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HOSTEL RULES Introduction: ‘The Lahore Callege for Women University offers hostel facies tothe slucents coring fom other cites and abroad exclucing the lca studerts. There are separate hostels in Lahore Callege for Women University, Lahore for Intermaciate, Graduate, and Postgraduate Students Allotment: ‘© Stusents are required to apply for hostel accommodation on the prescribed hostel form '* Hostel accommodation will be alloted by Chief Warden, Due ta limited accomadation facies, the hostel seats wil be provided to the students only on merit and all other applications willbe put on the ‘waltig ist ‘¢ The seats of quota are reserved as per Government Policy. ‘+ Hoste! acmission is offered for one academic year only, extension for another year is based upon good conduct and academic performance. ‘+ The hostel accornmodatin fact is not avalable for MSIMPhi, MAMSe (Evening), and dptomatcertifeate programs ‘* Residents who have been expelled ‘rom the host! wil not be eligible for re-admission, ‘© Acitonal rues anc regulations issued from time fo time must be fly observed as wel. Hostel Charges: (Subject to change from time to time) ‘+ Hostel Supervisory Committees authorzes to give hostel fee concessionsivavers to deserving stderis. '¢ Hostel Supervisory Commitee is authorized to Increase /changelamend hostel charges dus to cost of lvingirevision of pay scales or other acministrative compulsions. ‘+ Hostel Supervisory Comite is also authorized to waive off Hostel Charges in case ofthe unusuel ‘iroumstance for which students are not responsibe. '* The hostel charges (Utity ils, Janitorial Services, and Maintenance) shall be received, quarterly # Mess Charges and Generator Charges shall be received, monthly ‘+ Room cooler charges atthe rate of Rs.800/- per month wil be charged in Agr a the begining of he summer season, fora period of months! per month (as applicable). ‘+ Boarders wil have to submit their uartety charges by 15" of the frst month of leach quarter. They will pay 3 fine of Rs. S0/-per day for payment after the due date fa boarder falls to {deposit the monthly cherges within Sh ofthe next month, she may be denied hostel fcity ‘* Ness facility wil be suspended due to non-payment of mess charges. wit a waming issued by Hostel, Warcen, '* Membership in the hostel mess is compulsory for every resident ‘+ No concession ie offered to etudents inthe hostel annual duee, + In case of seven days consecutive leave from the hostel wth an application, boarcers can have the concession of a one-week deduction in their mess dues, ‘All dues deposited by boarders including the securty shall be forfelted if she is expelled on disciplinary ‘grounds. ‘+ Hoste charges chal be determined and fixed as deemed neceseary by the Univer from time to time Hostel Security/Refund: ‘+ Hostel securty must be deposited atthe time of scission to the hostel + Hf boarder leaves the hostel during a semester, hostel duet for that semester are no refundable. ‘© Refund of hostel secu o a boarder who is wiling o leave before completion of ther last ‘semester, will be made aftr the prescribed provess ‘= Incase of expulkion from the hostel dust ndiscpine o misconduct, security deposits wll be forfeted in ful ATTENDANCE: Presence/Arriv ‘= To ensure the securily as well asthe presencelarrval of boarders in the hostel they are ‘require to mark attendance while entering or lesving the hostel. The Warden wil monitor the attendance. In/Out Timings. «Students should strictly observe the infout timings notified by the warden during summer and ‘winter. ‘ Infout registers must be filed in while leaving the hostel fora private purpose faling whieh ‘absence wil be marked an action wil be intiated against the defauters, ‘= Atlendance must be observed a the te of breakfasvlunchicinner «+ Every boarder must stiet follow the hestel closing hours, i. 7:00 pm in summer (157 Apri) ‘and 5:00 pm (15" October in winter, anyone fang short of he dscpiine in this regard willbe sictly checked + Hfany boarder hasta attend any function/paryitip ofthe Unieraty ater the haste! losing tne then she wil take the witen permission of the Chief Warden after verfeaton fom the cconcermed Chaiperson ofthe Department. VISITORS POLICY: ‘+ Atthe ime of admission tothe hostel, every boarders parent’ quardian must provide alist cf ‘maximum lve visitors on the prescribed form giving details regarding name and designation ‘elaionship and their ID card number etc. Ths ist must be signed by the parens!guarcian, “+ Appointment of local quarian by the parents! uarsian ie apareciated whe wil be contacted incase of any emergency. ‘= Vistors ofthe boarders are not allowed to vist their room orto stay with them. «The vistorsuarcians are allowed to meet the boarders only ding the specified tings/echedule given by the hostel administration from time to time, 1» The secutty quad ofthe hostel will ensure verification ofthe visitor and vil Property recor thelr partculars inthe security register ater receiving original ID cards from the vsilors which wil remain in his custody und the visitor leaves ‘+ Incase of any emergency, one ofthe family members, mentioned inthe haste! visiting ist of the student has to come to tke the student home, GATE PASSES ‘= Gate passes are issued to all the boarders by he respective Warder/Assistant Wardens, on Friday and Saturday to go home on weekends ‘Salta wil beiseut to the boarders by the Warden / Assistant Wardene ater rion permission ofthe parentsiguardian. Self-pass wil be issued to The Greduates and Pestgradotes boarcers for thet Research work projects, Field Work. and Internship onthe recommenciaton ofthe research supervisor and Charperson of he Deparment. The borders fr shopping only once a week on Saturday. ‘= Self pace i not allied tothe intermecate boarders. «+ Hostel gates willbe closed as per noted timings « Vilstors ofthe above rules would be lisse to stretsiscipinry action by the Hostel University ‘Authories, which may lead to expuision from the HosielUniversty. DURATION OF STUDENTS STAY IN HOSTEL ‘©All the students who are granted admission inthe hostel, thelr stay inthe hostel wil be for the duration oftheir on-campus studies as mentioned in Academic Regulations. ‘+ Hostel facity wil be provided tothe PhD. stucents inialy fora period of 3 years which can be extended upto § years on the recommendations of the epartmental Doctoral Commitee. ‘Every student snoule stay in the accommodation slltted to her by the concemed aurhorty ‘She wil not be allowed to chenge accommodation once alloted uriess approved by the Chief Warden, 4 IF there ate surplus or vacant seats available, studants of MS and Ph.D. applying for sherter duration can be accommodated, and permission shall be granted by the Chief Warden, on a case-toccase basis, with charges, «Ifthe outgoing classes (Intermediate Part BS &th Semester, MSIM Phi dh Semester&. Ph.D.) ‘vacate the hosel after completing ther academic session and come again for practical viva of thesis work. They willbe charged Rs: 200/- per day (excluding mess and other charges) and ifthey stay for more than 14 days cuesnwil be charged according to existing rates. PUNISHMENT ‘In case of any hostel rule violation, the hostel warden wil give a writen warning tothe Boarder, however, in case of serous Violation of es, the parents wil be informed in wring. '* Ay student who wil volte the hostel rules and is found involved in any negative An activity Uke a stike or instigating other boarders fortis purpose willbe liable fo cisciplinary punishment ‘¢ The case wil be forwarded to the Hostel Student Affairs Commitee onthe recommendation of the Chie’ Warden for furtner appropriate action. The student may be expelled from tre hostel ater three waminge and wll ot be allowed ta re- acmission «Ifa boarder extends her leave'stay at home, the parents wil immediately inform the concemed hostel warden for such extension. «Ifa boarder extends her leavelstay without informing the hostel authorities. The concerned hostel warden vil intimate the parents immediately, no infermatoniresponse is received frm the parents or boarder the case may be referred to Hostel Student Afaic Commitee and the ‘Commitee wil give a decieion as per the nature ofthe ease ‘= Incase the boarder is struck off rom the hostel and later on is alowed for readmission, ‘e-admission charges amounting to Rs. S000-wilbe charged. INSPECTIONS ‘¢ The University or Hostel Administration can inspect anytime. the host! premises. boarders room, almrahs, bags, etc. without any advance notice, HOSTEL ENVIRONMENT ‘+ Every boarder is expected to maintain peace, tranguilty, a calm atmosphere and dscaline in hhoste and respect the rights of others Boarders are not allowed to take ther breakfast, lunch, and dinner in their rooms Boarders wil lake care ofthe cleanliness ofthe hostel 's No one is allowed to miebehave with the administration and employees of the hostel in any ‘Situation. Violation may cause expulsion from the hostel. ‘+ Boarders must not cstur or eause inconvenience to other boarders and should ensure peace, ‘¢ Smoking, crnking, use of iquorrugs, and keeping of weapons (licensed and unlicensed) is ‘stiely prohibited inthe hostel and entails expulsion. ‘+ Boarders should not keep costly items and excessive cash with them, Hoste! The administration Will not be responsible for any los '* No politcal and religiously extremist activity or propagation is allowed inthe hosel HOSTEL PROPERTY ‘¢ Bearders are not allowed to damage the hostel property Any student found gulty vel be liable to pay the damage in adtiton toa fine. ‘¢ Hostel administration can impose a penaly in case she fails to keep her room clean end tcy. Moreover, if there is any complaint against a room servant, isthe responsibilty of boarder to inform te hostel administration, CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Certificate of clearance duly signed by the boarder and ther fther/motheriquardian is required to be submited tothe concerned Hoste! Warden atthe time of leaving the hostel HOSTEL FUND MANAGEMENT ‘+ Hoste! funde will be generated from Hostel admiesion fees calected from boarders ‘+ Hostel expenditures willbe met rom the budget of each host! ‘© Petty cash for hostel be maintained as per Financial Rules ofthe hostel, to meet the routine hostel expenses: UTILIZATION OF HOSTEL FUNDS ‘© Concemed warden of the respective hostel wil be induded in the Hosts Supervisory Commies. ‘+The procurement process, of al hostel relate heme, eval be caren out by Hostes Supervisory Commitee ‘= The concerned Hostel Warden shall initiate the process of payment on account of hoste ‘expenditires, The Hostel Warden shal ensure the completion of requisite Caucalegal formalities ofthe bils/laims before forwarding them tothe Hostels Supervisory Committee for approval ‘Adkins and Fitancial approval mit fr Hoste’s Supervisory Commitee vil be Re100,0001 ‘oniy. Over and above Rs.100,001/-uil be approved by the Vice-Chancellor ‘= The cheques of hoste| accounts wil be signed by the checue's signatories ofthe University ‘accounts, ‘* Hostel accounts shall be maintained in the prescribed manner by the offce of concerned Hostel Warden, ‘* Hoste eoeipts are not part of university funds, therefore, there is no need for pre-aucit bythe Resident Aucitor However, a mandatory anal audit shall be conductec by te University Feesident Auditor with the approval ofthe Vice-Chancellor. ‘+ The maintenance and repair of hostels ehall be carried out by the Engineering Cell of the University es per procedure applicable for University M & R, ‘* The Warden ofthe concemed hostel wil econcie the account withthe banks) and submit a monthly report of receipt and expenditure to the Hostel Superisory Commitee fois siratures, By the 1h of the folowing month ‘* On the cecommendatons of the Hostel Supervisory Committee, the Investment the Commitee ‘ofthe University shall invest the surplus balance ofthe hostel funds. ‘¢ On account ofthe investment ofthe funds ef hostels, the recor ofthe contbuton of each hostel Inveetment chal also be maintained. ‘+ The payment of bis and transfer of funds from one hostel account to another hostel account shall not be made. However, in special ceumstances, onthe Recommendations ofthe Hostel Supervicory Commitee, Vice-Chancellor vl alow such paymentshranefers from one hostel ‘account to another hostel account « Allhosel dues shllbe depositecdreclin the designated schedule Bank through bank challans, ‘no payment willbe received in cash. ‘© Grant of honorarium anc increase in salary ofthe hostel administration stall shall be fired by ‘the Univecsity Authorties onthe recommendations of the Hostel Supervisory Comite. ++ The canone of financial propray shal be absarvad while neuing expenditure of hostel finds. ‘The purchaselprocurement of goods and services must be need-based. The mere availabilty fof buriget ehould not be the basi of incurring the expenditure ‘©All vouchers in support of tems of expencltures shall be retained for a period of five years. ‘Vouchers more than fve years cid may, et the discreton ofthe Hostel Superwsory Commitee and Treasurer, be destroyed except the record relating to pending Enquiries, Court cases of ‘Avcit Paras til their fina sttleent. ‘*Subject to amendment inthe relevant lause(s) all provisions of already approved ‘SOPs shall remain in force. NOTE: in cation, rules ane regulations issued trom time to time wil also be applicable, HOSTEL FEE S.# Particulars of Fe Existing fee) 10% increase, After increase of 10% Total Fees ‘One Tine Charges ate Tene of Adiieson Security (Refandabe) 3000 = 3.00. Breakage (On aiein) 00 o 60 ‘Sub Total (No. #102) 3.600 © 300 eer Ret (Annual Chg) Cobia! 4500. 0 4950 [Bosca “4.000 200 “4400. usar 3500 “350 3850 Desmtony 3.000. 300 3300. 18.000 7.500 16500 ‘Monthy charges any 2s i910 2302 ents Savon 3 ca entrance 280 2818 Ness Charges 5082 0320 5500 Generator Charges (Backup Sump) |__620 a 23 ‘Sub Total (S.No. 4 to 8) 10842 1.088 11586 |[easonal treem esters used) Fear Coos (pst Sepcmibor) | BOD » a0 Note: Students are responsible for purchase and mainenance of her oan Room Coors.

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