The Visionary Mission Philosophizing For Meaning, Transformation, and African Existence

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

The Visionary Mission: Philosophizing for

Meaning, Transformation, and African
Ignatius Nnaemeka Onwuatuegwu PhD
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria
This article emphasizes the importance of potential to transform the world. This article
African philosophers embracing their unique focuses on the visionary mission of African
perspective, delving into African existence, Philosophers, highlighting the significance of
and tapping into their deep spiritual embracing their unique perspective, delving
connection to contribute profound insights into African existence, and tapping into their
that can transform not only the lives of deep spiritual connection. By doing so, they
Africans but also the global philosophical can contribute meaningful change not only to
discourse. By navigating the depths of the lives of Africans but also to the global
existence, detaching from the crowd, and philosophical discourse.
addressing the specific needs and concerns of Philosophy demands a profound
African existence, African philosophers can understanding of reality and an unwavering
serve as intellectual hubs, guiding their gaze towards the future. It requires
communities and making philosophy a philosophers to swim against the current,
powerful force for meaningful change and much like a fish, in order to reconstruct the
understanding. This article underscores the present. It is a mission that transcends
spiritual nature of philosophy and highlights personal ambition and serves as the
the wealth of wisdom Africans possess in intellectual hub of a community.
matters of the soul and the profound Unfortunately, African philosophers have yet
connection to nature, which can enrich the to fully embrace this role, often neglecting
philosophical landscape worldwide. It calls the rich tapestry of African existence and its
for African philosophers to rise, reclaim their philosophical potential. This article calls
rightful place, and become catalysts for upon African philosophers to rise to the
advancing humanity through their visionary occasion, immersing themselves in the
mission. African world, and addressing the
unanswered questions and challenges unique
Keywords: African philosophers, to African existence.
Philosophizing, African existence, Spiritual One must recognize that philosophy is
connection, Meaningful change. inherently spiritual, extending beyond the
physical realm. Africans possess a wealth of
Introduction: wisdom in matters of the soul and their
In the realm of philosophy, the power of profound connection to nature. While
vision and purpose is paramount. A Western societies excel in science and
philosopher's mission is to navigate the technology, Africans hold a distinctive
depths of existence, detached from the crowd, advantage in matters of spirituality. By
and construct profound insights that have the tapping into this deep connection, African

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

philosophers can unearth profound insights existence.

that enrich the philosophical discourse With an acute awareness of the past and an
worldwide. unwavering gaze towards the future, a
The spiritual nature of philosophy allows true philosopher possesses the power to
philosophers to transcend the realm of mere reconstruct the present. Much like a fish
experience and ephemeral pursuits. It enables swimming against the current, a philosopher
them to detach from the material world and is a person with a destination—a mission.
engage in profound contemplation of life, According to German philosopher Friedrich
existence, and the metaphysical aspects of Nietzsche, "A thinker sees his own actions as
reality. It is within this state that true experiments and questions—as attempts to
philosophy flourishes. find out something. Success and failure are
The visionary mission of African for him answers above all." (Nietzsche, 1882,
philosophers holds immense importance for p. 28). This perspective highlights the
the advancement of humanity. By embracing philosophical journey as a quest for
their unique African perspective, understanding and the importance of having
philosophizing about African existence, and a purposeful approach to one's actions.
tapping into their deep spiritual connection, We shall here explore the profound nature of
African philosophers can unlock profound philosophy and its intrinsic connection to
insights capable of transforming not only the vision and purpose. Philosophical journey
lives of Africans but also the global requires individuals to transcend the
philosophical landscape. The time has come ordinary, detach from societal norms, and
for African philosophers to rise, reclaim their delve into the profound depths of existence.
rightful place as intellectual hubs, and utilize By cultivating an acute awareness of history
philosophy as a powerful force for and maintaining an unwavering focus on the
meaningful change and understanding. future, philosophers possess the ability to
In the following sections, we will explore the reconstruct the present reality. Philosopher
essence of philosophical vision, the need for Immanuel Kant argued in this regard, "Sapere
African philosophers to embrace their unique aude! Have courage to use your own
perspective, the spiritual nature of understanding!" (Kant, 1784, p. 61). This call
philosophy, the role of African wisdom and for intellectual autonomy and independent
connection to nature, and the transformative thinking reflects the philosopher's
power of philosophy in addressing the commitment to delving into the depths of
specific needs of African existence. Through existence beyond conventional wisdom.
their visionary mission, African philosophers The metaphor of a fish swimming against the
can illuminate lives and enrich the global current aptly captures the essence of a
discourse, ultimately advancing humanity philosopher's pursuit. Just as a fish bravely
towards a more profound understanding of defies the natural flow of water, a philosopher
our shared existence. moves against the prevailing currents of
conventional thinking. They are driven by a
1. The Essence of Philosophical Vision: sense of purpose, a mission that sets them
Navigating the Depths of Existence apart from the masses. This mission
encompasses an exploration of fundamental
Philosophy, at its core, demands vision and
questions about the nature of reality, human
purpose. It calls for a philosopher to navigate
existence, morality, and the meaning of life.
the turbulent currents of life, detaching from
To embark on this intellectual odyssey,
the crowd and delving into the depths of

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philosophers engage in rigorous for knowledge that characterizes

contemplation, critical thinking, and logical philosophical inquiry. It is a lifelong
analysis. In line with this René Descartes commitment to expanding the boundaries of
emphasized the role of critical thinking in human knowledge and understanding. While
philosophy, stating, "I think, therefore I am" philosophers may not always provide
(Descartes, 1644, p. 17). This famous definitive answers, their inquiries spark
proposition exemplifies the philosopher's profound conversations and compel
commitment to engage in rigorous individuals to reflect deeply on their own
introspection and logical analysis to arrive at lives and the world around them.
fundamental truths. They seek to understand The emphasis here is the transformative
the world and humanity, drawing from a power of philosophy. By transcending
diverse range of philosophical traditions, societal norms and embracing a unique
historical perspectives, and cultural insights. mission, philosophers navigate the turbulent
By integrating knowledge and ideas from currents of life, delving into the profound
various disciplines, philosophers weave a depths of existence. Their acute awareness of
rich tapestry of wisdom and insight, enabling history and unwavering focus on the future
them to navigate the complexities of empower them to reconstruct the present.
existence. Through rigorous contemplation, critical
Moreover, philosophical vision extends analysis, and a commitment to societal
beyond personal introspection. Philosophers progress, philosophers contribute to the
strive to contribute to society by examining collective understanding of humanity and
the prevailing structures, institutions, and inspire transformative change.
ideologies critically. They challenge
prevailing norms, ideologies, and dogmas, 2. African Philosophers: Embracing Their
unearthing assumptions and biases that may Unique Perspective
hinder progress and human flourishing. Karl
The philosopher's mission transcends
Marx, therefore asserts that the philosophers
personal ambition. It revolves around
have only interpreted the world, in various
understanding reality, bestowing meaning
ways; the point is to change it (Marx, 1845,
upon life, and endeavouring to make the
p. 11). This quote highlights the philosopher's
world a better place. In essence, a
role in challenging existing norms and
philosopher is the intellectual hub of a
ideologies, aiming to inspire transformative
community, serving as its conscience and
change. Through their penetrating insights
guide. However, it is unfortunate that African
and intellectual rigour, philosophers open up
philosophers have yet to fully embrace this
new possibilities, generating transformative
role. Instead, they continue to study Western
ideas and inspiring societal change.
Philosophy, neglecting the rich tapestry of
Philosophical vision, therefore, goes hand in
African existence and its profound
hand with the pursuit of truth, wisdom, and
philosophical potential. Nkrumah, thus
enlightenment. The transformative power of
emphasizes that philosophy must plow
philosophy lies in its pursuit of truth,
African soil anew and uncover African
wisdom, and enlightenment. Little wonder
existence (Nkrumah, 1964).
Socrates famously declared that the he only
African philosophers must rise to the
true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing
occasion, immersing themselves in the
(Plato, 399 BCE, Apology, 23b). This notion
African world, and philosophizing about its
emphasizes the humility and perpetual quest
unique circumstances and challenges. By

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addressing the unanswered questions that solutions grounded in their cultural context
plague the African experience and unraveling and experiences (Wiredu, 1996).
the mysteries that beset African individuals
within their universe, philosophy can become 2.3. Engaging with African Existential
relevant to Africans and humanity as a whole. Questions:
The transformative power of philosophy lies
African philosophers should explore the
dormant until it is tailored to address the
existential questions that arise from African
specific needs and concerns of African
experiences, such as the meaning of life,
identity, spirituality, community, and the
For a better understanding of the above
relationship between individuals and their
perspective, we can explore the following
environment. By developing African-
centered philosophical frameworks,
2.1. Rediscovering African Philosophical philosophers can provide profound insights
Traditions: into the unique struggles, aspirations, and
African philosophers should delve into the aspirations of African people (Mbiti, 1969).
rich heritage of indigenous African
2.4. Engaging in Interdisciplinary
philosophies and belief systems. These
traditions have often been overlooked or
African philosophers should actively engage
marginalized in favour of Western in interdisciplinary dialogue, collaborating
philosophies. It is in this regard that Wiredu
with scholars from various fields such as
insists that African continent has a rich anthropology, history, sociology, and
tapestry of indigenous philosophies and
political science. By fostering
belief systems that offer unique insights into interdisciplinary conversations, philosophers
the human condition. It is crucial for African
can gain a broader understanding of the
philosophers to rediscover and engage with complexities of African existence and
these traditions, as they provide alternative
develop holistic approaches to addressing
frameworks for understanding reality and African challenges (Wiredu, 2004).
human existence (Wiredu, 1998). By
studying and revitalizing African 2.5. Promoting Philosophical Education
philosophical traditions, philosophers can and Awareness:
uncover unique perspectives, ideas, and African philosophers should work towards
approaches to understanding reality and promoting philosophical education and
human existence. awareness within African societies. This can
be achieved by establishing philosophy
2.2. Addressing African Challenges: departments and research centers in
African philosophers should direct their
universities, organizing public lectures and
philosophical inquiries toward addressing the debates, publishing African philosophical
challenges faced by the African continent.
works, and incorporating African
These challenges may include political philosophies into school curricula. By
instability, economic inequality, cultural
increasing philosophical literacy, African
preservation, environmental sustainability, philosophers can inspire critical thinking,
and social justice issues. By examining these
ethical reflection, and social transformation
problems through a philosophical lens, (Hountondji, 2002).
African philosophers can offer insights and

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While Western societies have historically

dominated the field of philosophy, it is
2.6. Engaging in Global Philosophical essential to recognize the inherent spiritual
Discourse: and metaphysical wisdom that African
African philosophers should actively cultures possess. By reclaiming their role as
participate in global philosophical discourse intellectual hubs, African philosophers can
and engage with philosophers from other contribute their profound insights into the
parts of the world. By contributing their global philosophical discourse. Hence, there
unique perspectives and insights, African is an apparent need to explores the
philosophers can enrich global philosophical significance of African philosophy and calls
debates and challenge the dominance of for African philosophers to tap into their rich
Western philosophical traditions. This will heritage, fostering a broader understanding of
foster a more inclusive and diverse the world and our place in it. This can be
philosophical landscape, benefiting humanity achieved through the following:
as a whole.
Admittedly, African philosophers must 3.1. Acknowledging the Spiritual
embrace their unique perspective by Dimensions:
rediscovering African philosophical African philosophy traditionally embraces
traditions, addressing African challenges, the interconnectedness between human
engaging with African existential questions, beings, nature, and the spiritual realm. It
participating in interdisciplinary dialogue, recognizes the existence of unseen forces and
promoting philosophical education, and the profound influence they have on human
engaging in global philosophical discourse. experiences (Wiredu, 1996). By
By doing so, African philosophers can unlock incorporating these spiritual dimensions into
the transformative power of philosophy and philosophical discussions, African
make significant contributions to the philosophers can offer a unique perspective
intellectual and cultural development of that complements the predominantly
Africa and the world (Wiredu, 1998). materialistic approaches of Western
philosophy. This inclusion can enrich
3. The Call for African Philosophers to philosophical debates and provide a holistic
Reclaim Their Role as Intellectual Hubs understanding of the human condition.
It is important to recognize that philosophy is
inherently more spiritual than physical. 3.2. Embracing the Wisdom of Ancestral
Africans possess a wealth of wisdom to Traditions:
contribute to the world in matters of African cultures have a rich heritage of oral
philosophy and metaphysics. While Western traditions, myths, and folklore that hold deep
societies excel in science and technology, philosophical insights. These traditions
Africans have an upper hand when it comes encapsulate the accumulated wisdom of
to matters of the soul and the profound generations and provide valuable guidance
connection to nature. By tapping into this on matters such as ethics, morality, and the
deep connection, African philosophers can nature of existence (Gyekye, 1995). By
unearth profound insights that can enrich the acknowledging and exploring these ancestral
philosophical discourse worldwide. traditions, African philosophers can unearth
Philosophy, as an intellectual discipline, profound insights and integrate them into
holds a unique place in understanding the contemporary philosophical frameworks.
fundamental aspects of human existence. This integration can bridge the gap between

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ancient wisdom and modern philosophical opportunities (Masolo, 2004). By nurturing

thought. African philosophical scholarship and
education, African thinkers can receive the
3.3. Cultivating a Deeper Connection with recognition and resources necessary to
Nature: contribute meaningfully to global
Africa is blessed with a diverse and awe- philosophical discourse. Collaboration with
inspiring natural environment, which has international institutions, exchange
been an integral part of African cultures for programs, and the establishment of scholarly
centuries. African philosophers can tap into journals can also facilitate the dissemination
this profound connection with nature to of African philosophical ideas and foster
explore ecological ethics, sustainability, and cross-cultural dialogue.
humanity's relationship with the environment In fact, African philosophers possess a wealth
(Nhemachena, 2019). By incorporating of spiritual and metaphysical wisdom that can
ecological perspectives into philosophical enrich the global philosophical discourse. By
discourse, African philosophers can embracing their unique cultural heritage,
contribute to global efforts to address tapping into ancestral traditions, nurturing a
pressing environmental challenges and deeper connection with nature, challenging
promote a harmonious coexistence between Eurocentrism, and investing in philosophical
humans and nature. scholarship and education, African
philosophers can reclaim their role as
3.4. Challenging Eurocentrism and intellectual hubs. Through their
Epistemic Injustice: contributions, they can expand our
The dominance of Western philosophy has understanding of the world, promote cultural
often marginalized and undermined other diversity, and inspire profound insights that
philosophical traditions, including African benefit humanity as a whole.
philosophy. This Eurocentric bias has
perpetuated epistemic injustice by devaluing 4. Philosophy's Spiritual Nature:
the perspectives and intellectual Unveiling African Wisdom and
contributions of non-Western cultures. By Connection to Nature:
reclaiming their role as intellectual hubs, A true philosopher is capable of transcending
African philosophers can challenge this the realm of mere experience and ephemeral
injustice, asserting the validity and pursuits. They possess the ability to detach
importance of African philosophical themselves from the material world, enabling
traditions (Wiredu, 2004). This endeavour them to elevate their thinking to a spiritual
involves fostering dialogue, collaboration, plane. It is in this state that true philosophy
and cross-cultural exchanges with flourishes—the profound contemplation of
philosophers from diverse backgrounds, life, existence, and the metaphysical aspects
leading to a more inclusive and pluralistic of reality (Omoregbe, 1998).
global philosophical discourse. To explore the spiritual nature of philosophy
and its connection to African wisdom and
3.5. Nurturing African Philosophical nature, it is essential to recognize the unique
Scholarship and Education: perspectives and philosophical traditions that
To reclaim their role as intellectual hubs, have emerged from the diverse cultures and
African philosophers need support in the belief systems of the African continent.
form of dedicated research institutes, African philosophy encompasses a rich
academic programs, and funding tapestry of ideas, often deeply intertwined

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with spirituality, communal values, and the wisdom. Ancestral knowledge is passed
interconnectedness of humans with the down through generations, connecting
natural world (Wiredu, 2004). individuals to their roots and providing a
sense of continuity and identity. This spiritual
A fundamental characteristic of African connection to ancestors and their wisdom
philosophical thought is its holistic nature. contributes to the broader understanding of
Unlike some Western philosophical existence and the metaphysical aspects of
traditions that tend to compartmentalize reality.
knowledge, African philosophy emphasizes a In embracing African wisdom and its
comprehensive understanding of reality that spiritual nature, philosophy gains a broader
includes the physical, spiritual, and social perspective that encompasses the richness of
dimensions of existence. This holistic human experience and the profound
perspective recognizes the interdependence connection to nature. It encourages
and interconnectedness of all things, with contemplation not only of abstract concepts
humans seen as an integral part of the natural but also of the lived experiences of
world (Gyekye, 1996). individuals within their communities and the
Nature holds immense significance in natural world. By unveiling African wisdom
African philosophy, as it is viewed as a and incorporating its insights, philosophy can
manifestation of the divine and a source of expand its horizons and offer a more
wisdom. African cultures have long revered inclusive and holistic approach to
the natural environment, perceiving it as a understanding the human condition and our
teacher and guide. From the vast expanses of place in the universe.
the savannah to the intricate ecosystems of
the rainforests, African wisdom recognizes 5. Philosophy as a Catalyst for Meaningful
the intricate balance and harmony within Change: Addressing the Specific Needs
nature, providing valuable insights into of African Existence:
human existence and spirituality (Mbiti, The visionary mission of African
1992). philosophers is crucial for the advancement
One concept deeply rooted in African of humanity. By embracing their unique
philosophy is the notion of Ubuntu, which African perspective, philosophizing about
emphasizes the interdependence and African existence, and tapping into their deep
interconnectedness of humanity. Ubuntu spiritual connection, African philosophers
recognizes that individuals are fundamentally can unlock profound insights that have the
linked to others and the natural world, and power to transform not only the lives of
one's well-being is intimately tied to the well- Africans but also the philosophical landscape
being of the community and the environment. of the world. The time has come for African
This interconnectedness fosters a sense of philosophers to rise, reclaim their rightful
shared responsibility and the recognition that place, and make philosophy a powerful force
human actions have consequences that ripple for meaningful change and understanding.
through the interconnected web of life (Tutu, Philosophy has long been recognized as a
1999). discipline that seeks to understand the
Another central theme in African philosophy fundamental questions of human existence
is the recognition of ancestral wisdom and the and explore the complexities of our world. In
importance of lineage. African cultures often the context of Africa, the role of philosophy
hold a deep reverence for ancestors who are takes on a unique significance, as it not only
seen as spiritual guides and sources of delves into the universal questions of human

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existence but also addresses the specific social, and political context of Africa,
needs and experiences of African people. philosophers can shed light on the complex
African philosophers, with their rich heritage issues that shape African societies. This
and diverse perspectives, have the potential includes exploring topics such as
to unlock transformative insights that can decolonization, cultural identity, economic
foster meaningful change and understanding. development, and the legacies of slavery and
Let's explore the visionary mission of African colonialism. By critically examining these
philosophers and the crucial role they play in issues, African philosophers can provide
advancing humanity. nuanced perspectives and propose solutions
that resonate with the realities of African
5.1. Embracing the Unique African existence.
African philosophers bring a distinct 5.3. Tapping into Deep Spiritual
perspective to the field of philosophy, one Connections:
that is deeply rooted in the rich cultural and Spirituality plays a significant role in African
historical tapestry of the continent. "African cultures, and African philosophers have the
philosophy is distinguished by its rich advantage of tapping into this deep spiritual
cultural diversity and the unique perspective connection to foster meaningful change.
it offers. Rooted in the African heritage, it African spiritual traditions often emphasize
challenges Western paradigms and expands interconnectedness, harmony, and reverence
the boundaries of philosophical inquiry." for ancestors and nature. "African
(Iroegbu, 1998, p. 20). By embracing this spirituality, with its emphasis on
unique African perspective, philosophers can interconnectedness, harmony, and reverence
offer fresh insights and challenge prevailing for ancestors and nature, provides a unique
paradigms in the discipline. African foundation for philosophical inquiry. It offers
philosophical thought often places a strong alternative ways of conceptualizing reality
emphasis on communalism, spirituality, and and meaning, challenging Western
interconnectedness with nature. These values philosophical frameworks." (Mbiti, 1991, p.
can enrich philosophical discourse and 48). By incorporating these spiritual
inspire new ways of thinking about dimensions into philosophical inquiry,
fundamental concepts such as ethics, identity, African philosophers can promote holistic
and social justice. approaches to human well-being and social
transformation. Furthermore, they can
5.2. Philosophizing about African challenge the dominance of Western
Existence: philosophical frameworks and offer
African philosophers have the opportunity to alternative ways of conceptualizing reality
philosophize about African existence in a and meaning.
way that addresses the specific needs and
challenges faced by the continent. "African 5.4. Transforming Lives and Philosophical
philosophy, by its very nature, deals with the Landscape:
specific needs and challenges of African The insights generated by African
existence. It critically examines the philosophers have the power to transform not
historical, social, and political context of only the lives of Africans but also the broader
Africa, providing insights into the complex philosophical landscape of the world. It
issues faced by African societies." (Wiredu, generates contextually relevant theories and
1980, p. 17) By examining the historical, frameworks that inspire practical

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applications, promoting justice, equality, and engage with deeper questions about the
sustainable development (Gyekye, 1995, p. nature of existence, knowledge, and reality
120). By addressing the specific needs of itself.
African existence, African philosophers can In traditional philosophical inquiry,
contribute to the development of contextually experience serves as the starting point.
relevant theories and frameworks that have Empiricism, for example, emphasizes the
practical applications. These insights can role of sensory perception and empirical
inspire policy changes, social movements, evidence in understanding the world. It
and transformative initiatives that promote asserts that all knowledge originates from
justice, equality, and sustainable experience and that meaningful philosophical
development. Furthermore, the inclusion of claims must be based on empirical
African perspectives can enrich global observations.
philosophical discourse, fostering a more However, true philosophy recognizes that
diverse and inclusive understanding of experience alone may not provide a complete
human existence. understanding of reality (Russell, 1912).
Undoubtedly, African philosophers have a Reality is more than what ordinary eyes could
visionary mission to make philosophy a see and reality remains reality whether
powerful force for meaningful change and recognized or unrecognized. Hence, true
understanding in the context of African philosophy acknowledges that there are
existence. By embracing their unique African aspects of existence that transcend our
perspective, philosophizing about African immediate sensory perceptions. These
existence, and tapping into their deep include questions about the nature of
spiritual connection, African philosophers consciousness, the existence of universals,
can unlock profound insights that have the the foundations of morality, the origins of the
potential to transform lives and reshape the universe, and the existence of God or a higher
philosophical landscape. It is essential for power.
African philosophers to rise, reclaim their To transcend experience and venture into the
rightful place, and contribute to the metaphysical realm, true philosophy employs
advancement of humanity by addressing the various methods and approaches. These may
specific needs and challenges of African include rational inquiry, logical reasoning,
existence. Through their visionary mission, introspection, contemplation, meditation, and
African philosophers can pave the way for a engaging with abstract concepts and thought
more inclusive, interconnected, and experiments. True philosophy seeks to
enlightened world. uncover the underlying principles, structures,
and meanings that shape our experience and
6. The Transcendence of True Philosophy: perception of the world.
From Experience to the Metaphysical Metaphysics, a branch of philosophy, deals
Realm explicitly with the nature of reality beyond
The transcendence of true philosophy refers the physical realm (Kant, 1781). It explores
to its ability to move beyond the realm of concepts such as being, existence, causality,
mere experience and delve into the time, space, mind, and the relationship
metaphysical aspects of reality (Stanford between the physical and the non-physical.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021). While Metaphysics goes beyond the observable and
experience provides a foundation for measurable aspects of reality, aiming to
philosophical inquiry, true philosophy seeks
to go beyond empirical observations and

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understand the fundamental nature of man's situation and circumstances of life and
existence itself. bringing meaning into his life. Giving
By engaging with metaphysics, true answers to the numerous unanswered
philosophy strives to reach a deeper questions of an African man. Unravelling
understanding of reality and the nature of some seeming mysteries of life that are
knowledge. It acknowledges the limitations confronting an African in his universe on
of empirical observations and recognizes the daily basis. Until we begin to do that,
need for rational and intuitive exploration to Philosophy will still remain irrelevant for an
grasp concepts that extend beyond the African man in particular and humanity in
material world. general.
In conclusion, the transcendence of true It must be noted that Philosophy is more
philosophy involves moving beyond the spiritual than physical. Africans have a lot to
confines of experience and venturing into the contribute to the world in Philosophical or
metaphysical realm. It acknowledges the metaphysical issues. In matters of Science
importance of empirical observations but also and Technology, there is no doubt that the
recognizes the limitations of experience in westerners are better off. However, in matters
fully understanding reality. By engaging with of Philosophy and metaphysics, Africans, of
metaphysics and employing various methods course take the upper hand for Africans are
of inquiry, true philosophy aims to explore closer to nature.
the fundamental nature of existence and A philosopher should be able to
knowledge. dematerialized himself from the merely
experiential and merely ephemeral things
7. Evaluation and conclusion and, therefore be enabled to spiritualise
himself as to be able to philosophies in the
7.1. Evaluation real sense of the word.
A Philosopher should be a man of vision and
mission. In his visionary style of life, he 7.2. Conclusion
should be able keep himself off the storm, In conclusion, the visionary mission of
moving away from the crowd and then in the African philosophers is a call to embrace
sober manner of his existence reminiscent their unique perspective, delve into African
into the past and project into the far distant existence, and tap into their deep spiritual
future as to be able to reconstruct the present. connection. By doing so, they can contribute
A philosopher is like a live fish that does not profound insights that have the potential to
swim along the current, but rather can swim transform not only the lives of Africans but
against the current since he has a destination. also the global philosophical discourse.
This is what makes him a man of mission. African philosophers are urged to rise,
The mission is to understand reality, bringing reclaim their rightful place as intellectual
meaning to life and to make the world a better hubs, and become catalysts for meaningful
place. change and understanding.
A philosopher is the thinking tank of his Philosophy, at its essence, requires vision and
community. He is in a way the conscience of purpose. It demands philosophers to navigate
the society in which he is. the depths of existence, detached from the
African philosophers are still lacking in this crowd, and construct profound insights that
case. We are still studying Western can reshape the world. African philosophers,
Philosophy instead of philosophizing in the however, have often neglected the rich
African world. Delving into the African tapestry of African existence and its

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philosophical potential, focusing instead on ultimately advancing humanity towards a

Western philosophy. It is imperative for more enlightened future.
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