Antički Opekarski Pečati Iz Šibenika

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Ivan PEDISIC & Emil PODRUG ANTICKI OPEKARSKI PECATI IZ FUNDUSA MUZEJA GRADA SIBENIKA ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE SIBENIK CITY MUSEUM zvorni znanstveni Zhnak / Original selentifie paper UDK: 904.736 3](497.5-37 Sibenik) "652" Primljeno / Recvived: 25,9, 206. Prihvaéeno / Accepted: 27, 3, 2007, 1 elanku se govorio opekarskim radionickim pecati ike Muzoja grata Sibentka, Iz katalok nga i statistickoga pregleda protztazi da na wala Stina Sibensko-skradiskoga podruija w velikume po stotku prevladavaju uvozne jevernojadranske tegule, a Anti ‘4 medic njina se brofiano istic peéati carske radi nice Pansiane. Dowuaéa je proizvodnia zastupliena winion proizvodtima burnumskilslegiia, XI i IV, tes siekoliko proizroda dosad nepozvati, vjerojatno lo alo, vadionica rimske provincije Dabmacije Kijucne rjeci: poéat,radionica, opeka, teu Shen sho-skradinsho podracie uvOD Radionicki peéati na opekama (lateres) i krovnim opekama (tegudae), riede na drugim oblicima ope: karskih. proizvoda, Koji su otkriveni w jadranskoj regifi odavno plijene paznju struke. Ti su peéati ot- iveni ut obalnome podrugju i zaledima jadranskih regija. Pretenciozno bi bilo tvrditi da je poznavanje Iwan Pease Maze} grads Sibenika GGradsha vrata HR ~ 22000 Sibenik Emil Pod Muze} grada Siben Grads vrata 3 HR 22000 Sibenik epodtragemet hr This article deals with brick workshop stamps held in the Antiquity Collection of the Sibensk City Museton Based on an overview of catalngues aid scatistis imported Northern Adriatic tegulae predonsinated it a large percentage at the sites of the Sibenik-Skradin ‘area, and among these the must numerous. were stamps from the Parsiana imperial workshop, Do- -mestie production is present ithe military products of the Burnusn legions, the Eleventh and Fourts, and inrseveral products of soar unknowe, probably local, workshops of the Roman province of Dalnatia ey words: stamp, workshop, brick, tegula, Sibert Skradin area INTRODUCTION Workshop stamps on bricks (Jateres) and roof tiles (egulae), more so than those on other brick maker products, have long attracted scholarly attention, These stamps were discovered in the coastal belt and hinterland of the Adriatic regions. It would be pretentious to claim that the study of brick making +816 hs PLR PDRLE: ANTICKL OPEKARSKI PECA ‘opckatstva ravnopravno s prouéavanjem ostaloga antickog pokretnog materijala (keramike, stakla, me- talnih proizvoda i dr) pri rekonstrukeiji pomorskih putova, ali moze se rei da pridonosi osyjetljavanju anticke trgovine na Jadranu, Proslo je vise od jed- noga stoljeca od prvih radova Carla Gregoruttija 0 sjevernojadranskim opekarskim radionicama (Gre gorutti 1886; 1888). Od tada se nit brojne objave peéata s toga podruéja, ubljuéujuei i nekoliko zbor- nika radova s kongresa (prvenstveno Laterizi 1993 i Fornaci 1998), sto je omoguéilo tabijanskim kolega- ma da dodu do poduzega popisa sjevernojadranskih radionica (figliiae) i saznanja o njihovo proizvodno} i izvoznoj moéi.! U usporedbi s tim stupanj objavljenosti i poznava- nja pegata otkrivenih na nalazistima istoene obale Jadrana i njezina zaleda ponesto je skromniji. zuzev sporadiénih spomena u nekoliko kataloskih pregleda muzejskih zbirki te u prethodnim terenskim izvje- Scima tek su malobrojni autort detaljnije obradivali opekarske pecate, bilo one nadene na odredenome lokalitetu (Zabehlicky-Schetfeneyger 1979: 4042; Starac 1991; 221-222; Katié 1994; Tomasovié 1995; 30-32; Bozek 2000; Toncinié 2003: 260, 266; Dzin & Girardi furkié 2005: 30-33; Dzin 2006: 9, 14, 22, 24) bilo one sakupljene na odredenome geogratskom podrugju (npr. Patsch 1900: 77-97; Abramié 192: Mardesié 2006). Isto su tako rijetki sintetski, sveo: buhvatni radovi o toj tematici, narogito za rimskut provinciju Dalmaciju (Wilkes 1969: 499-502; 1979; Allfldy 1987; Skegro 1991; 1999: 253-259) Tnimku predstavljaju Istra i Hrvatsko primorje zahvaljujuci napose Robertu Matijasicu. On je su- stavnim publiciranjem pecata iz muze|skih zbirkt (v popis literature evoga élanka) stvorio bogatu bazu podataka i znatnu koliginu komparativnoga mate- rijala, Narogito je znacajan njegov hvalevrijedan doprinos poznavanju lokalne istarske opekarske proizvodnye. U svojim je radovima Matijasié u nekoliko navra. ta naghasio da se struénjaci moraju vise angazira- ti oko publiciranja opekarskih proizvoda jer bi se tako stvorila osnova za izradu svojevrsnoga korpu- sa antickih peéata jadranske regije. Pridruzujemo se takvim nastojanjima kataloskom obradom 119 primjeraka koji potiecu sa sibensko-skradinskih nalazista (karta 1), a pohranjeni su w Muzeju gra- da Sibenika. Kako dosad nije blo sliéne objave, ovo je podrugje gotovo posve nepoznato, ‘bijela zona’ u brojnim izradama zemljopisnih karata jadranske distribucije opekarskih proizvoda. LOpscine bibliogvaie temom antighih opekarsih peéata st sjevernoga Tadrana x. w: Zaccaria 1993: 18-21; Righni etal 1995, 23-26 Righins 19989: 64-68, LIZ FUNDUSA has achieved the same level as the study of other movable materials of Classical Antiquity (ceramics, glass, metal products, ete.) in the reconstruction of maritime routes, but ane can nonetheless state that it does help shed light on ancient trade in the Adriatic zone. Well over a century has passed since publication of the first works by Carlo Gregorutti on Northern Adriatic brick workshops (Gregorutti 1886; 1888). Since then, numerous stamps from this region have been published—in several proceed- ings of conferences among other works (primarily Laterizi 1993 and Fornaci 1998)—which made it possible for our Italian colleagues to obtain a rather long list of Northern Adriatic workshops (figlinae) and knowledge on the strength of their industry and, exports.! By way of comparison, the level of publication and knowledge of stamps discovered at sites on the east- ern Adriatic coast and its hinterland is somewhat more modest. With the exception of sporadie cita tions in several catalogue overviews of museum col lections and in preliminary field reports, only a few authors have engaged in a more detailed analysis of brick workshop stamps. whether found at spe cific sites (Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 40-42; Starac 1991: 221-222; Katié 1994; Tomasovié 1995: 30-32; BoZek 2000; Tonéinié 2003: 260, 266; Dzin & Girardi Jurkié 2005: 30-33; Dain 2006: 9, 14, 22, 24) or gathered in a specific geographic area (e.g. Patsch 1900: 77-97; Abramié 1927; Mardesié 2006) Synthetic, comprehensive works on this topic, par ticularly for the Roman province of Dalmatia, are similarly rare (Wilkes 1969: 499-502; 1979; Alfoldy 1987; Skegro 1991; 1999: 253-259). ‘An exception is Istria and Hrvatsko Primorje (northern Croatian littoral) thanks in particular to Robert Matijasic. By systematically publishing the stamps from museum collections (see this paper’ bibliography), he has created a rich database and a considerable quantity of comparative material. F's- pecially significant is his praiseworthy contribution to knowledge of the local Istrian brick indust At several places in his works, Matijasic has stressed that experts must become more involved in pub lishing brick workshop products in order to create a foundation for development of a corpus of ancient stamps of the Adriatic region. This article consti- tutes a contribution to such efforts, as it catalogues 119 examples from sites in Sibenik-Skradin area (map 1), which are held in the Sibenik City Muse um, Since there have been no similar publications. or an extensive bibliography of ancint brick: stamps from the Northern Aditi, ers Zaccara 199%: 18-21; R 1995: 23-28 Righint 19989 6-68, +82+ ARDS ml, ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF.. safc! 381-10, 2007 2058 in the past, this area is almost entirely unknown, a sort of ferra incognita in the numerous maps showing the distri- bution of brick maker produets in the Adriatic zone. MILITARY STAMPS. Among the brick stamps held in the Sibenik City Museum, fourteen belong to two Roman legions. ‘These are the Legio XI Claudia pia fidelis and Legio IV Flavia felix.’ Other military brick workshop stamps were recorded in the Roman province of Dalmatia as well: Le- gio VII Claudia pia fidelis (Wilkes 1969: 1OL, n, 2; 1979: 65; Alfoldy 1987: 324; Skegro 1999: 254; Tonéinié 2003; 260, 266), Legio VIII Augusta (see below), Cohors I Belgartn (Bojanovski 1988: 42, n. 30, 120, n. 31, 367; Skegro 1991 224; 1999; 255), Cohors VIII voluntario: ‘rupn (CHIL 14336', 10182; Wilkes 1968: 474; 1979: 67; Alfldy 1987: 320-3225 Karta 1, Nalaziita antickih opekarskth pecata na sibensko- skradinskonre podrucju (autor: E Padrug, 2006) Map 1. Sites of Romar brick-maker stamps i the Sibenik Skradon ae (author: E, Podrug, 2000) VOJNI PECATI Meda opekarskim peéatima pohranjenima w Mu- zeju grada Sibenika éetrnaest je onih koji pripadaju dyjema rimskim legijama. To su fegio XT Claudia pia fides logio IIT Flavia felix: U rimskoj provin- Gi Dalmacijt zabiljezeni su i pegati drugih vojnih ‘opekarskih radionica: VIL legije Claudia pia fide~ lis (Wilkes. 1969: 101, n, 2; 1979: 65; Alfoldy 1987: 324; Skegro 1999 254; Tondinié 2003: 260, 266) i VIII. legiie Augusta (v. dalje) te I. kohorte Belgarum (Bojanovski 1988: 42, n. 30, 120, n. 31, 367; Skegro 1991: 224; 1999: 255), VII kohorte voluntariorwn (CU 111 14336!, 10182; Wilkes 1969: 474; 1979: 67; Alféldy 1987: 320-322; Bojanovski 1988: 42, n. 30; Skegro 1991: 224; 1999: 255) 1 IL. kohorte Alpino- [Unventarnin koma nlsmo pronath podatko tome kako fe sedan tequla Barina 1959. godine dospelo w Muze} prada Sienika Budd da Mussina tome nalaista lj provodio ar holosks istraivan, te segue ujedno jen burns lavaw miveskonse depou i natyjerojatnie sa sluésino nade. Bojanovski 1988: 42, n. 30; Skegro 1991 224; 1999: 255) and Cohors IT Alpin: rum (Tonéinié 2003: 260, 266), Here the military units which alternated in Burnum during the first century will be considered in greater detail In order to secure the peace in Mlyricum alter Ba- tos’ rebellion was crushed in 9 AD, permanent le gionary camps were set up at two locations: the first twas in Burmum (today’s Suplja crkva or Supljaja in Iwosevei, near Kistanje) on the right bank of the Krka River, where Legio XI was stationed, while the other was at Tilwritum (today Gardun, a plateau above the town of Tri) on the right bank of the Cetina River, where Legio VI was stationed. It is believed that not long before this, Legio XX Valeria victrix was posted in Burnum during the Pannonian-Delmati uprising, The aforementioned Legio XI was here in the year 41, during the unsuccessful rebellion of the provincial consul, |. Camillus Aruntius Scribonius, against Claudius. Since both of the Dalmatian Te gions, XI and VI, remained loyal to the emperor, they were granted the honorary designation Clau- dia pia fidelis. Legio XI left Dalmatia in 69, and its ‘encampment was replaced by Legio IV Flavia felix, We have been unable to find data ithe inventory logs ast hove the seven teyule from Barnum arrived in the SBbemk City ‘Museum in 1959, Sin the Museum did not conduct any a _chacologiel excavations at thi sie, hese tegulae are om the foe Barnum finds the muscums depat sna were prubsbly found by chance. +834 dh J PODRUL: ANTICKL OPERARSKI PH CATH IZ FUNDUSA...Opmicavharl 3181-13120 20 Be) Radionia/ | primera | Kataloakibroj/ Catalogue N* Neofpiec - / TagXICPF “10 17.92.93, 99 : Leg HLF 94-97 oo - — 8-12, 56-66, G71, 80-88, 100, 101, 103-107, ee WIA-i6 [Sotonas | 43-19, 67, 68,110, Q Clodi Ambrosi 108, 109 168% [ss 084s 0.84% MLAIbi Macri 0.849% Man. P Ser 084% 084% 084% Tablica 1, Indeks zastuplienosti radionica (autor: F, Podrug Table tn 1 of workshops presence (author: E, Podrug. 200: ‘ruin (Tondinié 2003: 260, 266). Na ovore emo se injestu detaljnije baviti vojnim jedinicama koje su se tijekom I stolieéa smjenjivale u Barnumu, Kako bi se osigurao mir u Tliriku, nakon gugenja ustanka Batona 9. godine poshie Krista podizu se trajni legijski logori na dvama polozajima: prvi je bio Burnum (danas Suplja erkva ili Supliaja u Ivosevci- ma kod Kistanja) na desnoj obali rijeke Krke gdje je bila smjestena XI. legija, a drugh Tluriwn (danas Gardun, visoravan iznad Trilja) na desnoj obali Ce- tine gdje je bila smjestena VI, legija, Smatra se da je u Burnumu nedugo prije toga, tijekom panonsko- delmatskoga ustanka, boravila XX. legija Valeria victrix, Na ovome se mjestu spomenuta XI. legija nalazila 41. godine, u vrijeme neuspjeloga ustanka namjesnika provineije L. Aruntija Kamila Skriboni- jana protiv Klaudija, Kako su tada obje dalmatinske legije, X1.i VIL, ostale odane caru, dobile su pocasni naslov Claudia pia fidelis. Godine 69. Dalmaciju rapusta XI. legia, a u logoru je nasljeduje TV. legiia Flavia felix i onde ostaje od 70. do 86. godine. Pret- postavija se da je u Burnumu tijekomn 69-70. godine kratko vrijeme bila smjestena VIM. legija Augusta, Buduei da je VIL legija svoj logor napustila ranije, oko 60. godine, od 86. godine nadalje u Dalmaciji vie nema stalno stacioniranih legija, nego mir osi- guravaju manje, pomoéne jedinice (Wilkes 1979: 67, 95-97, 103-104, 451; Zaninovié 1996: 213-215; Starac 2000: 3132; Sanader 2002: 122-127. i dr). 2007), which remained there from 70 to 86, Legio VIN Augusta is assumed to have stayed in Burntum for a brief period during 69-70. Since Legio VII left its, ‘camp earlier, at around the year 60, as of 86 there were no longer any permanently stationed legions in Dalmatia, and the peace was kept by smaller ry units (Wilkes 1979: 67, 95-97, 103-104 451; Zaninovié 1996: 213-215; Starac 2000; 31-325 Sanader 2002: 122-127, ete.) ut of the fourteen stamps of military workshops, nine belong to Legio XI. Reconstruction of frag- mentary examples is greatly facilitated by the fact that all whole stamps so far published bear a name (designated by abbreviations) which is associated with this legion as of the year 41, and this includes the aforementioned honorary designation: LEG XI CPF (Patsch 1900: 78; Wilkes 1969: 101, n. 2519 65, 66; Zabchlicky-Schetfenegger 1979: 40, 42), The ‘examples belong to various types with relief letters. Most of them are characterised by a relief inscrip tion within recessed rectangular cartouches, deco rated with a recessed wide line above and below the longer edges of the rectangle (no. 1-5, 92, 9, 99s ig. 1}. Two pieces (no. 6 and 7) are stamp types with somewhat longer letters within the tabula ansata inscription field. Based on what was said with refer: ence to the dates associated with this legion, all ex amples should be dated to between 41 and 69 AD. +846 Od éetinaest pecata vojnih radionica ak deset pri- pada XI legiji. Rekonstrukcija fragmenticaghy pri- mivraka wvelie olakéava Ginjeniea da se na obing {iclovitim. dosad publiciranim, peéatima malar an Lzabilezeno kraticama) koje ue ovu legiia vezemo Od 41: godine nadale, a to uktiucuje tspomenny potas! naslov: LEG XT CPF (Patsch 1900, 98, Way Kes 1969: 101,n, 2; 1979, 65, 66; Zabehlicky-Scheffe negger 1979: 40, 42). p 1-5, 99 : sh 1). Dva komada (bs: Sep Predstavtai tipove petata s ponesto dutin slovima unutar natpisnoga polja tips taba ansa 4a, Po onome sto je re legiju sve primjer godine 1. stolieca ‘no o datumima vezanim uz tke treba datirati izmedu 41. i 69, Slik 1. Pediat radiontce eg svacda Sibenikaa tn bry 8 fe Cloud pave ides, Atucej ?(snimio: Z. Krndevie. 20057, Figure 1. Stamp of the Lego X Sibentl City Museu, in no vi, 2607), 1 Claudiae pine Vides work, 11689 (photograph: Z Krace Pecate IV. tegie 70. do 86. godine ripadaju XI. legii, imaju tekste, (LEG HILFE) i medusobno se raat ma interpunkeije i orn hazvane Flavia felix, dati mo od Svi ovi pecati, kao i primjerci koji ialno ist. shemu Kuju po elementi- aamentacije (br. 94-97; s1 2), ima, Koje st obigno pratile fo Seema tumske st leie, kao i brojne deuge leg NinsKome earstwu, prakticirale opekarehi ot, miner peéat pripadsju malobrojng spin pent rajrmatinskihradionica kojima sodredenony«) Naltnoscu mozemo ubicirati mjesto proizeodina Uanatskim radionica Nile 1895. godine Lujo je Marun two} dncav a Zabiljezio sluéajno of q i trinaest kilometara zapadno ed Burnuma, na polozaju Riv 115). Nekoliko godina k Kako je samo jedna od ny vana (Patsch 1900: 7 ka i tegula s vojnim su tvrdnjama da su ine (Marun 1998: 62, 70, asnije Carl Patsch navodi ih jo8 uvijek dobro sage 80). Sporadigni nalazi ope- Peéatima u Smrdeljima oslonac eéi pripadale vojnoj radionici +856 SFROM THE COLLECTION OF ops ‘The stamps of Legio IV, called Flavia felix, are dated t0 70-86, All of these stamps, as well as the exam. ples belonging to Legio XI, have the same textual scheme (LEG HII FF) and differ from ane another by Punctuation and ornamentation (no, 94-97: Fig.) Im the crafts workshops which normally accom Panied the camps, the Burnum legions, like many other legions in the Roman Empire, engaged in brick-making, Their stamps belong to a small group of stamps from the Dalmatian workshops for which the production site can be pinpointed with a certain degree of probability. Namely, in 1895 Lujo Marun recorded in his diary the chance discovery of four brickkilnsin the village of Smedchi, thirteen kilome tres west of Burnum, at the Rivine site (Marun 1998 62, 70, 115). Several years later Carl Patsch stated that only one of them was still well-preserved (Pat sch 1900; 79-80), Sporadic discoveries of bricks and {egulae bearing military stamps in Smrdelji formed the basis for assertions that the kilns belonged to the workshops of the Burnum legions (Patsch 1900. 79, 95-96; Bersa 1900; 166; Wilkes 1969: 101; 1979: 66 Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 40; Alféldy 1987 319, 320, 322; Zaninowié 1996: 216; Marun 1998. 79: Skegro 1999; 254, etc.).* These femains ate to dlay no longer visible probably because the narrow area along the Kukelj ~ Jaruga stream was exposed to weathering and erosion from the surrounding heights and clay deposits. ‘Slike 2 Pedat radionice 1 egije Vlaviaw klix, Muse] qvada Sibenita, in. broj 1018 (onimias 2. Kraéevie, 2007), (ure 2 Stamp ofthe Legio V Flavia fic wonton, Si ley Museu, ins: no, 1018 (photograph: 2. Krncevie, 2 Se fa: the stamps L2G 11 EF and LEG VHT AVE ae knw fom Smid aa PH el sare of the wae Se Roman architectire, not even the sguste-shaped brick hike, However the area abotinds in saree fragments of bike al cant inh wd oe tn nth ig Sa ert aces eh mc dp on though there were no stamped pieces among these finds, i Sd bente hat the clara text semble stanped legionary proce. Thus, ony a compares arabs ofthe cross-section a taped pices andr asa rom thisarea would probably prides conch ‘er tothe question of the mitary stati ofthe Srl ing hw 0 Hn DLS ANTICKT OPEKARSKI PECATL 12. FUNDUSA burnumskih legija (Patsch 1900: 79, 95-96; Bersa 1900: 166; Wilkes 1969: 101; 1979: 66; Zabeblicky- Scheffenegger 1979: 40; Alfoldy 1987: 319, 320, 322; Zaninovie 1996: 216; Marun 1998: 79; Skegro 1999: 254.‘ dr). Vjerojatno zato sto je usko podrugje uz potok Kukelj ~ Jaruga bilo izlozeno atmosfe i eroziji sokolnih uzvisina te nanosima gline, ti osta i danas vi8e nisu vidljiv Medu dosad objavijenim pecatima iz Burmuma naj ‘zastupljeniji su pecati XI. legije, Sto se jednostavno tumaéi éinjenicom da je najdulje boravila u logo ru (Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 42; Marun 1998: 57, 101, 117-122, 148, 178, 195-197, 215). Osim u Burnumu publicirane tegule i opeke s njezinim pecatima nadene su i na manje- mu broju anti¢kih lokaliteta (Dolac kod Garduna, Salona: CL IT 14022; Wilkes 1969: 101, n. 2; 1979: 66; Alfoldy 1987: 318; Skegro 1999; 254) kojima sada mozemo pridodati podatke za nalazista Bribir: ska glavica i Dubravice.” Po brojnosti nalaza u Bur- numu iza pecata XI. legije dolaze peéati IV. legije (Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 40; Marun 1998: 117-122, 137, 148, 178, 195-196, 215; Cambi et al. 2006: 10) koji pak predniage po distribuciji (osim u Smrdeljima nadeni su u Skra dinu, Aseriji, Promoni, Andetriju, Saloni, Vojniéu kod Garduna, Graginama kod Ljubuskog) (CIL IIL 1021; Bersa 1900; 166; 1903: 150; Wilkes 1968: 104, n. 1; 1979: 66; Bojanovski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n 30, 120, n, 31; Alfoldy 1987: 320; Skegro 1991: 224; 1999: 254; Marun 1998: 79; Sanader 2000: 231-232; Toneinié 2003: 260). U Burnumu je IV. legija bora- vila kraée od XI. legije, pa su vecu rasirenost njezi- nih peéata Alfoldy i povezali s kontekstor Dosa su 7 Smrdlja pont! malas posta LEG HIE FE LEG Varave, a proslogedisnjoga rekognosciranja sta ined, dt potoka ‘kel ~Jaragynismn woe make osttkeanteke artes re, pa ni éeortaste apeharske peg, Padre medutim ofaluye povtSinskinvulomcinta opeka ¢tegula (kako dovezenih take fonihu petenju nedovetenih morn Koma, ito wz esta bogatananosima gine. fake med preledanien nalazia ie Ino peeatiranh prnjeraka, vais napomenuti da ulome boiom malik legiskio petairanim proievadima Staga bi vero tk waporedna analiza preseks peeatanih emada i sitovinskoga materia (ane) sovoga palozaie Kenan egovar na pretpostske vojno|peipadnesti snr itekstarom 2 shin pod Dok za Bibirshu view mnnicipino Varvariae) odasno za nv da je cvilng antidho naloite, xa elo Dubravice 6 kn se ‘ern a Skradina) valjapegelat poste arheolosih stra ‘ani Naine treba noglosit la Geir opine teu, tamed oiih jet edna NI ete (9), postsinski nals prikupjen za rekognoscranj, Slog a polafa} Dubravice ~ Podvornice ‘asad mnoleme tek pretpostavit da etakoder chin lokaitet Fink vila rasta zaselak (views Among the stamps from Burnum so far pub- lished, the most numerous are the stamps of Le- gio XI, which can be simply explained by the fact that this legion was posted at the camp the long- est (Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979; 42: Marun 1998: 57, 101, 117~122, 148, 178, 195-197, 215). Besides Burnum, published tegulae and bricks with its stamps have also been found at a smaller number of Roman sites (Dolac at Gardun, Salona; CH. IIE 14022; Wilkes 1969: 101, n, 2; 1979: 66; Alfoldy 1987: 318; Skegro 1999: 254) to which data from the Bribirska glavica and Dubravice sites: can also be added.* In terms of the number of dis: ccoveries at Burnum, the stamps of Legio X! are fol owed by the stamps of Legio IV (Relsch 1913: 129: Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 40; Marun 1998: 117-122, 137, 148, 178, 195-196, 215; Cambi et al 2006: 10), which lead in terms of distribution (be: sides Smrdelj, they were found in Skradin, Asseri Promona, Andetria, Salona, Vojnié near Gardun, and Gragine near Ljubuski) (CIL 11 14021; Bersa 1900: 166; 1903: 150; Wilkes 1969: 104, n. 1; 1979 66; Bojanovski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n, 30, 120, n. 31 Alfoldy 1987: 320; Skegro 1991: 224; 1999: 254; Marun 1998: 79; Sanader 2000: 231~232; Tonéini¢ 2003: 260). Legio IV stayed in Burnum for a shorter period than Legio XI, so Alfldy and Wilkes tied the greater distribution of the former's stamps to the context of the Flavian era, when the production and practice of stamping of military brick products be came more intense (Wilkes 1979; 66; Alféldy 1987: 320). Legio VIII Augusta (or at least a part thereof} was stationed in Burnum for approximately one year, probably between the departure of Legio X1 and the arrival of Legio IV, and its stamps were found much less often (Burnum, Smrdelji, Asseria Graéine near Ljubuski, Tomislaygrad, Zupanjac: CIL IIL 6435, 1OL81.1-2, 13339.1-2; Patsch 1897 338; Bersa 1903: 150; Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky Scheffenegger 1979: 42; Wilkes 1979: 66-67; Bo janovski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n. 30, 120, n. 31, 121, 0, 32, 367; AlfSldy 1987: 319-320, 323; Skegro 1991 "3; 1999: 254; Marun 1998: 100, 122, 196). ‘The aforementioned data indicate that the military workshop may have launched production in the first century. Even so, the precise commencement of its operation cannot be ascertained with any certainty. White Briirska glvica (municipio Varvriae) aslonghnosn to have been a Roman chill sie in the case of the ile of Dubrvice (3 kan north of Skradin. it sould be worthwhile to walt for confirmation by archacologcal excavations Kt should be stressed thatthe four teglae described, among which on is from the Legio XI (no, 99), are surfae fins gabered due ing archeological survey For nows we cin only assume that Dubravce ~Podvornive site was also a evi local Roman villa rustic or a hamlet cu) +86" ICKL OPEKARSKE PY burnumskih legija (Patsch 1900: 79, 95-96; Bersa 1900: 166; Wilkes 1969; 101; 1979: 66; Zabeblicky- Scheffenegger 1979: 40} Alfoldy 1987: 319, 320, 322; Zaninovié 1996: 216; Marun 1998: 79; Skegro 1999: 254. i dr). Vjerojatno zato sto je usko podrugje uz potok Kukel) ~ Jaruga bilo izlozeno atmosteriijama i etozijis okolnih uzvisina te nanosima gline, ti osta ci danas vise nist vidljivi Medu dosad objavijenim peéatima iz Burnuma naj- zastupljeniji su pecati XI. legie, sto se jednostavno tumati Ginjenicom da je najdulje boravila u logo- ru (Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky-Schetfenegger 1979: 42; Marun 1998: 57, 101, 117-122, 148, 178, 195-197, 215). Osim u Burnumu publicirane tegule i opeke s njezinim peéatima nadene su i na manje ma broju antickih lokaliteta (Dolac kod Garduna, Salona; CH. HI 14022; Wilkes 1969: 101, n. 2; 1979: 66; Alfldy 1987: 318; Skegro 1999: 254) kojima sada mozemo pridodati podatke za nalazista Bribit- ska glavica i Dubravice.’ Po brojnosti nalaza u Bur- hnumu iza pecata XI. legije dolaze peéati IV. legie (Risch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky-Scheffene; 40; Marun 1998: 117-122, 137, 148, 178, 19% 215; Cambi ef al. 2006: 10) koji pak prednjace po distribuciji (osim u Smrdeljima nadeni su u Skra- dlinu, Aseriji, Promoni, Andetiju, Saloni, Vojnicu kod Garduna, Graginama kod Ljubuskog) (CIL IIL 14021; Bersa 1900: 166; 1903: 150; Wilkes 1969: 104, n, 1; 1979: 66: Bojanovski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n, 30, 120, n. 31; Alfldy 1987: 320; Skegro 1991: 224; 1999; 254; Marun 1998: 79; Sanader 2000: 231-232; Tondinié 2003: 260). U Burnumu je IV. legija bora- vila krace od XI, legije, pa su vecu rasirenost njezi- nih pecata Altldy 1 Wilkes povezali s kontekstom Dra su te Smrdlja posnati nal poate LEG MFP LEG wunave. 2a proslogodsoega rokagnoscianjasela Smrdei, dv potoks Kukel ~Jaruga mismo uot mikakveostatkeantigke arte re, pa ni detertaste opekarske pe, Pace medutim obj omcima apeks # tga kako dovrdenh tako 4 ‘mh w pegenju nedavsseni moth Kornad), to wz esta bogata nano gline. lake med pregledanim nalacima nie bilo peéatiranih priajeraka,valjasapomeniti da ulome! bajar i teksturon ait alk legiskim pevatrani proizovtina So bi sjerojatno tek usporedna analiza preseka poéatianh Lomada i sitovinskoga material (gine) «evoga pola dle ‘onaéan edgovor na peetpostarke ovo) pripadnost sme skin pr Dok za Bribisku gavicu (munepiu Vervariae) odo zn ro da jecivino anteko nase, ra sla Dubravice (4k se ‘erno od Skradina) vali prigehati poterd areola ita ‘ana. Naime trea naglasit cla su Gti opsame tegue, med oii je edna XI lei (br. 99), povrtineki naz prkupent a rekognoseirani. Slog 73 Padme casad movenv te pretpestaus da je tahodercivin loklitet. rinks ia rustik zoel ics). LZ FUNDUSA.. 6 1-1 2097 ano Among the stamps from Burnum so far pub- lished, the most numerous are the stamps of Le- gio XI, which can be simply explained by the fact that this legion was posted at the camp the long- est (Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky-Schefte 1979: 42; Marun 1998: 57, 101, 117~122, 141 195-197, 215). Besides Burnum, published tegulac and bricks with its stamps have also been found at a smaller number of Roman sites (Dolac at Gardun, Salona; CIL IIT 14022; Wilkes 1969: 101, n, 25 1979: 66; Alfoldy 1987: 318; Skegro 1999: 254) to which data from the Bribirska glavica and Dubravice sites can also be added.” In terms of the number of dis. ccoveries at Burnum, the stamps of Legio X1 are fol lowed by the stamps of Legio IV (Reisch 1913: 129, Zabehlicky-Scheftenegger 1979: 40; Marun 1998: 117-122, 137, 148, 178, 195~196, 215; Cambi et a 2006: 10), which lead in terms of distribution (be- sides Smrdelji, they were found in Skradin, Asseria, Promona, Andetria, Salona, Vojnié near Gatdun, and Gragine near Ljubuski) (CI. IIT 14021; Bersa 1900: 166; 1903: 150; Wilkes 1969: 104, n. 1; 1979: (66; Bojanovski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n, 30, 120, n. 31; Alfoldy 1987: 320; Skegro 1991: 224; 1999: 25: Marun 1998: 79; Sanader 2000: 231-232; Tonéinic 2003: 260). Legio IV stayed in Burnum for a shorter period than Legio XI, so Aliéldy and Wilkes tied the greater distribution of the former’s stamps to the context of the Flavian era, when the production and practice of stamping of military brick products be: came more intense (Wilkes 1979: 66; Alfoldy 198 320). Legio VII Augusta (or at least a part thereof) ‘was stationed in Burnum for approximately one year, probably between the departure of Legio XI and the arrival of Legio IV, and its stamps were found much less often (Burnum, Smedelj, Aseria, Gratine near Ljubuski, Tomislavgrad, Zupanjac CIL ML 6435, 10181.1-2, 13339.1-2; Patsch 1897 338; Bersa 1903: 150; Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky- Scheffenegger 1979: 42; Wilkes 1979: 66-67; Bo- janovski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n. 30, 120, n. 31, 121, n. 32, 367; Alfoldy 1987: 319-320, 323; Skegro 1991 223; 1999: 254; Marun 1998: 100, 122, 196). The aforementioned data indicate that the military workshop may have launched production in the first century. Fven so, the precise commencement of its operation cannot be ascertained with any certainty. While Bribirsha gave lmuncpino Vrvariae has ong know to have been a Roman cian ite inthe cave of the ills Dubravice(¢ km north of Skeadin).t would be worthwhile to ‘eit for confirmation by archaeological excavations. It should he stressed thatthe four tgulae described, among which one 1s trom the Lego X1 (20. 99}, are surface finds gathered dur ing archeological survey. For now, we can omy asvutne tht the Dubravice -Podvornice site was also a civ locak either Roman villa rusts or a an eu). +864 AeA Wilkes. 1979: 66; Alay 1987. 320), U Burnumu je VUI. legija Augusta (ili barem dio nje) bila stactonirana oko godinu dana, vjerojatno izme- «lu odlaska XI, i dolaska IV. legije, i njezinih je Gata pronadeno manje (Burnum, Smrdelji, Ase Gracine kod Ljubuskog, Tomislavgrad, Zupanjacs CIL III 6435, 10181.1-2, 13339.1-2; Patsch 1897. 338; Bersa 1903: 150; Reisch 1913: 129; Zabehlicky- Scheffenegger 1979; 42; Wilkes 1979: 66-67; Boja- novski 1980: 55; 1988: 42, n. 30, 120, n. 31, 121, n 42, 367; Alfoldy 1987: 319-320, 323; Skegro 1991 223; 1999: 254; Marun 1998: 100, 122, 196). Prema navedenim bi se podacima moglo reéi da je Yojna tvornica pokrenula proizvodnju w 1. stoliecu, No ne moze se sa sigurnoséu utvrditi pocetak nje- zina djelovanja. Nis poznati peéati XX, legije koja ie Burnum napustila vjerojatno 9. godine. Nadalje, Postoji moguénost da je XI. legija pokrenula vlasti- tu proizvodnju materijala prije 41. godine, ali ga u pocetku nije peéatirala (Wilkes 1979; 65). Mozemo tek zakljuciti da vojna radionica ~ ako je postojala Proj polovici 1. stoljeéa (odnosno od 10. godine, ada je XI. legija prebagena u Burnum) ~ na samo. me podetku nikako nije uspijevala potpuno namiri- # potrebe vezane za gradnju svoga logora. O tome ham syjedode uvozne tegule s peéatima sjevernoja- dranskih radionica otkrivene unutar areala logora: Pansiana, Quinti Clodi Ambrosi, Cartoriana, T. R. Diad (Patsch 1900: 87; Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 41, 42; Marun 1998: 56, 83, 92, 98, 117-118, 148, 195-196; Sanader 2002: 124-125). Kako ostale spomenute radionice izvoznice nisu zasad preci. “nije datirane, indikativni su nalazi najzastuplienije (wesljedece i Te Pansiane nisu dosad zabiljezeni uw Burnumu, pa mozemo pretpostaviti da za sliedece gradnje logor vise nije bio prisiljen tuvoziti gradevinski materijal° Drugim rijecima, ako edu uvezenim tegulama Pansiane u Burnumu ne dostaju Tiberijevi i kasniji primjerci(velik broj kojih ak nalazimo na ostalim lokalitetima radnoga po- drugja), treba jo$ jednom naglasiti da je vojna opek: Nodnja bila namijenjena iskljucivo zadovolienju vlastitih potreba, odnosno da se radionica na samo- me povetku djelovanja nije ukljucila u konkurent- sku trgovacku mrezu, Tako bismo objasnili zasto w spomenutome periodu nisu postojali vojni peéati. Do istoga su zallucka doth fe Bajanovskl 4 Ante Skegro za po 02a) pretpostalenoga rinshaga voinog tabora ha Coaeiname hod Hubuihog (Bojanovski 1988-41, 5,28 367: Sheyro 1991 2, MAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF. ncaa! 3,81-40i,2 No stamps of Legio XX, which left Burnum in 9 AD, are known to exist, Furthermore, it is possible that Legio XI launched its own production prior to 41 AD, but did not initially stamp its products (Wilkes 1979: 65), We can only conclude that the military workshop — if it existed in the first half of the first century (ie. since about 10 AD, when Legio XI was deployed to Burnum) ~ dict not by any means man. age to fully cover the needs tied to construction of its camp at the very beginning. ‘The imported tegu lae bearing the stamps of Northern Adriatic work shops discovered within the camp’ area testify to this: Pansiana, Quinti Clodi Ambrosi, Cartoriana, R, Diad (Patsch 1900: 87; Zabehlicky-Schel fenegger 1979: 41, 42; Marun 1998; 56, 83, 92, 98, 117-118, 148, 195-196; Sanader 2002: 124-125), Since these other workshops have not as yet been Precisely dated, the artefacts of the most present Adriatic workshop, the imperial Pansiana, are in dicative. Its stamp, which contains only a single ele- ment, the name Pansiana, is most often dated to the Augustan era (see the next section). Later examples from the Pansiana have not so far been registered in Burnum, so we can assume that during the sub. sequent construction of the camp it was no longer necessary to import construction materials." In oth er words, if Tiberian and later examples (of which a large number can be found at other sites of the work area) are missing among the imported Par siana tegulae in Burnum, it should once more be ‘emphasised that the Burnum military brick work shop could very well have existed in the first half of the first century. In this case, it would be worth while to observe that production was intended ex clusively to meet own needs, and that at the very beginning the workshop did not become involved in the competitive network of commerce. This can serve as an explanation of why military stamps did not exist during this period. Production continued to develop and stamped bricks and tegulae were exported to nearby cities and smaller settlements, According to current knowledge, this brick-making factory closed in 86 AD at the latest, when Legio IV left Dalmatia So far the brick stamps of the Burnum legions have been discovered at the aforementioned eivilian sites, which indicates that distribution of military prod: ucts had not developed nearly enough to compete with Northern Adriatic exporting workshops. Thus, for example, at almost all Roman sites covered by vo Bojanovski and Ante Skegeo arrived atthe same canchsion bout the assumed Reman military encampment at Cracine ‘near Ijubuali (Bojanovski 198K: 41, n.24. 547, Skegro 195 24, [ol2vodnja se dae razviaa i pecatirane suse ope- ke tegule izvozile u oblizne gradones manja nase. ba. Prema sadsnjim se saenanjime ovaj opekarski pon Basi najkasnije 86, godine kade ig Dalmacije odlazi IV, legija eset Zbliza razvila tako da bi konkurieg siever poneranskim tvornicama izvoznicama Tako, na po Na gotovo svim antickim lokatitetien koje Dokriva Muze) grada Sibenika vatjecern, ecate Pansiane i pecate privatnika, atek ae manjemu bro. iu Tokaliteta i vojne peéate. Pritonn valia woéiti ito dla su ovi lokaliteti koncentrirans sieverno i istoéno, Od Skradina, dakle nalaze se u zaleda da zasad Nojnih PeCata gotovo nema na obatnim + otognim nalazi’timna, Nema konaénoga edgovora na Pitanje kako tuma. On oie voinih pecata na ne-vojninn nalazistima, Oba ponudena odgovora modem smatratijednako qerojatnima: ili je svaka privatna osobe ‘mogla kup oyne radlionice il je pak vojska iavoriia cline srudnje, odnosno za vece narudthe pod po- Krovitelistvom lokalnih il visih dezavnih magistrata (Allbldy 1987: 317~318, 393-394, Wilkes 1979; 67), PANSIANA, Opekarski je obrt w 1 staljecu evjetso na obalama altos. idtana zahvaljajves abilnim lecitune Kvalitetne primarne materije 2a opekarsku proi- {sodniu ~ gline (Gregorutti 1886. 215 Matijasie 1985: 294; 1995a: 292; Righini er np 1993: 77—78, i dr)_Do danas su evidentirane mnogobrojn, ©, a dio njih razvio je trot nuciju lt, pa im pecate nalazimo 1m Tokalitetima obiju jadranskih obla Medu ovim { Perijadranskim radionicama éetii se obicno iz- ) Parsiana rae kg UD approximately 60% of the nad number of stamps, Parsiana was an imperial tegula workshop in the first century AD. However, producto in this perkshop began at around the midstiee century RC; when its owner was the Consul Gaius Vibius Pansa. Not long afterward, Probably already during the reign of Augustus, the workshop wag placed un. der the control of the Roman emperons and, judg- ins by the information that can be gleaned from the SAMPS, remained so until the reign of Vespasian, fore Vil a lon. where the stamps Laie x and Cy the Rae etitariaro wee fan mscontg tn Ce oan Urbae excvatins Wes aed 109 67: Ally 1987: 318, 991.323 994 KN +886 kada je njezin vlasnik bio konzull Gaj Vibije Pansa, Nedugo zatim, vjerojatno veé od Augusta, tvorni. cu preuzimaju rimski carevi i, sudeéi po informa, Cljama koje se daju iscitati s pecata, tako ostaje do adionica je ipak do kraja djelovanja na pecatima indirektno navodila podatak o prvome vlasnikur na iv Pansiana, koji u tekst peéata uvrstavaju svi care. ¥i~ vlasnici, zapravo je derivat njegova kognomena (Pasa) (Righini 1998: 33). Peéati Pansiane nadeni su na mnogobrojnim antickim nalazistima duz ja- dranskoga Tuka, od Picenuma do juga Dalmacije Kad je rijeé o ubikacip te tvornice, kao zona najbro} nijih otkrivenih primjeraka izdvaja se delta Pada, 1 to podrudje juzno od uséa (Wilkes 1979: 67-68, Bu fora 1985: 220; Matijasi¢ 1983: 987; 1987: 511; 1989. 63; 1998: 98, 102; 1998a: 19; Furlan 1993: 200; Rig- hhini 1998: 49; 1998a: 54-55, 63; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998: 134. i dr), Tome u prilog ide iotkri¢e ulomaka deformiranih, u pecenju nedovrsenih, tegula u Vo hieri (Voghenza, blizu Ferrare) od kojih jedna ima Pecat Pansiane (Cornelio Cassai 1984: 25, 55, 59, 63; Righini 1998a: 55). Uipologija pecata Pansiane kompleksna je zbog njihove velike raznolikosti. Matijasié navodi devet osnovnih tipova, a razlikovni mu je kritecij ime via snika navedeno ili pretpostavljeno na pecatu (devet je poznatih vlasnika i medu njima je sedam care- a). Unutar toga razlikuje Sezdesetak ortografskih Varijanata (MatijaSié 1983: 962-985), Righini je pak Peéate Parisiane podijlila na éak dvadeset tipova i sedamdesetak varijanata (Righini etal, 1993; 42-44, 48-55; Righini 1998: 45~49), Obje tipoloske sinteze Predstavijaju_nadopunu ranije podjele Giovannia Uggerija 1975: 138-148). Dosad objavijene stoti- ne pecata Pansiane pruzajiu dovoljno podataka o razvoju proizvodnje u to) tvornici: tvorni : raka Pansiane (tab. 2). © promeni visnitve nad Pantano, ednosno transformact I privatne w carsku radioniew v Matjasic 1985. 29% 159s 3; 1998: 98: 1998h: 8; Rihins 1998: 45-51. dr Opeke 1p 2. 1 prve polovice 3 stojeea proizvedene w akoticigradong Ravenna i Gass, éiji peal ose imena caress ad Hedjong do Aleksandra Severs, pokusavalo se interpreta! hag does onoenoga pokretania proizvodije u radinicama Prnsons Xo usjerhivom je angumentacijom tahvo mienje negirane te Je danas uvojeno da je Vespazian posed mashedrs lesan, ‘arskePansione possjedogen na pedatin (Matjaic 984, 98m 19696; Righin\ tal. 1993: 58; Righini 199Ra: 59-4; Polliiond Golinet 1998; 139) rons, ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMFS FROM THE COLL ‘when production halted.’ Until it stopped function. ing, the workshop nevertheless inditectly specified its first owner on its stamps: the name Pansiana, Which was included in the stamp's text by all em, Perors who owned it, and which is a derivative of the original owner's cognomen (Pansa) (Righini 1998: 33) The Ransiana stamps were found at many sites all along the Adriatic crescent, from Picenum to Southern Dalmatia, Attempts to pinpoint the lo- ation of this factory focus on the Po River delta, in the area south of the river's mouth, as the zone where the highest number of examples have been discovered (Wilkes 1979: 67-68; Buora 1985: 220, Matijasié 1983: 987; 1987: 511; 1989: 63; 1998; 98, 102; 1998a: 19; Furlan 1993: 200; Righini 1998: 49, 1998a: 54-55, 63; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998; 134 tc), This is also backed by the discovery of frag ments of deformed, incompletely baked tegulae in Voghiera (Voghenza, near Ferrara) of which one bears the Pansiana stamp (Cornelio Cassai 1984 25, 5, 59, 63: Righini 19989; 55) ‘The typology of Pansianta stamps is complex due to thelr great diversity. Mattjasi¢ cites nine basic types, anda differentiating criterion is the name ofthe own er specified or assumed on the stamp {there were nine known owners, among them seven emperors), Within this, he discerned about sixty orthographic variants (Matijasié 1983: 962-985), Righini divided the Pansiana stamps into twenty different types and roughly seventy variants (Righini c¢ al. 1993, 2-4, 48-95; Righini 1998; 45-49). Both typologi cal syntheses constitute a supplement to the earlier classification of Giovanni Uggeri (1975; 138-148), The hundreds of Pansiana stamps so far published provide sufficient data on the development af pro duction in this factory: itis believed to have been most active during the Augustan and Neronian pe- ods, while production fell off during the reigns of Galba (whose stamps have not yet been found at the Sibenik sites) and Vespasian (Matijasié: 1985: 297, 1995: 59; Zerbinati 1993: 94; Righini 1998a: 54), To these data we add a statistical overview of presented Pansiana examples (tab, 2), * On changes in the omnorship ofthe Pasian, and Imation from a private to an imperil workshop, see Matava 4985-295; 1989; 63; 1998: 06 199Hb, 388; Righin 1908 sh te. Attempts were made to interpret bricks of the second an "aly third century AD manutaetured near the citceo! Ravens and Clase with stamps beating the naimes of emperors frome Hadrian to Alexander Severus as evidence of the relaunch ot Production in the Punsana workshups, This view hus been ‘aegated by persuasive arguments, and iis tly seceped thee \Vespasian was the lst inet ofthe Pasion ae show on th Sanips [Mataié 1983: 985; 1989: 6; Righin ot a. 1998. So Righin 19983: 59-64; Pllc Gtinll 199813), +898 ANTICKI OPFKARSKI PECATIIZ FUNDUSA...Opuscanhayo 31, 1-18 20° [08 | Broj Tip peéata / Type of stamp primjeraka Kataloski broj / Catalogue N° N*of pieces | 15, 56, 80-83, 100, 106, 112, Pansiana i Pasiana 17 e [us - Tiberi Pansiana a 17-19, 57, 58, 85, 111 Cai Caesaris Pansiana 3 59, 60, 86 | Tiberi Claudi Pansiana 5 20-23, Neronis Claudi Pansiana ul 26-28, 61-65, 69, 87, 88 Vespasiani Caesaris Pansiana 3 103, 104, 115 Tipoloski neodredivi/ Typologically fs 16, 24, 25, 29-42, 66, 70, 71, 84, | indeterminable z 101, 105, 113, 116 TipoloSki neodredivi/ Typologically indetermined ~\ Pansiana i Pasiana 23,94% 35,21% Tiberi -Pansiana 9.86% Vespasiani Caesaris Cai Caesaris Pansiana Neronis Claudi Tiber Claudi —Pansiana 4.23% Pansiana Pansiana 4.23% 15.49% 7,04% Tablica 2. i pripadajuci kruént graficki prikaz, Tipovi pecata radionice Pansiana (autor: F. Podrtg, 2007) Table 2 and accompanying pie chart. Types of stamps ofthe Pavsiana workshop (author: E: Podrug, 2007) ‘Medu popisanim primjercima, kojih je sedamdeset jedan, najzastupljeniji je s24% tip svarijantama jed- rnostavne, jednoélane sheme ~ PANSIANA. Budu da su od Tiberija nadalje svoje vlasnistvo nad tvor nicom carevi obiljeZavali na pecatima svojim ime- nom u genitivu i nazivom tvornice u nominativu, Matijasi¢ drZi da pe€ati koji nose samo naziv tvor nice pripadaju vremenu prvoga cara, Augusta. U tom bi sluéaju on bio jedini koji se na peéatima nije potpisivao’ (Matijasié 1983: 964; 1987: 511; 1988: 63, 66; MardeSié 2006: 101). Ako je to toéno, ne bi trebao Cuditi podatak da je u mnogim katalozima taj tip peéata najzastupljenii jer valja imati na uma Among the 71 examples listed, the most common, with 24%, is the variant consisting single-item scheme: PANSIANA. Since all empe rors from Tiberius onward marked on the stamps their ownership of the factory by their names in the genitive and the factory's name in the nominative, Matijasi¢ holds that the stamps bearing only the name of the factory date to the time of the first em: peror, Augustus, In this case, he would have been the only one who did not affix his ‘signature’ to the stamps (Matijasié 1983: 964; 1987: 511; 1989: 63, (66; Mardesié 2006: 101). If this is true, it should not be surprising that in many catalogues this type of +90+ nes P1DIS Pal nits ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF. opus 3.811320" da je upravo August vladao najduée od svih careva uLstoljecu’ Treba izdvojiti primjerak éji natpis zavrsava orna- mentom u obliku spirale okrenute udesno (br. 8; T. 1: 8), Taj je znak nerijetko interpretiran kao lituas, simbol augurske éasti, sto je Gregoruttija navelo na to da varijantu protumaci kao dokazdaje kratko raz- doblje vlasnik tvornice bio trijumvir Marko Antoni- ie (kasnije je to opovrgnuto)."* Littus se pojavljuje unutar Augustovih, Tiberijevih i Kaligulinih vatija- nata (Matijasié 1983; 967-976; Righini et al. 1993: 42-43; Righini 1998: 45-48), sto otezava precizniju rekonstrutkeiju nepotpuno saéuvanih primjeraka br. 29 (T. 2:29) i113 (T. 5: 113)." Medu Augustovim varijantama novest predstavlja- ju dva pe¢ata, Primjerak br: 106 (T. 5: 106; sl. 3) iza feksta sadrZi ornament nepoznata oblika kojemu hismo uspjeli na¢i analogiju u zaista opseinoj litera turi o ovoj radionici. Nadalje, narogito je zanimljiv pecat br. 56 (T. 3: 56; sh. 4) na ulomku tegule koji je sekundarno upotrijebljen kao pokrivenica groba ha kasnoantickoj nekropoli Skradin ~ Rokovaéa (Pedisi¢ 2001: 29). Taj pecat trenutaéno ne mozemo interpretirati. Osim veé poznatoga elementa PAST- ANA (Kojemu nedostaje prvo N)" pecat sadrdi i dva manja slova, Ci S, po jedno sa svake strane naziva Wwornice, Toj varijanti pronasli smo tek jednu mo- gucu paralelu u tip 41 Uggerijeve tipologije (1975: 143), Kaliguline varijante redovito poéinju kraticom Clai), neke od nth zavrSavaju spiralom (lituts), no Treba mapomcnut da neko kataloskihpreleda a kojima pe aw tp jednostasnoga testa PANSIANA val uectis reve. ‘am: nerjetko st se polos nodkedi rogmentian komad {ng koja jo teksts sacuvan somo on) revit jen sh a, ‘ini, element PANSIAN) neoprezno tuna kao primjeret "uprave toga tip (38 to wpozonutat erbinati 1993 34, Kako bismo tabeghexentualne sone pogreske, takve pecate Kojima rnedastaje predates) dio mio katlogu preciznie tipo leak ade Gregorutts 1886: 220, Cinjeniew da je Marko Antonie volo isticat a na svome nove Gregor {je ishorstio Bao argument za petpostarku da fe bie lasik Punsiane, No Mati nagasava da ov konstataeu ne bisa erymo pial er tus na novac ado usta magistrati,ukjuejuel i neke eareve(Mata8i 198 1-967 1985: 294), Otpeie je poznate da jo jedan prinjerakvarjante a spiralom na kraj potege iz Dania [C1 420322; Gregorutt 1888.3; Matijasie 1985; 254 16) ‘Ovakay Pans eva sew nekim vaiantams August vi, Tiberijeih | Kalgulnih peat (Matiase 1983, 968,972 974976 Right, 1993: 4 Rigi’ 1998: 45-47). Stoya Righimi smotra da ga ne tebs eumaGts hao gtesku pr ar petatnih matriea nego fe vo verojatn cae kognomen Gaia Viija Panse imao due varjnte (Prana | Pasa, obje jednahe wobiajene i shubene, Vala uzetw ebrir da je vant Past navedena ja negovu sepalkslnom sponeniku(C1LV1 S70 Righin’ 19984: 58) Med pesto hoje sto prikazaliukatalo Eu pier br, 1656, 94114 siguino sara element sian stamp is the most common, for one must keep in mind that it was Augustus who ruled longer than any other emperor in the first century: An example with the inscription ending in a spiral -shaped ornament turned right (no. 8 Pl. 1: 8) should be distinguished. This symbol is not uncom monly interpreted as a fittats, a sign of augural hon our, which led Gregoruttito interpret this variant as evidence that the triumvir Mark Antony owned the factory for a brief period (this was later refuted).”” ‘The fituus appears inside the variants of Augustus, Tiberius and Caligula (Matijasic 1983: 967.976; Righini et al. 1993; 42-43; Righini 1998: 45~48), which renders difficult a more precise ecconstruc- tion of incomplete examples no. 29 (PL. 2: 29) and 113 (PLS: 113)." ‘Two stamps constitute a novelty among the Augus tan variants. No. 106 (PI. 5: 106; Fig. 3) contains an ‘ornament of unknown form after the text, andl we have been unable to find an analogy in the truly ex tensive literature on this workshop, Moreover, stamp no, 56 (PL. 3: 56; Fig. 4) is particularly interestings it was in secondary use as a cover to a grave in the Late Roman necropolis of the Skradin ~ Rokovaca site (Pedisi¢é 2001: 29). This stamp cannot currently be interpreted. Besides the already known PAST NA element (missing its first N),"" the stamp also contains two smaller letters, C and S, one on each side of the factory name. Only one possible parallel to this type was found in type 41 of Uggeri’s typol: Ie should be noted that some of th Alominated by the type bearing should be taken with some eattion:o minae. fragmented pieces (on which only this standard, sok or closing element PANSIANA fe presrved) have been cancel interpretedas examples a precisely this type this hasalso been pointed ot by Zerbinot 1993: . To avoid any possible sin rors such stamps lacking the font et ston ane nt this article typologically specified nore precisely SGregorutt 1886: 220, 22%, 1BKK: 379. The fet that Mork An tony liked to highlight the augural staff on his coins was use by Gregoratti as an argument backing the hypotheis that he ‘owned the Panslana. But Matijaié stressed that this aero should not be accepted without some reserve, bscause estan ‘other magisttates, including some emperos, liked to feature the dts on thet coins (Matiale 1983 9-967. 1985: 291, Another example of a variant with a spit at the end fm Danilo yas know rari (CH, HY 82132: Gregor 1888 39. Matias 1945-294, 916) This typeof Pansiana designation appears in some variants of the stamps of Augustus, Tiber and Caligula (Mattie 18 968, 972,974.07 Rhine al, 199843; Righind 1998. 45-47) Righini thus believes tht they should not be interpreted ae: ror in the rafting ofthe stamp matin rather its very Ike ly that the counomen of Gaise Vibe Pansa had two variants (Pansa and Pasa). bot equally customary and offical It should be rcaled thatthe asa variant is cited om his sepuleliral ma rument (CWI S7077; Righins 19984; 54). Aang te stamps shownin the eatalogse, nos 16,56, 8nd 114 certainly contain he Pasian element catalogue oversieus pre imple text PANSIANA 1 typologcaly nde 91+ P/N bi PPG ANTIK OPEKARSKI PEA uw ovom je slucaju sigurno da zadnji 2nak ne pripada ‘otnamentima, nego je rijeé 6 slovu, odnosno kratici S(---), Preostaje nam stoga da pretpostavimo kako se radi o sigli osobnoga imena, moda zakupnikova ili predradnikova, odnosno imena voditelja opekar- skoga pogona (affcinator). Figure 3. Stamp ofthe Pansiana workshop, Sibenik City Mic seus nw. no. 11683 (photograph: Z. Krnéevie, 2007) U literaturi se javija jo8 jedan tip peéata sa siglom manjih slova (ovog puta troglanom) umetnutih u naziv tvornice ~ PANSTANA LAS (br. 83; T. 4: 83) Narogito je zanimjivo to Sto se Pansiana na teme- Jju ovoga pegata povezuje s radionicom Solonas (. dalje). Od primjeraka datiranih u ‘Tiberijevo vrijeme iz- dvaja se br. 57 (1. 3: 57) s kraticom Ti(beri) u obli ku latinskoga ria. Kaligulini peéati zastupljeni su 84.2% primjeraka. Matijasié naglaSava da je tekst samo jedine varijante, ito one iz vremena kad je Ka la bio vlasnik tvornice, ispisan slovima priligno manjima od slova na ostalim varijantama iz Pansi jasi¢ 1983: 974), Dva su takva ulomka, br 59) 160 (T. 3:60), otkrivena prosle godine u Skradinu. Pecate careva Klaudija (7,1% primjeraka) i Vesparijana (4.2% primjeraka) nalazimo u siben: skome muzeju zastupljene jednom ili dvjema vari jantama, Za sljedeca dva, tipoloski vierojatno podu darna, peéata nismo uspjeli ustanoviti pripadaju i Klaudhiju ili Neronu, Rijeé je o pecatima br. 24 (T.1 24) 125 (1. 1:25) na kojima su djelomiéno saéuvani Claud i Pansiana.' elementi Statisti¢ki podaci pokazuju da je proizvodnja u pe- éima Pansiane intenzivirana u Neronovo vrijeme. Naime Neronu pripada 15,5% peéata, zbog éega je po broju primjeraka i varijanata odmah iza Atugu sta. Od toga je posebice zanimbjiva varijanta koja nnalazimo na pet tegula s groba postavijenilh u ‘krov na dvije vode’ (br. 61-65) koje potjecu s istrazivanja skardonitanske ranocarske nekropole na polozaju Fedinu sigurnw analgiu nash smo w radu Mihov Abramiga 6 naronitanskionmafacima (2927: 131, 152, she). Nagalost Abramicevu pegatu nedostje Iie dio, odnosno pv element mena, pa ne mozeme bee stun privat njegova pretpostavk dase pecat "ima nadepunits verojatno ovo: Tiber Clea Pasian HLFUNDUSA... Onsen ogy (1975: 143). Caligula’ variants regularly begins with the abbreviation Cai), and some end with the spiral (létwus), but in this case it is certain that the last symbol is not part ofan ornament, rather itis @ letter, Le. the abbreviation S/---). We are left to as: sume that this is the sigil of a personal name, per haps that of a lease-holder or a foreman, ot that of a chief of the brick workshop (officinator), ana, Muze) aruda Siberia, av (anim: 2. Krav, 2007) Dro) 146: Figure +. Stamp of the Pasiana workshop, Sibenik City Mec seu, bn, 0, 11622 (photograph Z. Kracevie, 20 Another type of stamp appears in the literature with a sigil of small letters (this time in three parts) in serted into the factory name ~ PANSIANA LAS (no. 85; Pl. 4: 83). Itis particulary interesting that based on this stamp the Pansiana is tied to the Solonas workshop (see below) Among the examples dated to the ‘Tiberian period, notable is no. 57 (PL. 3: 57) with the abbreviation Ti(beri) formed like a Latin cross. Caligula’s stamps are present in 4.2% of the examples. Matijasi¢ stressed that the text of only one variant, from the time when Caligula owned the workshop, was writ ten in letters considerably smaller than those in the other variants from the Pansiana (Matijasié 1983 974). Two such fragments, no, 59 (PL. 3: 59) and 60 (Pl 3: 60), were discovered in Skradin last year: ‘The stamps of the Emperors Claudius (7.1% of the ex amples) and Vespasian (4.2% of the examples) can be found in the Sibenik Museum in one or two vari- ants. In the case of the next two typologically pro bably corresponding stamps, we were unable to de- termine whether they belong to Claudius or } These are stamps no. 24 (PI. 1:24) and 25 (PL. 1: 25) on which the elements Claudi and Pansiana ave partially preserved." Statistics indicate that production in the Pansiana kilns became more intense during Nero’ reign, Namely, 15.5% of the stamps belong to Nero, mak- ing them the most prominent in terms of number The only certain analogy was fun in the work by Mion Abramié on the Narona diseoveries (1927 131, 132, Unfortunately, Abrams stamp i missing ts Kt po the fist clement of the emper so we cannot cept without doubt his assumption chat the stamp "I ] should be supplemented like this: Tie] Clans Pans’ +926 pts ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF. Skradin ~ Maragusa (Pedisi¢ 2001: 39-41). Peéat le karakteristiéan zbog éak pet ligatura od po dva ili tri slova, tako da samostalna ostaju samo éetiri od ukupno sedamnaest slova (Matijasié 1983; 983). Kao interpunkeija medu elementima pojavljuju se trokut (Criangulum distingvens) i stilizirano stabal- ce (palmeta?) (T. 3:61, 62: sl. 5). Slika S. Peat radionice Ponsiana, Mucejgrada Sibenita, is broj 11693 (sninier 2. Krncevie, 2007) Figure 5, Stanp of the Pansiana workshop, Sibenik City Mic seu, ine, 0.11693 (photograpicZ. Krnéevi, 20 Sve navedeno jos jednom potwrduje da se Pansiana istige medu perijadranskim radionicama po brojno sti nalaza i po razini distribucije, Njezini su proizvo- di nadeni na veéini lokaliteta’spomenutih u ovome katalogu. Sudeci po pecatima publiciranimau ranijo} liceraturi, valja im pribrojitii Barnum, Na prvome je Injestu po brojnosti nalaza Bribirska glavica, anticki municipij Varvarija, zahvaliujuéi gotovo stogodis- ‘yim arheoloskim istrazivanjima (Krndevie 1995: 13 id). Slijedi manicipij Skardona — danasnji Skradin — i njegova okolica, odakle su i otprije poznati slu- éajni nalazi proizvoda Pansiane (npr, Marun 1998: 69 (Vacani), 71 (Bevrske), 142—143 (Skradin), 199 (Piramatovci)). Osim za krovne konstrukeije tegule Pansiane koristene su i za grobnu athitekturu: veé smo spomenuli pet tegula s Maraguse, dvije sekun: darno upotrijebljene tegule s istrazivanja nekropole Skradin ~ Rokovaca, a jedna je nadena u grobu na Veliko} Mrdakovici — jednoj od predlozenih lokaci- jaanticke Arauzone (Brusié 2000)." Pri istrazivanju antickoga Rideva (mmunicipium Riditarwn) uw danas njemu je selu Danilu (Pedisi¢ 2000) takoder nade- no vige uvoznih sjevernojadranskih tegula i opeka ukljuéujuci i tri iz Pansiane. Njezine su tegule po hovno koristene pri gradnji kasnijih objekata (Zirje, Srima).”” Sliku 0 rasprostranjenosti proizvoda Pas. Dom Krsto Stsié spominge js jedan mala tegule Passa na alo Mrdakowil (Stosie 1941-136) U6, stolecu pri grads danas najbaljesaéurane uty Just nijanova pomorskoga limess na otoku Zira (lokaltet Zin Geratna) Pansiaro su unmet be 80-88} doneseni srusevina Famocarske vile udaljone 200 metora (Pele 1995: 40 200 1-91; 20034: 78). Sliéan kontelst modemo pretpostait ia pedate Pansiane nadene 2a ntrsivanja starokrscanskh dvojih brariha iz 6,stojeea na polodaju Seima~ Praba (be 105-105), m vse Sto uf na Srimskome pohtotoku tekognosctanjima bicirana mjestaoblizajhraniih antighih objhata (Gunjaa of pieces and variants right after those of Augustus, Out of these, particularly interesting is the variant found on five tegulae from a grave that were in stalled as a ‘gabled roof" (no, 61-65), which were found during excavations at the Scardona’s early imperial nectopolis at the Skradin ~ Maragusa site (Pedisié 2001; 39-41). The stamp is characteristic due to the high number of five ligatures consisting of two or three letters, so that only four out of at tal of seventeen letters are independent (Matijasi¢ 1983: 983). A triangle (eriangutum distinguens) ap: pears as punctuation among the elements, as well as a stylised small tree (palmette?) (Pl. 3:61, 62; Fig. 5) All of this once more confirms that the Pavsiana stands out among the peri-Adriatic workshops in terms of number of discoveries and level of distri bution. Its products are found at most sites men tioned in this catalogue. Judging by the stamps pub: lished in the earlier literature, Burnm should also be counted among them. Bribirska Gilavica, the Ro man municipium Varvaria, is in first place in terms of number of discoveries thanks to almost a century of archaeological excavations (Krnéevié 1995: 13) Iris followed by the municipium of Scardona ~ to: day's Skradin ~ and its environs, whence even ear lier chance discoveries of Pansiana products were known (e.g. Marun 1998; 69 (Vaéani), 71 (Devrske), 142-143 (Skradin), 199 (Piramatovei)) Besides roo! structures, the Pansiana tegulae were also used for tomb architecture: already mentioned were the five tegulae from Maragusa, the two secondarily used tegulae from excavations at the Skeadin — Rokovaéa necropolis, and one was found in a grave at Velika Mrdakovica ~ one of the proposed locations of Ro man Arauzona (Brusié 2000)."" During excavations of the Roman Rider (municipium Riditarum) in today’s village of Danilo (Pedisié 2000), a number of Northern Adriatic tegulae and bricks were also found, including three from the Pansiana. Its tegu lac were onc: sd in the construction of later structures (Zitje, Srima).”* The map of distribution Fr Krsto State mentioned another Pansian tegula find at Ika Midlake Sti 1941: 196), In the sth century, daring construction ofthe today best served fortification of hstinians maritimetimesom the sind Zire (ine ~ Gradina te), the Pasar fragments no. 8-88) ‘vere brought from the rains ofan early imperial villa lacated 200 metres aay (Pedic 1995, 40; 2000; 50-91, 203848). Similar context ca be assumed forthe Pansiana stamps and ot arly Christin dl basibeas rom 1 ail the uring excavati sixth century a the Senna ~ Pritba site (no. 103-10 ‘more so since the ste of neatby earlier Roman structures wer located during field survey om the Srna peninsula (Guna 2005; 10; Brusié 2005: 261), The secondary use of Psa products and produets fromm ether early imperial brick work shops is common at other sites ar well fee, eg. Ske pio 1991 +936 PLASC el siane na podrugju kojim se ovdje bavimo upotpu- njuju slucajni nalazi uvrsteni u katalog (Dubravice, gradina Sw. Ivan del Tyro, Tribunj). Treba dodati i tegule Pansiane spomenute u. literaturi: slugajn nalaz u Prhovu kod Primostena (Kale & Krnéevié 1993; 16), zatim one s istrazivanja Gradine na oto: ku Murteru — antitkoga Kolentuma (Faber 1998: 102), kao 1 novije nalaze s lokaliteta Se. Martin w Winju." Nadale, opat Alberto Fortis, putopisac iz 18, stoljeéa, navodi da je jo8 u 16, stoljecu na oto- ku Zlarinu “iskopan nadgrobni spomenik neke zene koja se zvala Pansiana i nosila naslov kraljice(...) te da su “tadagnji uéenjaci [...] ne nagavsi joj traga u povijestima, s velikom vjerojatnosu zakljudil da je posrijedi bila neka barbarska kraljica [.." (Fortis 1984; 110). Veé je odavno utvrdeno da je titles za pravo tegula Pansiane, i to s pecatom koji je sadria. ‘yao cursus honor nekog od careva vlasnika. No Fortisov podatak, kao i kasniji sporadigni sluéajni nalazi, svjedoge o naseljenosti Zlarina w ranoj anti- i (Sto8ie 1941: 172; Gunjaga 1977: 35). Na temelju nalaza ranocarskih peéata na tegulama to mozemo pretpostaviti i za sibenske otoke Zirje (v. bil. 15) i Prvié (peat iz radionice Quinti Clodi Ambrosi, br 108). Proizvodi Pansiane otito se nisu dopremali samo na obalu nego i u zalede. Stovise, nabrojana nalazista sibensko-skradinskoga podrugja nikako nisu najdu- blje uwucene lokacije nalaza w unutrasnjosti provin: cije Dalmacije. Pansiana je primjerice zastuplien i'w okolici Knina i Drnisa (Budimir & Radié 1986: 109 (Orlic kod Knina); Marun 1998: 192 (Lukar kod Drnisa)) te u Hercegovini (Skegro 1991: 224-226), AIM: Hk Heusie 2005: 261), Sehund Pusan | prozvoda izestalih anocarsksh opekarskh tories obigafen ena dri aalasistima (apt She gro 1991-26, Katie 1994 Boek 2000, Pest br 110 radonica Salona, a J) riven jeu kasnijen arheolskon kontehsta a staaiv nia stedojonjekornoga gra kd erkve w Lave uSibenskome sem poli koje el 1995, godine val Zliko Krogevi. Koo logiéno abjadnjene vu spomenuti dase pesesetak metara da Thema polotajo Grasine naz donna istrenarmaka ila rustika (Kendevie 1995; 21), ea patra prosevoda Zalwaljuiemss kolegii Mog Zone, vodieiel strativana, ma podacinao rims teglama speeatimaswkeslojnoge nar ta Sy. Martin win aja fe horizon risk ia rusia sie istrafivani jos uve tea U salu Pree Luka na otaku Prvign arhcolog Zlatho Guniaéa vod je 1988. godine istrativana st romanigho-gotiho| crkvt Gospe od Porodeni, Revulat arheoloske kampanje nist mala lost do danas objajentw ljelost. Sudees po nalazima para njemima u Muzeju gra Sibenia, w otkopan je zemi naden sta antike keramike, kaa | ackoiko leak starokrscanske amene platike (klivcucispole w ere, Na wsnove toga ‘opravdano se moze pretpostaviti daw prvickome peli posto antzko naarste tkrngevic 1995: S253, 2000, 278-279), Dex ls pedatom i radionice Q Cl Amlnot ANTICKI OPFKARSKI PECATI IZ FUNDUSA... ps anli 34)-198, 2072008 of Pansiana products being dealt with here is sup- plemented by chance finds included in the catalogue (Dubravice, Sveti Ivan del Tyro hill-ort, Tribuny) The Pansiana tegulae mentioned in the literature should also be added: chance discoveries from Pthovo near Primosten (Kale & Krnéevié 1993: 16), those from the excavations at Gradina on the island of Murter ~ Roman Kolention (Faber 1998: 102), as well as the newer discoveries from the Sveti Martin site in Ivinj.” Furthermore, Abbot Alberto Fortis, an eighteenth century travel writer, stated that on the island of Zlarin as early as the sixteenth centu ry “a tombstone to a woman called Pansiana who bore the title of queen [...] was excavated’, and that “the scholars of the time |...| not finding a trace of her in the histories, concluded with great certainty that she was some barbarian queen [...|" (Fortis 1984; 110). Ithas already been ascertained long be fore that the tizulus was actually a Pansiana tegula bearing a stamp containing the cursus honorunt ol fone of the emperor-owners. But Fortis’ informa. tion, like subsequent sporadic chance discoveries, testify to the habitation of Zlarin in Early Antiquity (Stosié 1941: 172; Gunjaca 1977: 35). Based on finds ‘of early imperial stamps on tegulae, this ean also be assumed for the Sibenik islands of Zirje (see note 15) and Prvi¢ (stamp trom the Quinti Clodi Ambro- si workshop, no. 108).' Pansiana products were obviously not only deli- vered to the coast but also the hinterland, Moreo- ver, the listed sites of the Sibenik — Skradin area are certainly not the most deeply withdrawn locations in the Dalmatian provincial interior. Pansiana pro- duets are, for example, also present in the vicinity of Knin and Dini (Budimir & Radié 1986: 109 (Orlic 226; Kabié 1994; Boek 2000). Stamp no. 110 (Solonas work shop, sce below) was discovered ina later atchacological con texturing excavations at a medieval cemetery a the Church of Sveti Losrein Sbenils Donje Pj led by Za ko Krngevic since 1995, Discovery of & partly examined Roman villa rust out ity meter aay atthe Gruina site serves as a Inga explanation for this Kengevis 18521), We would tke to thank our colleague Magda Zari, the exes. tion ditectr: for data on Ramnan tele with stamps fon th rmofilayered site of Stet! Martin i in (the earest hora is Roman villa rsa) where excavations are sill ongoing. In the village of Prvie Laks on the island of Pri, archacuo ist Zlatko Gunjaéa conducted excavations at the Romanesque Gothie Church of Oue Lady ofthe Nativity in 1988, The results ofthis archacologieal campaign have ot unre entirely published to this day. hcg by the ites ld in he Sibenik City Museum, many Roman ceramics and several frag rents of Ealy Chistian sculpt (inching the spain the church) were found in the exeatated soi. On this bass, one can justifiably assume that there 4 Ram site on Pv kd (rnevie 1995: 52-58; 2000, 278-279). The tegula bering the seal ofthe QClods Amis workshop also backs this view: 294+ ho 0h POKER: ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF. fnc:anael 3h 8-11 29° OSTALE SJEVERNOJADRANSKE IZVOZNICE Jedna je od zastuplienijih perijadranskih izvoznica 3 Solonas. Za razliku od carske Pansiane i poznatih privatnih sjevernojadranskih opekarskih radionica Solonas se tradicionalno interpretita kao radionica u vlasnistvu municipalne zajednice: poistovjecuje ju se sa Solonates, jednom od zajednica koju Plinije spominje medu municipijima VIL regije u danas njoj Emiliji (HN Ill, 116). Tegule s ovim peéatima rnadene stt na objema obalama sjevernoga i stednje- ga Jadrana, Pretpostavlia se da je njezin proizvodni centar, kao i Pansianzin, bio u delti Pada (Uggeri 1975: 149-151; Wilkes 1969: 500; 1979: 68; Buora 1985: 213, 220-221; Matijasi€ 1987: 497, n, 11, 512; 1989: 64; 1998: 98; Righini 1998: 40—41, 45; Pellicioni Go- linellf 1998: 134 1 dr). NajéeSée je rijeé o pegatima koji sadrZe jedan tekstovni element ~ ime vlasnika twornice, Pojavliuju se dvije tekstualne sheme sa slo- vima gotovo istoga oblika: SOLONAS i SOLONATE. Stoga fragmentirano saguvanim primjercima kojima nedlostaje desni dio ne mozemo sa sigurnoséu odre- Aliti tipolosku pripadnost (br. 43-45, 48, 67, 68). Na Tadranu je zabiljezeno i pet tipova peéata koji, osim naziva Solomas, nose kratice asobnih imena (offic: natores). Najvibe je zanimanja i pitanja izazvao tip pecata s natpisom Sofonas i trima manjim slovima (Z, A, S) umetnutima sa strana i unutar naziva tvor- nice (Pellicioni 1984: 242~243, 248; Buora 1985: 220, n. 27; Righini ct al. 1993: 44, 56; Righini 1998; 40). Takav je peat otkriven i na Bribirskoj glavici (br. 495 1. 2:49; sl. 6)" Tri su mania slova vjerojat no sigla, pa jedno od tumacenja glasi jednostavno: Solonas L(—) AC) S(---), 8 objasnjenjem da je rijee 6 osobnome imenu ‘oficinatora’ tvornice. Medutim ista se sigla, takoder manjih slova i na vrlo sliéan nacin umetnuta u naziv radionice, nalazi i na peca- tima Pansiante za koje se pretpostavla da potjees iz vyremena kada joj je August bio vlasnik ~ tip Pansia na LAS (Buora 1985: 230; Pellicioni 1984: 242-243, 247; Righini et al. 1993: 43, 50; Righini 1998: 45, 47, 51; 1998a: 53), sto je neke autore navelo da sight procitaju ovako: Liviae) A(ugustae) sfaltuarit). Ta- kav je peat naden i na Zirju: br. 83 (T. 4:83). Prema ‘ovome bi tumacenju pecat Pansiana LAS znacio da su se tegule proizvodile unutar carskoga posjeda s prirodnim resursima (saltus) u Livijinu vlasnistvu (Righini ct al. 1993: 45; Righini 1998: 42; Zerbinati 1993: 104), Kako god protumacili sigh LAS, tetko se moze driati slugajnoséu da dvije radionice ubi- Sto se tie stogne sttane fara, i ip peut raconice Solo ‘as prepoznafem joe jeino na ulomk te Zupaniea kod Tom slavgrada [Radinshy 1896, 157). near Knin); Marun 1998: 192 (Lakar near Denis) and in Herzegovina (Skegro 1991; 224-226) OTHER NORTHERN ADRIATIC EXPORTERS “The Solonas was another of the most frequent pe Adriatic exporters. As opposed to the imperial Pa siana and the known Northern Adriatic private brick workshops, the Solonas is traditionally interpreted as a workshop owned by the municipal community itis equated with Solonates, one of the communities which Pliny mentions among the municipia of the ight region of today’s Fmilia (HIN IIl, 116). Tegulae with these stamps were found on both sides of the Northern and Central Adriatic. It is assumed that its production centre, like that of the Pansiana, was in the Po River Delta (Uggeri 1975: 149-151; Wil- kes 1969: 500; 1979: 68; Buora 1985: 213, 220-221; Matijasié 1987: 497, n, 11, 512; 1989: 64; 1998: 98; Righini 1998: 40-41, 45; Pellicioni Golinel 1998; 134; etc,). The most common are stamps containing a single textual element ~ the name of the factory ‘owner, Two textual schemata appear with let almost the same form: SOLONAS and SOLO} Therefore, the typology of the fragmentarily pre: served examples missing their right section cannot be determined with certainty (no. 4345, 48, 67 68). Five types of stamps have been recorded in the Adriatic zone which, besides Solonas, also bear the abbreviations of personal names (officinatores). The most interest, and questions, have been aroused by a stamp type bearing the inscription Solonasand three smaller letters (Z, A, S) inserted to one side and insi de the factory name (Pellicioni 1984: 242-243, 248; Buora 1985: 220, n, 27; Righini et al, 1993: 44, 56; Righini 1998; 40). This type of stamp was also disco. vered at Bribirska glavica (no. 49; PI. 2:49; Fig. 6)." “The three smaller letters are probably a sigil, so one interpretation is simply: Solonas L(-—-) Af) St---), with the explanation that this is the personal name of the factory's officinator: However, this same sil also with smaller letters very similarly inserted into the workshops name, can also be seen on Pansianta stamps which are assumed to have originated in the time when the workshop was owned by Augustus: the Pansiana LAS type (Buora 1985: 220; Pellicioni 1984; 242-243, 247; Righini et al, 1993: 43, 50; Ri ghini 1998: 45, 47, 51; 1998a: 53), which led some scholats to read it as: /(iviae) A(ugustae) s(altwarii). Astor the eastern shore ofthe Adviati, the same typeof stamp ofthe Solonas workshop can only be recogotzed on a fragment fom Zupanjae, near Tomlaygrad(Radimky 1896. 157), [OPEKARSKI PECATI 12 FLUNDUSA cirane u delti sadrze tip pegata iste sheme. Zato je predlozeno da se uodi neka vrsta povezanosti dvi ju tadionica, odnosno da se pretpostavi kako je w ‘odredenome trenutku Solonas presla u carsko vla snistvo (Wilkes 1979; 68; Matijasié 1987: 512; 1989: 64; Righini 1998a; 55-56; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998: 133, 138). Nadalje, taj bi tip peéata, osim geografske i vlasnigke istovjetnosti, dodatno argumentirao i do sadasnje pretpostavke © vremensko} podudarnosti radionice Solonas s Pansianom (1. stoljeée) (Buora 1985: 220; MatijaSié 1989: 64, 66; Righini 1998: 45; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998: 133-134), Slik 6, Peat radtionice Solonas, Muse) grade Sibenika, in Jnr 405 (noni 2. Kenevié, 2007) Figure 6, Stamp o Solons workshop, Sibenik City Muse um, is uo. 4/05 (phorograph 7. Krndevié, 2007) Dva pegata ~ br. 72173 (T. 3: 72, 73) ~ otkrivena 2a istrazivanja rimske urbane vile u Danilu, na po- lozaju Stari Sematorij, potjeéu iz tvornice nazivane Faesontia ili Faesoniana, Na temelju gustoce nalaza i njoj se lokacija obiéno ‘tradi’ juéno od delte Pada. Danilski primjerci pripadaju varijantama tipa re- Konstruiranoga ovako: A(uli) FAESONI A(ili) Fil). Zbog nevelikoga broja tipova (koji su medutim 81 roko distribuirani) pretpostavija se da je tvornica bila aktivna kratko razdoblje (Buora 1985: 220-221; Matijaié 1987: 513; 1989: 6 2; 1998: 98, 102; Righini e¢ al, 1993: 42; Righini 1998: 39—40; Pe icioni Golinelli 1998: 134i dr) Pegati Q CLODI AMBROSI (br. 50,51, 98, 108, 109) karakteristiéni su po utisnutim slovima, bez okvira kartude, Rijeé je o radionici éije su tegule otkrivene na iznimno velikome broju antickih nalazista dui uzaledu, od Picenuma na zapadu do krajnje: a rimske provincije Dalmacije. Koncentracija im je najveéa u sjeveroistognome kutu jadranskoga Taka, sto je odavno sugeriralo ubikaciju w Akvileju, naro¢ito kad se uzme wobzir da u Padskoj nizini nisu mnogobrojni (Gregorutti 1886: 234; 1888: 347, 358; Brusin 1957: 149; SlapSak 1974: 173-176, 178-17 Boltin Tome 1976: 225-226; Wilkes 1969: 500; 1979: 69; Marengo 1981: 105-112; Buora 1983: 57; 1983a: 217; 1985: 214, 221; Matijasi€ 1983: 987-988; 1985: Such a stamp was also found on Ziyje: no, 83 (PI. 4 83). According to this interpretation, the Pansiana LAS stamp would mean that the tegulae were pro- duced on an imperial estate with natural resources (saltus) owned by Livia (Righini et al. 1993: 45; Ri ghini 1998: 42; Zerbinati 1993: 104). However the LAS sigilis interpreted, it can hardly be deemed co: incidental that two workshops located in the delta contain a seal with the same schema. Thisis why the observation of some form of link between the two workshops has been suggested, ic. to assume that at a given mom al ownership (Wilkes 1979: 68; Matijasie 1987: 1989: 64; Righini 19984: 55-56; Pellicioni Golinell, 1998: 133, 138). Furthermore, this type of s besides identical graphy and ownership, wo uld also provide arguments to back prior assump- tions on the coterminous existence of the Solonas and Pansiana workshops (first century AD) (Buora 1985; 220; Matijasié 1989: 64, 66; Righini 1998; 45; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998: 133-134), Two stamps ~ 0.72 and 73 (PL. 3:72, 73) red during excavations ofa Roman urban villa in Da nilo, at the Stari Sematorij site, come from a factory called Faesonia or Faesoniana. Based on the density of discoveries, its location is also ‘sought’ south of the Po Delta, The Danilo examples belong to a vari ant reconstructed as follows: Auli) FAESONI A(uli) Mili). Due to the small number of types (which are, however, widely distributed) it is assumed that the workshop was active for a brief perind (Buora 1985: 220-221; MatijaSi€ 1987; 513; 1989: 64; 1995a: 292; 1998: 98, 102; Righini et al. 1993: 42; Righini 1998, 39-40; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998; 134; ete.) The QCLODIAMBROSI stamps (no. 50, 51, 98, 108; 109) ave characterised by their impressed letters, discove- hout cartouche frame. This is a workshop who: se tegulae were discovered at an exceptionally large number of sites all along the coast and hinterland, from Picenum in the west to the extreme south of the Roman province of Dalmatia, ‘Their concentration is greatest in the north-eastern corner of the Adria: tic erescent, which has long suggested a location in Aquileia, particulatly ifone takes into account that they are not numerous in the Po Valley lowlands (Gregorutti 1886 234; 1888; 347, 358; Brusin 1957 149; Slapsak 1974: 173-176, 178-179; Boltin Tome 1976: 225-226; Wilkes 1969: 50; 1979: 68; Maren go 1981; 105-112; Buora 1983:57; 1983a: 217; 1985 214, 221; Matijasié 1983: 987-988; 1985: 293 1987 509-510; 1989, 64-67; 1995: 59; 1998: 98; Righini et al. 1993: 80; Zaccaria 1998: 111, 113; Bojanovski 1980: 4 Katie 1994; 209; Tomasovié 1995: 30-32 Skegro 1991: 26-227; Dzin & Girardi futkié 2005: 96+ {ous hopes, ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF . Omacuntorl 293; 1987: 509-510; 1989: 64-67; 1995; 59; 1998: 98; Righini ef al. 1993: 80; Zaccaria 1998: 111, 113; Bo- janovski 1980: 54; Katié 1994: 209; Tomasovié 1995: 30-32; Skegro 1991; 226-227; Dain & Girardi Jur- kieé 2005; 32; Din 2006: 9, 22; Mardesi¢ 2006: 101 1 4. i de)."" Iznenaduje to sto su poznata tek dva razli Gita tipa pezata radionice éiji su proizvodi bili tako Siroko distribuirani. Stoga je Matijasié vjerojatno u pravu kad zakljucuje da je taj opekarski pogon, ko: jemu znamo samo jednoga vlasnika (Kvinta Klodija Ambrozija), bio kratka vijeka (Matijasié 1987: 511; 1998b; 388), ali st mu svojevremeno proizvodna i izvozna djelatnost bile vrlo razvijene. Za odrediva nje kronoloske pripadnosti ove radionice dosad nije bile pouzdanih orijentira, pa ju se uglavnom siroko. datiralo w 1. stoljeée iu prvu polovieu 2. stoljeéa, Od pomoci mozda moze biti upravo peéat br. 98 (T 4: 98; sl. 7) i razmjerno velik broj prethodno objay Ijenih primjeraka iz Burnuma (Patsch 1900: 87; Za behlicky-Schellenegger 1979: 41; Marun 1998: 56, 83, 92, 98, 195, 196). Kako smo ve¢ naveli, w Bur- numa je naden odreden broj uvoznih peéata iz ne koliko sjevernojadranskih tvornica, medu kojima su vadan orijentir za odredivanje kronologije Pansiani ‘i peéati najjednostavnijega tipa, onoga tipa za koji se pretpostavlja da je Augustov, a kasniji proizvodi Pansiane asad nisu nadeni. Jednako je tako vazna 41, godina poslije Krista kao terminus ante quem now w vezi s pocetkom peCatiranja proizvoda legij ske tvornice. Ako sve ovo opravdava pretpostavku Kako uvoz gradevinskoga materijala-u Burnumu prevladava u prvoj poloviei (ili éak u prvoj éetvrti- ni) 1, stoljeéa, nakon éega uvoz mozda nije bio po- treban (XI. legija pecatira tegule i opeke), na taj bi se nagin mogla datirati i pojava peéata iz radionice Quinti Clodi Ambrosi w logoru. Taj je vremenski okvir raniji od onoga koji predlaze Matijasi¢ (druga polovica I. i povetak 2. stolje¢a), Slika 7, Peéat radionice Quinti Clas Ambros Mui Siberia, in: bro) 1023 (onimio: Z. Krngevie, 2007) Figure 7 Stanyp ofthe Quien Clog Atnbrosi workshop, Sibenik City Museum, ins: no, 1023 (photograph 2. Krnéevie, 20 prada Ranije jo ed Gregoruta, smatralo da e versatna loka 5. Giorgio di Nogaro. Unosie pak veenve Buors navi pol 2) Muzzana kao vjeroatnjsubikacisradionice Quina Clade “uuhrosiw bliin Aku, t zbog lara ov peeata nates Jama detormieania tekmn 4445 198 182, enja ora | 32; Dain 2006: 9, 22; Mardesié 2006: 101 and passin1, etc.).” It is surprising that only two different stamps of workshops with produets so widely distributed are known, Matijasi¢ is thus probably correct when hhe concludes that this briek-making workshop, abo ‘ut which we know of only one owner (Quintus Clo. dius Ambrosius), only functioned for a brief period (MatijaSié 1987: 511; 1998b: 388), but that during that time production and exports were very well developed. There have been no reliable points of re ference to determine the chronological position of this workshop, so it was generally and broadly dated to the first century and early second century. Stamp ho, 98 (PI. 4: 98; Fig, 7) and the relatively large num- ber of previously published examples from Burnum (Patsch 1900; 87; Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger 1979: 41; Marun 1998: 56, 83, 92, 98, 195, 196) may per haps be of some help. As already noted, a certain number of exported stamps from several Northern Adriatic workshops were found in Burnum, among which an important clue to determine the chronolo: ay is the simplest type of Pansiana stamps, that type assumed to be those of Augustus, while subsequ ent Pansiana products have so far not been found. Equally important is the year 41 AD as the terminus ante quem non with reference to the beginning of stamping legionary workshop products. Ifall of this validates the hypothesis that imported construction materials predominated in Burnum in the first half (or even first quarter) of the first century, where after importing was perhaps not necessary (Legio XI stamped tegulae and bricks), the appearance of stamps from the Quinti Clodi Ambrosi workshop in the camp can be dated in this manner: This time framework is earlier than that proposed by Matija Bi (latter half of first century and early second cen- tury) Wilkes ascribes the early imperial tegula workshop with the C.7ITLHERMEROTIS stamp to the Aqui- leia ager (Wilkes 1969: 500; 1979: 69). In the cata- logues itis somewhat less common than the previ ‘ously mentioned peri-Adriatie exports (Gregorutti 1886: 233-234, 243; 1888: 390-391; Abramic 1927: 134; Buora 1983a: 217, 229-230; 1985: 217, 222, 225; Matijasié 1985: 296; 1987: 521; 1989: 64-67 Skegro 1991: 227; Righini et al. 1993: 66, 80; Za cearia & Zupandié 1993; 148-149; Katié 1994: 209; ‘Tomasovié 1995: 30-32; Bo?ek & Kunac 1998: 141 Mardesi¢ 2006; 101; etc.), while here itis represen: Earlier ever since Gregor S, Gi the likely location. More eecenly, Buora cited Murano os the Probable location of the Quint Clad Aunbasé workshop neat Aquila, Because of the discovery ofthese stamps on tegulae Aelormed during baking Buora 198: 46,45 1995: 182 ds Nogaro was deeined +978 _ nan 8 bo NPAC ANTICKE OPFKARSKE PECATTZ FUNDUSA ops archaeal, 81-14, 207) Ranocarsku radionicu tegula s petatom C-TITI. HERMEROTIS Wilkes pripisuje akvilejskome age- ru (Wilkes 1969: 500; 1979: 69). U katalozima je zastupliena slabije od dosad spomenutih perija- dranskih izvoznica (Gregorutti 1886: 233-234, 243; 1888: 390-391; Abramié 1927: 134; Buora 1983a 217, 229-230; 1985: 217, 222, 225; Matijasic: 1985; 296; 1987: 521; 1989: 64-67; Skegeo 1991: 227; Ri ghini et al. 1993: 66, 80; Zaccaria & Zupanéié 1993: 118-149; Katié 1994: 209; Tomasovié 1995: 30-32, Bovek & Kunac 1998: 141; Mardesié 2006: 101 i dr.), a ovdje je predstavijena jednim primjerkom s Bribirske glavice (br. 54; T. 2:54) Na Danilu su nadena tri pecata na opekama iz radi onice Cartoriana, br. 74-76 (T. 3: 74-76), twornice ijl su proizvodi takoder sporadiéno otkrivani: na siremu jadranskom prostoru (Matijasié 1987: 519; Righini et al. 1993: 46; Righini 1998: 36; Zerbinati 1993: 102, n, 24; Skegro 1991: 225; Marun 1998: 118; Ljubovie 2000; 112 idr.).”” Zastupljena je i u Burnu- ‘mu stoga je, zbog svih navedenih razloga, datiramo u prvu polovicu I. stolieéa. Analize distribucije na- taza i epigrafsko-onomasti¢ka istrazivanja pokazala st da je treba ubiciratiu grad Padovu (Righini 1998: 36; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998: 134), Jedna tegula 5 Bribirske glavice potjece iz radionice Tita Koelija (peéat 7: COFL, br.53; T. 2:53). Kako je slabo zastupljena u antiékoj Dalmaciji, analogije joj se lake pronalave w katalozima sjevernojadransko ga podruja (Gregorutti 1886: 235; 1888: 360; Abra mié 1927: 133; Bojanovski 1980: 54; Skegro 1991 227; Matijasié 1987: 520; 1995: 56, 61; Buora 1983a: 188, 217, 224-225; Righini et al. 1993: 68: Zaccaria & Zupancié 1993: 141; Callegher 1993: 225; Grup. po 1993: 208; Mardesic 2006: 102 dr). Zahvaljujuei nalazu terakotne peCatne matrice u mjestu Altino (unutar nekadasnjega agera fulia Concordia}, Koe- lijeva je radionica jedna od rijetkih kojoj s vecom sigurno%éu mozemo odrediti lokaciju (Buora 1983a, 143, 224; 1987: 38). Konkordijskim ranocarskim ra dionigkim pogonima za proizvodnju gradevinskoga materijala pripisuju se, izmedu ostalih, i tegule Gaja L. Matura (pedat CL, MATVRI, br. 119; T. 5: 119: Buora 1983a: 188, 200-201; 1987: 38; Furlan 1993: 202; Callegher 1993: 220, 230) Pegatu br. 89, otkrivenome na Zirju, nedostaje lije- vi dio, a nosi natpis /--/LETVS w okvirw natpisno: ga polja tipa tabula ansata (T. 4: 89: sl. 8). Medu Poznatim perijadranskim radionicama nismo mu pronasli identiéne analogije. Onomasti¢ke znaéaj- ke ovoga natpisa podsjecaju na prvi element pecata Tecan primera peCata iz radinice Cartorianaenaden je ina Jokalicta 5x. Martin lin il. 16) ted by a single example from Bribirska Glavica (no. 54; PL 2:54). At Danilo, three stamps on bricks were found fron the Cartoriana workshop, no. 74~76 (PL. 3: 74-76), a workshop whose products were also sporadically found in the wider Adriatic zone (Matijasié 1987: 519; Righini et al. 1993: 46; Righini 1998: 36; Zerbi nati 1993: 102, n. 23; Skegro 1991: 225; Marun 1998: 118; Ljubovié 2000: 112; etc.) Itis also present at Burnumy it is thus due to these reasons that we date it to the first half of the first century. Distribution analysis and epigraphic-onomastic research have shown that it should be located in the area of the city of Padua (Righini 1998: 36; Pellicioni Golinelli 1998: 134), One tegula from Bribirska glavica is from the shop of Titus Coelins (stamp 7. COELI, no. 5 2: 53). Since it was scarcely present in Roman Dal matia, analogies to it are easier to find in catalogues of the Northern Adriatic region (Gregorutti 1886: 235; 1888; 360; Abramié 1927: 133; Bojanavski 1980: 54; Skegro 1991; 227; Matijasi€ 1987: 520; 1995: 56, 61; Buora 1983a: 188, 217, 224-225; Righini et al 1993; 68; Zaccaria & Zupancié 1993: 141; Callegher 1993; 225; Gruppo 1993: 208; Mardesié 2006: 102; etc). Thanks to the discovery ofa terracotta stamp. matrix in Altino (within the former Lilia Concordia ager), Coelius’s workshop is one of those rare work- shops with a location that ean be determined with greater certainty (Buora 1983a: 143, 224; 1987: 38) ‘The tegulae of Gaius L. Maturus, among others, are also ascribed to the Concordia early imperial work shops (stamp C. 1. MATVRI, no. 119; Pl. 5: 119; Bu ‘ora 1983a: 188, 200-201; 1987: 38; Furlan 1993: 202, Callegher 1998: 220, 230). Stamp no. 89, discovered on Zirje, is missing its lett portion, and it bears the inscription /---/LETVS within the inscription field of tabula ansata type (PL. 4: 89; Fig. 8). Among the known peri- Adriatic ‘workshops, we have been unable to find an identi- cal analogy. The onomastic features of this inscrip. tion recall the first element of the ALETT ROMANE stamp which appeats sporadically from Emilia to Dalmatia, but in numbers insufficient to determine its geographic location and dating (Gregorutti 1886: 238; Uggeri 1975: 152; Matijasi¢ 1985: 291, 296; 1987: 525; 1987a: 167, 171-172; 1989: 65-67; 1995: 56,61; 1998: 98; Righini et al, 1993: 63, 67,79, 80; Zerbinati 1993: 121, ete,). Since this stamp is regularly charac terised by two elements in the genitive (nomen and coguomen), while the Zirje example has an clement (One example of» stamp from the Cartariaane workshop was foul at Svetl Matin, inj fee te 16). 298+ ALETT ROMANT koji je sporadiéno zastuplien od Emilije do Dalmacij, ali brojem primjeraka koji nije dovoljan da bi mu se preciznije mogla odrediti geo grafska pripadnost i datacija (Gregorutti 1886: 238; Uggeri 1975: 152; Matijasié 1985: 291, 296; 19 525; 1987a; 167, 171-172; 1989: 65-67; 1995: 56, 61; 1998: 98; Righini etal, 1993: 63, 67, 79, 80; Zerbina ti 1993: 121 i dr). Buduei da je ovaj peat redovito obiljezen dvama elementima w genitivu (nomen | oguomen),Zirjanski primjerak ima element u no: minativu kojemu nije saéuvan pocetni dio (slovo?), sovom ga radionicom povezujemo zasad samo zato Sto pokuSavamo rekonstruirati pogetni dio natpisa, Naime oslanjamo se na slignost s nomenom Aletus. ka 8, Peat radlonice |letus, Muze) grada Sibenika. bw roy 11664 (onivnio: Z. KemGevié, 2007) Figure 8. Stamp of te ‘unt, a. no, 11664 (plutograph: 2. Krncevié, 2007) lets workshop Sihonik City Muse Za istrazivanja prostorije s hipokaustom danilske urbane vile naclena je veéa kvadratna podna opeka. Rekonstruirana je iz dvaju tragmenata, 2 na njoj je saguvan pecat MAN.C P SER (br. 78; T. 3: 78; sl. 9). Gregorutti je pronasao ortografski gotovo isti pecat U akvilejskome muzeju; razlikuje se od danilskoga po tome sto ima jos dvije interpunkcije. Gregorutti Ba je progitao ovako: Mani Caccili Primus servus (Gregorutti 1888; 355). Dakle radilo bi se o ‘figlin’ u vlasnistvu Manija Cecilija u kojoj je proizvod. nju nadzirao rob Primus. Ubikaciju ove tadionice i drugih radionica u akvilejski ager Gregorutti je opravdavao pretpostavkom da je proizvodna i treo- vaéka aktivnost Akvileje bila toliko razvijena da bi svaki peéat naden u toj koloniji (makar bio zastu- plien samo jednim primjerkom) bez sumnje trebalo smatrati akvilejskim proizvodom (Gregorutti 1888: 346-347). Do danas se ova tvrdnja vige puta poka zala preuranjenom i pogresnom (npr, u shugaju ra dionica Pansiana, Solonas, Feasoniana, Cartoriana, T. Coeli i dr.). Prema tome akvilejsku ubikaciju radi nice treba smatrati tek moguéim rjeéenjem, no va- Jja napomenuti da njezine pegate nismo prepoznali u drugin dostupnim katalozima Jedine analogije za peéat br. 55 pronasli smo ta koder u sjeveroistonome kutu gornjega Jadrana, ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION in the nominative missing its initial part (a letter?) for now we associate it with this workshop only be- ‘cause we are attempting to reconstruct the first part of the inscription, We are depending on the simila rity with the nomen Aletus During excavations in a room with hypocaust in the Danilo urban villa, a large square floor tile was found, It was reconstructed from two fragments, and the stamp MAN.C P SER (no. 78; PI. 3: 78: Fig 9) was preserved on it, Gregorutti found an ortho. graphically almost identical stamp in the Aquile museum; the presence of two additional punctua tion marks distinguishes it from the Danilo stamp. Gregorutti read it thusly: Mani Caeciti Prinnus ser vus (Gregorutti 1888: 355). Thus, it was a ‘figlina’ owned by Manius Caecilius in which production was supervised by the slave Primus, Gregorutti justified the ubication of this and other workshops in the Aquileia ager based on the assumption that Aquileia’s industry and trade were so well developed that each stamp found in this colony (even if on represented by a single example) should doubtlessly be considered a product of Aquileia (Gregorutti 1888; 346-347). To date, this assertion has been re peatedly proven premature and erroneous (eg. in the case of the Pansiansa, Solonas, Feasoniana, Car toriana, P. Coeli and other workshops). The Aqui leia location of the workshop should therefore only be deemed a possibility, while it should be noted that its stamps have not been recognised in other available catalogues. Ska 9, Peat radionice Mavi Caceik, Muze) grada Sibenita, lan oj 1680 (snimieeZ. Koncevié, 2007) Figure 9. Seamyp of the Mani Caccii workshop, Sibenik City Museum, im. s0. 11680 (photograph: Z. Kravevie, 2007) The only analogy to stamp no, 55 was also found in the north-eastern corner of the upper Adriatic Namely, left of the imprinted B/M we can observe the horizontal arm of the letter £, and a portion of the slanted and horizontal bar of the letter A on the right end of the preserved inseription, so the tegula probably came from the workshop of M, Albi Macri, whose rare pieces so far known are associated with Aquileia (Gregorutti 1888: 348; Matijasié 1987; 515; Furlan 1993: 200). The stamp otherwise belongs to the group of stamps with letters imprinted in clay, 1996 pnts ANTIEKL OPEKARSKI PECATH 12 FUNDUSA... Opus arial 1.81-19, 20 208) Naime lijevo od utisnutoga BIM uoéavamo hori zontalnu hasta slova L, a na desnome je kraju sagu- vanoga natpisa dio kose i horizontalne haste slova A, pa tegula vjerojatno potjeée iz radionice M. Albi -Macri, dij se vijetki dosad poznati komadi povezuju s Akvilejom (Gregorutti 1888: 348; Matijasié 1987: 515; Furlan 1993: 200). Peéat inave pripada skupi- ni pecata sa slovima utisnutima u glinu, bez okvira kartuse, a ne onima s reljefnim slovima (u ovome katalogu u toj su kategorjielaborirani i primjerei iz tadionica Quinti Clodi Ambrosi, Cai Titi Hermero: tis i Cai L(---) Mauri PROIZVODNJA U PROVINCIJI DALMACIJI Nakon sto je Rim slomio otpor autohtonih zajed- nica, nastupilo je mirno razdoblie u kojemu se ro maniziraju nove provincije. To je izmedu ostalog podrazumijevalo i intenziviranje graditeljske de. latnosti ~ kako u vecim, ubrzo urbanim, naseljima tako i u ruralnim sredinama, Peéena je opeka pred- stavljala tehnicki novitet na isto¢nome Jadranu, pa se najprije uvozila iz razvijenih rimskih proizvodnih centara na sievernome fadranu (Wilkes. 1969: 410; 1979: 69, 72; Bojanovski 1980; 54; Matijasi¢ 19 530-531; 1989: 65-66; 1998: 102; Skegro 1991; 222, 231-232; 1999: 253), Tijekom 1. stolje¢a podinju djelovati opekarske ra- dionice u Dalmaciji, ito one vezane uz vojne logore i kastele, Sa svojim obrinickim radionicama vojska dovodi u novoosvojene provincije i prve canatlije opekare, Nithovi st proizvodi namijenjeni prven. stveno podizanju vojnih objekata, a tek se potom razmisha 0 lokalnome izvozu (Wilkes 1979; 69, 72; Matijasié 1987; 530-531; 1989: 65; 1998: 103; Ske- gro 1991; 222, 229, 232; 1999: 253-254). U uvodu smo napomenuli da je u postiednjih stoti- njak godina dosegnut izniman stupanj poznavanja sjevernojadranske opekarske proizvodnje. Zahva- Jjujuei tome uvelike je olakSana interpretacija ana ogni nalaza s isto¢noga Jadrana jer vecina peca- tiranoga materijala (uglavnom tegula) nerijetko potjeée iz tamosnjth radionica. Tako na primjer 2a nesto vi8e od 80% primjeraka iz Anticke zbirke Mu. 2eja grada Sibenika mozemo ustvrditi da su sjever: nojadranskoga porijekla. Iz toga proizlazi da je pri- 'marni kriterij za prepoznavanje lokalnih proizvoda hepostojanje odgovarajucih analognih peéata izvan provincije Dalmacije, narogito ako ih nema u sje- vernojadranskim muzejima, Preastaje nam da tako interpretiramo peéate preostalih pet radionica iz ‘ovoga kataloskog pregleda. i br. 102 (T. 5: 102; sl. 10) s natpisom PAR povrsinski je nalaz s rekognosciranja dubravie- without cartouche frame, rather than those with letters in relief (in this catalogue, examples trom the workshops of Quinti Clodi Ambrosi, Cai Titi Her merotis and Cai L(---) Maturi ave elaborated in this category) PRODUCTION IN THE PROVINCIE OF DALMATIA After Rome quashed the resistance of indigenous communities, a period of peace ensued in which the new provinces were Romanised. This, among other things, meant intensified construction ~ both in larger, very soon urban, settlements and in rural zones, Baked brick was a technical novelty in the Eastern Adriatic, so it was first imported trom de- veloped Roman production hubs on the Northern Adriatic (Wilkes 1969: 410; 1979: 69, 72; Bojanov ski 1980: 54; Matijasi¢ 1987: 530-531; 1989: 65-66: 1998: 102; Skegro 1991: 222, 231-232; 1999: 253), During the first century, brick workshops began fun- tioning in Dalmatia, and these were tied to military camps and castra. With its first brick workshops. the military also brought the first brick-making artisans to the newly-established provinces, Their products were primarily intended for constructi on of military facilities, while local export was only considered afterward (Wilkes 1979: 69, 72; Mati Si€ 1987: 530-531; 1989: 65; 1998: 103; Ske; 222, 229, 232; 1999: 253-254), In the introduction, we noted that over the past century an exceptional level of knowledge of the Northern Adriatic brick industry has been achie- ved. This has greatly facilitated the interpretation of analogous discoveries from the Eastern Adriatic, because most stamped materials (generally tegulae) not infrequently came from the local workshops. ‘Thus, for example, we can state that over 80% of the ‘examples from the Antiquity Collection of the Sibe nik City Museum is of Northern Adriatic origin. It therefore follows that the primary criterion for re- cognition of local products is the lack of the corres ponding analogous stamps outside of the Dalmati an province, particularly if they cannot be found in Northern Adriatic museums, All that is thus left is to interpret the stamps of the remaining five work shops from this catalogue overview. ‘The stamp on tegula no, 102 (PL. 5: 102; Fig. 10) bearing the inscription PAR was a surface find dis- covered during archaeological survey of the field near the village of Dubravice. We cannot be sure as to whether it constitutes three relief letters within a rectangular cartouche ofa tripartite onomastic sigil Plubli) A(---) RE), or an abbreviation of a gentili + 100+ Slike 10. Pat radionice PAR, Muze} grada Sibenika, in Dru) 11668 (sinmio: Z. Krngevié, 2007 Figure 10. Stamp of the PAR workshop, Seni City Muse sum, in no, 11668 (photograph: 2. Krnéevté, 2007) koga polia. Ne mozemo biti sigurni predstavljaju li {ri reljeina slova unutar pravokutne kartuse troéla- nu onomasticku sight Publi) A(—) R(—) ii kraticu gentilicija ili kognomena Par(---). Buduci da je na- den zajedno s tegulama Pansiare i onima NI. legije (Mendusié 1993: 36), datirat €emo ga u 1. stolje¢e. Ni za sliedeéa dva primjerka nismo pronasli parale- le wliteraturi. Na peéatu br. 77 (T. 3:7), utisnutome na podnu opeku hipokausta danilske vile, nalazi se kratica SON/AN. Opet se namecu dva pitanja: radi li se o skracenome genitivu viasnikova / ‘oficinato ova’ kognomena Sontianus ili © nazivu radionice koji je nerijetko pridjev ~ derivat vlasnikova ime na (Soniana od Sonius). Potonje je vee utvrdeno 2a veée radionice (npr. Pansiana, Cartoriana, Cinnia nna) (Righini 1998: 32-33). Sljedeéa su dva primer ka karakteristiéna po tome sto prvo slovo natpisa (lambda) ukazuje na vlasnikovo istoeno porijeklo, ali mu zbog fragmentiranosti tegula ne znamo cijelo ime: AISINOJ-~-} (br. 90, 91; T, 4:90, 91; sl. 11). Obje su tegule nadene za istrazivanja Justinijanove utvrde na otoku Zirju, a medu ranocarskim perijadranskim peéatima zasad nemaju analogije; stoga pretpostay- ljamo da se radi o proizvodima istognojadranske kasnoanticke tvornice. Nepoznanicu predstavlia i bribirski peéat VOL/---] (br 52; T. 2:52). Iza prva tr slova vidi se daljnjireljefni oblik kose haste (ostatak sliedeéega slova, vjerojatno V), pa zakljuéujemo da na saguvanome dijelu peéata nije tro¢lana sigla nego dio kratice Volv/-—]. Mozda mu analogiju mozemo pronaci u pecatu VOLVMNIN (CHL {If 10183.52) iz Salone, no za sigurniju tvrdnju nedostaje ilustracija salonitanskoga primjerka Naroéito je zanimbjv pegat na jos jedno} danil skoj podnoj opeci hipokausta: SALOHIA... (bt. 79; T, 4: 79). Vee su poznata dva primjerka s tekstom SALOHIAH (CIL THI, 3214.11), na osnovi éega uvi damo da fragmentu s Danila nedostaje samo krajnje slovo ~ jo8 jedno retrogradno N. Postavlja se pita- nije Koga ili Sto peéat oznacava, odnosno je li vlasnik tvornice kolonija Salona, glavni grad anticke Dalma: ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF pusher, 8-18, 209 [298 tian or cognomen Par(---). Since it was found toge- ther with the tegulae of the Pavisiana and Legio XI (Mendusié 1993: 36), it has been dated to the first century. Parallels in the literature were not found for the next two tegulae either. Stamp no. 77 (PI. 3: ), impressed on a floor tile of the hypocaust from the Danilo villa, contains the abbreviation SON/AN. Again, two questions arise: is this the abbreviated genitive of the owner/officinator’ with cognomen Somianus or the name of the workshop ~ which is often an adjective/derivative of the owner's name (Soniana from Sonius). The latter aspect has already been confirmed for larger workshops (e.g. Pansia na, Cartoriana, Cinniana) (Righini 1998: 32-33) ‘The next two examples are characteristic in that the first letter of the inscription (lambda) indicates the owner's eastern origins, but because the tegula is fragmentary the entire name cannot be discerned: AISINO[---} {n0. 90, 91; Pl 4: 90, 91; Fig. 11). Both tegulae were found during excavations at the Justi nian fortification on the island of Zirje, and among the early imperial peri-Adriatic stamps they so far have no analogy; thus we assume that these are products of an Fastern Adriatic workshop of Late Antiquity. The Bribir stamp VOL{—f (no. 52; Pl 2: 52) also constitutes an unknown. After the first three letters, the further relief shape of a slanted bar (remainder of the following letter, probably V) can be discerned, so we conclude that the preserved portion of the stamp does not contain a three-part sigil but rather a part of the abbreviation Volu/—). Perhaps an analogy can also be found in the stamp VOLVMNIN (CIL III, 10183.52) from Salona, but an illustration of the Salona example is lacking for a more certain conclu Slika 11. Peéat radionice Nisin, Muze) grada Siberika, Anu broj 11676 (omer Z. Kynovie, 20 Figure 11. Stamp of te Aisin Museu, bx 0. 11676 (photograph: Z. Krnéevie varkshop, Sibetik C Particularly interesting isa stamp on another Danilo hypocaust floor tile: SALOHIA... (no. 79: Pl. 4:79). Two examples bearing the text SALOMIAH (CL Ul, 3214.11) are already known, and on this basis it ean be noted that only the last letter ~ another retro- grade N ~ is missing from the Danilo fragment. The question arise as to whont or what the stamp desi “101+ cije, gdje sui nadena dva spomenuta pegata objav- Jjena w ClL-u, ili je to privatna osoba, pa kognomen upucuje na domus vlasnika, Ako je viasnik koloni Salontian(a) i pripadala kategorifi radionica u grad- skome vlasnistvu. To smo veé elaborirali na primje- ru sjevernojadranske radionice Solonas; potwrduju to i petati DOCL(ea) Skegro 1999: 259), BISTVES (Wilkes 1969: 277, 501; 1979: 72; Bojanovski 1980: 56; 1988: 160, 162; Skegro 1991: 231; 1999: 259), kao i pecati panonskih gradskih opekarnica, npr. Sisci- je, Kvadriburgija, Skarbancije (Saranovié Svetck 1990: 43, 55, 60, 64, 67: Wilkes 1969: 501; Bojanov- ski 1980: 56; Skegro 1991: 222, 228-229; 1999; 259; Buzov 2004: 179 i dr). Gradnja i dogradnja anticke vile na lokalitetu Danilo ~ Stari Sematorij datiraju se okvirno u 1.42. stoljee," pa trenutagno ne moze mo ponuditi precizniji vremenski okvir u koji bismo smnjestili podne opeke prostorije s hipokaustom i njihove pecate (SONTAN, SALOMIAH te spomenuti MAN.C P SER). U usporedbi sa sjevernim Jadranom istocna obala nije naroéito bogata velikim lezistima gline, U tome su struénjaci opravdano tradili uzrok éinjenici da proizvodnja u rimskoj Dalmaciji ju Istri nije bila ni pribligno tako razvijena kao proizvodnja u sjever- nojadranskim radionicama i izvor iz njib (Gr ti 1886: 219; Matijasié 1985: 294; 1987: 530; 1989; 65; 1993: 128; 1995a: 292; 1998: 102) (Odd velikoga broja objavijenih opekarskih peéata na- denih na lokalitetima istarskoga poluotoka njih se nekoliko moze pripisati lokalnim gospodarstvima, prvenstveno na temeliu distribucije nalaza, ‘Tako je ustanovijeno da uz Loron treba vezati pecate CAL.CRISPINILLAE i CRISPINILLAE, wz Fazanu C. LAEC i LAEC, a wz sjeverozapadnu Istru pecate PCQVIR, PITVRSAB,L.QTHAL, TRAVEETCRIS, MAN.ACIL.GLAB i njihove varijante, Vazno je na- pomenuti kako asad znamo da su vlasnici prvih éetiriyy radionica (Kalvija Krispinila, Gaj Lekanije Bas, Publije Klodije Kvirinal, Publije Iturije Sabin) posjedovali mjesovite pogone za izradu keramié ke robe (opus dotiare) jer se njihova imena nalay ina peéatima amfora. Ukratko, zbog ogranivene geoloske predispozicije za opekarski zanat previa- davaju u Istri nalazi sjevernojadranskih tegula, no 1, stoljeéurazvija se i lokalna proizvodnja (Bol- tin Tome 1976; 229-230; Matijasi¢ 1985: 294-295; 30; 1995: 60-61; 1995a: 291-292; 1998: 1998a: 18-19; 1998b: 380-883, 389; 2001 47-48; Zaccaria & Zupandié 1993: 137-172; Kova- *Danilska se ranocarska urbana vila u kasno) antici dalle do raj: powide se starokeSearsh saktafn objet ket a Fano te sredjem ste funkcionira kao grbljneka erka (Pedi oy SN a POG: ANTICKL OPEKARSKI PECATI1Z FUNDUSA... Opuechacl 181-111. 28 [2008 gnates, ic. was the workshop owned by the Salona colony, the capital of Roman Dalmatia, where the two aforementioned stamps published in CIL were found, or was ita private individual, so that the co nomen indicates the owner's domus? If the colony is the owner, Salonian(a) would have been a city- owned workshop. This point has already been ela- borated in the case of the Northern Adriatic Solonas workshop, and confirmed by the DOCL{ea) (Skegro 1999; 259) and BISTVES stamps (Wilkes 1969: 277, 501; 1979: 72: Bojanovski 1980: 56; 1988: 160, 162: Skegro 1991; 231; 1999; 259), and the stamps of the Pannonian city brick workshops, e.g. Siscia, Kvadri burgia, Skarbancia (Saranovié Svetek 1990: 43 60, 64, 67; Wilkes 1969: 501; Bojanovski 1980: 56; Skegro 1991: 222, 228-229; 1999; 259; Buzov 2004: 179; ete.). The construction and renovation of Ro: ‘man villasat the Danilo-Stari 8ematorij site has been roughly dated to the first and second centuries," so, a more precise time framework cannot currently be provided for the floor tiles from the room with hypocaust and their stamps (SONTAN, SALOMIAH and the aforementioned MAN.C P SER). In comparison to the Northern Adriatic, the ea stern coast is not particularly rich in clay deposits Experts have justifiably seen this is the reason why production in Roman Dalmatia and Istria did not even approach production in the Northern Adriatic workshops and their exports (Gregorutti 1886: 219; Matijasié 1985: 294; 1987; 530; 1989: 65; 1993; 128; 1995a: 292; 1998: 102). ut of the high number of brick stamps found at sites on the Istrian peninsula, several can be ascri bed to local businesses, firstly on the basis of theit distribution, ‘This it was ascertained that the stamps CALCRISPINILLAE and. CRISPINILLAE. should be associated with Loron, C. LAEC and LAE with Fazana, and PC.QVIR, PITVR SAB, LQTHAL, TRAVL ET CRIS, MAN.ACILGLAB with their variants to north-western Istria, [tis important to recall that it is currently known that the owners of the first four workshops (Calvius Crispinilla, Gaius Laecanius Bassus, Publius Clodius Quirinallus, Pu blius Iturius Sabinus) possessed mixed workshops to craft ceramies (opus doliare) because their names were also found on amphora stamps. Briefly, due to the limited geological predisposition for the brick industry, Northern Adriatic tegulae predominate in Istria, although in the first century local production also developed (Boltin Tome 1976: 229-230; Mati The Danilo eary imperial urban wills was farther expanded in Tate Antiquity: an Farly Christan temple was erected eich in the Fary Middle Ages functioned asa cemetery chuteh (Pele 102+ Jus ROMAN BRICK WORKSHOP STAMPS FROM THE COLLECTION OF Ops Gi€ & Tassauix 2000: 13-23; Girardi Jurkié 200: 15; Dain 2004, i dr), ‘Smatra se da se u provineiji Dalmaciji od polovice 1. stoljeéa pojavijuju private radionice po uzort na Tokalnu vojnu proizvodnju; odatle i pretpostavka da prema kraju 1. stoljeéa opada uvoz opekarskih pro- izvoda (Wilkes 1979: 69-72; Buora 1985: 223-224; Matijasi¢ 1987: 530-531; 1989: 65~66; Skegro 1991 222-223, 229, 232; 1999: 255). Najéesée je jedini kriterij za pokusaj ubiciranja radionica grupiranje podataka © mjestima nalaza poznatih primjeraka. Tako se uz sjeverno priobalje provincije Dalmaci- je (Liburniju) vezu petati MODESTLA., MVTTIE- NI, TRAGVLAE, EX, OF. L. TETTI DESEDE (Ber- sa 1903: 149; Wilkes 1979: 70-71: Matijasié 1989: 65-67; Skegro 1999: 255-256). Valja izdvojiti ra- dionicu Seksta Metilija Maxima jer njegow pecat pripada rijetko kategoriji pecata na Jadranu, ono} s natpisom u dva reda (dvije pravokutne letvice): DE SALT(w) SEX(ti) M(@)TILLT MAX (imi), Zasad su ta- vi peéati otkriveni samo na obalama Hrvatskoga primorja (otok Krk, Senj, Crikveniea) (Wilkes 1969: 501; 1979: 70; Starac 1991: 221-222; Skegro 1999) 255; Ljubovié 2000: 172). Toj Gemo skupini preli- minarno pripisati spomenuti peeat PAR. Nesto juznije jako je obrtnicko stediste bio ager Sa- lone. Uz njega se vezu pecati nekoliko opekarskih tadionica: L MALTINI ABASCANTI, M IPPOLI- TVS,M LV'TASIVS, kasnoanticki GALAX[IDOROS] i DALMATIA (tworniea oformljena za gradnju Dio- lecijanove palaée) te drugi peéati (Buli¢ 1901: 20: 1910: 141; Wilkes 1969: 388, 398, 501-502; 1979: 71; Skegro 1999: 256). Zbog veé spomenutih razloga me popisu treba dodati twornicu SALOMAH, a mozda i dosad nepoznati peéat SONIAN otkriven w istome arheoloskom kontekstu na Danilu kao i pret hodni peéat. Lokalnoj proizvodni krajnjega juga anticke Dalma ije pripisuju se peéati P LVRIVS FIRMVS (Boka Kotorska) i spomenuti DOCL(ea) (Wilkes 1969 502; 1979: 71; Skegro 1999: 256, 259). U unutrasnjosti rimske Dalmacije poznato je dosad petnaestak radionica koje su peéatirale svoje proi zvode: npr. IVBI[b?]A|--JENA, CENR, SERVILIA, SAT|urninus?], P Afelius) S(--), IVNI, MAXIMIN, Al--I, BISTVES | druge (Wilkes 1969: 50 1980; 55-56; Skegeo 1991: ). Ustanovlieno je da je ope: karska aktivnost, zapogeta krajem 1. ili pogetkom 2 [Nedavno su pogelaitrazivana antickoga foalteta Crkvenica Tgsliste s ojega pote ve opie poenat sigan nalazSest teal se radioniee-Oxkriven jest) ute iznimskoga dob. a lunutr ne deformiansulome!kuene | radevinske Kerarib Sto emogue pretpostarkuo lokacjtradionice (Lipovac Vr jan 2005: 161-165), ja8ig 1985: 294-295; 1987: 527-530; 1995: 60-61; 1995a: 291-292; 1998: 98102; 1998a: 18-19; 1998b, 380-383, 389; 2001: 47-48; Zaccaria & Zupancié 1995: 137-172; Kovaeié & Tassaux 2000: 13-23; Gi- rardi Jurkié 2004: 15; Dzin 2004; ete.) Itis believed that as of the mid-first century. private workshops modelled after local military production appeared in Dalmatia; hence the hypothesis that im- ported brick products fell off by the end of the first century (Wilkes 1979: 69-72; Buora 1985: 223-224; Matijasi¢ 1987: 530-531; 1989: 65-66; Skegro 1991 222-223, 229, 232; 1999: 255). Often the sole crite ria for attempts to locate workshops are groups of data on discovery sites of known examples Thus, the stamps MODESTLA., MVTTIENI, TRA GVLAE, EX. OF L. TETTI DESEDE (Bersa 1903: 149; Wilkes 1979: 70-715 Matijasié 1989: 65-67, Skegro 1999: 255-256) are associated with the nor: thern coastal belt of the province of Dalmatia (Li- burnia). The workshop of Sextus Metillius Maximus should be highlighted, because his stamp belongs to a rare category of stamps in the Adriatic zone, those with a two-line inseription (two rectangular slats): DE SALT(u) SEX(ti) M(@)TILLE MAX (imi). So far; such stamps were discovered only on the coast of the northern Croatian littoral (the istand of Krk Senj and Crikvenica on the mainland) (Wilkes 1969: 501; 1979: 70; Starac 1991: 221-222; Skegro 1998: 255; Ljubovié 2000: 172).” The aforementioned PAR stamp shall be preliminarily ascribed to this category The Salona ager was a strong crafts hub somewhat farther south, ‘The stamps of several brick work: shops are associated with it: L MALTINI ABAS: CANTI, M IPPOLITVS, M LVTASIVS, the Late Roman GALAX/IDOROS] and DALMATIA (the factory established to construct Diocletian's Pala- ce) and other stamps (Bulié 1901: 207; 1910: 141; Wilkes. 1969: 388, 398, 501-502; 1979: 71; Skegro 1999; 256). Based on the reasons cited above, the SALOUTAH workshop should be added to this list, and perhaps the until-now unknown SONTAN’ stamp discovered in the same context as the prece: ding stamp at Danilo ‘The stamps 2 LVRIVS FIRMVS (Boka Kotorska) and the aforementioned DOCL(ca) are ascribed to, local production in the extreme south of Roman Recently, excavations commenced atthe Roman Crikvenica Igrate ste, whence st tegulse from this workshop were fund ctr by chance. layer of Roman debris was discovered, and vithin it deformed fragments of houschold and construction Ceramic, which open the way for an assumption on the work ‘Shop location isporae Vian 2005: 161-165) 108+

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