Argumentative Essay

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5-Paragraph Essay Format for an Argumentative Essay

1) Introduction :
          A) Create a hook for this essay
          B) Give a little background information on your subject matter
          C) Make a claim about the topic(agree/disagree)
          D) Create a thesis statement (3 points)
          E) Transition to the next paragraph
2)  Body Paragraph (123) :
          A) Thesis Statement
          B) Write down some evidence
          C) Elaborate + examples
D) Counterclaim + rebuttal (optional)
E) Transition to the next paragraph
5) Conclusion:
          A) Restate your thesis statement a little differently
          B) Counterclaim+ Rebuttal
          C) Conclude (recommendation / suggestions)
-Statement writer is trying to prove is true
Example: The thought of animals being harmed by their trainers is reckless.

-Statement opposing claim
Example: Critics argue that elephants are happy in captivity

-Reason why counterclaim is not as strong as the claim
Example: Well, it’s true that elephants might like to be captivated but it is a fact that we all
know elephants cannot communicate and the trainers do not actually know how they feel.

Counterclaim examples:
- Some people disagree saying…
- Critics argue that…
- While it may be true that…
- Others may say that…
- A common argument against the position is…
- It’s easy to think…
- While some say…

Rebuttal examples:
- However, it’s still important to know, …
- But I argue...
- But when you look at the facts…
- But it is a fact that…
- Nevertheless, I don’t think…
- But the evidence clearly stated that…

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