - ; dlinertiy 40 tho. govt: by the These, Taxon — -bax payer - : dx0_Lonaumption — 245 #eorns Tax anol wealth Tay based that —— 2 ae Tax Applied fo goods O4 : Prdpouty. Tak: Sewuites thon they die. — pat x sank tum longicum bough dnd ld —— 2 covptaats L109) ~¥ The Sndiveo$ tax pay A Ais Tr, si Is_steeceived by tagovt: tom —— : ; sho setlen osha gandiy ——— z = Sour (as » eps CaST, WALL valut Added — TCs) Tax) | “Sa lf _> + Rotuwn (5 heals) — be Srenane. fiom salu | oy Pro (Rent, a! toms, buoim taal gain ) > Snort buon business | Propusion: a sesome fiom is uke, Locales) = Stock Propet yp = v T : 7 = ' yrs BYr Lsthin 3 =! long texm Short Heyy . — Capltat gain Capital gain» — 0 Bitpowunt. bio Tax and duty. _| i Diver fadnect Lig “buy = db ig ledved on saa ab dat oh bod wee I gat ri Wy tne govt - > leaued ont Suoicas; 4ncome 3010 ode - al a TOM oH ee Poe chauged by tne byovt. 0 monupacture OF doaport and Uport of goods - > Leaued on goods and => Typos: Dineck and Cinanejal aK ax fhuute 1 - & sand = 2 => Broad Pouppoctive - —— Custom. dury : ~> Central G1 State govt iapcarn ie eS ae lnvolue - 3 4 techs sas : . (tuttonexttanh a) © Tax {by toye eros bs categ ones : 1) 9n om Soleuy 2 Income _tyom House. Prope QD _tncome dom Capital Cyain - — Sharcos Br Proper Short 401m beeps oa Rest long 4) fore fuon piv ___§)_ frum. uo othe Souscos ( igcoblaious) teym Propose \ wan —— 30) ; A © Dent a —) Peuson = @ Sndiuitlua) ‘) = @ Hindu undivided fami —, @®Fium. __| @)_ Com pang ——, © Association Of, Person. 4 + A) prrtipicral Justidical Pewson | — 2) Aceewe = Tax Payesy Porson) a —__§ Gi Dermed Acrorsee QD —w Qt Accerser In Dad. — @ Proceeding Against hccexse 4) f Yu) AY = Proc —_ Wy UaAssessment Yoru - [ef oo 20s 2020 | I : 4 20a0- =H naa : — v Se \ = 2020-202) = NSD ——OX leoues Indio on 25 Jung 2020. Acces hig Income 2 Py = Aare AY 2M1G— 2019 == 2014 ~ 9020 v 2014 = 2020 == 2020~ 202) \ dy 2014-9920 = 2™2s5p | Sn come? Pye AY 2021-2022 = 2022-20223 h- 2022-2023 = 2023 — 2024 _ \ b 9022 ~ 202% = I] HN ISD Q- X_Leaws India on 26 Dee 2092. ACceM his dn come? > Py =AYy 2020-29) = 202)~ 2027. v WYO = OTE ~ 3023 t Sea 2022 — bM25D ee oe Old system, ‘ 2S NUL ( 2-SL— 5L Ste 5u~ PSL tof. 2-SE-10L 207. 2-FL ~ ISL 20 /- Above SL 20 /. —, > Bxpendijun incwued fon aeguiring omeksy melnbaning the day to do enhance tho capacity lay activities of a Oh dn enisting dayset businord ~ oat jin ting its Lifespan = long teum (Tenure) |? Shove 44m _ 3) Snhancts the Udlue ef din. ousting sso > NOt Recusiin Tnrejurt > dows ‘not @ enhance the valud, Ohan out anger > Rec dy Mote 2 Ne Reduction in Reyes | Redivre Rosie » > Long teum beaopil > short tow. = Appeau as Jssets in tno bonebit balance shoot ~ Appear fy tne. Ente Statemovd ae = aways depends upon the Maiune of Transaction. ei Legal enpeneds ls Por sequining. Property = capital: Legal erponses Ls dopend the Land clispuste = Revol 1. NatuAl Ob Payamneor in tho hands Of Ho Payto @ Veonce tox cinwng hatte Capita! @ warhouse bought nd inwsting on is “re bullding = Capita} —___@ _Lapiti! Exposes us. Revenue. Expenses wv ub Pixed Stock te Wabi: 2 2 «Transaction - 2h ut Paurmout in the. hancla 0% Payer | - Xi —, > a seocip _| xoceiph ond if i eq: Pld Machi ng tis dtopeuabla to fiwed Asst, i is capitol - ES Hopnabte. to Circulating ag Fig peouomud Leoceipt ” > pixed Asset fs that with the hop Of wahich ouney — ears _progits by keeping Ht in. Is porsesion i i u U Syn y bu Hing Ot actoug Ct, Qo p KLUOVL Lump sum HOY Oy recaived | ol it fo futur in Advones * | vomunnration - 2h pugroo, stocoived —| 2 Compensation socciveg | by the ovonoy Of the house | 40m tre onployer toy Property fue tenang- “| Los pf emp 3 Danna ges awindod by a a ‘clue to pre matuwverni | coup to a Compass 4oy =, -nation of Sonrice Vv | breach of conpract by Te [ici Ls ® Ineolng, — meaning, ond Contepl=_ b monefauy, Sof t4N wbwi os suoceived In Cosh. oO Kena - b, Requtay Soun ce i > Rat Income > Depinite. [= Income - > Step al. - a Roviel, | emma Rowlousnot = Not Income. The Income Tax At has Classified all Invoyne eaynodl bua puson into Cheaclss Lk fneome, ftom Sadatyg in ropauty : Q mn. 2. Sn core puoi Businows oy Propesion ’ 4. dn Vcom capital galn €_Tneome. fiom othow Cowes » » G Anu Snuome uthith lov ea Undler_dny Of tre Sboue 4 heals & is income chlor Yot thw Sou)" i @ Application o, Income dnd Diversion of Sncorna. 2 Application Of gncome Medns Sponcling. Of a tH iF is boing canned by the ASS Stich amouh shal not be enclucled 4xom total a Income of +e Assomec as it Is mmoseelp application, ot Ob eaune dl income - tt on ote words applied! Income Shall be torabdle_ ff Inthe honels of ne OCsSL0 + TH > Divewion of Frome Is the procesoh vertting- fh income, bepoven. It 7s cauned by HAO AKCSSLL cluclod_44om the toral_ =i JIntome ©, i assbseb ay tho Laver Is cliverted 7 40 someone, else, bebo being. cau by tho. Tr OUReL- ‘ tt In cas® Of clivension Of, Sncorne tho isan f OVQH - Aida 4H: Oh Amy. othext pews 09 onsite | | dneome~ Sone. income. Tt _by eT enacts ci li aod hems, ~7Caag: Comma! Sn tone, TaX Us. sital dar {{ 4 ond Of j pane? moti Lek hhadami (al Jarn ws C17 eur CIT Bombart US-GN PobtLK- Re Bewent Kis Wied Va COT ieab 0 gal © Aguicutrwd| neon (sec to/ cw) Tox ACE L426 | Agaicattrunl Fone 1s ae {O20 taxation - {The central “govt. Cannot (avy avy tax 0» on the dgeicultiu Inconng Hocolued Aguicttundl Lem. dnrono clef vfs 2 (iA) op Hiro ¢ Sneonag Tan Act, (46 L- S@ Any wont O SULLY desi ved) kum land ushich is situated In Snelia_ond Is wed hoy Ageicuttwyal Pup 040). O Any Income dwuved (Mom Such lond by —sjsltuutundl preine Cpoxetion incu 4 (Pree Oy praesal_ Produce $0 dx) sroncloy He Lif 40H the maukeh Ou Site of Such PrOoclunree - © fny Snowe cto buble to a dasim ho whe —Suby oot tO Sati acti OA Of coLpain Cone!” Spocryed) in Sec ZUR). @_Incon Auui veel fom sopling Ct sood.bongys town Ind n shalt be“claomed +0 be 3 Chg rice Hurl in > Ron ong Revenue to be douinod hum Aged 4 land 4 >) land mut oe Situateo) jn Sndia + = Lond to 62 Weal por Aguiutrwre Purpose - __ Casei ciT V2d- Rafa Benoge Sdhas Roy - 4 b Tustice BhdyiwdH t) Basia opeyati on = Poy +0 geumdpati on SOme basic Operations are ossental +o comstitree . G Sous | Ageieuprura Suth cupoonlit human stilts “anol labouy Of the lonol og 3 SOUsIAg Of Sead > weds 9 digging. of soit foinai 0 in -2 Colton, Wops , jute, Oppee (tuxy rad [ > No dairy Faunting Chats mating Poulton Pouring - 2 tuauseslag Comu A Cones Asihan Maheuast-a Sug et ha Lim U4- Z Fal cir (1246) - Soe 2A) Incoma clbeined fyuccng Agescutina land by Agedcultue fon’ Such lan must bo situated in India: 2 Ang. Income Anjve by Cut sivat0r 08 SLOCIUOA_ Oh dat, Suth proce Oneployed fo semmcle_ who. proclue watsed pu Stoccivod by hin 0. mo ko fh kit te be taken to Hw mascot a o Peusons See See 23!) of wre Income Tor At, Pewson inctuoles? A com pany. —>_A firm = Asouation Of Penson > local Authonity > Artipida! Tusidica) pewon - The. powson as derinodl us 2(31) Oh Sncome-Tax yw | 15 on Incuive. doh uthith [ much boyonel the. — Seppe oh Pouson 04 coined ufs 3 (42) Of, the Cyoneyal Clauses Att, [84 which $ H Pewson [nelle Sng. Company. OH AT 4450 Gaon “Hf ex body Snclitidudly wrothiy Incorporated 7 Lou not: LU. © Agsosseo See 207) i 1b means 6 peuson uLhom any tax oY Otho 2 blo Unclos) the Ack aio mone paya nclos 2 Cutty Porson in respeero4 whom dru Provecoling Unclox’-Mis Act has beon taken 404 +ho asseSmors oP his imeome - Datu Pouson’ utho is deonud +0 bo dn dasesree_ 2 Cutty Peron wtho is docmod— be An amosser > Whe fart - Colendey Yoru ~ dan - 31% Den Pineweisl [Recounting gees ~ 01st Apsl ~ 31 March _, ¢ cit agit soni 81 tach 3B) gon bats 22 7 fsscnng Of Obpivey sec spa mnedoe_| Asso , i oY Depw Comntaiono? oF rer Directow 04 Deputy Direetou ou the _dncome tar Office wusho Is uote = uch tre selotant Tustisciction. + Assessmont= sec 28) - She word “asemanot” comprehorsive and con comprehend the utholu procedwa by daeestisiniree | arc computing, lisbilir, On tin payer » Financ = i (2m uth 4st Ob Apnl oh each yedy 1 -» ftom IS, a, the. reLWant (pease 4o 21st Mauch op tho next Yea. 2 Asttszmunt Yeas 500 2. a) meds the Peni eHidd) ob 12 months corrantig the istday of April uote Year dk is the yeas th which assessment Of tax is stoqeired to be completed + My .f Ty ay abit R S Pye Ay rae F © Pxouious Yeas: TTT madrs tho Previous yeas ds dep? u/s 3 Of tho Ach - [Secs dopn Py as tho financial yeaw iamectinely. \ Preceeding she Assexement year: Pu is ov $ Is apal Of tho oar Enching On 31S Mace Of Next year + 2 The Rule e+ that income op the. Previous Yeavis Tt is taxable, as the income “oh the immediately ds Coutdin encopon: foluou ng. assessors a a) 3 1 Oh d “Poon trying. to hranstey his ave —__]with a uiew 40 avoiding. payment oh tan fs SNUONNO Oh a cls i 1 buenos - Tk * Residential Status Hy howe, avo. 2 cond”? whith aue the bas Ob ng Oy, pouson os pest tit Snconw Tax ae ant UL) Tho Rosidoryo (fi) _The soume of dncome - (tii) Recoipt ob Sncome - ZTsee6 of We Taek lefings Rosidenfial Situs =) for all puspout. 64 dneome ~tax payors duu | Clausixied Into tuo broad tusgotal Oh tha: tasks 4 [anon residential status - & 7 (i) Resident 7_@ Residont avd orvelinasily Risident (ROR) 7 Q) Resident but Nok oreliantly resident ( ah) (ti) Non stesident (WR) . Qusiduntial Stroy | % Becrde Non Reridur orelinan ly Aon ordinguty Sptone [ dndion _| J Foneign Sncone inconag , + Residential stdlus of An Assesrog . (e V Resident in India Non~ Rosi dont ty > Boric cody. éndia Ps (estat at _Revidort - = et a a a a a a a Basia Cod = Sec 6 ur) = He Should be in Snoia fou tha Pouiad ob, [82-day [Previous yeou'l j ow. 6o da Preuio us Yeau) dnd + 265 days (.4 Smmodiae ely. Prerious yeast) £ »_Exteption jos (1) dndian tho Leaver dndia Aung tho 'P. 0 yb employment Puupox ob d mombi of In tho treed QOL” tl O, the ship 0 by dny. boste-n brnployanereh - U » tat a ta) An Snction meas Of dnalicy_utho Cones +o wisit Onolia clusiing. Y 0 yj} F e Of brorertgintly yo wren Of (nes Ot, f 4 : V > A pouson stay in Indio ato} 2 Years OF Ob 10 RQ immedivichy Preceedi ng We Relevant PY - > Ho should be. in dndid_pou the Pexlog of 320da Mos. oluviing yea Sramodictelg e. Relevant PY = —itnduauty [ Inwesteol Armouas | Entire Steet Amour —| Before £ yr Salas Otho Hi ed ORE Leunol = Paut of sneome => Emptoyeo” - : + 4 Onteredt in u u cma t = 12*/, ~ |! Snort = 2.6%, E more than —J | i his taxable - wr alt Taxable: 3 “Lome pnna_0m Capital gain Hue @) Income, pom Othe SowLces - e Sneo usages Or salary > Annuity is annual quent mado by Ho employer to +he employer > bpatuity ie a “wimp sum _paymont 504 past Somuicas. > Ree and commision: * > Adudnco a, salatuy 3 Taxdble poution Sh Annual *eoeHon > Taxable. poution of hansyooud balance -- 2 Peuquistes- is Any casual ernolumond, (0 OH Propit , dt an fee bu position in addition to salau 08 ug ‘Peug atsite oclenotas 3 persone advantage, ‘Pouquicike is a gain oY propit: incidentally. mad $401 ompip =) Duuiry ~ Peusonal Adwan tages. aaa ee 2 Educaronal in addition Jo seequlee-e sary Or wages aboctau; fest that ma be se duo by -Lonback fou Sonu See t+(2)- ftom of Empey SLUUN ON > Gan ei 3 Puiluale.joluuncy 1 ( Senate dnd Chaugea bit Poug uisite may i | | | | nla bail caegazias | WW Pouguisites taxable. In tho (ase oh al (a) Pouquities coup kuom bar in the Case ob (tc) Pouquisites tsdble bniy. in the hands o, specie Omp loyeea ~ ° jeneeae sm House, Proputy [occ 22] €esentiol cond” oH auesing the Income tom House Pro > That te dsessee is the ovoney Of +o propothy > That $e must noi bo asossed Undo: Head Of, Invoma fuom bUsiNOWs OY PropeniOn tho. profits Of UuriCh aso. Chau peabla bo tax tundon OM. pHouiions * (seese] 5 Diul dond aaa) a 40m Lo: 0 jn Ha Sthorha ietook Seeusidos Rental dncomea Ctomposite. Ron undo 4) Git -koyrrnsin Snsusnsd. Shame » - + Sane. Jeon Capital Cal Gv - | gee ue - Clubbing Dicom gy - | nie VOC abl T Kdyvhy a yee - di Ge - 0 Cele! a Tarthy. of > THansder Of $nreore wai Ts ins (seehoy sthouk Teidna tung, Ase = Revocable THanstes/ Oh Asset (see.61) > Renumouation Of Spouse. > Pidnspess Oh Asset to utibe, (80 Immovable ~> Daughter ~in -laus (Sec 6y) > Minor [See 6Y WA) T eines —see bls) => Sepauater! Pawn — mountain See |p(a2) — 1SD0 f= dediucteal not attracted wthon Clubbivg, is 2 dicsabittu [mino > Manial 7 work (minor) > AppUcstion Of skiUs 2 Knowledge {trent o Assessmunt L vt See [4a(1)] Ly prom He | Secreta) B Ven end of #ne Serctiny [petailed Anes ~ Indop + Agscasmont Financial ts Fonte Aa oe uy toa Acklod + mind Frakes & Eanusmort . ~ Reduction | a etimindle 1 ineuiaco.. > Ropund eligible . ¢ wit 1 cas : 7 cree Respond [Reply ——O errot — fodays Averse\ | Pacli mings. I b& changed - Asta mny » tit Qn months pom te ond Of Micon pay Tin which the. Invome 0s Pirst Assessed TF @_ weg 8 [Escape Anoamont | rr “Ts notice 4 4 yr[ Cast] missed -_.monthe| J only Hen the noi Ih m +ho upto 1 Wkbh Con be tes ~ ew oh [more han qiakh= byu | yy {1 tht [Pereign THanidction=1b y - u — | notte % From the end Of Relowant Assermmwet ~ Lies] | =) See 60 of tho. Aci Uontem plates Club bing. Oh, income. {| Aubloing, 6, &rcowu | i =| Min on 7? Spouce- +t + 1 4 SO obb ond Coty, bortuoauol OF Losers Set-Okh moans adjustment of Losses against Hho propits 440m _anothor cowrce [head of Income In tho somo. gysorsmont Yeo . 4 Losses cannot be. cepofh 17 Hh. some yea dus 49 Indcloqu of eligible propits thon such Loses ato Cétudod foreusad +o tho next asusnumb Yea fO4 adjustrront against e_ eligible | progiis Ok that yeaues Ale tp sec FO, He Losses ined by tho Aerseo_| in respect o}, One. Sourcd Shall bo. Set Ohh gah income 4uo™ omy Othoy SO wees unoloy He Sane! head O} Income - Thus, Hw loss {tom one Soweto}, new dof usted dgainat Income 40m anothor Souscee both the Sows must 60 Lenco +he Same head. Lows fom dN Otompe COuxeé Lannet loo set-off agains progits {uoma tazable Scud, Of Income Opole NO- Snlot SOUND Set “Of, ULOLd be. poumissibla tn Care athore row is anys “Long. teu Capital Low” ation lors Loss {01m ths Seti vitty of vont ng ond mdinini Stace hOrses .

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