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Academic Journal on English Studies, Volume 1, Nomor 1, April 2021



Ni Kadek Indah Damayanti1, Ni Wayan Krismayani2

English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University

The objective of this research was to find out the significant correlation between extrovert
and introvert personality toward speaking ability of the eighth grade students in SMPN 7
Mengwi. In conducting this research, the researcher has collected the data using
correlational research. The subjects of this research were 58 students of the eighth grade in
SMPN 7 Mengwi in academic year 2020/2021. In collecting the data, the researcher used two
instruments which were questionnaire for extrovert-introvert students, and speaking test for
speaking ability. The result showed the student with extrovert personality will get better score
in speaking ability meanwhile the students with introvert personality will get lower score in
speaking ability. Furthermore, the research instruments were made in order to collect the
data needed. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 25.0 that consist of Normality Test,
Homogeneity Test, Pearson Product Moment, and T-Test. The alternative hypothesis was
accepted. According to the result of Pearson Product Moment, it was found that was 0.649
between extrovert personality and speaking ability, meanwhile 0.626 between introvert
personality and speaking ability. It shows that there is correlation between extrovert and
introvert personality in students’ speaking ability.
Keywords: extrovert personality, introvert personality, speaking ability
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan signifikan antara kepribadian
ekstrovert dan introvert terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas delapan SMPN 7
Mengwi. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui penelitian
korelasi. Subjek yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas delapan SMPN 7 Mengwi yang
berjumlah 58 orang. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan dua instrument
penelitian, yaitu kuesioner untuk mengetahui kepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert siswa dan
tes berbicara untuk mengetahui kemampuan berbicara siswa. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa
siswa yang berkepribadian ekstrovert akan mendapatkan nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan
dengan siswa dengan kepribadian introvert dalam berbicara. Selanjutnya, instrumen
penelitian dibuat untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan. Data dianalisis menggunakan
SPSS 25.0 yang terdiri dari Tes Normalitas, Tes Homogenitas, Pearson Product Moment, dan
T-Tes. Alternatif hipotesis diterima. Berdasarkan hasil dari Pearson Product Moment,
ditemukan bahwa korelasi antara kepribadian ekstrovert dan kemampuan berbicara siswa
yaitu 0.649, sedangkan korelasi antara kepribadian introvert dan kemampuan berbicara yaitu
0.626. Ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kepribadian ekstrovert
dan introvert terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa.
Kata kunci: ekstrovert, introvert, kemampuan berbicara

Academic Journal on English Studies, Volume 1, Nomor 1, April 2021
INTRODUCTION that the personality is a pattern and unique
English is an international language. It characteristics that describe the behavior
is parts in international communication, and habits of someone. Jung differentiates
economics and business, education, and two personality attitudes, extroversion and
technology. Without communication introversion. extroversion usually
among country the people will left behind, characterized by outgoing, honest, easily
so that’s why the people in one country adapting to the environment, quickly
should make a relationship with people in establishing attachment with others, often
other country to follow globalization. not hesitant in anything, and having high
Lucantoni (2006:3) states that English is self-esteem. People that have these
one of the languages used for characteristics often called as extrovert.
communication in the world and it is the Introversion is the opposite dimension of
most popular. Involving the use of four extroversion. The general perception of
language skills; listening, speaking, introvert is that they tend to be quieter and
writing, and reading that should be less outspoken in front of many people.
mastered to express thought, feeling, ideas, They enjoy solitary activities such as
and opinion is used as a tool for reading, writing, playing computer or
communication using English. fishing. An introvert tends to enjoy a lot of
The purpose of learning English is to time by spending it alone and a little time
improve the students’ ability to use with lots of people, except for interaction
English as a mean of communication. with family or close friends.
Brown (2004:140) states that speaking is a In recent years, a more nuanced
productive skill that can be directly and perspective on the relationship between
empirically observed. However, English is extrovert and second language learning has
considered as a foreign language in emerged. Some studies reveal a positive
Indonesia and English has difference in the correlation between degree of extrovert
way it written with the way it pronounces. and speaking ability. Wulandari (2017)
Thus, it is not easy to be mastered, concluded in her research that extrovert
particularly speaking skill. In speaking, the correlated with speaking. She states that
students do not only arrange the word but extrovert tends to be better than introverts
also they have to pronounce them well. on several things, especially things that
Thus, students need more practice to speak require divided attention or resistance to
English fluently. Dewi et al (2015) state interference. For example, extrovert is not
that speaking requires nonverbal easily disturbed by the music compared to
communication such as eye contact, an introvert that easily loses its
gesture, and facial expression, not only concentration. But in one occasion, when
knowing how to produce specific points of the researcher had chance to observe the
language such as grammar, vocabulary, students of English speaking class, the
sound, pronunciation, intonation, stress, researcher found an interesting
lexical, and semantic features which is phenomenon. A student who seemed to
known as linguistic competence. It is also possessed introvert personality, turn to
evident that in class the students have have a better speaking ability than the
limited time to practice their speaking extrovert students, stated by Lestari A, et
skills, and it resulted on their ability to use al. (2013).
the target language.
Jung (1927) states that personality is the RESEARCH METHOD
supreme realization of the innate The design of this research is
idiosyncrasy of a living being. There is no correlational research. A correlational
single definition acceptable to all research is a research which aimed to
personality theories. But we can conclude detect the correlation between one variable
and others based on the variable correlation between extrovert and introvert
correlation coefficient (Suryabrata, personality toward speaking ability of the
2009:82). Margono (2006:9) states that eighth grade students of SMPN 7 Mengwi
correlative study is to find out the in academic year 2020/2021. The
correlation between two variables or more. researcher then collected the required data
In this research, the researcher used 3 from the samples of the research by the
variables. The first variable was extrovert prepared research instruments. The
personality (X1), the second variable was researcher constructed two research
introvert personality (X2), and the third instruments. The research instruments
was speaking ability (Y). The first step in were in the form of extrovert and introvert
doing this research was by giving questionnaire and speaking test
questionnaire to the students in order to (storytelling). The use of the questionnaire
know about their personality. The was to measure whether the samples are
researcher used questionnaire from The extrovert or introvert. Meanwhile,
Myers Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI speaking test was used to gather the data
(Briggs Myers, et al, 1998). It was made concerning the samples’ speaking ability
based on Carl Jung’s theory about which was scored using a scoring rubric
personality. And the second step was by adapted from Brown (2004).
giving speaking in the form of storytelling Furthermore, after the research
in order to know about students’ speaking instruments were designed, the researcher
ability. Barzaq (2009) defines storytelling collected the data through two steps. First,
as a knowledge management technique, a the samples fulfilled the questionnaire by
way of distributing information, targeted giving a score (1-5). Second, the samples
to audiences and a sense of information. chose one theme of their past experience,
The test was evaluated using scoring whether sad experience, creepy
rubric of speaking skill especially in experience, etc. Then the samples need to
pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency record their performance in 3-5 minutes,
aspect that adapted from Brown and send the result via Google Forms.
(2004:172). After the data that were required in the
research were collected, the researcher
FINDING AND DISCUSSION then analyzed the data through two
This research used correlational important steps of statistical analysis, they
research design in order to prove the were pre-requisite analysis and hypothesis
researcher’s curiosity. Moreover, in the testing.
correlational research design, the The finding of this research indicated
researcher could only report what has that the hypothesis stating is a positive
happened. To answer the research problem correlation between extrovert and introvert
of the research, the researcher conducted personality toward speaking ability of the
the research on 17th November 2020. The eighth grade students of SMPN 7 Mengwi.
population was the entire eighth grade In other word, the student with extrovert
students of SMPN 7 Mengwi which personality will get better score in
consisted of five classes and there were speaking ability meanwhile the students
134 students altogether. There were 58 with introvert personality will get lower
students who were chosen as the sample score in speaking ability. It can be
on carrying out correlational research. concluded that extrovert-introvert
They were chosen by applying systematic personality gives impact to student’s
sampling technique. Moreover, the speaking ability. If students have extrovert
researcher used an alternative hypothesis personality, they will try to do the task
which stated that there is a significant because they more influenced by their
surroundings. However, if the students year 2020/2021 which were determined by
have introvert personality, they tend to be using systematic sampling technique.
quieter and less outspoken in front of The samples’ speaking ability was
many people that they can do the task well. scored by using a clear scoring rubric
Based on the calculation between which were focused on vocabulary,
extrovert-introvert personality and pronunciation, and fluency. After getting
speaking ability in SMPN 7 Mengwi, the the samples’ scores, the data statistically
result of each test were very good. The analyzed using SPSS 25 version for
result for normality test was 0.200 for windows. The results of the hypothesis
extrovert students, 0.062 for introvert testing by using Pearson product moment
students, and 0.090 for speaking ability. It correlation and paired samples t-test
means that the data distribution is normal clearly confirmed that the alternative
because the result is higher than 0.05. The hypothesis. The hypothesis which stated
result of homogeneity test was good that there was a significant correlation
because the data was homogeneous between extrovert and introvert personality
accepted. It got the result 0.289 for toward speaking ability of the eighth grade
extrovert-speaking ability, and 0.872 for students of SMPN 7 Mengwi in academic
introvert-speaking ability. Furthermore, year 2020/2021 was finally accepted.
the result of pearson product moment was
0.649 between extrovert personality and Suggestion
speaking ability, meanwhile 0.626 Based on the findings of this research
between introvert personality and speaking and the conclusion that has been
ability. It can be concluded as high previously stated in this research, there are
correlation. The result for t-test was some practical suggestion that the
significant accepted because sig (2-tailed) researcher would like to offer to the
is lower than 0.05 (0.000<0.05) and English teacher, the eighth grade students
(0.001<0.05). It means there is positive of SMPN 7 Mengwi, and other researcher.
correlation between extrovert and introvert English teachers are suggested to pay more
personality toward speaking ability of the attention to other students in term of their
eighth grade students of SMPN 7 Mengwi personality type. It is not necessary to
in academic year 2020/2021. know all students’ personality, knowing at
least those who struggle and need help in
CONCLUSION their study will definitely do. The students
Conclusion only need a right time to speak. They can
This research entitled “The Correlation become better over time, and even though
between Extrovert and Introvert they are nervous. They should extend their
Personality toward Speaking Ability of the limitation step by step that can help them
Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 7 grow become more fluent when meeting
Mengwi in Academic Year 2020/2021” new people. Since extrovert students good
was mainly intended to figure out the in socializing, they should motivate and
significant correlation between extrovert- encourage their classmates, and they love
introvert personality and speaking ability. working on teams. When all of that energy
The data of this research were collected by is properly harnessed, extroverts are sure
administering the research instruments. to spark and contribute to interesting
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administering the questionnaire and communication. This research focused in
speaking test (storytelling) as the research one of four English skills. Other
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