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AEP3 - Paraphrase review

W6 Wednesday
The Melbourne Cup, people worried and debated about the treatment of
The treatment of horses in the
Melbourne Cup has stirred
controversy and raised
The debate about the treatment of horses in the Malbourne Cup has been
significant concerns. increased (Wen, 2021).

Issues surrounding the use of Questions have been raised for the death of horses and horse fatalities,
injuries and use of drugs. (Wen, 2021)
drugs, injuries, and horse
fatalities during the race have
ignited debates about the
Problems about using drugs, injuries and increasing the number of horse
welfare and safety of the deaths during the race have increased arguments and concerns about the
equine participants. welfare and safety of racing horses.

This problematic incited to improve laws to procedure carefully in the

This has prompted calls for
horse racing industry (Wen, 2021).
enhanced regulations and
improved care standards
within the horse racing This has facilitated people to pay more attention to improve the standards
industry. of the horse racing industry (Wen,2021).
AEP3 - Reading
W6 Wednesday
Compare and explain your choices with your partner(s)
Would you want to live to be 100? Why (not)?
AEP3 - Summarizing
W6 Wednesday

Suitable for shorter texts

Retains all the information of the


The same length as the original

Must have a citation

ORIGINAL TEXT (44 words)

Junk food is highly processed and nutrient-poor, posing significant dangers to our health. It
can lead to weight gain, chronic diseases, dental issues, addictive eating patterns, and
negative effects on mental well-being. Choosing a balanced diet of unprocessed foods is
essential for optimal health (Newington et al., 2023).

PARAPHRASE (49 words) SUMMARY (25 words)

The dangers of junk food stem from its highly Consuming processed and nutrient-poor junk
processed nature and lack of nutrients, food has significant impacts on both physical
posing serious health risks. These include and mental health, so a balanced diet is vital
obesity, illness, dental problems, poor eating to maintain good health (Newington et al.,
habits, and negative impacts on mental 2023).
health. Good health is best achieved by
opting for a well-balanced diet consisting of
unprocessed foods (Newington et al., 2023).
How to summarise successfully
1 Read the text carefully until you understand it completely.

2 Take notes: write key words, and main points

3 Highlight/underline the most important points.


5 Write the summary using your notes.

6 Compare your summary to the original.

7 Add in-text citation.

Original text Notes

The first smartphone was a game-changer in

technology. It combined the features of a mobile
phone and a computer, revolutionizing
communication and information access. In 1992, IBM
introduced the Simon Personal Communicator, which
had a touchscreen, email, a calendar, and basic apps.
But it was the Apple iPhone in 2007 that really
transformed smartphones. The iPhone had a sleek
design, easy-to-use interface, and many features like
internet access, apps, and multimedia. Since then,
smartphones have become a vital part of our lives,
influencing how we communicate, work, find
information, and navigate the world.

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