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Question 1

Dear Fabien Sa

Greetings from Canada Trade Commissioner Services, Chandigarh,

We welcome you on a business trip to India. I am the concerned person who is assisting you with
your business visit and creating your agenda and meeting schedule. We do provide services
Agriculture and processed foods; Arts and cultural industries; Clean technologies; Industrial
machinery; Information and communications technologies; Infrastructure; Life sciences.

As you asking for the key contacts and the objectives of the meeting. I am appointed as
representative for Agri Tech Expo held in Chandigarh 2023. I will provide you the full list of buyers
who interested in your products, the meeting Trade deals.

Business Etiquettes: The culture of a country represents their people’s ethics, morals, attitude and
values. This evolving culture helps the country to develop more and more. Although, cultural
influence and ethics may vary from one part to another part of country but it provides a bridge to
connect all the people within the country. This guide provides all of the essential information about
Indian business etiquette.

Some of,

 There are many Indias within India. India is a multilingual, multi-ethnic and pluralistic
society, and vast cultural differences can be seen between North and South India.
 Be aware of the cultural diversity and be cautious about generalisations. The great
Cambridge economist Joan Robinson once observed: “Whatever you can rightly say about
India, the opposite is also true.”
 English is the official language of business.
 Be prepared for meetings to start and finish late and for interruptions to occur on a regular
 There is a more formal and hierarchical relationship between managers and staff in India
 Indians place great value on relationships: take the time to develop contacts and

Thank you and feel free to ask me if you have any question!

Best Regards,

Parag Sarode
Question 2

As I’m the key contact and stakeholder for Agri Expo. It is my responsibility to arrange the
networking dinner and within budget of 100 participants. It is my responsibility to manage the
colleague and their suggestion for guest list. As guest list provided by colleague is 170 so the it
exceeded by 70 peoples, so I will prioritize the guest who are important during this networking, as it
only business personnel can able to attend this networking error.

As 5 colleagues are helping me for this arrangement it’s my responsibility to get the colleague in
trust and effectively suggest them only important guest should be there. Its not a family event
networking or annual meet, we can invite family to some other event also. Can you please help me
for limiting guest list? So, colleague convincing without harm their emotions is main task here for
me, I solve by management skills and friendliness with colleague for success of each other events.
Question 3

As I am Trade officer of Clean Tech and Renewable Energy, I will help to client to serve them to meet
proper buyer during trade show in Canada.

My planning for next 8 week.

1. I study the show details and company’s profile. What are incentives and benefit for this
show we offering? I will study the all the client companies details and their product the
manufacturing and offering.
2. After this I search for Indian buyer of similar product interest and similar product line who
are importer and doing trade of similar products.
3. After that I verify the buyer profile who has the larger turnover of company and company is
performing really good in Indian market by various sources.
4. I try to get buyer companies contact information and try to contact high level contact
5. Contact to company and greetings to them giving them Email introduction about show in
Canada. Giving Incentive information to them. Understand their company profile and
product details, their vendors and their market.
6. Approach them to come for show, sign their interest for this show and getting their
7. Taking all interested buyer letter submit to Show manager in Canada for approval so after
approval by show manager for Canada (Canadian consulate/ Director). I will finally invite
them for show.
8. Give them invitation letter and approval letter for final 10 buyer.
9. Do Visa processing and the flight booking other formality
10. Doing Myself Visa and Flight booking and create planning for this show.

Buyer search in India:

I use the various tools and sources to reach the buyer, as expo about the clean tech and Renewable
energy so I target this buyer to come for this show. Tools like Google analytics map scrapper, India
mart, Renewable energy magazine in India, Port Data India (Importer Data), referring Top importer
in Indian subcontinent. Create list of 20 buyers at least so in final approval 10 can pass by Show

Arranging B2B meeting during the Expo:

I arrange the meeting with Exhibitor with Indian buyer with similar product line. I will arrange 5
meetings at least per company so match 30 meeting to facilitate 30 introduction to Canadian

Day 1: Arrival
11.00 AM – 11.45 AM Arriaval in Canada with buyer and checkin Hotel and brief them about schedule

Day 2: Show day 1

Arranging meeting and arrive with buyer to expo center arranging meeting at expo center
Day 3: Show Day 2
10.00 AM – 11.20 PM Arranging meeting and arrive with buyer to expo center arranging meeting at expo center

Day 4: Departure
Depart to India with buyer
Question 4

A funding squeeze on Indian start-ups has already led to layoffs and delayed stock listings. As
investors perceive increased valuations and declining consumption growth, there is likely to be
industry consolidation can form the basis Startups in India raised just $2 billion in the first quarter of
2023. 75% less than the same period last year. and is the smallest quarterly number in nearly three
years. This recession Start-ups are also a blow to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has called such
companies the "New India of New India". He has praised his success by saying 'Gitra di Hatti'. It is
India's economic development and its employment market can damage possible.
Question 5

Global factors such as higher rates and inflation have affected the investment climate in India and
elsewhere. Startup funding in the US nearly halved to $32.5 billion in the first quarter, while in
China it fell 60% to $5.6 billion. But India's start-ups - which are far more dependent on foreign
capital than global competitors - have seen more severe pressure, which some executives say is also
partly due to investors realizing that they have Consumption growth is wrongly measured.

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