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Compile: Idiom III

1. every cloud has a silver lining = every negative has a positive

2. get a taste of your own medicine = get treated the way you’ve been treating other

3. get out of hand = become difficult to control

4. get sth out of your system = get rid of a wish or emotion, especially a negative one,
by allowing yourself to express it

5. get your act together = start to organize yourself so that you do things in an
effective way

6. give sb the benefit of the doubt = decide that you’ll believe sb, even if you’re not
sure that what they’re saying is true

7. give sb the cold shoulder = ignore sb

8. go back to the drawing board = start planning sth again because the first plan failed

9. hang in there = said as a way to tell people to not give up hope, even through

10. hit the nail on the head = get sth exactly right

11. hit the sack = go to bed

12. ignorance is bliss = you’re better off not knowing

13. it takes one to know one = you’re just as bad as I am

14. it’s not rocket science = used to say that you don’t think sth is very difficult or hard
to understand

15. jump on the bandwagon = join an activity, trend or opinion that has become

16. keep one’s chin up = keep one’s spirits high

17. leave no stone unturned (in sth) = try every possible course of action in order to
get sth done

18. let sleeping dogs lie = leave a situation as it is, in order to not make it worse

19. let sb off the hook = allow (sb who has been caught doing sth wrong or illegal) to
go unpunished

20. let the cat out of the bag = reveal a secret

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