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PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you only type in Green Cells. Do not clear formula or manipulate White
cells. Do not delete any rows/columns from the spreadsheet. To remove data. Please only use built
in functionality (Create, Clear, etc. buttons).

Start on the Data tab to create a dissimilarity matrix. First, type in all the categories you will be
comparing in the green cells in the far left column. To add more rows than are currently present just
type in the green cell with the dotted lines under the table.

Once all the desired categories are present click the “Create/ReSize” button at the top of the page.
The table will expand to the appropriate number of columns. Now type in the dissimilarity values in
the bottom left quadrant on the table (green cells). To start over, click “Clear All”

Note, you should have at least 3 categories and your dissimilarity values should be from 1-10.

Once your data is entered go to the “Model” tab and Click Train.
Wait for the code to run. When it is done you will be navigated to the “Results” tab.

Expected Results

Here you will find a table and perception map. The X and Y values are the outcome of the
mathematical operations and should not be evaluated on an absolute basis, but on a relative basis.
(In other words, a negative number is not “good, “bad”, or meaningful in any way. The meaning is in
how similar that number is to the other points – which can be seen in the perception map.)
To re-run the analysis go back to the Data tab and either update the values in your table or use the
Clear All button to start over with new categories.

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