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Exercise – Thermochemistry Answers

Specific Heat Capacity

1. If the same amount of heat were to be added to individual 1 g sample of water,

methanol, and aluminum, which substance would undergo the greatest temperature
change? Explain

2. There is 1.5 Kg of water. Calculate the quantity of heat that flows into the water when
it is heated from 18oC to 98.7oC.

1.5 kg = 1500 g

q = (1500 g) (98.7-18)oC * (4.18 J/g oC) = 505989 J = 506 KJ

3. On an expedition, a climber heats water from 0oC to 50oC. Calculate the mass of
water that could be warmed by the addition of 8 KJ of heat.

Mass = 8000J / [(50-0)oC * 4.18 J/g oC] = 38.28 g

4. Aqueous ethylene glycol, antifreeze, have specific heat capacity of 3.5J/goC. What
temperature change would be observed in a solution of 4 kg if it absorbed 250KJ of heat?

Change Temp = 250 000 J / [4000 g* 3.5 J/goC ] = 17.86 oC

5. Solar energy can preheat cold water for domestic hot-water tanks.
a) What quantity of heat is obtained from solar energy if 100 kg of water is preheated
from 10oC to 45oC

q = 100 000 * (45- 10 ) * 4.18 = 14630000 J = 14.63 MJ

b) If natural gas costs $0.00351/MJ, calculate the money saved if the volume of water in
part a) is heated 1500 times per year.

Cost = 1500 * 14.63 MJ * $0.00351/MJ = $77.03

Molar Enthalpy

7. Calculate the enthalpy of change for vaporization of 100 g of water at 100oC. Molar
enthalpy of vaporization of water is 40.8 kJ/mol.

Mol = 100g * (1mol/18g) = 5.55 mol

Mol Enthalpy = 40.8 kJ/mol * 5.55 mol = 226.67 KJ

8. What is the enthalpy change needed to vaporize 500g of ethylene glycol (C2H4(OH)2).
The molar enthalpy of vaporization of ethylene is 58.8 kJ/mol.

Mols = 500 g * (1 mol/62 g) = 8.06 mol

Mol enthalpy = 58.8 kJ/mol *8.06 mol = 473.9 KJ

9. In a chemistry experiment 10 g of urea (NH2CONH2 is dissolved in 150 mL of water.

A temperature change from 20.4 oC to 16.7oC is measured. Calculate the molar
enthalpy of solution of urea.

q H2O = 150 g * (16.7 – 20 .4) * 4.18 J/g(oC) = - 2319.9 J

- qH20= q Urea

mols Urea = 10 g * 1 mol/60g = 0.166666666 mol

- q H20 = q Urea = 2319.9 J/ 0.166666666 mol = 13919.4 J

10. A 10 g sample of gallium metal is added to 50 g of water. The temperature of the

water changes from 24oC to 27.8oC. Calculate the molar enthalpy of solidification of

qH2O = 50g * (27.8 – 24) (4.18 J/goC) =794.2 J

mol gallium = 10 g * 1 mol/69.723g = 0.143 mol

q Ga = -794.2 J  molar enthalpy = -794.2 J/0.143 mol = -5553.85 J

Representing Enthalpy Change

11. Write a themochemical equation to represent the dissolving of one mole of silver
nitrate in water. The molar enthalpy of solution is + 226 kJ/mol

Ag(NO3) (s) + 226 kJ/mol  Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq)

12.Write the thermochemical equation using ∆ H to represent the exothermic reaction

between xenon gas and flurorine gas to produce solid xenon tetrafluoride given that the
reaction produces 251 kJ/mol of Xe reacted.

Xe (g) + 2 F2 (g)  XF4 (s) ∆ H = - 251 kJ

13. Represent the following respiration equation using the 4 methods of representing
molar enthalpy. The reaction is an exothermic reaction producing
2802.7 kJ/mol C6H12O6

C6H12O6 + 6 O6  6 CO2 + 6 H2O

Hess’s Law

14. The enthalpy change for the formation of aluminum oxide and iron(III) oxide from
their elements are :

(1) 2 Al + 3/2 O2  Al2O3 ∆ Ho1 = -1675.7 kJ

(2) 2 Fe + 3/2 O2  Fe2O3 ∆ Ho2 = -824.2 kJ

Calculate the enthalpy change for the following target reaction

Fe2O3 + 2 Al  Al2O3 + 2 Fe ∆ Ho = ?

Fe2O3  2 Fe + 3/2 O2 ∆ Ho2 = 824.2 kJ

2 Al + 3/2 O2  Al2O3 ∆ Ho1 = -1675.7 kJ

Fe2O3 + 2 Al  Al2O3 + 2 Fe ∆ Ho = -851.5 kJ

15. Coal gasification converts coal into combustible mixture of carbon monoxide and
hydrogen, called coal gas

H2O + C  CO + H2 ∆ Ho = ?

Calculate the standard enthalpy change for the above reaction from the following
chemical equations and enthalpy changes.

(1) 2 C + O2  2 CO ∆ Ho1 = -221 kJ

(2) 2 H2 + O2  2 H2O ∆ Ho2 = -483.6 kJ

2 H2O  2 H2 + O2 ∆ Ho2 = 483.6 kJ

2 C + O2  2 CO ∆ Ho1 = -221 kJ

2H2O + 2C  2CO + 2H2 ∆ Ho = 262.6 kJ

H2O + C  CO + H2 ∆ Ho = 131.3 kJ
16. Ethyne gas may be reduced by reaction with hydrogen gas to form ethane gas in the
following reduction reaction:

C2H2 + 2 H2  C2 H6

Predict the enthalpy change for the reduction of 200 g of ethyne, using the following

(1) C2H2 + 5/2 O2  2 CO2 + H2O(l) ∆ Ho1 = -1299 kJ

(2) H2 + ½ O2  H2O(l) ∆ Ho2 = -286 kJ
(3) C2H6 + 7/2 O2  2 CO2 + 3 H2O(l) ∆ Ho3 = -1560 kJ

C2H2 + 5/2 O2  2 CO2 + H2O(l) ∆ Ho1 = -1299 kJ

H2 + ½ O2  H2O(l) ∆ Ho2 = -286 kJ
2 CO2 + 3 H2O(l)  C2H6 + 7/2 O2 ∆ Ho3 = 1560 kJ
(4) C2H2 +H2 + H2O(l)  C2H6 + 1/2 O2 ∆ Ho = -25

2H2 + O2  2H2O (l) ∆ Ho = -571.6 kJ

(5) H2 +1/2 O2  H2O ∆ Ho = -285.8 kJ

(4) + (5) C2H2 + 2 H2  C2H6 ∆ Ho = - 310.8 kJ

200 g * (1mol/26 g) = 7.692 mol

-310.8 kJ/mol * 7.692 mol = -2390.76 kJ = -2.39 MJ

17. Find the molar enthalpy of combustion for pentane (C5H12) to produce carbon dioxide
gas and liquid water.

C5H12 + 8 O2  5 CO2 + 6 H2O(l)

∆ H = Sum of ∆ Hof product - Sum of ∆ Hof product

= (5*-393.5 + 6*-285.8) – (1*-173.5 + 8*0)

= - 3508.8 kJ

∆ Hc = - 3508.8 kJ/1mol C5H12

18. Use standard enthalpies of formation to calculate the enthalpy changes for each of
the following systems:
a) 4 NH3 + 5 O2  4 NO + 6 H2O(g)

∆ H = Sum of ∆ Hof product - Sum of ∆ Hof product

= (6 * -241.8 + 4*90.2) – (4*-45.9+ 5* 0) = -906.4 kJ

b) 2 NO + O2  2 NO2

∆ H = 2*33.2 – (2*90.2+ 0) = 114 kJ

c) 3 NO2 + H2O  2HNO3 + NO

19. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is produced by the reaction of ammonia with nitric acid:

NH3 + HNO3  NH4NO3

Use standard enthalpies of formation to calculate the standard enthalpy change of the
reaction used to produced ammonium nitrate.

∆ H = -365.6 – (-45.9+-174.1) = -145.6 kJ = -1456000 J


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