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I don’t mind
because, they
don’t matter
Roll no 31.
Rana Mudassar
Jhang is a city found in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It is
the headquarters of the Jhang District and is situated on the
eastern bank of the Chenab River. The city is approximately
200 kilometres southwest of Lahore, the provincial capital.

Jhang is known for its historical significance and cultural

heritage. It has a long and storied history, with evidence of
human habitation in the region dating back thousands of
years. The city has seen the rise and fall of various empires
and has been a centre of trade and commerce throughout its

The city of Jhang is famous for its unique style of poetry

called "Kofi." Many renowned Sufi poets, such as Khwaja
Ghulam Farid and Sultan Bahu, hail from Jhang. The city has a
rich literary tradition, and poetry gatherings and festivals are
held regularly to celebrate this cultural heritage.

Agriculture plays a vital role in the economy of Jhang. The

region is known for its fertile land and produces crops such as
wheat, cotton, sugarcane, and rice. The Chenab River serves
as a water source for irrigation, supporting agricultural
activities in the area.
Jhang is also home to several historical sites and landmarks.
The Shrine of Sultan Bahu, a prominent Sufi saint, attracts
devotees from all over the country. The tomb of Heer and
Ranjha, the legendary lovers of Punjab, is another popular
attraction in Jhang.

The city has a vibrant cultural scene, with festivals and

celebrations held throughout the year. The Urs (death
anniversary) of Sufi saints is commemorated with great
fervor, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds
and communities.

Overall, Jhang is a city with a rich history, cultural heritage,

and agricultural importance. It highlights the diversity and
traditions of Punjab and continues to be a significant canter
of art, literature, and spirituality in Pakistan.

Pakisatan Zindabad

The term "environment" refers to the surrounding conditions

or surroundings in which living organisms, including humans,
exist. It encompasses all the physical, chemical, biological,
and social factors that can influence an organism or a
The environment is a complex and
interconnected system where changes in one part can have
ripple effects on others. It is essential to understand and
protect the environment to ensure the sustainability and
long-term survival of all living organisms. Environmental
conservation and sustainable practices aim to minimize
negative impacts on the environment and promote its health
and well-being.
 Typesof Environments
 Natural Environment
This includes elements such as air,
water, land, climate, and natural resources like forests,
oceans, mountains, and wildlife. The natural
environment supplies the essential resources and
habitats for living organisms.
 Built Environment
It refers to the human-made or
constructed surroundings, including buildings,
infrastructure, cities, roads, and other human-designed
structures. The built environment is the result of human
activities and influences how people live, work, and

 Social Environment

This aspect involves the human

interactions, relationships, and cultural influences that
shape society. It includes factors such as social norms,
customs, traditions, institutions, and values. The social
environment plays a crucial role in deciding human
behaviour and can affect the overall well-being of
individuals and communities.
 Practice
s of

 Recycling and Waste Reduction:

Recycling helps conserve resources and reduces the
amount of waste sent to landfills. Separate and recycle
materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal
whenever possible. Additionally, minimize waste
generation by reusing items, composting organic waste,
and opting for products with minimal packaging.
 Energy Conservation: Reduce energy
consumption by using energy-efficient appliances and
light bulbs. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when
not in use. Set thermostats to conserve energy for
heating and cooling. Consider using renewable energy
sources such as solar panels or wind turbines to
generate clean energy.
 Water Conservation: Conserve water by fixing
leaks, using water-efficient fixtures and appliances, and
practicing mindful water usage. Install water-saving
devices like low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators.
Limit outdoor water usage through practices like
watering plants during cooler hours and using drought-
resistant landscaping.
 Sustainable Transportation: Choose eco-
friendly transportation options to reduce emissions. Use
public transportation, carpooling, biking, or walking
whenever possible. opt for fuel-efficient vehicles or
switch to electric or hybrid vehicles. Consider
telecommuting or remote work options to reduce
 Preservation of Natural Spaces:
Protect and preserve natural spaces, including forests,
wetlands, and wildlife habitats. Support conservation
organizations and take part in local initiatives that
promote environmental stewardship. Engage in
responsible outdoor activities, such as hiking and
camping, while respecting nature and leaving no trace.
These practices, when adopted collectively, can make a
positive impact on the environment by conserving
resources, reducing pollution, and preserving
ecosystems for future generations.
 Major
ntal Issues

 Climate Change: Climate change refers to long-

term shifts in global weather patterns, including rising
temperatures, extreme weather events, sea-level rise,
and changes in precipitation patterns. It is primarily
caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil
fuels and deforestation, leading to increased greenhouse
gas emissions and the intensification of the greenhouse
 Biodiversity Loss: Biodiversity loss occurs when
the variety and abundance of species and ecosystems
decrease over time. Habitat destruction, pollution,
climate change, overexploitation of resources, and
invasive species are key factors contributing to
biodiversity loss. This loss of biodiversity has far-
reaching ecological, economic, and social implications.
 Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing,
removal, or destruction of forests for various purposes,
such as agriculture, logging, and urban expansion. It
leads to habitat loss, contributes to climate change
through reduced carbon sequestration, and threatens
the livelihoods of local communities who depend on
forest resources.
 Water Scarcity: Water scarcity arises when the
demand for freshwater exceeds the available supply in a
particular region. Factors such as population growth,
pollution, overuse, and climate change can worsen
water scarcity. It changes agriculture, ecosystems, and
human well-being, particularly in arid and semi-arid
 Pollution: Pollution refers to the introduction of
harmful substances or contaminants into the
environment, causing adverse effects on living
organisms, ecosystems, and the overall environment.
Pollution can take various forms, including air pollution,
water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. It is
primarily caused by industrial activities, improper waste
disposal, and the use of pollutants in agriculture and
 Reasons/Causes

 Human Activities: Many environmental

issues are caused by human actions. Factors such as
industrialization, urbanization, deforestation,
intensive agriculture, and the burning of fossil fuels
release copious amounts of greenhouse gases,
pollutants, and waste into the environment.
 Population Growth: The world's
population has been steadily increasing, resulting in
higher demand for resources such as food, water,
energy, and land. This places strain on ecosystems
and contributes to issues like deforestation, habitat
loss, and overconsumption.
 Unsustainable Resource Use: Many
environmental issues arise from the unsustainable
use and extraction of natural resources.
Overexploitation of forests, fisheries, water
sources, and minerals without proper management
and conservation practices leads to depletion and
environmental degradation.
 Climate Change: Human-induced climate
change is primarily caused by the burning of fossil
fuels, deforestation, and industrial activities that
release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Rising temperatures, altered weather patterns, and
increased frequency of extreme events are some of
the consequences of climate change.
 Lack of Environmental
Awareness and Education:
Insufficient awareness and understanding of
environmental issues contribute to unsustainable
practices. Education and awareness campaigns are
crucial in promoting responsible environmental
stewardship and encouraging individuals,
communities, and governments to act.

 Solutions

 Awareness and Education: Promote

environmental awareness and education to ensure that
individuals understand the importance of environmental
conservation and the impact of their actions. This can be
achieved through public campaigns, educational
programs, and incorporating environmental topics into
school curricula.
 Sustainable Resource Management:
Adopt sustainable practices for resource management.
This includes promoting sustainable agriculture
techniques, responsible forestry practices, and efficient
use of water resources. Encourage the development and
use of renewable energy sources and promote energy
conservation measures.
 Conservation and Restoration: Protect
and restore ecosystems and biodiversity. Establish
protected areas, national parks, and wildlife reserves to
preserve habitats and promote biodiversity. Support
initiatives for reforestation, habitat restoration, and
conservation of endangered species.
 Policy and Governance: Develop and
enforce strong environmental policies and regulations at
local, national, and international levels. Encourage
sustainable practices through incentives, subsidies, and
penalties for environmentally harmful activities.
Strengthen environmental governance and ensure
proper enforcement and compliance with regulations.
 Sustainable Waste Management:
Implement effective waste management systems tha
prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and
proper disposal. Promote the use of recycled and
biodegradable materials, encourage composting, and
support initiatives for waste-to-energy conversion.

 Our Duty as an individual

 Sustainable Lifestyle Choices: Make

conscious choices that minimize your ecological
footprint. Reduce energy consumption by using energy-
efficient appliances, turn off lights and electronics when
not in use, and opt for renewable energy sources when
possible. Practice responsible consumption by choosing
environmentally friendly products, reducing waste, and
 Conservation of Resources: Conserve
natural resources such as water, forests, and
biodiversity. Use water efficiently, fix leaks promptly, and
avoid unnecessary water waste. Support sustainable
forestry practices and choose products made from
sustainably sourced materials. Be mindful of wildlife
habitats and ecosystems and avoid activities that harm
 Waste Management: Professionally manage
waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling. Minimize
single-use items and choose reusable alternatives.
Separate recyclable materials and dispose of hazardous
waste properly. Compost organic waste to reduce
methane emissions from landfills.
 Support Environmental Initiatives: Get
involved in environmental initiatives and support
organizations working towards conservation and
sustainability. Volunteer for local environmental
projects, take part in community clean-ups, and
advocate for environmental causes. Support and engage
with organizations that promote environmental
research, conservation, and education.
 Spread Awareness: Share knowledge and
raise awareness about environmental issues. Educate
others about the importance of environmental
conservation, climate change, and sustainable practices.
Engage in discussions and conversations about the
environment, encouraging others to act.

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